^ It . '^ - LeonaRDs Da vinci j : I ceieci?atisn SF tlie uves $F fan, cav, cisexuai, ttpanscenrei? ano inf€i?sex i^esHe. -UQ .email list, please contact the Queer Sexuality Organiser, Kns Coonan.on (07) 3377 22 M. Juq.cdu.au QUEER SEXUALITY yuuj by your UQ Union. SEMPER FLOREAT QUEER EDITION 2003 THE Ul\iIVERSITY OF QUI:ElIJi3LAND LIBRARY Contents: Indigenolls people have been, often violently, dispossessed of their land __________________ 2 and culture. They remain some of EDITORIALS the most marginalised in our society. QUEER SPECIAL There can be no social progress Design a Logo for QC 2004 4 without recognition of the injustices Queer Role Models 5 suffered by Indigenous Australians. Centrelink Successfully Processes Claim 6 Queers and the Common Youth Allowance 6 Princess Queer and the Not So Magical Centrelink Application 7 SEMPER FLOREAT Sodomy 8 ~~~ THE UQ UNION NEWSPAPER 10 Coloured Fantasy: Racial Fetishisation and the Queer Community 11 Why the Gay Marriage Debate Sux, & Questions for the Radical Queer Left 12 Editors: David Lavercombe Fitting In 13 Shona Nystrom Schools Outreach Campaign 14 Jim Wilson Arts Editor: Sofia Ham UNION STUFF President's Report 15 Greetings All 15 Telephone: 3377 2237 Facsimile: 3377 2220 OTHER STUFF
[email protected] Amnesty Creative Writing Competition Winners 16 Speaking Out 18 Semper Floreat Offices Are Blokes OK? 19 Union Complex Howard Now Making Parliamenta~ Decisions Using Paper Toy 20 The University of Queensland Illuminate Your University 21 St Lucia, 4067 Touring Throughout Europe 22 How to evict your Housemate; a step by step guide 23 Unleash the Gimp 24 The views expressed in Semper Non Sequitur: Sequential Horror 25 Floreat do not necessarily reflect Aunty Jan: Modern Manners 26 those of the editors, the UQ Union, or First the Beanbags, Now the Photocopiers 28 The University of Queensland.