Most Immediate

F.No.1/7/2005-IR of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) ********

New , dated the 11th October, 2005


The Manager, Govt. of India Press, Mayapuri, .

Subject: Constitution of Central Information Commission under Right to Information Act, 2005


I send herewith a notification on the above subject which may please be published in Part II, Section 3, Sub-Section (ii), of the Gazette of India Extraordinary dated 11 th October, 2005. 50 copies of the Gazette Notification may please be sent to the undersigned.

( T. Jacob ) Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India Tel. No. 23094276

aa--4 WTI Iti loparbmeni of Pen, ;S-1 ( Of kett Titivt Central Retire (TO BE PUBLISHED IN PART II, SECTION 3, SUB-SECTION (ii) OF THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRA ORDINARY, DATED THE 11TE OCTOBER, 2005 )

Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)


New Delhi, dated the 1 1 th October, 2005

S.O. (E).--In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the Central Government hereby constitute a body to be known as the Central Information Commission to exercise the powers conferred on, and to perform the functions assigned to, it under the said Act.

2. The Central Information Commission shall consist of the following, namely:-

1. Shri Wajahat Habibullah ..Chief Information Commissioner. 2. Shri A.N. Tiwari ..Information Commissioner. 3. Shri O.P. Kejariwal ..Information Commissioner. 4. Shri M.M. Ansari ..Information Commissioner. 5. Smt.Padma Balasubramanian ..Information Commissioner.

3. The Chief Information Commissioner and the Information Commissioners shall be for a term of five years or the date on which they attain the age of sixty-five years whichever is earlier from the date on which they enter upon their office. [F.No. 1 / 7 /200

(T. Jacob) Joint Secretary to the

To The Manager, Government of India Press, Mayapuri, New Delhi, (1r.rd aRraffur ITN I I tiu‘ 3, 31:1 tg OD 4 rca 11 37-47, 2005 T1- crwraT21 )

lifTd titcblt If Tom, vilct) ftcbRicf cur WATeia (a 3th AltRIM MITITO


7-11e f"ct, ftS 11 3r7e, 2005

(a.) t 31tThR 31%ftzli, 2005 (2005 wr 22) m' Erm 12 Tri \piErpa (1) art,z- (2) gm TrTu Irnnai wr 1HII1 ,“;* g, z *NoiN wuriw arRif;w4 gic crTff sr gem (1),<•) at'R till ' crrta T Thetir4-1 wcgpir 'qct) Rchrzr wr ircpi cmcF fq-tr W-41zr arrWTr TT( viNlir I

2. - 5- 1.Z1 TA-g7r 3rizhTi I•T9' 11TR 1-Trt,

1. tat clyll6d Fcfiireii fi T3fi 31TSW 2. aft R.74. fa-4M 31111M 3. ;at 34.41. buifialri aTTIP 4. 311 711.7f. 3tirf4i tirArlf 3TTSW 5. afiTat 1:1791 cuciPtisPiuq-1 titi-if 3191

3. iltw izsq-iT &rip at1R- ter 3tp1 (pi orrr TrpiR m6ur ct< ik 1417 Oct) 31P-141 via) 65 44 -614 q9 -a&a a *14 5), do ATEr (thi5er tun 1/7/2005 -

I ( r3i. %Ache; ) ;MU tN(171•< TiRp URN *nr 4, g4tr, 'grid tivite • Tim?, 71 ft—Al (TO BE PUBLISHED IN PART II, SECTION 3, SUB-SECTION (ii) OF THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRA ORDINARY, DATED THE 11TH OCTOBER, 2005 )

Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)


New Delhi, dated the 11th October, 2005

S.O. (E).--In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the Central Government hereby constitute a body to be known as the Central Information Commission to exercise the powers conferred on, and to perform the functions assigned to, it under the said Act.

2. The Central Information Commission shall consist of the following, namely:-

1. Shri Wajahat Habibullah ..Chief Information Commissioner. 2. Shri A.N. Tiwan ..Information Commissioner. 3. Shri 0 P. Kejariwal ..Information Commissioner. 4. Shri N.M. Ansari ..Information Commissioner. 5. Smt.Padma Balasubramanialii ..Information Commissioner.

3. The Chief Information Commissioner and the Information Commissioners shall be for a term of five years or the date on which they attain the age of sixty-five years whichever is earlier from the date on which they enter upon their office. IF.No.1/7/2005-IRI

(T. Jacob) Joint Secretary to the Government of India

To The Manager, Government of India Press, Mayapuri, New Delhi. P


Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)


New Delhi, Dated the , 2005.

5.0. (E).- In pursuance of sub-section (3) of sect on 12 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the President is pleased to appoint Shri. as the with effect from


(T. Jacob) Joint Secretary to the Governmert of India

To The Manager, Government of Inciia Press, Mayapuri, New Delhi. Ste tyg '

S-`) 1,n2 A. 'TTra TRTIT milft AT of eint I3/41T17 T. JACOB za-gzfi, 9176 Dictitort 9E11 0419 99'190 /itiaFt R1'0 (t) 9W wrw,,- 9s` Rc711-notioi Joint Secretary (E) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Tel. No. : 23094276 DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL 6 TRAINING E- : [email protected] in MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS _NORTH EILOCI -11-110001

D.O. 1/7/2005-IR New Delhi, 10th October 2005 Dear Sir,

I am happy to inform that you have been selected for appointment as Chief Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission. Your terms of appointment in the Commission will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

2. Section 12(6) of the Act provides that 'the Chief Information Commissioner or an Information Commissioner shall not be a Member of Parliament or Member of Legislature of any State or Union territory, as the case may be, or hold any other office of profit or connected with any political party or carrying on any business or pursuing any profession'.

3. In case you are associated with any other office/organization in any capacity which is otherwise debarred/prohibited under the above Act, you are requested to resign therefrom under intimation to Department of Personnel & Training to enable us to issue an offer of appointment.

With kind regards

Yours Since d--- (T.Jacob)

Shri Wajahat Habibullah, C-1142, Pandara Park, New Delhi.

: opiatti..ent ,-. . • T teir ... arttr:i ‘R:oi.s5ii. \7,,

Liss. n

D.O. 1/7/2005-IR New Delhi, 10th October 2005

Dear Madam,

I am happy to inform that you have been selected for appointment as Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission. Your terms of appointment in the Commission will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

2. Section 12(6) of the Act provides that 'the Chief Information Commissioner or an Information Commissioner shall not be a Member of Parliament or Member of Legislature of any State or Union territory, as the case may be, or hold any other office of profit or connected with any political party or carrying on any business or pursuing any profession'.

3. In case you are associated with any other office/organization in any capacity which is otherwise debarred/prohibited under the above Act, you are requested to resign therefrom under intimation to Department of Personnel & Training to enable us to issue an offer of appointment.

With kind regards

Yours Since


Smt. Padma Balasubramaniam, C-1/40, Pandara Park, New Delhi.

Ate eat. ;VA 09 .06,104 '1514. ,s\ 9.

speeck Pesei virm -mg Ater 9 ettzF a11z siftwai Nwrrr T. JACOB 2 a,IRii, 115 Diontici iTW 4417 Aga (t) tFITE. 7( RAT-1'0001 Joint Secretary (E) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Tel No. 23094276 DEPAR- MEN. OF PERSONNEL & TRAINING E-mail •iacobOhub rile in MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL. PURL C GRIEVANCES AND DENS ONS NORTH BLOCK. NEW DELHI.110301

D.O. 1/7/2005-IR New Delhi, le October 2005

Dear Sir,

I am happy to inform that you have been selected for appointment as Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission. Your terms of appointment in the Commission will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

2. Section 12(6) of the Act provides that 'the Chief Information Commissioner or an Information Commissioner shall not be a Member of Parliament or Member of Legislature of any State or Union territory, as the case may be, or hold any other office of profit or connected with any political party or carrying on any business or pursuing any profession'.

3. In case you are associated with any other office/organization in any capacity which is otherwise debarred/prohibited under the above Act, you are requested to resign therefrom under intimation to Department of Personnel & Training to enable us to issue an offer of appointment.

With kind regards

Yours Sincerely,


Shri O.P. Kejariwal, Flat C-I, Vijay Complex, Bhellupura Crossing Varanasi -221010.

„am* ,narttnerj 0.1 ‘:-Ibtelti ev— -*RCM tNiV -.antral Re0161- lined eo34-

a fl 141Td FRTBR tett* t AillaTuT POUT) T. JACOB Wrfift, Dioickt atIf 479 14Wag Fliwt HIgQ (1) 9W wig, 91 1).(rv11-1 70oo1 Joint Secretary (E) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Tel. No. 23D94276 DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL 8 TRAINING E-mai tiacobOhJb.rac in MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS NORTE BLOCK. NEW DELHI.110001

D.O. 1/7/2005-IR New Delhi, 10th October 2005 Dear Sir,

I am happy to inform that you have been selected for appointment as Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission. Your terms of appointment in the Commission will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

2. Section 12(6) of the Act provides that 'the Chief Information Commissioner or an Information Commissioner shall not be a Member of Parliament or Member of Legislature of any State or Union territory, as the case may be, or hold any other office of profit or connected with any political party or carrying on any business or pursuing any profession'.

3. In case you are associated with any other office/organization in any capacity which is otherwise debarred/prohibited under the above Act, you are requested to resign therefrom under intimation to Department of Personnel & Training to enable us to issue an offer of appointment.

With kind regards

Yours Sincerely,


Shri M.M. Ansari, Director, Directorate of Open and Distance Learning, Hamdard University New Delhi.

x1114 ;w4i•' 4$ mem of Persenno inn7 trarn1 rs) needstr

0 vita twzrz 0 - th-rP4En 3t1T crWifitri Num T. JACOB wRizn, ST Dzitict aerr ds-rff liWRZT Frft4 () WId WTM, it4t-110001 Joint Secretary (E) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Tel Nc 23094276 DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL & TRAINING E-mail : [email protected] MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PLBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS NORTH BLOCK, NEW DELHI.110001

D.O. 1/7/2005-112 New Delhi, 10th October 2005

Dear Sir,

I am happy to inform that you have been selected for appointment as Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission. Your terms of appointment in the Commission will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

2. Section 12(6) of the Act provides that 'the Chief Information Commissioner or an Information Commissioner shall nut be a Member of Parliament or Member of Legislature of any State or Union territory, as the case may be, or hold any other office of profit or connected with any political party or carrying on any business or pursuing any profession'.

3. In case you are associated with any other office/organization in any capacity which is otherwise debarred/prohibited under the above Act, you are requested to resign therefrom under intimation to Department of Personnel & Training to enable us to issue an offer of appointment.

With kind regards

Yours Since


Shri A.N. Tiwari, 68, Lodi Estates, New Delhi. e1. WR %trzu 9/1-6R 4)I 347 SINIE9vr T. JACOB 411 k, Dicbitic aut rim riqrazr 41 49 tiltw (i) 91e# wrz6. 124-4t- 11 o ool Joint Secretary (E) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Tel. No. : 23094276 DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL 8 TRAINING E-mail : Ijacobehub.nicin MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS NORTH BLCCK. NEW DELHI-110001

D.O. 1/7/2005-IR New Delhi, 10'h October 2005 Dear Sir,

I am happy to inform that you have been selected for appointment as Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission. Your terms of appointment in the Commission will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

2. Section 12(6) of the Act provides that 'the Chief Information Commissioner or an Information Commissioner shall not be a Member of Parliament or Member of Legislature of any State or Union territory, as the case may be, or hold any other office of profit or connected with any political party or carrying on any business or pursuing any profession'.

3. In case you are associated with any other office/organization in any capacity which is otherwise debarred/prohibited under the above Act, you are requested to resign therefrom under intimation to Department of Personnel & Training to enable us to issue an offer of appointment.

With kind regards

Yours Sincerely,'


Shri M. Ansari, Dir Or, ectorate of Open and Distance Learning, 0,64 amdard University New Delhi.

36_,,Afy 1. log Q.. Anil CAtoresArt AMITT sir *CTS Lo-r- tr St= t7 oR- 10 DWAILI‘C A fL D1-41 - 00-1C •


Tele Nos: 2338 7340 / 2338 2309 Mobile. 93271 626-400 1 31 2 6265-0 It October 2005

Dear Shri Jacob,

Thank you very much for your letter D.O. 1/7/2005-IR dated 101h October 2005 informing of my selection for appointment as Information Commissioner. While conveying my acceptance of the said appointment, I am to state that I am not holing any office of profit or connected with any political party or carrying on any business or pursuing any profession.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

(Padma Balasubramanian)

Sing T.Jacob, Joint Secretary, Dept of Personnel & Training North Block New delhi-110001 • PRESS COMMUNIQUE

In pursuance of Section 12 of the Righ: to Information Act. 2005 (22 of 2005), the Central Government has constituted the Central Informat on Commission consisting of the following, namely :-

1. Shri Wajahat Habibullah ..Chief Information Commiss Drier 2. Shri A.N. Tiwar ..Information Commissioner 3. Shri O.P. Kejarwal ..Information Commissioner 4. Shri M M. Ansari ..Information Commissioner 5. Smt, Padma Balasubramaniai Information Commissioner

Office of the Central Information Commission is presently located at :-

Block No. 4, (5th Floor), Old JNU Campus, New Delhi — 110 067.

Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)

I 4 OCT :Dos No. 1/7/2005-IR New De hi. Dated the 13 October. 2005

Forwarded to the Principal Informaticn Officer. Press nformation VIA Sto. Z 611 a ao Bureau. Government of India,/New Delhi for issuing the Communiqué and iv . itwide publicity.

de_ ourr (T. Jacob) Joint Secretary to the Government of India

q:\e arr/Sig...... OOP. Kejariwal C1 5

") Ael'4•-•YL 4-42.

Chairman Board of Management National Libary, Kolkata .3). G.

° • .1- ) ) • . Fellow crab Asiatic Society, Kolkata A c. c. 5 A-v-3a 4_0 rnt. 3

V — Forme

• CEO p*arbe -'7•71...044-+Ir7n .4 "--en-r-1. -•-•,--•-1...0+•01••-•=c•-te--r- Prasai Blunati

Director General e•n••/1-17--TrAit •L--1 All India Radio

Director Nehru Memorial Museum & Library. Teen Murti New Delhi yer•s-s--.7-s cz-arr-Li. Director Publications Division

• Nehru fellow

Visiting Fellow Royal Asiat c ram} Crekel--•Ya Society, London err' 5) a -oat --•e----.1.. v-rt- e-sw--1-- ere) Re- r:So 32C I

ac-r- T7-0, ► rele, 1 1 to 1 . 4 cp Jr "e7C-NN

FLAT NO. C-1, VIJAVA COMPLEX, BHELUPURA CROSSING, VARANASI - 221 CI Telephone: +91-542-2277101 • Fax : 4-91-542-2277108 • Emai : okejariwalehotmail.c

7- T NO. C - 1, VIJAVA COMPLEX, BHELUPURA CROSSING, VARANASI 221 010 S ephone +91 - 542-2277101 • Fax :4-91-542.2277108 • Email : okelariwa ▪ ► 7

O. Kejariwal Jo. jo. 2.6os.

Chairman Board of Managemell 1,7) trea--"na National Libary, Kokata tika- otti; 17 As at nsn

Fellow Asiatic Society, Sin.errt tikt- 2-eva- Intrartni">n Kolkata

ih...•-•-c--6-7g, r7-7 Former :

Lra-zr • CEC cw-A- stc- WA_ Prasar Bharat'

r1-"1-4:10,a• cic nor.-atAen-:- • Director General 5- All India Radio

Z•SlaXtC-0' (.._4-...zoit-a-crei". bks ert • Dire:tor Nehru Memorial Museum 8 Library, I" r,,c-i-1. Teen Murti R 3 New Delhi I, are. n9 .). Director • Pubications Division

• Nehru Fellow

o -gre-a4- • Visiting Fellow us-- 74r,-ca,Z v-jir eL Royal Asiatic Soc ety, London 4."°1LCL ICKay 'ter GellAr;71

.rna nikya- kew-rune,re_ *L A-v-e_.

FLAT NO. C-1, VIJAYA COMPLEX, BHELUPURA CROSSING, VARANASI 221 010 Telephone : +91-542.2277101 • Fax : -91-542-2277108 • Email : [email protected]

U) (yr-TA) ) • O. P. Kejariwal

• 1- -

Cl a6) CZ_ - "1-•A*0

Chairman aern.k. Board of Management National Libary, Kolkata resset-aeig--)--4 Aan•-;°

Fellow Asiatic Society, 1-1 N• sentele‘_-)--7:1 CA— Cl s " Kolkata

Former rk • CEO Prasar Bharati

• Director General All India Radio

• Director Naha' Memorial Museum 8 Library, Teen Mufti • ( New Delhi

• Director i ire Publications Division 6.1

• Nehru Fe low Jo,

• Visiting Fellow GA40a* y Royal Asiatic Society, London

. 14 0 n. R.

FLAT NO. C-I, VIJAYA COMPLEX, BHELUPURA CROSSING, VARANASI • 221 010 Telephone : +91-542-2277101 • Fax : +91-542-2277108 • Email : [email protected] JIAMRA HAMDARD V HA AWARD NAGAR (Deemed University ) NEW DELHI - 110062 - v Accredited by NA.4C in 'A' Category

Prof. M. M. Ansari Director Directorate of Open and Distance Learning 9\S51-P Cl\c5v \riz Dated: October 21 st, 2005

Dear Mr. Jacob,

Please refer to your letter of October 10th, 2005 informing me about my selection for appointment as Information Commissioner. 0. 9 As required in Para 3 of your letter, I send herewith a copy of 'relieving order' from my employer for necessary action at your end.

1 may report to the Commission for duty on October 31, 2005(Forenoon)

With kind regards.

Yours incerely

M.M. Ansari

Mr. 'F. Jacob Joint Secretary (10 Government of India Department of Personnel & Training Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions North Block New Delhi-110 001 Fax-23092869

Phone (0) : 26059688 Hain.: 5341, 5342, 5343 Telefax : 2605 9694 E-mail ; Website: givnvjamiabamlard.odu D tigi () S-- 9 4 9 4 • JAM IA HAMDARD HAMDARD NAGAR, NEW DELHI-62.

D.No:Estab/ LD / 1286 Dated : 21.10.2005


The Vice-Chancellor has been pleased to accept the resignation of Prof. M.M. Ansari, Director, Directorate of Open and Distance Learning w.e.f. 31.10.2005 IF/N) by waiving off the condition of Information Commissioner in "tic enable him to join as the Central Information Commission, Govt. of India. if any, of Prof. M.M. Ansari will be settled The terminal benefits, subject to there being no dues against him.

I , • ' (Prof. M.A. Paid) Acting Registrar

./Prof. M.M. Ansari Director, - Directorate of Open and Distance Learnir.


1. Finance Officer 2. Medical Supdt., Majeedia Hospital 3. System Analyst. Networking 4. Estate Officer 5. Sr. P.A. to Vice-Chancellor 6. Personal File 7. Guard File THE FIRST SCHEDULE [See sections 13(3) and 16(3)]


"I having been appointed Information Commissioner, Solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the as by law established, that I will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India, that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my ability, knowledge and judgment perform the duties of my office without fear or favour, affection or and that I will uphold the Constitution and the laws"

atsco„. f er-114-iv c-eff g-,17444 9111))%4 fS ?AO/ e -22 THE FIRST SCHEDULE [See sections 13(3) and 16(3)]


"I having been appointed Information Commissioner, Solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, that I will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India, that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my ability, knowledge and judgment perform the duties of my office without fear or favour, affection or and that I will uphold the Constitution and the laws"

„ma,/ im seriN4 AEA/ p tp 6 4_ L.,4-f ?idols;

THE FIRST SCHEDULE 23 - [See sections 13(3) and 16(3)1


"1 Om PR AKesd KgTHovArA n. having been appointed Information Commissioner, Solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, that I will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India, that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my ability, knowledge and judgment perform the duties of my office without fear or favour, affection or and that I will uphold the Constitution and the laws"

7,), Li?

( ••• THE FIRST SCHEDULE [See sections 13(3) and 16(3)]


-I M • 1\1 having been appointed Information Commissioner, Solemnly affirm that 1 will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, that I will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India, that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my ability, knowledge and judgment perform the duties of my office without fear or favour, affection or and that I will uphold the Constitution and the laws" 2C Out Today Most Immediate

F.No.1/7/2005-IR Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, dated the 23'd November, 2005

To The Manager, Government of India Press. Mayapuri, New Delhi

Subject:- Gazette Extra-ordinary — Publication of Notification.

Sir, I am directed to enclose herewith this Department's Notification Nos.

(i) 1/7(i)/2005-IR (ii) l/7(ii)/2005-IR (iii) 1/7(i i i)/2005-IR (iv) I/7(iv)/2005-IR

which may please be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary Part II, Section 3, Sub-Section (ii) dated the 2314 November, 2005.

2. 50 copies of the Notification may please be supplied to this Department.


(Rakes alhotra) Under Secretary to the Government of India rie Tel. No. 23094276 41-ttPf Mit+ )-3 "he-4' r. Oepartment of *41-4 tfc470 Central Reciw• z`-


Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, dated the 23 November, 2005


S.0 (E). In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the President is pleased to appoint Shri Wajahat Habibullah as the Chief Information Commissioner with effect from the 26th October, 2005.

(F. No. 1/7 (i)/20 R)

(T. JACOB) Joint Secretary to the Government of India

To, The Manager, Government of India Press, Mayapuri, New Delhi. (I ens 13 na'nt, 2005 wrza t 3RTIETRuf (Rif I I ItIug 3 ..vitis (ii)4 swermet)

titcPlt col a), ellm uerr 4QPI 'lu au 11 (caliAc) 3h uRratur 1frgiar)

fa--4:2;ricikcit, 2005


TITo 3110 V-Ira , 3ifirt=44- -4, 2005 (2005 a r 22) at wm 12 e 3TIETRI" (3) dittitof 4 git chrti6d 61rcii6 4 26 ati1541, 2005R:1 Tria gcmi 3iiegcn wor F4s- eta

Itcm-. 1/701/2005-31-1.3ffij

(6 . two rep Tad', %TM tHcnit Aar 4, cr4Ew- sha" trecapt Jla nem NRIritt 4 far-Mt _ 2_9


Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Deparment of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, dated the 23 November, 2005


S.0 (E). In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act. 2005 (22 of 2005), the President is pleased to appoint Smt. Padma Balasubramanian as the Information Commissioner with effect from the 26th October, 2005.

(F. No. In oiy200

(T. JACOB) Joint Secretary to the Government of India.

To, The Manager, Government of India Press, Mayapuri, New Delhi. ( •tcl&li. 2005 mi stria 3RITETIR111 tIui4i *11P111 taus 3 ,fliCtig (ii)z1 swem-r4)

sTTZcT titcPlt

cftr4t, 1cix, 2005

wro 3110 torofa,- tvir T 30-1 39-1thzr1t, 2005 (2005 car 22) fit arir 12 3trurzr (3) vihrdi tr-cm ifenvilitm as1 11-tica 26 317tR, 2005 •Tcpil 3ITSth Alzi 11 FAZAW ctna g I

[tart. 1/7(ii)/2005-3ilt.3R1

elA ec47,7 —

tp TtSei ti9lltcl'Itc blt


Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, dated the23 November, 2005


S.0 (E). In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the President is pleased to appoint Ski O.P. Kejariwal as the lr.formation Commissioner with effect from the 27111 October, 2005.

(F. No. 1/7 (iii)/2005

(T. JACOB) Join: Secretary to the Government of India.

To, The Manager, Government of India Press, Mayapuri. New Delhi. • sue 2-3 n 2005 WI 'TRW antrunur tiolg4 arm II •tati 3 ithuis (i1)4 gm-remref)

surd fitcali chi 03, ei %Nem MITT item Ji4Icie.1" (coirticp 3th srfOraur thirrao

4 fruit .2; iukcit, 2005

VIT0 3flb (30.- 71/Klea, •ZAzi-11 "1" 301W17 3rlUPrig, 2005 (2005 m• 22) l erru 12 if 3ZIETR1 (3) t arlaRtrr sifi 34. 1:11. Innathef 27 3WWZ, 2005 RI yell Bust!) t atr 1%-s on() g

[wr. Rt. 1/70i0/2005-3ffe.3117.1

awa) apZilch, aims titog

sr-dEr sTrzu Ilel _ 3i-


Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, dated the 23 November, 2005


S.0 (E). In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the President is pleased to appoint Simi M.M. Ansari as the Information Commissioner with effect from the 31 g October, 2005.

(F. No. 1/7 (iv)/2005 ) ck--‘ (T. JACOB) Joint Secretary to the Government of India.

To, The Manager, Government of India Press, Mayapuri. New Delhi. (1 Web vida-di 2005 m--1 31Hd 3fRiTE1TRIII taus 3 JIRsj 6 (II) 31- Ter41.4)

3117a ti tc131 ,1

did) Ricbmi den 4211 azr (eirAcp 3 Z ttafut ItirlvT)

it4t- -s.23-tcy.cH, 2005

Zito 3110 (31.), RI/KIER, tAcielf 349-TWR 3TitR1x1, 2005 (2005 0 22) 0 um 12 0 squvrt (3) as sr-Tram sit um. Lat. 3iR9T8 tM Relict) 31 31107, 2005 a Ti-if mr-r*wci r4g-- cr)th g

#. 1 /7(iv)/2005-3frj.3ii

(z0. an) tita3rt tar 4, sr-der 311-Th

Triziwitt =it %MI I 3 1±-


Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, dated the 23 November, 2005


5.0 (E). In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act. 2005 (22 of 2005), the President is pleased to appoint Smt. Padma Balasubramanian as the Information Commissioner with effect from the 26th October, 2005.

(F. No. 1/7 OD/2005,71k)

ct—C 1— --- (T. JACOB) Joint Secretary to the Government of India.

ger. ent of India Press. ayapuri, New Delhi.

Copy to:

Central Information Commission (Shri S,C, Bhatia, Deputy Secretary), Old JNU Campus, Block IV (5 th floor), New Delhi. Padma Balasubramanian, Information Commissioner. 0. President's Secretariat (Shri Baran Mitra, Director), Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Prime Minister's Office (Sin. V. Vidyavathi, Director). South Block, New Delhi. \--1. Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Sr.PPS to Secretary (P)/ AS & FA (Horne)/ PS to JS (E)/ JS (AT & A). 1/44. Pay & Accounts Office, Department of Personnel and Training, Lok Nayak Bhavan. New Delhi. 8. Guard File 9. 20 Spare copies

(Hari Kumar) Director 3S -

aslirrta ancatmor tram * sum I I taus 33q -ets ft-4W 2 resat, 2005 (ii) srasterffreb

tura anftw. Azi5fiheicicr uerr erem (Otfiree 31 SIRTZ117 FaVan

faii43.4-iciacuz, 2005

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ErFait'ef4 aRrd:- 1. -1--a-gr 3n-dm (4 CM. vit. slaw, 3Er.,(du) I 2. cerdt tr4711 auM 1.34Nua4, irr4T 311ea0i 3. NTTEOM 2atiicia (sit a-aur Pm, Bean), a via sraff, 4 ftertie 4. gur9411" cvicifeie• zit. I...dam-ft, Thteras) wow cc;fm, * tlewl I 5. cr vcio ct Ii7dff, 94 ftAt 6. .Mrtei (41.);Ntrz zeaa trd 0:5.u. (are) etta SIVT4 Fa41 NI St taa (e.) Fa .Lacrhtrp Re4-(1 (ea. III u) a) fa a1f .,fain 7. et Am-aft-card, ath Wren Roam, Ala ni %RH 8. mit 4,igef I 9. 3 arias great!


Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, dated theZ) November, 2005 NOTIFICATION . 2a)5

5.0 (E). In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the President is pleased to appoint Shri Wajahat Habibullah as the Chief Information Commissioner with effect from the 26th October, 2005.

(F. No. 1/7 (i)/2(2 .2_

(T. JACOB) Joint Secretary to the Government of India.

The Manager, Government of India Press. Mayapuri, New Delhi.

Copy to: Central Information Commission (Shri S,C, Bhatia, Deputy Secretary), Old JNU Campus, Block IV (5 th floor), New Delhi. Shri Wajahat Habibujah, Chief Information Commissioner. t,..—a

ku.4 (Hari Kumar) Director NUMMI trottil NM 11 wit% 33(r*3 fltdia, 2 3 Ionic, 2005 451 srrizr (ii)11 sreattmeb

MR-d. It a:l1 co, et ap rel.:Nati Fel' iterR• @Alm, 3t7z srferstor fairrao

4 itMt, farlicb.23-1 2005


2005 wro 300 (30,- m otel, r /Di 311tRVIZ 31itriftn, (2005 ztsf 22) zit um 12 zit. Jmnitt (3) as 311ti-tur 3:1 tit a-mad earciie g fawter 26 Wen, 2005* -spa wr mrs-es zl wEr ti f ana

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Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, dated the 2 3 November, 2005


S.0 (E). In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the President is pleased to appoint Shn O.P. Kejariwal as the Information Commissioner with effect from the 27 th October, 2005.

(F. No. 1/7 (iii)/:25tR)

(T. JACOB) Joint Secretary to the Government of India. st‘‘12,- its ATit Manager, ernment of India Press, '`9\ 1$9 SOA‘ Mayapuri, New Delhi. Copy to: 4"--1. Central Information Commission (Shri S,C, Bhatia, Deputy Secretary), Old JNU Campus, Block IV (5 th floor), New Delhi. Shri O.P. Kejariwal, Information Commissioner. J. President's Secretariat (Shri Barun Mitra, Director), Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. 0/Prime Minister's Office (Smt. V. Vidyavathi, Director). South Block, New Delhi. Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. „fr. Sr.PPS to Secretary (P)/ AS & FA (Home)/ PS to JS (E)/ JS (AT & A). Pay & Accounts Office, Department of Personnel and Training. Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi. 8. Guard File 9. 20 Spare copies

(Hari Kumar) Director

- 3 ci (ftra:. )39-ana, 2005 ale wer as awerrfur /ruin as mar II taus 3 31Tia3 a 044 sumrermet)

34T,M. 1.1•CO)1(

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4 ItS:1, fania5.25.1 +1:1 , 2005

1Uo 3110 xivifer, tpartr WJ althwrz 3rlitrf4aPi. 2005 (2005 ar 22) St arir 12 aft 3cfP_Irir (3) 3ticitur eft art. 41. ailtara. S rawim 27 3T4W, 2005 4 zpar sawiau # 1-4er eta gi

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(aft InTrO FA*eim 0 gib (TO BE PUBLISHED IN PART II SECTION 3 SUB-SECTION (ii) OF THE, GAZETTE OF INDIA, eXTRA ORDINARY, DATED THE- =-`-c NOVEMBER, 2005) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, dated the 2-3 November, 2005

NOTIFICATION 2 4 .Nryl 7005

S.0 (E). In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the President is pleased to appoint Shr. M.M. Ansari as the Information Commissioner with effect from the 31' October, 2005.

(F. No. 1/7 (iv)/2005 )

(T. JACOB) Joint Secretary to the Government of India.

To, The Manager, Government of India Press. Mayapuri, New Delhi.

Cow to: g\--1".— Central Information Commission (Shri S,C, Bhatia, Deputy Secretary), Old JINIU Campus, Block IV (5th floor), New Delhi. M.M. Ansari, Information Commissioner. ..–.1:---President's Secretariat (Shri Barun Mitra, Director), Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. ._...41,--Prime Minister's Office (Smt. V. Vidyavathi, Director). South Block, New Delhi. r.--5-.---Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi, Sr.PPS to Secretary (P)/ AS & FA (Home)/ PS to JS (E)/ JS (AT & A). & Accounts Office, Department of Personnel and Training, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi. 8. Guard File 9. 20 Spare copies chw..

(Hari Kumar) Director 3 scrgig 1,4-dwrr, 2005 4 srrra t araiturn tracrw war II was (ii) sr- ierme1)

flVX)11 ,.

Oa 40, el to fe CAI Mir sillalef (Cblffitfi 3117 gfOraror 1. 3TP-r)

slicp.23.1 , 2005


r aN itibcDPC 31 =r, 2005 tiro 3110 (3r.),- !WO r114, (2005 v- 22) el eiRT 12 0 410-1111 (3) Z15 31StiO4r 4 4 TIT. TA. 3t2flit 31 arr. 2005 4 Tien- arrcpr1s t-cr far cote #1

[CM 71. 1 /700/2005-314.311Z.]

A t. 0. tom .icsco t1fa4, 9lricf th

Aztr irderis R4-.Ca titco wrzirSit

gfafAtit 1. d> f4 tia-ir stralaT (4 u--4. zft. witterr, 3cr 4f4a)i 2. 4 car. Err. 31.alit, 'vett 34 9T I 3. inv .cf tif241cic (41 ?Mu! f ni, fkke=), •ticcti Wag, We ec#t I 4. Unr-44# agerez7 (4441 4T. fbaica, faw)) umer celfo, fatt 5. ei Jise k let , zrcreau-a4, 4 evO 6. 41ta (:11.)arta 4P44- S ecu.e. (ar8) t aft MTh. fk0 .rfa a/4ccct ‘i d (t.) ks Th—jt -4F4atzts tilda (u.dt. Paft .iraa t 7. 444 S at:H.101mA miIZim 3117 ultarar f814-0T, *as idm irate 8. onbiTarfr1 9. 3 344.13- sed-ati Page l of 2 • Complete Bio-Data 11 2 - Name : Anugraha Narayan Tiwari Identity No. 01AP018900 Service,Cadre/Allotment Year IAS/ANDHRA PRADESH/1969 Source of Recruitment RR Date of Birth 19/12/1945. Sex MALE Place of Domicile ORISSA Mother Tongue ORI vA Languages Known ENGLISH TELUGU Retirement Reason ON SUPERANNUATION

I. Details of Central Deputation A. 1. Whether Presently on deputation to GOI 2 Yes 2 Date of Start of Central Deputation 22/1C/1997 3 Expiry Date of tenure of Central Deputation 4 Tenue Code TENURE NOT PPP 3. If in Cadre, date of reversion from Central Deputation, if any Whether debarred from Central Deputation No If so. period of debarment

II.Educational Qualifications. Division ;l.No Qualification Subjects GRADUATE POLITICAL SC. ENGLISH LIT HISTORY Firs! P.C. POLITICAL SC.

V. Experience Details. Period Experience (Major/Minor) I.No Designation/Level Department/Office Organization (From/To? DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 01/03'1971 Asstt Collector CADRE SW DIVISIONAL ADMN. 01/02/1974 Jr. Tine Scale REVENUE 01/02/1974 Dist Revente Officer CADRE 01/07/1975 Sr Time Scale REVENUE REVENUE 01/07/1975 Dy Commr CADRE REVENUE 01/05/1977 Sr. Time Scale DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 01/05/1977 Collector Cuddapah CADRE DISTRICT ADMN. 01/07/1979 Sr. Tme Scale DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 01/04/1979 Collector Warangal CADRE DISTRICT ADMN. 01/04/1981 Dy Secy LeveUJAG FISHERIES 01/04/1981 Dir CADRE FISHERIES 01/05/1982 Dy Secy LeveUJAG DEFENCE 01/05/1982 Dy Secy Mfo Defence CENTRE-N.DELHI DEFENCE 01/09/1983 Dy Secy DEFENCE 01/0811983 Dir M/o Defence CENTRE-N.DELHI DEFENCE 01/09'1985 Director GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 01/08/1985 CourseDor Genre - Foreign Pest CENTRE-A3ROAD GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 01/05'1989 Director Epley LAND REVENUE MANAGEMENT 01/07/1989 Secy CADRE REVENUE ADMN. 01/02/1991 JS LeveULedel - I PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 01/02/1991 Secy CADRE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 01/08/1993 JS LeveULevel - I N.APPLICABLE/NAVALABLE 01/08/1993 On Foreign Training CADRE-ABROAD NCT AVAILABLE 01/08/1994 JS Levet/Level

eliCADOCUME-11ude.y1 \LOCALS-1 \ Temp1V8PHMZXO.htm 20/07/2005 Page 2 of 2 4 3 CADRE • FINANCE 01/0E/1994 FINANCE 01/12/1994 .el/Level - I 01/12/1994 CADRE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 01/07/1995 JS Level/Level - I GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 01/07/1995 Secy to CADRE GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 01/1C/1997 JS Level/Level - I CENTRE-N.DELHI GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 22/1C/1997 16 Secy Vice President Sect GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 10/1C/2000 Joint Secy Equiv CENTRE-N.DELHI GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 10/1 CJ2000 17 Secy Vice President Sect GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 04/0E/2002 Addl Secy Equiv CENTRE-NOE LHI TRADE & COMMERCE 0510E/2002 18 Addl Secy D/o Commerce COMMERCE 29/0E/2002 Addl Secy RE-N.DELHI FINANCE 29/0E:2002 Addl Secy & F A D/o Commerce CEN- FINANCE 07/07/2003 Addl Secy RE-N.DELHI ENERGY 07/07/2003 Spl Secy M/o Power CEN- POWER 09/01/2004 Secy Equiv RE-N.DELHI URBAN DEVELOPMENT 09/02/2004 Secy M/o Urban Emp & Poverty Alleviation CEN- URBAN DEVELOPMENT 01/07/2004 Secretary RE-NDELHI PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 01/07 ,2004 Secy D/o Personnel & Tr; CEN- PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Secretary


I. Training Details (Domestic) N I L

'II. Training Details (Foreign) NIL

. 1. Whether Debarred from Foreign Tram' rg : 2. If so , Period of debarment

----End of Report — BACK TO MAIN MENU


1. Service .. Indian Postal Service(1967 Batch)

2. Date of birth .. 1.12.1943

3. Last post held .. Secretary, Department of Post

4. Retired on .. 30.11.2003

5. Educational qualification M.A (History) 1 st Class ft Madras University —1965.

M.Phil () 1st Class- Punjab University-1991.

6. Experience: First Woman Secretary of the Department of Post in its 150 years of existence. Also the first woman Central Service Officer to be appointed as regular Secretary in the last many years. Also the first woman Chief Post Master General of Delhi Circle. Was on Central Deputation as Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour for 5 years looking after all the labour legislation. Was looking after all labour related issues in Central Undertakings. In the Postal Department, functioned in various capacities in , Karnataka, Haryana and Delhi. Has extensively interacted with International Labour Organisation and Universal Postal Union.

7. Maintains excellent health and can shoulder any responsibility in a full time job. May be considered for UPSC, PESB or any other Commission/Committee/Regulatory Authority. 24os-q‘94 tf 'I. M. Ansari )-60 si8 Director, Directorate of Open and Distance Learning A- 3014-5- 711 Hamdard University, New Delhi E-mail: mmansaril&

Prof. Ansari (b 1952) is on the staff of Hamdard University, a premier institutior of higher education, which is accredited by NAAC of UGC in category 'A'. Dr. Ansari is an Education Specialist. He has served on the staff of many educational institutions in senior positions and provided consultancy services to international organizations. He holds a ph.D in economics of education (1992), Post- graduate Diploma in Public Finance (1980), M.A. Economics (1975) from the Universities of Buckingham (England) and Aligarh. In April 2004, Prof. Ansari became the founder Director of DDE of the University, which has planned to offer high quality of technical and professional courses in which the university has core competency through open and distance education systems.

Prof. Ansari was earlier Director of Distance Education Council, IGNOU, which is an apex statutory body established for promotion of open and distance learning (ODL) system in India (2000-03). He was responsible for the Council's programmes and activities, which focused on policy planning for development of education through distance mode. The major activities include: i) formulation of policies and design of implementation strategies for promotion, maintenance of standards and co- ordination of distance education activities; ii) determination and allocation of development grants among Open Universities and Institutes of Distance Education of Conventional Universities: iii) promotion of R&D activities in the area of distance higher education; iv) networking and collaboration with international bodies like COL, ICDL, AAOU, UNESCO and national apex bodies like LGC, NAAC, NCTE, NIOS and AICTE for capacity building, promotion of excellence in education and coordination of various activities; v) development of database and preparation of discussion papers on ODL system for taking informed decision on various issues pertaining to development of higher education; and preparation of technical papers cn issues of topical interests.

The magnitude of the task pertaining to the above activities was huge, as ODL system in India is one of the largest in the World. There are over one hundred dual mode universities and eleven single mode open universities, which offer all types and levels of courses. They have established study centers in all Districts of the country and enroll over two million students. ODL activities have expanded very fast owing mainly to commendable initiatives taker. by the Council, of which Prof Ansari was the Director.

Dr Ansari was responsible for preparing a Perspective Plan document (2001) for development of ODL system and to improve its response to the challenge of education. He developed a framework for quality assurance and prepared the protess document for assessment and accreditation of ODL institutions.

From 1997-2000, Dr. Ansari served as Director, Society for Excellence in Education. His major responsibility was to design and implement policies and programmes for promotir.g human development through education and training. He accomplished an important research project on Education-Industry Interface, which provide a framework for Industry Support for Education with a view to improving productivity of critical sectors like education and industry through mutual support and cooperation in the frontier areas of knowledge, research and innovation for improving technical efficiency of individuals and institutions. !.•

\III",e was also engaged in adult•education and extension services that have direct bearing on poverty alleviation and quality of life. He prepared a policy paper on Literacy, Education and Development: Achievements and Tasks Ahead (1997)

He also served the Federatior. of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), as Senior Economist (1996-97). He prepared and published a research project on " Higher Education and Economic Reforms: Implications for Competitiveness of India's Economy" The findings of his study demonstrated :hat HRD through education was critical for improving competitiveness of economy.

During 1985 to 1994, Prof Ansari was Head of Research Division (Ecanomics of Education) of Association of Indian Universities. He was responsible for conducting and guiding research studies in the field of education and allied sectors of development. He coordinated academic and research activities of nearly 250 universities in the country. A number of studies on costs and finance aspects of higher education were completed and published, which received attention of planners and decision makers, particrlarly in the context of plan allocations for education.

Dr. Ansari was a Fellow, (Educational Planning), National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, (1984-85). In NIEPA, he carried out research programmes in the area of economics of education and was associated with a major project on 'Education in 2000 AD'. His research paper on Education and Economic Growth, which demonstrated influence of literacy on economic variables, was a pioneering effort of significance for making investment in education. He also organized training programmes far various levels of functionaries for up-gradaticn of skills and work competence of labour force.

He also served the Planning Commission, Government of India, (1981-84). In the Commission, he was responsible for undertaking exercises for preparation of Five Year Plans; conducting research studies pertaining to the resource mobilization, designing of fiscal policy for development, and monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the Plans. His research works on the themes of federal finance, poverty alleviation and regional development were published in reputed international Journals.

As a professional economist of education, Dr Ansari has provided consultancy services to several national and International bodies. He was a Member of international team for accomplishmert of Education Sector Reform Project, Government of Mauritius, supported by the World Bank, November 2003 to April 04. This assignment required: Policy analysis and costing of programmes; Developing programme/ result based budgeting system; Developing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system; and Organise workshops and conduct training sessions on educational policies, performance budgeting and MIZE.

He was Consultant, Bihar Education Project, sponsored by UNICEF and Govt. of Irdia, (1995-96). As a Team Leader, he provided technical support for preparation of Perspective Education Plan (Primary and Upper Primary Levels). Plan documents for seven educationally backward Districts were prepared And, it was first attempt cf its kind in Bihar. Non-fornal education and extension services for out-of- school youth and working population were critical components of the Plan exercises.

Dr Ansari was appointed as Expert, Educational Planning and Finance, for Asian Development Bank's Technical Assistance Project on Human Resources Development in Micronesia, Pohenpei, and FSM, (1994-95) (Thru Crown Agents, U.K). His major duties and responsibilities were: i) to undertake a thorough review of planning process for human development, Identify areas for policy intervention and suggest a plan of action for development of human resources in FSM; and ii) to assess the costs and finance aspects of education and tc formulate recommendations on the ways and means of

2 idinancing HRD activities in FSM. A number of policy papers were prepared individually and jointly with team members for consideration of ADS and FSM government. The .reports duly focus on technicaVvocational training of youth, including women.

F07 various projects undertaken by Educational Consultants of India Ltd, Dr Ansari provided consultancy services of short and lorg-term durations, mainly in the areas of planning and finance.

He has participated in over 50 national and international seminars/ conferences and contributed research papers. He also delivered lectures on wide range of issues pertaining to education and development, and in the area of economics of education, mainly at the training Institutes and Academic Staff Colleges As a Principal Investigator, Dr Ansari completed several research projects sponsored by ICSSR, DST. and Planning Commission. MHRD, COL and Unesco.

He is author of several research papers/ articles (110) in professional journals and boeks/monographs (16), which include among others: Growth and Performance of Education Sector in Mauritius (2004); Assessment and Accreditation of Distance Education Institutions (2003); Tenth Plan Perspectives on Distance Higher Education, 2001; Industry's Support to Education, 1999; Cost- Effectiveness of Higher Education, 1997; Resource Mobilization by Universities, 1996; Educational Planing and Finance in Micronesia 1995; Human Resource Development in Micronesia (co-author) 1995; Fiscal Policy for University Development, 1994; Economics of Distance Higher Education,

1992; Directory of Distance Education Institutions in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (Vol - I & II), I992, sponsored by COL; S&T Manpower in University Sector, sponsored by DST, 1991; University- Industry Interaction, 1990; Studies in Distance Education (Co-ed) 1988 and Education and Economic Development, I987.

As a member of Course Writers Committees of universities like IGNOU, Dr Ansari has contributed to preparation of study materials far various Postgraduate levels programmes.

In the beginning of his career (1976-79), he was on the staff of Indian Council of Social Science Research and National Institute of Public Finance and Policy. As an economist, Dr Ansari was associated with major research projects on fiscal reforms sponsored by the World Bank.

He has widely traveled in India and abroad in connection with higher studies and research, conferences and consulting services. Dr Ansari has visited: UK (twice), France, Yugoslavia, Thailand, former USSR, Indonesia, Hong Kong, China, Japan. Singapore, Guam (USA), Federated States of Micronesia (twice), , UAE, South Africa, Kuwait, Mauritius and Australia.

Dr Ansari is associated with various professional bodies and is Member of UNESCO's AICED and International Advisory Board of Journal on Industry and Higher Education, published from London. He is also a member of Academic Councils/ Advisory Committees of various universities/ institutions. He has served on many Task Groups constituted by national bodies for preparation of policy-oriented studies.

His areas of specialization are: Economics of Human Resources and Education, including Open and Distance Learning System, and Educational Planning and Finance, Literacy and Poverty Alleviation Programmes.

**V****•**** **************•



1. Service .. Indian Postal Service(1967 Batch)

2. Date of birth .. 1.12.1943

3. Last post held .. Secretary, Department of Post

4. Retired on .. 30.11.2003 Class i st 5. Educational qualification M.A (History) is` Madras University —1965.

M.Phil (Public Administration) Class- Punjab University-1991.

6. Experience: First Woman Secretary of the Department of Post in its 150 years of existence. Also the first woman Central Service Officer to be appointed as regular Secretary in the last many years. Also the first woman Chief Post Master General of Delhi Circle. Was on Central Deputation as Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour for 5 years looking after all the labour legislation. Was looking after all labour related issues in Central Public Sector Undertakings. In the Postal Department, functioned in various capacities in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Haryana and Delhi. Has extensively interacted with International Labour Organisation and Universal Postal Union.

7. Maintains excellent health and can shoulder any responsibility in a full time job. May be considered for UPSC, PESB or any other Commission/Committee/Regulatory Authority. [AS Officers - Complete•Bio-Data Page 1 of 3 1

Complete Bio-Data Name : Wajahat Habibullah Identity No. 01JK002500 Service/Cadre/Allotment Year : IAS/JAMMU & KASHMIR/1968 Source of Recruitment : RR Dale of Birth : 30/09/1945 Sex : MALE Place of Domicile : UTTAR PRADESH Mother Tongue : URDU Languages Known : HINDI KAS-IMIR ENGLISH Reti -emert Reason : ON SUPERANNUATION

II. Details of Central Deputation A. 1. Whetter Presently on deputation to GO ? Yes 2. Date of Start of Central Deputation 09/08/2000 3. Expiry Date of tenure of Central Deputation 4. Tenure Code TENURE NOT APP B. If in Cadre, date of reversion from Central Deputation, if any C. Whether debarred from Central Depitation ND If so, period of debarment

III.Educational Qualifications. SI.No Qualification Subjects Division FIrsl 1 P G HISTORY Become 2 GRADUATE HISTORY ECONOMICS HIND

IV. Experience Details. Period Experience (Major/Miner) SI.No Designation/Level Department/Office Organization CFrornao) S D 0 CADRE DISTRIC- ADMINISTRATION 01/061 970 Jr. Time Scale SUB DIVISIONAL ADMN. 01/0311971 01/03/1971 2 Project Officer CADRE AGRICULTURE&HORTICULTURE Jr. Time Scale AGRICULTURE 01/08d1972 01/0811972 3 JIM CADRE AGRICULTURE&HORTICULTURE Sr. Time Scale HORTICULTUR DEV 01/11/1973 01/11r1973 4 Adcll Dy Conmr CADRE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Sr. Time Scale DISTRICT ADMN. 01/05/1974 01/05)1974 5 Dy Commr CADRE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 01/07/1977 Dy Secy Level/JAG DISTRICT ADMN. 01/07:1977 6 M D CADRE AGRICULTURE&HORTICULTURE Dy Secy Level/JAG AGRO INOUSTFIES 01/02/1978 01/02)1978 7 M D CADRE CORPOFATE MANAGEMENT Dy Secy Level/JAG CORPOFATE MANAGEMENT 01/06/1982 STAFF OFFICERS 01/0711982 B Dir ' P M Office CENTRE-N.DELH Director CABINET SECTT 01/01/1986 STAFF OFFICERS 01/01/1986 9 JI Secy P M Vice CENTRE-N.DELH Joint Secy CABINET SECTT 01/07/1987 01/08:1987 10 On Leave Prior- Feversion CEN-STUDY LEAVE N.APPLICABLEN.AVA.LABLE 01/08:1987 Joint Secy NOT AVAILABLE

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IAS Officers - Complete Bio-Data S Page 2 of 3


40 JS Level/Level - I GENERA_ ADMINISTRATION 01/02/1990 12 Spl Commr CACRE URBAN DEVELOPMENT 01/02/1990 JS Level/Level - I MUNICIPAL ADMN. 01/07/1990 13 Commr & Secy CACRE INDUSTFIES 01/07/1990 JS Level/Level - I INDUSTFIES 01/12/1990 14 Div! Commr CACRE DISTRIC- ADMINISTRATION 01/12/1990 JS LeveVLevel I DIVISIONAL ADMN. 01/06/1991 15 Jt Sew D/o Industrial Dev CENTRE-N.DELHI INDUSTFIES 01/06/1991 Joint Secy INDUSTFIES 01/10/1991 16 SOW Cabinet Secretariat CENTRE-N.DELHI GENERA_ ADMINISTRATION 01/10/1991 Joint Secy GENERA_ ADMINISTRATION 01/0611993 17 Divl Commr CACRE DISTRIC - ADMINISTRATION 01/06/1993 JS Level/Level I DIVISIONAL ADMN. 01/0611994 18 050 • D/o Urban Dev CENTRE-N.DELHI URBAN DEVELOPMENT 13/06/1994 Joint Secy Equiv URBAN DEVELOPMENT 01/11/1994 19 Minister E 0 I, V/ashincton CENTRE-ABROAD PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 01/11/1994 Joint Sew Equiv PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 01/12/1998 20 Minister E 0 r. V/ashinston CENTRE-ABROAD PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 01/12/1998 Add Sew Equiv PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 01/09/1999 21 Vice Chairman & M D Lakes & Waterways Dev Auth CACRE WATER RESOURCES 01/09/1999 Add Sew Level WATER RESOURCES 09/08/2000 22 0 S D LBSNA A, Nrussoor e CENTRE-NOT ND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 09/08/2000 Add: Sew Equiv PERSONNEL TRAINING ADMN. 31/10/2000 23 DV L B S NA A, Arussoore CENTRE-NOT ND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 01/11/2000 Add! Secy Equiv PERSONNEL TRAINING ADMN. 01/09/2002 24 Dir LBSNA A, klussoor e CENTRE-NOT ND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 02/09/2002 Secy Equiv PERSONNEL TRAINING AMA. 15/01/2003 25 Sew D/o Corsumer Affairs CENTRE-N.DELHI FOOD & CIVIL SUPPLIES 15/01/2003 Secretary CONSUMER AFFAIRS 24/09/2003 26 On S:udy Leave CEN-STUDY LEAVE N.APPLICABLENAVAILABLE 24/09/2003 Secretary NOT AVAILABLE 1G/08/2004 27 Secy Wo Totiles CENTRE-N.DELHI TEXTILES 16/08/2004 Secretary TEXTILES 08/12/2004 28 Secy M:c Panchayali Raj CENTRE-N.DELHI LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT 08/12/2004 Secretary PANCHAYATI RAJ

V. In-Service Training Details Duration City SI.No Yea' Paining Name Institute (Weeks) 1985 M3T.CONCEPTS ANC DECISION INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ENTERPR SE HYDERABAD 1 1986 MAKING TECH 2 1986- M S & COMPUTER APPL. IN 30VT CMC 1987 LEVEL'I


VI. Training Details (Domestic) SI.No Year Training Name Subject Duration (Weeks) ' 2002 WORLD BK INS GOA INFRS FINANCE 2

VII. Training Details (Foreign) NIL

A, 1, Whetter Debarred from Foreign Training ? : No

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Date of Birth 23 February 1944

Educational Qualifications:

1. 1.11124in the topie The Asiatic Society of Bengal and the Discovery of India's Past, Bihar University, 1984.

2. Gold Medallist, M.A. (History), Baur University, 1966.

3. Gold Medallist, B. A.(with Honours in History), Biliar University, 1964.

4. First Division, Senior Cambridge, St. Xavier's, Patna, 1960.

5. God Medallist, Inter-Jesuit School English Essay Contest, 1960.

6. Go.d Medallist. Hindi Essay Contest, 1960, St. Xavier's, Patna.

Honours Sr Awards:

Special invitee to a sYmposiutn on 'Sir Wiliam Janes organised by the New York University, 1994

2. Awarded Visiting FeDowsLip by the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain, Londor., 1992.

3. Awarded the Nehru Fellowship, 1990.

4. Awarded the prestigious Silver Medal for the best book or onental sukee-s (1987-89) by the Asiatic Society of Bombay

5. Awarded Visiting Fellowship by the British Council in 1982 and 1990.

5. Awarded Fellowship by the Indian Council of Historical Research, 1980-82.

7. Elected Eistinauished Xaverian ibr the year 20)0.

801 LLEZ PP •

Publication The Asiatic Society of Bengal and the Discovery cif India') 1 Kejariwal, O.P., 1588, Past, ;784-1838, Delhi, Oxford University Press (The book conies a Foreword by the eminent Indologist, AL. Basham, ir. which he contended 'the excellent study to discriminating readers throughout the world). Kejariwal, 0.P., 1995, William Jones: The Copernicus of History' in Objects of Enquiry (edited by Garand Cantor. and Kevin Brine), New York, New York University Press. a special Kejariwal, 0.P., 1997, The Prinseps of India : A Personal Quest' in number of Indian Archives, Delhi, National Archives of India

Kejanwal, O.P., 1997, 'James Prinsep: His Life and Work'. Introduction to a 4. by James Prime?, 1833, Varanasi: reprint edition of Benares Illusoated Vishwavidyalaya Prakallan. Delhi, UBS. 5. Kejariwal,O.P.,2002, Ghahb rn Translation _New (Translation cf one hundred 6. Kejariwal, 0.P., 1996, Ghalib : A Hundred Moods, couplets of Ghalib into English), 141 :w Delhi; Publications Div:Bien. Kejariwal, 0.P., 1990; 'Information Back-up for Historical Studies: The Need and Social Science Information : Problems and P-aspects, New the Availability , Delhi, Har Arland and Vikas.

Kejariwal, 0.P., 1988, 'The Indian History Congress and Historical Research in 3. East Indian Histcry the North-East', Shillong Proceedings of the North- seminar on the same subject in Association (Based on the keynote address at the Kohima, 1987).

9. Kejariwal, O.P., 1987, 'The l-Ustor.ograprry of the North East : The Need for a Corrective, Shillong : Proceedings jibe Worth-East Indian history Association. Narendra Neva, vols.I & II, 10. Kejariwal, O.P., (ci) Selected Works of Acharya Nehru Memorial Museum & Library, Teen Murti House, 2002, 2003.

and Conon:dry, Nehru Memorial 11 Kejariwal, 0.P . , in,dicn Culture: Traditions Museum & Library, 2002. Index to the Journal of Asians Soc:ety of Bombay, 12, Kejariwal, 0.P., (Ed), 2004, New DeLn.:„ Nehru Memorial Museum and Library and Asiatc Society of Mumbai.

scitz.32 PP


Teaching: Served as Visiting Profssor of History, North-Ras:err Hill University, Shillong 1986-1990.

Lectures: "William Jones: Life and Work", Moti Chandra Memorial Lecture, Nev Delhi, 2004

The Prinseps of India', the Founder's Day °ratio, Asiatic Society, Calcutta.

1999 .

3. 'The Asiatic Society and the Making of India's History', Indira Craidhi National Centre for the AS New Delhi, Apri: 1995

a. 'The Imperialist School ofHistory Some Reconsiderations', Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain, London, June 1992.

Note: The above-menticned achievements in academics and publication have been made during my career in the Indial Infa•mation Service of the Coven:man if hula, which I joined in 966

Career in the Civil Services:

Served as Director, Nehru Mernoria: Museum &Library, New Delhi, 1999-2004

(i) Here, for the first tine organized Seninas and brought out publications in Hindi. Some ofthese are:

(a) Bha•caiya Ganatantra Mein Hindi: Dacha our Disho (b) Vaishvilcaran Ke Panpelakya Man Hird, Antarsambandhon Ki Vyakhya (c) Bitaranya Bhashaen our (d) Viciesiz Mein Hindi: Solar our Sambholanaen

(ii) Othere publications in:lude:

(a) Gender and Nation Saakshaatkaar (h) Rambiks Sharma: a (c) North-East India: A Comprehenuve Bibliography (e) Women in Inda: A Bibliography

PP • is 02 L. L2Z.a. S5 -


2. Chief Executive Officer, Prasar Ethanli, (August 1998-June 1999). Direc:or-General, All India Radio, (August 1997-June 1999).

Dfteetor-General (News), All India Radio, (May-Angtz: 1997).

5. Director, Research, Reference & Training Division & Director, Field Publicity, New Delhi, (1996-1997).

6. Director, Publications Division, (April 1993-September 1996). Responsible for completing The Collected Works of in one hundred vriumes. For this, reedved a special mention by the Prime Minis= M his public address on the occasion of the release of the hundredth and tine last volume, I° October 1994. Director, Central Monitoring Services, All India Radio :Additional Charge), 7. (1995).

8. Additi Director-General, News Services Di sins All India (September 1990-April 1991).

9. Chief of Media, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, (April 1985-April 1986).

10. Chief Editor, Alcaskvani Group of Journals, (March 1983-April 1985). Published special issues including one on "Foreign Schalars on India".

11. Deputy Principal Information Officer, Press Information Bureau, (1982-1983). Editor, Publications Division Delhi, (April 1974-January 1980). Also Arnett:fled 12. 1979. Wrote over fifty as Editor end ACmirdstative Head of Employment News, editorials for the publication.

13. News Editor and Administrative Head of the Hindi News Unit, News Services Division, AL India Radio, (January 1971-April 1974).

14. Commentary Writer rid Administrative Head of the Commentary Section, Funs Division, Bombay, (January 1968-January 1971). Wrote commentaries for over a hundred newsreels and several documentaries some of which featured in nations: and international film festivals The film LIFE (commentary by me) wor. the National Award.

PP 0 ' 801 L.LZ3,7, P d d 2277108

Other Appointments (Honorary):

1. Founder-Editor, Contemporary India, Nehr.: Memorial Museum and Library. 2002

2. Appointed Chairman, Board of Management, National Library, Kollcata, 2002.

3. Nominated Member, Asiatic Society Council, 2002.

4. Elected Fellow of the Asiatic Society (FAS), 2000 Indian Council for Cultural Relations. 1998. 5. Appointed Editor, Indian Floriwns, Published 'India at 50' (Special issue) with a Foreword by the Prime Minister.

6. Appointed Chairperson of a Task Force on Goverrment Publications set up by the Planning Commission, 1995.

7. Served as Vice-Chairman Delhi Public Library, 1990-1993.

Present Address for Correspondence.

Dr. O.P. 1Cejariwal Flat C-1, Vijaya Complex Bltelupura Crossing V ARANASI 22 1 010 U.P.

TELEPHONE: 491-542-2277101 FAX: +91-542-2277108 Email; okejariwagghotrnaitcom September, 2004 s 7._

moti:t2sio.R43 • Re. Prof.Dr. B.K. Chandrashekar

Until recently Primary & Secondary Education Minister, GOK

Academic: BA., BL. (Mysore University); LLM (Leeds): DPhil (University of Oxford) He was Lecturer. Law faculty, Queens University, N. reland Research Fellow, Institute of Common wealth studies, Oxford taught at ILO, Geneva Professor, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore UGC Visiting Faculty, National Law School of India Unive•sity, Bangalore.

Rajiv Gandhi Serious academic and practical interest in Panchavotiraj Foundation: and has come to be recognized as one of the experts in in the country.

Sr Raj v Gandhi. when he was Prime Min ster, invited him to a 3-hour breakfast meeting to discuss constitutional amendments empowering Panchayats - other invitees: the late S.K. Dey, L.C. Join, CH Hanurnantha Rao, ft. Shiviah.

Chandrashekar was appointed by MrsSonio Gandhi as a Member of Task Force on Panchayatiraj, Foundation, where he continues.

M.LC MLC 1985-88 / immediately recognized as gooc Parliamentarian/Prominence in public life, associated closely with leading cultural, political and intellectual platforms. Consistently identified as a strong voice of secularism and for equity and social justice in Development.

• Familiar face throughout the sate, respected by all communities including Dalits cnd minorities.

Into Mrs.Gandh admitted him to Congress in 1927 appo ntec Congress him General Secretary and Spokesman of Pradesh Party Congress Committee. In this, he made his name within the Party. t s - Spokesperson In the 1999 elections, he was asked not to con'est but continue to campaign cnd work as Spokesperson. He • was inducted into the Goverrmert as Information Ministe'; he played a crucial role in articulating the posi -ion in two of the most controversial issues, abduction of Dr.Raikumar by Veerappan and the Cauvery Waters Dispute. His appearance on the then Star News, later NDTV and other channels was well received as a responsiole balanced exposition of issues.

Other Party * regularly contacted and discussed with Distric - Activities: Congress Committees while on tour as Minister

• nomina-ed active Party wcrkers on Education department's committees including mid-day meal programme

• As AICC observer, deputed to three constituencies in Kerala during the recent general elections

* KPCC observer and co-ordinator for the election of Mayor of Mysore City - June -July 2004

* leading role in the formulation and draftirq of the Commcn Minimum Programme for the present Coalition government.

Right to He drafted and piloted the Riant to Information Information: Act which happens to be one of tie more progressive Statutes in the country.

He shifted to "Information Technology" in middle of June 2002. There also he distinguished himself and was popular with the IT companies. He tried to impress his colleagues on the neec to take 11 to rural cevelopment so that the new technology was democrctized in its application.

To Primary In June 2002, he was g ven charge of important School & Secondary education. Being the bigaest Department in the Department Government and interfacing with the leading religious Mutts who ran Schools n rural areas, it needed skilful Managemert. Excellent equations were developed with all the leading Lingoyat Swarnijis and the main Vokkaliga Mutt also. He negotiated with the Sulfur Swamiii ct Mysore, during the crisis of Nagappa's abduction by Veerappan. Subsequently, Suitur Swamiji was also drawn in to support inaugurated the Govt.'s mid - day meal programme. It wcs by Mrs.Sonia Gandhi at Yelandur in 2003. _ 3

• Reforms: As School Education Minister, he has become a household name in the stole because of fundamental reforms in School Education. The reforms such as the Trimester scheme for school students; academic reforms in Text Books: shorter Exams, new Grading system; dramatic reduction it school Bag load; introductior of Music, Yoga & Drama from Class III etc. have been very well received by teachers, parents and students. No other state has ventured in this direction.

Public Public ratira: He has high public credibility. The Times of Standing India in its survey rated him as one of the best 4 ministers / Party image indeed the public continue to recommend him 10 be in the Government NDTV- Indian Express, Outlook, Deccan Herald - Prajavani election time surveys gave his department very high ratings. That was also discussed on NDTV.

• He must be one of the few Ministers/Legislators (including the four Brahmin legislators) who has not received a single adverse comment in the Media or in public discussion.

• Party/ Govt. Image: He writes regularly on contemporary issues in the Hindustan Times/ the limes of India, Indian Express and Projavani (Kannada), which reflect Congress values.

He was also sent along with then Home Minister Sri Kharge and top officers to discuss the Nagaooa issue with T.N. Chief Minister Smt.Jayalalitha in 2002.

Family: His wile Laxmi Chandrashekar, Professor of English in the NMKRV College for Norren, Bangalore, is herself very widely known in the state as a reputed ;taae and TV artiste and c leading translator from Kannada to English.

They have a son Manus, who graduated from the National Law School of India University. Bargalore and completed LL.M from Cornell University, USA, and daughter Sarayu who is in Class XII.

***fl till a** 1 . 6‘.1 Wit 1Y: aD Vws. vi cirv:fakft




SEX Male commt-Nrn GENERAL







DATE AT CENTRE : 07/0212001


1 I / 2865 12: 4t L .51:1. 1PD








2. Date of Birth 2nd October, 1944

3. Service Indian Administrative Service

4. Cadre ORISSA

5. Year of Allotment 1967

6. Entry into Service July, 1967

7. Educational Qualification: M. Com LLB. M. Soc. Sc.(Dev. Admit.), Birmingham (U.K.)

8. Mailing Address C-II/43, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110 011.

Tele: 23070022 9818094909

9. Posts held:

SI. Post held Name of organisation Period No. From I To 1. Finance Secretary & Government of India, 27.11.2033 31.: 0.2004 (till Secretary (Economic Ministry of Finance, superannuation) Affairs) Department of Economic Affairs, New Delhi. 2. Finance Secretary & Government of India, 13.06.2003 26.11.2003 Secretary (Expenditure) Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure, New Delhi 3. Secretary (Expenditure) Government of India, 25.10.2002 13.C6.2003 Ministry of Finance. Deptt. of Expenditure, New Delhi 4. Secretary Government of India, July, 2002 25.10.2002 (Banking & Insurance) Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, New Delhi. 5. Special Secretary Government of India, August, 2001 July, 2002 Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T), New Delhi. 6. Addl. Secretary Government of India, May, 1999 July, 2001 (Services & Vigilance) Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T), New Delhi. 7. Director General Employees State Insurance Dec., 1997 May, 1999 Corporation 8. Principal Secretary Government of Orissa. Feb., :997 Dec., 1997 Panchayat Raj Department 9. Secretary Government of Orissa. June, 1996 Feb., 1997 Department of Rural Development and Deptt. of Steel & Mines. 10. Joint Secretary Government of India, 27.03.1991 26.03.1996 (Plan Finance.II) Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure, New Delhi and Director, 06.06.1994 26.03.1996 United Bank of India, a leading nationalized Bank in India. II. Commissioner-cum- Government of Orissa. Aug., 1990 March, 1991 Secretary Commerce & Transport Department, 12. Managing Director Industrial Development Oct., 1989 Aug., 1990 Corporation of Orissa 13. Managing Director Government of Orissa. May, 1987 October, 1989 Orissa State Coop. Spinning Mills Federation Limited. 14. Joint Secretary Government of India. Feb., 1985 May, 1987 Department of Personnel & Training. 15. Commissioner, Central Vigilance Jan., :981 February, 1985 Departmental Inquiries Commission, (CDI)/Director No.3, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi. • 16. Labour Commissioner Government of Orissa July, 1980 January, 1981 17. Collector & District Government of Orissa July, 1978 July. 1980 Magistrate, Keonjhar (District Officer) 18. Addl. Director of Government of Orissa Aug., 1974 January, 1978 Industries & Ex-Officio Director T:ch., Cuttack. 19. Addl. District Officer Government of Orissa Aug., 1972 July; 1974

20. Sub-Collector, Government of Orissa May, 1971 August, 1972 Berhampur, Distr. Ganjam, Orissa. 21. Asstt. Collector, Ganjam Government of Orissa Aug., 1968 April, 1970 (under training) 22. Joined I.A.S. Government of India :uly, 1967 Augast, 1968 Under training in the National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie. 23. Lecturer Faculty of Commerce, End of 1965 March, 1967 University of Jodhpur, Rajasthan CURRICULUM 'VITAE


Place & Date of Birth : Madras City, 4th September, 1945

Marital Status : Married

Languages Known English, Hindi, Telugu, Urdu, Tamil, German, French (Read, Write, Speak)

Present Designation to Government of Andhra Pradesh

Educational Qualifications:

1. PhD, Osmania University, Hyderabad (India) on "Re-organization of Cooperative Agricultural Credit and Marketing Structures & Systems in Andhra Pradesh"

2. M.Sc (Osmania University, Hyderabad) First Division with distinction - University Topper.

3. Junior Diploma in French

4. Grundstafe Tell-I in German

5. Pursued research in the Theory of Relativity

Details of Employment

1. 1 st January 1968 to May 1968 — Probationary Officer, State Bank of India

2. May 1968 to-date — Member, Indian Administrative Service (IAS). • 67- 2

Professional Experience

In a career of nearly 38 years, worked in diverse positions, both at the State and Government of India, including as Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh and as Secretary (Agriculture & Co-operation) to the Government of India, and in different sectors like Commercial Taxes. Handlooms & Textiles, Urban Land Ceiling, Fisheries, Excise, Civil Supplies, and Finance & Planning, in the State Government.

For over two years Chief Secretary to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, a State whose administration is recognized as innovative and dynamic. Directly responsible for not only in policy analysis and formulation, but also implementation. Unlike in many other States, the Chief Secretary in Andhra Pradesh is directly responsible for the overall supervision and administration of Law and Order. Andhra Pradesh was the first State in India to formulate and publish a long term vision for growth - through the Vision 2020 Document, which includes a road map to achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Rich and varied experience over the past twenty years, collected especially in the fields of Agriculture and Rural Development, including in many important positions in these areas, both at the State and at the Centre. During this period, as Principal Secretary (Agriculture), Government of Andhra Pradesh; Joint Secretary (International Co-operation), Ministry of Agriculture; Additional Secretary (Land Resources), Ministry of Rural Development; and Secretary (Agriculture & Co- operation), Ministry of Agriculture, was intimately involved with policy formulation and implementation particularly in Land Resources, Agriculture Credit, Agriculture Extension, Trade, etc. e8 3

• In the different roles of Returning Officer, District Election Officer, Election Observer, and now Chief Election Officer, closely associated with the conduct of elections for b oth t he State Assembly and the Lok Sabha. Sewed as a Returning Officer for the 1972 Assembly elections, and District Election Officer and Returning Officer for the Lok Sabha election in 1979. Besides, was deputed as the Election Observer for many Assembly and Parliament elections, including the 1996 elections in Assam, and the 1997 Lok Sabha election in the highly sensitive Madhepura constituency in Bihar. As Chief Secretary supervised the successful conduct of the 2004 Assembly and Lok Sabha elections.

Publications Books

1. The Tinctured Canvas — "Concept, Practice and Strategies in Rural Development"-1981. 2. Vasundhara: An Anthology of Land Resources in India (Department of Land Resources 2000) 3. Forgiving Earth: The Dynamics of Policy Support Reforms for the Millennium Farmer in the Asia-Pacific Region (2005)


1. Modern Management for use in Pubic Administration, Indian Journal of Public Administration, Jan-March, 1980

2. Rural Development through Cooperatives in "The Journal of Research — AP Agricultural University"

3. Cooperative Movement in Andhra Pradesh — A review of Policies & Programmes — Angrau University, Hyderabad.

• 6 et - 4 4. Parameters of Well-Managed Credit System for Agricultural Development in Indian Coop. Review of National Cooperative Union of India.

5. Agricultural Credi: — Institutional Arrangements, Performance & Policy Issues — In the Journal of Rural Development of NIRD.

6. A Paper on "Need for Professionalisation in Rural Development" Presented :o a seminar on Rural Development.


1. Cricket 2. Billiards 3. Music 4. Reading. 2U/ U ii216Ob se: dU Z4171UlzD I • 79- .0







DATE AT CENTRE : 04/11/1996


• lc it it.* • -t 10' ZIVIVIZUC 14:ZU zinibJZC

0 OFFICER ID NO. IS : 01UP026800 Nripendra Misra





73 1310-DATA

NAM E PILADEEP KUMAR EALMUCHU FATHERS NAME LATE Augusteco Balmue.litt PAVE. OF BIRTH 2e-07-1937 CASTE Schedule Tribe (Ht.)) ADDRESS 0) 1204. 8-31ock, Sonari.)antskdra. Jhaikkand. Phone No. : 0657-2i0ti84. (ii1 199. Russian Hostel. Vidllayak Awas. Oliutwa, Ra Tharkhand. Ph.No, : 0651-440062•1771.

QUALIFICATION (i) M.Com (ii) Post Grad•tate Diploma in 1-ahour and Social \X'ellate. NCVT Fazed from TATA SI EEL.

MARITAL STATUS Married Mrs. Asia Balinuchu Caildtcti - Priv Ram Lialmuchn - Cyndrella Balenuchat

CONSTITI if N. N 45. Glutsila (53.) Lit:lathe Assembly Constituency in East Strighlthitin, klholl. POLITICAL X Began Political activities in the yar 19 27-i3 by pan:tip:thug iu .1 lin kliand movement rot Ncparstc state. X ELECTED MLA from Ghatsila assembly ennothency in 1995. X Nominated President. Jha:khand kcgloaal 'Coed, UAingess. X ELECTED MLA in the ;cat mutt wnh a towinellig martin of more than thirty two thousond votes. X BECAME - Planning !. De,elopi•ent Minister in the Congress supported Rabe Hest led IT, Bihar Cosentment, Pain,. X Despite being Till:SRI in the ILahri Devi Coy.. exerted ACIIVC pros re on the GO VC* and compelled dic almost Omuta R/L.) Govt. to pass the thaw Re-Organisation Bill NUN from the state assembly making the way fru :he separate Thal khan,' State. X NominatedOmura:in Zile Parisad and Panchayasi RA, Samitec. Tharlthand Vidhan Sabha on 7' Dec. 2000. Chairman Question S Call Attention Comminee (2.004) X JHARKI IAND PCC In-Charge President JPCC from 28.12.d:00i to 9.'1./1103 X REPRESENTED INDIA In SE0(51. (SOUTH KOREA) as leader in Sept. 95. for I.C.F.T U.

mato UNION X 1 )Ifice hearer of The ata Workers ,'nun 1992. X President, hioubhvidar Mazdoor Onion (1 I industan Copper Ltd.. Chatsila, Est'. Singhhhum) X President Workers U111611111 L1rani tun Corporation radii.' Zadupra. Eat )( Vice President - Tata Tinkrn Oartisholpini Winkel; Union. X President -Taraporr Workers Union. X President -Meharhi Tate Hospital. Jamehydpm.

(Pi4ADEE0 Klt BALIAUCI1141) • Curriculum Vitae of AKHTAR MAJEED

DATE OF BIRTH: 15.8.1947


DISCIPLINE : Political Science

PRESENT POSITION & ADDRESS: Director, Center for Federal Studies, and Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hamdard University, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi - 110062 Tel. Office= 26059688 Xtn 5889; Res.= 26059695 e-mail: [email protected]

PREVIOUS POSITIONS: Member, Higher Education Services Commission, Uttar Pradesh, ,

Director, Centre for Strategic Studies Aligarh Muslim University

Chairman, Department of West Asian Studies,Aligarh Muslim University

Registrar, Jamia Hamdard

Lecturer in political Science, University of Allahabad

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: D. Litt. and Ph.D. ( Political Science) Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations and Development, [ Institute of Social Studies, Hague- Netherlands]

Certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies, [University of Uppsala, Sweden]

Commonwealth Fellowship in Management of Higher Education, at the Universities of Warwick & Nottingham, UK •

VISITING FACULTY: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. USA

ACADEMIC POSITIONS: Member Board of Governors, GBP Institute of Social Sciences, Allahabad

Editor, Indian Journal of Federal Studies

Editor, Strategic Studies Journal (1988- 95)

Editor, Journal of West Asian Studies (1993- 96)

Member Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Politics (1983-85)

President, National Congress for Defence Studies ,1993 & 1999-2001

Secretary Political Science Panel, Indian Academy of Social Sciences 0985)

Joint Secretary, Indian Association of Gandhian Studies (1984)

Fellow, Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, University of Chicago, USA

INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS and CONSULTANCY: Theme Coordinator, Global Project on Federalism in the 21 ° Century (Distribution of Responsibilities), Forum of Federations. Ottawa- Canada

Resource Person, Competency Development Programmes on Federalism, Ministry of Federal Affairs, Govt. of Ethiopia • 76-

PUBLICATIONS: Books= 10, Papers= 50

SEMINARS: Attended: International = 16 National = 50 Organised: 15


COURSES TAUGHT Constitutions and Governmental Systems, International Relations and International Law, Political Thought, Defence and Strategic Studies

DELIVERED LECTURES AT: The Universities of Allahabad, Madras, Punjab, Punjabi, G N D Amritsar, Gorakhpur, Jamia Millia. Kurukshetra, MD Rohtak, Rohilkhand Bareilly, Poona Internal Security Academy, Mount Abu


CONFERENCES IN: The USA , The U.K., France, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Malaysia, Nepal, Bang.adesh, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia _ 7 -


Name Professor Akttarul Wasey

Father's Name (Late) Mr. S. A. Haire/

Place and Da:e of Birth Aligarh (UP, India) September 01, 1951

Nationality Etdian

Occupation Teaching and Research (Professor)

Address (Official) Dean Faculty of Humanities and Languages Japia Millia islamia, New DeIH Phone: 26983578 Professor, Department ol'Islanic Studies, Jaraia Millia Islamia New Delhi — 110025 Telephone No. 0091-11-26981717 Ex:ension: 35:

Bony. Director, Zakir Husain Institute of Islamic Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi — 110025 Te:ephoae No 0091-11-26980258 Fax: 0091-11-26980258

Editor, Islam and the Modem 1 ,e (English Quaterly) and Islam our 41-sr-e-Jadeed (Urdu Q.laterly ) Zakir Husain Institute of :sleatic Studies, larnia Millia :slamia, New Delhi - 1:0025

Residential Address : B-111. Jamia Enclave Jamia Nagar, New Dclhi 110625 Telephone No. 0091-11-26836077 3 abile: 9810541045

/09 2004 19:04 TEL 269173 37 •

Academic ReCOrd: 1977 Aligarh Muslim Univcsity 1976 MA. ( Studies ) -do- 1. 1975 Is/taster of Theology -do- 2. 1971 3. Bachelor of Theology -do- 1068

4. B A. (Eons -do- 1967 5. Pre-University .do- 1965

6. High School Jamie Urdu, Aligarh 1966 7. %tidal -do- 1969 8. Adeeb -do- 1970 9. Adeeb M alai: -do- 983 IC. Adeeb Kamil Istanbul University (Turkey) A short course in Turkish Language 11. Teaching Experience: , 15, MUlia Islarnia, New elhDei lhi since May Islamic Studies), i3,1111a frorn 29 1. 87 to 15 .5.9 1 Professor' Islamic, New D 1. Reader (Islamic Studies), Jrnia Millia Isla . Delhi from 1.8.80 to 28.1.87 2. (Islamic Studies), Jarnia Millie Islamia, New 31.7.80 LeCtlliCT Muslim niversity, Aligarh, from 29.9.79 tc 3. (Islamic Studies), Alit a. LecturerLectures (Islamic Srudies), .acme Millia Islamia, New Delhi, from 1 12.7€ to 311.79 5.

Research Experience : Supervised and guided the following research scholars who have sLccessfully I completed their work and have teen awarded the deg' ee of Ph.D. in Islamic Studies as per details given below — .....---- Year of award Tide of Ph.D. Thesis S.No. Name of the candidate and Nationality — And Eindustan Mein Talim-I-Niswan Kt 2034 ,AJnanullah Fahad 1. Mazbabi Ida:e India 2N3 Magorib our Islami Buniyad Mohammad Arshad Paral 2002 Minorities in Contemporary India 3. Sabestian Joseph India

2 3;09 2004 19:05 TEL 26917337 • 1 9

Islamic Fundamentalism: 2002 Humayun Aantar 4. Comparative Study India of Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Egypt

Development of lalmnic 2001 5. Nasiruddin Mizy Education in Bangladesh On English) 1999 Ghularn Mohd. Shah Kashmir mein Tasawwuf 6. Ki Tanvij via Tshaat Mein India Rishi Sufia Ka Hissa (it Uriu)

Devtopment of KubrzviYa 1999 Suraiys Gul 4. Sufi order ii Kashmir with India Special reference to Mir Saiyed Ali Eamdani (in English)

The Response of Muslim Youth 2000 5. N4asysicur Hakim Organizations tc socio-political Indonesia Changes . A case study of DST's role in Indonesia ( in English)

Role of Islam in Indonesian Politics 1998 Sya'ban H Mohd. 7. English) Indonesia Islamic Resurgence is Sudan 1996 8. Mohd Salil• Hasan ( A Study of Hasan Al-Turabi's Sheikh kis, Sudan Thoughts and Ideas) (in Englshf!

Biswir. Sadi Mein Mewat mein Diai 1993 Mohd. Habib 6. Islahi autTalit Talt-ikat our un ke India .kgat (in Urdu)

lslanl Uloom Ki Tarwij Wa icshat 1996 7. Abdul Wens Khan Mein Nadwatt.1 Musannifin Ki India Khidmat (in Urdu) Maghirti Africa mein Islam : l!mi 1996 8. Shees Mohd. Tahzibiaur Saqafati Mutalah Azni , India (it Urdu) Silsila-e-Chishtiya Sabirya : Anya 1994 14, Rai Alunad Kamal Aar Siyasi wa Samaji laidrna: (in Urdu) India 09 2004 19:05 TEL 20017337 703, • 26

2 Currently superning Eve WID. dissertations as per following details. &Pio. Name of the candidate Title of Ph.D. Thesis and Nationality mialn Maulana Amin Mosta Islabi aur unki Taisiri I. Abu Tallta India Khidmat Mufti FaSeen Asr-e•hiazir ke Masai) aur Masalae Ijthiad Akita( ts adv.. Khayalat Ka tajziyati Mutalah Ek Tanqidi Mutalati 3. Mohd. Tahir India Tafsir-e-fiaqqani : Sir Sited Aur Un ke Rufaqa Ke Mazhzbi Afar 4. Junaid Hans India

Nehru University, Examiner for 3 .Phil and Ph.D. programmes oflawaharlal 3. Lucknow University etc . Aligarh Muslim University, Kashmir University and 4. Associated with National Elegibility Test. programme of Universtiy Grants Commission as an expert on Islamic Studies and Arab Culture.

Positions Held at Present: Member (Trustee) Sun Foundation India, Chandigarh (Punjab) Ex-Member, Academic Council, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh President Maulana Mohammad All ieuhar Academy, New Delhi 3 4. Member, Advisory Board, Politics India (The Awareness Magazine). New Delhi Member, Academic Council, Jamie Millia Islarnia, New Delhi 5 Member, Board of Researach Studies, Centre for Central Asian Studies, 6. University of Kashmir, Srinagar.


03/09 2034 19:06 TEL 26917337 rty •

Member, Board cf Reamrcli Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Social 1. S:iences, Hamdard University, New Delhi. Department of Islamic Studies, University of 2. Member, Board of Studies, Kashmir, Srinagar Member, Board of Research Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of

Kashmir. Srinagar University, Member, Faculty Committee, Faculty of Theology, Aligarh Muslim 4 Aligarh. -. Member, Board of Studies, Department cf Islaatic Studies, A M U., Aligarl 5. tee, Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, Member, Dargah Commit- 6. Educational Management Resource 7. Member, National Advisory Group of the Project (EMRP), Aga Khan Foundation (India:. Member, Advisory Baud Foundation for Amity and National Solidarity, New 8. Delhi Member, Editorial Board, "Secular Democracy" ( a reputed journal), New Delhi 9. Sampradayalez Virodhi Committee, New Delhi IC. Member, Executive of All India Trustee, Foundation for Imer-Community Relations (FICR). New Delhi 11. 12 Trustee, Yasmeen Foundation, New Delhi Member, Editorial Board, Jihan-e-Tib and Unani Chikitsa our Swett (Quarterly 13. ournals of Urdu and Hindi respectively published by Central Council of Research in Unani Medicine ,Ministry of Health, Govt. of India) 14, Member, Editorial Board, Rampur Raze Library, Journal

Positions Held Previously:

Five Year Special Invitee, Sub Group for preparing a working paper for the Plan for Indian Systems of Medicine (ISM), Planning Commission, Govt of India President, Dargah Commiittee, Hunt Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti, Ajmer 2. Conference, Pune (Elected) Islantie Studies Section, All facia Oriental 5. President Impact of Civilizations' c. Coordinator, International Seminar on "Islam in India — Organised by Indian Count.] for Cultural Relations ( Govt. of India; 3-4 Octobtr,

1998 at New Delhi . Vice-President, Dargin Committee, Hazrat IChwaja Tvloinuddin Chishu, Ajmer S. Member, Aligarh Muslim University Court (Chancellor's nominee) 6. Member. Anjuman (Court). lama Millie Islamia, New Delhi Member, Academic Council, Hamdard University, New Delhi (Chancellor's nominee). 3. Member. Board of Research Studies, Faculty of Isiaraic Studies and Social Sciences, Hamdard 9. University, New Delhi

10. President, All India Islamic Studies Teacher's Association. S7, anc 11. Elected Mempes, Academic Council, Jamia Mil:la Islarni New Delhi, from 1985 to I again from 1987 to Dec. 1985. 12. Member, Malis-e-Diniyat, Jamia Millia Islamic, New Delhi Member, Deeni Taleemi Council 1.1 F. 13. Govt. of India ), New Delhi 14. Treasurer, Maulana And Education Foundation, ( -.5 Member, Maulana And Education Foundation ( Govt. of ladia), New Delhi 16 Member, Central Waaf Council (Govt. of India: New Delhi


Original: 77 I. Education of Indian Muslims ; 1`lev; Delhi, 19 ) Sir Syed Ki Taleemi Tehreek (New Delhi, 1985 & second edition 20041. 2. (The first comprehensive study in English and Urdu of the Educational distension India Muslin Educational Conference of the Aligarh Movement i.e. the All founded by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan :n 1886)

3. Mohammed Ali Jauhar: Sholay Ki Suguzasht ( New Delhi' 2003) ( Essays on Maulana Mohammed All Jauhar)


Maulana Abel Kalam Azad ( Transliteration in 1. Tarjumanul Quran Vol. I, Devnagri script and 1-liadi meaning of Key Urdu worth), :CCR, New Deltu,2004 Translation of the biography of Avicina) CCRUM 2 Aaiyte-Sarguzushi (Hindi (Govt. of ' 999 Hind lslami Tarz-e-Tameer: Urdu translation cf Indo-Mislim Architecture, 3 1995 published by Publications Ovision, Ministry ofI &B (Govt. of India) a. Hamtra Mull( Bharat - an NCERT text book in Urcu ( 1991) Sabaq Amoz Kahaniyan ( Urdu 1985) ke Kendra (Hind:), Publications Division, Ministry of 6. Bharat mein Islam i Shiksha I&B, Government of India. New Delhi, 1984

6 7 ctn.: 03/09 20(4 19:15 TEL 2601T337 •

Edited: Jerusalem : Holy City Etslaved : Articles and Proceedings of an Indo-Arab 1 us of Jerusalem (held is New Delhi in Line 1984) jointly Symposium on Arab Sta.- edited with Mrs. Mazorma Dewan (FM Publications, New Delhi, 1984). compilation of Yaroslaalem: Shah: -e- Muqaddas -Se- Shahr -e- Masloob Tak. A edited with Mrs. Manorma Dewan (Pk! articles on Jerusalem in Urdu, jointly Fablications, New Delhi, 1987). Prof. All Muhammad Khusro: Hayat Aur Klaidraat , A Commemorative Volume 3. Jamia Ltc , New Delbi,2000 in recognition of the halm Published by Ma eminent economist and inte:lectual, Prof. Al. multifaceted achievements of the Muhammad Khusrc Dana-e-Ran Annemtie Sc,iimmel, A commomoradve volume published By Maktaba Jamia Ltd.. in 2003 Urdu writings published 5. Khania-e-Khusro, a compilation of Prof. A.M. Khusro' by MaktabaJamia Ltd., 2004

Memorial Lecture: Scerat-e-Taiyabah mein Samaji 'use Ki Taleem Noiraddin Haris Memorial Lecture, delivered at Bombay in 199 i ) (Maktaba Jamia, New Delhi, 1994) SPECIAL VOLUMES: B. ARTICLES INCLUDED IN COMMEMORATIVE i Hat: Qurane-Kareem Key Ilawaley Se'', Quran Aaloodgi; Masan Elf Aur Sscier.ce Edited by Abdul All and Zafarul Aligarh Muslim University, .Aligarh, 2004 "Indo-Islamic Cultural Interface" Islam it India the Impact of Civi:izations Delhi - 110002 (200: ) edited by Aught!: Ali Engineer, Shipra Publications, New . Different Perspective Edited by "Islam and Wo::d Peace' iatcrfaith Dialogue ) Dhararn Singh, ( Publication Bureau, Punjab University, Patiala 2003and West Asia "India-West Asia Interaction" History Culture and Society in India Edited by N. K Vohra, New Delhi 2002 4. "Indo-Egyptian Friendship the Ages" Indian and the Islamic World edited 5. by Riyaz Punjabi and A.K. Pasha ( New Delhi, 1998). "Historical. and Cultiral Ties be:ween India and Turkey (Indian 'View)", Journalof 5 sategic Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Govt.50th of the Centre for S- Turkish Republic (Special isue on "Indo-Turiish Symposium on the Anniversary of Indian Independence and Turkish-Incian Diplomatic Relations (Ankara 1998). VO Swy• :. "'C r •

"Sir Syed Mr Kali: La — Qaumiat Se Qaum Ki Taraf' ( An Urdu translation and extract of Mushirul Han' s book Muslim Politics in Modern India) in S.r Syed se Akbar tak edited by Sharn m Hanli and Suhail Ahmad FaruM (New Delhi, 1995).

"Muslim Education in India", Muslims in India, (Ministry of External Affairs, 8 Govt. of India, New Delhi, 1995). Also published in Arabic, French, Hindi and Urdu editions. "Hazrat Rauf Amrchi ki Natia Shatrir. Anware Lauf (Amroha, 1988). 9 ."Khwaja Hasan Nizami ki Duayen, Ek Nai Jehat". Khwaja Hasaa Nizami: Hayat Aur Khidmat ( Urdu Academy, Delhi, 1987). "islamiat" a review on Malik Ram's book Malik Ram Ek Mutalea (Delhi, 1986) 11. 'Si Amman", an article on the illustrious mother of Ali Brothers Leaders of th:.: 12. The Urdu Text book for VI standard, IChilafat Movemeni in India). Sal 13harti It Maharashtra Text Bock Board. Pune, since 1983). : Kitabein" Qaum Awaz (special volume) (New Delhi, 1982) 13. "Urdu Mein [slain .

la "Aligarh aur Deoband", Daryl Uloom Deoband Number. Aljamiat (Delhi, 1980). "Sanskrit Tatha Hindi ke Pra:har aur Prasar mein Aligarh Muslim Vishvidialey i 5. (in Hindi), Daily Atm I,Jjals, Agra (Special supplimear) 17.10.1976 Ka Yogdan- "Aligarh Muslim V tshwvidialey Chhatra Sangh — Ateet aur Vartman" (in Hindi) 16. Daily Amar Jjala, Agra (special sunplennent) 13.13.1976).

C. OTHER ARTICLES AND REVIEWS: 100 articles and reviews in Urdu, Hindi and English published in various journals and Magazines.

D. RADIO & T.V. TALKS: About 200 radio and 50 T.v talks and other programme; on efferent topics and isues from All India Radio, Delhi Doordardhan and Kendra of Srinagar and Lucknow.

SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOW SHIPS: Selected for the Snort-term Turkish Govt. fellowship to study Turkish language and Culture by the Ministry orEducation ( Goct. of India) 1983 .

2. Junior Research Fellowship (LIGC) 1;77.78 Faculty of Social Science merit scholarship for M.A. (Islamic Studies) of the 3. A.M.U.1976-7 7 Faculty of Theology merit 5631a:snip for NI.Th (Sunni) of the A../v1.0. 1975-76. 4. Islamic Studies Merit scholarship for M.A. (Islamic Studies) of :he A.M.U. 1972 5. Islamic Studies merit scholarship for B.A. (Hons.) of the A.M.U. 1968-71 6.

ACADEMIC TOURS ABROAD: Session of the ULited Nations Hainan Visited Switzerland to attend the 60th Rights COmmisston at Geneva in March 2004 Visited Indonesia to participate M an International Conference of Islamic Scholars 2. as Speaker at Jakarta 23 226, Feb. 2004 Visited Nepal tc participate in Interfaith Consultaticn on Children, Young People 3. held at Kathmandu organised by the UNICEF's Regional Office and H1V/AIDS Corr-sine of the on South Asia. Also served as member of the Drafting Declaration adopted by the delegates of South Asian Region Indian Delegation to attend a Symposium en Visited Turkey as a member of & Turco —Indian Relations Jointly organized by Turkish Institute of History ICHR in Ankara, Turkey from 31' October - 1 November, 2002

Powered Malaysia and Indonesia as a member of High 5. Visited Branec, Parliamentary Delegation in February 2002 Visited Iraq as member of Indian Goodwill delegation led by Dr. Najmo Heptuhn, 6, to September 2, 2001 Dy Chairperscr. Maya Sabha iom August 30 Visited Pakistan in May 2001 and met HE Gen. Pervez Musharref, Chief 7


_ 86-

8. Executive ofPakistan.

9, Visited U.S.A. in February 20J0 under International Visitors Program of the State Department

10. Visited Japan in June, 1999.

11. Visited U.S.A. it june-July, 1999.

12. Visited Thailand in July. 1999 .

13. Visited U.A.E. in December 1998.

14 Visit& Saudi Arabia Le December, 1998

15 Visited Uzbekistan to attend International Conference on "imam Bukhari Ahmed al-Farghani at Samarkand 2,4 Farghana" jointly organised by UNESCO & Govt. of Uzbekistan in October, 1998.

16. Visited Turkey tc attend an Indo-Turkish Seminar :ointly organised by Govt. of India & Turkey it December, 1997.

17. Visited U.S.A. to attend '.n international Conference organised by United Religions Initiative-2000 at San Francisco in June 19 4;7, and leter visited various U.S. cities to deliver lectures.

18. Visited U.K in 1997

19. Visited Oman in :997

20. Visited Turkey to attend the Wisdom Keepers Meet -II under Habitat -II 1996

21. Visited Bahrain is 1996 delegvion of 12. Visited Egypt and Syria as a member of a three member Indian academicians in :995

23. Visited Jordan in 1995

24. Visited Saudi Arabia is 1995

25. Visited Egypt as a member of the Indian Delegation to attend an Incln-Egypt Seminar in September 1991 under the leadership of Dr. Najma Heptulla, Chairperson, Raya

2004 19:17 Mt Z0V110 4 : 3/ 09 ut '


26. Visited Qatar in September 1991 Visited USSR & Dia Korea at the imitation of the Korean Association of 27. Social Scientists for du= weeks from 1.3.1990 to 23.3 1990 Visited Iraq at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture Govt. of Iraq, to attend the 28. International Literary Meet, 23.30 November 1989. .:i Lanka Amity Camp Visited Sri Lanka as a resource pe:son to attend an Indo-S 29. in January 1987. Selected by tae Nln:stry of Education, Govt. of India, for Short Term Turkish 30 kish language and culture, and successfully Govt. Fellowship to Study Itu- completed the course from Istanbul University, Turkey in 1983.

31. Visited Kuwait in :983 to attend the Quran Conference held at Lahore as ar. Visited Pakistan la 1980 32. Official delegate of the Aligarh Muslim University, and presented a paper.

Visited Turkey for tree weeks under the Incio-Turkish cultural exchange 33 programme in May 1979 visited Lebanon_ Syria. Saud Arabia and Pakistan in 1979 34.

35. Visited Nepil in :976

AWARDS: 1996 Maulana Mohd. Ali J au hat- Award, New Delhi 1 1985 Award front Urdu Academy, Delhi on "Sir Syed ki Taleemi Tehreek'

3. 1985 Award from U.P. Urdu Academy on "Sir Sycd Ki Teleetal Tehreek:.

LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY. Fluent in Urdu, Hindi and English. Working knowledge of Arabic, Persian and Turkish

11 Ea

REGD NO D. L.-33004/99 Nre '6'5*c05-33004/99

-71417.% a, he Gazette of India 3ITMITATT EXTRAORDINARY WI II —Vag 3 —B0-11183 (a) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (in vfmmir iT itetaDict PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 19, 1927 It 10921 1:141,114noigit, 314701'11, zoosiatiPrdw No. 10921 NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, OCTOBER II. 2005/ASVINA 19, 1927

4,1 al, *4 mtgd R8f tiVR ( mdWm aitrvfnn fawn)


fC14, 11 m*Ltri, 2005 7i137VM (1) 4rt ( 2 ) I RI .sma Th-TAT. 1483 ( 30. —791 zET airtUtFR aftifizng, :005 (2005 71 22) ti NM 12 nicwif at 5r*ri '374 At Ttr3 MT zEre*Tiatic-t kdo-cign * * 5rvirr 3/47a ctemit 3,14mt orikrrMisi MT SIM fT471 7ri Iraq *0* fare Wzr tlahr ain1 'i 3/41TR * mtnt Aiwa I

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New Delhi. the l I th October, 2005 Right to - rred by sub -sections (1) and (2) of Section !2 of the — In exercise of the poweis conf S.O. 1483(E). Central Infornution Intonation Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the Central Gen eminent hereby constitute abody to be known as the to p erform the functions assigned, to it under the said Act. COMMISSiO3 to exercise the powers conferral on. and

I 3.030 61;2005 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Plan ll—Scc.3(iie

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S.0 (E). In pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 12 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005), the President is pleased to appoint Shri A.N. Tiwari as the Information Commissioner with effect from the forenoon of

26th December, 2005 .

(F. No. 1/7 /200)6R) _ (T. JACOB) Joint Secretary to the Government of India.

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ch, 114)1W our tl714 iillettf MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, °UBL1C GRIEVANCES ANC PENSIONS cfl tierUF 41. -11410) Wa9, as A-urr fi 3rd FLOOR, "B" WING, LOK NAYAK BHAWAN, DY. CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS it c11-110003 Tel No.- 24692852 NEW DLEH1-110003 Fax No.-24692852

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Shri P.K.Mishra Under Secretary. DoPT, Room No.222-B, North Block, New Delhi.

4W1t& +14 U0 d lust net been tr in 1W4 italtrn. irloAetrve_h_,Iirst InkikA- 1 k- 1.0,0,:mo 4k.yfr • recniccl -uNiu.:Alm) icr corvtwY\ Pskov', I (OAK. , -1) bYa- T ,,td an 40.114_, 2a.‘55:Idti 0- vJc. •-rnizes. JOJ'arle U.SLINcv#0 S." fra ert c•-• nyuattc-. S StPalk—d lvt..\\a1/4°16,9 re,fir`nf 117/14a, ciety G.25020/1/2006-07/RB D.O. No.-

Tart zfiW>>. ftwzru MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC Shankar Das GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS cfl't11 r 4i %7T, mitt) -ilia: W4-9'. Ate- fain 3rd FLOOR, "B" VVI NG, LOK NAYAK BHNAIAN DY. CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS itMl-110003 Tel No.- 24692852 Fax No.-24692852 NEW DLEHI-110003

101h October, 2007.

Dear Shri Please refer to CGA Office U.O. No. 10 (1)/Mise12005/Pilile/140 - 141 dated i 9.6.2007 (copy enclosed for ready reference) regarding clarification/confirmation of crediting of the amount of GPI: transferred from A.G. Hyderabad in respect of Shri A.N.Tiwari, the then Secretary (Personnel) and presently working as Information Commissioner in Central Information Commission under the payment control of PAO, CAT.

The clarification of be said U.O. letter has not been received in this office so tar. You arc. therefore, requested to look into the matter personally and kindly get dr: clarification expedited as Shri Tiwari himself is very much insisting to get the matter sale.: urgently.

Yours sincerely, *Aketrt.r._c.-, (Shankar Das)

Shri P.K.Mishra Under Secretary. DoPT. Room No.222-I1. North Block, New 1)clhi. Office of the Controller General of Accounts Department of Expenditure Ministry of Finance 7th Floor, Lok Nayak Khan Market, New Delhi –110 003.

Sub: Crediting the amount of GPF transferred from AG, Hyderabad in respect of Shri A.N.Tiwari, Secretary (Personnel).

Please find enclosed a copy of Controller of Accounts, M/o Personnel, Pubic Grievances and Pension's U.O. No. PAO/DPARTund/ANT/2006-07/3630 dated 13.03.2007 regarding clarification/coermation of crediting of the amount of GPI? transferred from AG Hyderabad in respect of Shri A.N.Tiwari, Secretary Personnel, who took voluntary retirement on 26.12.2006 (date of Supperannuation: 31.12.2006) and presently working as information Cinunissiorer in Central Information Commission. Department of Personnel • Training may please examine the issue and offer necessary clarification on tile iss. ra ised by the lvlinistry of P.P.G.& Pal the earliest This issues trial approvat ()rm. Cortroller General of Accounts.

A. S ;audit It) Dy. Controller General of Accounts Cock As above

Director, Department of Personnel & Training, M/o P.P.G & P, North Block. New Delhi. C.G.A.'s U.O. 10(i )Misc/2005/Pl-fi le )V o—tyl Dated: jot/06/2007

Copy to : The Controller of Accounts. NI o Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension's, 3' d No. Floor, 'B' Wing, Lok Nayak 3hawin. New Delhi with reference to their U.O. PAO/DPAR/Fund/ANT/2006.07/3630 dated 13.03.2007.

g rey S.< it-b -1)? 411 oc.") c /Vol• Al Dy. Controller General of Accounts kit ka.v \Urn taAtAl l‘allt. V C C N Pbc,A PAY AND ACCOUNTS OFFIC:E MINISTRY OF PERM1NNEI, PUBLIC GRIEVANCFS AND PENSION 3111' FLOOR `14 9 WING, LOK NAYAK BHAWAtt NEW DELHI'

• Suh: Crediting the amount of GPF transferred from AG Hyderabad in respect of Shri A.N.Tiwari, Scerctary (Personnel). -""s• Shri A.N.Tiwari, Secretary (Personnel) look voluntary retirement on 26.12.2005 from Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pension, Department of Personnel & Training, New lieLh;. His date of superannuation was 31.12.2005. Shri Tiwari was appointed as Information Commissioner with effect from 26.12.2005 (FN) vide notification No. 1/7/2005(1R) dated 26th December.2005. The Terms & Condition of his service have been decided by the Chief Commissioner's office vide their office order No. 16.2.20051T&C dated 25.8.:.W (copy enclosed) These provisions have been flamed on the lines of Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners (Condition of Service) Act, 1991 and the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Condition of Service Act, 1958) and the Rules math there under, as amended from time to time. As per the order dated 25.8.2006, the Chief information Commissioner and Information Conimissioners are entitled to subscribe to the General Provident Fund (Central Services)(As per Section 7 of the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioner (Condition of Service) foot, 1991 (Cony enclosed). Accordingly, a new GPI: number was allotted to Shri A.N.Thvnri, Information Commissioner. Now a cheque issued by AG, Hyderabad in favour of PAO/DPAR towards final payment of GPF has been received from the Chief information Commissionet, for crediting the same to his newly opened GPF Accounts. It has been telephonically ascertained from the 0/o Election Commissionn they al..: crediting the previous balances of GPF to the newly opened GPF Account in ease of IAS Officers appokted as Election Commissioner. This office is of the view that since the Terms & Conditions of the Chef Information Commissioner are similar to those of the Chief Election Commissioner we may also credit the previous GPF balance / Final payment of CiPE received from AG, Hyderabad to the account ofpliSttri A.N.Tiwari. 1 This may kindly be clarified/confirmed. 1

I ; Controller of Accounts

UO Ne.PAO/DPAR/Fundi RNr P006.-0715630 Ci.C3.2007 iShri •• Dy. Cant roller G men: c:erno.:7s. "C" 7 p.onr. --- 4 0' ."-tYco: ilia.-ae. Kilo . '. !..*:::. ...•:.ew 7.,..k :1:: -• i. :" IT.:.

Annexure to order No Page 1 of 5

, Annexure to ostler No 1612/200511M Datec 25 1^ August, 08

Right 10 Information Act, 2005


Terms and Conditions of Service of the Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners

Tenure :- The Chief Information Commissioner/Information Commissioner shall hold office for a term of 5 (five) years or till he attains the age of 65 years. The Chief lnformat on Commissioner shall not be eligible for reappointment. The Information Commissioner shall be eligible for appoin:ment as tie Chief Information Commissioner in the manner specified in sdb section (3) o Section 12 of he Act. Where the Information Commissioner is appointed as Chief Information Commissioner, his term of office shall rot be more than five years in aggregate as the Information Commissioner and Chief Information Commissioner. (As per Sec. 13(1), 13

(2), Provisos to Sec.13 (2) of the RTI Act, 2005)

Pay The Chief Information Commissioner/Information Commissioner shall draw a pay of Rs.30. 000 p m. (fixed). If he is in receipt of a pension (cther than a disability or wound pension) from Government of India or from State Government. his salary as Chief Information Commissioner/Information Commissioner sha I be reduced by the amoun: of that pension including commuted portion of pension If he is it rece pt of retirement Denef ts in respect of any previous sery ce reidered in a Corporation estaplished by or under any Central Act or State Act or

a Government company owned or controlled by the Central Government or the State Governments, his sal a ry in respect of :he service as Chief Information Commissioner or Information commissioner shall be reduced by the amount of pension equivalent to the retfremert benefits. (As per Sec. 13(5) and first proviso there under of the RTI Act, 2005 & Sec.3 of the CEC and Other ECs (Conditions of service Act, 1991 & Sec12A (2) of the

Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958)

Sumptuary Allowance :- A monthly sumptuary allowance as admissible to the Chief Election Corrmissioner/Election Commissioner shall be admissible to the Chie Information Co -nmissioner:Information Commissioner. Accordingly they are entitled to Rs. 7500/- (Rupees seven thousand five hundred only) per month. (As per Sec.8 of the CEC and other ECs (Conditions of service Act, 1991 & Sec 23B of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and

Conditions of Service) Act 1958)

Provident Fund :- The Chief Infmmaticn Commissioner and the Information Commissioners shall be entitled to subscribe to the General Provident Fund (Central Services). (As per Sec.7 of the CEC and other ECs (Conditions of C1C&ICs.htm 10/16/2007 Page Z et D Annexure to order No -0

• service) Act, 1991)

Leave :- A person who. immediately before the date of assuming office as tie Chef Information Commissioner or during his tenure of office but not an Informat on Commissioner. was in service of Government may be grarted thereafter, leave in accordance with the 'tiles for the time oeing applicable to seryice to whicn he belonged before such date and he shall be en:itled to carry forward the amount of leave standing at his credit on such date.

Any other person who is appointed as Chief Information commissioner or an Information Commissioner may be granted leave in accordarce with such rules as are applicable to a member of the Indian Administrative


The pcwer :o grant or refuse leave to the Chief Information Commissioner or an Information

Commissioner and to revoke or curtail leave granted to him shall vest in the

The Chief Information Commissioner/ Information Commissioners on their demitting office except by

resignation, shall be entitlec to claim encashment of earned leave n respect of the earned leave at their credit subject to a maximum period prescribed for encashment of such leave under the All India Service (Leave) Rules,

1955 as amended from time to time.

In case they demit office by resignation, they we entitled to encashment of leave at their credit on the of such leave at their credit subject tc half of the maximum period date of cessation of service to the extent of half

stated above.

Provided that the encashment of earned leave, if any, already availed before joining the Commission and the period of earned leave being encashed in the Commission together shall in no case exceed the maximum

period as stipulated under the All India Service (Leave) Rules, 1955 Supreme Court (As per Sec 5 of the CEC and other ECs (Conditions of service Act, 1991 & Sec 4A of the Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958)

Accommodation :- afion Commissioners shall be entitled without payment of The Chief Information Ccmmissioner and nforn- rent to the use o' an official residence in accordance with the rules prescribed for Chief Electior commissioner/Election Commissioners. They are entitled to ftee furnishing including electrical appliances in their not exceed Rs 2 lakh. They are also entitled without payment of 'ent to official residence, the value of which does a period of one month immediately the use of furnished residence throughout the term o' their office and for thereafter and no charge shall fall on them personally n respect cf the maintenance of such residence. For this quarters and other bu 'dings appurtenant thereto and the garden there of purpose. residence includes the staff in relation to a residence includes :he paymert of local rates and taxes and eiectricity and anc maintenance

10116'2007 http:/ and condi:ions CIC&ICs.htm Page di D Annexure to order No

eason, the Chief Information commissioner or Information commissioner does not avail ,vater. Where, for any - of an official residence he may be paic every month an allowance equivalent to an amount of himself of the use 30% of his pay plus dearness pay as I-IRA in lieu of rent-free official residence In such case the residence of the CIC/IC will be treated as official residence and all other facilities described above will be provided, (As per Sec.8 of the CEC and other ECs (Conditions of service) Act 1991 & Rule 4 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules,


Medical facilities :- The Chief Information Commissioner and the Information Commissione: and the dependent members of

their families shall be entitled to such facilities for medical treatment and for accommodation in hospitals as prescribed for the Chief Election Commissioner from time to time. In terms cf section 8 of the Chief Election Commissioners (Conditions of Service) Act. 1991.they are ertitled to medical Commissioner and Otner Electior facilities and such other conditions of service as are for the time being applicable to a judge of the Supreme Court under Chapter IV of the Supreme Court judges (Conditions of Service) Act, 1958 and the rules made there under. of facilities for medical treatment Accordingly as per Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959, in respect and accommodation in hospitals. the provisions of the (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954 shall

apply as they apply to a member of Ind an Acministrative Service.

Provided that the expenses shall be reimbursed on prescription of Government doctors / hospitals or

Recognized Private Practitioners/Private hospitals to the CIC/ICs.

In accordance with Section 23Cof the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, and his family to the same facilities as respects medical 1958, every retired CIC/ IC shall be eititled for h mself trea:ment and on the same concitions as a retired officer of the Class-I and his fam ly are entitled under any rules or orders of the Central Government for the time tieing in force (As per Sec.8 of the CEC

and other ECs (Conditions of service Act, 1991 &Sec 23C of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and

Conditions of Service) Act,1958 & Rule 5 of the Supreme Court Judges Rules,1959)

Conveyance facilities :- The Chief Information Commissioner and Information commissioners shall be entitled to a staff car and of the CEC and 20Ci litres fuel per month or the actual corsumption of fuel whictever is less (As per Sec.8 other ECs (Conditions of service Act, 1991 & Sec 23 A of the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and

Conditions of Service) Act, 1958)

TAILTC :- The Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners shall be entitled to Traveling Allowance /LTC as applicable to the Chief Election commissioner/Election Commissioner who are entitled to TA (Tour) and TA (Transfer/Retirement) as per the provisions contained in the "Supreme Court Judges (TA) Rules. 1959. In terms of Rule 5(1) ibid when a judge travels on duty he is entitled to a daily allowance at the rate of

10/16/2007 and conditions Cle&lCs.htm Annexure to )1-der No Page 4 of 5 ti uZ

4:s.600 for the entire period of abserce from head quarters provided that da ly allowance so admissible shall be

regulated as follows:

Ful daily allowance for each completed day. that is rec

;ii) For absence f-om head quarters for ess than twenty- four hours the daily allowance shall be at the following rates. namely: - (1) If the absence from headquarters does not exceed 6 hours, 30% of the full daily allowance,

(2) If the absence from head quarters exceeds 6 hours. but does not exceed 12 Fours, 50% of the full daily allowance:

(3) If the absence from head quarters exceeds 12 hours full daily allowance provided also that -

When a judge is required to perform fincbons outside his normal duties in localities away from his head quarters, he may subject to such conditions as the Presidert may in each case determine, be granted daily allowance not exceeding Rs.600 per day for all types of localities and Rs.1030 and transport charges not exceeding Rs.50 par day in respect of specially expensive localities like Mumbai, Kolk.ata, Chenrai. Delhi, Hyderabad, Ahenadatad and Bangalore or any other locality so declared hereafter oy the President and shall also be entitled to accommodation at the same rates as for Gove-nment servants

As admissible to Supreme Cour Judges, Chief Election Commissioner/Election Commissioners, the CIVICs are also emitted :0 LTC for self, spouse and dependent members for visiting any place in lncia including home town during leave thiCe a year n accordance with rules applicable in this behalf to a member of the Indian Administrative Service holding the rank of Secretary to Sovernment of India. (As per Sec.8 of the CEC and other ECs (Conditions of service Act, 1991 & Rule 6A of the Supreme Court Judges (TA) Rules, 1959)

Pension :- In terms of section 6(2) of the CEC and Other ECs (Conditions of service) Act. 1991 the CEC and ECs are entitled to a pension which is equal to the pension payable to the judge of the Supreme Court in accordance w th the provisions of Fart III of the schedule to the Supreme Caul judges (Conditions of Service) Act. 1958 as amended from time to time. These provisions are also appl cable to CIC/ICs in terms of section 13(5) of RTI Act, 2005.

The provisions of Part II apply to a judge who has held any pensionable post under the union or a state (bit is not a member of Indian ) and who has not elected to receive the pension payable under Part I bid CIC&ICs.htm 10/16/2007 Page 5 of 5 Annexure to order No

The pension payable to such a judge shall be

(a) the pension to which he is entitled under the ordinary Ries of his service if he had not been appointee a judge, his service as a judge in India being treated as service therein fo - the purpose of calculating pension

(p) a special additional pension of Rs.78C0 per annum in respect of each completed year of service for pension as

a judge in India Provided that the pension under (a) and additional pension under clause (b) togeher shall in no case exceed Rs.270000 per annum Commutation of pension family pension and gratu ty as are admissible to the it.dge of the Supreme Court are also admissible to CIC/IC (As per Sec 6 of the CEC and other ECs (Conditions of service Act, 1991 & Part III of the Schedule .to the Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958)

Post Retirement benefits :- As in the case of Supreme Court Judges/Election Commissioners, the CIC/I Cs are also entitled during their lifetime a paymen: of Rs.4000 (Rs.Four thousand only) per month for defraying the services of an orderly They are also enttled to a residential telephone free of cost and the number of free calls to tie extent of 1500 per month (Over and above the number of free telephone calls per month allowed by the telephone Companies).

f As per Rule 3 B of the Supreme Court Judges Rules, 1959)

Administrative and other residuary matters :- Administrative matters relating to terms and conditions of sevice of the Chief Information commissioner and Irformation Comm ssioners with respect to which no express provision has been nade shall be as applicable :o the Chief Election commissioner and Electicn commissioners respectively. ;As per Sec. 13(5) of RTI Act, 2005)


(Wajaha: Habioullah) Chief Information Commissioner

http:;/cie.govinfferms and conditions CIC&ICs.htm 10'16'2007

K 7 \ 0/4 • YV \ Dr. G.C. Srivastava. C-1155. Bapa Nagar. IAS (Recd) Dr. Zakir Hussain Mari New Delhi-110003

July 28, 2005

Dear 9' -;etv

Du•ing my tenu•e as Chief Secretary of Goa (and concurrently as Secretary of Home and Information Departments) in mid nineties, a major step towards transparency in government functioning was taken, when Goa became the second state M the country to enact a right to information legislation, which was drafted under my guidance. Even earlier, wh.le I was posted as Development Commissioner of Goa (and concurrently as Secretary of Public Works and Irrigation Departments) in mid-eighties. I through executive orders, made files dealing with award of contracts accessible to public, who could inspect the files and ask for copies of documents and notings.

7 2. Now that the Right to nformation Act. 2005 has been notified by D.z-v -Government cf India, I would like to be associated with the Central Information Commission in an appropriate capacity to assist the Government in its endeavour to bring in transparency and accountability n the functioning of the Government.

3. A Copy of my bio-data is enclosed for favourable consideration. 5 , q c \/-4 n1.4,.. Yom. Yours sincerely.

(G C. Srivastava) Shri A.N. Tewari. Secretary. Department of Personnel and Training, North Block, New Delhi (o. • CURRICULUM VITAE OF DR. GIRISH CHANDRA SRIVASTAVA

1. Name : DR. GIRISH CHANDRA, SRIVASTP.VA Indian Administrative Service, UT Cadre of 1967 batch, retired on SO" June 2. Professional Background 2003. Suoseguently re-employed as Member Secretary. Twelfth Finance Commission. Government of India ;Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance) - :ompleted the assignment on 31 b' Cecember 2004.

Residential Adcress C - I / 55. Bapa Nagar, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg. New Delhi - 110 003.

4. Date of Birth 1 July 1942 High School from U.P.Board in 1954 - First Class 62%) with distincion 5. Academic Quaifications : i) in Maths

ii) Intermediate in Science from U.P. Board in 1956 - First Class (64%) with distinction in Maths.

iii) Bachelors Degree (E.Sc.) in Physics, Geology and Mathematics from Lucknow University in 1959 - First Class (69.1%) - Eleventh position in Order of Merit.

iv) Master's Degree (M.Sc.) in Geophysics from Banaras Hindu Uriversily in 1961 - First Class (69.6%) - First positipn in Order of Merit.

v) Certificate in Development Planning from University of London (U.K.) in 1977.

vi) Masters Degree (M.A.) in Public Admnistra:ion from Panjab University in 1380 -Second Class (52.4%).

Allanabad University in 1983 - vii) Bachelor's Degree in Law (L.L.B.) from First Class (65.6%) - First position in Order of Merit.

viii) Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Kanpur University in 1982. - ix) Certificate of Proficiency in German from Allahabai University in 1934 First Class (86.7°A).

x) Certificate in Agricultural & Rural Project Managenient tom University of Bradford (U.K.) in 1987.

Languages known i) English Bengali iii) Assamese iv) Hindi v) Working

7 Important postions neld In Districts

a Assistant Commissioner, Nagaon, Assam - ' 968-69.

b Sub-Divisional Officer, Karimgan,, Assam - 1970.

c Additional District Magistra:e, Mizo District - 1971-72. • 2

d Deputy Commissioner. Mizo Distinct - 1972.

e Add tonal District lvtagistrate, Delhi - 19,74-76.

Under State Governments

a Under Secretary to Government of Assam, Department of Revenue 1971-72

b Director & Secretary. Supply & Transport Cepartment, Govemmert of Mizoram - 1972-74.

c Development Commissioner & Secretary of various Development Departments. Government of Goa - 1985-88.

d Chairman, Deihl State Civil Suppl es Corporation -1993-34.

e Secretary & Commissioner, Food, Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Government of NCT of Delhi - 1994-95.

f Chief Secretary to Government of Goa - 1995-98.

Under Government of India

a Deputy Commssioner / Commssioner / Secretary / Chief Vigilance Officer of Delhi Development Authority, Ministry of Urban Development - 1976-79.

b Regional Director of Staff Selection Commission, Ministry of Personnel - 1982.84.

c Secretary & Chief Vigilance Officer of Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Joint Secretary in the Department of Agricultural Research & Education. Ministry cf Agri:ulture - 1938-93.

d Additional Secretary & Chief Vigilance Officer, Department 01 Revenue, Ministry of Finance -1998-2001.

e Chairman. Tariff Commission, Ministry of Commerce & Industry - 2002 (January to Oc:ober)

Member Secretary, Twelfth Finance Commission - November 2002 till date. ?A 12 tss

In Financial Institutions

a Resident Manager of Indian Investmert Centre, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance - 1979-82.

b Administrator cf the Goa State Co-operative Bank - 1985-87.

I have 37 years of experience in dealing with problems relating to different 8. Details of Experience facets of public affa rs and administration. I have wide experience in every sense of the term, inasmuch as I have worked in three states, viz. Assam, Mizoram and Goa. as well as NCT of Delhi at district, department and secretariat levels, as also in Government of India in different miristries and au:onomous organisations in Delhi as well as outside. I have represented Incia at many international conferences in different countries. • ( 3

I have been associated with Delhi Development Authority 'or 3 years (1976-79) looking ater Urban Renewal Programmes as Deputy Commissior / Commissioner. was also in-charge of the Urban Development Department of Government of Goa in my capacity as Development Commissioner (1985-88).

In my capacity as Joint Secretary n-charge of International Cooperation in the Ministry of Agriculture of Government of India for fve years (1988 - 1993). I had an excellent opportunity to interact with CGIAR and National Research systems of all the countries of Asia-Pacific Region in partialar and of the whole world in general. I had consultancy assignments with CGIAR, CABI. Commonwealth Secretariat. NORAD and FAO. I was designated by FAO as the Regioral Representative for Asia and Pacific region in the CGIAR.

I have beEn associated in the recruitment of personnel and development of human resources in n-y assignments wth various departments / ministries of the Central and State Governments and more particularly as Regional Director of the Staff Selection Commission for more than two years.

9. Membership of Professional i) Member of the Indiar Institute of Public Administration. Bodies ii) Member of the Indiar Society of Agricultural Economics.

iii) Member of the Delhi Gymknana Club.

iv) Member of the India nternationa Centre.

v) Member of the India -Iabitat Centre.

vi) Member of the Civil Services Officers Institute.

vii) Member of the Qutab Golf Course.

viii) Tenure Member of tte Delhi Golf Club

organised by Central 10. Training Programmes i) "Training course for Chief Vigilance Officers - Attendee Vigilance Commission.

ii) "Policy Analysis" organised by Indian Institute of Public Administration .

iii) "Policy Optiors in a Planned Ecoromy" organised by Institute of Economic Growth.

iv) "Industrial Policy Planning and Development- organised by Institute of Economc Growth.

v) "Computerisation" organised by CMC Ltd.

vi) "Management Accountirg" organised by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

11 Pailications - Books - Roar Industrial Development" publshed by Chugh Publbations in 1984.

ii) "Agricultural Resear-,h thr3ugh International Co-operation : The Indian Experience" - published by Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Fvt. Ltd. in 1993 (with Smt. Roli Srivastava as co-author). • 4 iii) The Dynamics of fscal Federalism: Challenges before the Twelfth Finance Commission' — published by Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd. in 20C4 (edited).

iv) "Municipal Finances in Incia : Role of Twelfth Finance Commission" published by IIPA in 2005 (co-editor with P.S.N. Rao)

12. Publications — Papers & : i) "A Techno-economic Survey of Delhi- - A paper presented to the Articles Development Planning Unit of the University of Lordon ("977)

ii) "How to Develop Entrepreneurship?" published in Bharat (198C).

iii) "A Blue-print for Development of Banta Dis:rict of Uttar Pradesh A rep)rt submitted to the U.P. Industrial Consultants Ltd. (1980).

iv) An Empoymeit-Oriented Strategy of Industriaisation for Jaunpur District cf Uttar Pradesh - Thesis for Ph.D. submitted tc Kanpur University (1982).

v) "Ad-hoc Appointments — A Necessity or a Meiace?" published in Locestar (19841

v) "Recruitment for Government Organisations — Need for a Four Dimensional Approach" published in Lcdesta• (June 1984).

vii) "Can the Past Service the Present?" published in Goa Tocay (April 19E7).

viii) "A Cry in the Wlderness" published in Goa Today (April 1987).

ix) "Poverty Alleviation Programmes of India" - A paper presented to the Polcy Planning Centre for Developing Countries, University of Bradford in 1987. c- 6- 1-LP)) • C-1/55, Bapa Nagar. Dr. G.C. Srivastava. IAS (Retd) Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg. New Delhi- 1 10003

July 28, 2005.


During my tenure as Chief Secretary of Goa (and concurrently as Secretary of Home and Information Departments) in mid nineties, a major step towards transparency in government functioning was taken. when Goa became :he second state of the country to enact a right to inforrratior legislation, which was drafted under my guidarce. Even earlier. while I was posted as Development Commissioner of Goa ;and concurrently as Secretary of Public Works and Irrigation Departments) in mid-eighties, I through executive orders. made files dealing with award of contracts accessible to public. who could inspect the files and ask for copies of documents and notings.

2. Now that the Right to Information Act, 2005 has been notifiec by Government of India, I would like to be associated with the Central Information Commiss on it an appropriate capacity to assist the Government in its endeavour to bring it transparency and acco.intability in the functioning of the Government.

3. A Copy of my bio-data is enclosed fcr favourable consideration.

Yours sincerely,

(G.C. Srivastava) Pr. 8-1 Shri A.N. Tewari. Secretary. Department of Personnel and Training. /) North Block, New Delhi

Copy to Shri T. Jacob, Joint Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training, North Blcck, New Delhi .

(G C. Srivastava)


DR. GIRISH CHANDFA SR'VASTAVA 1. Name Indian Administative Service, UT Cad re of 1967 batch, retired on 309. June 2. Professional Eackground 2003. Subsecuently re-employed as Member Secrerary, Twelfth Finance Commission, Government cf India (Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance) - completed the assignment on 31 m December 2004.

C -1 / 55. Bapa Nagar, Residential Address 3. Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg. New Delhi -113 003.

1 July 1943 4. Date of Birth High School from U.P. Board in 1954 - First Class (62%) with distirction Academic Qualifications i) 5 in Maths. Intermediate in Science from U.P. Board in 1956 - First Class (64%) with fi) distinction in Maths.

Bachelor's Degree (B.Sc.) in Physics, Geology and Mathematics from iii) Lucknow University in 1959 - First C ass (69.1%) - Eleventh position in Order o: Merit. Masters Degree (M.Sc.) in Geophysics from Banaras Hindu University in iv) 1961 - .tirst Class (59.6%) - First position in Order of Merit.

Certificate in Development Planning from University of London (U.K.) in v) 1977. Public Administration from Panjab University vi) Waster's Degree (MA.) in it 1980 - Second Class (52.4%). Law (L.L.B.) from Allahabad University in '983 - vii) Bachelor's Degree in First Class (65.6%) - First position in Order of Merit. 1983. vii) Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Kanpur Unversity in Certificate of Proficiency in German from Allahabad University in 1984 - ix) First Class (86.7%). from University el Certificate in Agricultural & Rural Project Managen)ent Bradford (U.K.) in 1987.

n English 6 Languages known i) Bengali iii) Assamese iv) Hindi v) Working knowledge of Mizo, Urdu and German.

In Districts 7. Important positions held a Assistant Commissioner, Nagaon. Assam - 1968-69.

• b Sub-Divisional Officer, Karimganj, Assam- 1970.

c Additional District Magistrate, Mizo District - 1971-72. 2

d Deputy Ccmmissioner, Mizo District - 1972.

e Additional District Magistrate, Delhi - 1974-76.

Under State Governments

a Under Se3retarf to Government of Assam, Department of Revenue - 1971-72.

b Director & Secretary, Supply & Transport Department, Government of Mizoram - 1972-74.

c Development Commissioner & Secretary of various Development Departments, Government of Goa - 1985-88.

d Chairman, Delhi State Civil Supplies Corporation - 1993-94.

e Sec-etary & Commssioner, Food, Stipples & Corsumer Affairs, Government of NCT of Delhi - 1994-95

f Chief Secretary to Government of Goa - 1995-98.

Under Government cf India

a Deputy Commissioner / Commissioner / Secretary / Chief Vigilance Officer of Delhi Development Authority, Ministry of Urban Deve opment - 1975-79.

b Regional Director of Staff Selection Commission, Ministry of Personnel - 1982-84.

c Secretary & Chief Vigilance Oficer of Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Joint Secretary in the Department of Agricultural Research & Education, Ministry of Agriculture- 1988-93.

d Additional Secretary & Chief Vigiance Officer, Department of Revenue, Min sty of Finance - 1998-2001.

e Chairman, Tariff Commission, Mhistry of Ccmmerce & Industry - 2002 (January to October).

Member Secretary, Twelfth Finance Commission - November 2002 till date. 31 . -a-ts4

In Financial Institutions

a Resident Manager of lndiar Investmen: Cent -e, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance - 1979-82.

b Administrator of the Goa State Co-operative Bank -1985-87.

8. Details of Experience I have 37 years of experience ii dealing with problems relating to different facets of public affairs and admnistration. I have wide experience in every sense of the term, inasmuch as I have worked in three states, viz. Assam, Mizoram and Goa, as well as NCT of Delhi at district, department and secretariat levels, as also in Government of India in different minatries and autonomous organisations in Delhi as well as outside. I have represented India at many irternatonal conferences in different counties. •


I have been associated with Delhi Development Authority for 3 years (1976-79) looking after Urban Renewal Programmes as Deputy Commission / Commissioner. I was also in-charge of the Urban Development Department of Government of Goa in my capacity as Development Commissioner (1985.88).

In my capacity as Joint Secretary in-charge International Cooperaton in the Ministry of Agriculture of Government cf India for lye years (1988 - 1993), I had an excollent opportunity to interact with CGIAR and National Research systems of all the countries of Asia-Pacific Regicn in particular and of the whole world in general. I had consultancy assignments with CGIAR, CABI, Commonwealth Secretariat, NORAD and FAO. I was designated by FAO as the Regional Representative for Asia and Pacific region in the CGIAR.

I have been associated in the re:ruitment of personnel and development of human resources in my assignments with valous deparments / ministries of the Central and State Governments and more particularly as Regional Director of the Staff Selection Commission 'or mere than two years.

9. Membership of Professional : i) Member of the Indian Institute of Public Administration. Bodies ii) Member of the Indian Society of Agrict.ltural Economics.

iii) Member of the Delhi GymIthana Club.

iv) Member of the India International Centre.

v) Member of the India Habitat Centre.

vi) Member of the Civil Services Officers Institute.

vii) Member of the Qutab Golf Course.

viii) Tenure Member of the Delhi Got' Club.

10. Training Programmes i) "Training course for Chief Vig lance Officers" organised by Central Attended Vicitance Commissicn.

fi) "Policy Analysis" organised by Indian Institute of Public Administraticn.

iii) "Policy Optiors in a Planned Economy organised by Institute of Economc Growth.

iv) "Industrial Policy Planning and Development" organised by Institute of Economc Growth.

v) "Cprnputerisation" organised by :MC _td.

vi) "Management Accountirg" organised by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

11. Publications-Books - RJral Industrial Development" published by Chugh Publications in 1984.

id "Agricultural Research through International Co-operation : The Indian Experience" - published py Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. in 1993 (with Smt. Roti Srivastava as co-author). 4 iii) 'The Dynamics_ of fiscal Federalism: Challenges before the Twelfth Finance Comm ssion' — published by Taxrnain Publications Pvt. Ltd. in 2004 (edited).

iv) "Municipal Finances in India : Role of Twelfth Finance Commission - published by !WA in 2005 (co-editor with P.S.N. Rao)

12. Publications — Papers & "A Techro-economic Survey of Delhi" - A paper presented to the Articles Development Planning Unit of the University of London (1977).

ii) "How to Develop Entrepreneurship?" published in Bharat (1980).

iii) "A Blue-print fcr Development of Baia District of Uttar Pracesh" - A report submitted to the U.P. Industrial Consultants Ltd. (1980).

iv) An Empoyment-Oriented Strategy of Industrialisation for Jaunpur District of Uttar Pradesh - Thesis for Ph.D. submitted tc Kanpur University (1982).

v) "Ad-hoc Appointments — 4 Necessity or a Menace?" published in Lodestar (1984).

vi) "Recruitment for Government Organisations — Need for a Four Dimensional Approach" published in Lodesta• (June 1984).

vii) tan the Past Service the Present?" published in Goa Tocay (April 1987).

viii) "A Cry in the VVIderness" published in Goa Today (April 1987).

ix) Poverty Alleviation Programmes of India" - A paper present?d to the Policy Planning Centre for Developing Countries, University of Bradford in 1987. 2- NS-1 ) • ( To

The Secretary Department of Personnel and Training Government of India North Block. New Delhi ./7 I) Sir,

The Right to Information Act, 2005 has come into force wish effect from 4 15.6.2005. The Act provides inter alia, creaticn of a Centra Information Commission and appointment of the Chief Information Commissioner and 1.M} Central Information Commissioners in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Act.

I joined I.A.S. in 1959 in UP cadre and I am retiring on 31 5: July 2005 after completing 36 years of service both in the State of U and in the Government of India. I fulfill the qualifications for the above posts. A copy of my b odata is enclosed.

It is requested that I may please be considered for the aforesaid posts.

Thanking you

Ycurs faithfully.

(Lakshmi Chand) C-12, Sector 14, Noilo Distt. Gautambudh Nagar, UP-201301 Tel: 951202512620

Dated the 26`b July 2005

• Bio-Data of Shri Lakshmi Chand IAS

Name : Lakshmi Chand

Father's Name : Late Shri Niader Singh

Date of Birth 12.07.1945

Place of Birth : Vill. & P.O. Bhondsi Distt.Gurgaon (Haryana)

Educational Qualifications : Matriculation Punjab University Rajput High School Bhondsi Distt.Gurgaon

B.A. Punjab University DSD College, Gurgaon

M.A. (Eco) Punjab University PG Regional Centre Rohtak

LLB Delhi University (During Service)

Present Address : C- 12, Sector-14, Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, (UP)-201301

Phones : 0120-2512620, 0120-2512621 M-9818480666

2. He joined I.A.S. in 1969 in U.P. Cadre During his service, he served both in the Union & the State Governments. His assignments were as follows:-

• Secy. to the G.O.1., ICl/o Development of North Eastern Region. • Secy. to the G.O.1., D/o Industrial Policy and Promotion. • Addl. Secy./Spl. Secy, and } Ministry of Coal Chairman & M.D. Coal India Ltd. } • Member, Board of Revenue, UP. • Principal Secretary, Tourism, UP. • Chairman, UP Jal Nigam. • Industrial Development Commissioner and Principal Secy. U.P. • Social Welfare Commissioner & Principal Secretary, UP. • Principal Secy., P.W.D. and Estate.

• Secy./Principal secy.. Transport, U.P . • Principal Secy.,Energy, U.P.

• Principal Secy.,Revenue, U.P. (ds • Secy. Sugar Industry & Cane Development, UP • Chiarrnan & MD, UP State Road Transporl Corporation. • Joint Secy., Mk Water Resources, Government of India. • Dy. Director (Admn.) AIIMS, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. • Transport Commissioner, U.P. • Administrator, Nagar Mahapalika, Allahabad. • Regional Food Controller, Bareilly. • Dy. Development Commissioner (Gorkhpur & Bareilly). • Additional Director, Directorate of Industries, UP, Kanpur. • Chairman (ex-officio capacity) n Noida n Greater Noida • UPSIDC n UPFC n UP Textile Corporation • U.P. State Mineral Development Corporation n U.P. Nirman Nigam n U.P. Bridge Corporation.

• Divisional Commissioner (Lucknow & Allahabad). • Collector & Distt. Magistrate (Bijnor & Jaunpur). • Sub-Divisional Officer & Magistrate (Gorahkpur)

Other Experience • Conducted and supervised Assembly & Parliamentary Elections & Bye- elections as DM and Commissioner. Also acted as the Observer of the Election Commission and of the State Government. • Acted as the Governor's nominee on the Committee for the selection of Vice-Chancellors of Universities in UP. • Associated with the organisations for the Welfare of the blind, the handicapped, the poor & the down trodden.

4. Other Interests Plays Golf . Was President, Noida Golf Club, Hony. Secy, Lucknow Golf Club

5. Foreign Travel US, Canada, Russia, UK, France, Cyprus, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Israel, , Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand. URJ


Subject: - Right to Information Act, 2005,

The undersigred is directed to forward herewith for appropriate action a ccpy

of letter dated 26,7,2005 -eceived from Shri Lakshmi Chand, a retired IAS cfficer of 1969 batch of UP cadre & presently residing at C-12, Sector 14, Noida. seek rig appropriate appointment ii the Central Information Commission.

fic_12. (Gulshan Kumar) Under Secretary Tele: 2301 4378


Shri A N Tiwari. ( Secretary, Deptt. of Personnel & Trg). Cabinet Secretariat U.O. No.3312/2//2005-CA.V dated 1.8.2005.


-flurkeuNg) cpr eins uilotia " ''`L C 11/4"

The Cabinet Secretary Cabinet Secretariat Rashtrapati Bhawan New Delhi


The Right lo Information Act, 2005 has come into force with effect from 15 6.2005 The Act provides. inter alit creation of a Central Information Commission and appo nti nent of the Chief Information Commissioner and Central Irformation Commissioners in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Act.

I joined I.A.S. in 1969 in UP cadre and I am retiring on 31 °1 July 2005 after completing 36 years of service both in the State of U.P. and in the Government of India. I fulfill the qualifications for the above posts. A copy of my hiodata is enclosed.

It is requested that I may please be considered for the aforesaid posts.

banking you.

Yours faithfully,

(Lakshml Chand) C-12, Sector 14, Nolda Dish. Gautarnbudh Nagar, UP-201301 Tel: 961202612620

Dated the 201h July 2005. •

• Bio-Data of Shri Lakshmi Chanel IAS

Name : Lakshmi Chand

Father's Name : Late Shri Niader Singh

Date of Birth : 12.07.1945

Place of Birth : Vill. & P.O. Bhondsi Distt.Ciurgaon (Haryana)

Rajput High School Bhondsi Educational Quail ficatiors : Matriculation Punjab University Distt. Gurgnon

DSD College, Gurgaon B.A. Punjab University

M.A. (Eta) Punjab University PG Regional Centre Rohtak

(During Service) 1.1.11 Delhi I. ni ye] ity

Present Address : C-12, Sector-14, Nelda. Disit. Gautam Boa Nagar, (UP)-201301

0120-2512621 M-9818480666 Phones :0120-9512620.

2. Ile joined 1969 in U.P. Cadre. Daring his service, he served both in the Union & the State Governments. Ills assignments were as follows:-

• Secy. to the G.0.1., M/o Development of North Eastern Region. • Secy. to the Ci.0.1., Dio Indio:ilia! Policy and Promotion. • Addl. Secy./SO. Secy, and } Ministry of Coal Chairman & M.D. Coal India Ltd. } • Member, Board of Revenue, UP. • Principal Secretary, Tourism. UP. • Chairman. UP Jal Nigam. • Industrial Development Commissioner and Principal Secy. U.P. • Social Welfare Commissioner & Principal Secretary, UP. • Principal Secy., P.W.D. and Estate.. • Secy./Principal secy., Transport, U.P. • Principal Secy.,Energy, U.P. • Principal Secy.,Itcvenue, U.P. • Secy. Sugar Industry & Cane Development, UP • Chiarman & MD, UP Slate Road Transport Corporation. • Joint Secy., Mk) Water Resources, Government of India. • Dy. Director (Admn.) AIMS, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Govt. of India. • Transport Commissioner. U.P. • Administrator, Nagar Mahapalika, Allahahad. • Regional Food Controller, Bareilly. • Dy. Development Commissioner (Gorkhpur & Bareilly). • Additional Director, Directorat.t. of Industries, UP, Kanpur. • Chairman (ex-officio capacity) • Noida • Greater Noida • UPSIDC • UPFC • UP Textile Corporation • UP. State Mineral Development Corporation • U.P. Nirman Nig= • U.P. Bridge Corporation.

• Divisional Commissioner (Lucknow & Allahabad). • Collector & Distt. Magistrate (Bijnor & Jaunpur). • Sub-Divisional Officer & Magistrate (Oorahkpur)

3. Other Experience • Conducted and supervised Assembly & Parliamentary Elections & Bye- elections as DM and Commissioner. Also acted as the Observer of the Election Commission and of the State Government. • Acted as the Governor's nominee on the Committee for the selection of Vice-Chancellors of Universities in 1113. • Associated with the organisations for the Welfare of the blind, the handicapped, the poor & the down trodden.

4. Oilier Interests Plays Golf . Was President, Noida Golf Club, Hony. Secy, Lucknow Golf Cluh.

5. Foreign Travel US, Canada, Russia, UK, France, Cyprus, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Israel, Myanmar, Indonesia, Singaptne, Thailand. @r(1' S.• Nt_cL P )

‘c\c‘ CV if P.R. Devi Prasad (1982) Addl. Economic Adviser, Deponment of Commerce, Goternment India. New Delhi

Information regarding 12 years of university education, including a professional law degree, 20 years of career progression with national government including regulatory agencies, 3+years with ME, 3+ years graduate level teaching experience as well as the skills and orientation are as follows:

I. Education: a) Graduate and Masters Degrees: M.Phil (2000-01) Publiz: Administration (IIPA/Panjab Univ. frith GO/ sponsorship) c LL B (1980-83) Bachelor of Laws (Bombay Univ.) c MA i1976-78) Economics (Kakatiya Univ.) c B A (1973-76) Economics, (Osmania Univ.) Public Administration & Political Science

b) Universiry Post-Graduate level Diplomas: c Analysis & Global Trade Maragement (2003-4) School of Public Policy, George Mason University (GMU), Fairfax, Virginia, 4)) USA, with IMF sponsorship)

c Population and Development (1990-91) ( University, campus at Center for Development Studies Trivandrum with I INPPA .sponsorship)

c Population Studies (1978-7Q) International Institute for Population Sciences (TIPS) Bombay, with GUI scholarship) 1 Two of the most recent !nr qualifications (from 11PA & GS 119 were .fiicu.wd on issues relating to public policy deregulation, nein:awe intellectual property rights, global trade issues including market research, the export procedures and negotiating aspects ofinternational contracts in the context ofglobalivition

.? Remained among top 2 perlinmet in Al. phi!. Population and Development program, and top ten percentile in .111 and public po Cy programs i.

2. Career growth a) Institutions/Ministries: (a- ' o International Monetary. Fund (Advisor to Executive Director for Bangladesh. , India and Srilanka, 2001-2004 ) o Ministry of Rural Development (Director, 1997-2001) o Delhi Development Authority DDA (Director, 1993-1997) o Ministry of Finance (Dy. Director 1992-1993) o Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Under Sec 1989 - 1991) o Programme Evaluation Organization, (Research Officer, 1987-1989) Planning Commission, Hyderabad o Forward Markets Commission (FMC), (Research Officer, 1984-1987) Bombay b) Orientation/Experience o At the

• Received instructive exposure in analyzing and interpreting cross country macroeconomic issues and dynamics of market/economic reforms, regulations & development aid. • Understood and practiced economic diplomacy in a multilateral setting through direct participation in decision making process. • Acquired skills for enhancing data integrity and using it effectively in internal and external communications to raise the level of transparency and accountability and in improving governance and regulation. • Prepared written responses on macroeconomic policies and intervened in the Executive Board meetings of the IMF for strengthening pro-market practices in the economies ranging from the poorest in Africa to the speedily transforming economies in Europe while balancing the social development priorities. • Participated in the IMF staff missions to Bhutan (for macroeconomic surveillance) and India (for statistical capacity assessment). • Benefited from working in a highly efficient organizational environment that set to achieve superior results continuously. o At Development Regliktioty Agencies (DDA and MC):

• Simplified procedures for client focused outcomes. • Enhanced institutional efficiency while simultaneously reducing scope for corruption by minimizing individual discretion in decision making. • Increased protection to property rights (of the state and citizens) and contracts enforceability by reducing unpredictability in the transactions by disseminating reliable price information transparently in time for business decisions • Helped trade bodies with increased options and competition in conducting forward trading in commodities with domestic ready markets and export markets while balancing their conduct within the regulatory norms focussing on containing the speculative behavior. o At the Finance Ministry & Commerce Ministry: • Handled the matters relating to investor complaints and stock exchange management in the context of their problems with capital markets, which gave exposure to understanding and responding to market imperfections and complexities in evolving policies for transforming a highly regulated capital market into a highly competitive market focusing on the standards & transparency in regulation, data dissemination, management and institutional aspects of stock markets and related agencies. • Involved in evolving and shaping the initial establishment of capital markets regulatory body with minimalist government interference. • Compiled and examined proposals for Foreign Direct Investment as wells as policies for Non-resident Indians with focus on increased options and enhanced competition when economic reforms were set in motion by India government i.e., early 1990s. • Engaged :n analyzing trade issues/effectiveness of various export incentives in the context of export promotion policies. • Introduced improvements in the presentation of annual report and performance budget report for the ministry. • Advised on evolution criterion for export promotion programs and also explored ideas for convergence with the interventions by other ministries. c A11he Social Development Ministries (H&/'W, MRD and P•O):

• Acquired and used contemporary skills for professionally coordinating centrally sponsored pro-poor development programs in a diverse institutional setting; • Effectively interacted with state governments having varying institutional capacities as also with other line ministries that have different set of priorities; • Identified program contents for convincingly and credibly communicating with stake holders/civil society in a highly heterogeneous setting; • Engaged in collection, compilation and analysis of data from village, block, district and state level by meeting the individuals, public officials, NGOs and various community leaders particularly in evaluating programs relating to small industries and watershed development; • Collaborated with donor agencies (UNFPA, DANIDA, and ODA of UK) and also those working at other department in national headquarters as well as provincial government for generating timely repots for midcourse correction in centrally implemented programs; o Al the Post Graduate leaching School: • Taught rricroeconomics and introductory statistics to under-graduate & post-graduate students (Bombay University affiliated college. 1979-82) (g/


3. Training: o To keep-up with the latest methods, concepts and skills required for policy research and analysis attended long-term training/learning program at: • Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi (16 months, 1982-84) • Centre for Development Studies Trivandrum,(10 months, 1991-92) and • Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi (10 months, 2000- °1) • George Mason University School of Public Policy, Fairfax, VA, USA ( 3 semesters 2002-04 )

o To familiarize with latest concepts related to the work at hand attended professional short-term raining programs in India; as also abroad in the areas relating to SAEMAUL 1:NDONG -Community Development (Seoul 1998) Stock Markets (Washington DC 1992) and Deregulation issues (Paris & Brussels 2000) 4. Skills: o simplifying in-house and back-office procedures aimed at enhancing efficiency and transparency; o generating and dissemina:ing pro-market information for reducing uncertainty and increasing choices; o converting complex papers/issues into simple written and/or electronic presentations for effectively communicating with in-house teams and other stake holders; o shaping ideas/concepts trigged by superiors and assisting them in translating concepts into effective public policy action while balancing near term and medium term priorities; o searching, capturing macro-economic and financial information from various sources and analyzing, packaging, presenting and disseminating it for raising organizational efficiency and choices while its objectives; o writing reports, inferring firm conclusions quickly from various formal and informal deliberations; o working within systems driven, IT based organizational s:ructure with ease while serving the clients with asymmetric technological capacity and skills with equal ease; o monitoring and evaluating development projects; and o reviewing micro and macroeconomic policies as well as the statistical polices including their communication from a policy and organizational perspective.

5. Organization Management /Administrative experience

o Functioned as Head of the Office in the Department of Rural Development. and the Department of Land Resources in the national government

4 o Led a team of 30 accountants including 6 Sr. Accountants in the Finance Department of DDA — streamlined the old accounting practices, and updated financial information for effective recovery of arrears and also in determining

prices for mis - use, abuse, non - use, shared use, delayed use and planned use of land. o Discharged functions as Director -Administration in the Rural Development Department relating to HRD, Establishment, House keeping and logistics, and events management with the support of half a dozen deputies and their staff o Involved in evolvirg agendas and organizing meetings between official/ministerial delegations including those from banking sector/Treasury ministry in Washington DC.

O. Contact: Mobile: (91) 98919 88303; (Home) 91 (11) 2469 8334 (Work) 91 ( 1 I )

2301 1746; email id: prdprasadq.ginail cont OR _prdprasacIffialLahoo com

7. Age: 51 years

8. Married: Two Children. C.CR) AFTE9 Tat WEST PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE

111- ”c3134,-- 44'4 J 9t RS110 011 Ity-tY Jo) r New Delhi-110 011

Please find enclosed for action as appropriate a copy of Q the letter dated 26.08.05 received in this office through the Cabinet Secttfrom Sh,G,Mohanakumar. Member (Personnel), Postal Service Board, Department of Posts regarding filling up V) of the post of Information Commissioner in the Central nfomation Commission_ New Delhi,

( V. Vidyavathi ) Director is 1." Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training MO UO No.600/31 /CO3/2005-ES.11 Dated: 13.09.05 . • G.Mohanakumar Ministry of Communications& IT Member (Personnel) Department of Posts Postal Services Board Dak Bhavan,Sansad Nlarg New Delhi-110001

Date: 26th August, 2005


The Cabinet Secretary Cabinet Secretariat Raslurapati Bhavan New Delhi- 110004 (Through Proper Channel) Sir,

Subject: Filling up of the post of Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission, New Delhi.

The Parliament has passed the Right to Information Bill and it has become an Act on 15/06/2005. It is learnt that the Act provides for appointment of a Chief Information Commissioner and Centro; Information Commissioners. I am, therefore, enclosing my bio-data to consider me for one of the posts of Information Commissioners in the Central Lnfonnation Commission.

III view of my long administrative experience in the Department of Posts which is one of the largest and important departments of the Government of India, I request you for favourable consideration.

Yours faithfully,



2) Date of Birth 21/11/1945 (Twenty First November, Nineteen Hundred and Forty Five)

3) Educational Qualifications (a) M.A. Degree (First rank in the University of Kerala)

(b) Master of Business Administration

(c) Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management

(d) Post Graduate Diploma in Management

(e) Diploma in Management

4) Post Applied For Information Commissioner, Central Information commission.

5) Present Pay scale Rs. 24050- 26000/- (Present Pay —

(Rupees 26000/- )

6; Date of Superanruation 30I4 November, 2005 (s) held during last ten years In the ascending order, I.e., The Details of Post to the higher one, with specific dates and the pay scale of from lower post the post (s). ( 1

Scale of Pay Particulars of Post Date (From-To)

Postmaster General, Benampore 28.09.1992- Rs. 5,900-6,700 (Pre- (Join) Region, Orissa 19.10.1993 revised) Secretary level)

18,400-22,400 Executive Director (Vig.) (On 24.10.'993 to Rs. deputation) Fe-tilizers & 23.01.'999 (Joint Secretary level) Chemicals, Travancore Ltd., Udyogmandal. Kerala

Postmaster General (Mail 08.04.1999 to Rs. 18,400-22,400 Management). Maharashtra Circle, 26.09.2001 (Joint Secretary level) Mumbai

Chief Postmaster General, J&K 28.09.2001 to Rs. 22,400-24,400 Cite, Srinagar 02.12.2002 (Additional Secretary level)

Chief Postmaster General, 02.122002 to Rs. 22,400-24,400 Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur 30.102003 (Additional Secretary level)

Pr. Chief Postmaster General, 30.10.2003 to Rs. 22,400-26,000 Rajasthan Circle. Jaipur 31.05.2004 (Additional Secretary level)

Member (Personnel), Postal 01.06 2004 to Rs. 24,050-26,000 Services Board date (Special Secretary level) Brief Summary of Administrative Experience

After serving for three years as Lecturer in the Government Sanskrit College, Trivandrum (Kerala), I joined the Indian Postal Service in August, 1969 on my qualifying in the All India Civil Services Examination. I have 36 years of administrative experience in the following areas, apart from Postal administration:

> Personnel Management â Financial Management > General Administration 3 Planning and Development > Establishment matters

> Handling of Court cases > Investigation into loss/fraud cases

> Handling of Public Grievances > Vigilance matters relating to officers and the staff

2. In all the posts that I held in the Department of Posts right from my first pcsting as Senior Superintendent of Post Offices in Postal Divisions till date, matters pertaining to recruitment & training and allied subjects were dealt by me at personal level. As a result I have acquired vast experience and knowledge in the field of recruitment, training and development. Presently I am the Head of the Personnel Division of holding the post of Member(Personnel), Postal Services Board. I am the third senior-most officer in the department controlling about 5.5 lath postal employees throughout India with regard to personnel and

establishment matters. I am also controlling the activities of the Postal Staff College, Ghaziabad, India which provides advanced management training to the officers of the Department of Posts as well as officers from Foreign administrations and also the six Postal Training Centres. In addition, I am handling posting and transfer of all the senior officers of the Department. I am also in charge of administration of Postal Directorate.

3. Staff Relations: As Member(Personnel), I am in charge of Staff Relations/Labour Relations of the Postal Department at the National level. Joint Consultative Machinery meetings at the Postal Directorate's level and periodical meetings with

Federations of trade unions a: the national level are arranged to be held by me. Whenever notices threatening staff agitations/strikes are received by the Department at All India level, necessary dialogues/negotiations are held with the All India Federations by the Member(Personnel) in order to avert any dislocation of postal services. 4. Handling of Public Grievances: Since the Department of Posts is an organization which pays utmost

atlentiar to the settlement of public grievances with regard to its services, I have gained vast experience in the handling of public grievances during the last thirty

six years of my career in the department. 5. Departmental Examinations:

As MemberiPersonnel) of the Department, I am responsible for conducting a large number of departmental examinations for promotion of officials to various cadres such as Examination for promotion to Postal Service Group 'B' Examination for promotion to the posts of Inspectors of Post Offices, Examination for promotion of Postal Assistants to Higher Selection Grade-II and Examination for promotion of Postal Assistants to Lower Selection Grade. These

examinations are conducted all over India systematically according to the calendar of examinations prepared in advance. The results of the examinations are also

published promptly within the stipulated time. 6. DPCs: At the Postal Directorate's level, a number of Departmental Promotional Committees headed by Member(Personnel) are being held reguiarly every year to ensure timely promotion of officers. DPCs for promotion of officers of various levels such as Junior Time Scale and Senior Time Scale of Group 'A', Junior

Administrative Grade, Sr. Administrative Grade (Joint Secretary level), Higher Administrative Grade (Addl. Secretary level), Members of the Postal Services Board (Special Secretary level) of Indian Postal Service are processed by me in consultation with the Union Commission. 7. Disciplinary Cases/Appeals, Petitions Etc. l have long experience in the handling of disciplinary and appeal cases. I have decided hundreds of major/minor penalty disciplinary eases, appeals and petitions. As Member (Personnel) of the Postal Services Board, I am personally disposing of revision petitions submitted by the staff. All review petitions addressed to the President of India are processed by me. A large number of Rule 9

cases under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 have been processed by me in consultation with UPSC 8. I have undergone an advanced course on 'British Postal Management' in

the British Management College, Rugby, in 1985. During my deputation to Fertilizers and Chemicals, Travancore Ltd., as Chief Vigilance

Officer during 1993-1999, 1 prepared the first Vigilance Manual for the PSU. I had contributed a number of articles on Indian Philosophy to the Malayalam Encyclopedia, published in the year, 1972.

(G. Mohanakumar) \ver S . No, ri LR) • Q51", G.Mohanakumar Ministry of Communications& IT Member (Personnel) Department of Posts Postal Services Board Dak Ithavan, New Delhi-110001

Date: 26th August, 2005 To The Secretary Department of Personnel & Training Room No. 112 North Block New Delhi- 110001

(Through Proper Channel) Sir.

Subject: Filling up of the post of Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission, New Delhi.

The Parliament has passed the Right to Information Bill and it has become an Act on 15/06/2005. It is learnt that the Act provides for appointment of a Chief Information Commissioner and Central Information Commissioners. I am. therefore, enclosing my bio-data to consider me for one of the posts of Intbrmation Ty Commissioners in the Central Information Commission.

In view of my long administrative experience in the Department of Posts which is one of the largest and important departments of the Government of India. I request you for favourable consideration.

Yours faithfully.




2) Date of Birth 21/11/1945 (Twenty First November, Nineteen Hundred and Forty Five)

3) Educational Qualifications (a) M.A. Degree (First rank in the University of Kerala)

(b) Master of Business Administration

(c) Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management

(d) Post Graduate Diploma in Management

(e) Diploma in Management

lntormation Commissioner, Central 4) Post Applied For Information commission.

Rs. 24050-26000/- (Present Pay — 5) Present Pay scale (Rupees 26000i-)

6) Date of Superannuation 301h November, 2005 (,3S

Brief Summary of Administrative Experience

After serving for three years as Lecturer in the Government Sanskrit

College, Trivandrum (Kerala), I joined the Indian Postal Service in August,

1969 on my qualifying in the All India Civil Services Examination. I have

36 years of administrative experience in the following areas, apart from

Postal administration:

> Personnel Management > Financial Management

â General Administration

> Planning and Development

> Establishment matters

â Handling of Court cases

â Investigation into loss/fraud cases

â Handling of Public Grievances

> Vigilance matters relating to officers and the staff

2. In all the posts that I held in the Department of PostS right from my first posting as Senior Superintendent of Post Offices in Postal Divisions till date, matters pertaining to recruitment & training and allied subjects were dealt by me at personal level. As a result I have acquired vast experience

2 64 and knowledge in the field of recruitment, training and development. Presently I am the Head of the Personnel Division of India Post holding the post of Member(Personnel), Postal Services Board. I am the third senior- most officer in the department controlling about 5.5 lakh postal employees throughout India with regard to personnel and establishment matters. I am also controlling the activities of the Postal Staff College, Chaziabad, India which provides advanced management training to the officers of the Department of Posts as well as officers from Foreign administrations and also the six Postal Training Centres. In addition, I am handling posting and transfer of all the senior officers of the Department. I am also in charge of administration of Postal Directorate.

3. Staff Relations: As Member(Personnel), I am in charge of Staff Relations/Labour

Relations of the Postal Department at the National level. Joint Consultative Machinery meetings at the Postal Directorate's level and periodical meetings with Federations of trade unions at the national level arc arranged to be held by me. Whenever notices threatening staff agitations/strikes are received by the Department at All India level, necessary dialoguesinegotiations are held with the All India Federations by the Member(Personnel) in order to avert any dislocation of postal services.

4. Dandling of Public Grievances: Since the Department of Posts is an organization which pays utmost attention to the settlement of public grievances with regard to its services, I have gained vast experience in the handling of public grievances during the last thirty six years of my career in the department

5. Departmental Exatninations:

3 (as

As Member(Personnel) of the Department, I am responsible for conducting a large number of departmental examinations for promotion of officials to various cadres such as Examination for promotion to Postal Service Group '13 . Examination for promotion lb the posts of Inspectors of

Post Offices, Examination for promotion of Postal Assistants to Higher Selection Grade-II and Examination for promotion of Postal Assistants to

Lower Selection Grade. These examinations are conducted all over India systematically according to the calendar of examinations prepared in advance. The results of the examinations are also published promptly within the stipulated time.

6. DPCs: At the Postal Directorate's level, a number of Departmental Promotional Committees .leaded by Member(Personnel) are being held regularly every year to ensure timely promotion of officers. DPCs for promotion of officers of various levels such as Junior Time Scale and Senior

Time Scale of Group 'A', Junior Administrative Grade, Sr. Administrative Grade (Joint Secretary level), I ligher Administrative Grade (Addl. Secretary level), Members of the Postal Services Board (Special Secretary level) of Indian Postal Service arc processed by me in consultation with the Union

Public Service Commission.

7. Disciplinary Cases/Appeals, Petitions Etc.

I have long experience in the handling of disciplinary and appeal cases. I have decided hundreds of major/minor penalty disciplinary cases, appeals and petitions. As Member (Personnel) of the Postal Services Board, I am personally disposing of revision petitions submitted by the staff. All

4 review petitions addressed to the President of India are processed by me. A large number of Rule 9 cases under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 have been processed by me in consultation with UPSC. 8. 1 have undergone an advanced course on 'British Postal Management' in the British Post Office Management College, Rugby, in 1985. During my deputation to Fertilizers and Chemicals, Travancore Ltd., as Chief Vigilance Officer during 1993-1999, I prepared the first Vigilance Manual for the PSU. I had contributed a number of articles on Indian Philosophy to the Malayalam Encyclopedia, published in the year, 1972.

((l. Mohanaktrar)

5 Na P)

No. 14-40/2005-SPG (CO5 Government of India Minisby of Communications and IT Department of Posts

Da k Bhavan,New Delhi-110 001 . \yeOrii \ Doted: ,30 .8.200 5


The Secretary, Department of Perso ne! B. Training Roorr No. 112 North Block, New Delhi-110001.

(Kind attention: Sh. i. Jacob, Joint Secretant(Establishment)

Subject: filing up of the post of Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission, New Delhi


I am directed to forwaiid herewith an application of Sh. G. Mohanakumar 1PoS-1969), Member (Pers nel), Postal Services Board dated 26.8.2005 for the post of Information C issioner in the Central In'ormation Commiss.on, New Delhi for consideration.

The officer is free frorri vigilance angle.

is issues Nith the approval of the competent authority.

Yours faithfay.

(V.P.Singh) Director (Staff) "Ip G.Mohanakumar Ministry of Communications& I I Member (Personnel) Department of Posts Postal Services Board Dak Bhas an. Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001

Date: 26th August, 2005 To The Secretary Department of Personnel & Training Room No. 112 North Block New Delhi- 110001

(Through Proper Channel) Sir,

Subject: Filling up of the post of Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission, New Delhi.

The Parliament has passed the Right to Information Bill and it has become an Act on 15/06/2005. It is learnt that the Act prnvides for appointment of a Chief Information Commissioner and Central Information Commissioners. I am, therefore, enclosing my bio-data to consider me for one of the posts of Information Commissioners in the Central Information Commission.

In view of my long administrative experience in the Department of Posts which is one of the largest and important departments of the Government of India, I request you for favourable consideration.

Yours faithfully, m (G. MOHANAKUMAR) Encl: Personal History Profile



2) Date of Birth 21/11/1945 (Twenty First November, Nineteen Hundred and Forty Five)

3) Educational Qualifications (a) M.A. Degree (First rank in the University of Kerala)

(b) Master of Business Administration

(c) Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management

(d) Post Graduate Diploma in Management

(e) Diploma in Management

4) Post Applied For Information Commissioner, Central Information commission.

5) Present Pay scale Rs. 24050- 26000/- (Present Pay —

(Rupees 26000/ - )

6) Date of Superannuation 30th November, 2005 The Details of Post (s) held during last ten years in the ascending order, i.e.. from lower post to the higher one, with specific dates and the pay scale of the post (s).

Particulars of Post Date (From-To) Scale of Pay

Postmaster General, Berhampore 28.09.1992- Rs. 5,900-6,700 (Pre- Region, Orissa 19.10.1993 revised) (Joint Secretary level)

Executive Director (Vig.) (Or 24.10.1993 to Rs. 18,400-22,400 deputation) Fertilizers & 23.01.1999 (Joint Secretary level) Chemicals, Travancore Ltd. Udyogmandal, Kerala

Postmaster Genera (Mail 08.04.1999 to Rs. 18,400-22,400 Management), Maharashtra Circle, 26.09.2001 (Joint Secretary level) Mumbai

Chief Postmaster General, J&K 28.09.2001 to Rs. 22,400-24,400 Circle, Srinagar 02.12.2002 (Additional Secretary level)

Chief Postmaster General, 02.12.2002 to Rs. 22,400-24,400 Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur 30.10.2003 (Additional Secretary level)

Pr. Chief Postmaster General, 30.10.2003 to Rs. 22,400-26,000 Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur 31.05.2004 (Additional Secretary level)

Member (Personnel), Postal 01.06.2004 to Rs. 24,050-26,000 Services Board date (Special Secretary level) Brief Summary of Administrative Experience

After serving for three years as Lecturer in the Government Sanskrit College, Trivandrum (Kerala), I joined the Indian Postal Service in August, 1969 on my qualifying in the All India Civil Services Examination. I have 36 years of administrative experience in the following areas, apart from Postal administration:

> Personnel Management % Financial Management > General Administration > Planning and Development > Establishment matters > Handling of Court cases > Investigation into loss/fraud cases > Handling of Public Grievances > Vigilance matters relating to officers and the staff

2. In all the posts that I held in the Department of Posts right from my first posting as Senior Superintendent of Post Offices in Postal Divisions till date, matters pertaining to recruitment & training and allied subjects were dealt by me at personal level. As a result I have acquired vast experience and knowledge in the field of recruitment, training and development. Presently I am the Head of the Personnel Division of India Post holding the post of Member(Personnel), Postal Services Board. I am the third senior-most officer in the department controlling about 5.5 lakh postal employees throughout India with regard to personnel and establishment matters. 1 am also controlling the activities of the Postal Staff College, Ghaziabad, India which provides advanced management training to the ( I " officers of the Department of Posts as well as officers from Foreign administrations and also the six Postal Training Centres. In addition, I am handling posting and transfer of all the senior officers of the Department. I am also in charge of administration of Postal Directorate. 3. Staff Relations: As Member(Personnel), I am in charge of Staff Relations/Labour Relations of the Postal Department at the National level. Joint Consultative Machinery meetings at the Postal Directorate's level and periodical meetings with Federations of trade unions at the national level are arranged to be held by me. Whenever notices threatening staff agitations/strikes are received by the Department at All India level, necessary dialogues/negotiations are held with the All India Federations by the Member(Personnel) in order to avert any dislocation of postal services. 4. Handling of Public Grievances: Since the Department of Posts is an organization which pays utmost attention to the settlement of public grievances with regard to its services, I have gained vast experience in the handling of public grievances during the last thirty six years of my career in the department. 5. Departmental Examinations: As Member(Personnel) of the Department, I am responsible for conducting a large number of departmental examinations for promotion of officials to various cadres such as Examination for promotion to Postal Service Group 13' Examination for promotion to the posts of Inspectors of Post Offices, Examination for promotion of Postal Assistants to Higher Selection Grade-II and Examination for promotion of Postal Assistants to Lower Selection Grade. These examinations are conducted all over India systematically according to the calendar of examinations prepared in advance. The results of the examinations are also published promptly within the stipulated time. 6. DPCs: At the Postal Directorate's level, a number of Departmental Promotional Committees headed by Member(Personnel) are being held regularly every year to ensure timely promotion of officers. DPCs for promotion of officers of various levels such as Junior Time Scale and Senior Time Scale of Group 'A', Junior Administrative Grade, Sr. Administrative Grade (Joint Secretary level), Higher Administrative Grade (Addl. Secretary level), Members of the Postal Services Board (Special Secretary level) of Indian Postal Service are processed by me in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission. 7. Disciplinary Cases/Appeals, Petitions Etc. I have long experience in the handling of disciplinary and appeal cases. l have decided hundreds of major?minor penalty disciplinary cases, appeals and petitions. As Member (Personnel) of the Postal Services Board, I am personally disposing of revision petitions submitted by the staff. All review petitions addressed to the President of India are processed by me. A large number of Rule 9 cases under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 have been processed by me in consultation with CPSC. 8. I have undergone an advanced course on 'British Postal Management' in the British Post Office Management College, Rugby, in 1985. During my deputation to Fertilizers and Chemicals, Travancore Ltd., as Chief Vigilance Officer during 1993-1999, I prepared the first Vigilance Manual for the PSU. I had contributed a number of articles on Indian Philosophy to the Malayalam Encyclopedia, published in the year, 1972.

(G. Mohanakumar) S e Nice— (cr 7

S. No. 114-40/2005-SPC, Government of India to err<0 stiCr LAT RECEIVED IN C. R. nistry of Communications and IT IFTritc; Olt sit-r417.1 f

1 1146 ab Dated: 11.8 2005

\ i• x./c. R. No ..• ....;...»Nwo •

he Secretary. Department of Personnel 4nd Training, Room No. 112, North Block, NewDelhi-114001.

Subject: -Filling up of the of{ Information Commissioner in the Ccr - Information Commissit New Delhi

Sr, rd herewith following applications dated I am directed to fo rm formation Commissioner/Central Information 23.7.2005 for tho post of Chief Information Commission, New Delhi for Commissioner • in the Central consideration. Designation S.No. Name of the Officer (S/Sh)__ _ Present (Posts), R. Ganesanr:P0S- 1969) Secretary 1. Direc:or General (Posts) Chairman, Posta Services Board. _ (Personnel) G.Mohanak $imar @Pi-NC-1969) Member Postai Services Board.

Both the off:Ker.:are free from vigilance angie.

This issues with the appiovai of Hon'bie MOC&IT. Yours faithfully,

(V.P.Singh) Director (Staff)

Encl. As ttove (40

IT R Ganesan Ministry of Communications & posts Secretary (Posts) Department of Dak Bhavan, Sansad Mary.

New Delhi-110 001 .

Dated: 28.7.2005


The Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training, Room No. 112, North Block, New Celhi-110 001.

(Through Proper Channel)

Subject: Filling up of the post of Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission. New Delhi.

Sir. Act. Government It is learnt that consequent on passing of the Right to Information is planning to constitute a Central "nformatior Commission. 1 am sending herewith my Mo- data for consideration for the post of Chief Information Commissioner/Central information Commissioners.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully.

' • ' ' R. Ganesan


Name R. Ganesan

Designation Secretary (Posts), Director General (Posts), Chairman, Postal Services Board.

Qualification Master of Science (Physics), Indian Institute of Technology,

All India Management Association Diploma in Management

Membership in (I) Fellow, All India Management Assoc ation (FIMA;, professional New Delhi. Membership from 1988. Bodies (ii) Life Member, Indian Society `or Trining and Development. Membership from 1985.

Service to Indian Postal Service; (Group 'A'; IAS - Etc. Examination 1968 Which Officer belongs

Ministry/ Ministry of Communications & IT, Department of Posts Department Dak Bhavan, New Delhi-110001

Important assignments held from January 1990 to 2003.

Post held From To

Chief Postmaster General/Principal Chief June 20C2 n. Postmaster General, Maharashtra & Goa

Chief Postmaster General, Uttar Pradesh. August 2000 June 2002

Controller, Bhaoa Atomic Research Centre, Deptt. May 1996 August 2000 of Atomic Energy.

Postmaster General Mumbai Sep. 1992 May 1996

General Manager (Vigilance) & Chief Vigilance 3.1.1990 31.8.1992 Officer, Indian Telephone Industries, Bangalore. JOB PROFILE

Secretary (Posts), Director General (Posts) & Chairman, Postal Services Board (1/12/2004 onwards).

Secretary heads the Department of Posts, in Ministry of Communications and IT, the role envisages close liaison with the Cabinet through Cabinet Secretariat and the Cabinet Minister/Minister o' State for Communications and IT in translating the Government policies on Posts, implementing its 10th Five Year Plan of Rs. 1350 crores, and monitoring the Department's performance in ensuring fulfillment of the mancate giver to the Department as also satisfying the concerns of the stake holders such as representatives of the public in Parliament, commercial and corporate interests, the needs of the urban/rural public as well as the concerns of 5.5 lakh errployees. Secretary also c osely interacts with Planning Commission, Ministries of Finance, Personnel & Training, Public Grievances & Pensions, Urban Development, Information and Broadcasting, Culture, Health, External Affairs, etc., participates in the Committee of Secretaries Meeting presided over by Cabinet Secretary relat ng to all matters of the Department as well as those of other Ministries where the Department has stakes.

Director General (Posts) gives the operational content to the day-to- day functions of Department having a budget of about Rs. 5500 crores,by planning the targets for all the states in the country, get regular feed back on the extent of compliance as well as quality of performance in the field and ensure that the business of the Posts expands by providing for appropriate product mix as wel as offering such promotional averues and delegations of powers to the Circles for generating greater revenues. The guidance given as Member (0) and Secretary resulted in gaining above Rs. 200 crores more in the year 2004-05 in premium products alone taking net inflow to above Rs. 950 crores. During this period, the focus of the Department shifted from personnel management to marketing management by redesigring the structure and redefining the roles of officers and men from Directorate level to states, right up to districts. As the manpower is to be considered an asset instead of being conventionally looked at it as a burden, emphasis was given on Human Resource Development both by upgrading the quality as well as the content of training at institutional level as well as on-the-job programmes, in order to bring in greater involvement of the manpower for implementing the vision of the Posts through its uroan and rural network of 1.55 lakh postal outlets throughout the country.

Chairman, Postal Services Board presides over the Board for creating appropriate policy framework in tune wit, present and future needs, shapirg the Board's pr ority for creating the future today and not wait for future to happen later. External consultants are used for restructuring the Organization n a major shake-up through KPMG, and also for developing a Central Server Technology for 7000 computerized Post offices for networking them for improving quality of service. Several other policy initiatives are taken through the Board for restructuring the organization through providing the turn-around (7,5] strategy for the Posts to make it socially committed, technology driven, professionally managed and revenue generating enterprise.

Member (Operations), Postal Services Board from 28/1/2004 to 30/11/2004

The role of Member in charge of operations encompasses A to Z of India Post functioning of its operations and tecnnology deve opment for positioning the Post as the best service provider in the country, by

(a) Upgrading capability to handle existing services in a more efficient and responsive manner. (b) Int•oducing new value added services to meet tie requirements of various customer segments, by optimizing the out reach of the network. (c) Generating additional resources with the objective of making postal operations self-financing.

The above activities with the 10`11 Plan outlay of Rs.1070 crores account fo - about 79% of our Plan.

Member (Operations) who controls the operations in the entire country, is also the accredited authority to assess the performance of the Head of Circles' in all the States in the country. He is in charge of marketing cf traditional as well as premium products which contribute about Rs.2,000 crores constituting more than 50% of the Department's revenues. He is also to promote philately, the national and international market. world - renowned hobby in the

Member (Development), Postal Services Board from 24.6.2003 to 27.1.2004)

As a Member of the Board, responsible for evolving policy of India Post keeping in view the mandate given by the Government, the public expectations and market environment towards positioning the Post as vibrant institution meeting the quality expectations of the public in the light of stiff competition prevaiing in mail, financial services and other retail activities and also ensure commitment to the universal service obligations simultaneously generatirg revenue to reduce the budgetary gap.

Member (Development), Postal Services Board has also direct responsibility for generating more than 50% of the total revenue of India Post through Financial Services, Post& Life Insurance and other retail products using the vast postal network of about 1.55 lags Post Offices. Further, the job entails extending infrastructure facilities to the services across the country, simultaneously generating revenue through sponsorship and commercial exploitation. The responsibility of Member in these areas extends throughout the country having supervisory role over all the Principal Chief Postmaster Generals and Chief Postmaster Generals to ensure realization of both qualitative and quantitative goals, G.Mohanakumar Ministry of Communications& IT Member (Personnel) Department of Posts Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001

Date: 28 ,luly, 2005 To The Secretary Department of Personnel & Training Room No. 112 North Block New Delhi- 110001

(Through Proper Channel) Sir.

Subject: Filling up of the post of Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission, New Delhi

It is known that the Parliament has passed the Right to Information Bill and it has become an Act on 15/06/05. The Act provides for appointment of a Chief information Commissioner and Central Information Commissioners. I, therefore, offer myself as an applicant for one of the posts of Information Commissioners in the Central Information Commission. Presently I am working as Member (Personnel) of the Postal Services Board, New Delhi at the level of Special Secretary in the pay scale of Rs. 24050-26000/- (Present pay: Rs.26,000i-). In view of my long administrative experience in the Department of Posts, which is one of the largest and important departments of Government of India, I request you for favourable consideration.

My personal history profile is enclosed.

Yours faithfully,

(G. Mohanakumar)

Encl: Personal History Profile (S.



2) Date of Birth 21/11/1945 (Twenty First November, Nineteen Hundred and Forty Five)

3) Educational Qualifications (a) M.A. Degree (First rank in the University of Kerala)

(b) Master of Business Administration

(c) Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management

(d) Post Graduate Diploma in Management

(e) Diploma in Management

4) Post Applied For Information Commissioner, Central Information commission.

5) Present Pay scale Rs. 24050- 26000/- (Present Pay — (Rupees 26000/-)

6) Date of Superannuation 30th November, 2005 Brief Summary of Administrative Experience

After serving for three years as Lecturer in the Government Sanskrit College, Trivandrum (Kerala). I joined the Indian Postal Service in August, 1969 on my qualifying in the All India Civil Services Examination. I have 36 years of administrative experience in the following areas, apart from Postal administration:

â Personnel Management â Financial Management â General Administration â Planning and Development â Establishment matters â Handling of Court cases â Investigation into loss/fraud cases â Handling of Public Grievances );• Vigilance matters relating to officers and the staff

2. In all the posts that I held in the Department of Posts right from my first posting as Senior Superintendent of Post Offices in Postal Divisions till date, matters pertaining to recruitment & training and allied subjects were dealt by me at personal level. As a result I have acquired vast experience and knowledge in the field of recruitment, training and development. Presently I am the Head of the Personnel Division of India Post holding the post of Member(Personnel), Postal Services Board. I am the third senior-

2 most officer in the department controlling about 5.5 lakh postal employees throughout India with regard to personnel and establishment matters. I am also controlling the activities of the Postal Staff College. Ghaziabad, India which provides advanced management training to the officers of the Department of Posts as well as officers from Foreign administrations and also the six Postal Training Centres. In addition, I am handling posting and transfer of all the senior officers of the Department. I am also in charge of administration of Postal Directorate.

3. Staff Relations: As Member(Personnel), I am in charge of Staff Relations/Labour Relations of the Postal Department at the National level. Joint Consultative Machinery meetings at the Postal Directorate's level and periodical meetings with Federations of trade unions at the national level are arranged to be held by me. Whenever notices threatening staff agitations/strikes are received by the Department at All India level, necessary dialogues/negotiations are held with the All India Federations by the Member(Personnel) in order to avert any dislocation of postal services.

4. Handling of Public Grievances: Since the Department of Posts is an organization which pays utmost attention to the settlement of public grievances with regard to its services, I have gained vast experience in the handling of public grievances during the last thirty six years of my career in the department.

3 5. Departmental Examinations: As Member(Personnel) of the Department, I am responsible for conducting a large number of departmental examinations for promotion of officials to various cadres such as Examination for promotion to Postal Service Group '13' Examination for promotion to the posts of Inspectors of Post Offices, Examination for promotion of Postal Assistants to Higher Selection Grade-II and Examination for promotion of Postal Assistants to Lower Selection Grade. These examinations are conducted all over India systematically according to the calendar of examinations prepared in advance. The results of the examinations are also published promptly within the stipulated time.

6. DPCs: At the Postal Directorate's level, a number of Departmental Promotional Committees headed by Member(Personnel) are being held regularly every year to ensure timely promotion of officers. DPCs for promotion of officers of various levels such as Junior Time Scale and Senior Time Scale of Group 'A', Junior Administrative Grade, Sr. Administrative Grade (Joint Secretary level), Higher Administrative Grade (Addl. Secretary level), Members of the Postal Services Board (Special Secretary level) of Indian Postal Service are processed by me in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission.

7. Disciplinary Cases/Appeals, Petitions Etc. I have long experience in the handling of disciplinary and appeal cases. I have decided hundreds of major/minor penalty disciplinary cases,

4 appeals and petitions. As Member (Personnel) of the Postal Services Board, I am personally disposing of revision petitions submitted by the staff. All review petitions addressed to the President of India are processed by me. A large number of Rule 9 cases under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 have been processed by me in consultation with UPSC.

8. I have undergone an advanced course on 'British Postal Management' in the British Post Office Management College, Rugby, in 1985. During my deputation to Fertilizers and Chemicals, Travancore Ltd., as Chief Vigilance Officer during 1993-1999, I prepared the first Vigilance Manual for the PSU. I had contributed a number of articles on Indian Philosophy to the Malayalam Encyclopedia, published in the year, 1972.

(G. Mohanakumar)

5 N ,

Ministr of Personnel. Public Grievances & Pensions

Subject : Request for posting in the Information Commission being set up

The undersigned has been serving in the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances since Atgust 2000. The responsibilities handled by the undersigned curing he tenure in DAR&PG and for about three and a half months as OSD to MOS(PP) involved promotion of e - governance, facilitating good governance initiatives, organising regional and national conferences on c- Governance, design and development of less paper office solution, setting up of a digital repository of best practices, facilitating the conceptualization of rational c-governance action plan, setting up of NISG as also the enactment of right to information act.

2. As a member secretary to the expert group set up for conceptualizing the India Portal and by being a member of several constituted committees on sevcal (-governance projects like the MCA 21, e-readiness survey, mission mode projects for urban munic.palities, e-Biz, e-procurement, integrated services, core infrastructure, capacity building and so on, the undersigned had also the opportunity to gain insights and contribute at various stages of formulation and implementation of such projects.

3. As the present tenure of five years in this Ministry is get:ing completed in early November 2005, the undersigned is looking forward to an opportunity to gain experience and continue to contribute in areas relating to organizational readiness, process improvements, governance reforms, capacity building, use of technology in government and such other related areas.

4. In view of the above, the undersigned wou:d be grateful if an opportunity is given to enable me sere in the Inbnnation Commiss:on in an appropriate capacity. To this end, it is requested that a reference be nude to my cadre (State Government of Sikkim) requesting confirmation for making be undersigned available for such posting .n the Information Commission.

( K. Jky all Director (IT)

Secroars(Personne9,,Mio PersonneL PG & Pensions, North Block, N. Delhi DARPG U.O.No.21616M/2005-IT dated the 29 July, 2005 Ministry of Personnel. Public Grievances & Pensions

Subject : Request for posting in the Information Commission being set up

The undersigned has been serving in the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances since August 2000. The responsibilities handled by the undersigned during the tenure in DAR&PG and for about three and a half months as OSD to MOS(PPI involved promotion of e-governance, facilitating good governance initiatives, organising regional and national conferences on e- Governance, design and development of less paper office solution, setting up of a digital repositcry of best practices, facilitating the conceptualization of national e-governance action plan, setting up of NISG as also the enactment of right to information act.

2. As a member secretary to the expert group set up for conceptualizing the India Portal and by being a member of several constituted committees on several e-governance pro:ects like the MCA 21, e-readiness survey, mission mode projects for urban municipalities, e-Biz, e-procurement, integrated services, core infrastructure, capacity building and so on, the undersigned had also the opportunity/to gain insights and contribute at various stages of formulation and implementation of such projects.

3. As the present tenure of five years in this Ministry is getting completed in early November 2005, the undersigned is looking forward to an opportunity , to gain experience and continue to contribute in areas relating to organizational readiness, process improvements, governance reforms, capacity building, use of technology in government and such other related areas.

4. In view of the above, the undersigned would be grateful if an opportunity is given to enable me serve in the Information Commission in an appropriate capacity. To this end, it is requested that a reference be made to my cadre (State Government of Sikkim) requesting confirmation for making the undersigned available for such posting in the Information Commission.

( K. l,iyff tunia") Director (1'1)


Seeretarv(Personnel), MI/o Personnel, PG & Pensions, North Block, N. Delhi DARPG U.O.No.21016/8/2005-IT dated the 29 July, 2005

n ; nA.\' 1/4 "/ 9-115- bLAII) (g -riknyh) D , . 1ST (1C-Db

wn- ti(crot fr Mel) fdMi -??o °lb? GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF CULTURE NEW DELHI - 110001

3 November 2005

Dear Shri Tiwari,

I am attaching my bio-data for the post of Information Commissioner under the Right to Informa:ion Act.

With rega-ds,

Yours sincerely, 631

(Neena Ranjan)

Shri A.N. Tiwari, Secretary, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions New Delhi

(Smt.) NEENA RANJAN • (IAS, UP:1969)

Professional experience


Secretary New Delhi Ministry of Culture 07104 - now The web site of MOC redesigned to service the Right ro Information Act. An interactive feature will now allow on-line application for grant-in-aid from the Ministry.

Secretary, Official Language (OL) New Delhi Ministry of Home Affairs 10/03-06/04 Developed a 5-year project for innovative language application tools for machine assisted translation and web based OL packages (free of cost).

Additional Secretary and Director General of Supplies & Disposal New Delhi Ministry of Commerce 11/00-09/03 Initiated new thrust areas — procurement consultancy, price agreements, and IIT Delhi study report on the working of DGS&D.

Designed and implemented a project for all procurement related activities to be made web-based - integration of headquarters, regional offices and 30 field offices. This was converted into e-procurement, and Is now monitored by PMO. This led to transparency and :ncreased interaction with trade and industry as well as public need for information. The website of DGS&D received a National Award for exemplary initiatives on e-governance (Bronze Icon) for 2003 from the Deparment of Administrative Reforms, Govt. of India.

icing Secretary, National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) New Delhi Ministry of Culture 01/94-05/95 Coordinated all bilateral and multilateral assistance programmes, including UNESCO and the Ford Foundation.

Implemented a pioneer UNDP project in India on "Strengthening of the National Facility for interactive Multi-Media Documentation of Cultural Resources."

Helped produce and guided production of 10 CDs for interactive multi-media documentation and in-depth analysis of cultural information to be recreated in a virtual environment, with emphasis on holistic and integrated perception of culture. This received worldwide acclaim.

Planned IGNCA website that is now one of the best sites on Ind:an ar and culture. It had 25 lakh hits by September 2005 (NIC report), second only to the President of India's website. This website has received 'Golden Icon Award' for e-governance for the year 2004 from the Department of Administrative Reforms, Govt. of India. 2 Joint Secretary to Government of India New Delhi • Department of Youth Affairs and Sports 06/91-0 I /94 (hi

Director, National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development New Delhi Ministry of Human Resource Development 04/88-05/89 Implemented, with UNICEF cooperation, a computerized monitoring system for 320 training centres throughout India.

Computerized, with UNICEF cooperation, the library and documentation facilities in the institute.

Finished all overdue research studies and started 30 new projects.

Chief Executive, New Delhi Wool & Woollens Export Promotion Council 04/83-06/86 Removed bottlenecks in governmental procedures and organized rapid growth of woollen exports from India.

Exports grew by 15-20% per annum.


Administrator, Lucknow Khadi & Village Industries Board, U. P. 1982-83 Re-instituted the lending cycle by managing recovery of past loans, resulting in 25,000 new cottage units. Revived a moribund organization.

District Magistrate Pilibhit Pilibhit 1981-82

Special Secretary to Government of U.P. Lucknow Department of Urban Development 1980-81

Additional Director of Industries, U.P. Kanpur 1977-80

Deputy Secretary to Government of U.P. Lucknow Department of Industries 1973-76

Education Delhi University Vishwarupa in Indian ?aintings Continuing Doctor of Philosophy

Harvard University, USA Studied project appraisal, data analysis, I 987

Master in Public Administration computer applications, environmental studies, m:cro economics, temple areh:tecture, Hindu religion, and public policy

University of Calcutta English Literature. 1968 Master of Arts Written work A large number of policy notes, reports and position ners on industrial development and exports, for internal use of government and industry.

Harvard paper. The Multi Fibre Arrangement - Impact on Developing Countries (Kennedy School of Government, 1986)

Harvard paper Deforestation in Garhwal Hills (Kennedy School of Government, 1987)

Harvard paper. Symbolism in Temple (School of Design, 1987)

Harvard paper: Karma Yoga in the Cita - Special Reference to Tilak and Gandhi (School of Divinity. 1987)

UNICEF paper: How to Use Socio-spiritual Organizations as Advocates of Developmen! (UNICEF, 1991)

Date of birth March 5, 1946

Contacts Mailingaddress: C-1147, Bapa Nagar, New Delhi-110003 Tel: 2338-2369, Fax: 2338-5283 e-mail: [email protected] No. I /712005-IR (mi verrunent of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi Dated 2SP October 2007 To

Dy. Controller of Accounts. Department of Personnel & Training 3rd Floor. B-Wing. Lok Nayak Bhavan. New Delhi Subject: Crediting the amount of CPI' transferred from A.G., Hyderabad in respect of Shri A.N. Tiwari, Secretary (Personnel)


I am directed to refer to you: letter No. G.25020/1/2006-07/RBD 1401 4 dated 10th 2007 on the above mentioned subject and to say that CIC had issued an order October No. 16/2/2005;T&C dated 25.8.2006 regarding Terms & Conditions of service of the Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners. A copy of the order is enclosed. take a decision in 2. In view of the above, Controller General of Accounts need to the matter. If that office has any doubt about the facts the service conditions or status of the Information Commissioners, that office may point out the point of doubt, which this Department may claritS, accordingly. Yours faithfully,


No. PAO/CAT/PAO(S)/2005-06/0/38, Dated: lifffRiferriee. I 0 og"

y To

The Under Secretary, (Kind Attn: Sh. P.K.Mishra) Deptt of Personnel and Training, North Block, New Delhi.

Sub: Crediting the amount of GPF transferred from AG Hyderabad in respect of Sh. A.N. Tiwari, former Secretary (Personnel).


I ant to invite a reference to your letter No. 1/7/2005-1R dated 29.10.07 on the abo ce cited suOject.

In this connection i: is stated that this office has no doubt regarding the terms and conditionyf Central Information Commission. The only point of doubt is that this office need clarification whether the GPF balance received from AG Hyderabad of Sh. A.N.Tiwari former Secretary (Personnel) on voluntary retirement dt. 26.12.2006 can be adopted in his newly opened GPF Account.

An early action in this matter .s highly appreciated as Sh. Tiwari is pressing hard for settlement of the case.

Yours faithfully,

atm (Stiktdt:Dloi Byreentfefierconitts.

Is* • No.1/7/2005-IR Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block, New Delhi Dated the 25 th January, 2008 To

The Dy.Controller of Accounts Pay & Accounts Office. Central Administrative Tribunal, C-1 Hutments, Dalhousie Road, New Delhi-110011.

Subject: Crediting the amount of GPF transferred from AG Hyderabad in r/o Sh.A.N.Tiwari, former Secretarv(Personnel).


I am directed to refer to PAO letter No.PAO/CAT/PAO(S)/2005-06/6438 dated 10.01.2008 and this Department's letter of even number dated 29.10.2007 on the above subject and to say that requisite clarification regarding terms & conditions of service of the Information Commissioners has already been provided. In so far as crediting of GPI? proceeds is concerned, the same is an accounts matter and may be settled in consultation with Controller General of Accounts.

Ycurs faithfully, 1 . 6....„.747 (Anuradha S.Chagti) Officer on Special Duty(RTI) Tele.:23092158

i • U. pit of ,


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