tries tounder F go pr analy di begin b of power sharing inmoderndemocr different levelsofgovernmentisonethemajorformspower In thepr Ov scu actice. T v ernment, anewandthir erview ssion ofthefeder si s ofthepoliciesandpoliticsthathasstr eder y describingfeder eviou - sharing. Itismostcommonlyreferredtoasfederalism.We owar s chapter stand thetheoryandpr ds theendofchapter , wenotedthatv al con ali acies s m ingener d tierofIndianfeder stitutional pr . Inthi ali s chapter 2021–22 actice offeder al term ertical divi o vi sm , weturntothelocal s engthened feder sion . Ther , wefocu sion ofpoweramong ali s i s m. s followedb est ofthechapter ali s s onthi m inIndia.A ali s form s y an m in - Chapter 2

13 What is federalism?

Let us get back to the contrast between for all practical purposes, a unitary and Sri Lanka that we saw in system where the national the last chapter. You would recall that has all the powers. Tamil leaders want one of the key changes made in the Sri Lanka to become a federal system. of Belgium was to reduce Federalism is a system of the power of the government in which the power is and to give these powers to the regional I am confused. divided between a central authority and What do we call . Regional governments various constituent units of the the Indian existed in Belgium even earlier. They country. Usually, a has two government? Is had their roles and powers. But all these levels of government. One is the it Union, Federal powers were given to these or Central? governments and could be withdrawn government for the entire country that by the Central Government. The is usually responsible for a few subjects change that took place in 1993 was that of common national interest. The the regional governments were given others are governments at the level of constitutional powers that were no provinces or states that look after longer dependent on the central much of the day-to-day administering government. Thus, Belgium shifted of their . Both these levels of from a unitary to a federal form of governments enjoy their power government. Sri Lanka continues to be, independent of the other.

Federal political systems


Belgium Spain of America Bosnia and Herzegovina St. Kitts PACIFIC OCEAN and Nevis United Venezuela Arab Emirates ATLANTIC Comoros PACIFIC OCEAN OCEAN INDIAN OCEAN Micronesia

olitics South Africa atic P Source: Montreal and Kingston, Handbook of Federal Countries: 2002, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002.

Though only 25 of the world’s 193 countries have federal political systems, their citizens make up 40 per cent of the world’s population. Most of the large countries of the world are . Can you notice an exception to this rule in this map? Democr

14 2021–22 go tier features offederalism ans Both theseg ans po something or system, the localg can passonor g sub-units aresubordinatetothecentral is onl Under theunitar administration. matters oflegislation,taxationand has itso dif the constitutionandpo of disputes arisebetw highest cour contr ensur r both thelev Suc c the constitutioncannotbeunilaterally guaranteed. g existence andauthorityof specified intheconstitution.So le of especti 2 1 3 5 4 6 hang ov ov v der thesta g v g w f els ortier s) of w w h c er er er Dif T Let uslooka T Cour In thissense T Sour ov er ov er er er y onele asted withunitar e itsf ent le he jurisdictionsof her nment. T n thesamecitiz he fundamentalpro ed b s of nment isconstitutionall er er hang ab ab thecentr v f g er nment inthee nment ar ces of e po e ar wn ts ha le tothepeople le tothecentr ov ov y onele itso ent tier inancial autonom . v es r Sta els of ov er els of er e tw v JURISDICTION w v t actsasanumpir el of der s of te g nment. er nment. Butinaf e thepo er he centr r wn f equir al g te g ev nments ar y system, s o ormor s tothepr e c . g v t someof g g een dif ov en s of , g el of ov f o or w o lear e theconsentof ens o ov v ue f er ov eder v er er y g v w : x al g er al g er ther g nment todo er er l nment cannot er tointer er g , nment. y specif hic nment orthe b . or eac ov nment. f eitherther cise of inspecif nment has eac ov ov ov e se nment ar er e le a ov ut eac visions of ovincial or tions ar h itisnot er y ent le er especti er er thek er . w h tierof nments par v nment. nment. nment h le nment els (or er eder ied to h tier their T a s of pr v e if tel v els he ve ey et ic el al y e e y e . unity of objectives: tosafeguardandpromote time accommoda po le federalism. Governmentsatdifferent the institutionsandpracticeof Therefore, twoaspectsarecrucialfor tha this f the USA, ‘coming to can incr so a big coming to f tw the f mainl to another agr has bothaspects: the a feder po constituent Sta r gov betw betw countr this secondca ‘holding to Belgium areexamplesofthiskind na gr unequal po constituent unitsof vis-à-vis theSta gov eder oute in 7 v anted specialpo v tional g o kindsof w w els shoulda t eac eement toli er er er The federalsystemthushasdual T T er er andar gr eder ir een theconstituentSta al g a een thecentr y onthehistoricalconte eignty nment v nment tendstobemor he secondr g he e tions ha -sharing st ca eement. y decidestodi er unit, 2021–22 ease theirsecurity thecountr h w ov v Switz a ov g tion w olv te er g xact balanceof ether ontheiro andr . ould a

er g ether’ g nment. w aries fr or v es inde routesthr ether’ . T nment. India, e str e beenf T er er tes v An idealf g tes usuall sotha y of his balancede e to r as f te land and he etaining identitythe s. oute isw ee tosomer te r . V . w f bide b g y, Someunitsar thef m y shouldalsotr eder ong vis-à-visthe f er om onef g or er or al andthesta f w eder egional di ether pendent s. or eder y oftendif utual tr med. hile a vide itspo y, t b eder ations med. thecentr eder . T y ha y itspar a ough w A . tions her wn tof a y pooling Ther tes andthe ustr xt inwhic e po his typeof Spainand t thesame a tions eder al system tion ha T v e alar po ust and e equal ules of inc v , allthe he f alia. S pends w f er er ta a e ar erful hic or lude . t of tion w sity w ent ir ust tes In ge In ve er m er te al st h h y e e . J subjects of boundaries orinter ter ar has le ov urisdiction: ea ma cer er w adopt it? did Belgium countries, wh works onlyinbig If feder ms of g tain kindsof hic al authority y bedef . g h someone eo alism gra T he ar ined in phical . T . ms y ea he

15 Federalism Some Nepalese citizens were discussing the proposals on the adoption of federalism in their new constitution. This is what some of them said: Khag Raj: I don’t like federalism. It would lead to reservation of seats for different caste groups as in India. Sarita: Ours in not a very big country. We don’t need federalism. Babu Lal: I am hopeful that the Terai areas will get more autonomy if they get their own . Ram Ganesh: I like federalism because it will mean that powers that were earlier enjoyed by the king will now be exercised by our elected representatives. If you were participating in this conversation what would be your response to each of these? Which of these reflect a wrong understanding of what federalism is? What makes India a federal country?

What makes India a federal country?

We have earlier seen how small the Union of India and the State countries like Belgium and Sri Lanka governments. Later, a third tier of face so many problems of managing federalism was added in the form of diversity. What about a vast country like Panchayats and Municipalities. As in India, with so many languages, religions any federation, these different tiers and regions? What are the power enjoy separate jurisdiction. The sharing arrangements in our country? Constitution clearly provided a three- Isn’t that Let us begin with the Constitution. fold distribution of legislative powers strange? Did our India had emerged as an independent between the Union Government and constitution nation after a painful and bloody the State Governments. Thus, it makers not know . Soon after Independence, contains three lists: about several princely states became a part of l includes subjects of federalism? Or the country. The Constitution declared national importance such as defence did they wish to India as a Union of States. Although it of the country, foreign affairs, banking, avoid talking did not use the word federation, the communications and currency. They about it? Indian Union is based on the principles are included in this list because we need of federalism. a uniform on these matters throughout the country. The Union olitics Let us go back to the seven features of federalism mentioned above. We can Government alone can make laws see that all these features apply to the relating to the subjects mentioned in the Union List. atic P provisions of the Indian Constitution. The Constitution originally provided l contains subjects of for a two-tier system of government, State and local importance such as the Union Government or what we call , , commerce, agriculture

Democr the Central Government, representing and . The State Governments

16 2021–22 or househere.Similarspecial residents ofthisStatecannotbuyland Indians whoarenotpermanent employment ingovernmentservices. culture andalsopreferential rights ofindigenouspeoples,their relation totheprotectionofland powers areespeciallyenjoyedin historical circumstances.Thesespecial due totheirpeculiarsocialand Constitution ofIndia(Article371) under certainprovisionsofthe and Mizoramenjoyspecialpowers , ,ArunachalPradesh enjoy aspecialstatus.Statessuchas have identicalpowers.SomeStates all StatesintheIndianUniondonot power toitsconstituentunits.Thus, ‘holding together’donotgiveequal federations thatareformedby subjects. to legislateonthese‘residuary’ the UnionGovernmenthaspower made? Accordingtoourconstitution, came upaftertheconstitutionwas subjects likecomputersoftwarethat fall inanyofthethreelists?Or will prevail. made bytheUnionGovernment laws conflictwitheachother,thelaw subjects mentionedinthislist.Iftheir Governments canmakelawsonthe Union aswelltheState adoption andsuccession.Boththe forest, tradeunions,, l l l decisions byclassifying theseintothefollowingcategories: We notedabovethatmost What aboutsubjectsthatdonot News itemsabouttherelationship betweentheCentr News itemsthatrelate only toy News itemsthatrelateonly totheCentralGovernment, daily foroneweek.Make alistofnewsitemsrelatedtogovernmentpolicies or Listen toonenationalandregionalnewsbulletin broadcastbyAllIndiaRadio assigned toeachofthem. government andtheresponsibilities inordertocarryonthe the powertoraiseresourcesbylevying The Unionan and theSupremeCourtmakeadecision. the divisionofpowers,HighCourts procedures. Incaseofanydisputeabout of constitutionalprovisionsand role inoverseeingtheimplementation of atleasthalfthetotalStates. it hastoberatifiedbythelegislatures with atleasttwo-thirdsmajority.Then by boththeHousesofParliament Any changetoithasbefirstpassed on itsownchangethisarrangement. arrangement. TheParliamentcannot make changestothispowersharing of theConstitution.Itisnoteasyto governments isbasictothestructure Union GovernmentandtheState powers inrunningtheseareas. Central Governmenthasspecial have thepowersofaState.The Territories. Theseterritoriesdonot capital cityofDelhi,arecalledUnion , orLakshadweepthe of theexistingStates.Theseareas,like which couldnotbemergedwithany become anindependentStatebut These areareaswhichtoosmallto Union whichenjoyverylittlepower. of Indiaaswell. provisions existforsomeotherStates our oran The judiciaryplaysanimportant This sharingofpowerbetweenthe There aresomeunitsoftheIndian 2021–22 y otherStateGo

d Stategovernmentshave al andStateGo v ernment, v ernments. Union cabinet? commerce inthe agriculture and ministers of wh state subjects, commerce are If agricultureand y doweha v e

17 Federalism l Pokharan, the place where India conducted its nuclear tests, lies in . Suppose the was opposed to the Central Government’s nuclear policy, could it prevent the from conducting the nuclear tests? l Suppose the Government of plans to introduce new textbooks in its schools. But the Union Government does not like the style and content of the new textbooks. In that case, does the state government need to take permission from the Union Government before these textbooks can be launched? l Suppose the Chief Ministers of , Chhattisgarh and Orissa have different on how their state police should respond to the . Can the Prime of India intervene and pass an order that all the Chief Ministers will have to obey? olitics atic P Democr

18 2021–22 How isfederalismpractised? inourcountry.Ifyoulooka first andamajortestfordemocratic The creationoflinguisticStateswasthe Linguistic States major waysinwhichthishappened. country. Letuslookatsomeofthe together becamesharedidealsinour for diversityanddesireliving that thespiritoffederalism,respect politics inourcountry.Thisensured attributed tothenatureofdemocratic success offederalisminIndiacanbe out constitutionalprovisions.Thereal is notmerelybecauseoftheclearlylaid experiment hassucceededinIndia,it are notsufficient.Ifthefederal for thesuccessoffederalismbutthese Constitutional provisionsarenecessary t Nagaland, UttarakhandandJharkhand. or geography.TheseincludeStateslike differences basedonculture,ethnicity the basisoflanguagebuttorecognise State. SomeStateswerecreatednoton the samelanguagelivedin done toensurethatpeoplewhospoke order tocreatenewStates.Thiswas old StatesofIndiawerechangedin States havebeenchanged. Areas, boundariesandnamesofthe many newStateshavebeencreated. Many oldStateshavevanishedand surprised bytheextentofchanges. 1947 andthatof2019,youwillbe began itsjourneyasademocracyin the politicalmapofIndiawhenit In 1947 2021–22 , theboundariesofseveral l l l earlier S what wasthenameof since Independence?Ifnot, remained underthesameS Has yourvillage bigger State have beencarvedoutof Identify anythreeS changed later? States in1947thathavebeen Can youidentifynamesofthree t ate? s. / town t ates which / t ate

19 Federalism When the demand for the continues to be the official policy of formation of States on the basis of the Government of India. Promotion language was raised, some national does not mean that the Central leaders feared that it would lead to the Government can impose on disintegration of the country. The States where people speak a different Central Government resisted linguistic language. The flexibility shown by States for some time. But the Indian political leaders helped our experience has shown that the country avoid the kind of situation that formation of linguistic States has Sri Lanka finds itself in. actually made the country, more united. Centre-State relations It has also made administration easier. Restructuring the Centre-State Language policy relations is one more way in which A second test for Indian federation is federalism has been strengthened in the language policy. Our Constitution practice. How the constitutional did not give the status of national arrangements for sharing power work language to any one language. Hindi was in reality depends to a large extent on identified as the . But how the ruling parties and leaders Hindi is the mother tongue of only follow these arrangements. For a long Why Hindi? about 40 per cent of Indians. Therefore, time, the same party ruled both at the Why not there were many safeguards to protect Centre and in most of the States. This Bangla or other languages. Besides Hindi, there are meant that the State governments did Telugu? 21 other languages recognised as not exercise their rights as autonomous Scheduled Languages by the federal units. As and when the ruling Constitution. A candidate in an party at the State level was different, examination conducted for the Central the parties that ruled at the Centre tried Government positions may opt to take to undermine the power of the States. the examination in any of these In those days, the Central Government languages. States too have their own would often misuse the Constitution official languages. Much of the to dismiss the State governments that government work takes place in the were controlled by rival parties. This official language of the concerned State. undermined the spirit of federalism. Unlike Sri Lanka, the leaders of our All this changed significantly country adopted a very cautious after 1990. This period saw the rise attitude in spreading the use of Hindi. of regional political parties in many According to the Constitution, the use States of the country. This was also of English for official purposes was to the beginning of the era of stop in 1965. However, many non- COALITION GOVERNMENTS at the Hindi speaking States demanded that Centre. Since no single party got a the use of English continue. In Tamil clear majority in the , the olitics : major national parties had to enter A government formed Nadu, this movement took a violent by the coming together form. The Central Government into an alliance with many parties of at least two political responded by agreeing to continue the including several regional parties to atic P parties. Usually partners use of English along with Hindi for form a government at the Centre. in a coalition form a official purposes. Many critics think This led to a new culture of power political alliance and adopt a common that this solution favoured the English- sharing and respect for the autonomy programme. speaking elite. Promotion of Hindi of State Governments. This trend was Democr

20 2021–22 The StatesPleadforMorePowers p St Here aretwocartoonsshowingtherelationshipbetweenCentre andS to dismisssta dif the Supr suppor Perils ofRunningaCoalitionGovernment artners ofgovernmentsatisfied? ate gototheCentrewithabeggingbowl?Howcanleader ofacoalitionkeepthe f icult f ted b or theCentr eme Cour y amajorjudg te g ov t tha er al nments inan G ov t madeit ement of er nment po arbitr the Constitution cameintof than itw w er sharingismor ar 2021–22 y manner as intheearl .T e ef t ates. Shouldthe hus y f ecti ear , f v or e toda eder s after ce . al y

© Ajith Ninan - India Today Book of Cartoons y democr good forour is suggesting that Are y ou serious? ou acy? Are

© Kutty - Laughing with Kutty

21 Federalism +Linguistic diversity of India How many languages do we have in l Make a bar or pie chart on India? The answer depends on how the basis of this information. one counts it. The latest l Prepare a map of linguistic information that we have is from diversity of India by shading the the held in 2011. region where each of these This census recorded more than languages is spoken on the map 1300 distinct languages which of India. people mentioned as their mother tongues. These languages were l Find out about any three grouped together under some major languages that are spoken in languages. For example languages India but are not included in this table. like Bhojpuri, Magadhi, Bundelkhandi, Chhattisgarhi, Rajasthani and many others were grouped together under ‘Hindi’. Scheduled Even after this grouping, the Census found 121 major languages. Language Proportion of Of these 22 languages are now speakers (%) included in the Eighth Schedule of Assamese 1.26 the Indian Constitution and are Bengali 8.03 therefore called ‘Scheduled Bodo 0.12 Languages’. Others are called Dogri 0.21 ‘non-Scheduled Languages’. In Gujarati 4.58 terms of languages, Hindi 43.63 perhaps the most diverse country 3.61 in the world. Kashmiri 0.56 A look at the enclosed table Konkani 0.19 makes it clear that no one Maithili 1.12 language is the mother tongue of Malayalam 2.88 the majority of our population. Manipuri 0.15 The largest language, Hindi, is the Marathi 6.86 mother tongue of only about 44 Nepali 0.24 per cent Indians. If we add to that Odia 3.10 all those who knew Hindi as their second or third language, the total Punjabi 2.74 number was still less than 50 per N cent in 2011. As for English, only Santali 0.61

olitics 0.02 per cent Indians recorded it Sindhi 0.23 as their mother tongue. Another 11 Tamil 5.70 per cent knew it as a second or Telugu 6.70 third language. atic P 4.19 Read this table carefully, but you need not memorise it. Just do N — Stands for negligible. Source: the following: Democr

22 2021–22 ‘ the authorhereon basis ofthatexample. linguistic reorganisation. W T ak e theexampleofy R R 2006: amachandr ead thefollowingex our ownstateoran a Guha,thatappearedinthe rite ashortnoteforor against theargumentgiv cerpts fromanarticleb 2021–22 y otherstatethatw Times ofIndia y notedhistorian, as affectedb


v y ember 1, en b

y ‘

23 Federalism Decentralisation in India

We noted above that federal villages and municipalities in urban governments have two or more tiers areas were set up in all the States. But of governments. We have so far these were directly under the control discussed the two-tiers of government of state governments. to in our country. But a vast country like these local governments were not held India cannot be run only through these regularly. Local governments did not two-tiers. States in India are as large as have any powers or resources of their So, we are like a independent countries of Europe. In own. Thus, there was very little three-tier coach terms of population, is decentralisation in effective terms. in a train! I bigger than , is always prefer the A major step towards decentra- about as big as Germany. Many of lower berth! lisation was taken in 1992. The these States are internally very diverse. Constitution was amended to make the There is thus a need for power sharing third-tier of more powerful within these States. Federal power and effective. sharing in India needs another tier of government, below that of the State l Now it is constitutionally governments. This is the rationale for mandatory to hold regular elections to decentralisation of power. Thus, bodies. resulted a third-tier of government, l Seats are reserved in the elected called local government. bodies and the heads of When power is taken away from these institutions for the Scheduled Central and State governments and given Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other to local government, it is called Backward Classes. decentralisation. The basic idea behind l At least one-third of all positions decentralisation is that there are a large are reserved for women. number of problems and issues which l An independent institution called are best settled at the local level. People the State Commission has have better knowledge of problems in been created in each State to conduct their localities. They also have better ideas panchayat and municipal elections. on where to spend money and how to manage things more efficiently. Besides, l The State governments are required at the local level it is possible for the to share some powers and revenue with people to directly participate in decision local government bodies. The nature of making. This helps to inculcate a habit sharing varies from State to State. of democratic participation. Local Rural local government is government is the best way to realise one popularly known by the name olitics important principle of democracy, panchayati raj. Each village, or a group namely local self-government. of villages in some States, has a gram The need for decentralisation was panchayat. This is a council consisting atic P recognised in our Constitution. Since of several ward members, often called then, there have been several attempts panch, and a president or sarpanch. to decentralise power to the level of They are directly elected by all the

Democr villages and towns. Panchayats in adult population living in that ward

24 2021–22 What dothesenewsp bod or villa samitis ormandalsinadistrictto member T a panc to fe g panc the perf of in ay It hastomeetatleasttwiceorthrice v super panc bod oes rightuptothedistrictle oter he member g w g theg ether tof y ar The localg y f ha ha ear toa s inthevilla vision of ha r am panc ya ge. Itisthedecision-making ya or theentir e electedb s intha r ya am panc t. t w or t samitiorb pprov or mance of or s of theg m w t ar ks undertheo ov ha ha g thisr ea. e theann er ha e ar ya y allthepanc aper clippingshavetosayabout effort r ya

nment str am sa All thepanc t isusuall ts ar e villa t andtor loc e itsmember e theg k ormandal. pr bha. e g ual b esenta g r e y called

ouped All the uctur g . T v e v udg ha ether el. vie er r hyat ti am yat A he all ve et w s. e head ofthezillaparishad. parishad c bodies ar other of and MLAsofthatdistrictsome elected. MembersoftheLokSabha Most membersofthezillaparishadare constitute thezilla()parishad. m exist f of In am is thepoliticalheadof re b cor ar Municipalities ar y electedbodiesconsistingof unicipal cor pr f icer iscalledthema pora Similar esenta 2021–22 unicipal cor tions or urbanar e constitutedintom f icials of e alsoitsmember ti hair ly, v . es s ofdecentralisationinIndia? localg Bothm por . per Municipalc e setupinto a otherdistrictle son isthepolitical tions ar ov por them unicipalities and er yor eas asw ation suc nment bodies e contr . hair unicipality wns people’ unicipal s. per Zilla olled h an . Big son ell. v el s . district? administer the or Collector Wh run thedistrict. P chairperson then, state. Logically Minister runsthe the country Prime Ministerruns arishad should y doestheD

the . Chief

of Zilla , .M.

25 Federalism + An experiment in Brazil A city called Porto Alegre in Brazil has carried out an extraordinary experiment in combining decentralisation with participative democracy. The city has set up a parallel organisation operating alongside the municipal council, enabling local inhabitants to take real decisions for their city. The nearly 13 lakh people in this city get to participate in making the budget for their own city. The city is divided into many sectors or what we call wards. Each sector has a meeting, like that of the gram sabha, in which anyone living in that area can participate. There are some meetings to discuss issues that affect the entire city. Any citizen of the city can participate in those meetings. The budget of the city is discussed in these meetings. The proposals are put to the municipality that takes a final decision about it. About 20,000 people participate in this decision making exercise every year. This method has ensured that the money cannot be spent only for the benefit of the where rich people live. Buses now run to the poor colonies and builders cannot evict slum-dwellers without resettling them. In our own country, a similar experiment has taken place in some areas in . Ordinary people have participated in making a plan for the development of their locality.

This new system of local increased women’s representation and government is the largest experiment voice in our democracy. At the same in democracy conducted anywhere in time, there are many difficulties. While the world. There are now about 36 lakh elections are held regularly and elected representatives in the enthusiastically, gram sabhas are not panchayats and municipalities etc., all held regularly. Most state governments over the country. This number is bigger have not transferred significant powers than the population of many countries to the local governments. Nor have in the world. Constitutional status for they given adequate resources. We are local government has helped to deepen thus still a long way from realising the democracy in our country. It has also ideal of self-government.

Find out about the local government in the village or town you live in.

olitics If you live in a village, find out the names of the following: your panch or ward member, your sarpanch, your , the chairperson of your zilla parishad. Also find out when did the last meeting of the gram sabha take place and

atic P how many people took part in that. If you live in urban areas, find out the name of your municipal councillor, and the municipal chairperson or mayor. Also find out about the budget of your municipal corporation, municipality and the major items on which money was spent. Democr

26 2021–22 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. pro here. GroupthemundertheUnion,StateandConcurrent Listsas Giv has morepowers. more powerthanothers.InIndia,the______go ______t are ______vis-à- feder after theConstitutionalamendmentin1992. and aunitaryone?Explainwithanexample. similar toandonefeaturethatisdifferentfromofBelgium. blank outlinepoliticalmapoftheworld. A fewsubjectsinv Here arethreereactionstothelanguagepolicyfollowedinIndia. Since theUnitedStatesisa______t State an What isthemaindifferencebetweenafeder P Identify andshadethreefederalcountries(otherthanIndia)ona Locate thefollowingStatesonablankoutlinepoliticalmapofIndia: E. A. (d) ( ( ( The distinguishingfeatureofafeder Fill intheblanks: c) b) a) oint outonefeatureinthepr e anargumentandexampletosupport vided inthetablebelow go State List Union List Banking; F Defence; B Go Elected officialsex P ev go dominance ofEnglisho Harish Arman: Language-basedStatesha national unit Sangeeta National go ower isdistributedamongthelegislature,ex ation, alltheconstituentStatesha ery v v v ernment. ernments. ernmental powerisdividedbetweendifferentlev , Sikkim,ChhattisgarhandGoa. y twodifferencesbetweenthelocalgo one consciousoftheirlanguage. : Thispolicyhasonlyhelpedtoconsolidatethe . : Thepolicyofaccommodationhasstrengthened . F . P v ernment givessomepowerstothepro orests; G.Communications;H.T y. olice; C.Agriculture;D arious ListsoftheIndianConstitutionaregiv ercise supremepowerinthego v . vis thefeder ype offeder er allotherlanguages. actice offeder al go v v e dividedusb al go ation andsomeStatesha . Education; e equalpowersandStates 2021–22 v ernment is: al formofgo alism inIndiathatis v ernment. ButIndiaisa v ernment beforeand y ofthesepositions. r ecutive and ade; I. v y making ype of ernment. vincial els of v v ernment ernment en ve Exercises

27 Federalism 10. Examine the following pairs that give the level of government in India and the powers of the government at that level to make laws on the subjects mentioned against each. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(a) State government State List (b) Central government Union List (c) Central and State governments Concurrent List (d) Local governments Residuary powers

11. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List I List II 1. Union of India A. Prime Minister 2. State B. Sarpanch 3. Municipal Corporation C. 4. D. Mayor

1 2 3 4 (a) DA B C (b) B C D A (c) A C DB (d) C DAB

12. Consider the following two statements. A. In a federation the powers of the federal and provincial governments are clearly demarcated. B. India is a federation because the powers of the Union and State Governments are specified in the Constitution and they have exclusive jurisdiction on their respective subjects. C. Sri Lanka is a federation because the country is divided into

ercises provinces. D. India is no longer a federation because some powers of the States have been devolved to the local government bodies. Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) A, B and C (b) A, C and D (c) A and B only (d) B and C only olitics Ex atic P Democr

28 2021–22