February 18, 2015 Sunline Transit Agency 32505 Harry Oliver Trail Thousand Palms, California 92276

The Board of Directors of the Southern California Regional Transit Training Consortium (the “consortium” or “SCRTTC”) held a Regular Meeting on February 18, 2015, at Sunline Transit Agency, 32505 Harry Oliver Trail, Thousand Palms, California 92276.

Directors Jannet Malig, Chair (by phone), Art Aguilar (by phone), Marion Colston, Rolando Cruz (by phone), Peter Davis, Tommy Edwards, Jack Gabig, Mike Hernandez, Macy Neshati (by phone), Greg Newhouse, and Joe Niegoski (by phone) were present for some or all of the meeting. Directors Marty Alvarado, Tom Barrio, Donna DeMartino, Jess Guerra, Kevin McDonald, Larry McLaughlin, and Cliff Thorne were absent.

Also present for some or all of the meeting were the following individuals:

Nina Babiarz (Director of Training, SCRTTC) Alan L. Fox (Secretary, SCRTTC) Lauren Skiver (General Manager, Sunline Transit Agency) David M. Stumpo (Executive Director, SCRTTC)

I. Welcome, Roll Call and Introductions.

Jannet Malig called the meeting to order at 12:12 p.m., and commented by phone that she was sorry to miss being present and seeing the new facilities of Sunline Transit. Dave Stumpo asked the directors to indicate their presence, by phone or in person, as their names were called, and after conducting a roll call he announced that a quorum of nine directors was present for the beginning of the meeting. Stumpo announced that director Marty Alvarado of Long Beach City College is leaving the college and thus is resigning from the Board, and that Dana Friez was hoping to be present at the meeting to announce Marty’s resignation in person.

II. Approval of Minutes.

Chair Malig requested discussion, questions, or corrections regarding the proposed minutes covering the November 19, 2014, meeting of the Board. Upon motion of Greg Newhouse, and seconded by Mike Hernandez, the minutes of the Board meeting of November 19, 2014, were unanimously approved.

III. Secretary Report.

Secretary Alan Fox stated that there would be no formal secretarial report. He commented that the consortium’s activities and progress in conducting training appear to be healthy, that new membership and public enthusiasm are robust, and that the appropriate subcommittees of the consortium, namely the Educational Services Committee and the Governmental Relations Committee, appear to be the busiest and most actively attended, all of which speak well for the state of the consortium. He noted that expansion may well be a key issue for the consortium going forward into the near and intermediate-term future, and that expansion is presumably being made possible in large measure by the consortium’s activities and experience in distance-based learning.

Tommy Edwards then introduced Lauren Skiver, General Manager of Sunline Transit Agency, who welcomed everyone to the new Sunline Transit building, which she characterized as new and better than Sunline’s previous quarters, which were partly located in trailers. She described the new facilities, and she complimented the Sunline employees as a “fantastic team of people”. She as well announced that Sunline would host a hydrogen fuel-cell conference the following week. Art Aguilar and Peter Davis both spoke with praise of Sunline’s facility and staff, and complimented the agency’s employment style of bringing in employees, training them, and promoting them from within.

IV. Management Report.

A. Quarterly Management Report; LA BOS. Dave Stumpo summarized his quarterly management report by referring the directors and meeting participants to the previously distributed written management report covering the period October through December, 31, 2014. He briefly reiterated the total number of hours, and students, provided and trained by the consortium to date, and highlighted a new governmental relations brochure produced by the consortium. He commented that the consortium is in reasonable shape with respect to its accounts receivable and in paying its bills. He summarized the current status of the consortium’s account with L.A. BOS by reporting that there is currently approximately $170,000 in the BOS account, and $76,000 in expenses so far in the current reporting period. Stumpo reported that an item not in the written management report is the recently received announcement, with 30 days’ notice, that the consortium’s website host is going out of business. He proceeded to advise that the consortium’s website is already built, that the website belongs to the consortium, that it will be relatively easy to get a new host, and thus that the loss of the current host will not make a material difference in the consortium’s operations. A small fee to our webmaster to do the work is reasonable.

B. FTA ITWD Grant Close Out. Stumpo reminded Board members that the current FTA ITWD grant was an 18-month grant which was concluded on January 31st. He commented that the consortium’s performance under the grant resulted in its coming in under budget by 0.3% or about $2,019. He related that the current FTA administrator overseeing the consortium’s performance, Mr. Mackenzie Theissen of the FTA Research Department, is interested in personally observing the consortium’s operations, and will shortly travel to southern California, where Stumpo and various administrators will host him at , Long Beach City College, Cerritos College, and Gardena Municipal Bus Lines (now “G-Trans”). Stumpo promised to provide the Board with a report following the visit.

V. Board and Committee Reports.

A. Government Relations Committee Activities. Committee Chair Jack Gabig reported that there have been two recent Government Relations Committee meetings, with good attendance.

i]. APTA D.C. Legislative Conference; March 9-11th Approach and Update. Chair Gabig described preparations on behalf of the consortium for the March 9th-11th APTA Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. He reported that Clean Energy’s Washington, D.C. lobbyist Jim Hooley has been contacted by G-Trans employee Joseph Loh and has agreed to work with and help the consortium as he can. Gabig identified the consortium members and representatives who will attend the meetings in person, and inquired whether a n y other affiliated representatives may be attending. He commented that he will organize the consortium’s participation and its representation at the meetings, and that the consortium will have an informational packet to distribute as appropriate, including its recently distributed October-December newsletter “The Communicator”, which he described as “perfect” for such purposes. Alan Fox inquired whether effort has been made to date to contact Pat Jordan to help in preparations and presentations, and Gabig responded that while no contact has been made to date, he will contact Board member Donna DeMartino of San Joaquin RTD to coordinate Ms. Jordan’s possible assistance. Nina Babiarz reported that numerous letters of support for the consortium and its potential role in workforce development have been obtained in anticipation of the meetings, and that in a continuing effort to stay in front of appropriate congressional representatives and officials, meetings have been scheduled with the offices of California U.S. Senators Feinstein and Boxer. Nina commented that the preparatory meetings for the conference are well organized, that thanks are appropriate for everyone who has aided in the preparation for the Conference, and that support letters have been provided by several community colleges, transit agencies, labor unions, and congressional representatives

ii]. FTA NOFA; ‘Ladders of Opportunity’, Discretionary Grant Was Submitted on Dec. 22nd. Chair Gabig and Dave Stumpo both described the consortium’s grant application, which was submitted on December 22nd and which applies for approximately $860,000, of a grant total of approximately $9 million, for funding for the development and delivery of additional distance based learning. They described the nature of the grant, which in its focus on education, training, and workforce development generally seems to be ideally suited to the consortium’s experience and expertise and to have “something for everyone.” Stumpo commented that the FTA has opened the consortium application, and that he will discuss its details and answer questions as appropriate with FTA representative Mackenzie during his anticipated visit. Stumpo reported that the application indicates that the FTA may take up to approximately 90 days to complete its responses to the applications submitted.

iii]. Reauthorization Legislative Language and Funding. Stumpo reported that no new news regarding reauthorization legislative language details has been received which has not been previously reported, although he emphasized that new information will almost certainly be generated during and as a result of the APTA Legislative Conference.

iv]. Caltrans Mass Transportation; Active Transportation Program (ATP) RFP. Dave Stumpo referred to his report from the previous Board meeting to the effect that Caltrans has an Active Transportation Program involved in efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, with up to $129 million in funding to be allocated to participants, and that the program involves considerable opportunity for the consortium. Stumpo commented that there is no new information regarding the program since his last report, and that the consortium transit agencies should keep attempting to work closely with Caltrans and its officials.

v]. CEC Updates. Chair Gabig commented that the California Energy Commission (“CEC”) is fairly flush with funds and potential funding for new programs, including programs involving medium and heavy technology and zero emission targets. Peter Davis added that the CEC is developing a workforce development program focusing resources on training and development, with potentially significant funding for the state Employment Development Department, Employment Training Panel, and California Community Colleges programs.

Chair Gabig announced that the next Government Relations Committee meeting will take place on March 3rd.

B. Finance and Budget Committee. Dave Stumpo reviewed the consortium’s financial and budgetary status in the absence of Committee Chair Rolando Cruz, referring the Board to the Quarterly Management Report for specific numbers and time periods. He reiterated that the consortium has made its final submission to the FTA in connection with the just-concluded grant, and that it is currently waiting upon approximately $174,000 in reimbursement from the FTA. He further commented that the consortium is on budget with LA BOS. Stumpo as well reviewed the status of consortium membership, commenting that annual membership fees are continuing to be received. He reported that fees from a few colleges remain outstanding, including those from El Camino College, Colorado Mountain College, and Hartnell College, as well as Citrus College, the latter of which he characterized as unlikely to renew. He noted that AC Transit in the Bay Area and Santa Cruz Transit are continuing to consider membership, with their budgetary cycles commencing in July as the likely time periods for decision. He stated that San Joaquin RTD and are the only transit agencies whose fees have not been received.

C. Educational Services Committee.

i]. 2015 Needs Assessment; underway, summary slated for March 18th Board Workshop. Greg Newhouse, Committee Chair, reported that there have been a number of Committee meetings since the last Board meeting. With respect to a training needs analysis, Chair Newhouse advised that such a needs assessment should be and has been conducted at least every two years, and that a tentative draft of such an analysis is being prepared for the March Board Workshop, with a determination of course priorities and related actions anticipated following completion of the complete analysis. He reported that the next Committee meeting is scheduled for April 1st, at which time the completed course delivery priority determinations will be discussed and a draft training calendar reviewed. He described generally the Committee’s anticipated procedures for review of the consortium’s current courses, including communication with participating colleges regarding new course development, with the goal of ensuring that the courses are up to date and with or without need for changes. Peter Davis inquired concerning the costs for course modifications, to which Newhouse responded in the $2,000-5,000 range for writing and production, with considerably greater cost required where new equipment is involved.

Committee Chair Newhouse also reported that he and Nina are in the process of assessing all course materials, reviewing the kinds of feedback being provided, and determining how to obtain better feedback in the future. He commented that the course materials review will be based in part on the needs assessment review and in part from feedback from instructors, and that the Committee will establish a meeting date in which all the courses will be formally reviewed.

ii]. Update on FTA Instructor Training. Newhouse reported that he, Nina, and the Committee will as well review the primary courses being offered and the instructors trained to deliver them, presumably during the March and April time period. He advised that the Committee wants a designated Co-Chair, hopefully to come from the transit side of the consortium. Marion Colston reported that the FTA has given approval to release its formal FTA Instructor Training program materials, and that L.A. Metro has in turn given Jess Guerra of L.A. Trade Tech College a quote for the program, although she is unaware of feedback following such submission.

Chair Newhouse summarized the Committee report by saying that, although there was a time when Committee activities were slightly dormant, it currently has a full plate. Joe Niegoski reported by phone that APTA’s Transportation Research Board has approved the establishment of regional transportation centers, some of the primary goals of which are to the share information locally on what it has been doing regionally and nationally, to broaden its outreach, and to bring to national attention what has been happening regionally throughout the country.

D. Administration Committee.

i]. Board Member Updates (Alvarado Resignation---Board Adoption of Replacement. Committee Chair Tommy Edwards indicated that there has not been considerable recent Committee activity to report. He stated that director Marty Alvarado has resigned from the Board in connection with her resignation from Long Beach City College (“LBCC”), and that LBCC’s Dana Friez was intending to be present to report Marty’s resignation. Upon motion of Peter Davis, and seconded by Jack Gabig, the Board unanimously voted to accept Marty’s resignation. Chair Edwards suggested that the Board table for the time being and until the next Board meeting moving forward with a director replacement, and his suggestion was greeted with approval. Edwards noted for the Board’s attention that executive management of the consortium is soon to be up for review again, and that the Board should consider its choices. He as well noted that Dave Stumpo’s self-evaluation is expected in the near future, and that significant matters within the Administration Committee’s purview are thus pending and to be anticipated.

ii]. Strategic Plan Report Update. Dave Stumpo provided an update on the consortium’s Strategic Plan, noting that Plan “goal owners” receive many more emails and nudges for activity than the rest of the Board. He commented on various activities and strengths of the consortium in the ongoing development of its Plan, emphasizing membership development and current financial strength in particular. He described the anticipated addition of industry partners to the consortium membership as a weakness in the Plan’s development, as well as its progress with its communications strategy with stakeholders, funders, and member executive level leadership. With regard to the consortium’s leadership sustainability, he indicated that much of the targeted areas have been completed, with Dave’s own self-evaluation still to come. Stumpo concluded his remarks by raising the subject of what topics and developments to discuss at the consortium’s scheduled Board Workshop in mid-March.

E. James A. Ditch Education Fund. Dave Stumpo summarized the status of the Ditch Fund and the aftermath of the 2014 November golf tournament, reporting that the golf tournament appears to have raised, or netted, approximately $21,000 overall, and that seven scholarship funds were awarded at the tournament. He commented that he and Nina are trying to follow up with the award winners, in part to determine what has transpired in the personal histories of the winners and their uses of the awards since the tournament. He provided follow up on the previously reported hole-in-one at the November tournament, relating that winner Tom Brush had generously followed up on his promise to provide funding for future Fund scholarships in place of the traditional hosting of drinks following the actual play. Tommy Edwards complimented Mike Hernandez again on the great job Hernandez did in organizing and hosting the tournament in Carmel. Stumpo announced that the 2015 golf tournament will be held on November 17th in Pasadena, the day before the beginning of the CTA annual meeting.

VI. New Business/Open Items/Discussion/Questions/Answers.

A. Finalize Workshop Agenda. Dave Stumpo reiterated that the next Board meeting will be the Board Workshop, which is currently scheduled for March 18, 2015, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. He raised the question for public discussion concerning what the Board agenda for that meeting should be, and suggested that the Board attempt to finalize the agenda at the current meeting. He as well reminded the Board that numerous issues will confront the Board at its Annual General Meeting following the Workshop, including the anticipated selection of a replacement for Board Chair Jannet Malig and resolution of the continued Board status of several long-time Board members including Tom Barrio and Rolando Cruz, and he indicated a desire to prepare for such issues in advance to the extent possible. Stumpo identified a number of additional items to be addressed at the subsequent Board meeting, including the Board slate in general and its makeup, a tweaking of the consortium’s finances, an update of the 5-year Plan, including whether, when, and how to deal with expansion, and an evaluation of the management team. It was suggested that the scheduled Workshop date conflicts with town hall meetings previously scheduled by the Chancellor’s office for the California community colleges, and after discussion it was agreed that the Board Workshop would be rescheduled to March 19th, at a location to be announced by the Chair.

B. Next Board Meeting Is the Annual Proposed for May 20, 2015. It was as well suggested that the currently scheduled Annual General Meeting for May 20, 2015, conflicts with the CTA Legislative Conference. After further discussion, including consideration of alternative dates and the number of Board members who may be absent because of the conflict, it was determined that the scheduled date of May 20th would remain as is. Marion Colston invited the Board to hold its meeting at LA Metro, at its Gateway Center, and LA Metro was chosen to be host.

C. Miscellaneous Announcements. Joe Niegoski offered another update on APTA activities, mentioning preliminarily that APTA sponsors a youth summit which hosts high school juniors and seniors, and he advised meeting participants to check APTA’s website for further information. He mentioned as well a new APTA network focused on workforce development, which he characterized as cutting across several industries and which has cited the consortium as a great example of what can be done, especially given the consortium’s partnership structure between transit agencies and community colleges. He as well cited as a potentially new opportunity for collaboration the American Association of Community Colleges, with whom APTA is partnering and at whose workforce development conference Niegoski has spoken. Marion Colston identified a forum in Los Angeles on March 4th on workforce development which she described as similar to ones Peter Davis has discussed. Marion as well mentioned a recent Department of Labor grant for foster youth career opportunities, and she discussed the Department of Labor generally as a potential source for many funding opportunities of potential interest, and a source which is not reviewed as frequently as would be justified b y its grants; Joe Niegoski enthusiastically agreed with Marion’s observations.

Vice Chair Edwards adjourned the meeting on behalf of Chair Malig at 2:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Alan L. Fox