Celebrate President's
VOL. 120 - NO. 7 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, FEBRUARY 12, 2016 $.35 A COPY TRUMP, SANDERS TOP NH PRIMARY VOTES Celebrate by Sal Giarratani Just as expected by recent cratic nomination, if Sanders no longer Surgio Rubio. Chris President’s Day polls, US Senator Bernie Sand- can reach out beyond his New Christie goes home to Jersey ers cleaned Hillary Clinton’s England appeal. by the time you’re reading this. clock on Tuesday, beating the Over on the Republican side, The son of the mailman, Kasich, former Secretary of State by a Donald Trump ran away with keeps on plugging, but South vote of about 60.33 to 38.01 the GOP primary voters, beating Carolina could be his Waterloo. percent. This was an amaz- surprising second-place winner As far as Carly Fiorina, she’s ing defeat for Clinton, who got Ohio Gov. John Kasich by a finished. And as far as poor trashed as Sanders seemed to 20-point margin. Dr. Ben Carson goes, death is get the lion’s share of the so- Kasich’s second-place fi nish knocking at his campaign’s door called youth vote and his num- keeps him alive for South Caro- and he ain’t got a cure to turn bers were higher than expected lina later in the month, and Jeb things around. among female voters, too. Bush tied Ted Cruz for third, Outsiders had a big night as Latest news was that while which keeps him in the running, voters are tired of the same old Clinton conceded to Sanders, too.
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