BRECHT and SONGS1 Jeffrey Gilliam2
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BRECHT AND SONGS1 Jeffrey Gilliam2 Abstract Introduction It may come as a surprise that Brecht has One of the most rewarding aspects of this highly developed and original ideas about research has been the discovery of the how music should serve the text in his musical side of Bertolt Brecht's artistic songs. Even more surprising is the personality. Who would have thought, for willingness of those professional example, that the melody from the refrain of composers with whom he collaborated Kurt Weill's "Die Seeraeuber -Jenny" from notably Kurt Weill, Paul Dessau, and' Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Hanns Eisler, to accept Brecht as a Opera) was originally composed by Brecht musical mentor. himself? The present document seeks to show specific ways in which these composers applied Brecht's ideas on song organisation, rhythm, and melodic shape. The study also shows how Dessau and Eisler adopted Brecht's musical aesthetics as the cornerstone of their careers as composers. Weill, however, turned to America for musical inspiration during the Hitler era, and his later songs on Brecht texts no longer follow Brecht's principle. 1 For the purposes of this investigation, "Songs" will refer to those musical settings of Brecht's texts in a popular, cabaret, or commercially successful idiom. The "Kunstlied" settings of Brecht by Eisler in twelve-tone technique, for example, are beyond the scope of this topic. 2 Assoc.. Professor at the University of Michigan and a visiting Professor of Music at faculty of Music, Silpakom ·university, Bangkok, Thailand Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 06:28:17PM via free access Brecht a~d Song_s '-"' 0 l I U nJ ~n Die Seerauber-J enny Uno du Benolt Brecht· Satz: Kurt Schwaen ~~ X: :p. '<' ' I~ X.hif( rnit S<-· t<ln--· - und mit fu11£- --z.i~ K~- X.hj(( mic >cht Sc- t;tln __ und mit fvnf· .; Ka· I I I I ~b-----ri ..,..--, "'''~ I ( ( f I ( ( =r=Fft ~ .. ffff f ff f . ' ~ ·" ., ;.t I · I .. , r.-.. 2 . A~. It '-"'I. -1: 1'1-4-- \ (' ~ I~ n o· n~ .,..j/d . I lie· &~1l ~ ,K>.i. no- ncn __ "'ird be· s<"hic· !len die 5t~dt. A..J ~ I -s~~- .d J k }! v ~ rrrr fff f 1r-1iii lfff11 .,. .._ _>. f-4-\-H...,.Jl · t .... ... ~ ;:ll I I I 53 Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 06:28:17PM via free access MANUSYA: Journal ofHumanities 3.1, 2000 Die Seerauber-J enn.y Und · c-tn Und . d:u K.un: Wci'll Und du Ur ~ it pi--~;;;g;g;:.4~l@=;Jr:®f-==tg:-=w· p Schiff n'llt acht Sc· lcln und mit fUI\{• Xf& X.. .\• no- nc-n ...,.i,.d lie-.. r;c.n un 1<.1i. Schiff "'it ~cht S.C· c,dn und mit fGnf .. z.ib. K &• no- ncn -it'd be- tc-h;.c. cli<C Sud c. Sch;ff rnir &<1u 5<:- s;cln und rnu. fUnf- :z.i-& K3. · no- ncn ..,ircf b.,.. O>.r;· s;cn den ~h.n. The German Lied was in danger of decline Although musically formally untrained, at the beginning of the twentieth century, Brecht's ideas on the structural but Brecht breathed new life into it. He organization of a new kind of song had a chose song forms that had been regarded profound effect on those "professional" as trivial or inappropriate for the Kunstlied composers with whom he worked (art-song) of the concert stage: folk throughout his career: Kurt Weill, Paul ballads, and especially the Moritat. Brecht Dessau, and Hanns Eisler. Brecht broke saw this "New Song" as a vehicle of new ground in song writing in terms of cornm'unication, and as a means of structural organization, rhythmical edification as welL Brecht's New Song had declamation of a text, and even melodic to be easily understood by the audience, contour. and it had to be vocally easy enough for anyone to sing as well. In art song it is always intriguing to compare two musical settings of the same Brecht's musical inspirations came from poetical text. Both Franz Schubert and the marketplace, from the cabaret, and Hugo Wolf set Goethe's "Ganymede" to from post World War I American music. music, and both settings are regarded as He himself took care of all of the music in great masterpieces of the German Lied. It his earliest plays, but then later dictated , is no less interesting when two or more his musical inspirations to musicians more twentieth century composers choose to s~t skilled than himself, especially to Franz S. the same Brecht text to music, and it is Brunier. Eyentually came the collaborations especially interesting when one of the with Kurt Weill, Paul Dessau, and Hanns comp.osers is Brecht himself. Eisler, lasting three, fourteen, and twenty-six years, respectively. 54 Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 06:28:17PM via free access Brecht and Songs In 1952 Brecht had this to say regarding his earliest musical attempts: "Zuerst habe ich Lieder geschrieben, die ich auf der Gitarre meinen Bekannten vorsang, urn ihnen und mir Spass zu machen ." ("At first I wrote down songs which I sang while playing the guitar for my friends in order to provide them and myself a little fun.") The song "Kleines Lied" ("Little Song"), also entitled "Liedlein von der Unschaedlichkeit des Alkohols" ("Little Song about the Harmlessness of Alchohol") was written by Brecht at the age of twenty in 1918.3 3 Brecht Liederbuch, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1984 p. 5 55 Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 06:28:17PM via free access MANUSYA: Journal ofHumanities 3.1, 2000 Kl.eines Lied Bertolt Brech( · Sa(z: Kun Schwaen II ~ f-l=l r r ~ r en ::. n mH 1. 8 ~·:t csn· m>l CIO ),l.l.Jln~ dcr fing dH Trin· I: "''lr c1n- moJ c•n Kind.--- dlS stub vic I z:u cc· sch-o..;nd m•t II U w. - ~ .. ... ~.J- '-'- r-~ r· · · rj~:;f r· r· "P- H'" ·r·-:.;,;c..,. I I -- l II u - ~ r '! r .ocht· · z.chn J::.h- rcn, unA d>r· ~ glllg cr z.u· &Nnd. Er CJ · ncrn Jw· rc, unA d::.r- Ul cin& cs z.u· grund. Nic II " ~ ~ -~ ( . r . ..,.y • r · r r r . r·. ...J.• ....... ::...- · I - 1: Es war einmal ein Mann, 2. Es war einmal ein Kind, 1. Once upon a time there was a man, 2. Once upon a time there was a child der fing das Trinken an das starb viel zu geschwind who began to drink that died much too quickly mit achtzehn Jahren, mit einem Jahre, at age eighteen, at the age of one, und daran ging er z,ugrund. und daran ging es zugrund. And this led to his ruin. And this led to the child's ruin. Er starb mit achtzig Jahr, Nie trank es: das ist klar, He died at eighty, The child never drank: this is clear woran ist sonnenklar.· und starb mit einem J.ahr. Of what is clear as day. And the child died at age one. 56 Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 06:28:17PM via free access Brecht and Songs 3. Daraus erkennt ihr wohl, German composer Paul Dessau first heard 3. From this you all realize very well of the poem "Kleines Lied" in 1964, eight wie harmlos Alkohol. years after Brecht's death, and apparently How harmless alcohol is. he was astonished not to have lmown it. He composed his version in a single dal, The listener is struck by the monotonous, and it has been described as a "moritat-like barrel-organ style accompaniment; by the chanson with ironical bel canto insertions."5 primitive, banal melody; and by the lack of any attempt at variety or sophistication in the harmony. The endless repetitions of the same text - rhythm and the total absence of any contrasting section allow the listener to focus his attention on the words and therefore on the topic of alcoholism. 4 Liederbuch #105, p. 318. 5 Liederbuch, p. 492. 57 Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 06:28:17PM via free access MANUSYA: Journal ofHumanities 3.1, 2000 Kleines Lied Fur Lin Jaldati . Paul Dessau (\ ... r v " .. .. -.r I. E1 ..... 2.f cin~ m•l con lvhnn. dcr fing d:ts Trin· k~c:n ...-u ctn· m:U CIO Kind, cLu JUib ,·jcl l.IJ gc· (l ... ~ ,--f ~ ~ d J J J d_ ..,;- -.I .., ~ ~ ~ ~ · =.. ,.., .., ..... , ~ 2.0 mn acht- • zchn - und Jw· rcn. dar· an ging cr ZU· schwind mit .,,. -n~. m J·h- rc, und d:u-- an &ing Cl zu- _ft • ~ I ~. -. I ~ ~ I ~~ ' ~ u· ( ~ ~ ~ .- I ,---J ~ l __.J ~ ..,; ..r ~ ~ ::::4 ~ ~ Dessau's use of rhythm is especially (English: to go down to death or ingenious in his songs, even in this very destruction) receives the same treatment a simple song. Although the two-four time few bars later. This slight, calculated time signature is nonnally clear and delay causes the listener to pay special straightforward, Dessau's rhytlunical setting attention to these words and syllables. of the text is anything but straightforward. He Their seemingly false metrical placement purposely puts the word . "Trinken" suggests that the song itself may be ("drinking"), the most significant word in a slightly drunk as well. Each verse of song about alcoholism, on the offbeats. "Kleines Lied" concludes with an abrupt The second syllable of the word "zu-grund" and unexpected stop of the piano 58 Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 06:28:17PM via free access Brecht and Songs accompaniment.