Caroline Fourest is a journalist, columnist, filmaker, director and co-founder of the journal ProChoix (feminist, anti-racist and secular) , columnist in Inter and France Culture .

She has written numerous and famous essays on the far right, , multiculturalism and universalism, including "Crossfire : a comparaison between jewish, christian and muslim fundamentalism", "Brother Tariq : the doublespeak , " and " unmasked ".

Most of her books were published in pocket and received awards : National Award as secularism, Political Book Award , the Jean Zay , the Condorcet - Aron Price , the Fetkann Price or Price Adrien Duvand of Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.

She held for five years a chronic " Straight Talk " in the newspaper , taught four years on " Multiculturalism and universalism " at Sciences-Po Paris, talk on Radio France and participate to many public debates.

During the « Cartoon’s affair », she was journalist at who did publish the Danish Cartoons about Mohamed and faced many accusation of « islamophobia » (a word that she contest because it makes a confusion between secularist and feminist critic of religion and racism against muslims). She received threats because of her work on islamism and having signer the Manifesto against new Totalitarianism with and Taslima Nasreen.

She is also famous to be the journalist hated by the racist far right and has been beaten in the street by members of neo-fascit group protesting against Mariage for all, that she defend.

Her last book is a very intimate portray of , the leader of Femen. More than a portray, it is a journal of contemporary fight for feminism, who unit youngs rebells disappointed by Orange Revolution and Arab Spring.