April 2016Serving Active Seniors in the Lawrence-Topeka Area since 2001 Vol. 15, No. 10 INSIDE ENIO profile


According to Dr. Robert Dinsdale of Lawrence Otolaryngology Associates, which treats disorders of the ear, nose and throat, his practice has a family feel to it since he and his partners are now treating the children and grandchildren of their fi rst patients. - page 7

Business Card Directory ...26, 27 Calendar ...... 18 RRonRRonoonn Estate Planning ...... 16 Goren on Bridge ...... 36 Health & Wellness...... 14, 15 aandaandnndd LindaLLindaLiinnddaa Humor ...... 32 Jill on Money ...... 17 LLessman’sessman’s Mayo Clinic ...... 11 LLessman’sessman’s Memories Are Forever ...... 35 Pet World ...... 33 TTruckhengeruckhenge isis allall Puzzles and Games ...... 37 TTruckhengeruckhenge isis allall Restaurant Guide ...... 34 Rick Steves’ Europe ...... 31 aaboutaaboutbboouutt havinghhavinghaavviinngg ffun.ffun.uunn.. Wolfgang Puck’s Kitchen ...... 34

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KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 3 Legal battle inspired Truckhenge, other art projects By Kevin Groenhagen mile route, Shatner’s crew had picked unusual spots to be featured in “The s Captain James T. Kirk of the Ride,” a documentary starring Shatner. Astarship USS Enterprise, William “We stopped here to get color and Shatner boldly went where no man uniqueness,” Shatner told WIBW. had gone before. However, his stop at “Here’s Kansas in the raw, and we’re PHOTO KEVIN GROENHAGEN Truckhenge last June may have been at delighted to be here.” one of the most unusual places he has If anyone is looking for color and visited on this planet. uniqueness in Kansas, Truckhenge is “I’m a Trekaholic, so that was the the right place. And if you’re looking highlight of my year,” said Linda Less- for a unique and colorful person, Ron man, who, along with her husband, Lessman certainly fi lls that bill. Ron, owns and operates the Lessman “One lady, who used to live in Wich- Farm and Truckhenge in Topeka. “It ita but now lives in London, had a tour was 90 degrees in the shade that day, here and wrote on her blog that I’m the and that poor man looked miserable.” craziest guy she’s ever met,” Ron said. “Shatner was a nice guy,” Ron “Well, I take that as a compliment. She added. “He was only here for 35 or 40 lives in London. They have nine mil- minutes. He’s 20 years older than me, lion people in London.” but he makes me look like an old man.” Ron has also been a bit of a rebel for The 84-year-old Shatner arrived at most of his life. Truckhenge on a Harley Trike he was “I got kicked out of school four times at riding from Chicago to Los Angeles Shawnee Heights my senior year because Ron and Linda Lessman stand beside several bumpers planted into to help raise awareness of American my hair touched my ears,” he said. the ground. “The county said they weren’t sure what I do out here, so I Legion programs and raise funds for That rebelliousness ultimately led to told them all you have to do is look down the driveway,” Ron said. “I’ve The American Legion Legacy Schol- CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR got a bumper crop.” arship. The scholarship program helps cover college expenses for children of U.S. military men and women who lost their lives while on duty since Bath Innovations Walk-In Bathtubs September 11, 2001. Along the 2,500- Therapeutic relief from fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions Kaw Valley SeniorMonthly Replace your old bathtub with an in-home spa! Kevin L. Groenhagen Editor and Publisher Ɣ Hydro-massage with water and Kaw Valley Senior Monthly is published air jets available. monthly by Groenhagen Advertising, L.L.C., Lawrence, Kansas, and is distributed at over Ɣ High quality installation in as 160 locations throughout the Lawrence- Topeka area. Any opinions expressed by our little as one day. writers are not necessarily those of Groenhagen Advertising, L.L.C. Subscription Ɣ Made in the USA. rate is $8.50 for 12 monthly issues. Ɣ Limited lifetime warranty. Ɣ Affordable pricing – financing Contact us: available. MAIL Ɣ Low approx. 2½ inch step-up. 2612 Cranley St. Ɣ Solid no-leak door w/dual locks. Lawrence, KS 66046 Enjoy luxurious, warm, PHONE / TEXT therapeutic baths in the safety 785-841-9417 and comfort of your own home! E-MAIL [email protected] Call NOW for FREE estimate! 913-912-1750 4 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY to the river was the sandy soil found on Truckhedge the Lessmans’ land is ideal for use in CONTINUED FROM PAGE THREE making concrete. In 1991, the House Public Works and Transportation Com- the creation of Truckhenge at what was mittee approved $10 million for the once a fairly ordinary family farm. Oakland Expressway in East Topeka. PHOTO KEVIN GROENHAGEN The Lessman family bought the farm in The Lessmans won a contract with 1879 and lived in a house that was built in the state to provide soil to construct 1864. Ron and Linda moved to the farm the expressway. The hole left behind shortly after they got married in 1977. allowed the Lessmans to add a 30-acre “My grandfather planted a variety pond to their farm. of crops,” Ron said. “He used to raise Ron stocked the pond with bluegill, tomatoes, watermelon, and cantaloupe. crappie, perch, bass, and three kinds of If you have different crops, they come catfi sh, and the Lessmans now charge in at different times, and you always people $10 to fi sh all day long. got money coming in. You diversify “I started raising fi sh because the your income as much as possible. I hogs kept getting out,” Ron said. “I’ve learned that as well as I could.” had hogs get over a six-foot fence like In addition to planting crops, Ron it was nothing. Hogs are too damn and Linda raised a few hogs. They had smart for their own good. If they had six antique trucks on the farm that the fi ngers, they’d be extinct by now.” hogs would lie under for shelter. However, with the hogs gone, in A tree with dozens of shoes hanging from its branches greets visitors However, since the farm is near the 2000 Shawnee County told Ron that as they enter Truckhenge. Ron calls this the “Tree of Lost Soles.” Kansas River, it was susceptible to he had to pick up his trucks since they fl ooding, as was the case during the were considered abandoned vehicles. Of course, the county meant for Ron and planted each of them in 42,000 summer of 1993. That summer the “The county told me to pick up my to remove the trucks from his property. pounds of concrete. fl ooding was so bad that the Lessmans trucks, so I picked them up,” Ron said However, Ron said he never even con- “I fi gured Nebraska had Carhenge, were essentially homeless for three while executing a two-armed gesture sidered doing that. Instead, he used a Texas had Cadillac Row,” Ron said. weeks. The upside to being that close known as the Italian salute. front-end loader to lift up the vehicles, CONTINUED ON PAGE FIVE Oticon Dynamo: Super Power hearing aid, More speech details! If you are very hard of hearing, you know all too well there’s a long way from hearing sounds to making sense of them. Even with a “powerful” hearing aid, critical high frequency sounds are often lost, making it hard to catch the meaning. Developed for people with severe to profound hearing loss, Oticon Dynamo hearing aids fill in the missing speech details so that you understand more and can stay in the conversation. Thanks to Oticon’s innovative Speech Rescue™ technology, Dynamo takes the high frequencies that often go lost – such as ‘s’ and ‘th’ sounds – and moves them to a lower frequency range that you can hear. As a result, your brain gets access to the full spectrum of sounds, rescuing speech cues that would otherwise be lost and giving you a more complete sound experience. Call Gerald Whiteside, Au.D., CCC-A, to schedule a free consultation. 785-843-8479 1112 W. 6th St. Ste. 100 Lawrence, KS www.marstonhc.com KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 5 mans’ property. Truckhedge “The county said I couldn’t have any CONTINUED FROM PAGE FOUR loose metal out here, so I wired all my metal together and made a little tor- “Well, Kansas needed something. The nado,” Ron said. county told me to pick up my trucks, Ron has also added Boathenge, Beer PHOTO KEVIN GROENHAGEN so I picked them up.” Ron also spray Bottle City, and numerous woodcarv- painted sayings on each truck. ings he has done with a chain saw. The county didn’t take too kindly to And then there’s the couple’s home, Ron’s interpretation of “pick up.” which Ron built with the help of a few “They took us to court and fi led crim- friends after the fl ood of 1993. Real- inal public nuisance charges against us izing that their old home was no longer because they said those trucks, which safe when the river fl ooded, the Less- had all that concrete around them, mans replaced it with a Quonset hut were going to fl oat down the river, take with 8,000 square feet of living space. out all the bridges, and kill everyone The home is full of Ron’s creations, in Lawrence,” Linda said. “Anyone and even includes a homemade eleva- with a lick of sense knows that, with tor to get to the second fl oor. that much concrete around them, those “My whole house is made of used trucks aren’t going anywhere.” material, “Ron said. “They said that was a cynical attempt Although Ron does not think of him- Unlike Michelangelo, who painted on the ceiling of the Sistine to get around the law,” Ron added. “I self as an artist, the Association for Chapel, Ron has done several paintings on the ground fl oor of his said, ‘Your Honor, I’m not a nuisance. Shawnee County Recycling and Pres- home. “My standards are not as high,” he explained. Inset photo: Art- I’m just obnoxious.” ervation in 2006 designated his Truck- work using disposable cigarette lighters. “I call this the ‘Lighter Side of The Lessmans received a fi ne, but henge as a “Kaw Region Art Park.” Truckhenge,’” Ron said. the county allowed the trucks to stand, Pointing at the plaque he received, Ron making them a bit of an accidental notes that the acronyms for Shawnee tourist attraction. However, they are County Recycling and Preservation not the only attractions on the Less- CONTINUED ON PAGE SIX 6 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY came here several years ago,” Linda Truckhedge added. “They had a good time.” CONTINUED FROM PAGE THREE According to Ron, Truckhenge attracts more visitors from out of state and Kaw Region Art Park are, respec- than from Kansas. However, tour buses

tively, SCRAP and KRAP. from Kansas City and Wichita have PHOTO KEVIN GROENHAGEN “I’m not an artist,” Ron said. “This is made the trek, and local retirement all about having fun. If you smile, they communities have organized trips to can’t beat you.” Truckhenge. Even a few county offi - The Lessmans also lease out their cials returned to Truckhenge after the farm for events, including the 420 county’s legal battle with the Lessmans. Urban Music Festival. In addition, “We’ve had police offi cers who ear- Linda and a friend hold an annual lier came out with county offi cials, and Truckhenge Tarot Time, which is a then came back later with friends for one-day psychic fair. tours,” Linda said. The Lessman Farm and Truckhenge “The county and I get along fi ne now attracts more than 3,000 visitors now,” Ron added. per year. Truckhenge is located at 4124 NE “We had two people from Albania Brier Road in Topeka. The Lessmans on March 9,” Ron said. “We’ve had do not charge for tours, but will accept people from South Africa, Macedonia, donations. They also request visitors to Ron with several of the dozens of woodcarvings he has done with Australia, and Germany.” call ahead at (785) 234-3486 to sched- a chainsaw. “The family from ‘Sister Wives’ ule tours.

Like Kaw Valley Senior Monthly on Facebook and read senior news from other sources, get details about events that were submitted to us after publication, and share your comments. KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 7 COURTESY PHOTO

Dr. Robert Dinsdale Lawrence Otolaryngology Hillside Village Therapy Team Associates treats disorders of If your loved one has been hospitalized and is in the ear, nose and throat need of Medicare Part A therapy services, Hillside By Billie David Lawrence and decided to establish his Village of De Soto can help. Through our practice here. I joined him about three partnership with Genesis Rehab Services, we offer ne of the best things about having years after that,” Dinsdale said, adding Oa medical practice in a town the that the business recently added Dr. a full range of physical, occupational, and speech size of Lawrence is you get to know the Leo Martinez. therapy along with wound care, pain management, people who come in as your patients Lawrence Otolaryngology Associ- when you meet them on the street or ates treats disorders of the ear, nose and dementia care. All of our skilled nursing beds at the grocery, or perhaps downtown, and throat, including voice, laryngeal are fully Medicare Part A certified and we accept according to Dr. Robert Dinsdale, who and swallowing disorders, pediatric co-owns Lawrence Otolaryngology tonsil care, cosmetic and reconstructive all major Medicare Advantage (HMO) and Associates with Dr. Stephen Sege- facial plastic surgery, and treatment of Medicare Supplement plans. Our therapists and brecht and Dr. Lee A. Reussner. sinus problems, dizziness, hearing loss, nursing staff work closely with residents and their And one of the benefi ts of being in head and neck cancers, and thyroid and business for over 30 years is that the parathyroid disorders. families to understand and meet their individual practice has a family feel to it as you In addition to treating several gen- therapy goals. fi nd yourself treating the children and erations of patients and getting to grandchildren of your fi rst patients. know them in other contexts, Dr. Dins- “Dr. Segebrecht established Law- dale said, “There’s nothing better than Call 913-583-1260, x116 to schedule a tour. We are rence Otolaryngology Associates seeing someone who’s referred to us by about 31 years ago. He is from the a friend or family member and having locally owned and with the owner onsite daily. Kansas City area, and after he com- them tell us they were told, ‘they’ll pleted medical school at KU Med and treat you right.’” 7TH3TREETs$E3OTO +3 specialty training at the University of Although Lawrence Otolaryngology EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY WWWHILLSIDEDESOTOCOM Utah, he married a young woman from CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT 8 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY Lawrence Otolaryngology “Seniors tend to put it off, but some Topeka at St. Francis Hospital, in Ottawa didn’t even exist when we started,” things need to be done right away, at Ransom Memorial Hospital, or in Law- Dinsdale said. “That’s all new.” CONTINUED FROM PAGE SEVEN especially for sudden changes in hear- rence at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. And when you think about the nature Associates started in Lawrence and the ing,” Dinsdale said. “They can go to “I do facial cosmetic surgery as of the work that ear, nose and throat main offi ce is located in the Lawrence their doctor for a referral, but often well, including eyelid tucks and face- specialists do, you will probably agree Medical Plaza building at 6th and Main they don’t have to get a referral. They lifts,” Dinsdale said. “A fair number of that progress is a really good thing streets, there are also satellite offi ces in can come in directly.” seniors have extra eyelid skin impair- “Our specialty is looking into narrow, Topeka and Ottawa. The practice treats If patients have original Medicare, ing their vision, and it is covered by deep holes,” Dinsdale explained, “and people of all ages, from newborns to they don’t need referrals, and if they Medicare if we can show it causes what we want to do is to accomplish that 100-year-olds. aren’t sure about other insurance, they vision impairment.” with minimal pain. Advances in technol- “For seniors, we do a lot of evalu- can call the front desk and ask, he Technical advances in medicine have ogy, such as fi ber optic instruments and ations and treatment of hearing loss added. made a big difference in how ear, nose small instruments that are controlled and balance problems, growths, and Another common reason for patients and throat conditions are treated. remotely, help with that goal.” cancers of the head and neck, includ- to seek treatment at Lawrence Otolar- “People with hearing loss today can But all of those advances require ing thyroid and parathyroid cancers yngology Associates is skin cancer, benefi t from advances in hearing aids constant learning on the part of the and skin cancer,” Dinsdale said. “We which is also a situation that should be that are more adaptable to different doctors. also do a lot with voice problems. As checked out right away. situations,” Dinsdale said, “and even “There are a lot of people in our fi eld we grow older, our vocal cords grow “It can be very subtle, like a blem- more amazing is the fact that there are who are great innovators,” Dinsdale thinner, which makes it hard to get ish that doesn’t heal, or a cold sore, or medications being developed that may said. “All of us went into this in part voice volume, and we can do surgery pink, raised or scaling skin, especially restore hearing. They will probably because we like to learn.” or therapy for that.” in areas that have been exposed to the start doing clinical trials on that in the Lawrence Otolaryngology Associ- Other issues that seniors often come sun,” Dinsdale said. next fi ve years.” ates’ main offi ce is located at 1112 to the clinic for include swallowing “If it doesn’t go away within a couple Advances in medicine have also West 6th Street, Suite 216, in Law- problems and infections of the ear, of weeks it should be checked out, made an impact on the way the doc- rence. The Topeka branch is located at sinus and throat. especially if it is painful or bleeding. tors do surgery, including anesthetics 634 Southwest Mulvane Street, Suite “Hearing loss is very common,” Din- Skin cancer caught early is fairly easy that act more quickly and leave the 200, and the Ottawa branch is located sdale said. “About two-thirds of folks to treat, and it’s a shame if they wait body quicker, which means fewer side at 1402 South Main Street. More infor- aged 70 or over have hearing loss. I’ve and we have to take part of their ear effects, and as for treatment of voice mation can be found on the website at seen older folks who get ear infections or nose off. We do complete removal problems, “we have technology that lawoto.com. just like a little kid.” of the skin cancer, and we can offer it In cases where there is sudden hear- at any of our offi ces. People appreci- ing loss caused by things like fl uid ate that it is local, so they don’t have to buildup or a virus, the situation is leave Lawrence for treatment.” often treatable, but it is important to In addition to seeing patients at all seek treatment within days of when the three clinics, each of the doctors per- problem started. forms surgery once or twice a week in MISSION TOWERS Offering Clean, Safe, Affordable Housing for qualified seniors and non-elderly disabled. s Rent Based on Income s.O5TILITY"ILLS s(2%MERGENCY2ESPONSE s#LOSETO3HOPPING s#HURCH3ERVICES s#ARD'AMES#RAFTS s%XERCISE'ROUPs,IBRARY s%NTERTAINMENTs7ELL-AINTAINED Call Manager Karol Freeman (785) 266-5656 ‡2929 SE Minnesota ‡ Topeka The History of Lawrence, Kansas by Richard Cordley See www.seniormonthly.net/books or call Kevin at 785-841-9417 to purchase. KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 9 10 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY Spring into your stress-free retirement By Norm Franker heart disease and high blood pressure? you begin receiving Social Security reduce the stress of the unknown by Social Security District Manager in Social Security wants to make your benefi ts, you can use my Social Secu- using our Retirement Estimator. The Lawrence KS retirement planning as stress-free as rity to check your benefi t informa- Retirement Estimator allows you to cal- possible, which is why we have a tion, change your address and phone culate your potential future Social Secu- here’s nothing like saying “good- number of online tools available for number, change your electronic pay- rity benefi ts by changing variables such Tbye” to old man winter and “hello” you. You can create your own secure, ment method, and obtain an instant as retirement dates and future earnings. to budding green leaves and fresh personal my Social Security account benefi t verifi cation letter and replace- You may discover that you’d rather wait fl owers. Spring is here! One way we from the comfort of your living room ment SSA-1099/1042S. In some areas, another year or two before you retire welcome the season is by celebrating and avoid unpleasant traffi c and a pos- you can even request a replacement to earn a higher benefi t. Or, you might Stress Awareness Month. sible wait in one of our local offi ces. Social Security card using your my see that this is the season for you to Recognizing the sources of stress is Once you have a my Social Security Social Security account. kiss that work stress goodbye and retire the best way to understand how you can account, you can view your Social You can easily sign up for my Social right now. To get instant, personalized start eliminating factors in your life that Security Statement, verify your earn- Security at www.socialsecurity.gov/ estimates of your future benefi ts, go to put unnecessary strain on your body and ings record, and fi nd out what to expect myaccount. www.socialsecurity.gov/estimator. mind. Did you know that stress, also in monthly benefi ts if you retire at ages If you’re thinking about retiring at When you decide it’s time to start called the “silent killer,” could cause 62, full retirement age, or 70. Once an age not shown on your Statement, receiving your retirement benefi ts, the application process is far less stress- ful now that you’re prepared. You can Ex-spouse benefi ts, taxes, and you securely apply online without picking up the phone or leaving your house. By Ann Woodbury to your ex-spouse for 10 years or more. no effect on the benefi ts of your ex- Simply go to www.socialsecurity.gov/ Social Security Management Support If you have since remarried, you can’t spouse and his or her current spouse. applyonline, and, in as little as 15 min- Specialist in Lawrence KS collect benefi ts on your former spouse’s Visit Retirement Planner: If You Are utes, you can breeze through our online record unless your later marriage ended Divorced at www.socialsecurity.gov/ retirement application. id-April features both Ex-Spouse by annulment, divorce, or death. Also, retire2/divspouse.htm to fi nd all the MDay and tax day. These two if you’re entitled to benefi ts on your eligibility requirements you must meet observances are extra important if you own record, your benefi t amount must to apply as a divorced spouse. Our are an ex-spouse, because Social Secu- be less than you would receive based on benefi ts planner gives you an idea of rity pays benefi ts to eligible former your ex-spouse’s work. In other words, your monthly benefi t amount. If your spouses. And, you may need to claim we’ll pay the higher of the two benefi ts ex-spouse died after you divorced, you this income on your tax forms. for which you’re eligible, but not both. can still quality for widow’s benefi ts. If you are age 62, unmarried, and You can apply for benefi ts on your ex- You’ll fi nd information about that in a divorced from someone entitled to spouse’s record even if he or she hasn’t note at the bottom of the website. Social Security retirement or disability retired, as long as you divorced at least Visit www.socialsecurity.gov/retire2/ benefi ts, you may be eligible to receive two years before applying. The same divspouse.htm today to learn whether benefi ts based on his or her record. To rules apply for a deceased former spouse. you’re eligible for benefi ts on your ex- Serving Seniors in Topeka & be eligible, you must have been married The amount of benefi ts you get has spouse’s record. Surrounding Areas NEW LOWER RATE. Our idyllic country setting is safe, beautiful Phone: 785-250-7838 and convenient to Topeka and Lawrence Contact: Debbie Living at Prairie Wind is much like living at home. Meals are made from You make the appointment, then call Debbie’s Redi-Ride. I will get you or scratch with the most wholesome ingredients available. The home setting your loved one to: allows for close relationships and makes it possible to easily accommodate • Medical Appointments each senior’s preferences in schedule, meals and daily activities. Prairie Wind • Grocery Shopping is owned and operated by a local family with more than 60 years of experi- - Help you carry in and put things ence in caring for elders. Let our family care for you or your loved one. away We now offer Adult Day Care for seniors who don't need 24/7 care. We provide a • Personal Trips safe place for the senior while the caregiver sleeps, works, runs errands, etc. - Hair/Nail Appointments - Airport - Concerts Anywhere you want to go, including Kansas City area. I will treat you like HOME PLUS family. Debbie’s Redi-Ride 4&UI4U #FSSZUPOttQSBJSJFXJOEIPNF!HNBJMDPN Door to Door & So Much More. KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 11 for depression. These include medica- you don’t feel you have good rapport MAYO CLINIC tions such as fl uoxetine (Prozac), par- with your provider, or if communica- oxetine (Paxil) and sertraline (Zoloft). tion is challenging, you may want to Other types of antidepressants are consider seeking a second opinion. Antidepressants offer available, though, if SSRIs are not effec- Also, keep in mind that if your symp- tive for you. Among them are drugs toms get worse at any point, it’s criti- known as serotonin and norepineph- cal for you to contact your provider to gradual, not instant relief rine reuptake inhibitors, or SNRIs, and reassess your situation. The two of you norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake can then decide if you need to make DEAR MAYO CLINIC: How soon other activities may gradually increase. inhibitors, or NDRIs. Studies have shown changes to your treatment plan right after starting on antidepressants should Sometimes family members and most antidepressants to be comparable away. - Michael Reese, M.D., Psy- I begin to feel better? What type of friends may notice that you’re doing across classes. That means there’s no chiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, changes will I notice? It’s been three better before you feel signifi cantly need for you to be on one certain type of Rochester, Minn. weeks and I don’t feel like my depres- better. With that in mind, try not to rely antidepressant. You can work with your - Medical Edge from Mayo Clinic is sion has lessened. If anything, it seems only on your own perspective. Con- health care provider to fi nd the one that an educational resource and doesn’t to be getting worse. Do I need to try sider asking the people around you best fi ts your needs and circumstances. replace regular medical care. E-mail another medication? what their impressions are, too. Communication with your health a question to medicaledge@mayo. ANSWER: Many people who start If you don’t see any improvement care provider is key to developing an edu. For more information, visit www. taking an antidepressant begin to see within four to six weeks, then it may effective plan for treating depression. mayoclinic.org. some improvement in their symptoms be time for another approach. Your It’s important that you feel comfort- © 2016 Mayo Foundation For Medical Education within several weeks. But for others, it health care provider may recommend able talking with him or her about your And Research. Distributed By Tribune Content may take longer. The changes are not you continue taking the same medica- symptoms and how you’re doing. If Agency, LLC. All Rights Reserved. immediate or sudden, so you may not tion, but increase the dose. It’s possible notice them much at fi rst. Because of that taking another type of medication that, it’s important to give the medicine along with an antidepressant may be time to work. Anytime you feel symp- helpful. This is called augmentation. toms of depression getting worse, how- The purpose is to use an additional ever, contact your health care provider. medicine, such as lithium, to boost the As with all medications, you need to effects of the antidepressant. take an antidepressant at an adequate In addition to medication, adding dose for an adequate length of time to another type of therapy to your treat- see the most benefi t. Typically, four ment plan may be useful, as well. For to six weeks is a reasonable amount example, psychotherapy, also known of time to use an antidepressant and as counseling or talk therapy, often decide if it is effective for you. can be effective treatment for depres- In most cases, the improvement you sion. Several kinds of psychotherapy get from an antidepressant is gradual, are available. Your health care provider and the benefi ts may be subtle. For can help you decide which one may be example, if tearfulness is a common right for you. symptom for you, it might become less Switching to a different antidepres- frequent. But it’s unlikely to disappear sant is an option, too. Usually a medi- right away. If anxiety is a persistent cation from a class of drugs known as problem, it may slowly diminish and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, your interest in returning to hobbies and or SSRIs, is the fi rst line of treatment 12 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY Kansas to host Missouri in Granny Basketball The newly-formed Kansas Granny games take place each Sunday after- Basketball League will host its fi rst noon from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Lawrence Kansas-Missouri contest in Lawrence Community Center through May 22, on April 2. Starting at “High Noon,” except on holidays. three games will take place in a round- “Our fi rst two Kansas teams have robin format at the Holcom Park Rec- been practicing and playing since Janu- reation Center. The Missouri Show Me ary to learn the special rules of Granny Shooters from Jefferson City will take Basketball. We’re now ready to take on the Kansas Grayhawkers and the the court with the Missouri Show Me Kansas Gray Tornadoes in 1920s-style, Shooters,” said Michele Clark, Kansas six-on-six competition. coordinator and volunteer for Granny Granny Basketball is a playful, Basketball. fun-fi lled senior exercise activity that “I suppose we could call it a show- encourages women age 50 and over down, but we’re actually delighted to stay fi t in a non-traditional, social they plan to show up,” Clark said. The environment. The league provides Missouri players will drive about three wholesome, nostalgic and sometimes hours to play in Lawrence. The Mis- humorous entertainment, as well as an souri teams plan to host Kansas at a outlet for charitable fundraising. similar round-robin event in Jefferson The six-on-six game is based on City next fall. rules from the 1920s, when women’s The public is invited. Admission is to basketball was a milder game. The the Kansas-Missouri High Noon Show fl oor is divided into three courts, and Up is free, and free-will donations will players can have up to two dribbles per be accepted at the door for a local char- possession. Running is not allowed, ity. but “hurrying” is. With an emphasis on The Granny Basketball League is safety, players are not allowed to jump a non-profi t Iowa-based organization or have physical contact. Also, only founded in 2005. Kansas is the newest three fouls are allowed. The modifi ed state for teams to join the league. Cur- league rules also award three points for rently, 22 Granny Basketball teams are underhanded “granny shots.” active in seven states. Each summer, The Kansas Granny Basketball® teams across the nation compete in the League is currently enjoying its fi rst National Granny Basketball Tourna- season. Players dress in 1920s-inspired ment, which this year will be held July uniforms—black bloomers, middy 23 in Nashville. blouses and sailor-style collars dis- For more information, visit www. playing each player’s number. League grannybasketball.com. KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 13 ABWA honors Dr. Grace Morrison as ‘Woman of Distinction’ American Business Women’s Asso- tinction has raised more than $350,000 Professor at her alma mater, the Uni- Concert Association, Topeka Civic ciation Career Chapter of Topeka rec- in scholarship funds assisting more versity of Kansas, School of Medicine. Theatre, Downtown Topeka Rotary, ognized Dr. Grace Morrison as the than 500 students pursuing degrees at Dedicated to making the world a and Topeka Community Foundation. 2016 Woman of Distinction at the 34th Washburn University better place, Dr. Dr. Morrison’s greatest passion is Annual Woman of Distinction Schol- and the Washburn Morrison shares her creating beautiful music to bring joy arship Luncheon on March 9. The Institute of Technol- time and wisdom to to those who listen. She is a soprano ABWA Career Chapter Scholarship ogy over the past 34 make her profession for the First United Methodist Church Luncheon raises funds for Washburn years. and her community choir, Topeka Festival Singers and the University and Washburn Tech schol- Dr. Morrison, a better. Currently, Topeka Civic Theatre. arships. Topeka native and Dr. Morrison is an ABWA Career Chapter’s mission With the addition of the VIP event, Shawnee Heights active member of is to nurture women and all people The Many Faces of Grace, held on High School gradu- First United Method- through leadership, education, recog- March 8 showcasing the talents of ate, has delivered ist Church; Topeka nition, community presence, and the Grace Morrison and a special auction, approximately 5,000 Opera Society Con- principles and practices of the ABWA. the ABWA Career Chapter surpassed babies and performed cert Association; The ABWA Career Chapter meets over all their goals with the highest gross countless surgeries Dr. Morrison Minerva Club of the noon hour on the third Tuesday of and net dollars raised for the event to as an Obstetrician Topeka, and Philan- each month at Capitol Plaza Hotel. For date. and Gynecologist at Lincoln Center thropic Educational Organization, EP more information about ABWA Career The ABWA Career Chapter Schol- OB-GYN in Topeka. During that time, Chapter. She serves on the board of Chapter visit http://abwa-career.atweb- arship Luncheon and Woman of Dis- she also served as a Clinical Assistant directors for the Topeka Community pages.com. Your loved one never leaves our care. VALLEY SPRINGS Douglas County’s only locally owned crematory SENIOR APARTMENTS Country Living at its Best. One-bedroom apartment is just $500 a month with a $99 security deposit. Water and trash paid. Our family serving your family since 1920 Opening doors to a beautiful lifestyle for over forty years! 6th)NDIANAs 

We Help Our Clients Improve the Quality of Their Lives We can provide services to individuals with needs in order to assist them in staying in the comforts of their own homes for as long as they wish. We provide assistance in housekeeping, laundry, grocery shopping, meal prep, following diets, as well as personal assistance such as bathing, dressing, and grooming. Our nursing staff assesses individual needs and build a care plan to fit the needs of our clients. Our goal is continuity of care in staffing for the most consistent care possible. Our nurses can also set up medication, and our staff can remind clients of their schedules. Locally owned and serving the Topeka area since 2003, Advantaged Home Care is a State Licensed Home Health Agency.

For more information, call us at 785-267-4433 or visit us at advantagedhomecare.com 14 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY Remember, also, that high heels can So, dear reader, these are just a few HEALTH & WELLNESS damage the joints of your feet and put tips on how to limit your back pain. your back at risk by throwing the weight Wear the right shoes, sit in the right of your torso forward as you walk. And chair, sleep on the right mattress, and New ways to avoid back pain putting things inside your shoes can avoid bending low over sinks and alter the way you walk and cause back counters. If back pain persists, see hen back pain comes to mind, for over 20 minutes with poor posture pain. New shoes and orthotics should your doctor. And if you need treat- Wyou probably don’t think about can cause signifi cant back pain. be instantly comfortable to your feet ment, exercise, or expert advice, ask your shoes or your furniture. But you Rule #3. It’s hard to stand up safely and back. Don’t buy shoes that hurt or your doctor for a referral to a physical should. Back pain is one of the most from chairs that rock or swivel. If your pinch now with the idea that, when you therapist. You’ll be glad you did. common problems physical therapists chair rocks forward when you stand up, “break them in,” the pain will go away. - Laura Bennetts PT, MS, physical treat—and it can often be avoided or it will drop your hips below knee level. Back in the saddle therapist. reduced by simple steps involving You will rise from a squatting position shoes, chairs, and kitchen counters. from a chair that is moving backwards. That is far from safe. Counters, cabinets, and sinks Kitchens and bathrooms can hurt your back, too. Are your counters and Laura cabinets too low? Is the faucet in your Bennetts sink too close to the porcelain? You may not be able to easily change the height of counters, cabinets and sinks, but you can change the way you stand The trick is to make sure that your to prevent irritating your back. home doesn’t hurt you. When you wash dishes, open the Start with your chair cabinet under the sink and place one Take a critical look at your favorite foot on the edge of the cabinet. Keep chair. Is it the right height? Does it sup- your head in alignment with your spine, port your back? Is it stable? Here are keep your shoulders back, and take a some ways to tell: break every few minutes. Stand tall to Rule #1. When you sit down, your maintain good posture when you work. knees should not be higher than your If you stress your back when you hips. If you sit too low, it’s hard to bend low over the sink to brush your stand up without straining your back. teeth, you can brush differently. Use a In fact, this amounts to standing up cup of water to rinse your mouth when from a squatting position, which can brushing and only lean forward for hurt your back or knees. a moment to spit into the sink. Stand So you want to sit with your hips tall while you brush your teeth to avoid either as high as your knees or higher. leaning over the sink. Where Families Take Sam, one of my former patients. Mattress test Sam had back pain when he rose from Your mattress may not support you Come Together his chair. I measured the chair and found properly. How old is it? Is it still pro- Drop by one of our that he was sitting just 15 inches above viding the support you need? When you three locations and see the fl oor, though (because he’s tall) his lie on your side, do your hips sink into knees rise six inches higher. So I found the mattress, causing low back stress? why Families love calling him a chair with a seat 21 inches above Is your bed so soft that it’s diffi cult to Vintage Park “Home.” the fl oor and now he stands with ease. roll over in bed. All Inclusive Pricing To help yourself in the same way, If the answer to any of these ques- fi nd a chair at the furniture shop that tions is “Yes,” you probably need a Restaurant Style Dining puts your hips and knees at the same new mattress. level. That’s the chair you want. And Cruel shoes it’s wise to measure the chair—from No item of dress affects your back Call Vintage Park today! the fl oor to the top of the seat—so that more than your shoes. Supportive shoes you’ll know what to look for in the align your feet for walking so that the BALDWIN CITY OTTAWA TONGANOXIE future, too. impact on your back is reduced. Keep Vintage Park at Baldwin City Vintage Park at Ottawa Vintage Park at Tonganoxie Rule #2. You want to sit comfortably in mind that the cushioning inside your 321 Crimson Ave. 2250 S. Elm 120 W. 8th St. without sinking into the chair. Proper shoes may wear out before the outside 785-594-4255 785-242-3715 913-845-2204 support means that your low back of your shoes wears down. You should touches the back of the chair without replace your walking shoes at least vintageparkassistedliving.com making you slouch. Remember, sitting yearly, or regularly rotate several pairs. KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 15 HEALTH & WELLNESS Relief for seasonal allergies pring is here! The long winter garlic. Studies have long shown that Smonths are over with and now its garlic extract can help decrease an time to get outside…or is it? For those allergic reaction and can help prevent suffering from allergies springtime can an allergy by blocking the production be like a scene from a horror movie— of the chemicals that cause allergic “Silence of the Lamb,” “Halloween,” reactions. As little as eating garlic two “The Birds.” The trees are blooming, to three times a week may be benefi cial in fi ghting allergies.\Eating fi sh such salmon and tuna, which are high in Dr. omega-3 fatty acids is extremely bene- fi cial in preventing allergies or dealing Farhang with the reaction of allergies. Fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin Khosh C, such as the citrus fruits, strawber- ries, red peppers, spinach, and broccoli help to control allergy symptoms. the grass is growing, the fl owers are Quercetin, a fl avonoid found in some budding... and sneezing, congested, foods, is believed to help reduce the runny nosed and watery eyes aliens infl ammation associated with aller- are running everywhere! No, it’s not a gies. It is thought that the quercetin scene from a horror movie its seasonal prevents immune cells from releasing allergies, and people with seasonal histamines, or an allergic response. allergies can be quite miserable. Sea- Apples, onions, berries, cabbage, and sonal allergies are when your allergies caulifl ower contain quercetin. act up at certain times of the year. In Other foods that can help those who the spring, pollinating trees are usu- suffer from allergies are onions, tur- ally to blame for allergies. In summer, meric, local honey, and kefi r, which grasses and weeds are the main cul- is loaded with probiotics. What you prits. In fall, it’s weeds, especially rag- eat can make a difference in how you weed. For those who suffer from mold feel. Some foods can make allergy allergies, it usually peaks at the end of symptoms better, and some foods can summer or early fall but can also be all make allergy symptoms worse. So year around depending on where you when dealing with seasonal allergies, live. clean up your diet and you might be For allergy sufferers, medications pleasantly surprised what used to may be the only answer to bring them be a horror movie is now a pleasant relief. But did you know your diet can drama. make a difference concerning how - Dr. Farhang Khosh, N.D., is a Natu- allergies affect you? This means what ropathic Doctor practicing at Natural you eat cannot only help you manage Medical Care in Lawrence. He can be allergies, but can make them less hor- reached at 785-749-2255. rifying to your system and make it possible to bypass the medications all together. Controlling allergies is very Know an important. Certain foods can help to interesting senior decrease the allergy response that your body produces in response to allergens. who would be a Giving your diet a boost of nutritious food may be what you need to fi ght the great subject for zombie-like allergic response you have a Senior Profi le? to seasonal allergies. One of the best foods to boost the Please call Kevin at immune system and fi ght allergies is 785-841-9417. 16 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY transfer, mortgage or other alienation trust. And talk to them in advance to ESTATE PLANNING of your homestead (if you’ve included be sure they would be willing to serve. that power), transactions above a spec- If someone fi rst learns you named ifi ed dollar amount, withdrawal of an them your Attorney-in-Fact after you Back to Basics – General POAs, Part 2 amount in excess of the Required Mini- are incapacitated and then declines to Durable General Power of Attor- period. [He received two years proba- mum Distribution from an IRA or other serve, your General POA will be little Aney is a very powerful document. tion with an underlying one-year prison retirement account, etc.—require the more than an impressive, notarized If you are hospitalized due to a sentence and was ordered to pay resti- written agreement of your primary and piece of paper. severe, incapacitating injury, your tution at a rate of $500 per month.] A successor Attorneys-in-Fact. - Bob Ramsdell is an estate planning Attorney-in-Fact can use your check- Google search will fi nd examples of Another safeguard might be to attorney with Thompson Ramsdell ing account to make the mortgage pay- similar abuses throughout the country. require your Attorney-in-Fact to peri- Qualseth & Warner, P.A., in Lawrence. ments (always nice to have a house So, do not name anyone your Attor- odically account for his or her actions He can be reached at 785-841-4554. ney-in-Fact (or your Co- or Successor with an independent third party. This The Kansas Elder Law Hotline, a toll- Trustee if you have a Revocable Living could include providing the third party free legal advice and referral service Trust) unless you know them well and with copies of bank statements and for Kansas Seniors, can be reached consider them absolutely worthy of transaction records. at 1-888-353-5337. The information Bob your trust. If you name someone and Bottom line: Do not name anyone in this column is intended to provide Ramsdell later learn anything that alters your your Attorney-in-Fact unless you know general public information, not legal trust—such as that person being con- them well and they are worthy of your advice. victed of a crime or exhibiting signs of fi nancial stress—then promptly execute to return to once you’re healthy) and an updated General POA that removes Our Family... pay the medical bills. If need be, your them and names someone else. Attorney-in-Fact can sell your assets— In some cases a fi nancial institution— Serving Your whether shares of a mutual fund or the bank or trust company—may agree to vacation cabin on Lake Michigan—to serve as an Attorney-in-Fact, but this obtain the funds needed for your care varies with the institution and some may Family and welfare. In short, you are giving agree to serve only in conjunction with Lawrence 843-1120 s Eudora 542-3030 your Attorney-in-Fact authority over other duties, such as trustee of a trust. www.warrenmcelwain.com your assets with the expectation that You can also build safeguards into he or she will be honest and exercise your General POA. You can exclude good judgment in using that power for the exercise of certain powers outright your welfare. (in addition to those prohibited by law) If your Attorney-in-Fact writes a or limit the exercise of others (such check to himself for money to which as allowing the sale of real estate, but he has no right, it is theft. But theft not the land that represents the family cloaked with an apparent legitimacy farm). Another option is to require that that makes it hard to detect. And the exercise of certain powers needs severe abuses do occur. In late 2005, the agreement of your primary and suc- a man pled guilty in Jefferson County, cessor Attorneys-in-Fact. For example, Kansas, to 10 counts of felony theft you can allow your primary Attorney- Local, Compassionate Home Care Services for using his General POA authority in-Fact to individually handle most to steal his grandmother’s life savings transactions while specifying that cer- COMPANION CARE PERSONAL CARE —almost $400,000—over a three year tain transactions—such as the sale, gift, ƔPHGLFDWLRQUHPLQGHUV ƔLQFRQWLQHQFHFDUH ƔPHDOSUHSDUDWLRQ ƔEDWKLQJƔIHHGLQJ ƔJURFHU\VKRSSLQJ ƔWRLOHWLQJDQGWUDQVIHUV ƔGULYLQJWRDSSRLQWPHQWV ƔGUHVVLQJ ƔFRPSDQLRQVKLS ƔRUDOK\JLHQH s 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments s Organized Activities & s Townhomes Day Trips 2XUVHUYLFHVFDQEHSURYLGHGLQSULYDWHKRPHV s Washer/Dryer s Library Red Carpet DVVLVWHGOLYLQJIDFLOLWLHVQXUVLQJKRPHVDQGKRVSLWDOV Connections Service s Emergency Monitoring s Weekly Grocery Van Call for a Free In-Home Consultation System Available s On Site Storage s 24 Hour Emergency s Exercise Room (785) 856-5555 On-Site Staff Age 62 & older. ZZZNVHOGHUFDUHFRPƔLQIR#NVHOGHUFDUHFRP 4950 SW HuntoonsTopeka 785-273-2944 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 17 details, Quicken communicates directly that fact. So what do you need to know JILL ON MONEY with lenders to compare loan terms before you start the mortgage or re-fi and rates. The app also estimates the process? Raimi recommends that you amount you can borrow and monthly go to AnnualCreditReport.com and No, mortgage apps aren’t going costs and allows you to lock in a rate. correct any errors on your credit report At this point, the loan must go through fi rst. to cause Housing Bubble 2.0 underwriting, just like any other loan. For 30-year conventional mortgages, You may get dinged in the process or the best rates are available for those uper Bowl commercials rarely with a few clicks on their phones. “If you may get approved. with credit scores above 720. For every Screate activity in my inbox, but the it could be that easy, wouldn’t more In many respects, the app provides 20-point drop in score, the rate edges one for Quicken’s Rocket Mortgage people buy homes?” you with a prequalifi cation, which lend- up an eighth to a quarter of a percent- earlier this month was an exception. In Except it is never that easy. Twitter lit ers have always used. According to Mike age point. If your credit score is below the middle of the game, people started up with Rocket Mortgage haters, accus- Raimi, a managing director of Luxury 620, a conventional loan is generally ing the company of taking us back to Mortgage Corp., a prequalifi cation is “an not an option, although an FHA loan the bad old days of 2005, when anyone estimate of buying power provided by is. Credit scores do not have nearly as with a heartbeat (and now a phone) the borrower, without the collection of much impact on loans with terms of 15 Jill could snag a mortgage. If you’ve refi - actual documents to substantiate income, years or shorter. nanced or tried to get a mortgage lately, assets or a hard credit inquiry. A pre- I still recommend a 20 percent down Schlesinger you know that getting a mortgage in approval is based on the actual review payment, because you will not be sub- eight minutes is impossible. your fi nancial wherewithal to repay the ject to mortgage insurance. Right now, That left Quicken Loans President loan and therefore is considered the a 30-year fi xed rate mortgage for a Jay Farner with the task of repeating a stronger, more complete process.” borrower with excellent credit is just sending me messages like, “Did you simple clarifi cation: Quicken is not using While it has become easier to attain below 4 percent, which is still a his- just see that mortgage spot?” the app to “change the underwriting cri- a mortgage in the past couple of years, torically low rate. The ad started with a simple prem- teria or guidelines.” Prospective borrow- Bankrate.com said the median credit - Contact Jill Schlesinger, senior ise: “Here’s what we were thinking: ers will apply for a loan in a streamlined score of a mortgage applicant is now business analyst for CBS News, at What if we did for mortgages what the way and be able to qualify, subject to the 753 (out of 850), the highest since [email protected]. Internet did for buying music and plane outcome of the underwriting process. 2001, and there is no reason to think © 2016 Jill Schlesinger. tickets and shoes?” It then described So what does the Rocket app do? that Rocket Mortgage’s app will change Distributed By Tribune Content Agency, LLC how borrowers could get a mortgage Once you enter your income and bank

In Business Over 40 Years 7ENOWCARRY 3TARTINGAT #USTOM SIZED ,IFT#HAIRS -OVING $OWNSIZING 7EALSOBUYFURNITURE QUALITY Service You DESERVE Karl Behring, Manager ‡ $GPLVVLRQV ‡ 6KRUW7HUP5HKDE We offer lay-away and delivery. ‡ $O]KHLPHU V'HPHQWLD8QLW ‡ :RXQG&DUH ‡ ,Q+RXVH3K\VLFDO2FFXSD ‡ ,97KHUDS\ 37TH!VEs4OPEKA +3s    WLRQDODQG6SHHFK7KHUDS\ ‡ +RXU1XUVLQJ&DUH ‡ 2XWSDWLHQW7KHUDS\ Accepts Medicare, Medicaid and most insurances. LIKE TO ADVERTISE IN SENIOR For more information, call MONTHLY? See our rate card at 620-364-2117 www.seniormonthly.net/advertise. &URVV6WUHHW‡%XUOLQJWRQ.DQVDV OLIHFDUHFHQWHURIEXUOLQJWRQFRP 18 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY they’re in the drama or comedy. This trip will be solve or learn about new apps, websites and in the LPRD department bus. Register at www. other ways technology can ease our lives. SENIOR CALENDAR lprd.org or any Lawrence Recreation Center. Drop-in and enroll (fee) on-site at the Carnegie Editor’s Note: While every attempt has the event features live music, food vendors and Registration deadline: March 11. 10:45 a.m.- Building, 200 W. 9th St., on the second Tuesday family activities. Art in the Park is the Lawrence 4:00 p.m. Fee. of the month from 12-1:30 p.m. been made to ensure the accuracy of the LAWRENCE, 785-832-7920 LAWRENCE, 785-832-7920 events listed below, some changes may Art Guild’s primary fundraiser. South Park, 1130 , 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. MAY 18 APR 4 occur without notice. Please confi rm LAWRENCE any event you plan to attend. BLUEGRASS WIND FARM HEALTHWISE SENIOR SUPPER This motor coach tour to historic King City is “Geriatric Oncology” is the topic of the If you would like to include your event(s) BINGO full of stops that refl ect the agricultural and rural monthly Stormont Vail HealthWise Senior in our monthly calendar, please call character of the area during the 19th through Supper from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. Dr. Camille SUNDAYS & TUESDAYS Kevin Groenhagen at 785-841-9417. 20th centuries. Trip includes the King City Adeimy, hematologist/oncologist, will explore AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 1 Museum and Historical Society, a community of the issues and concerns that older adults may You may also add events on the Kaw 3800 SE Michigan Ave, 6:30 p.m. its own and Bluegrass Wind Farm, the fi rst and experience with a cancer diagnosis. Fee for the Valley Senior Monthly Facebook page. TOPEKA, 785-267-1923 largest wind farm in Missouri. Registration and meal. Reservations requested by Wednesday, details available at any Lawrence Recreation March 30. Please call. SUNDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS Center or by contacting Gayle Sigurdson at TOPEKA, 785-354-5225 ARTS/crafts CAPITOL BINGO HALL [email protected]. Early bird price Minis start at 6 p.m. on Sundays and 6:30 p.m. through April 8. APR 5-MAY 3 TUESDAYS on Wednesdays and Fridays. Regular sessions LAWRENCE, 785-832-7920 INTRO TO IPADS THE BLANKET PROJECT start at 6:30 p.m. on Sundays and 7 p.m. on Thinking about getting an iPad or already own Calling all knitters, crocheters, and quilters Wednesdays and Fridays, 2050 SE 30th St. EDUCATION one and not sure if you are getting the most who want to gather for a good cause—You are TOPEKA, 785-266-5532 out of it? This class will be a demonstration invited to participate with the residents at Arbor ONGOING and learning session, so please bring your iPad Court Retirement Community to create needed MONDAYS & THURSDAYS with you. iPads will also be available during blankets for the Pregnancy Center of Lawrence. COOKING CLASSES class. We will cover the basic operation of the AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 400 The Merc offers many healthy cooking classes This is also an opportunity to teach and learn. device and apps for recreation, health, educa- 3029 NW US Highway 24, 6:30 p.m. every month. To learn more about classes and to If you want to learn a new art form, we are here tion, fi nance and socializing. Instructor: Karen TOPEKA, 785-296-9400 register, see The Merc’s website. to assist you as well. Arbor Court Retirement Johnson. Register at www.lprd.org or any Community at Alvamar, 1510 St. Andrews Dr., WEDNESDAYS LAWRENCE, 785-843-8544 Lawrence Recreation Center. (Lawrence Parks 2 p.m. PINECREST APARTMENTS themerc.coop/classes and Recreation). Fee. Location: Community LAWRENCE, 626-429-1572 924 Walnut, 12:30-1 p.m. ONGOING Building. Tuesdays, 2-3:30 p.m. LAWRENCE, 785-832-7920 FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH EUDORA,785-542-1020 FREE INSURANCE COUNSELING FIRST FRIDAY ARTWORK WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas APR 8 The artwalk takes place all across Topeka (SHICK) representatives will meet one on one WAR FARE: A FREE LECTURE BY LORA VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS to answer questions and offer assistance with from 5:30-8:30 p.m. each fi rst Friday of the 3110 SW Huntoon, 6:30 p.m. VOGT month—and of course, some businesses open Medicare, Supplemental, or Long Term Care TOPEKA, 785-235-9073 Insurance or the Medicare Prescription Drug The Kansas Museum of History is presenting a a little earlier or keep their doors open later, free lecture by Lora Vogt, The National World but please check individual Facebook pages for WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS Program. Stormont Vail Health HealthWise Clinic, 2252 S.W. 10th Ave. Call for times and War I Memorial Museum. Held in conjunction information about hours. Find the latest listing LEGIONACRES with the special exhibit What’s Cooking, Uncle of gallery features on our home page—or pick appointments. 3408 W. 6th St., 6:45 p.m. TOPEKA, (785) 354-6787 Sam? Kansas Museum of History, 6425 SW 6th up a printed copy of the artwalk map at any LAWRENCE, 785-842-3415 Ave., 6:30 p.m. participating business. You can sign up for our FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH TOPEKA, 785-272-8681 monthly Artwalk enewsletter to get the updates FRIDAYS MEDICARE MONDAYS www.kshs.org/museum in your email. EAGLES LODGE Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas APR 9 TOPEKA, artsconnecttopeka.org 1803 W. 6th St., 7 p.m. (SHICK) counselors help you navigate through PLANTING FOR POLLINATORS SECOND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH LAWRENCE, 785-843-9690 the complex maze that is Medicare. Bring your questions. Topeka & Shawnee County Public Attracting many different kinds of pollinator MONTHLY MOOSE MARKET FRIDAYS insects will bring life and movement to your Pancake feed and market with arts, crafts, gifts, Library, 1515 SW 10th Ave., 1-3 p.m. ARAB SHRINE TOPEKA, 785-580-4400 garden. Learn the various ways in which fl owers baked items and more. Open to the public. Mini Bingo 6:30 p.m. , Regular Bingo 7 p.m. are adapted to different insects. The class will Pancakes are $4 for all you can eat, free to TOPEKA, 785-234-5656 FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH discuss how to choose the right plants for your shop. 8 a.m.–12 noon. Moose Lodge, 1901 N. COFFEE TALK garden, those that bring beauty and support area Kansas Ave. SUNDAYS & TUESDAYS With Tim Leach of Midwest Tax & Financial, Inc. and migrating wildlife. Instructor: Susan Phil- TOPEKA, 785-250-6788 MOOSE CLUB Join us to discuss current issues affecting your lips, Master Gardener. Register at www.lprd.org LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH 1901 N Kansas Ave, 6 p.m. fi nancial future. Hy-Vee Clubroom, 3504 Clinton or any Lawrence Recreation Center. Fee. Loca- TOPEKA, 785-235-5050 Pkwy, 9 a.m. To register, call or visit us online. tion: East Lawrence Center. 9-10 a.m. FINAL FRIDAYS LAWRENCE, 785-832-7920 Final Fridays is a celebration of the arts that LAWRENCE, 785-838-4380 includes special exhibits, performances and DAY TRIPS/TOURS midwesttf.com/coffee-talk-lawrence APR 9 demonstrations in Downtown Lawrence on the FRIDAYS LADIES DAYS Final Friday OF THE MONTH. See website for APR 13 Head to the Commercial Street Mall for fun participating locations. HEALTHWISE TV NEW THEATRE-MOON OVER BUFFALO “HealthWise TV” offers interviews on health workshops on plumbing, electrical, paint and LAWRENCE, 785-842-3883 Sponsored by Lawrence Parks and Recreation. and wellness topics of interest to seniors and gardening. Join Mary Carol from Nell Hill’s fi nalfridayslawrence.wordpress.com In this hilarious comedy, two fading stars of caregivers, as well as a 20-minute, low-impact from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. as she talks about new the 1950s are playing a comedy and a drama exercise segment. Airs from 9 to 9:30 a.m. On interior and outdoor trends! 9 a.m.-5 p.m. MAY 1 in rotation in Buffalo, New York. On the brink WIBW-TV, Channel 13. ATCHISON, 913-367-7616 ANNUAL ART IN THE PARK of a disastrous split-up, they receive word that One of Lawrence’s premiere art events, Art in they might have just one last shot at regaining SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH APR 19-MAY 17 the Park is an annual juried outdoor exhibition their stardom. One perfect performance is all COMPUTER CAFÉ CREATING FAMILY ARCHIVES that draws more than 150 artists. Along with the they need. Unfortunately, everything that can go This time is an opportunity to meet with other This class is for those with a box of pictures, fi nest work from area artists and craftspeople, wrong does go wrong and no on stage knows if computer users and an instructor to problem CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 19 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 DIRECTIVES; DO YOUR LOVED ONES loss, medications and avoiding potential com- FEB 18-APR 24 clippings and other family ephemera with KNOW YOUR CHOICES? plications. Taught by LMH Diabetes Education OVER THE MOON which they are someday, going to do something. In honor of National Healthcare Decisions Day, Center staff. 12-1:30 p.m. OVER THE MOON by Ken Ludwig. Starring Learn about different types of family archives, come and learn why advance care planning is LAWRENCE, 785-505-5800 Marion Ross from and Hal Linden genealogy techniques and area resources from important. Review information about advance from Barney Miller In this hilarious comedy local experts in the fi eld that will guide you directives including durable power of attorney ENTERTAINMENT two fading stars of the 1950’s are playing a toward a defi ned plan for preserving your for healthcare and living will. Time for discus- comedy and a drama in rotation in Buffalo, family history. Fee. Tuesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. sion, plus assistance provided for those who SUNDAYS New York. On the brink of a disastrous split-up, Location: Carnegie Building. wish to complete their documents. Sponsored LAWRENCE IRISH TRADITIONAL they receive word that they might just have one LAWRENCE, 785-832-7920 by LMH Palliative Care Consult Team and SESSION last shot at regaining their stardom. One perfect C.H.E.C. (Lawrence Area Coalition to Honor performance is all they need. Unfortunately, APR 19 The Lawrence Irish Session is a lively gathering End of Life Choices). Free. Register early as of musicians sharing Irish traditional tunes each everything that could go wrong does go wrong SENIOR SUPPER AND SEMINAR space is limited. 6:30-8:30 p.m. week. Beginners and experienced players are and no one on stage knows if they’re in the This month’s topic: “End of Life Issues: What LAWRENCE, 785-505-5800 welcome. Come to listen, learn and share tunes drama or the comedy! New Theatre Restaurant, You Need to Know About Resuscitation.” 9229 Foster St. Time: Varies by Performance. APR 20 and songs of Ireland, and best of all, have a Presented by Richard Sosinski, MD; David great time. Henry’s on 8th, Upstairs in the Pub, Fee. Goering, MD & Janelle Williamson, APRN. LOOK GOOD, FEEL BETTER 11 E. 8th St., 5:30-9 p.m. OVERLAND PARK, 913-649-7469 On the third Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m., Look Good, Feel Better is a non-medical public LAWRENCE, www.lawrencesession.com www.newtheatre.com/home.html seniors are invited to come and dine at LMH service workshop that teaches beauty techniques for $5.50 and enjoy a healthy three course meal to cancer patients to help manage any appear- THURSDAYS APR 1 prepared by the Unidine chefs, plus conversa- ance-related side effects of cancer treatment. JUNKYARD JAZZ OLGA KERN, PIANO tion with others. At 6 p.m., there will be a short Held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Put on your dancing shoes and dance to the With vivid stage presence, passionately-confi - educational program on a health or wellness LMH Oncology Center. Offered and supported sounds of The Junkyard Jazz. American Legion, dent musicianship and extraordinary technique, topic of interest to seniors, presented by LMH by the American Cancer Society. Services are 3408 West 6th St., 7-8:30 p.m. Olga Kern captivates audiences. In 2001, the affi liated physicians or associates. Reservations provided at no charge by trained volunteer LAWRENCE, 785-842-3415 striking Russian pianist jumpstarted her U.S. are required for the meal and must be made beauty professionals. Call (785) 505-2807 to career as the fi rst woman in more than 30 years at least 24 hours in advance by calling LMH enroll for the workshop. 1:00-2:30 p.m. SATURDAYS to receive the Gold Medal at the Van Cliburn Connect Care at (785) 749-5800 or sending LAWRENCE JOHN JERVIS, CLASSICAL GUITAR International Piano Competition. Kern is a an e-mail to [email protected]. Seating is laureate of many international competitions APR 20 Classical guitar player, John Jervis, who plays limited so enroll early. every Saturday morning, 8-11 a.m. at Panera, and has an impressive discography including a LAWRENCE PREDIABETES CLASS 23rd St. and Louisiana St. Enjoy wonderful Grammy nominated recording. Lied Center of This free class is for those at risk for develop- Kansas, 1600 Stewart Dr., 7:30 p.m. Fee. APR 20 classical and baroque music. ing diabetes or have already been told that they LAWRENCE LAWRENCE, 785-864-2787 NATIONAL HEALTHCARE DECISIONS have prediabetes. Topics include preventing or lied.ku.edu/calendar DAY: UNDERSTANDING ADVANCE delaying Type 2 diabetes, diet, exercise, weight CONTINUED ON PAGE 20 Meals on Wheels of Shawnee and NOW LEASING! Jefferson Counties, Inc.

1 Bedroom Apartments

Your affordable option for hot, Income-based Housing healthy and delicious meals for Seniors Over 62! Call today: (785) 295-3980 s HOUR%MERGENCY Meals on Wheels and good -AINTENANCE nutrition can help you: s-EDICAL!LARM3YSTEMS ‡5HPDLQLQGHSHQGHQWLQ s/N SITE,AUNDRY&ACILITY Personalized in-home care for your home s0ET&RIENDLY ‡$YRLGKRVSLWDOL]DWLRQV s#LOSETO3HOPPING Douglas County residents ‡$VVLVWZLWKPDQDJHPHQWRI Call 785-267-0960 today! s ,IGHTHOUSEKEEPING chronic illness s -EALPREPARATION RURAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE s #OMPANIONSHIPs#AREGIVERRELIEF Please contact us, s !CCEPTS(#"3 6!ANDMORE if you’d like to s 0RIVATEPAY HR SLIDINGSCALEAVAILABLE become a meal delivery volunteer! 2200 SE 28th Street

EQUAL HOUSING ‡ZZZWLKFRUJ ZZZPHDOVRQZKHHOVLQFRUJ OPPORTUNITY Topeka, Kansas 20 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 APR 8 APR 22 APR 27-JUL 3 APR 1, 2, 8, & 9 NEW HORIZONS BAND OF LAWRENCE HOME FREE BEAU JEST SKIPPYJON JONES The New Horizons Band is a project of Douglas Since being crowned NBC’s “The Sing-Off” BEAU JEST by James Sherman. Starring Cindy An adventurous kids musical based on the book County Senior Services. Most, but not all, of the victors, Home Free has made their mark on the Williams & Eddie Mekka from Laverne & Shir- by Judy Schachner, this enchanting musical is participants are retired or retirement age. Mead- music scene, selling more than 200,000 albums, ley. Sarah is a nice Jewish girl with a problem: about unleashing your powerful imagination and owlark Estates, 4430 Bauer Farm Dr., 4 p.m. racking up more than 50-million YouTube views, her mother wants her married to a nice Jewish following your dreams. Topeka Civic Theatre LAWRENCE, 785-785-865-3519 and entertaining more than 100,000 people live boy. Her mom has never met her boyfriend, in concert. The country vocal quintet brings a WASP executive named Chris Kringle. She and Academy, 3028 SW 8th Ave., 7 p.m. Fee. APR 14 & 15 TOPEKA, 785-357-5211 their high-energy and quick-witted performance tells her she is dating a Jewish doctor and Mom FOREIGNER peppering Nashville standards with country- insists on meeting him. Sarah plans a dinner www.topekacivictheatre.com With 10 multi-platinum albums and 16 Top 30 dipped pop hits to town as a part of the Don’t It party and, over the heated protests of Chris, APR 1 hits, Foreigner is universally hailed as one of Feel Good: Spring Tour. Topeka Performing Arts employs an escort service to send her a Jewish LAUGH LINES – SPRING 2016 the most popular rock acts in the world with Center, 214 SE 8th St., 7:30 p.m. Fee. date to be Dr. Steinberg. Instead, they send a formidable musical arsenal that continues Laugh Lines improv comedy shows pack the TOPEKA, 785-234-2787 Bob Schroeder, an aspiring actor who agrees to propel sold-out tours and album sales, now house and perform comedy sketches and games www.tpactix.org/events.html to perform the impersonation. Happily, he is exceeding 75 million. Responsible for some based on audience suggestions. You won’t extremely convincing in the role... so much so of rock and roll’s most enduring anthems APR 22 want to miss a single exciting evening with this Sarah falls head over heels in love with him! including “Juke Box Hero,” “Feels Like troupe of comics that have become a Topeka GREAT OVERLAND STATION – New Theatre Restaurant, 9229 Foster St. Time: The First Time,” “Urgent,” “Head Games,” tradition! Laugh Lines humor is not suitable for MARGARITAVILLE Varies by Performance. Fee. “Hot Blooded,” “Cold As Ice,” “Dirty White all audiences. Topeka Civic Theatre and Acad- The 12th Annual Great Overland Station Fund- OVERLAND PARK, 913-649-7469 Boy,” “Waiting For A Girl Like You,” and the emy, 3028 SW 8th Ave., 7 p.m. Fee. raising Gala. The theme will be Margaritaville! www.newtheatre.com worldwide #1 hit, “I Want To Know What Love TOPEKA, 785-357-5211 There will be Jimmy Buffet style music, enter- Is,” Foreigner continues to rock the charts APR 28 www.topekacivictheatre.com tainment, island food and more. Great Overland more than 30 years into the game. Prairie Band Station, 701 N Kansas Ave. PATTI LUPONE: COULDA, WOULDA, APR 5 Casino & Resort – Great Lakes Ballroom, TOPEKA, 785-232-5533 SHOULDA SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER 12305 150th Rd., 8 p.m. www.greatoverlandstation.com Tony and Olivier Award-winner Patti LuPone SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER – THE MUSICAL, MAYETTA, 785-966-7777 in her new concert COULDA, WOULDA, the iconic story of Tony — the kid from Brooklyn www.prairieband.com APR 22 SHOULDA….played that part performs songs NEW HORIZONS BAND OF LAWRENCE from musicals which she could have played, USA — who wants to dance his way to a better APR 15, 16, 22, 23, 29 & 30 life is back! And back in an all-new production The New Horizons Band is a project of Douglas should have played, did play and will play. The that shares Tony’s love for dancing in spectacular SHAKESPEARE’S MUCH ADO ABOUT County Senior Services. Most, but not all, of the list of shows includes Hair; Bye, Bye Birdie; new ways. Fueled by the vintage Bee Gee hits, NOTHING participants are retired or retirement age. Arbor Funny Girl; West Side Story; and Peter Pan. this contemporary retelling of the classic story Much Ado About Nothing is generally con- Court, 1510 St. Andrews Dr., 4 p.m. It also includes her Tony Award-winning perfor- captures the energy, passion and life-changing sidered one of Shakespeare’s best comedies LAWRENCE, 785-785-865-3519 mances in Evita and Gypsy. Lied Center of because it combines elements of robust hilarity Kansas, 1600 Stewart Dr., 7:30 p.m. Fee. moments that have thrilled movie audiences APR 23 since 1977. Now, a new generation of dancers with more serious meditations on honor, love LAWRENCE, 785-864-2787 meets a new generation of playgoers to explore and shame. Set in the port city of Sicily, two WORLDS AWAY - REQUIEM lied.ku.edu/calendar the soaring sounds and pulsating rhythms of this sets of lovers face trials in their relationships Our season will conclude with Verdi’s mag- coming-of-age Disco fantasy. Topeka Performing over rumored infi delity. Can true love survive nifi cent Requiem, a collaboration for chorus, APR 28 Arts Center, 214 SE 8th St., 7:30 p.m. Fee. gossip and scandal? A romantic tale of mistaken soloists, and orchestra. Over 100 singers will BLUE MAN GROUP TOPEKA, 785-234-2787 identity and mistrust run awry. Topeka Civic joining us onstage for this monumental fi nale Blue Man Group is comedy, theater, rock www.tpactix.org/events.html Theatre and Academy, 3028 SW 8th Ave., 7 to our year. Verdi, Messa da Requiem with the concert and dance party all rolled into one. p.m. Fee. Washburn University Choir and Festival Sing- This wildly popular phenomenon delivers an APR 6 TOPEKA, 785-357-5211 ers. The Topeka Symphony Society, Washburn unforgettable multi-sensory experience that BRANFORD MARSALIS QUARTET www.topekacivictheatre.com University, 7:30 p.m. Fee. has captivated 35 million people worldwide. Branford Marsalis, the National Endowment for TOPEKA, 785-232-2032 Topeka Performing Arts Center, 214 SE 8th St., the Arts Jazz Master and renowned Grammy APR 16 & 17 www.topekasymphony.org 7:30 p.m. Fee. SLEEPING BEAUTY TOPEKA, 785-234-2787 Award-winning saxophonist, will team up APR 24 with quartet members Joey Calderazzo, piano; Awakened by a kiss...Ballet Midwest presents www.tpactix.org/events.html Eric Revis, bass; and Justin Faulkner, drums. the classic and captivating fairy tale of Sleep- THE SENIOR CLASS Together they make up one of the most innova- ing Beauty. Experience the story of a cursed A great offshoot from TCT’s widely successful APR 29 tive and forward-thinking jazz ensembles princess, fated to sleep until awakened with company, Laughing Matters, The Senior Class POPOVICH COMEDY PET THEATER around today. Lied Center of Kansas, 1600 true love’s kiss. The tale unfolds with a talented is another zany troupe of comedians. Only this The world-famous Popovich Comedy Pet Stewart Dr., 7:30 p.m. Fee. cast of local dancers through the moving art of time the company is made up entirely of over Theater is a family-oriented blend of comedy LAWRENCE, 785-864-2787 ballet. Topeka Performing Arts Center, 214 SE 55-year-old actors in our community. This group featuring the extraordinary talents of dogs, lied.ku.edu/calendar 8th St. April 16, 8 p.m. April 17, 3 p.m. Fee. defi nes life in the golden years as a terrifi cally cats and a variety of other pets paired with the TOPEKA, 785-234-2787 fun-fi lled trip. Admission fee. Topeka Civic unique comedy and juggling skills of Gregory APR 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 & 17 www.tpactix.org/events.html Theatre & Academy, 3028 SW 8th Avenue. Popovich. All of the show’s 15 cats and 10 dogs A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE Doors open at 1 p.m. Show begins at 2 p.m. were strays rescued from animal shelters. Now, This celebrated classic and Pulitzer Prize ARP 22, 23, 29, & 30, MAY 6 & 7 TOPEKA, (785) 357-5211 they love to show off by performing a variety Winner ranks as one of the greatest in theatre. BONNIE AND CLYDE www.topekacivictheatre.com of stunts and skits! It’s a show that both adults At the height of the Great Depression, Bonnie and kids of all ages will enjoy! Lied Center of Blanche du Bois is a woman whose life has APR 27 been undermined by her romantic illusions, Parker and Clyde Barrow went from two small- Kansas, 1600 Stewart Dr., 7 p.m. Fee. which lead her to reject life’s realities. When town nobodies to America’s most renowned folk EMERSON STRING QUARTET LAWRENCE, 785-864-2787 she goes to live with her sister in New Orleans heroes and the law’s worst nightmares. Fearless, Formed in 1976, the Emerson String Quartet has lied.ku.edu/calendar the pressure mounts and is intensifi ed by her shameless, and alluring, the Tony-nominated an unparalleled list of achievements consisting sister’s earthy young husband, Stanley. Ulti- musical is the electrifying story of love, of more than 30 acclaimed recordings and nine APR 29 & 30, MAY 6 & 7 mately Blanche’s tragic self-delusion forces her adventure and crime that captured the attention Grammys, including two for Best Classical SUPER SIDEKICK THE MUSICAL to escape from reality. Theatre Lawrence, 4660 of an entire country. Topeka Civic Theatre and Album. Join us for a program featuring works Action! Adventure! Romance! Ninja Koalas! Bauer Farm Dr. Thursdays- Saturdays 7:30 Academy. Venue: Helen Hocker Theater, 700 by Schubert, Brahms and Tchaikovsky. Lied All this and more in this brand new children’s p.m., Sundays 2:30 p.m. Fee. SW Zoo Pkwy, 8 p.m. Fee. Center of Kansas, 1600 Stewart Dr., 7:30 p.m. musical from rising L.A. playwright Gregory LAWRENCE, 785-843-7469 TOPEKA, 785-357-5211 Fee. Crafts and composer Michael Gordon Shapiro. www.theatrelawrence.com www.topekacivictheatre.com LAWRENCE, 785-864-2787 lied.ku.edu/calendar CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 21 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 Stewart Dr., 7 p.m. Fee. FAIRS/FESTIVALS original moves you love at a lower-intensity Topeka Civic Theatre and Academy, 3028 SW LAWRENCE, 785-864-2787 pace. The design of the class introduces easy- lied.ku.edu/calendar to-follow Zumba choreography that focuses 8th Ave., 7 p.m. Fee. APR 8-25 TOPEKA, 785-357-5211 on balance, range of motion and coordination. TULIP TIME Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave www.topekacivictheatre.com EXHIBITS/SHOWS Topeka’s Tulip Time Festival has earned the empowered and feeling strong. Choose from APR 30 JAN 12-MAR 5 honor of being named a Top 100 Event for three class different class schedules to meet LEANN RIMES HALLOWED ABSURDITIES: WORK BY Groups for 2016 by the American Bus Associa- your needs. For more information or to enroll, tion. The festival features more than 100,000 call the Community Building or search activity LeAnn Rimes is one of the most successful THEODORE WADDELL entertainers with a career spanning more than tulips and daffodils blooming at picturesque #127102 at www.lprd.org. Made of road kill, animal skulls, jawbones, locations around Topeka, including Lake Shaw- LAWRENCE, 785-832-7920 two decades. With forty-four million albums pelts and skins, as well as body bags, bullets, sold, two GRAMMY Awards, three Academy nee’s Ted Ensley Botanical Gardens, Old Prairie tools and actual guns, the art works in Hallowed Town at Ward-Meade Historic Site and Gage FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH of Country Music Awards and 12 Billboard Absurdities raise the issue of the use of guns in Music Awards, she has made her mark in the Park. 6 a.m.-11 p.m. Fee. HEALTHWISE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC our society. The Mulvane Art Museum, 1700 Drop in 9:30-11 a.m. at the Downtown YMCA, world of music. Unstoppable from the age of TOPEKA, 785-251-2600 SW Jewell Ave. Free. 421 S.W. Van Buren. Free. No appointment 11, LeAnn was the youngest person to ever win parks.snco.us TOPEKA, 785-670-1124 necessary. a GRAMMY Award and was the fi rst country www.washburn.edu/mulvane APR 17 TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 artist to win the GRAMMY Best New Artist. TULIP TIME FESTIVAL AT THE LAKE Prairie Band Casino & Resort, 12305 150th JAN 28-MAY 1 The 8th Annual Tulip Time will take place early MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAYS Rd., 7 p.m. Fee. WHAT’S COOKING, UNCLE SAM? to mid-April of 2016. Cost of admission varies by A.M. WALKING CLUB MAYETTA, 785-966-7777 Food. We love it, fear it, and obsess about it. We location. To coincide with the annual event, the Need exercise? Come to the East Lawrence www.pbpgaming.com demand that our government ensure that it is Kansas Tulip Time Festival at the Lake will be Recreation Center (7-9 a.m.) or Holcom Park safe, cheap, and abundant. In response, govern- held on April 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ted Recreation Center (7-11 a.m.), Monday through MAY 4 ment has been a factor in the production, regula- RED GREEN’S “I’M NOT OLD, I’M RIPE!” Ensley gardens. Attendees will be able to enjoy Friday. You’ll get your heart pumping and have tion, research, innovation, and economics of our food and walk among the fl owers, as well as shop a great time building friendships with fellow TOUR food supply. It has also attempted, with varying several vendors and listen to live entertainment. walkers. FREE. Lawrence Parks and Recre- After 20 successful years on television, Red success, to change the eating habits of Ameri- TOPEKA, 785-251-2600 ation. For more information, contact Stephen Green, the Possum Lodgehandyman who cans. From the farm to the dinner table, explore parks.snco.us Mason. believed that “anything is possible if you use the records of the National Archives that trace LAWRENCE, 785-832-7950 enough duct tape,” is back with a whole new the government’s effect on what Americans eat. show. I’M NOT OLD, I’M RIPE! focuses on Kansas Museum of History Special Exhibits HEALTH & fi tness MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAYS Red’s life, with a few side trips! The new show Gallery, 6425 SW 6th Ave. Fee. PICKLEBALL - OPEN PLAY follows on the heels of 77 live performances TOPEKA, 785-272-8681 ONGOING Monday-Friday at the Sports Pavilion Law- across North America in his How To Do Every- www.kshs.org/museum PERSONAL TRAINING rence. For competitive, recreational and begin- thing… from The Man Who Should Know Need help reaching your fi tness goals? Lawrence ning players. Call the East Lawrence Center for Tour. Lied Center of Kansas, 1600 Stewart Dr., MAR 4-APR 23 Parks and Recreation has certifi ed personal specifi c days and times. There is no charge for 7 p.m. Fee. AMERICAN PLAINS ARTISTS SIGNATURE trainers to help you make your workouts safe, open play. LAWRENCE, 785-864-2787 SHOW productive and successful. Training and registra- LAWRENCE, 785-832-7950 lied.ku.edu/calendar Original paintings and sculptures of the Ameri- tion are available at all recreation centers. For can Great Plains rendered in traditional media more information, contact Gayle Sigurdson. FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH MAY 5 and in a realistic or representational style similar LAWRENCE, 785-832-7920 HEALTHWISE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC DISNEY’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST to Remington or Russell. Artwork features ONGOING Drop in 8:30-9:30 a.m. at West Ridge Mall Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, the smash-hit the people, life, landscape, and wildlife of the (Food Court, near the restrooms), 1801 S.W. Broadway musical, returns to the Lied Center Plains in past or present times. The artwork FIT FOR LIFE Wanamaker Road. Free. No appointment neces- by popular demand. Based on the Academy is produced by the Signature Members of the Exercise in a safe, supervised and non-threaten- sary. Award-winning animated feature fi lm, this eye- American Plains Artists (APA) who hail from ing environment. Physician’s medical clear- TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 popping spectacle has won the hearts of more across the U.S.A. Opening Reception is Friday, ance required. 12 sessions. Fee. LMH Therapy than 35 million people worldwide. This classic March 4 from 5-7 p.m. at the SouthWind Art Services. TUESDAYS musical love story is fi lled with unforgettable Gallery, 3074 SW 29th St. Gallery hours are LAWRENCE, 785-505-2712 FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC characters, lavish sets and costumes and daz- Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Drop in 10 a.m.-noon every Tuesday. Stormont zling production numbers, including Be Our ONGOING Vail Health’s HealthWise Clinic, 2252 S.W. TOPEKA, 308-249-1488 ZUMBA GOLD Guest and the beloved title song. Experience the www.americanplainsartists.com 10th Ave. No appointment necessary. romance and enchantment of Disney’s Beauty Perfect for active older adults who are looking TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 and the Beast. Lied Center of Kansas, 1600 for a modifi ed Zumba class that recreates the CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 THE FIRST APARTMENTS %XPERIENCEAPEACEFUL “Home without the hassles” LIFESTYLEWITHA Hill Crest HOMETOWNFEELING Independent Community Living for 62 and older, 55-62 non-elderly disabled. ‡ $IIRUGDEOH6WXGLRDQG%HGURRP  ‡ %HDXW\VDORQ s7ASHERAND$RYER(OOKUPS  $SDUWPHQWV ‡ )LUVW)ORRU/DXQGU\5RRP ‡ 5HQWDVVLVWDQFHDYDLODEOH ‡ ([HUFLVHHTXLSPHQW VHDWHGH[HUFLVHFODVV s/NEAND4WO"EDROOM!PARTMENT(OMES ‡ $OOHOHFWULFLW\ZDWHUWUDVKODZQ ‡ 0HDOVRQ:KHHOV&RQJUHJDWHPHDOVLWH s#LUB(OUSEs0ICNIC!REA  FDUHSDLG ‡ 0DLQWHQDQFH'LUHFWRURQVLWH s!3HORT$ISTANCEFROM,AWRENCEAND ‡ KRXU2Q&DOOVWDII ‡ /LEUDU\5HG&DUSHW6HUYLFHV +ANSAS#ITY +3 ‡ 5HVWULFWHGHQWUDQFH ‡ +HDOWK'HSDUWPHQW1DLO&OLQLFV s7EAREANACTIVE ORDISABLED ‡ /LJKWHGSDUNLQJORW ‡ :DONLQJGLVWDQFHRIVHYHUDOFKXUFKHVDQG ADULTCOMMUNITY ‡ 2QFLW\EXVURXWH  5D\¶V$SSOH0DUNHW Call 272-6700 to schedule a tour and pick up an application. ‡:HVWWK6WUHHW(XGRUD

EQUAL HOUSING EQUAL HOUSING +LOO&UHVW#&RKHQ(VUH\FRP‡ZZZ&RKHQ(VUH\FRP 6:WK6W‡7RSHND‡ZZZWKHILUVWDSDUWPHQWVRUJ OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY 22 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Wednesday OF THE MONTH. If you currently APR 8 THIRD FRIDAY OF THE MONTH wear hearing aids stop in for a free clean and TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & THURSDAYS CHOLESTEROL SCREENING Pioneer Ridge-Asst. Living, 4851 Harvard Rd., check of your existing hearing aids. 10 a.m. JAZZERCISE LITE This screening event offers a full lipid (choles- LAWRENCE, (785)748-8034 terol) profi le by fi nger stick. $15 test (exact cash Prairie Commons, 5121 Congressional Circle, Fitness that’s invigorating, not intimidating. 1 p.m. This 60-minute class pairs moderate aero- FRIDAYS or check only). Please fast 9-10 hours before bics with exercises designed to improve your the screening (water and necessary medications BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS are okay). No registration needed. Just drop FOURTH THURSDAY OF THE MONTH strength, balance, and fl exibility. 10:20-11:20 Arbor Court, 1510 St. Andrews, 8:30 a.m. Open Arbor Court, 1510 St. Andrews Dr., 2:30 p.m. a.m. at 3115 W. 6th St. into the LMH Performance and Wellness Center to the public. between 7:30 and 9 a.m. LAWRENCE, 785-331-4333 LAWRENCE, 785-841-6845 FOURTH FRIDAY OF THE MONTH LAWRENCE, 785-749-5800 Brandon Woods, 1501 Inverness Dr., 10 a.m. TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS SECOND THURSDAY OF THE MONTH APR 11 HEALTHWISE EXERCISE CLASS HEALTHWISE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC MEETINGS This fun workout includes chair aerobics, BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING Drop in 9:30-11 a.m. at the Southwest YMCA, Drop by the Lawrence Parks and Recreation strength training, balance and fl exibility 3635 S.W. Chelsea Drive. Free. No appointment SUNDAYS EVERY TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY exercises tailored to seniors and others looking Community Building to have your blood pressure necessary. measured and to pick up free and helpful infor- O.U.R.S. (OLDSTERS UNITED FOR to stay fi t. 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. Tuesdays and TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 RESPONSIBLE SERVICE) DANCE Thursdays at Stormont Vail Health, 1500 S.W. mation on hypertension, reducing sodium in your OURS dances are held every Sunday evening 10th Ave. Cost: $25 punch card covers 20 drop- THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH diet and other helpful heart healthy brochures from 6-9 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge, 1803 W. 6th in classes. Call for enrollment forms. BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC and tips. No charge for blood pressure measure- ment. 115 West 11th Street, 9:30-11:15 a.m. St. Dances are open to everyone. Admission is FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH TOPEKA, 785-354-5225 HealthWise 55 Clinic. 8:30-9:30 a.m. Oakland $7 per person. Carry-in meal served at 7:15. Community Center, 801 N.E. Poplar. Free. LAWRENCE, 785-749-5800 BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS LAWRENCE TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 APR 23 HealthWise 55 Clinic. 8:30-9:30 a.m. Westridge FLEXERCISE MONDAYS Mall (Food Court, Restroom Entrance). Free. THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH NUTRITION CARNIVAL This exercise program emphasizes safe and BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 benefi cial movements and routines that will HEALTHWISE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC Join LMH, the Lawrence Public Library, and our other wonderful community partners for the free Meets at Presbyterian Manor, 1429 Kasold, increase your fl exibility, strength and endur- Drop in 8:30-9:30 a.m. at the Oakland Commu- Nutrition Carnival. Interactive, fun nutrition educa- 5:30 p.m. Call Dena for more information. ance. Meets from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at East nity Center, 801 N.E. Poplar. Free. No appoint- tion activities and information for kids ages 4 and LAWRENCE, 785-979-8362 Lawrence Recreation Center, 1245 E. 15th St. ment necessary. up to adults; special presentations, performances Closed. Fee. Enroll at LPRD.org or at East TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 and guests, including the Last Carnival Circus Arts MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS Lawrence Center. WATER AEROBICS CLASSES LAWRENCE, 785-856-6030 THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH and Aerial Dance School; Edible Books Festival; nutritious remake of carnival foods contests; and OrthoKansas, P.A. offers aquatic programs and HEALTHWISE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC services, which are open to the public. Special TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS Drop in 9 to 10 a.m. at the Rose Hill Place healthy snacks and giveaways. For more informa- tion and a list of presentation times, go to lawrence. features include warm water therapeutic pool FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC clubhouse, S.W. 37th and Gage Boulevard. Free. with deep water capability. Class times are 6:30 Held at the Wakarusa Wellness Center, 4920 lib.ks.us and click on News and Events. Lawrence No appointment necessary. a.m., 9 a.m., and 5 p.m. 1112 W. 6th St., Ste. Bob Billings Parkway, located 1 block west of Public Library, 707 Vermont St., 11 a.m.-1 p.m. TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 124. Wakarusa at the intersection of Research Park LAWRENCE LAWRENCE, 785-838-7885 Drive. From 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and 3-6 p.m. No FOURTH THURSDAY OF THE MONTH appointment necessary. HEALTHWISE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC Lawrence Public www.OrthoKansasPA.com LAWRENCE, 785-856-6030 Drop in 9-10:30 a.m. at the Kuehne Branch MONDAYS (North) YMCA, 1936 N.W. Tyler St. Free. No Library BOOKMOBILE GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS appointment necessary. ZOSTAVAX (SHINGLES) CLINIC 12-week adult group for recent loss. Midland TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 MONDAYS Hospice, Building A, 4-5 p.m. Please call for HealthWise 55 Clinic. 8 a.m.-noon. HealthWise Prairie Commons, 5121 Congressional Circle, start dates and information packet. 55 Resource Center, 2252 S.W. 10th Ave. Free. APR 2 & 9, APR 14 & 21 Lawrence, 9-10 a.m. TOPEKA, 785-232-2044 TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 NORDIC WALKING Presbyterian Manor, 1429 Kasold Dr., Walking poles work your arms, shoulders, chest Lawrence, 10:30-11:30 a.m. FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH WEDNESDAYS and upper back muscles through a functional Vermont Towers, 1101 Vermont St., INDIVIDUAL BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT FREE NUTRITION CLINIC range of motion as you walk — which can Individual appointments are available, 5:30- Meet with a Stormont Vail Health registered help you turn your daily walk into a full-body Lawrence, 1-2 p.m. 7:30 p.m., as well as phone support. Other times dietitian to discuss your nutrition needs and workout. Poles also take some of the load off WEDNESDAYS are available. No cost. Call Terry Frizzell. questions. Appointments are available between your lower back, hips and knees, which may be Brandon Woods, 1501 Inverness Dr., TOPEKA, 785-271-6500; 785-230-6730 on 8 a.m. and noon every Wednesday at the helpful if you have arthritis or back problems. Lawrence, 9-10 a.m. fi rst Monday between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. HealthWise Clinic, 2252 S.W. 10th Ave. Call This class will teach the proper technique Arbor Court, 1510 St. Andrews Dr., for an appointment. using poles for improved balance, stability and Lawrence, 10:30-11:30 a.m. FIRST & THIRD MONDAY OF THE MONTH TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 increased aerobic benefi ts. Poles not provided. Babcock Place, 1700 Massachusetts St., BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Co-Sponsored by Lawrence Memorial Hospital. Lawrence, 1-2 p.m. LAWRENCE SENIOR CENTER WEDNESDAYS Two Sessions: Saturday, April 2 & 9, 9-10:30 2:15-3:45 PM, 785-842-0543 FREE MEDICATION CLINIC a.m. and Thursday, April 14 & 21, 6-7:30 p.m. FRIDAYS Bring questions to Stormont Vail Health’s trained Fee. Union Pacifi c Depot, 402 North 2nd Street. Clinton Place, 2125 Clinton Parkway, FIRST & THIRD MONDAY OF THE MONTH pharmacy staff regarding your medications (pre- LAWRENCE, 785-832-7920 Lawrence, 9-10 a.m. scriptions or over-the-counter). Appointments GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Wyndham Place, 2551 Crossgate Dr., Facilitated by LMH Chaplain Angela Lowe. are available between 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. every APR 8 Lawrence, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Meets in the LMH Chapel, 2nd fl oor. Lawrence Wednesday at the HealthWise Clinic, 2252 S.W. WELLNESS FRIDAY Peterson Acres, 2930 Peterson Rd., Memorial Hospital. 10th Ave. Call for an appointment. Join representatives from LMH the second Lawrence, 1-2 p.m. LAWRENCE, 785-505-3140 TOPEKA, 785-354-6787 Friday of each month for discussion on a health or wellness topic of interest. No registration FIRST & THIRD MONDAY OF THE MONTH FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH needed; just drop in. Each program lasts about Lawrence Public FREE HEARING CONSULTATIONS CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP one hour. This month’s topic is: “What’s All of For adults who have lost loved ones. Call LMH Dr. Matthew J. Brown of Kaw Valley Hearing is the Hype About Hypertension?” Friday April 8, Library BOOK TALKS Chaplain Angela Lowe for more information. pleased to announce that every fi rst Wednesday at the LMH Performance and Wellness Center, of the month he will be offering free hearing THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH LAWRENCE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Suite 100, Lawrence Parks and Recreation Sports 4-5 PM, 785-840-3140 consultations. Call today to schedule your Pavilion, 100 Rock Chalk Lane, 9:30 a.m. Babcock Place, 1700 Massachusetts St., 1 p.m. desired appointment time or stop in the fi rst Presbyterian Manor, 1429 Kasold Dr., 2:30 p.m. LAWRENCE, 785-749-5800 CONTINUED ON PAGE 23 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016• 23 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22 features include warm water therapeutic pool hear guest speakers discuss topics related to the Unitarian Fellowship of Lawrence, 1263 N. with deep water capability. Class time is 5:30 recovery. Please contact Randy Williams or Lisa 1100 Rd. To sign up to receive updates, email FIRST & THIRD MONDAY OF THE MONTH p.m. 1112 W. 6th St., Ste. 124. Rundell for more information. Kansas Rehabili- [email protected] or join our Face- CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP LAWRENCE, 785-838-7885 tation Hospital, 1504 SW 8th Ave. book page at www.facebook.com/HerbGroup. Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the www.OrthoKansasPA.com TOPEKA, 785-235-6600 LAWRENCE responsibilities of caring for a spouse, parent, or loved one? Do you need information about FIRST & THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH SATURDAYS SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Alzheimer’s disease or other disorders? Please HEALING AFTER LOSS BY SUICIDE LAWRENCE BRIDGE CLUB MEMORY SUPPORT GROUP join us in one of our Caregiver Support Groups. (HEALS) Bring a partner and join us for an evening of Held at The Windsor of Lawrence, 3220 Peter- Sponsored by Douglas County Senior Services, For those who have lost a loved one by suicide. bridge, snacks and prizes. Annual membership son Rd., 2 p.m. For more information, please Inc. Douglas County Senior Services, Inc., 745 Fellow survivors offer an atmosphere of under- fee. First two visits are free. Kaw Valley Bridge call Amy Homer. Vermont St., 2:15-3:45 p.m. standing and emotional support by encouraging Center, 1025 N. 3rd Street, 6:30 p.m. LAWRENCE, 785-832-9900 LAWRENCE, 785-842-0543 LAWRENCE, 785-760-4195 families and individuals to share healthy ways SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH EEVERYVERY TTUESDAYUESDAY TTHROUGHHROUGH FFRIDAYRIDAY of coping and grieving. Contact Steve New- comer at for more information. Pozez Education ONE SATURDAY EACH MONTH DIABETES EDUCATION GROUP MEN’S COFFEE Center, 1505 SW 8th St. LAWRENCE DEATH CAFE The Diabetes Education Center provides a Meets in the library at Pioneer Ridge, 4851 TOPEKA, 785-478-4947 or 785-296-8349 At a Death Cafe people, often strangers, gather free monthly program for those with diabetes Harvard Rd., at 9:30 a.m. Open to the public. to eat cake, drink tea, and discuss death. and their support persons, at 6 p.m. Lawrence LAWRENCE, 785-749-2000 FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH A Death Cafe is a discussion group about Memorial Hospital, Meeting Room A. death rather than a grief support or counsel- FFIRSTIRST TTUESDAYUESDAY OOFF TTHEHE MMONTHONTH KAW VALLEY OWL (OLDER WOMEN’S LAWRENCE, 785-505-3062 LEAGUE) ing session. Group meets once a month on BBLOODLOOD PPRESSURERESSURE CLINICCLINIC a Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. To learn more, SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH HHealthWiseealthWise 5555 CClinic.linic. 88:30-9:30:30-9:30 aa.m..m. WWestridgeestridge Meetings are held at the United Way building, 2518 Ridge Ct. Social time begins at 1:30 p.m. contact cwhiston@sunfl ower.com or visit SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF MMallall ((FoodFood CCourt,ourt, RRestroomestroom EEntrance).ntrance). FFree.ree. www.facebook.com/pages/Lawrence-Death- TOPEKA TTOPEKA,OPEKA, 7785-354-678785-354-6787 and the meeting begins at 2 p.m. The public is welcome to join members at all meetings. For Cafe/520304204753986?ref=hl. Soroptimist International’s mission is to FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH more information, call Gayle Sigurdson. LAWRENCE improve the lives of women and girls in local LAWRENCE, 785-691-7314 communities and throughout the world. Meets LAWRENCE AREA COALITION TO SECOND MONDAY, SEP-MAY at 6:30 p.m. at the Topeka-Shawnee County HONOR END-OF-LIFE CHOICES FIRST & THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH LAWRENCE CLASSICS, GENERAL Public Library. Guests welcome. Please email Works with 31 other Kansas communities to CANCER SUPPORT GROUP FEDERATION OF WOMEN’S CLUBS [email protected] for more informa- help all Kansans live with dignity, comfort Join representatives from Lawrence Memorial Volunteer service club. tion. and peace at the end-of-life, regardless of age. Hospital Oncology Center and the American LAWRENCE, 785-331-4575 TOPEKA, 785-221-0501 Members have backgrounds in healthcare, Cancer Society for a general cancer support www.soroptimisttopeka.org pastoral care, senior citizens’ services, funeral group. Open to anyone with any cancer diag- SECOND MONDAY OF THE MONTH home care, library and educational services. noses and/or family members or others affected CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP SECOND THURSDAY OF THE MONTH Meets at 3 p.m. in Conference E of LMH. by their cancer. For more information, contact Meets at the Topeka Shawnee County Public NAACP MEETING-LAWRENCE CHAPTER LAWRENCE, 785-830-8130 Liv Frost at 785-505-2807 or email to liv.frost@ Library, 1515 SW 10th Ave., 3:30-4:30 p.m. Meets at the Lawrence public Library Gallery FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH lmh.org. TOPEKA, 785-235-1367 Room at 6:30 p.m. www.jhawkaaa.org LAWRENCE, 785-841-0030, 785-979-4692 MAN TO MAN PROSTATE CANCER LAWRENCE SUPPORT GROUP - LAWRENCE FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH SECOND & FOURTH FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Meets at Lawrence Memorial Hospital, 5:30 MAN TO MAN PROSTATE CANCER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RAILROAD ALZHEIMER’S/CAREGIVER SUPPORT p.m. SUPPORT GROUP - TOPEKA AND VETERAN RAILROAD EMPLOYEES GROUP LAWRENCE, 785-393-1256 Meets at St. Francis Health Center’s Cancer Meets at 9:30-11 a.m. at Coyote Canyon Buffet. Sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association- FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH Center, 1700 S.W. 7th St., 7 p.m. TOPEKA, www.narvre.com Heart of America Chapter. KU Center for TOPEKA, 785-230-4422 Research, 1315 Wakarusa Dr., Rm. 214, 1-2:30 TOPEKA AREA OSTOMY SUPPORT SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH p.m. GROUP FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH KAW VALLEY HERBS STUDY GROUP LAWRENCE, 913-831-3888 Our focus is supporting, assisting, and educat- LAWRENCE AREA PARTNERS IN AGING An informal group meeting monthly to study ing individuals with colostomies, ileostomies, Networking group. Call Ashley at 785-842-0543 herbs. We will learn about the aspects of each SECOND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH urostomies and continent ostomies. Meets at for more information. $12.00 to attend (includes herb: culinary uses, aromatherapy applications, HAPPY TIME SQUARES SQUARE DANCE 6 p.m. at St. Francis Health Center, 1700 SW lunch). 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. medicinal properties, historical lore, grow- CLUB 7th St. ing and crafting. This group is open to anyone Meets at First United Methodist Church-West TOPEKA, 785-295-5555 FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH wanting to learn more about the herbs grown in Campus, 867 Hwy 40 (1 block west Hwy 40/ PARKINSON MEETING the garden and in the wild. Meets at 7 p.m. at FIRST & THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH Midland Care, 200 SW Frazier, 5:30-7 p.m. CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 SCRAPBOOK MEMORIES LAWRENCE, 785-235-1367 or (800) 798-1366 Grace Hospice, 3715 SW 29th St., Suite 100, 6 p.m. All supplies provided (except photos). EVERY OTHER THURSDAY Sons of The American Revolution TOPEKA, 785-228-0400 GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Can you trace your family tree back to a point of Ongoing adult group. Midland Hospice, Build- FIRST & THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH ing A, 10:30 a.m. Please call for start dates and having an ancestor who supported the cause of GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP information packet. American Independence during the years 1774- Grace Hospice invites individuals coping with TOPEKA, 785-232-2044 the loss of loved ones to join us. For more 1783? If so, please consider joining the Sons of information, call Grace Hospice at 785-228- EVERY OTHER THURSDAY the American Revolution. Local contacts can 0400 or 1-800-396-7778. Aldersgate Village, GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP guide you through the membership process. Manchester Lodge, 7220 SW Asbury Dr., 1 Ongoing adult group. Midland Hospice, Build- p.m. ing A, 5:30 p.m. Please call for start dates and TOPEKA information packet. Charles Robinson Chapter Thomas Jefferson Chapter TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS TOPEKA, 785-232-2044 (Lawrence) (Topeka) WATER AEROBICS CLASSES FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH John Sayler (President) Brian Vazquez (President) OrthoKansas, P.A. offers aquatic programs and STROKE SUPPORT GROUP 785-841-5756 785-272-7647 services, which are open to the public. Special Meet other stroke survivors, their families, and 24 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 United Methodist Church, 6th and Topeka 10th Ave., 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. APR 23 K10 Bypass). Plus: 7:30-8 p.m., Mainstream Blvd. in the red brick building, known as the TOPEKA, 785-783-8300 16TH ANNUAL LAWRENCE EARTH DAY 8-10 p.m. Contact Frank & Betty Alexander. Sweet Building on the Southwest corner of the www.kansasdiscovery.org PARADE & CELEBRATION campus. Please bring a covered dish to share. LAWRENCE, 785-843-2584 The parade begins at 11 a.m. down Massachu- Beverages and table service provided. 11 a.m.-1 SECOND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH www.happytimesquares.com setts Street, from 7th Street to South Park. 16th p.m. For more information about the Widowed FREE SATE EAST SIDE BREWERY TOUR Annual Earth Day Celebration, 11:30 a.m-4 Persons Service Program, please call Julie. East Side Brewery offers tours on the second THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH p.m., South Park at 11th & Massachusetts Saturday OF THE MONTH at 2 p.m. Tours are LAWRENCE PARKINSON’S SUPPORT TOPEKA, 785-357-7290 Street. Free Admission, Weather Permitting, No free, and open to the public, but the brewery Rain Date. The celebration in the park features GROUP FOURTH MONDAY OF THE MONTH reserves the right to cap the tour size at a live music, food, vendors and children’s activi- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 2415 GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP manageable level, if necessary. Please enter at ties. Attendees are invited to learn from exhibits CLINTON PARKWAY, LAWRENCE, 2 PM Presbyterian Manor, 1429 Kasold., 4 p.m. Spon- the far west end of the building, closest to the about waste reduction, recycling, composting, sored by Grace Hospice. Burroughs Creek Trail. The tour will last around THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH alternative fuels and vehicles, energy conser- LAWRENCE, 785-841-5300 45 minutes. All ages are welcome but if you vation, land preservation, wildlife and habitat GRANDPARENT AND CAREGIVER are of legal drinking age, with ID, there will be preservation, and more. The Lawrence Transit SUPPORT GROUP FOURTH WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH an opportunity to enjoy some samples after the System will offer free rides on the T all day Strengthening family relationships and improv- CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP tour. 1923 Moodie Rd. Saturday, April 23, providing the experience ing positive parenting skills. Meets from 6:30-8 Administered by Senior Outreach Services in LAWRENCE, 785-550-9718 and benefi ts of public transportation on all fi xed p.m. at St. Francis Hospital, 2nd fl oor meet- cooperation with Jayhawk Area Agency on www.freestatebrewing.com ing rooms. Child care available with 48 hours Aging, Inc. Designed to be a safe place to assist routes. Parks & Recreation staff will be giving notice. and empower caregivers of seniors. Rose Hill SECOND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH South Park Tree ID tours. TOPEKA, 785-286-2329 or 785-231-0763 Place Clubhouse, 3600 SW Gage Blvd., 1 p.m. MONTHLY GUIDED HIKE LAWRENCE, 785-832-3030 www.lawrenceks.org/swm/earthday THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH TOPEKA, 785-235-1367, EXT. 130 Clinton State Park and AmeriCorps invite you to join us for monthly hikes through the park APR 23 STROKE SUPPORT GROUP FOURTH THURSDAY OF THE MONTH every Second Sunday through the coming year. For those recovering from a stroke, and/or their TOPEKA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Each journey will take you approximately 2 EARTH DAY – PARTY FOR THE PLANET Join us at the Topeka Zoo on Saturday, April 23 family and friends. Meets at 4-5:30 p.m. For TGS promotes and stimulates the education, miles along the sections of the existing North from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. to celebrate Earth Day with more information call LMH Kreider Rehab knowledge and interest of the membership Shore Trails that fl ow throughout Clinton State a party for the planet! Various vendors will be Center. and the public in family history, genealogical Park. We’ll be exploring the understatedly hilly on hand to show you how to be environmentally LAWRENCE, 785-505-2712 records and research. Meets at the Topeka- terrain and abundant wildlife of Eastern Kansas. responsible. Topeka Zoo, 635 SW Gage Blvd. THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH Shawnee County Public Library, 7 p.m. No Amateur arborists and bird watchers will be meeting in April, November or December. amazed at the numerous species present within TOPEKA, 785-368-9180 ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP TOPEKA, 785-233-5762 the park boundaries. Fee. Clinton Reservoir, www.topekazoo.com Alzheimer’s support group for families and www.tgstopeka.org State Park, and Wildlife Area, 798 N 1415 Rd, caregivers. Blassingame Home Care, 1835 N APR 30 1 p.m. Topeka Blvd., Suite 205, 6-7 p.m. RSVP by COMBAT AIR MUSEUM’S ANNUAL FOURTH THURSDAY OF THE MONTH LAWRENCE, 785-842-8562 calling. CHRISTIAN WIDOW/WIDOWERS ksoutdoors.com/State-Parks/Locations/ CELEBRITY PANCAKE FEED TOPEKA, 785-286-2273 Combat Air Museum’s 23rd. Annual Celeb- ORGANIZATION Clinton rity Pancake Feed; Special event admission THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH We have a covered dish dinner, a short meeting, APR 2 includes all of the Perkins pancakes you can ACTIVE AND RETIRED FEDERAL and then play dime bingo with playing cards. 5:30 p.m. at 17th and Stone. For additional KEGS ‘N’ EGGS eat with a serving of sausage, orange juice or EMPLOYEES information, email [email protected]. Kansas City’s ONLY Adult Easter Egg Hunt and coffee. Includes admission to the museum, fl y The Lawrence chapter of the National Active TOPEKA Craft Beer Festival! Search for eggs throughout in auction, live music and entertainment, and and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) the Kansas City Renaissance Festival grounds mingling with our celebrity guest and elected meets the third Wednesday OF THE MONTH FOURTH FRIDAY OF THE MONTH for EGG-celent prizes and even MONEY! Then offi cials. Tour a 190th AFR KC-135 displayed at Conroy’s Pub, located at 3115 W. 6th in ACTIVE AND RETIRED FEDERAL partake in a CRAFT BEER festival with over 40 aircraft and military vehicles, and the museum. Lawrence. A program begins at noon, fol- EMPLOYEES different breweries! Did we mention there will Plenty of free parking. All are welcome to lowed by lunch and a short business meeting. attend. Combat Air Museum, 7016 SE Forbes The Topeka chapter of the National Active and also be a Live BAND providing the soundtrack First time lunch is free. NARFE’s mission is Ave., 7 a.m.-12 p.m. Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) meets to this EGG-stravaganza? 633 N. 130th St., to defend and enhance benefi ts career federal on the fourth Friday OF THE MONTH (except 1-5:05 p.m. Fee. TOPEKA, 785-862-3303 employees earn. Employees from all branches Nov. and Dec.) at Aldersgate Village, 7220 SW BONNER SPRINGS, 913-721-2110 of government are welcome and encouraged to Asbury Drive, Topeka. Buffet lunch begins at attend. For more information, please call Betty noon followed by a program/speaker and busi- STARTING APR 16 Scribner, membership chairman. GAGE PARK MINI TRAIN AND INSERTS! ness meeting. NARFE’s mission is to represent LAWRENCE, 785-843-7481 government employees, active and retired, CAROUSEL THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH before Congress. Employees from all branches Relive old memories and create new memories. Kaw Valley Senior LUNCH AFTER LOSS of federal government employment are wel- The mini-train has been an integral part of the A social support group to re-engage life after come, and encouraged to attend. For informa- sights and sounds of Gage Park for over 45 Monthly can insert the death of a loved one. Meets at 11 a.m. at tion, call Jim Miller. years. Follow a mile-long scenic course through Paisano’s Ristorante, Fleming Place, SW 10th TOPEKA, 785-478-0651 the heart of the park, as the engineer enlightens & Gage. Dutch treat. Requires a reservation. you on the history of Gage Park, and the many your circulars or Call Terry Frizzell at Heartland Hospice of MISCELLANEOUS attractions, including the carousel, that are Topeka for your reservation. available for you and your family to enjoy. Sat flyers for as little as TOPEKA, 785-271-6500 WEDNESDAYS 10 a.m.-4:45 p.m., Sun 11 a.m.-4:45 p.m. (Open WILD WEE WEDNESDAYS AT THE weekends only). Fee. $50 per 1,000.* TOPEKA, 785-251-2989 THIRD FRIDAY OF THE MONTH DISCOVERY CENTER CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP After the big kids are off to school, bring your APR 23 Call 785-841-9417 Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging, 2910 SW lil’ ones to the Discovery Center for special BARNYARD BABIES Topeka Blvd., 12-1 p.m. activities just for them. Preschoolers can explore for more information. LAWRENCE, 785-235-1367 or (800) 798-1366 Baby animals are so fun to watch and touch! their senses, create crafts and learn about the Bring the family to experience a fun day on the THIRD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH different animals at the Discovery Center. farm. National Agricultural Center and Hall of *10% discount when you Parents, guardians, and child care providers can TOPEKA WIDOWED PERSONS BRUNCH Fame, 630 N. 126th St., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Fee. meet other parents and talk with early childhood BONNER SPRINGS, 913-721-1075 do 6,000 inserts. For all widowed people. Meets at the First professionals. Free coffee is available. 4400 SW KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 25 TPAC to present Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage Topeka Performing Arts Center and a story has renamed aircraft carri- VenuWorks proudly announce Star ers, NASA space shuttles and the fi rst Trek: The Ultimate Voyage, coming to names of thousands of children in hun- the TPAC stage on Sunday, April 24, dreds of countries, you realize these at 3 p.m. characters go beyond entertainment, People of all ages and backgrounds but are more like family. Star Trek will experience the franchise’s ground- breaks every boundary of judgment or breaking and wildly popular musical expectation. It inspires, challenges and achievements while the most iconic re-thinks. Star Trek is who we want to Star Trek fi lm and TV footage is be. Inspired, fi ercely loyal, sometimes simultaneously beamed in high defi ni- reckless.” tion to a 40-foot wide screen. The con- Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage will Subscribe to cert will feature some of the greatest be conducted by Justin Freer, who has music written for the franchise, played quickly become one of the most sought- by the Czech National Symphony after conductors of fi lm music with a Orchestra, including music from Star long list of full symphonic live to pro- Senior Monthly and Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: jection projects under his belt, ranging The Motion Picture, Star Trek II: The from The Lord of the Rings trilogy to Wrath of Khan, Star Trek IV: The The Godfather to Gladiator. He has start saving today. Voyage Home, Star Trek: Insurrec- appeared with some of the world’s lead- tion, Star Trek: The Next Generation, ing orchestras, including the Chicago Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Symphony, Philadelphia Orchestra, See seniormonthly.net/savings for more information. Voyager and more. This never-before- Philharmonia Orchestra, San Francisco seen concert event is perfect for music Symphony and Sydney Symphony. lovers, fi lmgoers, science fi ction fans Tickets range from $35 to $55 and and anyone looking for an exciting and can be purchased at www.ticketmaster. Kaw Valley unique concert experience. com, charge by phone at 1-800-745- CineConcerts Co-Founder and Pro- 3000 or at the TPAC box offi ce, open ducer Brady Beaubien said, “When Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. SeniorMonthly Have Kaw Valley Senior Monthly delivered right to A list of our current distribution locations is available online at your home. Just www.seniormonthly.net/locations.pdf $ 50 If you know of a spot that is not on our list, but would be a 8 good place for others to pick up Senior Monthly, email Kevin for 12 issues! at [email protected]. If we begin distributing at that Name: ______location, we'll give you a FREE one-year subscription to Senior Monthly. Address: ______City: ______State: ____ Zip: ______Kaw Valley Mail this completed form along with $8.50* to: SeniorMonthly Groenhagen Advertising, L.L.C. 2612 Cranley St. Lawrence, KS 66046 * Please make out check or money order to “Groenhagen Advertising.” 26 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY BUSINESS CARD DIRECTORY We Improve People's Lives Home Health, Skilled Nursing, Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Private Duty Care

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That’s like getting one month for free. 28 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY GROEN ZONE The ordeal of change By Kevin Groenhagen Next Left (1986) • “We thought it irresponsible not to ust before the 2008 presiden- go for revolutionary/radical/fundamen- Jtial election, Barack Obama tal transformation in North America.” stood before an audience and boldly - Weather Underground leader Bernar- declared, “We are fi ve days away from dine Dohrn, Sing a Battle Song: The fundamentally transforming the United Revolutionary Poetry, Statements, and States of America.” Communiqués of the Weather Under- Consider the words “fundamen- ground (2006) tally transforming.” “Fundamental” • “If you want fundamental change, is defi ned as “forming a necessary tie your fate to the most oppressed.” base or core; of central importance.” - Weather Underground leaders Bill “Transformation” is defi ned as “a thor- Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Race cause? Obviously, others would work is blameless for the hyper-partisanship ough or dramatic change in form or Course Against White Supremacy to obstruct that transformation. of the last seven years. That’s hogwash. appearance.” In other words, Obama (2009) In a February column in the Law- Obama is a disciple of Saul Alinsky, was essentially calling for a thorough Decades before these radicals rence Journal-World, Leonard Pitts Jr. so he is certainly aware that working to or dramatic change of the necessary expressed their desire for fundamen- wrote about what he called Republican fundamentally transform America was base or core of America. tal transformation, Eric Hoffer wrote obstructionism: “It’s grating to hear going to cause a great deal of discord. I believe Obama may have gotten the following in a chapter entitled Obama act as if the GOP’s unrelent- “Change means movement,” Alinsky carried away with himself and let those “The Desire for Change” in The True ing campaign of obstructionism and wrote in Rules for Radicals (1971). words slip out. After all, no moderate Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of insult were the moral equivalent of “Movement means friction. Only in a would express a desire to fundamen- Mass Movements (1951): “Those who some African-American grandmother frictionless vacuum of a nonexistent tally transform this country. However, would transform a nation or the world or young white progressive who were world can movement or change occur a left-wing radical would. Consider the cannot do so by breeding and captain- proud to cast their ballots for the fi rst without that abrasive friction of con- following: ing discontent or by demonstrating the black president. Moreover, his attempt fl ict.” • “As socialists of the Democratic reasonableness and desirability of the to shoulder blame for the hyper-parti- When movement is in the direction Left, we stand for fundamental change, intended changes or by coercing people sanship of the last seven years suggests that most Americans do not want to for socialism, and for every immedi- into a new way of life. They must know a fundamental misreading of the change go, as is the case with Obamacare, the ate gain which can be achieved by the how to kindle and fan an extravagant he represents and the fear it kindles in Iran nuclear deal, executive orders on largely non-socialist mass movements hope. It matters not whether it be hope some of those whose prerogatives that gun control, accepting more Syrian in which we loyally and enthusiasti- of a heavenly kingdom, of heaven on change will upend.” refugees, closing Guantánamo Bay, cally participate: unions, minority and earth, of plunder and untold riches, of According to Pitts, GOP obstruction- and other issues, the friction will women’s organizations, the student fabulous achievement of world domin- ism has everything to do with Obama’s be even greater. That friction—and movement, the liberal wing of the ion.” race and nothing to do with Obama’s resulting obstructionism—would be Democratic Party among them. We do Hoffer wrote about “hope and desire to fundamentally transform there regardless of the president’s skin not compartmentalize the two aspects change” more than a half century America. Obama, as a victim of racism, color. of our commitment, segregating vision before Obama used those words to and practical politics from one another. attract millions to his “movement.” It is precisely because we are socialists However, while some express a Don’t Know Much About that we feel we have a unique contri- desire for change, others strongly resist bution to make to the democratic Left, it. As Hoffer noted in The Ordeal of Lawrence’s History? showing how increments of change Change (1963), “It is my impression that no one really likes the new. We must be turned toward structural Read Richard Cordley's A History of transformation of the society itself.” are afraid of it. It is not only as Dos- Lawrence, Kansas: From the First Settlement - Founding statement of the Demo- toyevsky put it that ‘taking a new step, cratic Socialist Organizing Committee uttering a new word is what people to the Close of the Rebellion (1895) (1973) fear the most.’ Even in slight things the • “When [the crisis] is resolved, experience of the new is rarely without Now available at America—and the world—will have some stirring of foreboding.” The Watkins Community Museum of History been more fundamentally transformed If even slight things can cause some 1047 Massachusetts Street s Lawrence s 785-841-4109 than they were fi fty years ago.” - stirring of foreboding, what would Michael Harrington, the late chair of someone working to fundamentally Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.–4 p.m.; Democratic Socialists of America, The transform the United States of America Thursday, 10 a.m.–8 p.m.; Closed Sunday, Monday and Holidays KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016• 29 Smart cellphone security tips for seniors (BPT) - Seniors are one of the fi ve place of lowercase letters to strengthen ing data on the device takes up a lot of to personalize the appearance of your groups most at-risk for identity theft, your passwords. If you’re not sure how memory and can slow it down. device. Another option is to purchase according to a report from U.S. News to create a strong password, Micro- • Be cautious about what apps you a protection plan or warranty for your & World Report. Because your cell- soft offers a helpful free online guide. download to your phone. Carefully phone through the manufacturer or phone or smartphone likely contains If you’re having trouble remembering review the terms and conditions and your wireless provider. personal information about you that passwords, try downloading an app that privacy disclosures of any app you’re may include your name, home address, securely manages all your passwords. considering—before you download it. phone number and fi nancial account • Use your phone’s built-in security Some apps may collect data about you INSERTS! information, a lost, stolen or hacked features, such as a lock screen, pass- and share it with the app developer or phone can be a treasure trove for crimi- word protection and data encryption. others. Kaw Valley Senior nals. Many smartphones give you a variety • Don’t forget to add your cellphone Consumer Cellular, which special- of ways to secure your phone, such as number to the National Do Not Call Monthly can insert izes in no-contract cellphone service using your fi ngerprint, entering a PIN Registry (www.donotcall.gov) so that and phones primarily for people 50 and or swiping a pattern on the lock screen. you don’t receive unwanted solicitation your circulars or older, offers some advice for securing A lock and/or encryption ensures that calls. Consider blocking your phone flyers for as little as your cellphone: if your phone is lost or stolen, whoever number to further protect your privacy; • Always use strong passwords. has it won’t be able to easily access some businesses you call may collect, $50 per 1,000.* You may be tempted to use one pass- data stored on the phone. store and share your phone number and word for all your accounts because • Back-up your phone’s data, espe- information unless you block it. Call 785-841-9417 it’s easier to remember one rather cially if you use it to capture photos and • Accidents happen, and smart- for more information. than multiple. However, if your login videos. If your phone gets damaged, phones can be costly to repair or information is compromised, a single lost or stolen, you can easily restore replace. An inexpensive way to pro- *10% discount when you password makes it easier for crooks to the data onto another eligible device. tect your phone against drops or spills do 6,000 inserts. gain access to all your accounts. Use In addition, backing-up data can help is using a case. It’s also a great way numbers, symbols and capital letters in your phone run more effi ciently. Stor-

FEDERAL, STATE AND ELECTRONIC FILING TAXES ONLY $99 ΎWĞƌƐŽŶĂůŝŶĐŽŵĞƚĂdžŽŶůLJ͘KīĞƌĨŽƌĂŐĞƐϱϱΘŽǀĞƌ͘ KīĞƌĞdžƉŝƌĞƐƉƌŝůϭƐƚ͕ϮϬϭϲ ĂůůƵƐƚŽĚĂLJĂƚŽŶĞŽĨŽƵƌd,ZůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐ͊ Topeka Lawrence Lenexa 785.232.6923 785.838.4380 913.764.1127 30 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY Council issues request for senior program funding Shawnee County Advocacy Council Beginning March 7, the SPE grant copy be sent via email to mthomas@ nity. This is accomplished through the on Aging has issued a Request for Pro- application form will be available crcnet.org. development of community-wide ini- posal (RFP) dated March 7 for appli- in electronic form at Community Original grant applications (no copies tiatives that avoid duplication of ser- cants wanting to receive Senior Social Resources Council- http://crcnet.org/ necessary), are due on or before April vices, maximize available resources, Service Program Funding. These funds shawnee-county-advocacy-council-on- 8 to Community Resources Council at implement community plans designed are intended to underwrite programs aging . A hard copy form may be made the address stated above no later than to meet a specifi c outcome, and moni- for the elderly exclusively by Senior available at Community Resources 4 p.m. tor progress. CRC’s mission is to con- Programs for the Elderly (SPE) funded Council, Avondale East NET Center, The Community Resources Council nect the resources in our community agencies to increase the quantity and 455 SE Golf Park Blvd., Topeka, KS links with other collaborative groups to through Collaboration, Advocacy, the quality of life for senior adults in 66605 or by requesting an electronic address specifi c needs in the commu- Research and Education. Shawnee County, Kansas. The Shaw- nee County Advocacy Council on Aging hopes to award level funding for the 2017 grant year. Proposals will be judged on a competitive basis and grant awards will be for the 2017 fi scal year.

WORDS OF WISDOM “Take our politicians: they’re a bunch of yo-yos. The presidency Is there someone special in your life who needs extra care? A Home Plus is now a cross between a popu- Adult Care Home is an alternative solution to a nursing home environment. larity contest and a high school debate, with an encyclopedia of 7EPROVIDEANINTIMATEFAMILYSETTINGANDMOREh!TTENTIVEvATTENTION clichés the fi rst prize.” 2ESIDENTSCANCHOOSETHEIRMEALSANDHAVEFAMILYRECIPESPREPAREDFOR - Saul Bellow THEM)TSEASIERFORTHEFAMILIESTOBEINVOLVED7EPROVIDEAHOME SETTINGWITHGROUPANDINDIVIDUALACTIVITIESAVAILABLE You can bring your own personal belongings, including furniture, to make it feel more like home. Gentle & Comfortable Care s Cosmetic Dentistry s Services Include: Teeth Whitening s 0ERSONALIZED#ARE s s 0RIVATE3EMI PRIVATEBEDROOMS s (OUR#AREBY#ERTIFIED3TAFF Insurance Processed We provide: Long-term Residency, Respite Service, s $AILYSUPERVISIONBY2.AND,0. s Day Care, Hospice Services Welcomed, s -EDICATION!SSISTANCE New Patients & Dementia Care, Diabetic Care Emergencies Welcomed s &RESHHOME COOKEDMEALSSERVED We’re conveniently located at ATAFAMILYTABLE SW 27th St. Big s 3OCIALINTERACTIONANDACTIVITIES 2832 SW Mulvane St. in Topeka! Shunga Park Topeka s &IRESPRINKLERANDDOORSECURITY Country s 0ERSONAL,AUNDRY3ERVICE Club SW MacVicar Ave. SW MacVicar

OPENING SOON! Ave. SW Washburn s ,ICENSEDANDINSPECTEDBYTHE Winter Meadow SW Mulvane St. +ANSAS$EPARTMENTON!GING Homes II. SW 29th St. s -EDICAIDPAYMENTSACCEPTED (785) 842-0705 At our Home Plus in Topeka, Kansas, you can continue to live in a familiar homelike setting while you receive 24 530 FOLKS RD s LAWRENCE hour a day supportive nursing care. Contact Ben or Darlene for a tour at 785-234-2989, 785-383-4531 or www.pkvdds.com [email protected]. Visit our website at www.wintermeadowhomesinc.com for more information. KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 31 a picnic lunch at Roskilde station and Danish history at the castle, I’m ready RICK STEVES’ EUROPE munching it onboard). Back in Copen- to return to modern times. I hop on a hagen, I jump on the next train to the 6 p.m. train and am back in Copen- cute town of Hilleroed and from there, hagen by dinnertime, having seen the Cathedrals, Vikings, and Castles: A a bus to Frederiksborg Castle. highlights of Zealand in one busy but The grandest castle in Scandina- thrilling day. perfect day trip from Copenhagen via, Frederiksborg is often called the - Rick Steves (www.ricksteves.com) “Danish Versailles.” Built in the early writes European travel guidebooks By Rick Steves of architectural styles, from the rather 1600s, Frederiksborg was the castle of and hosts travel shows on public tele- Tribune Content Agency austere tomb of Christian IV (ironically, King Christian IV. From the entrance vision and public radio. Email him at one of Denmark’s least austere mon- of the castle complex, it’s an appropri- [email protected] and follow his hile I love urban thrills, it’s archs), to the grand Neoclassical tomb ately regal approach to the king’s resi- blog on Facebook. of Frederik V (with mourning maidens Wworthwhile to get outside the dence. I can almost hear the clopping © 2016 Rick Steves city limits. Venturing 30 to 60 minutes in ancient Greek gowns), to the brick of royal hooves on the cobbled lane as Distributed By Tribune Content Agency, LLC. from most European cities rewards chapel outside housing the remains of I walk over the moat. you with great sights (Versailles near Denmark’s last king, Frederik IX, an Inside is the grandest royal chapel in Paris), unique settings (Andechs Mon- avid sailor who requested to be buried Europe. For 200 years the coronation astery near Munich), and small towns with a view of the harbor. Each king or place of Danish kings, the chapel is where you can feel the pulse of a place queen commissioned a tomb that suited still used for royal weddings. The castle and its people (Haarlem near Amster- his or her time—so different, yet all so also houses an exhaustive but fascinat- dam). grand. ing museum collection spanning three In Copenhagen, my favorite day trip The next stop on the blitz is the fl oors. The museum juxtaposes por- is easy, convenient, and hits a trio of Viking Ship Museum, a 10-minute traits, paintings of historical events, fur- sights that are different from anything stroll from the cathedral. “Vik” literally niture, and other objects, including the you’ll see in Denmark’s capital: an means “shallow inlet,” and “vik-ings” fi rst Bible translated into Danish and a imposing 12th-century cathedral, a were the people who lived along those golden globe illustrating Copernicus’ collection of Viking ships, and a castle inlets. Roskilde—and this museum— bold new theory—that the sun, not the fl oating on an island. This “Zealand are strategically located along one such earth, was the center of our world. Blitz”—a packed day linked by public inlet. After exploring fi ve centuries of transportation—gives travelers the Centuries before Europe’s Age of highlights of Zealand (the island on Exploration, Viking sailors navigated which Copenhagen resides). their sleek, sturdy ships as far away as The fi rst stop is Roskilde, 30 minutes the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Eastern Kansas’ Premier west of Copenhagen. This pleasant Persian Gulf, and the Americas. This town was the seat of the bishop and the museum displays fi ve different Viking Provider of Low-Cost residence of Danish royalty until 1450. ships, all deliberately sunk a thousand In its day, it was the second biggest years ago to block an easy channel into city in the country. Today it’s famous this harbor, then excavated in modern Cremations and Services for hosting northern Europe’s largest times. The vessels represent an impres- music festival. sive range of shipbuilding technology, Hopping on the train by 8 a.m. puts from a big, sail-powered ocean-going me in Roskilde at 8:30 a.m., and allows trade ship (like the one Leif Eriksson me to be at the cathedral when it opens took to America 1,000 years ago), to at 9 a.m. a 100-foot-long, 60-oar longship, to Roskilde’s cathedral is Denmark’s a fi shing vessel used for whaling and “Westminster Abbey.” It houses the hunting seals. tombs of 39 Danish kings and queens The museum also has replica Viking in a modern-looking church with great ships bobbing in the harbor, a boatyard $100 OFF Cremation marble work, paintings, wood carv- where modern craftsmen re-create mil- ings, and an engaged congregation that lennium-old ships using original meth- pre-arranged & pre-paid makes the place feel very alive—par- ods and materials, and traditional craft ticularly in largely unchurched Scandi- shops like a basket maker and wood navia. carver, sometimes staffed by workers Regular price $895 Completed in 1280, Roskilde Cathe- doing demonstrations. dral was cleared of its side chapels and The fi nal stop for the day is altars by the Reformation iconoclasts - Frederiksborg Castle, which sits like a *OHNSON$Rs3HAWNEE-ISSION leaving a blank slate for Danish royals fairy tale on an island in the middle of a to fi ll with their tombs. The highlight lake, 50 minutes north of Copenhagen. 913.384.5566 is strolling through a half-millennium To get there from Roskilde, I hop a 1 WWW#REMATION#ENTER+#COM of royal chapels, representing a range p.m. train back to Copenhagen (buying 32 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY One day while he sat there sprin- his youthful dreams. HUMOR kling salt on his French fries, Hanger After nearly two decades of traveling saw something more beautiful than his the world, Hanger and Merry decided beloved airplane—a girl who took his to put down roots in the Midwest. The breath away. He felt like he had when two boys, Paul and Tommy, are attor- Meet Hanger Duggins he fi rst laid eyes on the bi-wing air- neys and are following in the footsteps plane years before. Hanger wanted to of their mother. They are partners in anger Duggins’ love of agricul- worked in the fi elds and watched for learn everything he could about the girl a family law practice in New York. Htural aircraft started one March Jenny to come buzzing through the sky. with the emerald eyes and fi ery curls Nowadays, Merry e-mails advice to her day when he spied a JN-4 Jenny glid- Every time he saw her, the urge to fl y who walked toward him carrying two sons, and she volunteers as a guardian ing low over “Ol’ Man” Connolly’s like the superheroes he had read about suitcases. ad-Litem. She always has a kind word potato fi eld. Hanger had a spare nickel as a kid swept over him. He read books He approached, fi ghting to keep his and a smile in the courtroom for kids (a rare occurrence) and was walk- about fl ying, and went to all the picture voice light, “Hello, miss. Let me help who need it. ing into town to buy a soda when he shows that had planes in them. you with those bags?” And “Old Man” Duggins, as he spotted the airplane. Craning his neck, John, the bi-plane pilot, whom Merry, an attorney with a large is now affectionately known, is the Hanger watched as a faded red bi- Hanger met when he was fueling his New York law fi rm, said later that she supervising mechanic at the Letonga- plane, regaled him with stories of thought that the young man was quite loosa Regional Airport. He oversees a fl ying Stearmans as a U.S. Army pilot. handsome. He was also courteous. She crew of young whippersnappers and As time went on John showed Hanger accepted his offer, and they walked out regales them with tales of his travels how to work on an ol’ girl like Jenny. of the terminal together. as a young Airman. And even though Hanger was a pretty decent airplane That encounter turned into a year’s he may be old, Hanger is learning to mechanic by the time he graduated high worth of dates. Countless bouquets fl y an ol’ Ag-Cat he affectionately school. Then he joined the Air Force and of fl owers from Hanger led, eventu- calls “Jenny.” On weekends he soars spent the next 30 years at various Air ally, to wedding vows and to two sons, through the air like the comic book plane swooped low to spray fertilizer Force Bases repairing fi rst piston-driven Paul and Tommy. Air Force mechanic characters he loved so much as a kid. on a fi eld of soybeans. He knew then aircraft, then jets. One of his favorite Hanger Duggins and his family were - Larry Day, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., is a that he wanted to be a real-life super- stations was Mitchel AFB in New York. stationed in Canada, England, the Neth- former foreign correspondent, newspa- hero and learn to fl y. On his days off, he’d go to LaGuardia erlands, and many bases in the United per reporter and journalism professor. After that day, when Hanger walked to relax, eat a burger at the airport diner, States. For Hanger it was the life of the He has written humorous fi ction— into town, he always watched the skies and watch the planes come in. caped-crusaders and heroic aviators of sometimes intentionally—all his life. for crop-dusters. Gawking up at the sky one afternoon, Hanger didn’t notice an old man approach. The man pulled off his hat and wiped sweat from his brow. “Watcha lookin’ at son?” Startled, Hanger looked down. “I was hopin’ to see the ol’ Jenny, is all.” “Those crop duster planes only come around once a year,” the man said. “My name’s Bruce Connolly. I own this farm.” “Hanger. Hanger Duggins.” “Hanger, huh? Nice to meet ya. Live round here? “Up the way. Out neart the Haskinses.” “Come fall we could use a hand har- vestin’ these spuds.” Hanger spent the next fi ve summers planting and digging with “Ol’ Man” Connolly and his crew. Every year he

Please recycle this copy of Kaw Valley Senior Monthly when you are through with it. KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016• 33 By the way, DePorter and I are con- comments from readers. Although he PET WORLD ducting a study that can help describe can’t answer all of them individually, what cats are feeling before and after he’ll answer those of general interest veterinary visits. You can participate in his column Send e-mail to PET- For owners of multiple cats, by fi lling out a brief survey just before [email protected]. Include your cat’s next routine visit. For a your name, city and state. Steve’s web- survey, email [email protected]. site is www.stevedalepetworld.com; he social skills are important Q: Our 3-year-old Doberman has a also hosts the nationally syndicated Q: How do I best get our cats “However, you’ll defi nitely also gas problem. We’ve tried several pet “Steve Dale’s Pet World” and “The to accept one another? We have a require a behavior protocol, and per- foods; nothing has helped. Do you have Pet Minute.” He’s also a contributing 16-year-old named Tyler. Two years haps if the situation is as bad as it any suggestions? - J. J., Cyberspace editor to USA Weekend. ago, 6-year-old Kallie showed up. It sounds, anti-anxiety medication,” says A: Begin with a clothespin, that’s for © 2016 Tribune Content Agency, Inc. took awhile, but they get along fi ne. DePorter. “But you also need a profes- your nose. After about a year, we heard about sional to assess that.” Your next step is Chicago veterinarian Dr. Sheldon a kitten left in a house to starve, so we to again separate Holly from the other Rubin says ruling out parasites with a rescued her, and named her Holly. She two cats, and many weeks from now stool sample might be an easy way to slowly introduce them. begin. And a general veterinary exam DePorter makes a point of saying, with blood work is suggested as well. “Never punish or startle any of the Rubin also wants to know if table cats—that will only make them more snacks may play a role in what’s hap- Steve anxious. So no squirting water bottles. pening. Dale Instead, when that stare (to another cat Rubin says, “If you rule out parasites, occurs), take a toy (with feathers, for often excessive gas is related to diges- example) and re-direct the cats. With tive issues—perhaps the type of grain play, you change the emotional state. in the food. Talk with your veterinar- was brought back to life from the brink Of course, this may be easier said than ian about choosing a food with a novel of death, but we now call this sweetie done without help.” protein source and limited or a single ‘the monster.’ She constantly attacks Here are some additional tips from carbohydrate.” the other two cats. We tried Feliway DePorter to ease social tension: - Steve Dale welcomes questions/ plug-in diffusers. We’ve tried to sepa- • Space. Provide enough real estate rate them. If they’re together, Holly for each cat to enjoy preferred resting, constantly chases them and it’s not a playing, and eating activities while happy household. still avoiding stressful encounters with My husband wants to give her up, housemate cats. but after seven months, I can’t. Do you • Distribute important resources. have any ideas? - D. P., Las Vegas Each cat should have easy access to A: Good for you for saving Holly’s food, resting areas, scratching posts, life. You should feel good about yourself, toys and litter boxes without encoun- and understand none of what’s happen- tering an unfriendly cat. ing now is your fault. Or anyone’s fault. • Don’t force cats to interact. Each Part of the problem may be that Holly, time the cats experience an aggressive who was apparently abandoned by her encounter, they are learning to fi ght mom, never learned cat social skills. next time. Veterinary behaviorist Dr. Theresa • Guide cats to move away from an DePorter of Oakland, Mich., says your aggressive or tense encounter. Encour- situation is not hopeless. Your best bet age either cat to move away by using a at this point may be to bring in a vet- sweet, gentle tone of voice. You may erinary behaviorist or a certifi ed cat coax using food, treats, or toys, or tuna behavior consultant. or sardines. There’s a new Feliway pheromone • Be realistic. Some cats are not product specifi cally designed for cats going to be best pals no matter what you not getting along with one another, do, but you do want them to be tolerant called Feliway Multi Cat. Another idea of one another. After all, living with may be Solliquin, a nutritional suppli- the stress you describe isn’t healthy for ant, which can help to ease anxiety. people or pets. www.seniormonthly.net 34 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY sion forms. Season to taste with salt crosswise into thin slices. WOLFGANG PUCK’S KITCHEN and pepper. Set aside. Put a one of the largest lettuce leaves Separate the butter lettuce leaves. on each serving plate, facing upward Rinse them well under cold running like a cup. Drizzle with a little vinai- You won’t believe how easy it is water, and then pat them thoroughly grette. Add a few blue cheese crum- dry with a clean kitchen towel or paper bles, herbs and celery leaves. Top to make this restaurant favorite towels. Select 20 to 24 leaves total, with another lettuce leaf, more dress- reserving the rest for another use. ing, some tomato slices and avocado t always surprises me how many fl avor to the dressing, and cherry toma- With a sharp, sturdy knife, cut the pieces. Continue layering like this, Ichefs love to talk about “secret” rec- toes promise touches of sweetness and avocado in half lengthwise. Grasp the balancing the leaves so the stack stays ipes that they won’t divulge to anyone, beautiful color whatever the season. avocado between your hands and twist upright, until all ingredients have been no matter how polite or pleading the Finally, there’s the presentation. the halves in opposite directions to used, reserving a few crumbles of y request might be. Why? Because, to Rather than just tossing the salad, I separate them. To remove the pit, use a cheese, tomato and avocado pieces, tell you the truth, there aren’t really love to stack the ingredients on each tablespoon to scoop it out. With a large and fresh herbs to garnish each plate. p that many top secrets in the world of plate in a beautiful little tower. It takes spoon, scoop out the fl esh whole from Serve the salads immediately. restaurants. just a few minutes to do, but produces the skin of each half. Cut the fl esh of © 2016 Wolfgang Puck Worldwide, Inc. an edible work of art that really wows each half lengthwise in half again, then Distributed By Tribune Content Agency, LLC. everyone. After all, we eat with our eyes before food ever reaches our Wolfgang mouths. And that’s no secret!

Puck CUT RESTAURANT BUTTER 1 BR 2 BR LETTUCE AND BLUE CHEESE starts at starts at SALAD $325 $350 Most experienced chefs can look Serves 4 at and taste a dish in a restaurant and fi gure out pretty easily how to repro- HONEY-DIJON VINAIGRETTE: -Senior Living Offering the Best of Both Worlds- 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh tarragon, duce it after a little trial and error. A Peaceful Country-like setting, At Rates That Can't Be Beat! chopped And very few chefs would ever dream (Ask about our medical expense credits & rental assistance program!) of “stealing” someone else’s recipe, 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar We rent to Seniors and Disabled Persons. because part of any good cook’s sig- 2 to 4 teaspoons honey nature style is all the personal twists 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard Call (785) 594-6996 for more info.

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil EQUAL HOUSING Baldwin City that add up to make a particular dish OPPORTUNITY 2UFKDUG/DQH‡ uniquely his or hers. Add to that simple Kosher salt cooking talent - culinary skills, a good Freshly ground black pepper sense of taste and beautiful ways of presenting food - combined with great SALAD: service, and a restaurant succeeds with- 1 1/2 to 2 heads butter lettuce, sepa- RestaurantRestaurant GuideGuide out necessarily having any top secrets. rated, rinsed well and dried, 20 to 24 That’s why I have no hesitation leaves total in sharing my own “secrets” for Cut 1 ripe Hass-style avocado Chic-A-Dee 4 ounces blue cheese, crumbled restaurant’s butter lettuce and blue Casual Dining, Private Parties CAFÉ cheese salad. This beautiful salad has Fresh dill, separated into small sprigs "Good Home Cooked Food" Over 70 years of serving fine food Fresh chervil, separated into small Mon.-Fri. 6 am-8 pm, Saturday 7 am-8 pm become one of the most popular fi rst courses at Cut. Why? The combina- sprigs 'AGE#ENTER$Rs 4OPEKAs   3%THs 4OPEKAs   tion of ingredients is just right: tender Fresh tarragon, separated into indi- Serving Topeka Since 1969 0IZZA 3ANDWICHES leaves, creamy crumbles of rich and vidual leaves 0ASTA 3ALADS Fresh chives, cut into 1- to 2-inch Open 7 Days A Week tangy cheese, sweet cherry tomatoes, 6:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Family Dining a touch of creamy avocado, fragrant (2.5- to 5-cm) pieces 1034 S. Kansas Ave. Carryout fresh herbs and a light, spicy dressing. Organic celery, small leaves only, 785-232-1111 %&RONT3Ts 0ERRYs   It’s also a perfect beginning to a meal stalks reserved for another use featuring a robust main course, though 20 cherry tomatoes, cut in half 9RWHG%HVW%%4 I know many guests who also enjoy it before a lighter seafood course. First, make the Honey-Dijon Vin- LQ/DZUHQFH Of course, the quality of ingredients aigrette. In a mixing bowl, whisk University Daily Kansan 2227 S. Princeton St. 912 S. Chestnut Top Of The Hill 2011 is important. I especially like to use a together the chopped tarragon, vinegar, Ottawa, KS 66067 Olathe, KS 66061 great blue cheese such as those from honey and mustard. Season to taste 785-242-7757 913-390-9905 :WK6W‡/DZUHQFH‡ Maytag Dairy Farms or Point Reyes, with salt and pepper. While whisking Seniors dine out an average of 4-5 times per week! If you would like to or imported Roquefort or Stilton. continuously, drizzle in the oil, con- add your restaurant to the Senior Monthly Restaurant Guide, please Sherry vinegar adds just the right tangy tinuing until a thick and creamy emul- call Kevin at 785-841-9417 for details. KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 35 She asked Rusty what kind of sand- dinner. MEMORIES ARE FOREVER wich Jimmy had traded him. • • • “Fat and white it was.” Russell “Rusty” Kenneth Baum was Each month I will write about a memory “Wie geht’s, Rusty?” She questioned that. Fat and white? my maternal grandfather. He lived of a person’s life and I hope you will “I got something to show you, Mutti.” Could it be cheese? beyond those fi rst days of school to enjoy it. For information you need to “Sehr gut. But fi rst come in and Rusty took his mother’s arm and work in the Kansas City stockyards— submit your own memories, please visit have milk and cookies. Ich habe pfef- helped her from the rocking chair. Tug- with a shovel, for two dollars a day— my blog at fernuesse.” ging on her hand, during the Great www.MemoriesAreForever.net “Maybe you should speak English he led her into the Depression. Rusty I would love to hear from you. If you more, Mutti,” he said, his eyes down- kitchen. was a hard worker. wish to include a nostalgic picture of cast. “There, Mutti, Eventually he yourself, please send it as an attach- “Why? Why you say that?” over the stove— established his ment to your submission email. (The “Read this note.” what you make pie own packing plant, photo below is me as a two-year-old Louisa noticed a note pinned to the crust with.” SaHaBa Meats, sitting on the steps of my home in Chi- fi ve-year-old’s jacket. “Gott in whose slogan was cago.) - Tom Mach “Ich werde. But only after you have Himmel,” Louisa Eat the Meat that glass of milk and cookies.” exclaimed, laps- Meets the Taste. She removed the note, poured his ing into her native All his life he milk, and told him to choose a handful speech. “Lard?” practiced the gen- Tom of her spice cookies. She sat heavily on erosity he learned “Now I vill see note,” she said after a straight-backed from his parents, Mach she planted herself in a rocking chair. wooden chair and whose own par- It was from his teacher. “Dear Mr. and pulled her son ents were the fi rst Mrs. Baum,” she read, “We do not close. In a mixture German Christian speak German in the classroom. It is of German and Jews to settle in not fair to the other children. Please English, they dis- the Westport area A Matter speak only English when Russell is cussed the matter of Kansas City, home.” of lunch—for Missouri. Gram- Louisa nodded in agreement. “Er Rusty and Jimmy. Rusty (center) with brothers pa’s generosity of Taste sollte Englisch in der Schule spre- “From now on, Les (l) & Glenn (r) included spon- chen.” She then directed her attention I will give you soring children’s By Michelle Langenberg to her son. “Yes, your teacher is right. two sandwiches. One for you, one for surgical operations at the Shriner’s We need to speak English everywhere. your friend. And we’ll save the lard for Hospital in Minneapolis, and sending n a bright September morning in We live in America, and we speak Eng- pastry, ja?” me home with a cooler full of meat O1912, Rusty Baum waved good- lish here.” “Yes, mama. Teacher tell us to say when I was an unemployed college bye to his mama and set off for his fi rst “My teacher say I do good in school.” ‘yes.’” graduate. The harshest thing Grampa day of school. Paper lunch bag in hand, “I so happy you do good.” “Ja, ja, I will say yes.” Louisa ever said to me was, “Never let me he skipped along the sidewalk until he Rusty hugged her and ran outside laughed and began to set the table for hear that you’ve gone hungry again.” reached the large double doors of Allen to climb the cottonwood in the back- Elementary in Kansas City’s Westport yard. area. It was a tall, two-story brick Each morning that week passed building, and Rusty felt intimidated by much like the fi rst: Rusty would leave it. But once inside, he found nothing with his lunch and race to school. On but friendly faces. Friday, Louisa packed thick slices of Louisa, Rusty’s mother, had plenty leftover roast beef on her homemade to do while her son was gone. Her bread and, as any proud cook might do, chores included baking her own bread she asked her son later that afternoon if and rolls every day but Sunday; wash- he enjoyed it. ing, wringing, and hanging wet laun- “I didn’t eat it,” he replied. dry and then starching and ironing. “Was ist das? What did you do with Like Senior Monthly on Every workday Louisa also prepared it?” sack lunches, and a sit-down dinner “I traded with Jimmy,” Rusty said. for family and boarders seven days a “Jimmy’s mama makes gut sand- Facebook week. Yet still she had time to wonder wiches, Mutti. You will make some how Rusty’s fi rst day went. like his? Bitte?” (facebook.com/seniormonthly) Rusty was excited as he returned Louisa knew that Jimmy’s family home from school. “Mutti, Mutti,” he was struggling to keep a roof over their and be eligible for monthly called out in perfect German as he ran heads. What could they provide that up the driveway. was better than her own sauerbraten? prize drawings. 36 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY playing a club into the “wheelhouse.” - Bob Jones welcomes readers’ GOREN ON BRIDGE Well played! responses sent to Tribune Content * South’s play of the spade three Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., toward dummy’s queen, giving West Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. E-mail no winning choice, is known as the responses may be sent to tcaeditors@ Use the fork, Luke! Morton’s Fork Coup. tribune.com. © 2016 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. With Bob Jones After some thought, South realized Tribune Content Agency that the ace of hearts wasn’t wasted at all, he just had to be careful about Both vulnerable. South deals. choosing what to discard on it. He ruffed the opening heart lead in dummy, NORTH saving the ace for later. Next came a ♠-Q 8 6 trump to his jack, drawing trumps, and -Void he followed with a low spade toward -K Q 8 7 6 4 the dummy. Had West risen with his .-8 7 3 2 ace, declarer would have had a discard WEST EAST for his club loser, so West played low, ♠-A J 9 2 ♠-10 7 5 4 dummy’s queen winning. This was fol- -K Q 10 8 -J 7 6 4 3 2 lowed by a club to the ace, then the -3 -2 ace of hearts, discarding a spade from .-Q 9 5 4 .-10 6 dummy, and a heart ruff. That left this SOUTH position: ♠-K 3 -A 9 5 NORTH -A J 10 9 5 ♠-8 .-A K J -Void -K Q 8 The bidding: .-8 7 3 SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST WEST EAST 1 Dbl 5 Pass ♠-A J 9 ♠-10 7 5 6 Pass Pass Pass -Q -J 7 6 -Void -Void Opening lead: King of  .-Q 9 5 .-10 SOUTH The ace of hearts seemed wasted, but ♠-K the contract was sound, needing only -Void to fi nd the queen of clubs. However, -A 10 9 5 the auction and lead made it almost .-K J certain that West held the king-queen of hearts and the ace of spades, and South now exited with a spade to the quite likely the queen of clubs as well. king and West’s ace. West had an ugly What to do? choice between yielding a ruff-sluff or

Come see what has changed! Tour the newly renovated Tanglewood Nursing and Rehabilitation! 785-338-2979 5015 SW 28th St. Topeka, Kansas 66614 Tanglewoodnursingandrehabilitation.com KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY April 2016 • 37 Down PUZZLES & GAMES 1 Tiny 2 Urban, e.g. 3 Boorish Sacha Baron Cohen persona dialect 4 Style Across 40 Fifth-grader’s 1 Modern location code 5 1993 rap hit milestone, maybe 6 Low-quality paper 10 Vertical sides 41 One may involve a 15 Ability to stand? 7 Home of Phillips homonym University 16 “What I always get” 42 Like the Negev 17 Baby, for one 8 Full of spunk 43 Range for some power 9 Instagrammed item 18 Ward cry? measurements 19 “Bless __ ...”: Psalm 68 10 __ bug 46 “The Spanish Tragedy” 11 Pac-12 sch. whose 20 “Shadow of the dramatist Vampire” Oscar mascot carries a 47 Behan’s land pitchfork nominee 48 Robot extension? 22 Mr. __!: old detective 12 “Swingin’ Soiree” DJ 49 Chinese dynasty during 13 It doesn’t include game Caesar’s time 23 Churchill’s “so few”: benefi ts 51 Little 14 About to crash? Abbr. 52 “__ yourself!” 25 Chess tactic 21 About 1.8 tablespoons, 54 1946 Literature vis-à-vis a cup 26 [Oh, my!] Nobelist 27 Reagan era mil. 24 “Double Indemnity” 58 Nice parting genre program 60 Baklava fl avoring 39 TV input letters 55 Hullabaloo 30 “Die Hard” cry adapted 26 Basic ideas 62 One removed from the 27 Despicable sort 41 1980s “SNL” regular 56 Text status from an old cowboy company? 44 Sacred beetle 57 Most massive known song 28 Australian wind 63 Cocktail portmanteau 29 Willing consequence? 45 Name derived from the dwarf planet 33 Trap catchings 64 Start using Twitter, say Tetragrammaton 59 Fair-hiring initials 35 Wager 31 Step on stage 65 Victoria’s Secret 32 Grasp 50 “Far out!” 61 2012 British Open 36 Get comfy purchase 52 Cheat, in slang winner 37 “The Hangover” star 34 Jackson Hole’s county 53 Notice © 2016 Tribune Content Agency, Inc. 39 Is worth something, in 38 Court call

Answers to all puzzles on page 38 SUDOKU: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. www.seniormonthly.net 38 • April 2016 KAW VALLEY SENIOR MONTHLY CROSSWORD SOLUTION

The Spring 2016 issue of Amazing Aging!, the Jayhawk Area Agency of Aging, Inc.’s newsletter, will be included as a pull-out section in the May issue of Kaw Valley Senior Monthly, which is distributed throughout the Topeka and Lawrence area. JAAA advocates on aging issues, builds community partnerships and implements SUDOKU SOLUTION programs within Shawnee, Jefferson, and Douglas counties to help seniors live independent and dignified lives. When you advertise your services and/or products in Amazing Aging! you help JAAA fulfill its mission and reach thousands of seniors in Shawnee, Jefferson, and Douglas counties. Advertising Deadline is April 15. Call Kevin at 785-841-9417 today for more information. INSERT YOUR FLYERS IN SENIOR MONTHLY FOR AS LITTLE AS $275.00!*

JUMBLE ANSWERS Printing on gloss text paper for Jumbles: ARBOR OWING NEWEST DREDGE incredibly low rates. Options Answer: Why the exotic dancer quit include 8.5" x 5.5" or 8.5" x 11", her job -- IT WAS A “GRIND” © 2016 Tribune Content Agency, Inc. and insertion in copies of Senior Monthly delivered in Topeka and/or Lawrence. Contact Kevin Please recycle at 785-841-9417 or this copy of [email protected] Kaw Valley Kaw Valley Senior Monthly for more information. when you are SeniorMonthly *Includes flyer design and printing! through with it. YOUR LIFE. YOUR STYLE. YOUR HOME. COME LIVE WHERE THE PRICE IS RIGHT Call us for our great move-in specials!

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