JSM JSM Mycotoxins 65(1), 19 - 23(2015) Mycotoxinsins http://dx.doi.org/10.2520/myco.65.19 Review www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/myco Historical review of researches on yellow rice and mycotoxigenic fungi adherent to rice in Japan Masayo Kushiro1 1Food Safety Division, National Food Research Institute, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, 2-1-12 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8642, Japan Keywords Abstract citreoviridin; citrinin; “Yellow rice” is the collective name of rice grains contaminated by Peni- cyclochlorotine (islanditoxin); cillum fungi in Japan. Three kinds of yellow rice, which are caused by differ- luteoskyrin; Penicillium ent sub-species of toxigenic fungi, are known. Initially, mal-nutrition resulting from Asian poverty was regarded as the source of illness in people; however, Correspondence thanks to ongoing research, the close relationship of “Shoshin-kakke (heart- Masayo Kushiro, Food Safety attacking paralysis)”, “mycotoxin”, and “rice” was elucidated. Subsequently, Division, National Food Research the illness was shown to derive from “yellow rice”, which was due to grains Institute, National Agriculture and damaged by Penicillium spp. After World War II, another two kinds of yellow Food Research Organization, 2-1-12 rice, “Islandia yellow rice” and “Citrinum yellow rice”, were found, and the Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki causative toxic compounds were determined through interdisciplinary col- 305-8642, Japan. laborative studies. This article summarized the researches on toxigenic fungi E-mail:
[email protected] adherent to rice and three kinds of yellow rice identified in Japan. (Received December 20, 2014, accepted January 30, 2015) domestic rice. Introduction In 1934, the Rice Utilization Institute, a predecessor Rice is the primary staple food for Japanese.