BURSLEDON, HAMBLE-LE-RICE & HOUND Thursday 15 December 2005 Case Officer Rachel Illsley

SITE: The Boathouse, Castle, Abbey Hill, , Southampton, SO315FA

Ref. C/05/55416 Received: 20/10/2005 (15/12/2005)

APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Curtis

PROPOSAL: Construction of 1st floor rear balcony





(1) The works to which this Conservation Area Consent relate must be begun within a period of three years beginning with the date on which this consent is granted. Reason: To comply with Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

(2) Details and samples of the proposed materials to be used for the railings and floor area of the balcony must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before development commences. The development must then accord with these approved details. Reason: To ensure that the external appearance of any building is satisfactory.

(3) Details of any areas designated for the storage of building materials must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before development commences. The development must then accord with these approved details. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 building materials must not be stored elsewhere on the site without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that natural features are not damaged.

Note to Applicant: It is considered that, subject to compliance with the conditions and any obligations attached to this permission, the proposed development is acceptable because it will not materially harm the character of the area, the amenity of neighbours or highway safety, and it is in accordance with the policies and proposals of the development plan, as listed below, and after due regard to all other relevant material considerations the local planning authority is of the opinion that permission should be granted.

The following development plan policies are relevant to this decision and the conditions attached to it:

Hampshire County Structure Plan 1996 - 2011 [ E17 ] Borough Local Plan 1997 [ 9.CO, 53.LB, 57.LB ] Eastleigh Borough Local Plan Review 2001-2011 Post Inquiry Modifications [ 9.CO, 171.LB, 176.LB ]


This application has been referred to Committee for determination by Members following a request from Councillors Airey, Millar and Craig.


1. This application seeks Conservation Area Consent for the erection of a first floor balcony across the rear elevation of the existing boathouse.

2. The proposed balcony would effectively wrap around the projecting section of the rear elevation, creating a ‘U’ shaped area of external floorspace at first floor level. The balcony would adjoin the main section of the Boathouse to either side of the projecting rear element, and extend approx 1.8m beyond the rear elevation, overhanging the existing terrace area at the rear of the building. The railings are shown as measuring approximately 1.2 metres in height, with quite a simple design of horizontal and vertical bars.

3. The proposed balcony would replace the existing juliette-style balcony which is attached to the rear elevation of the Boathouse.

4. The Boathouse lies within the setting of Netley Castle, which is a Grade II* listed building, part of which dates back to the time of Henry VIII. The core of the structure is a coastal fort, one of a series built in area, which has been remodeled and added to over time. The Castle is also scheduled as an Ancient Monument.


5. Application C/05/55419, seeking Listed Building consent for the proposed balcony is also on the agenda to be considered at this Local Area Committee meeting.

6. Two previous applications seeking both Listed Building Consent (ref: L/05/54686) & Conservation Area Consent (ref: C/05/54685) for the erection of a first floor rear balcony were withdrawn in September 2005, prior to being determined.

7. Two further applications relating to the Boathouse are also on the agenda for consideration at this Local Area Committee meeting, (ref: C/05/55418 & L/05/55420). These applications seek Conservation Area Consent and Listed Building Consent for the construction of one and two storey side extensions and a first floor balcony. Both applications are amended designs resubmitted following the withdrawal of previous applications in September 2005.


8. English Heritage has raised NO OBJECTION to the proposals, stating that the application should be determined in accordance with national and local policy guidance and on the basis of the Council’s own specialist conservation advice.

9. The Head of Planning Policy & Design raised NO OBJECTION to the principle of the proposed balcony, but requested details of the proposed materials and means of construction for consideration, prior to any consent being issued. These details have now been received.

10. The Head of Countryside & Recreation has raised NO OBJECTION to the proposals.

11. Hound Parish Council has raised NO OBJECTION to the proposals.

12. No letters of representation have been received at the time of writing this report – should any letters be received, Members will updated verbally at Committee.


13. Policy Framework:

14. Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states:- "If regard is to be had to the development plan for the purpose of any determination to be made under the planning Acts the determination must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise."

15. Section 16(2) of the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990 states: "In considering whether to grant Listed Building Consent for any works, the Local Planning Authority … shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses."

16. Where the building is located in a Conservation Area, Section 71(1) of the Act states: “In the exercise, with respect to any buildings or other land in a Conservation Area of any powers (under the Planning Acts), special attention shall be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area.”

PPG15: Planning & the Historic Environment

17. PPG15 outlines the importance that the Government attaches to the protection of the historic environment. Paragraph 4.26 states that local planning are required to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character and appearance of the area in question and this should be a prime consideration in determining a consent application.

The Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 1997

18. Policy 2.CO states that planning permission will not be granted for development which would physically or visually diminish a strategic gap.

19. Policy 9.CO states that extensions to existing dwellings in the countryside will be permitted provided that amongst other criteria, the proposed development would not adversely affect the character and appearance of the locality.

20. Policy 53.LB relates to development within conservation areas and states that development must not detract from the character of the area, and the extent to which the development preserves or enhances the appearance of the conservation area will be taken into account.

The Eastleigh Borough Local Plan Review (2001-2011) – Post Inquiry Modifications

21. Policies 2.CO and 9.CO replicate the guidance outlined in the adopted plan in relation to development within strategic gaps and extensions to dwellings in the countryside.

22. Policy 171.LB lists criteria against which development proposals within conservation areas are assessed and again, requires development to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area and its setting, and requires materials used to be appropriate to and in sympathy with existing buildings and the particular character of the area.

23. Policy 176.LB states that the alteration or extension of a listed building or any development within the curtilage of a listed building, including display of an advertisement, will not be permitted if it would result in a detrimental impact on the building or its setting.


24. The main issues for consideration in determining this application is the impact of the proposed development on the setting of the Grade II* listed building, Netley Castle, and the character and appearance of the surrounding Conservation Area and countryside/strategic gap.

25. The Boathouse is set approximately 58 metres to the south-east of Netley Castle, with an area of open garden between the two buildings, with some areas of planting around the perimeter. The vehicular access to the Boathouse leads off from the drive leading to the Castle, and there are clear physical and visual links between the two buildings.

26. There are a number of large trees to the side of the Boathouse, between it and the Castle, which provide an element of screening, but there are clear views of the side elevation of the Boathouse from the front of the Castle and of course the garden area between the two buildings.

27. The rear elevation of the Boathouse faces onto the foreshore and , with gates opening onto the beach, and is clearly visible from the foreshore area, as is the rear elevation of the Castle. These views make a key contribution to the character and setting to the surrounding conservation area.

28. The proposed balcony would effectively wrap around the projecting section of the rear elevation, creating a ‘U’ shaped area of external floorspace at first floor level. The balcony would adjoin the main section of the Boathouse to either side of the projecting rear element, and extend approx 1.8m beyond the rear elevation, overhanging the existing terrace area at the rear of the building.

29. The railings are shown as measuring approximately 1.2 metres in height, with quite a simple design, with panels of wrought iron vertical bars, with the supporting steelwork to also be painted black. The vertical bars within the balcony design appear to replicate and reinforce the strong vertical emphasis within the existing rear elevation of the building, creating a harmonious relationship between the two elements.

30. The Head of Countryside & Recreation has raised no objection regarding the proposed balcony in relation to the trees surrounding the Boathouse.

31. As noted above, Policies 53.LB and 171.LB of the adopted and review plans state that development will only be permitted within conservation areas if it preserves or enhances the character and appearance of the conservation area and its setting. While the balcony will be visible from the foreshore area and the grounds to the front and side of the Castle, it is considered to be sympathetic in design and scale to the Boathouse, and does not detract from the character or appearance of the building or the surrounding countryside and conservation area setting, nor the setting of the neighbouring listed building.

32. It is noted that English Heritage and the Head of Planning Policy & Design have raised no objections to the proposals.


33. In light of the above comments, it is recommended that conservation area consent be granted.


Gas Recreation Ground Gov




Issues Pond


Abbots Lodge



Netley Castle

P a th

Netley Waterside House

(Hotel for the Disabled)

S h in g le

A b b e y H a ll

P M a e th a n (u H m ig ) h PC W a te r e in Play L e ip P Area Recreation

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