EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 34947 Torney General; to the Committee on the Impeachment of Richard M

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 34947 Torney General; to the Committee on the Impeachment of Richard M October 24, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 34947 torney General; to the Committee on the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon; to the investigate whether grounds exist for the Judiciary. Committee on Rules. impeachment of Richard M. Nixon; to the By Ms. ABZUG (for herself, Mr. By Mrs. MINK: Committee on Rules. BADn.Lo, Mrs. BURKE of California, H. Res. 652. Resolution impeaching Rich­ Mr. BURTON, Mr. CLAY, Mr. DELLUMS, ard M. Nixon, President of the United States, Mr. DRlNAN, Mr. FRASER, Mr. HEL­ of high crimes and misdemeanors; to the PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS STOSKI, Mr. LEGGETT, Mr. MITCHELL of Committee on the Judiciary. Maryland, Mr. PODELL, Mr. RANGEL, By Mr. MOAKLEY (!or himself and Under clause 1 of rule x:xn, private Mr. STARK, Mr. STOKES, Mr. WALDIE, Mr. BADILLO); bills and resolutions were introduced and and Mr. YOUNG of Georgia): H. Res. 653. Resolution to express the sense severally referred as follows: of the House that there wlll be no action H. Res. 650. Resolution Impeaching Rich­ on the nomination for Vice President untll By Mrs. BURKE of California: ard M. Nixon, President of the United States, such time as the President has complied H.R. 11102. A bill for the relief of Tze for high crimes and misdemeanors; to the with the final decision of the court system Tsun Lee; to .the Committee on the Judi­ Committee on the Judiciary. as it relates to the White House tapes; to ciary. By Mr. KOCH: the Comxnlttee on the Judiciary. By Mr. BURTON: H. Res. 651. Resolution directing the Com­ By Mr. ROE: H.R. 11103. A bill for the relief of Lelia M. mittee on the Judiciary to Inquire into and H. Res. 654. Resolution directing the Com­ Eitz (Dieu Thi Minh Nguyet); to the Com­ Investigate whether grounds exist for the mittee on the Judiciary to inquire into and mittee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WALTER HARNISCHFEGER: A waukee SChool of Engineering. Harnischfeger cutive Committee of the Herbert Hoover GREAT AMERICAN PASSES took a deep interest in this school .and even­ Birthplace Foundation, Inc., West Branch, tually became Chairman of its Board of Re­ Iowa. gents. For many years his generosity and en­ Member of the Advisory Board of Leader HON. H. R. GROSS thusiasm were keystones in the school's Dogs for the Blind, Rochester, Michigan. OF IOWA steady growth. Member of the Board of Trustees and Gov­ Upon the death of his father in 1930, Wal­ ernors of the Menninger Foundation, Topeka, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ter Harnischfeger became President of the Kansas. Wednesday, October 24, 1973 firm and in 1959 became Chairman of the Honorary Chairman of the Board of Re­ Board. gents of the Mllwaukee School of Engineer­ Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, on Septem­ For many years, Harnischfeger conducted a ing. Formerly Chairman of the Board of ber 21, 1973, the United States lost tireless campaign seeking to encourage a Regents. one of its most distinguished citizens sound fiscal operation in the government. He Member of the Finance Committee of the with the death in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, argued that the public pocket was not bot­ National Association of Manufacturers. For­ of Walter Harnischfeger at the age 77. tomless and that even the government had to mer Director. Free men everywhere are poorer for his conduct it.s affairs in a business-like manner Director of National Economic Council, within its income. He decried "give-away" Inc,. New York, New York. passing. programs, yet he encouraged aid to the un­ Member of the Executive Committee of the Walter Harnischfeger's long and dis­ derprivileged countries of the world through International Section of the New York Board tinguished career as one of this country's sound investment programs which enabled of Trade, Formerly Vice Chairman. most enterprising industrialists spanned the people in those countries to help the.n­ Member of the New York Chamber of a period of more than 60 years from the selves. As a result of this attitude, the Ha.rni­ Commerce. time he began work as an apprentice at schfeger Corporation became international in Member of Omicron Delta Alpha. 10 cents an hour until his retirement as operation with eight overseas manufacturing Trustee of the Pestalozzl Foundation of plant.s making substantial contributions to America, Inc., New York, New York. chairman of the board of the Harnisch­ the economies and welfare of communities Trustee of the United States Inter-Ameri­ feger Corp., one of the Nation's leading in Germany, Japan, Canada, Australia, Chile can Council and Member of the Executive manufacturers of construction equip­ and Brazil. Committee, New York, New York. ment. Mr. Harnischfeger has long been recognized Former Member of the Advisory Commit­ It was my pleasure and privilege to for his Intense interest in people, places and tee of the Federal Reserve Bank-7th Dis­ have known this great American over a current events. He was a world traveler and trict, Chicago, Illinois. period of years and I can say without an avid champion and believer in the rights Former Director and Chairman of the Na­ hesitation that his friendship was one of and dignity of the Individual. tional Affairs Committee of the Milwaukee my most valued possessions. HIS ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Association of Commerce. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Former member of the National Defense He was tireless in his advocacy of the Committee of the United States Chamber o~ sound principle that fiscal sanity must American Enterprise Institute for Public Pol­ Commerce. be practiced by government, just as it icy Research, Washington, D.C. Member of the Board of Directors of the Former Director of the Wisconsin Manu­ must be practiced by prudent individuals American Institute for Foreign Trade, Phoe­ facturers' Association. everywhere. niX, Arizona. Mr. Ha.rnlschfeger served as a Delegate to For those whose lives were not directly Member of the Board of the Milwaukee the Congress of the International Chamber enriched by Walter Harnischfeger, I in­ Chapter of the American Red Cross. of Commerce at Lisbon, Portugal; Vienna, clude for insertion in the RECORD at this Tustee of America's Future, Inc., New Austria; Naples, Italy; and Copenhagen, point a brief biography: Rochelle, New York. Denmark. BIOGRAPHY OF WALTER HARNISCHFEGER Member of the Board of Directors of the Mr. Speaker, one who knew him well, Boys• Clubs of America, New York, New York. Mr. Eugene F. Rinta, executive director Walter Harnischfeger was born in 1895, the Former National Chairman and Honorary son of Henry Harnischfeger, one of the two Chairman of the Citizens Foreign Aid Com­ of the Council of State Chambers of co-founders of the Harnischfeger Corpora­ mittee, Washington, D.C. Commerce, wrote as follows to members tion. Member of the Advisory Board of the Com­ of the Council on Mr. Harnischfeger's He began his business career in his fa­ mittee for Constitutional Government, New death: ther's firm as a ten-cent-an-hour appren­ York, New York. STATEMENT OF MR. EUGENE F. RINTA tice at the age of 16. After serving several Member of the Federal Finance Committee years as an apprentice in the shop, engi­ Many of you knew "W. H." as an active of the CouncU of State Chambers of Com­ member of the Council's Federal Finance neering, estimating, and service depart­ merce. Formerly Chairman of the Commit­ ments, he became a salesman and began a Committee and a regular attendee at the tee for Constitutional Government, New Council's annual meetings until just a few series of assignments requiring extensive York, New York. travel throughout the United States and years ago when his health began to fall. A Member of the Federal Finance Commit­ few of you know that he was the first Chair­ abroad. From that time on, Walter Harnisch­ tee of the Council of State Chambers of Com­ feger was a ceaseless world traveler and man of our Federal Expenditures Subcom­ merce. Formerly Chairman of the Committee mittee and that, ever since the Council be­ a perceptive student of industry and poli­ on Federal Expenditures. tics in many quarters of the globe. came active in national affairs after World Member of the Board of Directors of the War II, he wa.s one of the most active and Largely self-educated, Harnischfeger ac­ Far East-America Council of Commerce and quired some formal education by attending loyal participants and supporters that the Industry, Inc., New York, New York. Council has ever had. night school during his apprentice years. This Member of the Greater Milwaukee Com­ led to an interest in "learn-whlle-working" I, personally, have had the privilege of mittee for Community Development. association and friendship with Walter Ha.r­ educational Institutions, such as the MU- Member of the Board of Trustees and Ex- nischefeger for almost 25 years, not only 34948 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 24, 1973 during our committee meetings but more so issued to honor the college. I feel this for their country are forgotten. It is a rare during innumerable luncheons and dinners request is worthy of favorable considera­ opportunity indeed, for me-or for any offi­ with only a few, if any, others present. To me cer in the United States Army-to be able tion in light of the following facts. to talk directly with so many people about he was much more than an eminently suc­ Hunter College was the first institute cessful industrialist, of which this nation has their Army-our Army. I appreciate this many. He was the most public-spirited citi­ to offer free higher education for women.
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