Jeunesse et Reconstruction

Workcamps in 2020


Name of the organisation: JEUNESSE ET RECONSTRUCTION

Year of foundation: 1948

Location of the central office: 10, rue de Trévise 75009 PARIS FRANCE Tel : + 33 1 47 70 75 72 Fax : + 33 1 48 00 92 18 Email : [email protected]

Other offices : 3 local offices

Aims and objectives: Jeunesse et Reconstruction is a youth organisation, whose aim is to favour and promote international youth exchanges, through the means of voluntary service, regardless of social, racial or religious background to develop personal commitment in a group or individual activity.

Activities: workcamps (short term, midterm), long term volunteering (ICYE), ESC agreement, trainings, seminars.

Official website:

Conditions for participation in our workcamps: - age limit : 18 to 30 years old - common languages used in the camps: English/French or French/English depending on the composition of the groups, - French speaking camps: some camps are declared French speaking, to promote the use of French language, and to give a possibility to the volunteers to practice French. - Teenager camps: age 14-17, extra fee of 380€ or 400 € to pay on arrival (or by partner organisation) - ESC camps: to be confirmed on 15th of April 2020. We will contact the partner organisations of concerned countries.

List of workcamps (by date order) Age Code Nom Travail Du Au entre Dispo JR20/01 LEFFRINCKOUCKE FORT DES DUNES RENO MANU 15/07/20 03/08/20 18-30 14 JR20/100 RENO 01/07/20 17/07/20 18-30 11 JR20/101 SAINT-NECTAIRE RENO ENVI 17/08/20 31/08/20 18-30 9 JR20/102 LORCIERES RENO 01/07/20 31/08/20 18-30 7 JR20/103 FESTIVAL MADCOW – CHEYLADE FEST 01/07/20 31/08/20 18-30 9 JR20/104 MAURS RENO 13/07/20 31/07/20 18-30 8 JR20/105 CHAVANIAC-LAFAYETTE ENVI 01/07/20 31/08/20 18-30 11 JR20/106 TAUVES RENO 15/08/20 30/08/20 18-30 11 JR20/107 BILLOM RENO 17/08/20 31/08/20 18-30 7 JR20/108 BESSE-ET-SAINT-ANASTAISE RENO 20/07/20 07/08/20 18-30 11 JR20/109 LE FALGOUX RENO CULT 01/07/20 31/07/20 18-30 9 JR20/110 JOB'AGGLO - CLERMONT-FERRAND- ESC RENO SOCI CULT 11/07/20 25/07/20 18-30 11 JR20/200 VIVIERS RENO 05/07/20 18/07/20 18-30 8 JR20/201 CREST JAZZ VOCAL - FESTIVAL FEST 19/07/20 04/08/20 18-30 11 JR20/202 ST GEORGES EN COUZAN RENO ENVI 21/07/20 07/08/20 18-30 10 JR20/203 JOYEUSE RENO ENVI 19/07/20 08/08/20 18-30 8 JR20/204 SAINT ALBAN DU RHONE ENVI 01/07/20 01/08/20 18-30 7 JR20/205 CHOMERAC RENO 03/08/20 22/08/20 18-30 11 JR20/206 VIOLAY RENO MANU 06/07/20 25/07/20 18-30 11 BASE NATURE VERCORS FRENCH SPEAKING JR20/207 - TEEN CAMP 380€ FEE ENVI CONS MANU 13/07/20 24/07/20 14-17 10 JR20/208 MONTSÉGUR-SUR-LAUZON ENVI MANU 19/07/20 08/08/20 18-30 7 JR20/209 ETOILE SUR RHÔNE- TEEN CAMP 400€ FEE RENO 05/07/20 18/07/20 14-17 10 JR20/210 RENO MANU 04/08/20 19/08/20 18-30 7 JR20/211 SAINT JEAN SAINT MAURICE SUR RENO ENVI 10/08/20 29/08/20 18-30 8 JR20/212 CHATEAUNEUF-DU-RHONE – ESC ENVI 12/07/20 31/07/20 18-30 11 JR20/213 LAGORCE - VALLEE DE L'IBIE ENVI 24/08/20 11/09/20 18-30 11 JR20/300 MILLE PATTES 1 ESC RENO ENVI 10/02/20 11/02/20 18-30 7 JR20/301 ANTICHAN DE FRONTIGNES ENVI MANU 28/07/20 17/08/20 18-30 9 JR20/302 CAUTERETS ENVI 31/08/20 12/09/20 18-30 8 JR20/303 CHALABRE RENO 20/07/20 11/08/20 18-30 20 JR20/304 LONGAGES RENO 10/08/20 30/08/20 18-30 14 JR20/305 MILLE PATTES 2 RENO ENVI 17/08/20 29/08/20 18-30 8


Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region JR20/100 to JR20/110 JR20/200 to JR20/213

Hauts-de-France region JR20/01

Occitanie region JR20/300 to JR20/305

3 ______

Letter to the volunteers

To come to a workcamp in France means, first of all, to make the choice of “discovering”: discovering a culture in which you are going to be fully integrated; discovering of a new language; discovering intercultural learning in a group of volunteers coming from all parts of the world; discovering of a region…

Jeunesse et Reconstruction was created in 1948 and, since then, it has never stopped promoting the idea of another way of travelling. The organization has its head office in Paris, and regional offices in , Midi- Pyrénées and Rhône Alpes. Since its creation, it has hosted more than 100 000 volunteers on workcamps or on long term volunteering programmes.

The aim of a workcamp is to promote volunteering through a community service project in the municipality which is going to host you, but also to promote respect, exchange and tolerance through intercultural and intergenerational exchanges. The work that has to be done is thus central in the set up of a workcamp and its completion guarantees the recognition of the group within the community. Depending on the type of workcamp, the work can be: the renovation or restoration of a monument/building, the maintenance of « green spaces », the protection of the environment, a social or a cultural project… Then, we are not talking of usual tourist holidays any longer: you are going to be integrated in the French culture and its diversity; as a consequence, you will make a significant and enriching experience. Moreover, the volunteers who come to a workcamp come from different countries, different backgrounds, and their age can be different too (from 17 to 30 years old) : they are not only students but all of them want to share they culture.

A workcamp is thus a space and a time for exchanges and encounters for the volunteers, but it is also the result of an important partnership between our organization, the municipality that is hosting the camp and different structures such as the district and regional councils or the Youth and Sports ministry. The funding of a workcamp is done by those different structures as a policy promoting open-mindedness and intercultural learning. The camps mainly take place in rural areas, and consequently, the aim is to meet foreign cultures, for those people who cannot travel abroad, and to mobilise the volunteers around a common project which is useful to the community.

The group will be managed by a « camp leader »: he/ she is not a paid staff of our organisation but a volunteer, just like you, who has chosen to get more involved in order to federate the workcamp volunteers: he/she will be in charge of the management of the group, of the food budget and of the free time activities but he/she will always be ready to listen to your suggestions because initiatives are always welcome and strengthen the team spirit of the group, particularly concerning free time activities. The team leader will expect a personal involvement from you and also some help in the daily life and chores. He/She is also the representative of our organisation towards the different actors: municipality, funding partners, local organisations...etc.

You have chosen to make the experience of a workcamp organised by Jeunesse et Reconstruction consequently you are making a commitment and that is why we expect from you:

1) At work: 4 ______

- To respect the work timetables and schedules defined with the village/city municipality and to adapt to the difficulties inherent to every workcamp. - To follow the safety regulations in order to protect yourself and to protect the other members of the group from any accident, - To wear appropriate clothes for working, - To take good care of the materials and tools, - To respect the environment in which you are going to work, - To involve yourself so that the work is finished at the end of the camp.

2) In the daily life of the group and during the free time activities:

- To respect the culture of the other volunteers and of all the people you are going to meet during the camp. - To get involve in the daily life of the group through the free time activities and the daily chores, - To respect the accommodation premises and equipment (kitchen, bathroom….) - To adapt to the living conditions of the camp because they may be very different from what you are used to live in (tents, school rooms, etc…) and to accept simple living conditions. Moreover, workcamps are usually located in quite isolated rural areas. - To follow the regulations concerning the consumption of alcohol: no excess will be accepted, please be responsible and adult. The use of any drug is prohibited in France, and thus fully prohibited on the workcamp. - To give life to the group: indeed, the success of a workcamp lies in the personal involvement of all the volunteers : initiatives are welcome and they allow better exchanges. - To make sure you will be present from the starting date till the ending date of the camp in order not to disturb the group, but above all in order to respect the hosting municipality. - To follow the advice of the camp leader for the well-being of the group.

The involvement is thus important but it will guarantee the success of your experience and, above all, the quality of the exchanges during the workcamp.

We remind to read carefully the infosheet of your workcamp. Please pay attention to the remarks giving you advice on what to bring for the workcamp. Particularly, be careful to the necessity of bringing good shoes for work (for safety) and a sleeping bag (in case you do not bring it, we cannot provide one and you will have to buy one).

Have a nice workcamp and enjoy it! The Jeunesse et Reconstruction staff and team

5 ______CAMP DESCRIPTIONS In date order

*********************************************************** DATES NOT CONFIRMED YET

JR20/213 LAGORCE - VALLEE DE L'IBIE Montélimar 24/08-11/09/20 ENVI , Age: 18/30. 11 VOLS PARTNER : The village of Lagorce, the community of Communes Berg et Coiron and Jeunesse et Reconstruction are joining forces in this project to enhance and protect the Ibie Valley, This valley presents strong ecological and heritage challenges. It receives numerous protection statuses (ZNIEFF1 type 1 and 2, ZICO2, Natura 2000, APPB3) because it concentrates a large number of protected flora and fauna species. This area is also characterized by its rich and diverse vernacular heritage. Thus, this strategy aims to reconcile the socio-economic activities with the ecological stakes of the valley. As part of this process, an interpretation scheme has been developed around the cultural and natural heritage of the Ibie River. The site of the Torrent and Vachères mills, located in the municipality of Lagorce, will be enhanced by the creation of an educational trail, and ultimately the restoration of the built heritage. The goal of the site will be to open the interpretation trail. WORK: You will participate in the first phase of this project: you will have to clean the béal (small stream) which used to supply the mills of Torrent and Vachères with water. Helped by machines, it will be necessary to evacuate plant waste. In a second step, it will be necessary to carry out manual clearing, so as not to damage the species. In addition, the presence of a beaver (protected species) has been identified on site, so its habitat will have to be protected. You will be accompanied by 2 technical supervisors who will guide you in your work. You will work 4 to 5 hours a day, in the morning, with young people from the territory, which will give rise to many opportunities for exchange! You will walk to your place of work, it takes 10 to 20 minutes to walk. ACCOMODATION: You will live at Coucouzac campsite! camping on the farm, surrounded by vineyards, in the great outdoors and in peace, you will sleep in a tent and have a kitchen to prepare your meals. Showers and toilets are just close. The living conditions will be simple and basic, you will focus on the essentials: life in the great outdoors and intercultural meeting with the volunteers of your group. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Within the heart of the departement of Ardèche, just a few kilometres away from Vallon Pont d´Arc, the Ardèche gorges and the tourist routes, yet you will be calm away from the crowds in a real green setting. You will have the opportunity to visit the surrounding villages and discover the rich terroir of the region and its local food. Walks, swimming and local visits will be there and you will have the opportunity to meet young French people and residents of the village of Lagorce during your stay. TERMINAL: Montélimar SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: During this workcamp, you will learn to handle different tools, but also to recognize invasive plants and those that need to be protected. Your manual skills will be welcome, as well as your flawless motivation, for a project rich in challenges for the territory that welcomes you. The simple living conditions will allow you to refocus on the essentials: meeting with other volunteers, group life and intercultural meeting. You will thus acquire a great autonomy and a capacity of adaptation to any test! This site is really intended for people who love life in the great outdoors, calm and who wish on an environmental project that makes sense for the territory. REMARKS: LES DATES NE SONT PAS ENCORE VALIDEES. 2 OU 3 SEMAINES à partir du 24/8

6 ______Jeunesse et Reconstruction France WORKCAMP DESCRIPTION in date order

JR20/100 AUZON Brassac-les-mines - sainte-florine 01/07-17/07/20 RENO , Age: 18/30. 11 VOLS PARTNER : It is with great enthusiasm that the inhabitants and the local council of Auzon are hosting this year’s workcamp. Auzon is a historic fortified city characterised by its narrow alleys and built heritage. The fortifications demonstrate the city’s vast medieval history. At Auzon, you will discover a beautiful village of character and a part of French history. WORK: The project carried out by the city concerns the restoration of the old round path of Auzon (raised protected walkway behind a castle battlement). It connects the upper and lower parts of the village. You will have the mission to rebuild dry-stone walls on the side of the path. You will learn techniques of wall building and how to place the stones to solidify the final structure. You will need all your focus and you will learn a wall building technique typical of French villages. Thanks to your work, the access to the village will be nicer. The dry-stone walls will also recover their original state and beauty. You will be supervised by municipal officers who will be happy to share their knowledge with you. You will work 4 to 5 hours a day. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents on the football field located 3km away from the heart of the city. You will have access to the locker room where you will find showers and restrooms. The kitchen will be set up in the refreshment stall, you will be provided with a cooker, a refrigerator, dishes and kitchenware. inhabitants of Auzon will drive you to the worksite, bikes could also be provided. The football field is at the edge of the river Allier. You will learn how to manage collective life and share the living space with the other volunteers. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Auzon has 924 inhabitants and is located in the French department of Haute-Loire in the Auvergne region. It is located at 60km south east of Clermont-Ferrand. The city holds a rich architectural heritage. Crossing the paved streets, you will discover the history of Auzon. The city is really dynamic and will offer many activities and cultural events: visiting the city museums (the Vespa museum and ecomuseum), tours of 2 of France’s most beautiful villages and Blesle, visiting the Collégiale of Auzon (the Saint-Laurent d’Auzon church). You will also participate in the village’s medieval festival and to its activities: parade in traditional costumes, craftmanship workshops (stone cutting, weaving, pottery, foundry). You will also meet local craftsmen and discover local products. For those who like hiking, you will find many hiking trails starting from Auzon and particularly the GR 300, one of the longest hiking trail in France, which aim is to link the Puy-en-Velay (a city located at 70km south east of Auzon and a special place for Santiago de Compostela pilgrims) and the Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy (located at 730km north west of the Puy-en-Velay, by the Channel sea). An activity to discover this hinking trail will be offered by the village. You could also relax at the lake of Champagnac-le-Vieux. You will find there, in addition to swimming, other sport activities: basketball field, fitness circuits, pétanque grounds. Pétanque is a French sport played with heavy balls. The purpose of the game is to throw the balls and bring them as closely as possible to another smaller ball. TERMINAL: Brassac-les-Mines - Sainte-Florine

JR20/109 LE FALGOUX Le lioran 01/07-31/07/20 RENO ,CULT , Age: 18/30. 9 VOLS PARTNER : Le Falgoux is a beautiful little mountain village located at an altitude of 920m, at the foot of mountain Puy Mary, the oldest volcano in Auvergne and the largest stratovolcano in Europe. Forest town, it is located at the crossroads of several hiking trails and is located as a stopover town on the hikers’ path. It is with enthusiasm that the municipality will welcome this year the workcamp of young international volunteers. You will participate in the intercultural dynamic of the town and its embellishment, the work will focus on the renovation of a square and its traditional wash-house. You will also participate in the implementation of the festivities around the passage of the stage of the Tour de France. WORK: Located 10 minutes walk from the main town of Le Falgoux, Le Cher is a charming little hamlet populated with typical houses of the area (Cantalou type). In its square, there is an old wash-house, a small stone building that was used in the past, thanks to the supply of water for household chores (laundry, dishes). Today non-functional, your mission will be to restarore it and enhance this heritage typical of rural villages in France. You will learn masonry and water connection techniques. You will decorate the place with plant beds to enhance the wash-house. You will also participate in the organization of entertainment related to the passage of the Tour de France and the arrival of the stage. The Tour de France is an important cycling event in France. Each year, more than 170 riders cross France on their bikes for almost a month. An event broadcast throughout France and internationally. This will be an opportunity for you to discover this sporting event 7 ______marking the start of the summer and to meet cycling enthusiasts who will be able to pass on their knowledge and experiences. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in one of the dormitories of a communal tourist lodge located in the village. You will share the common areas (kitchen, bathroom and toilet) with the other travelers staying in the lodge. You will find in the village centre a grocery store and one bar-restaurant and a hotel-restaurant. You can get to the work site by foot (10 to 15 minutes’ walk). LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Le Falgoux is a village of 128 inhabitants located 2 hours’ drive south from the city of Clermont-Ferrand. Surrounded by three mountain passes, it is on the route of many hiking trails. It is notably crossed by the GR 400 (long distance hiking trail) which is 140 km long, winding on the slopes of Europe’s largest volcano, the Massif, and allows you to go around it in eight days. Puy Mary, an unmissable volcano in the Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Park is 1,787 meters high and remains an unmissable stopover for lovers of hiking. It is now labeled Grand Site de France. Nearby, you can also go to the Biaguin waterfall, split into two falls. An upper part visible from the road and a lower part accessible by a marked path which leads down into the wood. Salers, village labeled Most Beautiful Village of France is located 14km from Le Falgoux. Its mansions and houses in volcanic stone give the village an austere charm. Among the many heritage riches of the fortified city, the Saint-Mathieu church. Salers also owes its reputation to the richness of its land, including cheese and meat. You will also participate in activities and entertainment organized around the Tour de France. TERMINAL: Le Lioran

JR20/204 SAINT ALBAN DU RHONE Saint clair du rhône 01/07-01/08/20 ENVI , 17 ans. 7 VOLS PARTNER : In 2008, Saint Alban du Rhône and two neighbouring municipalities co-hosted a workcamp for young internationals, giving rise to rich exchanges on the territory. The municipality of Saint Alban du Rhône recently acquired an old private property with a building and a huge park located in the center of the village. You will participate in the enhancement of this park and the laying out of trails. WORK: Located on the banks of the Rhône river, the property covers over 24,000 m² and consists of an 18th century mansion called Maison Foray, old stables and a wooded park. The rehabilitation of these buildings will make it possible to alleviate the medical and social needs of the municipality, while making it part of an intergenerational dynamic. A medical center and a structure to accommodate maternal assistants will be established in Maison Foray. The rear part of the park will house a residence for seniors comprising some twenty dwellings. Since 2019, the stables have been hosting a social centre for local youth. The work this summer will enhance the surroundings of the main buinding (Maison de Maitre, Master’s House) and the creation of footpaths through the park. You will work on the rocky mound located near the House and continue the cleaning work carried out by local volunteers in 2019 and then develop the trails. From the hill, you will have a breathtaking view of the Rhône river and the Pilat hills. You will be supervised by local volunteers who will be happy to share with you the history of the site and their technical knowledge. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents at the former local football grounds. The sanitary facilities, the shower and the kitchen area in the village hall will be made available to you. The meals will be prepared collectively and you will be required to participate in daily tasks (cooking, washing dishes, cleaning). Located 10 minutes from your accommodation, you will walk to the site. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located in Isère at the confluence of the Rhône and the Varèze rivers, Saint-Alban du Rhône is a dynamic town of 849 inhabitants. On both sides of the Varèze, you will have access to the leisure area composed of tennis courts, pétanque, a city-stadium, a skate park and a fitness trail. You can also use the barbecues in this area. The municipality plans to rent a minibus to help you discover the territory (Vienne, Lyon). A time will be organized so that you can meet the local young people and exchange with them. Finally, the associative network is very dense in the town, you can in particular be introduced to the game of local pétanque (boules lyonnaises). Many hiking trails pass through Saint-Alban du Rhône and allow you to discover the surrounding villages. You can also stroll along the Varèze canal. TERMINAL: Saint Clair du Rhône SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: This project will allow you to acquire technical skills mainly related to green spaces. You will assimilate the handling of the different pruning tools. You will learn the techniques of pruning, but also of opening and developing trails while preserving the biodiversity in place. You will apply the safety instructions related to the work. Adaptability, attentiveness and solidarity will be your best allies on the work site and in the living space.

8 ______JR20/102 LORCIERES Gare de saint-flour-chaudes-aigues 01/07-31/08/20 RENO , Age: 18/30. 7 VOLS PARTER : The village of Lorcières is located in the French department of Cantal, bordering the Lozère and Haute-Loire French departments. Its in this natural environment that you will help to restore flat-stone walls. A typical architectural element of the region. WORK: You will have to restore dry-stone walls located in the village. You will have to remove invasive plants and to rebuild the walls. You will learn how to place stones to ensure the stability of the final structure. You will also learn how to use tools for green spaces maintenance. Your responsibility skills will be needed and enhanced as well as your ability to work in a task force. You will also have to highlight an old well’s perimeter. The dry-stone walls are visible from the road that crosses the village. They will enhance the high part of the village. They represent an important cultural heritage and were once used to mark out land parcels. Thanks to your work, hikers passing through Lorcières will be able to appreciate a part of the typical architecture of Cantal villages. You will be supervised by municipal officers who will be happy to share their knowledge with you. You will walk work 4 to 5 hours a day. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents in front of the village cottage. You will have access to one apartment in the lodging with all conveniences: shower, toilets, fitted kitchen and shared room. The cottage includes other individual apartments which will be occupied by tourists. The workplace will be located right underneath your tents. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Lorcières is a 200 inhabitants village, located in the French department of Cantal in the Auvergne region and 1h30 drive from Clermont-Ferrand. Numerous hiking trails cross the village. You will discover the Mont Mouchet where paths roam through the forest. The museum of Resistance tells the story of French resistance during the World War two. 13km from the village, you will be able to admire the Garabit Viaduct, a railway structure that crosses the Truyère river for more that 120 years. It was built by the Gustave Eiffel’s Firm between 1880 and 1888. The Truyère also offers beautiful landscapes made of green islands and peninsulas. You could visit Saint-Flour, a medieval and fortified village full of history. Passing through the city, you will be amazed by the beauty of the streets and buildings. To relax, you could go to the Garabit-Mallet outdoor activities center. At your disposal: beach, swimming and nautical activities. The panoramic viewpoint of Mallet offers a breath-taking view on Mallet natural circus. TERMINAL: Gare de Saint-Flour-Chaudes-Aigues

JR20/103 FESTIVAL MADCOW - CHEYLADE gare de neussargues 01/07-31/08/20 FEST , Age: 18/30. 9 VOLS Partner : This year, the town of Cheylade welcomes the second edition of the Madcow summer Festival. Resounding success in 2019, this electronic music festival is renewed in 2020 and wants to welcome a team of motivated international volunteers to help the festival’s staff to set it up. More information on the festival’s website WORK: You will take part in the installation, the life and disassembly of the festival alongside with the team of the Splash association’s volunteers, co-host of the festival with the firm Madcow. You will help constructing and arranging infrastructures: stages, refreshment stalls. During the festival (July 31st to 2nd of August), you will help the rest of the volunteers to clean, deal with the waste, provide services. And, after the festival, you will have the mission to take down structures and clean the site. You will learn how to use tools, install and uninstall structures. You will discover the dynamics of the festival’s backstage as you will participate in its internal operation. You will develop your flexibility and adaptability skills. Working hours are variable and depend of the need of help on site. You will approximatively work 25 hours per week and on the week-end, during the festival. The remaining time will be spent on leisure activities, group life and bonding with the team of the festival’s volunteers. Be ready to meet a large public, more than 2000 people are expected for the 2020 edition! Access to the concerts will be free to all volunteers. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents with the volunteers’ team on the festival’s volunteers’ campsite. Nights can be cold, be sure to take some warm clothes, sheets and sleeping bags with you. The festival will take place next to the waterfall lake, located 3,5km away from the city centre. Showers and toilets will be set up on the campsite. Meals will be taken with the group of volunteers. You will learn to live as part of a group. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Cheylade has 225 inhabitants. It is located within the Pays de Gentiane, in the department of Cantal, 93km south of Clermont Ferrand. Cheylade is right in the heart of the Regional Park of Auvergne Volcanoes. Hiking lover? You will discover a large choice of hiking trails. Essential stage: The Puy Mary. Located 16km away from Cheylade, this old volcano has many peaks between 1690 and 1855 meters of 9 ______altitude. From them, you will have breath-taking views of the region. At Cheylade, you will also discover a beautiful natural heritage (waterfalls, lake) as well as a Romanesque church from the XIth century. You could also board the Gentiane Express touristic train. It will offer you a 2h45 drive to discover the region of Cantal, its history, landscapes and inhabitants. TERMINAL: Gare de Neussargues

JR20/105 CHAVANIAC-LAFAYETTE Le puy-en-velay 01/07-31/08/20 ENVI , Age: 18/30. 11 VOLS Partner : For this workcamp, you will be welcomed in Chavaniac-Lafayette, birthplace of the Marquis La Fayette, known for his struggle for freedom. Typical Haute-Loire village, its stone houses contribute to its charm. In this village full of history, you will help to enhance the village centre by turning a wood into a parc. WORK: In a dynamic of enhancement of the village, turning the little wood located in the village centre of Chavaniac-Lafayette in a parc is one of the work priorities. Until now unmaintained, you will help to clear it and create a path accessible to everyone. You will learn how to use green space maintaining tools and how to create a good trail: level the ground, lay out the ground (benches). You could also learn how to build a bench from the wood collected during the clearing. The path will follow the botanical walk located right underneath the wood. Chavaniac-Lafayette is a very touristic village, your work will be beneficial for all visitors. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in a lodging belonging to the village with all conveniences: shower, toilets, fitted kitchen. You’ll walk to the worksite (5/10 minutes). The lodging is in the centre of the village, you will be able to go for a walk very easily. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Chavaniac-Lafayette has 311 inhabitants and is located in the Haute-Loire French department, in the center of France. It is 1h20 drive from Clermont-Ferrand and 40 minutes from the Puy-en-Velay (administrative center of the department). This typical Haute-Loire village is characterized by its stone houses. The Lafayette Castle or “The Two Worlds Manor” is a historical monument for France. It was the castle of the marquis of Lafayette, king Louis XVI’s minister of war, who played a great role in the successfulness of the independence of the United-States and of the French Revolution. Now converted into a museum, you can find art collections and old typical French furniture. The castle’s park is also beautiful and is a must-see. Careful, the entrance isn’t free. The Puy-en-Velay, 40km from Chavaniac-Lafayette, is a special place for Santiago de Compostela pilgrims. To be discovered: The old town and its paved streets, the many rock peaks: The Saint-Michel d’ Chapel Rock, The Corneille Rock with on top the famous Virgin Mary statue. To visit: The Cathedral, The Hôtel-Dieu (museum), the Plot square and its colorful houses. For those who like hiking, Chavaniac-Lafayette in on the GR 300 path, one of the longest hiking trails in France, which aim is to link the Puy-en-Velay and the Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy (located at 730km north west of the Puy-en-Velay, by the Channel sea). Various hiking trails pass near the village. You want to swim and relax? Go to the village of Lavoûte-, a beautiful village crossed by the river Allier. TERMINAL: Le Puy-en-Velay

JR20/200 VIVIERS Montélimar 05/07-18/07/20 RENO , Age: 18/30. 8 VOLS PARTNER : The International Construction and Heritage Center (C.I.C.P, Le Centre International Construction et Patrimoine) is an association working to safeguard and enhance the heritage, in particular architectural heritage, of the town of Viviers and its surroundings. For the past five years, the association, in partnership with the municipality, has hosted an international workcamp every year as part of the rehabilitation of part of the « Maison des Chevaliers » (House of Knights) called « Aile Sud » (south wing). The House of Knights is the former home of Noël Albert, a former salt merchant, art lover and man of power, he is an illustrious figure of the Vivarois Renaissance. Located in the old center of the town, this monument is today the subject of numerous rehabilitation and safeguarding works. If you have a passion for architectural heritage, Viviers awaits you! WORK: The work on the south wing of the House of Knights is part of phase 1 of a major heritage rehabilitation project, the culmination of which is the construction of a cycling stopover lodge, enabling the safeguarding and enhancement. of the monument on a long-term basis. Various restoration works are planned, you will carry out stone cutting, masonry and landscaping work. The works are a continuation of the 2019 workcamp : cutting of the covers of the various levels, installation of covers (2nd and 3rd floor bearings), demolition of a railing (waterproof protection on top of walls) and stone reconstruction (1st floor), sealing of a staircase step and rear courtyard layout (removing and sorting of stones). To carry out the work, you will be supervised by a professional stonemason, a mason specializing in the restoration of old buildings and CICP volunteers. They will share their know-how with you with enthusiasm and pedagogy. Local young people from the youth service and an educational center will work with you, exchanges and conviviality guaranteed. The site is located 10 minutes from the site on foot and you will work 4 to 5 hours per day. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in the old parish House of the town, located near the Cathedral and the belvedere where you can enjoy an unmissable view of the town and the Rhone valley. You will have 10 ______amenities on the ground floor and a sleeping area on the 1st floor. The meals will be prepared collectively and you will be required to participate in daily tasks (cooking, dishes, cleaning). LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located in the south of the Ardèche department, Viviers is an ancient episcopal city overlooking the Rhône Valley. Over the centuries, the town of Viviers has grown around the old center, outside of the fortifications, and today has 3,700 inhabitants. You will have the opportunity to make many meetings with the local population: breakfast on site offered by the association ACTHI’V, homestay meal, republican meal (national holiday of July 14), initiation to bow shooting by association the Archers of Roqueplane and participation in various cultural events (concert, exhibitions, etc.). You will also be offered tours of the old center of Viviers, the Lafarge cement plant and its old workers accommodation. You will also have free access to the Viviers swimming pool. Finally, you can hike to La Joannade, a protective statue of the city and an unmissable viewpoint. Other hiking trails may also be indicated to you. TERMINAL: Montélimar SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Stone cutting is a very important craft in the context of heritage restoration. You will learn to transfer the size marks on a block of stone, to handle the specific tools, to make moldings, to have the gestures and the handling positions necessary for the installation of your cut stone. These skills will be complemented by masonry techniques: making a plumb, making a lime plaster and applying it, bringing up a stone wall. On the workcamp, you will learn to work in team, to be adaptable, to follow safety instructions, to be attentive and to show solidarity. These skills will be reinforced by group life where listening, respect, tolerance and open-mindedness will be necessary.

JR20/209 ETOILE SUR RHÔNE Valence 05/07-18/07/20 RENO , Age: 14/17. 10 VOLSSPECIAL FEE 400.00 EUR PARTNER : For more than 30 years, the municipality of Etoile has hosted workcamps of young international volunteers, adults. This year, in close collaboration with the young people of the youth house, we will welcome an international group of teens from 14 to 17 years old, for a discovery workcamp and important exchanges with local young people. So if you want a first volunteering experience, you want to exchange with French people while discovering this beautiful corner of Drôme, this project is for you! WORK: You will work 4 hours a day, in the morning on the work site: it will mainly be traditional masonry work. With a mason to guide you, you will carry out during these 2 weeks: the cleaning of an old city wall. It will first be necessary to remove the stones in poor condition, redo the joints to consolidate the frame. Then you will restore the wall according to traditional techniques : it will then be necessary to make a lime mortar, cut the stones, position them. Your group will work jointly with a group of young French people, residents of Etoile. This will allow exchanges and common learning. The site is a 10-minute walk from your accommodation. You agree to comply with the safety instructions. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in our regional premises: the chapel of the penitents. This place has been restored and has been hosting groups of volunteers for 20 years. The chapel has a large common room, a kitchen, a washing machine. You will have access to toilets and showers on site. Upstairs you will find a dormitory as well as another bedroom upstairs. You participate as a team in the upkeep of the premises and in the household tasks inherent in group life. Supervision: 2 qualified campleaders will be present on site to supervise the group. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Etoile is located 12 km from Valence, and around 35 from Montélimar. On site, you will have many exchanges with local young people and interactions with local associations. You can visit Valence, Crest or even the Château de Crussol, depending on the tastes of your group. Be ready to introduce other volunteers to your country and your culture! TERMINAL: Valence SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: This workcamp is reserved for young people aged 14 to 17. French bases would be an asset to exchange with local young people. When registering, you must fill out a certain number of compulsory documents: health card, parental authorization, entry form ... Apprenticeship: this site will be an opportunity to learn to work in a group, in different languages. It will also involve gaining manual skills by learning how to handle traditional masonry tools and rules. SPECIAL FEE 400.00 EUR

JR20/206 VIOLAY 06/07-25/07/20 RENO ,MANU , Age: 18/30. 11 VOLS PARTNER : Thirty years have gone by since the last international youth workcamp in Violay, the Matagrin tower which was the subject of the work still remembers it! Attached to this memory, the village of Violay again wishes to welcome a group of volunteers. The municipality recently acquired the buildings of an old sawmill. You will be responsible for restoring part of the facades. WORK: Organized in the shape of a U around a central garden, the building of the old sawmill includes a residential building, a storage space (barn type) and a workshop. Located in the heart of the village, the municipality wishes to make this complex a lively and creative place (co-working space, local for local youth). 11 ______Partly embedded in the urban context, only two facades are visible. You will work on replastering these stone facades. Replastering the walls consists of scraping the damaged joints between the stones and replacing them in order to safeguard the structure. A large part of the work will therefore be done in high position on a secure scaffolding. A retired mason specializing in old buildings will supervise you on the site. At the same time, you will be responsible for cleaning the old storage building still full of sawdust. Finally, a second site could take place on the village chapel. One of the side walls, located at the edge of the road, is marked by significant traces left by cars. You will need to apply a coating in order to reunify the wall. The work site is in front of your accommodation and you will work 4h to 5h per day. ACCOMODATION: You will be staying at the Marius Gros Gymnasium. You will have a living space, toilets and a kitchen area on site and sleep on individual mattresses placed on the floor. Located on the hillside, you will have access to a breathtaking view of the valley. The meals will be prepared collectively and you will be required to participate in daily tasks (cooking, dishes, cleaning). Located in the center of the village, you will be close to shops (bakeries, pharmacies, laundromat) LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Violay is a village of 1,300 inhabitants located in the east of the Loire and bordering the Rhône department. Located on the hillside Violay is between 530 and 1000 m above sea level at Mont Boussuivre. The highest point of the Forez plain, the summit of Mont Boussuivre is occupied by the Matagrin Tower. Attached to this monument, the inhabitants organize festivities on this site each summer, in which you can participate. Are planned : pétanque competition, shared picnic, craft activities, music group! From the top of the tower, a panorama will allow you to appreciate a breathtaking view of the surrounding departments. Labeled Green Station, the village of Violay offers many hiking and educational trails, allowing you to discover the pond of Fontbonne or the traces of the old prehistoric village. Activities with the local population will be organized: basketball and ping-pong, visit to a pedagogic and cattle farm, visit to the Museum of Weaving and Silk (Buissière), visit to the first aid station). TERMINAL: Tarare SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: This project will allow you to acquire skills specific to masonry and building restoration. You will assimilate the safety instructions related to working on high position and on scaffolding. You will learn how to remove damaged joints using specific tools (hammer, chisel, wire brush), then how to make them, arrange them and replace them. During this project, you will develop adaptability, versatility and solidarity specific to teamwork. These capacities will be strengthened during group life where listening, respect, tolerance and open-mindedness will be necessary. REMARKS: Travaux en hauteur

JR20/212 CHATEAUNEUF-DU-RHONE - CES Montélimar 12/07-31/07/20 ENVI , Age: 18/30. 11 VOLS PARTNER : Located at the gates of the Drôme Provençale (south part of Drôme department), Châteauneuf-du- Rhône is a village built around the medieval town, whose gates and ramparts remain. Attached to the past of their village, the castelneuvois work to enhance and safeguard it. A medieval festival, organized every two years, even allows to live again during a weekend in the Middle Ages. It is in this desire that the municipality of Châteauneuf-du-Rhône wishes to host a workcamp of young international volunteers in order to carry out work on the botanical path, access path to the high ramparts of the town. WORK: Like any medieval village, Châteauneuf-du-Rhône is surrounded by ramparts. If the ramparts at the bottom have become the facades of the houses, the ramparts at the top are still visible on the hillside. A few years ago, the town transformed the access road to the high ramparts into a botanical path. Located on the hillside, it has never really been completed and today is cource of danger for its users. You will therefore be responsible for the maintenance of the botanical path: in particular at the entrance to the path, by constructing a supporting wall, repair of the steps in “donkey steps ”, you will widen the path by identifying the parts to be fixed, leveling of the stone parts. In a second step, you will participate alongside a local association in the planting of the various vegetals and work on their development (botanical display, choice of locations ...). You will be supervised by the technical agents of the municipality and local volunteers. Your work will allow local people and visitors to take this path of character again. You will be accommodated 15 minutes walk from the site, so you will get there on foot and work 4 to 5 hours per day. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in the multipurpose room located outside the ramparts and in the center of the village. You will have at your disposal a shower, toilets and a fitted kitchen. The room will serve you as sleeping space (individual mattresses) and living space. In front of the entrance you can have a table and chairs to eat outside if you wish and will be out of sight. A pétanque court and a nearby playground are available. Located 6 minutes from the supermarket, you can go shopping on your own. You will also have local shops located within a 5-minute walk from your accommodation (bakery, post office, bar, pizzeria). You will cook collectively and take part in daily tasks (wash dishes, cleaning). LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located between two hills and bordering the Rhône river, Châteaneuf-du-Rhône offers an appreciable living environment. Near Drôme Provencale and Ardèche, this Drôme village has 2,000 12 ______inhabitants. You can stroll through the narrow streets of the old town to discover the emblematic monuments of the city including the Mansion of . By following the ViaRhôna route, you can go to Viviers and visit the old center, whose cathedral overlooks the Rhône valley and the Donzère pass. Meeting times with residents of the town will be organized (pétanque initiation, American football initiation, guided city tour). Châteauneuf-du-Rhône also has a municipal swimming pool. Volunteers will also organize discovery activities of the territory and the local terroir. Finally, a meeting time can be arranged with a neighboring workcamp (Viviers) and young people from the territory can also come and carry out activities with you). TERMINAL: Montélimar SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: This workcamp will allow you to acquire solid skills in landscaping. You will learn the techniques related to the enhancement of a footpath on the hillside: realization of a retaining wall (realization of mortar, leveling of wall), realization of landing / step (balance and measure), leveling of rocky parts and mounding work . You will understand the handling of the different tools and their uses. Finally, in connection with the local vegetation, you will learn to recognize the plants specific to the region and to plant them. Humanly, you will develop your ability to work in a team: listening to instructions and attention to other people, adaptability to the environment, reactivity, thoroughness, mutual aid. These capacities will be reinforced in your living space. REMARKS: Chantier CES

JR20/207 BASE NATURE VERCORS FRENCH SPEAKING Die 13/07-24/07/20 ENVI ,CONS ,MANU , Age: 14/17. 10 VOLS SPECIAL FEE 380.00 EUR PARTNER : Located in Vercors, the Base Nature Vercors association aims to allow everyone to discover life outdoors. Place of initiation to the biosphere and renewable energies, Base Nature Vercors is a Drôme association located in Vercors. Attached to raising awareness of life outdoors among all, the association created "La Grange aux loups", meant as an educational eco-place, it introduces the biosphere and renewable energies. Since 2011, the association has been hosting camp of young international volunteers who have come to carry out work in the context of transition and renewable energies while living a collective outdoor experience. This camp is French-speaking, everyday life, work and leisure will take place mainly in French, so we expect the participants to have at least a basic level of French. Please note: this site is in no way a language study trip. WORK: Your mission will be to continue the eco-construction work started by volunteers from previous years for the creation of an outdoor kitchen on the site. You will also participate in the construction of a collective garage in collaboration with volunteers from the local recycling store. This work will allow you to learn about natural (straw, earth) and eco-responsible construction techniques. At the same time, the camp allows volunteers each year to create an artistic creation (play, concert, puppet show, song) linked to a topical theme. You will be supervised by two campleaders as well as volunteers. Two former volunteers will also join the young volunteers. ACCOMODATION: You will be lodged in tents on the La Grange aux Loups site and you will have sanitary facilities and showers on site. An outdoor kitchen and living space will also be available. Installation are rudimentary but comfortable. With the help of your campleaders, you will actively participate in the organization of daily life: meal preparation, dishes, storage, cleaning, garden maintenance. As much as possible, meals will be prepared using local and organic products corresponding to the special attention paid by the Base Nature Vercors association to the management of resources, waste on site and the origin of food. In this perspective, you will certainly reduce during the camp your consumption of meat and thus of your impact on the planet. Lovers of outdoor life, this camp is for you! LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located in the heart of the Vercors Regional Natural Park, BASE NATURE VERCORS is located a few kilometers from the center of the village of Vassieux-en-Vercors. Mountain village located at over 1,000 m above sea level, it was a major site of the French Resistance during the Second World War. A museum dedicated to the history of the maquis will allow you to discover this part of local history. You can organize many leisure and discovery activities with the association’s animators: hiking, group games, visit to local producers, visit to a Ressourcerie (recycling centre) TERMINAL: Die SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: Chantiers pour adolescents, 380€ de frais supplémentaires / Project for teenagers, 380€ extra fees. SPECIAL FEE 380.00 EUR

JR20/104 MAURS Aurillac 13/07-31/07/20 RENO , Age: 18/30. 9 VOLS PARTNER : The workcamp will take place in the village of Maurs or Maurs-la-Jolie (Maurs the beautiful), one of the oldest villages of the French department of Cantal. You will be welcomed right in the heart of this medieval village and will discover its rich cultural and heritage legacy. You will help to enhance the village’s built heritage helping to restore an old scale and a dry-stones wall.

13 ______WORK: The public scale was once used to weigh animals. It is composed of a 2 exterior pans (wood platforms surrounded by iron barriers on which animals climbed on to be weighed) located on both sides of a little building. The platforms are connected to a mechanism inside the building that indicates the animal’s weight. You will participate in the restoration of external elements and organize the little building’s interior (it currently serves as a storeroom for the village’s technical service). You will learn how to renovate a building: sand external iron barriers, replace window panes, coat the internal walls. Also, you will imagine a work situation with a mannequin and lighting inside the building to show tourists how the scale was used. Thanks to your work, visitors will be able to appreciate this typical piece of heritage of Maurs. You will also have to restore a dry-stone wall: remove invasive plants and rearrange the stones. You will learn how to place the stones to give back its beauty and stability to the wall. You may also learn how to grout the stones. You will be supervised by municipal agents who will be happy to share their knowledge with you. You will work 4 to 5 hours a day. You will walk to the workplace located 1km away from the accommodation site. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents on the village’s campsite. A group pitch will be reserved for you with access to the campsite’s sanitary block and to a room with a fitted kitchen in the campsite’s main building. This room can be used to take meals and gather the group for collective activities. The campsite is located on the edge of the river Rance. It is right next to the football field to which you’ll have access and 1km from the village centre. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Maurs is a village of 2252 inhabitants and is located at the Cantal, Aveyron and Lot French departments’ borders. Maurs organizes every Thursday morning one of the most beautiful French market where you will find regional products. Numerous stores can be found in Maurs: restaurants, bakeries, butcher’s shop, grocery stores. As an old medieval village, Maurs kept the round shape of the old battlement. While walking through the village, you will discover a rich heritage legacy: Abbatial church Saint-Césaire, half-timbered houses, soleilhos(old opened granaries where fruits dried, mostly nuts), old fortifications. You will also have the opportunity to visit the “Domaine du Fau”. Once a mill, the building has been preserved. On the edge of its pond, you could relax on the picnic area or do sports on the fitness circuit. You will attend to various activities: the “Pleins feux sur le Fau” night with fireworks, the Wheat Fair at the Domaine du Fau where you will learn how to make bread and horse riding. You could also relax at the campsite’s pool. Surrounding Maurs, the botanical trail of Saint-Etienne-de-Maurs will awaken your senses. To visit, 3 villages certified “Most Beautiful Villages of France”: Capdenac, Cardaillac and Conques, stage on the Santiago de Compostela way with its Romanesque abbey. At Figeac, you will discover medieval houses and urban palaces, you could also swim at the lake. For those who like hiking, various routes are accessible from Maurs. Also to be discovered: The Mont of Cantal, largest stratovolcano of Europe located in the Regional Park of Auvergne Volcanoes and also the river Lot Valley and its green and preserved landscapes. TERMINAL: Aurillac

JR20/01 LEFFRINCKOUCKE FORT DES DUNES Dunkerque 15/07-03/08/20 RENO ,MANU , Age: 18/30. 14 VOLS PARTNER : After fourteen successfull experiences with a group of international volunteers together with our association, from 2006 to 2019, the municipality of Leffrinckoucke wishes to host a new group of international volunteers to take part in the restoration of the "Fortress of the Dunes", military fort built in the XIXth century. The objective of the municipality was at the same time to develop this site so that it can be visited and used for cultural purpose by local associations and groups of music, and at the same time to create an intercultural dynamics by favouring links between the inhabitants, visitors and volunteers. In the past years, many improvements were made to receive the public (guided visits are organised) : inside with the restoration of several room and in particular one room dedicated to the history of the fortification (interactive map of Dynamo operation) and outsite with a secured guided circuit. WORK: With a technical leader, you will work on various parts of the site of the fortress for the clearing of its outskirts, the restoration of the external staircases, the collecting of old paved stones and branches and finally, the clearing of undergrowth in the ditches. This work will be carried ou in small groups. Among the highlights for the workcamp, volunteers will help prepare and participate in a meeting with associations of the town (Beach Fest), during the weekend of 1st and 2nd of August, and will present international workcamps. Volunteers will also participate in the World Shrimp Hulling Championship : ACCOMODATION: Under tents (kitchen and sanitary facility in a buinding) at Foyer Berteloot. Bring a sleeping bag, mattresses are provided. We can not accommodate you if you arrive before the workcamp start date. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The town of Leffrinckoucke is located at a few km from the The town of Dunkerque. The fortress is at 500 meters from the beach, and at 500 meters from the town of Dunkerque. Buses are available to reach 14 ______neighbour towns. The nearest train station is in Dunkerque, and many connections are available by TGV to LILLE (35min) or PARIS (2h00). TERMINAL: DUNKERQUE

JR20/201 CREST JAZZ VOCAL - FESTIVAL Crest 19/07-04/08/20 FEST , Age: 18/30. 11 VOLS PARTNER : For the past ten years, the Crest Jazz Vocal association has welcomed a team of young international volunteers to its annual "Crest Jazz Vocal" festival. Recognized in the world of the Jazz scene, this festival welcomes nearly 10,000 spectators each year. For a week, confirmed national and international artists like Jacques Dutronc, Ayo, Swing Machine Big Bang or Stanley Clarke and young talents take turns to deliver quality concerts, which you can attend freely (free pass). This event requires significant material preparation and mobilizes a hundred volunteers. Your mission will be to provide support before, during and after the festival. WORK: You will participate in the life of the festival supervised by the volunteers of the Crest Jazz Vocal association. You will help with the installation of the dressing rooms, the setting up of the site, the dismantling and storage of all the festival material. During the festival, you will regularly clean the site and the toilets and will participate in waste management while respecting selective sorting. Some evenings, you will participate in the sale at the stands of drinks and souvenirs. The working hours are variable and depend on the need for manpower on the site, 20 hours per week and sometimes on weekends. The rest of the time will be dedicated to leisure and group life. During the camp, your motivation is essential. The tasks on the festival are a bit repetitive but essential for its success. You must be particularly dynamic, enthusiastic and ready to meet the public and the many volunteers present. ACCOMODATION: You will be staying in the town center, in the former teachers’ accommodation located on the first floor of the public school. You will have a toilet and a shower on site. Your living space is located in another building nearby where an additional kitchen, shower and WC will be at your disposal. The meals will be prepared collectively and you will be required to participate in daily tasks (cooking, dish washing, cleaning). LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located in the Rhône Valley and at the gates of Diois, Crest has 8,000 inhabitants. Old medieval town and rich in its heritage, Crest has the highest dungeon in France (height 52 m). Very lively in summer, the town offers many sports and cultural activities: visit the Art Center, visit the Tower, free concerts, swimming pools, hiking, homestay, visit to Valence, initiation to pétanque, night markets. You will often be in contact with the volunteers of the Crest Jazz vocal association and will share many moments of exchange. You can stroll through the shopping streets of Crest, which are particularly lively during the summer. TERMINAL: Crest SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: This workcamp will allow you to discover the logistics necessary for setting up and running a festival. You will be part of this organization and develop your capacities of adaptability, versatility and responsibility. Your dynamism and your reactivity will also be reinforced. A schedule will be given to you at the start of the work and will require your attentiveness, your autonomy and your thoroughness. Group life will consolidate these human skills. REMARKS: Chantier francophone - pas de mineurs

JR20/203 JOYEUSE Valence 19/07-08/08/20 RENO ,ENVI , Age: 18/30. 8 VOLS PARTNER : Founded by Emperor Charlemagne in year 802 and named after his sword, Joyeuse is a village with a rich history. The inhabitants attached to their village will be happy to tell you this legend and come to meet you. In this former fortified medieval city, you will participate in the safeguarding and enhancement of the ramparts by allowing access to the covered walkway. WORK: A narrow corridor built at the top of the fortifications, the walkways allowed the sentries to guard the city. In the heart of the old center of Joyeuse, a section of this walkway still exists and allows access to a stream. Long abandoned, this path has become dangerous for locals and passing tourists. Vegetation has developed strongly, affecting the condition of the ramparts. You will therefore need to clean the walls and the path of invasive vegetation and prepare the ground for future accessibility works (on stairs). You will be supervised by a team of local volunteers and a technical service agent who will be happy to share with you their expertise and the history of the place. The site is a 15/20 minute walk from your accommodation. You will walk to the site and work 4 to 5 hours a day. ACCOMODATION: Located outside of the ramparts, you will be accommodated in tents at the André Gervais sports and leisure centre, where you will have the toilets, shower and kitchen of the tennis court. You can take advantage of the sports facilities (tennis court, football and pétanque) and enjoy the river located a 3-minute walk. The meals will be prepared collectively and you will be required to participate in daily tasks (cooking, dishes, cleaning). You will be 10/15 minutes walk from the village center and shops. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French

15 ______LOCATION: Located in south of the Ardèche department, Joyeuse is a village of 1,800 inhabitants. You will be able to walk in the narrow and very animated lanes of the old village center, to discover the art creators craftsmen (jewel, wood, ironwork) and to push the door of the emblematic monuments of the village (Renaissance castle, Oratorian college, church) . Joyeuse also has a museum on the production of chestnut, a true product of the Ardèche region and fruit of the Chestnut tree. You can discover the planting of trees during a discovery tour. You can swim in the river near your campsite and take advantage of the beach volleyball court. Finally, activities will be offered to you with the local population (hiking, initiation to pétanque, city tour). TERMINAL: Valence SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: This project will allow you to acquire technical and human skills. Invasive vegetation, and particularly ivy, puts in danger the preservation of old buildings and affects its structure. You will therefore learn to handle the pruning tools and to eliminate this vegetation while preserving the structure of the frame. The identification of invasive plants and pruning techniques will also be explained to you. During this project, you will develop adaptability, versatility and solidarity specific to teamwork. These capacities will be strengthened during group life where listening, respect, tolerance and open-mindedness will be necessary.  

JR20/208 MONTSÉGUR-SUR-LAUZON Montélimar 19/07-08/08/20 ENVI ,MANU , Age: 18/30. 7 VOLS PARTNER : Historic capital of the truffle, Montségur-sur-Lauzon is a typical village of Drôme Provençale. Rich in quality land and attached to its environment Montségur-sur-Lauzon is part of the Agenda 21 approach with the main themes: water management, environmental concern in housing, management waste, development of renewable energies, biodiversity, promotion of local production and short distribution channels. You will be part of this process by carrying out multiple works on the town. WORK: Agenda 21 is an action plan adopted by more than 170 heads of state at the first Earth Summit in 1992 in Rio. Its objective is to define the areas in which sustainable development must be applied at the local level. It sets recommendations on various subjects such as health, education, pollution or the management of natural environments. Now available from the national to the local level, Agenda 21 is positioned as a support and advisor to elected officials. Thus, you will carry out various works registered in the environmental objectives of the village. You will continue preserving biodiversity by planting trees in the center of the village and by making nest boxes, feeders and insect hotels. You will make eco-constructions of urban furniture (bench) and book boxes allowing free circulation of books in the town and install them. From time to time, you will help on the renovation of the village chapels. You will be supervised by local volunteers, the Agenda 21 technicians from the municipality and a mason from the village, who will be happy to share with you their skills and knowledge. ACCOMODATION: Located a 5-minutes walk from the center, you will be accommodated in the primary school where you will have a kitchen and WC. You will go to the football changing rooms for a shower, located 5 minutes walk from the school. The meals will be prepared collectively and you will be required to participate in daily tasks (cooking, washing dishes, cleaning). LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Lavender fields and olive trees : welcome to Drôme Provençale! Located between Montélimar and Orange, Montségur-sur-Lauzon is a village of 1,900 inhabitants. You will discover local producers: lamb breeder, goat farm, beekeeper, truffle culture, olive grower, a distillery (production of lavender essence) and a stationery which will soon celebrate its 180 years, leader on the paper market. of silk. In the center of the village, you will have access to local shops: small grocery store, bakery, bar, post office, butcher’s shop and can take advantage of the market on Saturday mornings. You will visit the surrounding villages including Grignan and its Renaissance castle. You can also visit the Avignon Festival, the world’s largest theater and live performance. TERMINAL: Montélimar SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: During this camp, you will learn about the sustainable development measures implemented in the village. You will learn how to build furniture from recycled materials by following a plan and how to handle the necessary tools. The occasional masonry work will allow you to acquire technical skills related to heritage restoration. Finally, planting trees will allow you to grasp the importance of revegetation in preserving biodiversity and acquire the handling posture necessary for this work. This project will allow you to develop your capacities of versatility, listening, solidarity and will call upon your common sense and your creativity. Strengthened capacities during group life where respect, tolerance and open-mindedness will also be necessary

JR20/108 BESSE-ET-SAINT-ANASTAISE Issoire 20/07-07/08/20 RENO , Age: 18/30. 11 VOLS PARTNER : The rich natural and built heritage of Besse-Et-Saint-Anastaise gives the town a special appeal. Located in the heart of the Auvergne Volcanoes, it is located on the Massif du Sancy. The town is known for its 16 ______"Super Besse" ski resort. Besse therefore has many assets that invariably attract tourists in both summer and winter. The town is also distinguished by its human dynamics; number of associations and events make the territory very lively throughout the year. It is with enthusiasm that the inhabitants and local associations will welcome international volunteers for the fourth time in this authentic village WORK: The village is crossed by a river that has its source in one of the deepest lakes in Europe, the Pavin Lake. On the banks of this river called Couze pavin, inhabitants once built water mills to use the energy offered by the river. These mills are now in ruins but there are remains to save! Your mission will therefore be to preserve these mills: continue to clear the ruins between the exposed part of the mill and the river and consolidate the ruins (dry stone wall) in order to make the architecture of the mill visible. This workcamp therefore has a real interest to preserve the history written by the inhabitants of the past. It will allow visitors to discover this typical heritage of the town. You will participate in the work with the other international volunteers and a technical supervisor will teach you the techniques related to restoration and reconstruction. You will work 4 to 5 hours a day. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in an exceptional setting in small chalets. Mattresses are provided. Bring your sleeping bag and warm clothes for the night (almost 1000 m above sea level). Sanitary facilities on site. You will have access to an equipped kitchen where you will prepare your meals. Several shops are accessible in the village of Besse. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: The village of Besse is considered as one of the most beautiful sites in Auvergne. It is also part of the Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Natural Park. Besse is located in the Sancy massif, born 5 million years ago and whose highest peak, Puy de Sancy, culminates at 1886 meters above sea level. A hiking trail leads to Puy de Sancy directly from Super Besse. The village benefits from a preserved environment and superb landscapes made of volcanoes and lakes. Besse is located 1 hour from Clermont-Ferrand (the capital of the Auvergne region). Former medieval city, the town is labeled Small town of character. You can visit its belfry (tower), its ramparts and its 8 monuments classified as Historic Monuments. You can go to Pavin Lake, located in the crater of the oldest and deepest volcano in France. A route goes around it, the landscapes and the view of the Sancy are magnificent. Touristic village, Besse is a lively and festive town. The Fête de l’Estive, organized every first Sunday of August, brings together hikers and herds of cattle for a walk to the viewpoint of Pavin Lake. On arrival, on the Estives plateau, are offered: traditional dance and music, workshops-discovery of ancient trades, agricultural demonstrations, a festive meal ... TERMINAL: Issoire

JR20/303 CHALABRE Pamiers 20/07-11/08/20 RENO , Age: 18/30. 10 VOLS PARTNER : Located at the edge of the Ariège and Aude, the municipality of Chalabre is known for both its built inheritage and also natural wonderful surroundings. Chalabre was able to highlight the different buildings but also the vales of the Aude which crosses it. It welcomes this year its third group of international volunteers. The village of Chalabre was born in Cathar country in the 12th century, its country house and its castle formed the heart of the village. Over the years two churches were built, as well as the Chapel of Calvary overlooking the village. The municipality does not neglect its assets puts in place throughout the summer period animations for the tastes of all. Local associations make the territory live and encourage residents to go out and meet others. WORK: During the first two weeks, the volunteers will work on repairing a wall at the foot of the castle, which was rehabilitated last year but which collapsed following this year’s heavy rain. The last week will be devoted to the organization of the Serenades (international music festival), logistical assistance: installation of platforms, barriers and refreshment stands, with local volunteers. This camp is a great opportunity to discover both the rich heritage through restoration work but also to get really involved in the cultural life of the village. ACCOMODATION: You will have access to the the football club clubhouse, where you will find toilets, showers (stadium cloakroom) and a fully equipped kitchen. The meals will be prepared by volunteers: Feel free to bring recipes and food from you home country to be shared with the rest of the group. You will be asked to participate in daily tasks (kitchen, dishes, cleaning etc.). The site is located 5 and 15 minutes walk from the camp. You will be only 5 minutes from the heart of the village, where you will find shops and else (post office, tobacco, supermarket, bakery etc ...). The association can not take care of you if you arrive before the starting date of the camp or if you wish to stay a little longer. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Chalabre organizes various cultural events throughout the summer. You will be invited to the book festival which will be held the first weekend of the workcamp, to a festival of art and music which will take place the last week of the workcamp. During your stay, you can visit the castle of Chalabre http://www.chateau-, and that of Montségur You can also participate in the pétanque tournament and go refresh yourself in the river that runs through the village. No worries about you being bored… Sure Chalabre will always find some leisure or activity for you:) TERMINAL: PAMIERS

17 ______JR20/202 ST GEORGES EN COUZAN Boen 21/07-07/08/20 RENO ,ENVI , Age: 18/30. 10 VOLS PARTNER : The village of St Georges, 450 inhab., has organized its 1st workcamp in 2010. 10 years after the 1st edition, the local council and the inhabitants are very pleased to receive new volunteers on their land, for a project they love very much: the enhancement of the site of the former chapel of the village. The village is located in a very rural area, surrounded by low mountains, hills and fields. There are very few commodities but the inhabitants will compensate this inconvenient with local meetings and invitations. On the 1st week end of August, you will participate and hlep local volunteers in the organization of the local Fest of the village. This workcamp is ideal for nature and authenticity lovers ! WORK: You will participate, with your group of international volunteers, to the work of enhancement of the site of the former chapel of the village, which is now in complete ruins.. Work will be mainly: removing invasive plants and vegetation, securize the walls of the building, maybe rebuild some little part in order to avoid its collapsing. If there is time left, you may also implement the site so that walkers and local toursit can have a break at the chapel, near its ruins. Your technical leader will actually be a team of local volunteers who will share their love for the village and its history. In this camp, you will learn to work as a team, how to use tools, how to consolidate ruins: All this in the very aim to help the village to safeguard the remainings of its past, the nice ruins of the chapel on the hill. The workplace is 25/30 by walk from the camp: through little sents among fields. You will thus walk every morning, but the local volunteers will bring you up to the camp by car after work. You will work during the week, in the morning (from 4 to 5 hours max). You will also help some time in the logistics of the local fest on the 1st week end of August. Skills: you will learn how to use tools, how to distinguish invasive and non invasive plants, but most of all, you will learn how rural France is living ! ACCOMODATION: You will be sleeping under tents, close to the stadium of the village. Thus you will have wc and showers there ! Plenty of rooms for you camp, on a hill above the village, surrounded by fields ! You will be 10 minutes away by walk from the village and 25/30 minutes by walk from the workplace LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: St Georges en Couzan is a village of 450 inhabitants, located in the Loire department near and Montbrison. The environment is extremely rural, so you will have plenty of time to discover French rural life and meet the people who are attached to it. On-site activities will be done with the locals (hikes, various invitations ...) and other outings will be organized to visit nearby villages. TERMINAL: BOEN SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Isolated and rural site, which is intended for volunteers seeking authenticity and meeting with the inhabitants.

JR20/301 ANTICHAN DE FRONTIGNES Montrejeau-gourdan-polignan 28/07-17/08/20 ENVI ,MANU , Age: 18/30. 9 VOLS PARTNER : International workcamps of young volunteers, carried out previously in the village of Antichan de Frontignes having been a success, the mayor wants to host a new international workcamp to implement concrete actions to improve the living environment and to integrate volunteers to the local life and especially during the village festival (popular annual event...). The residents will give you a warm welcome and expect many exchanges with you. WORK : tbc ACCOMODATION: You will stay in tents near the village. Sanitation (toilets and showers) are available nearby. The association provides tents and sleeping pads. Bring your towel and sleeping bag. We cannot pick you if you arrive before the start of camp. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: 580 m altitude, 87 residents, Antichan of Frontignes is a small rural village at the foot of the chain of Pyrenees near the Spanish border, surrounded by beautiful mountain scenery. Animation: the site is rather isolated but offers many opportunities for hiking, visiting the beautiful local built heritage, sports; possibility of swimming in the lake near the village ... and the village is very lively during the festival. TERMINAL: Montrejeau-Gourdan-Polignan SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: -

JR20/205 CHOMERAC Livron sur drôme 03/08-22/08/20 RENO , Age: 18/30. 11 VOLS PARTNER : Having the experience of international workcamps carried out between 2005 and 2008, the municipality of Chomérac wishes to renew this experience and pursue the promotion and safeguarding of its heritage. Carried out in collaboration with the association "Chomérac Patrimoine Vivant", this summer’s workcamp will focus on the restoration of a foot path and the enhancement of an old canal located nearby.

18 ______WORK: Former medieval village and located on the hillside, the town of Chomérac consists of many narrow streets, made in the form of « calades ». Mainly used in Occitanie (south-west) and along the Rhône Valley, the term calade designates a sloping lane paved with pebbles from the neighboring river, here from the Rhône. You will participate in the fixing of one of the calades located near a canal formerly used for milling. Heart of silk industry in Ardèche from the 17th century, Chomérac is known for the richness of its heritage linked to this textile activity. Characterized by the use of hydraulic power resources, the milling activity gives rise to numerous channels. Now almost dry, your mission will be to clear the canal from invasive vegetation and sediment accumulated in its bed, in order to enhance the canal and allow the water to drain better. To carry out this work, you will be supervised by the volunteers of the association Chomérac Patrimoine Vivant who will be happy to share with you their know-how and the history of these places. Hosted 10 minutes away on foot, you will walk to the site and work 4 to 5 hours a day. ACCOMODATION: You will be staying in the Triolet space, in the gymnasium party. You will have the facilities necessary for group life (WC, shower and kitchen). Located in the city center, you will have access to local shops (bakery, butcher, general stores). LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located in the center-east of the Ardèche department, the town of Chomérac is located in the foothills of the and has 3,000 inhabitants. You can stroll through the alleys of the old city center and climb up to the Keep of the old castle, a vestige of the wars of religion. You can also explore the industrial past of the city with a visit to the numerous old mills, including the oldest known as La Royale, the aqueduct of la Neuve or the marble quarries. You can also take the hiking trails through the valley. Volunteers from the Chomérac Patrimoine Vivant association will offer you activities related to the discovery of the region and the region: hiking, Mont Gerbier des Joncs, Lake of Issarlès, visits to surrounding villages, picnic organization. You can also take part in local life (market, flea markets ...). TERMINAL: livron sur Drôme SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: This heritage upgrading workcamp will allow you to acquire technical skills specific to setting up a calade(paved street): choice and organization of stones and setting. Maintaining the canal will also allow you to acquire technical skills in green space: handling pruning tools, choice of plants, clearing of water bed. Small masonry work planned around the canal will give you the opportunity to get started with the creation of a stone wall. Working as a team, both with supervisory volunteers and with other volunteers,

JR20/210 JARNOSSE Pouilly-sous- 04/08-19/08/20 RENO ,MANU , Age: 18/30. 7 VOLS PARTNER : Created in 2018, the association "Château de Jarnosse" is undertaking restoration and conservation of the building with the aim of rehabilitating it into a place of culture (exhibition, concert space). A Renaissance garden will complete the complex and will be open to the public. Currently in the early stages of rehabilitation work, the association has so far carried out only emergency backup work. Formerly located on the passage of the Grand Chemin Français connecting Paris to Lyon, the town of Jarnosse had this Renaissance manor house, long abandoned and whose land carries the marks of time and was victim of robbery. Your mission will be to clear the rear part of the facade and to carry out masonry work. WORK: A former Renaissance residence with 1,000 years of history, the Jarnosse castle has long been unoccupied and has collapsed over time. The rest of the house now forms an L, the lateral side of which has been partly renovated during emergency backup works while the horizontal part, located behind the almost intact facade, is now in partly collapsed. You will work on the back of this facade and finish clearing the land to prepare it for future archaeological excavations. This step will also make it possible to list the different stones and to assess their possible reuse during the restoration of the building. These works will be physical, but a considerable advance in the rehabilitation program of the castle. Masonry work, such as fixing walls or repairing windows, door frames or low walls will also be necessary and will end the work. You will be supervised by the president of the association, an architect and by a specialized mason happy to share with you their know-how and the history of this place. Local volunteers will also join you during the work. You will work 4 to 5 hours a day. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents on the site of the castle, located 10 minutes walk from the center of the village. A living space will be created to welcome you in the wing of the castle (a kind of barn), where you will have a kitchen area and WC (work site toilets), a shower will also be installed. Despite the rudimentary facilities you will have comfort. You will cook collectively and perform the daily tasks related to group life (cleaning, wash dishes). LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located in the northeast of the Loire department in an extremely rural area, the village of Jarnosse has 450 inhabitants. You can explore a 14th-century mill, a ruined medieval castle, the woods, or the Jarnossin River during a hike. The village also has five farms and you will have the opportunity to visit one of them. For sport, Jarnosse has a basketball and tennis court which you can access. The members of the castle 19 ______association will take you to discover the territory and its richesn including the city of Charlieu: colorful streets, designer and artisan shops, visit to the Benedictine abbey and its cloister, Cordeliers convent, culinary specialties. Finally, meeting times will be organized with the population (welcome drink, lunch on the castle site, introduction to pétanque). TERMINAL: Pouilly-sous-Charlieu SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: This project will allow you to acquire human and technical skills: adaptation, autonomy, thoroughness, solidarity, tenacity. The work of clearing and sorting the stones will be physical and will allow you to approach knowledge specific to the history of art and more particularly to architecture while the masonry work will bring you technical skills: handling of tools , realization and installation of joints, repair of a stone wall. All these skills will be reinforced during group life where listening, mutual aid and respect are welcome.

JR20/211 SAINT JEAN SAINT MAURICE SUR LOIRE 10/08- 29/08/20 RENO ,ENVI , Age: 18/30. 8 VOLS PARTNER : Welcome to the land of pink stone! Born of the fusion of two villages, Saint-Jean Saint-Maurice sur Loire is organized around two centers of life: the medieval village of Saint-Maurice, nestled on a hill overlooking the Loire and the village of Saint-Jean occupying a less steep territory. Attached to the richness of their heritage and welcoming a large number of tourists during the summer period, the town wanted to host a group of young internationals volunteers with the mission of redeveloping the footpath to former « Four Banal » (communal oven to bake bread). WORK: In medieval times, ovens were installed in the village and made available to the inhabitants by the lords, today only the name of this path remains to testify. Located at the bottom of the town, the path to this public berad oven provides access to the old covered walkway. A narrow corridor built at the top or along the fortifications, the walkways allowed the sentries to guard the city. Located on the circumference of the old Serpentin (stream) and Loire (river). Designed for pedestrians, this former foot path has steps made of logs and earth. Today collapsed, your mission will be to rehabilitate these steps. In a second step, you will clean the walls along the path currently covered with invasive vegetation. You will be supervised by volunteers and the technical service of the town. They will be happy to share with you their expertise and the history of this particular place. You will be accommodated in the center of Saint-Jean, located a 10-minute walk from the site, where you will reach on foot. You will work 4 to 5 hours a day. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in the multipurpose room of Saint-Jean. This building hosts a village hall and a gymnasium. Also, you will have the kitchen and sleep on the mezzanine of the village hall. You will benefit from the toilets and showers in the gymnasium changing rooms. Occasionally, you may have to sleep in a tent near the building. You will cook collectively and take part in daily tasks (wash dishes, cleaning). On Sunday morning, you can go to the market to discover local products. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Located to the north-west of the Loire department and part of the Massif Central, the village of Saint Jean Saint-Maurice sur Loire has 1,200 inhabitants and offers an exceptional living environment. The merging of two old villages offers the current town an important richness of heritage: the cure, the sundial tower, the fleur-de-lis house, the Ris Serpentin gate, the Fortress of Saint-Maurice, the church of Saint Maurice, the church of Saint Jean, the Maison du Tonnelier or the Manoir de la Mure-Chantois. You will get to know these many monuments as a local association will provide a guided tour. You can also stroll through the narrow streets of Saint-Maurice and meet many art craftsmen (jewelry, sculpture). A map of the many hiking trails will also be available to you. You can freely visit an art exhibition called Arts Bis, which brings together contemporary works of paintings, collages, drawings and other artistic creations. Finally, local associations will come to meet you during activities such as an initiation to pétanque. TERMINAL: Roanne SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: The work you will do on the path to the common bread oven will allow you to acquire knowledge in landscaping: analyze the quality of the landings and standardize them, ensure a stable base using a wooden log, standardize the height of the steps, anticipate the deterioration linked to water flows to ensure lasting stability for the “donkey step” staircase, making an aesthetic path. You will learn to use the tools necessary for measuring, cutting and setting up new steps. In the second step, you will learn how to use pruning tools to remove invasive vegetation from the walls. Humanly, you will develop your ability to work in a team: listening to instructions and others, adaptability to the environment, reactivity, thoroughness, mutual aid. These capacities will be reinforced in your living space.

JR20/304 LONGAGES Toulouse 10/08-30/08/20 RENO , Age: 18/30. 14 VOLS PARTNER : The town of Longages with the association Les Amis de Longages, Sauvegarde du Patrimoine, invites you to participate in its local life through the restoration and enhancement of its local heritage.

20 ______WORK: The project carried out by the municipality and the association Les Amis de Longages, Sauvegarde du Patrimoine ”covers three sites. You will be supervised by the members of the local association. Rehabilitation of a kiosk, old public point, small local heritage built in the tradition of the region in red brick (restoration of the roof and restoration of the soil). Moss removal and rehabilitation of a cross in the heart of the village. Cleaning of a tombstone from an old cemetery that is no longer used. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in the association hall where you will have all the amenities near the stadium. The meals will be prepared by the volunteers in turn. You will walk to the various work sites. You will learn the rules of collective life by sharing your living space with the other volunteers. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Municipality of the urban area of Toulouse located on the Louge river, 15 km south of Muret and 35 km south of Toulouse. Longages is part of the Pays du Sud Toulousain in the Haute Garonne department in Occitanie. You will be able to visit Toulouse and take part in the local festival of August 15 and the various activities set up in the village. TERMINAL: TOULOUSE

JR20/106 TAUVES La bourboule 15/08-30/08/20 RENO , Age: 18/30. 9 VOLS PARTNER : For this workcamp, you will be welcomed in Tauves. This village is located in the French department of Puy-de-Dôme, in the centre of France, in the Auvergne region. Right next to the Mount Sancy, you will discover a region full of traditions. You will have the mission to restore the Castle of Granges ruins. WORK: Grange is a hamlet located 3km from Tauves. By the year 1000 was built a Castle in Granges. Nowadays, only some ruins remain and the basement of a round tower on top of a small hill. You will have to restore those ruins and remove the invasive plants which hide the castle foundations. You will learn how to use green spaces maintaining tools to remove vegetation. You will also have to rebuild the dry-stone walls discovered under the bushes. You will learn how to place the stones to create a strong wall. Your work will be seen from the road. At the end of the workcamp, the ruins will be visible again and will recover an honourable shape. A municipal agent will supervise your work and share with you his technical knowledge. You will work 4 to 5 hours a day. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents on the municipal campsite. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Tauves is a village of 787 inhabitants, located at an altitude between 600 and 1 000 meters above sea level. You will enjoy its typical French alpine architecture and its church, classified as a historic landmark. Tauves created a route to discover the village and its heritage. As a very dynamic village, many stores can be found in the centre: bakery, dairy farm, restaurants, butcher’s shop. Every Thursday morning, a market is organised. You will find craftsmen and local product such as the Saint-Nectaire, a well-known French cheese. Tauves is very touristic and organizes many cultural events: art and historic exhibitions, craftsmen markets, cultural events. From Tauves, the view on the Mount Sancy is incredible. For the sporty ones, the Puy de Sancy is accessible to hikers. It is the highest stratovolcano of Auvergne (1886 meters above sea level). From there, you will enjoy a 360° view. Also, several hiking trails pass near the village. TERMINAL: La Bourboule

JR20/101 SAINT-NECTAIRE Issoire 17/08-31/08/20 RENO ,ENVI , Age: 18/30. 9 VOLS PARTNER : Saint-Nectaire is an authentic village, birthplace of the Saint-Nectaire cheese. Its spa heritage from the XIXth century left surprising and rich natural marks (salt marsh, petrifying springs). Located within the volcanic massif of the Sancy, Saint-Nectaire represents the beginning of the Regional Park of Auvergne Volcanoes. In this city full of history, you will lend a hand to restore an old bread oven and maintain hiking trails. WORK: This old bread oven is located in Boissières, one of the 12 hamlets attached to Saint-Nectaire. Bread ovens are characteristic feature of rural heritage. They are little stone structures once used to bake bread in villages. The roof made of flat stones (lauze) a typical stone of the area collapsed, you will have to rebuild it. You will learn the ancient roof building techniques. Your work will give back its beauty to this heritage legacy and hikers crossing the village will be able to appreciate their stage at Boissières. You will also help to maintain hiking trails on Boissières. Those trails are frequently used. Your dynamism will be needed to allow hiking lovers to walk safely. You will be supervised by municipal officers who will be happy to share their knowledge with you. You will walk to the site (around 10 minutes) and work 4 to 5 hours a day. ACCOMODATION: You will be accommodated in a holiday cottage with all convenience at Boissières: kitchen, shower, toilets and dormitories. You will walk to the workplace (10 minutes). A hiking trail links Boissières to the main village, Saint-Nectaire (4km). LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French 21 ______LOCATION: Saint-Nectaire has 740 inhabitants and is located 37km south of Clermont-Ferrand. On average at 750 meters of altitude, Saint-Nectaire is characterized by its volcanic passed which left numerous traces in the landscape: lava flows, basaltic columns, volcanoes (named “puys”) and a large number of mineral thermal springs. To visit: the Cornadore cave and Petrifying Fountains in which hot springs sculpt the rocks. You could also discover the local handicraft linked to those springs: limestone carvings. Walking through the village, you will discover a typical Auvergnat village. You could visit de Saint-Nectaire church, one of the most beautiful Romanesque churches of the Auvergne region (the Romanesque art is the architectural artistic movement most widespread in Auvergne). You like hiking? Many hiking trails start from the village. While walking, you could discover megalith sites. The Puy de Sancy, a volcanoe located 30k away from Saint-Nectaire, is Auvergne’s highest peak with its 1886m of altitude. It will offer you a 360° panorama and beautiful landscapes. During the 4th edition of the Vallée-Verte festival (Green-Valley) scheduled from August 15th to August 22nd, many cultural activities will be provided: music, dance, storytelling, theater. Local and international artists attracted more than 7000 people in 2019. More information on the festival’s website : TERMINAL: Issoire

JR20/305 MILLE PATTES 2 Saint-girons 17/08-29/08/20 RENO ,ENVI , Age: 18/30. 8 VOLS PARTNER : The association “Mille Pattes”, located in the village of Durban-sur-Arize wants to organize for the 5th time an international workcamp of young volunteers around the castle of St. Barthelémy. At the 11th century, a first castle was built on a roman opidium, with smaller size, towards 1569, during religion wars, protestants attacked and burnt down the churches of Durban. Until the 13th century, it is occupied by cathar family. In 1657 the castle in uninhabited and from then, became ruins. Founded in 1987, the association “Mille Pattes” has set a goal to create a place for meetings and cultural exchanges in Ariège. It was in 1990 that the association acquires the ideal place to facilitate these exchanges. It is a hill of 18 hectares located above the gorge of Arize. There remains of a medieval castle and a chapel. Today, the association wants to go further in the conservation of these buildings, continue to protect the site, secure access to the castle and perfect conditions for permanent home visitors and volunteers. To this end, the association plans to host a group of young volunteers to assist in this work. WORK: Supervised by a volunteer of the association “Mille Pattes”, young volunteers participate in various maintenance and development on the site of Château Saint-Barthelemy located in Durban-sur-Arize. This includes the restoration of walls (masonry works) and cleaning vegetation. Your supervisor will transmit his knowledge of the castle and the traditionnal technics of restoration. ACCOMODATION: You will stay in tents in the grounds of the castle. Important: housing conditions are simple (dry toilets and solar showers), this camp is meant for volunteers who love peace and nature. Access to the castle is only by foot (15 minute steep path from the village, watch out for your travel bags - prefer a backpack). We cannot accommodate you if you arrive before the starting date of the workcamp. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: View of the castle by drone : Located halfway between Foix and St Girons, the village of Durban-sur-Arize, crossed by Arize is a charming village in the Ariège part of the Regional Natural Park of the Pyrenees. With the castle overlooking, the village has a remarkable built heritage with most of the stone buildings. This castle belonging to the association Mile Pattes is an ancient and medieval fortress dated 11th century. Located in the heart of Séronnais, the site offers many hiking. The members of Mille Pattes will offer you an introduction to archeology and rock climbing. TERMINAL: SAINT-GIRONS SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1/ Access to the castle is only by foot (15 minute) steep path from the village, watch out for your travel bags - prefer a backpack! requirements 1/No special knowledge or competence is required for this camp, except being motivated, curious and loving work in group! 2/Our association does not provide a car during the workcamp. 3/ European volunteers should bring their European health care card, and everybody must, in any case, BRING THEIR INSURANCE CERTIFICATE. If health issues on the camp, the volunteers will have to pay for it, and then get reimbursed once back in the home country. 4/ Things to bring as your are going to live in very simple conditions :a flashlight, a sleeping bag, warm clothes (a sweater and rain- coat), a bathing suit. For male volunteers : short pants are generally prohibited in the public swimming pools in France, please bring a bathing suit. For work : worn out clothes and strong shoes. If you have work gloves you can bring them too. Also take walking shoes. 5/ Your games, musics, musical instruments and recipes, will be also welcome! To make exchanges and encounters easier, please also bring photographs of your home, some postcards, maps or else, to be able to talk about your country. 6/ If you have your driving licence, please, take it with you (may be useful in some areas).

22 ______36- JR20/107 BILLOM Clermont-ferrand 17/08-31/08/20 RENO , Age: 18/30. 7 VOLS PARTNER : It is the 17th workcamp that the local council is hosting. Like each year, the council wishes to increase the contacts between the local population and the young volunteers. For this purpose, the workcamp is located in the heart of this beautiful medieval town (30 minutes from Clermont-Ferrand) in order to make the contacts with the inhabitants easier. WORK: The project carried out by the city and its inhabitants will concern the rehabilitation of the city’s former college into a cultural space. A supervisor will teach you specific techniques. ACCOMODATION: You will be lodged in small chalets at the municipal campsite with all convenience. The cottage is surrounded by nature but the city centre is very close. Billom is 500 metres of altitude, bring warm clothes. You will cook in a cooking place with a refrigerator and a cook; dishes and kitchenware will be provided. There are shops in the city: supermarket, bakery, butcher’s shop, restaurants, pharmacy and coffee places. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Billom is a village of 4 800 inhabitants, located in the Regional Natural Park of Livradois-Forez, 20 minutes away from Clermont-Ferrand and from Thiers. Originally druidic center, its intense development enabled this gallic village to become one of the first important town of Auvergne, in the XII century and to build its fortifications. The medieval area and old documents are not enough to describe this welcoming town. Billom is 25 km away from Clermont-Ferrand. You will be proposed some activities during your stay: participation in a medieval festival organized by the association Billom Renaissance, meeting with the local associations, Visit of the medieval city with Billom Renaissance, swimming pool, football, basketball, tennis. TERMINAL: Clermont-Ferrand

38- JR20/302 CAUTERETS Lourdes 31/08-12/09/20 ENVI , Age: 18/30. 8 VOLS PARTNER : The municipality of Cauterets welcomes a group of young international volunteers to participate in the enhancement of its area. Come and discover this dynamic town and its rich natural and historic heritage (former spa). Cauterets is a village located in the Pyrenees National Park, at an altitude of 948 metres. WORK: International volunteers are invited to participate in the following works at the edge of the Pyrenees National Park on the Fruitière Plateau at an altitude of 1,400 meters: restoring of a shepherds’ hut. The work will be supervised by a technical staff (municipal employee) and forest guards. ACCOMODATION: Tent accommodation at a camp site equipped with showers and toilets. A barnum (large open tent) will be installed with a gas stove, fridge, tables and chairs. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : French LOCATION: Cauterets is a municipality of 900 inhabitants, located in the department of Hautes-Pyrenees, in the region of Occitania. It is both a spa and a very dynamic winter sports resort and attracts many visitors in summer and winter. The village gives access to many hiking trails that lead to several natural tourist sites, such as Péguère, Lake Gaube, Petit Vignemale (3,032 m), village on the side of mountains crossed by a waterfall or the small mountain of La Fruitière. This workcamp is for nature lovers and participants who love mountain and hiking. TERMINAL: LOURDES

We wish a pleasant workcamp season from Jeunesse et Reconstruction !

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