Iranian Library and Information Science Association’s Broadcast Incorporate with and Archive of I.R.

Bimonthly June-August 2020 Volume 3 Issues 15&16

Dr. Mitra Samiei, Faculty Member of Allameh librarians and administrators. Scice 2015 tion and Dissemination of Written Heritage, try. In the Sixth Congress, it is intended to Tabatabai University, Board member of LIS De- to 2019, five congresses have been held Digital Heritage” on November 5-6, 2017. address the issue of “digital transformation”, th partment, and Scientific Secretary of the 6 An- to discuss and exchange views on librar- - The 4th Congress of Information Science so our main slogan in the Sixth Congress is nual Congress of Information Science Experts | ians’ and information activists’ experience, Experts with the main slogan of “Academic “We and the Digital Transformation”. Digi- The Annual Congress of Iranian Information whose main slogan and dates are as follows: Education, Human Resource Empowerment, tal transformation means recreating an en- Science Experts is held in November by the -The First Professional tity to succeed in the digital age, or in other Iranian Library and Information Science As- Congress of Dynamics” words, building an entity at the level of the sociation in order to establish scientific and Information on November digital age. This entity can be a country, a professional ties between information sci- Science Ex- 17-18, 2018. community, a government, an economy, ence researchers and librarians. This year, perts with the -The 5th Con- an industry, an organization, a library, an due to the coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic main slogan gress of Infor- archive, a museum, or even an individual. outbreak, the Sixth Congress of Information of “Informa- mation Science Digital transformation in libraries, ar- Science Experts will be held as a semi-pres- tion and So- Experts with chives and museums means preparing ence (semi-virtual) meeting in May 2021. ciety: Library the main slo- them for success in the digital age. Digital The Congress of Information Science Ex- Services, Ar- gan of “We transformation requires everyone to work perts is held in order to 1) reflect the scien- chives and and the Fu- together to build a new and better version tific progress in our field and discuss and Museums ture: Emerging of library, archive and museum, so that exchange views on its status, 2) discuss for National Developments they understand the logic of this age and and exchange views on the problems com- Develop- in Informa- can survive and then grow. Although this munity of librarians, students and graduates ment” on October 29-30, 2015. tion Sciences, Libraries and Ar- is a fundamental change centered on digi- face with, 3) reflect the librarians’ practi- - The Second Congress of Information Sci- chives” on November 20-21, 2019 tal technologies, digital transformation is cal achievements in libraries and informa- ence Experts with the main slogan of “the Fortunately, the Congress of Information more a social, human, and cultural issue tion centers, 4) get acquainted with the Right to open Access to Information in Citi- Science Experts, like the IFLA Congress, than a technological one. Digital transfor- general issues of libraries and information zenship rights” on November 6-7, 2016. has become part of our professional identity mation has such a broader and more com- services of the country, 5) hold a consulta- - The third congress of information science nationally and a platform for all members of prehensive look at information technology tion between researchers, teachers, students, Experts with the main slogan “Preserva- the professional community across the coun- that it affects the ... [continued to Page 4]

Greece & Iran in Iranian Stonebooks & The Library Publishing Coalition UNESCO’s MOW Manuscripts in NLAI

On July 13, 2020, Zamani Advisor to Director The LPC is an independent, com- of North Texas, and Virginia Tech regard- “In the past, to reproduce books, scribes of the NLAI, in a meeting with Nik-khah Qomi, munity-led membership association. ing the need for a community dedicated to copied from books and then calligraphed and Iran’s new cultural advisor in Greece, said, “So Its purpose is to support an evolving, advancing the field of library publishing. engraved a calligraphy on the stone, and it far, more than 50 written works in the field of distributed range of library publishing Academic libraries and the researchers and was embossed, inked and finally printed on documentary heritage have been nationally reg- practices and to further the interests of li- organizations they support are facing a new paper.” Ojabi, Director General of Manu- istered; More than ten works in the world have braries involved in publishing activities. paradigm in scholarly publishing. The web, scripts and Rare Books of NLAI Said, He been registered worldwide; several important About the Strategic Plan. This strategic information and social media technologies, added that there is a complete stone book works have been jointly and regionally regis- plan was created by the Library Publish- and the open source and open access move- bank in this organization. Some libraries, tered in the UNESCO’s Memory of the World ing Coalition Board based on community ments are changing the framework in which such as the Marashi Najafi Library or the Program; under such circumstances, if there are input from the 2016 and 2017 member- scholarship is created, collected, organized, Astan Quds Razavi Library, specialize in fo- valuable Persian manuscripts in Greece, it may ship meetings, a SWOT (Strengths, and disseminated. Yet, as shown by the cusing on religious books. Still, the NLAI, be jointly registered in the UNESCO’s MOW” Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) highly regarded Strategies for Success proj- the Majlis, or the University of librar- The meeting focused on developing science, Analysis, and an environmental scan. ect (funded by IMLS and led by Purdue Uni- ies possess a wide variety of manuscripts. knowledge, culture, and the expansion of library It also benefited from the contributions of versity, the University of Utah, and Georgia The book “Single Spice” consists of five vol- activities based on a joint effort to deepen equal a group of LPC community members who Tech), library-based publishing groups lack umes. It includes the knowledge of medicine cooperation in the Library and archival fields. volunteered to support this work by serving a central space where they can meet, work and pharmacology of centuries ago, which be- Zamani said that Greece is the cradle of thought on Board sub- together, share longs to the Andalusian physician and phar- in the modern world and the West; it could be committees, re- information, macologist named Ibn Samagūn, who had expected that there might be works in Shiism viewing drafts, and confront collected all the ideas of his previous and con- and Islam in that country. He continued that pre- and providing common issues. temporary physicians with a critical approach. viously, there had been a memorandum of un- input on the in- The Strate- The prominent biologist Sezgin identi- derstanding for cooperation between Iran and progress plan. gies for Success fied the second to fifth volumes of this im- Greece, which already expired. However, they The plan will project laid a mortal work of pharmacology and published tried to extend this memorandum as the histori- be used by the strong founda- it as a facsimile, stating in the abstract cal documents in Greece are of particular impor- Board to di- tion for further that the first volume had not been found. tance; the documents include correspondence, rect LPC’s re- action. The vi- Fortunately, the General Directorate of travelogues, commercial, political, and cultural sources (human sion outlined Manuscripts and Rare Books of the NLAI contracts. “we are dealing with the Coronavirus and financial) toward activities that will in that proposal was vetted by representa- found and purchased the first volume of this pandemic; it would be possible for exhibitions have the biggest impact on the organization tives from 18 major libraries and consortia book, which belongs to the 6th lunar century. of joint Iranian-Greek documents to be virtually and the larger community of library pub- in July 2012 before being released to pro- In the end, Ojabi spoke about the held with the cooperation of the two countries.” lishers, and it will be used by the standing spective participants in August 2012. More purchase of several prominent cop- Zamani said. He added NLAI is one of the top na- committees to focus their work on high-pri- than 50 academic libraries formally joined ies in this organization, which are: tional libraries in the world. Given the widespread ority areas. Specifically, action items in the the project team before the project kicked • Al-Amali manuscript of Al-Shaykh al- outbreak of Coronavirus, we are trying to provide plan will be mapped onto projects and ac- off in January 2013. Over the next eighteen Saduq with the calligraphy by Ibn Sakūn services to Iranians worldwide, as its motto is tivities to be undertaken by the organization. months, participants worked to produce the along with the printed books of the library of National Library is at every Iranian’s Home. Nik- Between January 2013 and December LPC’s first deliverables, including the Li- the late Abbas Qomi (in the field of religion); khah Qomi also welcomed the NLAI’s coopera- 2014, 61 academic libraries, in collabora- brary Publishing Directory and the inaugural • A small octagonal Qur’an with a di- tion to sign a memorandum of collaboration with tion with the Educopia Institute, founded Library Publishing Forum. At the request of ameter of 3/2 written in 784 AH; the NLG and said that those valuable resources the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC). the community, on July 1, 2014 the LPC for- • The second old Divan of Hafez and Kulliyat could be provided to our compatriots through the The project emerged from conversations mally launched as an ongoing membership e Saadi (written in 989 AH); a complete version application with the cooperation of the NLAI. between Purdue University, the University organization, six months ahead of schedule. of Shahnameh related to the early Safavid era . Page 2 June-August 2020 Volume 3 Issues 15&16

E-meetings in NLAI: Netherlands, Britannia, Lebanon, Bulgaria & Indonesia On June 9, 2020, Broujerdi had a video NLAI in this regard are good ideas. She the NLAI, Broujerdi said, “One of the tion of Persian manuscripts in Britain. conference with Knibbeler, President continued it was needed to mention that important tasks of this organization is He said that cataloging the Persian man- of the Royal Library of the Netherlands the National Library of the Netherlands to catalog all manuscripts in Persian. uscripts by the NLAI was admirable all (National Library of the Netherlands). had digitized 100 million books, docu- In the last two years, the major part over the world. They would also welcome Referring to the outbreak of Covid-19 ments, and magazines, and in coordination of this project has been completed. to benefit from the Iranian experience. disease and the closure of the “IFLA with publishers, these resources had been The NLAI is also carrying out the cata- To confirm Mengoni, Keating said that 2020” World Congress, Broujerdi de- digitally uploaded to the library website loging of Iraqi manuscripts, and in the they were interested in using the National clared, “The closure of the IFLA World and had become available to the public. next stage, it is the cataloging manuscripts Library of Iran experiences in catalog- Congress did not prevent us from ex- At the end of her speech, the head of in the Islamic world.” Expressing his sat- ing manuscript, and they would like Ira- changing views and transferring expe- the National Library of the Netherlands isfaction with the NLAI’s activities in the nians to share their experiences. He also riences. To this end, the NLAI seeks to emphasized the necessity of holding on- field of digitization and cataloging manu- pointed out another point was that the line meetings on librarianship with ex- measures of NLAI were very encourag- perts and specialists due to the closure of ing. Especially since Iranians were trans- the annual IFLA Congress and continued ferring the rich history of Iran to their they would welcome the implementation children, and the British Library would of these meetings and attendance there. not hesitate to cooperate with NLAI in information exchange and digitization. On June 9, 2020, Broujerdi, Presi- dent of the NLAI, in an online meeting On June 6, 2020, Broujerdi, in an with Roland Keating, Chief Executive online talk with Saad, Executive Di- of the British Library, and Mengoni, rector of the Lebanon National Li- Head of Asian and African Collections, brary, while explaining the library and establish online meetings and discus- held by the library, described the tech- scripts, Keating declared that in the days of documentation fields’ activities, an- sions with Library and information sci- nical cooperation and the exchange ex- Corona, the role of books and the interest nounced the readiness to exchange ex- ence professionals around the world.” perience, joint programs, especially in in reading books became more prominent periences and cooperation between the Broujerdi pointed to the NLAI’s in- the field of digitalization of resources; among the people, and that was why the national libraries of the two countries. creasing focus on children’s resources and discussed the exchange of Per- sense of responsibility of libraries to pro- Broujerdi, at the beginning of the video and continued that this organiza- sian resources in the British Library. vide information increased. He added that call, said, “In the current situation in tion had digitized 23,000 children’s Broujerdi noted that during the Corona- the British Library was also closed during the world, the NLAI activities have not books in the quarantine days during virus, the NLAI services were provided the Corona outbreak, but they planned to stopped, and online access to the list of the coronavirus outbreak. Moreover, digitally. Besides providing services to open its doors to visitors the next month. books, documents, papers, dissertations, the digital availability of 700-year-old scholars, authors, and students, informa- In the continuation of this online exquisite books, newspapers, and jour- documents and 1,000-year-old books tion about the Coronavirus in the social, conversation, Mengoni also referred nals is possible for all researchers, both had also been of essential measures. economic, and medical fields was docu- to the 40 million sheets of the docu- inside and outside.” The organization was Knibbeler also stated that digitization mented. Explaining about the statistics ment that was available through the established in 1922 under the auspices of of works was a necessity of the present of digitized children’s books, disserta- British Library website and to ex- the Lebanese Ministry of National Edu- age and that the actions had taken by the tions, photos, and non-book sources by plain about cataloging and digitiza- cation and is currently run by the Min-

istry of Culture, said Saad, referring to output was published and made avail- document for the future.” Suggesting the Aleksandrova said that the National the Lebanese National Library’s history. able in the National Library. And she share of Coronavirus related information Library of Bulgaria’s focus in the cur- She added that the Lebanon National added that she was delighted to benefit between the National Libraries of Iran and rent situation was on online activities. Library was responsible for inheriting from the experiences of the National Bulgaria, the head of the NLAI pointed to In this regard, they would welcome the Lebanese thought, which includes all Library of Iran in the field of e-book holding online discussions with experts. suggestions and initiatives by the NLAI writings, including books, magazines, exchange. At the end of the meeting, He added, “National libraries can share to communicate online with the heads manuscripts, and so on. “Unfortunately, Broujerdi stated that it was possible to their experiences in all areas, such as li- of national libraries of other countries. many valuable books and valuable librar- present and transfer the experiences brary management during Coronavirus ies in Lebanon were destroyed, burnt, of the NLAI to the Lebanon Library. days and prevention methods, as well as On June 10, Broujerdi had a video and looted during the civil war between She added NLAI, with more than 80 information in special meetings and com- conference with Syarif, Director of Muslims and Christian Arabs,” he said. years of history and activity in this field, mittees.” Welcoming the Bulgarian Li- the National Library of Indonesia. In “Also, some other problems stopped has gained a lot of assets over the years, brary experiences, Broujerdi suggested this meeting, Broujerdi mentioned, libraries’ services or minimized their and we have the necessary preparations setting up joint exhibitions in books and “We expected to meet you in Iran, but progress. However, the development of to transfer these experiences, includ- documents, providing educational services due to the outbreak of Covid-19, we ing the restoration of manuscripts and postpone this meeting to the future.” the exchange of digital books, etc.” Broujerdi also noted that the NLAI could have more interactions and dis- On June 1, Broujerdi had an online cussions about documents and books video conference with Aleksandrova, Di- with the National Library of Indonesia. rector of the SS. Cyril and Methodius, “Because Indonesia is the largest coun- National Library of Bulgaria. Broujerdi try in the Islamic world, and its people stated that the Coronavirus outbreak adhere to the principles of Islam, and had influenced the activities of the we can more easily reach an agreement NLAI and all libraries around the world. on the use of resources written in the the Lebanon National Library has al- She added, “In Iran, due to the im- in the area of document maintenance and past by Muslim thinkers.” Referring to ways been one of our long-term goals.” portance of ensuring the health of staff, exchange of information. and said, “The the draft of the memorandum between Referring to the National Library of patrons and members of the National NLAI declares its readiness to advance the National Archives and the Library Lebanon resources, Saad said the col- Library, some measures were taken to this important issue, as we strive to provide of Iran and Indonesian Library, Brou- lection of that library included books, provide telecommuting conditions for more and qualified services to academics.” jerdi pointed out, “This online conversa- newspapers, magazines, manuscripts, a large number of the staff. Also, a sig- Aleksandrova referred to the measures tion has been a good opportunity for us cultural documents, encyclopedias, and nificant portion of the resources was carried out by the National Library of to focus on the memorandum and get it the remaining microfilms. Magazines digitally made available to research- Bulgaria in the context of the outbreak signed by the parties.” Broujerdi stated that belong to a century ago, as well ers, academics, and the public. Fortu- of the Coronavirus. In addition to the that, in the NLAI, many documents have as many old books, were available, but nately, the NLAI has provided a variety preventive measures, the information been digitized and placed on the site. the number of old magazines was more, of services to applicants during this obtained about this virus will be pub- She added that digital resources such which in the future program would period, including books, documents, lished through the website of this library, as children’s books, manuscripts, disser- be open to clients for their online use. dissertations, etc. and accordingly, and we are ready to share this informa- tations, documents, and newly published Referring to Lebanon’s printing prob- more resources were digitized.” tion with the National Library of Iran. books were made available to clients. lems, she said book publication in Leb- Referring to the formation of a commit- He emphasized, “After reopen- Broujerdi then said that to reach a com- anon was still in print, and electronic tee to collect information and documents ing and resuming servicing, the quar- mon ground between Iranian and Indo- book publication was not typical yet. related to the Coronavirus, Broujerdi de- antine of books is of such special nesian thinkers, there were a significant But since universities in Lebanon were clared, “The information will be monitored importance to us that books will be ster- number of opportunities in cyberspace connected to the National Library, the after being collected and finally kept as a ilized and quarantined for 72 hours.” to have a conver- ... [continued to Page 3] Page 3 June-August 2020 Volume 3 Issues 15&16

History of Editing in Iran (Part2) sidered the position of this book in terms of of Persian books in the Indian subcontinent 1950s, ie about 70 years ago. In fact, the dif- linguistic values to be equal to Ferdowsi’s in the Safavid era, which require a great deal ference between these two dates is a century. Shahnameh. According to the narrations, of time to study and introduce, and I hope After the establishment of the Dar-al-Tar- more than 20 Arab and Persian scholars that young editors will make an effort to jumah, Dar-al-Teba’e, and Dar-al-Fonun in collaborated in translating this work, and a identify and introduce all the old works in the Nasiri era (1263-1313 AH / approximately panel of translation experts carefully con- which the types of editing had been applied. from the middle to the end of the 19th century fronted the original text. The result of their The time of Mohammad Shah Qajar AD), a large number of books, about 1,000 work is a brilliant Transoxianian Persian text (1250-1263 AH / the middle of the books and pamphlets, were translated into Abdolhossein Azarang [Writer and researcher; that may be considered as the first and most 19th century AD) is important in Persian from several languages. As a result, Member of the Great Islamic Encyclopedia] serious edited work in post-Islamist Iran. terms of the history of editing in Iran . the number of writers, whose job was editing […Continued from previous issue] Thus, it Dastour-e-Dabiri is a work from the 6th Prior to this era, printing technology had the texts grammatically, linguistically, and is clear that in those times, the method we now century AH about secretaryship and its cus- arrived in Iran through the efforts of Abbas sometimes rewriting them, increased in the call “editing” was well known, although they toms and conditions, with educational use. Mirza Qajar and his colleagues, and pub- same institutions. The most prominent was did not have a naming system, nor did they This work contains tips on calligraphy, lishing had been formed based on that tech- Mirza Mohammad Hossein Foroughi, Mo- establish or perpetuate a tradition in this field. grammar, font size, line spacing, and word nology. During the reign of Mohammad hammad Ali Foroughi’s father, under whose Another example is the Legend of One spelling. There are other sources in the Shah, the first Persian-language newspaper supervision editing activities were carried Thousand and One Nights, whose stories field of secretaryship in which you can also was published, and a few people, entitled out at the Naseri Translation Office, where have Indian, Iranian, Greek, Mesopotamian, find points in the field of technical editing. “Writer”, or “Secretary” or “Corrector”, took he supervised the translators and secretaries. and Egyptian origins and were translated Mojmel-al-Hekma, a work probably from on the duties of that newspaper, which we Among prominent figures in the non- from Middle Persian into Arabic. In transfer- the 7th century AH, is a selection of Rasael- now call “linguistic editing” and “grammar governmental sector and among Qajar dissi- ring stories from one cultural environment to e-Ekhvan-al-Safa. Rasael-e-Ekhvan-al-Safa editing”. In the Qajar era, the activity that we dents, Mirza Aga Khan Kermani and Sheikh another, what that is now called cultural ad- itself is a kind of encyclopedia. The edit- now call “editing” was called “correction”, Ahmad Rouhi Kermani, who edited each aptation was put into action. In the phenom- ing instructions used in Mojmel-al-Hekma “composition” and “writing”. The person other’s works, can be named; They even ed- enon of cultural adaptation, a type of editing are as follows: selecting, summarizing, we call “newspaper editor” today was called ited Mirza Habib Isfahani’s translations and is used, which is also called rewriting, that redundancy, deficiency, and annotating. the “newsprint secretary.” News and reports writings, the translator of Haji Baba Isfahani. is, writing again, taking into account the ef- So-called today, several editing variables were published in the newspaper with his cor- A few years before the Constitutional Revo- fective variables of the cultural environment. were masterfully applied in this work. rections, changes and sometimes rewriting. lution, a number of Qajar modernists and After Islam, according to the avail- In the Mongol and Timurid eras, because of At the same time, one or two foreigners who dissidents established a publishing house in able evidence, in Iran, the translation of the extent of the empire and court correspon- did not know Persian well, but were fluent Tehran called the Book Printing Company, Qur’an into Persian began at the end of dence in several languages, editing transla- in the source language, translated the works with public investment and with the aim of the first century and the at beginning of tion was common. There is also a work from into Persian, and writers and correctors re- publishing useful books for the evolving so- the second century AH. With the refer- the Safavid era called Monshat-e-Soleimani wrote their literal translations. If we are to set ciety of that day. Mohammad Ali Foroughi ence to the remaining translations, it is in which the first attempt to discipline callig- a starting point for the new editing in Iran, and Mohammad Qazvini (later Allameh), at clear that the most accurate type of editing raphy is seen. According to Dastour-e-Dabiri the period of Mohammad Shah Qajar can be a young age, read samples (printed correc- translation was applied in some of them. and this work, it can be said that attributing defined as the beginning of the editing of the tion) and did linguistic and grammatical edit- Here I will mention only one more ex- calligraphy to the new period of Iranian his- translation of foreign sources into Persian, ing at that institute. These two people should ample: the translation of Tabari’s commen- tory is a mistake, an error caused by the an- that is, more than 170 years ago, which is in also be considered as the pioneers of the tary, which belongs to the middle of the 4th cient and past heritages remaining unknown. contrast with some sources in which the be- new edition in Iran, in its modern meaning. century AH. A number of scholars have con- Some types of editing were used in a number ginning of editing translation in Iran is in the [To be continue…]

E-meetings in NLAI ILISA & The Tragic Explosion in Beirut

[continued from Page 2] ... sation with each also had other supplies that provided pa- Khosravi, president of the Iranian Li- age to libraries. The spaces that libraries can other, and the NLAI was ready to make trons information to the National Library brary and Information Science Association provide and Lebanon’s cultural heritage, the necessary preparations in this regard. of Indonesia, which kept them in touch (ILISA), in a letter to Abdallah, president and the city of Beirut that they safeguard Referring to the outbreak of the Corona- with the National Library of Indonesia. of the Lebanese Library Association (LLA), will play an essential role in restoring the virus and the closure of the IFLA World Regarding the number of libraries expressed his regret and sympathy for the city’s spirit. Together, these have an im- Congress, Broujerdi called on the Na- in Indonesia, Syarif said that the Na- tragic explosion damaged valuable collec- portant role in bringing communities back tional Library of Indonesia to participate tional Library of Indonesia was in con- tions, libraries, and librarians. He declared together, rebuilding and re-establishing in the talks, like the NLAI, which seeks tact with more than 1,500 libraries the ILISA’s support, solidity, and readiness normal life in these most difficult times. to hold online meetings and discussions and had 10 million digital resources. for any possible help in restoring the dam- The ILISA expresses its immensely sym- with LIS professionals around the world. He added that there were also aged libraries. The text of the letter and the pathy and presents readiness for any help The head of the National Library of many libraries at the provincial level, response of Fawz Abdallah are as follows. and cooperation in rebuilt Beirut libraries. which were located in 33 provinces; Fariborz Khosravi moreover, they had extensive con- President of the Iranian Library and Infor- nections with the country’s universi- mation Science Association (ILISA) ties and 10,000 specialized libraries. Asked by Broujerdi about the num- Dear Fariborz Khosravi ber of Islamic and manuscript sources President of the Iranian Library and in Indonesia, Syarif replied that the Na- Information Association tional Library of Indonesia also pos- First, allow me to thank you for your kind sesses Arabic sources, Arabic and words. Persian manuscripts, and sources on Your support is greatly appreciated be- developments in the Middle East. cause numerous libraries and archives Indonesia also expressed hope at the Broujerdi welcomed the exchange of Dear Fawz Abdallah, with heritage collections were damaged beginning of the meeting that a visit to such information in the form of the mem- President of the Lebanese Library and their collections in danger. We have Iran would be possible soon. “We have orandum mentioned above. “Is there a Association (LLA) asked each institution to prepare its Needs invited Iran’s embassy in Indonesia place in the National Library of Indone- Our thoughts are with the people of Beirut Assessment Report to identify the needs. to facilitate our cooperation with the sia where we can introduce Iranian cul- and with Lebanese communities the world over. The Lebanese Library Association (LLA) National Library of Iran, and we are ture?” In response, Syarif said that over We stand in solidarity with our Lebanese librar- is currently working with Blue Shield pleased to complete the preparations of the years, many countries had requested ians as the long road towards recovery begins. Lebanon on a Damage Assessment Re- the memorandum with you,” said Syarif. to have a coroner in the National Li- Amongst the vast extent of destruction port. Another assessment related to the About the management of the Na- brary of Indonesia, which was provided caused by the explosions, Iranian Library collection will also be carried out soon. tional Library of Indonesia, Syarif re- to them, and Iran could have this request and Information Association (ILISA) is Once we have all the necessary data, clined that they had wholly closed so that they would make it possible. aware of libraries that have suffered various we will launch our call of donations and access to physical resources, and they In the end, the head of the National levels of damage throughout the city. These assistance. We will reach out to all our only provided digital resources to cli- Library of Indonesia, referring to the include the National Library of Lebanon, as generous colleagues and supporters. ents. Anyone who wanted to access re- good relations between Indonesia and well as multiple branches of the Beirut Mu- I have copied Ms. Randa Chidiac, LLA Vice sources through the site could access Iran, expressed hope that cultural discus- nicipal Library system. This is in addition to President because she is coordinating with thousands of resources while searching. sions between the two libraries would the damage being recorded at other cultural the national and international institutions. He continued that they had a page of continue and that the Iranian Embassy institutions, museums, and heritage sites. Thank you kindly. the collections to provide information in Indonesia would facilitate the con- However, in the wake of this disaster, Respectfully, about the Coronavirus to the audience. He nection between the two organizations. there is also an urgent need to assess dam- Fawz Abdallah, LLA President Page 4 June-August 2020 Volume 3 Issues 15&16

International Webinar on Agricultural KM in Iran Cultural Counselor of Iran in NLB

The international webinar on knowledge ternational event showed that about 70% of The Cultural Counselor of the Embassy project was research on manuscripts in management in Iran’s agricultural sector, the participants had a professional doctoral of the Islamic Republic of Iran, visited the the National Library of Belarus, in which entitled Capacity Building in the Develop- degree, 25% had a master’s degree, and 5% National Library of the Republic of Belarus since it had begun 20 years ago with the ment of Knowledge Management in Iran’s had a bachelor’s degree in various fields of (NLB) and met Susha, Deputy Director support of the National Library of Belarus, Agricultural Sector, in collaboration with agricultural and related sciences. Partici- of the NLB. Mokhtarian said, “Last year, a range of activities had been carried out the Office of Scientific Communication and pants were from all provinces of the coun- following the book reading week, which including translation of some parts of the International Cooperation (ARIA), Agri- try and 12 Asian and European countries was held in cooperation of the NLB man- manuscripts, linguistic analysis of the man- cultural Research, Education and Extension such as India, Malaysia, Singapore, Tai- agement with the Embassy of the Islamic uscripts, archeology of the manuscripts, Organization (AREEO) and The Asia-Pa- wan, Philippines, Lebanon, Bangladesh, In- Republic of Iran, a complete collection of literary review of the manuscripts, and cific Association of Agricultural Research donesia, Cambodia, Austria, and the United publications in the field of culture and lit- their illustration and preparation for pub- Institutions (APAARI) was held on Mon- Kingdom. In the first international webinar erature of Iran was donated to NLB.” “The lication in the collection of Islamic books. day, August 17, 2020, from 11:30 to 13:30 on knowledge management, AmirHosseini, views and philosophy of Avicenna have Moreover, the writing style, the type of ink in current local time in Iran – Tehran. Given Faculty member of Agricultural Research, had a profound and direct impact on Fran- used in the manuscripts, the paper’s qual- the travel restrictions due to the epidemic Education and Extension Organization, cysk Skaryna, a philosopher, author, re- ity, and other details had been addressed. of COVID-19 and social distancing, the analyzed internal and external factors in searcher, and father of printing in Belarus,” NLB is the biggest library in the Re- capacities to develop knowledge manage- developing the conceptual model of Agri- Susha said, referring to the book “Articles public of Belarus.This library is located ment systems in cultural Knowl- of the Confer- in Minsk, the the agricultural edge Sharing ence in Honor capital of Be- sector of Iran Network of Iran of Avicenna “ larus. It houses were studied among stake- among the do- the largest col- through a series holders and nated books. lection of Be- of international planners in the Referring to the larusian printed webinars with agricultural sec- available re- materials. the cooperation tor. The foun- search books, The National of the AREEO. dations and dissertation, and Library of Be- The audiences infrastructures works in the larus is the of this webinar of the formation field of Oriental main informa- were special- of the Agricul- Studies, Iranian tion and cul- ists, experts, tural Innovation Studies, Islamic tural centre of faculty mem- System based on Studies, and the country. Its bers, students, agricultural promoters, and the foundations of knowledge management Persian Language and Literature in the Na- depository collections include about 10 other specialists interested in knowledge in agriculture were examined by Spisia- tional Library of Belarus, Susha declared million items of various media. In 1993 enhancement and interlocution about suc- kova (APAARI). Finally, the successful ex- that there are a total of 1000 books in this the National Library of Belarus started to cessful processes, models, and tools of perience of development in the Agricultural field, some of which are manuscripts be- create its own electronic information re- organizational knowledge management Innovation System based on the knowl- longing to the 14th to 18th AD in Persian, sources. It has generated a collection of in order to make fundamental changes in edge-based foundations in explaining the Arabic and other languages, including bibliographic, factual graphic, full-text, knowledge management systems in Iran. National Agricultural Research Systems Turkish. About the project of publishing graphic, sound and language databases The statistics on the participants in this in- role in the Philippines was said by Abura. a list of Islamic manuscripts, he said that that comprise more than 2 million records.

The NLAI Director & The Unveiling of 8 Works 6th Information Science iBulletin is Official Periodical of Australian Ambassador in the ECO Region Experts Congress Iranian library and Information Science NLAI director, during her meeting [continued from Page 1] ... Association incorporate with National The second Symposium of Publishing Activ- entire organi- Library and Archive of I.R.Iran. with the Australian Ambassador to Iran, ists in the ECO Region was held on July 15 at zation and its functions. Information tech- on July 27 emphasized the cooperation ECO’s international conference hall. In this nology is part of the digital transformation ISSN 2588-6827 between the NLAI and the National Li- meeting, which was dedicated to the introduc- umbrella that causes changes in the strate- [email protected] brary of Australia (NLA). Referring to tion of Kheradgan Publications and the unveil- gies and functions of libraries, archives iBulletin_info the NLAI’s relationship with different ing of eight published works in the ECO region, and museums with the development of in- countries and the exchange of informa- representatives from the Iran-Tajikistan Friend- formation technology in libraries, archives tion, the NLAI President said that one of ship Association, the Academy of Persian Lan- and museums. In this congress, we intend iBulletin Board Lead Editor: the NLAI’s approaches was to commu- guage and Literature (APLL), the embassies to examine the extent to which libraries, ar- Fariborz Khosravi nicate with foreign countries and create of Tajikistan and Pakistan, and some Central chives, and museums have been on the path exhibition spaces for the supply of books Asian literature and research enthusiasts at- to digital transformation, and what changes Editors: Saleh Zamani | Fatemeh Pazooki and manuscripts with other countries. tended. In this meeting, Asadi (author of “the they have incorporated in their strategies. In manuscript restoration, to prevent winner”), Tehrani (on behalf of the Friendship ILISA was established in 1961. In, 1965 Contributors: damage, they had set up workshops where Association), Gharibi (head of International Re- a group of Iranian librarians restructured Mahsa Torabi (Administrative assistant) Samaneh Jafari (Translator) people from different countries could lations of the Academy), and Shahmirza (Tajik ILISA with the cooperation of two Ameri- Hadiseh Afzalipour participate and learn how to restore the poet and researcher), were the speakers. The can librarians who were teaching at Tehran Abdolhossein Azarang works. Sachs said that the NLA has valu- last speaker of the event was Yousefi (CEO of University. The association activities lasted Mostafa Ahangar able resources and that IFLA President, Kheradgan Publishing), who spoke about the until the revolution and during this period Parinaz Babaei Christine Mackenzie, is also an Australian. publication’s background and goals. The final was a successful forum and meeting place Lia Erfani She hoped they could have a unique desk part of the program was the unveiling of books for librarians and a place for the education Sakineh Ghasempour and library at NLAI in Australian litera- and a photo of the book authors’ memorial and for librarianship in Iran, through holding Hamideh Jafari ture and resources and pave the way for appreciation. Kheradgan Publishing received its courses and preparing educational materi- Ameneh Jamshidzadeh more cultural collaboration. The head of license two years ago, and from the beginning, als. By the revolution of 1978, ILISA was Khadije Negahdari Parisa Pasyar the NLAI said, “The mission of the NLAI it focused on Central Asia. Kheradgan Publish- closed some years. In 1979, a new constitu- Mitra Samiei is to develop culture and create a ground ing received its license two years ago, and from tion was prepared by the association. This Negin Shokrzadeh for recognizing cultures, and libraries are the start, it focused on Central Asia. It has pub- period lasted for two years, and in 1979, Kimia Taghidzadeh inherently involved in the development of lished 14 books during these two years, eight ILISA was dissolved along with all other Designer and webmaster: culture. Therefore, we believe that through of which are dedicated to ECO countries. The institutions. In 1998, a group of librarians Mostafa Ahangar cultural development, cultural diplomacy titles of these books are “Sarmaddeh”, “Alright came together to re-form the association, can be developed, and the basis in na- Dear Alright”, “Earth of Mother”, “Winner”, and after working for two years, the asso- tional libraries should be to create a space “Seyhoun’s Blue Imagination”, “A Voice from ciation was certified by the Ministry of Sci- for dialogue and mutual understanding.” Solitude,” “Abai’s Advice” and “Gray Wolf.” ence. The first meeting was held in 2000. Along with the main branch in Tehran, other branches began to form in provinces. The association has conducted workshops and annual and monthly seminars in its new period of activities after the revolution. ILISA is one of the most active scien- tific association in Iran and during the recent seven years has ranked as the top associations by Iran ministry of science.