Howdy to the New Year
VOLUME CMLVII September 27, 2019 The Torrance High School Newspaper News Torch Lighting the Way to Torrance High School Since 1922 HOWDY TO THE NEW YEAR FUN DAY AT CLUB DAY BY EDUARDO BENITEZ Another Club Info Day showed a certain perspicacity in their re- graced Torrance High School with its cruiting skills. Kitzia Lopez, President of presence as students focked to join Nurturing Future Generation Club, said, “I several clubs involving volunteer hope everyone fnds what is best suited for hours or interests and hobbies. them.” Inter-Club-Council Representative, KIWIN’S, Maroon Monsoon, Reyna Flores, opined, “Club Info Day is and others actively recruit new members important because all clubs are represent- for opportunities from “fresh” applicants. ed and the students are exposed to organi- Other clubs like Chess Club, Club The- zations.” It is great to hear so many pos- Howdy Dance atre, and Random Acts of Kindness Club itive thoughts on this very popular event. Seniors Jett Hayes and Mihir Menon gained notoriety through the experience. Club Info Day was benefcial for Photo Courtesy of: Members passed out fyers, hop- spreading solidarity and good cheer among Photo Courtesy of: Alice Lee ing to elicit new members. Some members the ranks of the enrolled student body. Austin Bunuan GIDDY UP WITH THE TARTARS BY ALICE LEE The Howdy Dance “giddied” in the main gym of Torrance High School on Regardless, the students put on a smile and took their energy to the gym and September 13. The frst dance of the school year is normally different from the rest.
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