People –

Ways to prepare a set of “Bible People” cards: 1 – Write a set of clues on one side of a file card and the name of the person on the other side. Include the Bible reference where the person is first named as one of the clues. Suggestion: laminate the cards.

2 – Download the ready-to-print pages below. Use 24 lb. or 28 lb., 8-1/2 x 11, paper and print on both sides, starting with page 2 (flip pages on short edge). Cut out the cards. This makes two sets of “Bible People” cards. Suggestion: laminate the cards.

The cards can be used several ways:

1 – A single student can use a stack of cards to sharpen his or her knowledge of who’s who in the Bible. 2 – Play a “Bible People” game. Shuffle the cards and stack them clue side up. Players take turns drawing the top card and reading the clues. The others take turns trying to guess the identity of the person. Players collect the cards they correctly identify. If no one identifies the person, show everyone the answer on the back of the card and return it to the bottom of the pile. The player who collects the most cards wins. 3 – Use both sets of cards. Place the clues from one set face up on a table. Place the name sides of the other set face up. Mix and match. Make this a group activity by having students help each other match the clues with the people. With information on both sides of the cards, the activity is self-correcting. 4 – Randomly spread selected cards name side up on a table. Students work alone or in small groups to arrange the people in biblical order. With references as one of the clues, the activity is self-correcting.

Copyright © 2017 Meriden Christadelphian Ecclesia


Bible People – New Testament

● “He will save his people from their sins”

● “Of his kingdom there will be no end” ● “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me”

● “No prophet is accepted in his hometown” ● Name means “Yahweh is salvation” ● First named in Matthew 1:1

Bible People – New Testament ● “Do not fear to take Mary as your wife”

● Went to Bethlehem to register

● Warned at night: flee to Egypt JOSEPH ● Carpenter of Nazareth

● Name means “Yahweh has added”

● First named in Matthew 1:16

Bible People – New Testament

● Visited by the in Nazareth ● “The virgin shall conceive and bear a son” ● Pondered “all these things” in her heart MARY ● “The mother of my Lord” ● Name means “Rebellion”

● First named in Matthew 1:16


Bible People – New Testament

● “He will save his people from their sins”

● “Of his kingdom there will be no end” ● “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me” JESUS

● “No prophet is accepted in his hometown” ● Name means “Yahweh is salvation” ● First named in Matthew 1:1

Bible People – New Testament ● “Do not fear to take Mary as your wife”

● Went to Bethlehem to register

● Warned at night: flee to Egypt JOSEPH ● Carpenter of Nazareth

● Name means “Yahweh has added”

● First named in Matthew 1:16

Bible People – New Testament

● Visited by the angel Gabriel in Nazareth ● “The virgin shall conceive and bear a son” ● Pondered “all these things” in her heart MARY ● “The mother of my Lord” ● Name means “Rebellion”

● First named in Matthew 1:16


Bible People – New Testament

● Visited by wise men from the east

● Asked where should be born ● “Bring me word … that I may worship him”

● Furious when tricked by wise men ● Killed the baby boys of Bethlehem ● The king referred to in Matthew 2

Bible People – New Testament

● First

● Tax collector

● Made a feast for Jesus with publicans MATTHEW ● Apostle, also called Levi

● Name means “Gift of God”

● First named in Matthew 9:9

Bible People – New Testament

● Second Gospel

● Roman name (his Jewish name was John) ● Cousin of MARK ● Turned back during Paul’s first missionary journey

● Name means “A defense”

● Left a garment and ran away? Mark 14:52


Bible People – New Testament

● Visited by wise men from the east

● Asked where Christ should be born ● “Bring me word … that I may worship him” HEROD THE GREAT

● Furious when tricked by wise men ● Killed the baby boys of Bethlehem ● The king referred to in Matthew 2

Bible People – New Testament

● First Gospel

● Tax collector

● Made a feast for Jesus with publicans MATTHEW ● Apostle, also called Levi

● Name means “Gift of God”

● First named in Matthew 9:9

Bible People – New Testament

● Second Gospel

● Roman name (his Jewish name was John) ● Cousin of Barnabas MARK ● Turned back during Paul’s first missionary journey

● Name means “A defense”

● Left a garment and ran away? Mark 14:52


Bible People – New Testament

● Third Gospel, writer of Acts

● Addressed his writings to ● Beloved physician LUKE

● “We” passages in Acts: he traveled with Paul ● Latin name means “Light giver” ● First appears in Acts 16:11

Bible People – New Testament ● Fourth Gospel ● Brother of the apostle James

● Often with Peter after Pentecost JOHN ● Isle of Patmos, The Revelation

● Name means “Yah is gracious”

● First named in Matthew 4:21

Bible People – New Testament

● A priest, husband of Elisabeth ● Father of ZACHARIAS ● Visited by the angel Gabriel in the temple

● Unable to speak until his son was born (ZECHARIAH) ● Name means “Yah remembers” ● Named in Luke 1:5


Bible People – New Testament

● Third Gospel, writer of Acts

● Addressed his writings to Theophilus ● Beloved physician LUKE

● “We” passages in Acts: he traveled with Paul ● Latin name means “Light giver” ● First appears in Acts 16:11

Bible People – New Testament ● Fourth Gospel ● Brother of the apostle James

● Often with Peter after Pentecost JOHN ● Isle of Patmos, The Revelation

● Name means “Yah is gracious”

● First named in Matthew 4:21

Bible People – New Testament

● A priest, husband of Elisabeth ● Father of John the Baptist ZACHARIAS ● Visited by the angel Gabriel in the temple

● Unable to speak until his son was born (ZECHARIAH) ● Name means “Yah remembers” ● Named in Luke 1:5


Bible People – New Testament

● Wife of Zacharias

● Mother of John the Baptist ELISABETH ● Visited by Mary in the hill country of Judea

● “The baby leaped in her womb” (ELIZABETH) ● Name means “Oath of God” ● Named in Luke 1:5

Bible People – New Testament ● Son of Zacharias and Elisabeth ● Locusts and wild honey ● “Prepare the way of the Lord” JOHN THE BAPTIST ● “Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” ● “He who is mightier than I is coming” ● First named in Matthew 3:1

Bible People – New Testament

● Simon, Cephas ● Brother of Andrew ● Denied Jesus three times PETER ● “Fisher of men” ● Name means “Rock, stone” ● First named in Matthew 4:18


Bible People – New Testament

● Wife of Zacharias

● Mother of John the Baptist ELISABETH ● Visited by Mary in the hill country of Judea

● “The baby leaped in her womb” (ELIZABETH) ● Name means “Oath of God” ● Named in Luke 1:5

Bible People – New Testament ● Son of Zacharias and Elisabeth ● Locusts and wild honey ● “Prepare the way of the Lord” JOHN THE BAPTIST ● “Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” ● “He who is mightier than I is coming” ● First named in Matthew 3:1

Bible People – New Testament

● Simon, Cephas ● Brother of Andrew ● Denied Jesus three times PETER ● “Fisher of men” ● Name means “Rock, stone” ● First named in Matthew 4:18


Bible People – New Testament

● Fisherman, brother of Simon Peter

● Told Simon: “We have found the Messiah!” ● Here’s a boy with five loaves and two fish ANDREW ● Brought Greeks to Jesus. Not Philip ● Name means “Manly” ● First named in Matthew 4:18

Bible People – New Testament ● Fisherman, brother of John ● First-named son of

● Two apostles have this name. Not Judas JAMES ● Killed by I in Jerusalem

● Name means “Supplanter” (cp. Jacob)

● First named in Matthew 4:21

Bible People – New Testament

● Apostle of Jesus, native of Bethsaida ● Told Nathanael: “We have found him!” PHILIP ● Told Nathanael: “Come and see!”

● Jesus asked: “Where are we to buy bread?” THE APOSTLE ● Greeks asked: “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” ● First named in Matthew 10:3


Bible People – New Testament

● Fisherman, brother of Simon Peter

● Told Simon: “We have found the Messiah!” ● Here’s a boy with five loaves and two fish ANDREW ● Brought Greeks to Jesus. Not Philip ● Name means “Manly” ● First named in Matthew 4:18

Bible People – New Testament ● Fisherman, brother of John ● First-named son of Zebedee

● Two apostles have this name. Not Judas JAMES ● Killed by Herod Agrippa I in Jerusalem

● Name means “Supplanter” (cp. Jacob)

● First named in Matthew 4:21

Bible People – New Testament

● Apostle of Jesus, native of Bethsaida ● Told Nathanael: “We have found him!” PHILIP ● Told Nathanael: “Come and see!”

● Jesus asked: “Where are we to buy bread?” THE APOSTLE ● Greeks asked: “Sir, we wish to see Jesus” ● First named in Matthew 10:3


Bible People – New Testament

● Seen under a fig tree

● “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” ● Brought to Jesus by Philip NATHANAEL

● “An Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile” ● Name means “Gift of God” ● Called Bartholomew? Matthew 10:3

Bible People – New Testament ● Apostle of Jesus, named with Matthew ● Called “the Twin”

● “Let us go also that we may die with him” THOMAS ● Jesus: “Do not disbelieve, but believe”

● “My Lord and my God”

● First named in Matthew 10:3

Bible People – New Testament

● Helped himself to the money bag ● Thirty pieces of silver ● “Rabbi, is it I?” ● A morsel of bread and into the night ● Betrayer, hung himself ● Named in Matthew 10:4, the last of 12


Bible People – New Testament

● Seen under a fig tree

● “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” ● Brought to Jesus by Philip NATHANAEL

● “An Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile” ● Name means “Gift of God” ● Called Bartholomew? Matthew 10:3

Bible People – New Testament ● Apostle of Jesus, named with Matthew ● Called “the Twin”

● “Let us go also that we may die with him” THOMAS ● Jesus: “Do not disbelieve, but believe”

● “My Lord and my God”

● First named in Matthew 10:3

Bible People – New Testament

● Helped himself to the money bag ● Thirty pieces of silver ● “Rabbi, is it I?” JUDAS ISCARIOT ● A morsel of bread and into the night ● Betrayer, hung himself ● Named in Matthew 10:4, the last of 12


Bible People – New Testament

● Synagogue ruler at Capernaum

● His 12-year-old daughter died ● Begged Jesus to save his little girl JAIRUS

● Heard Jesus say, “Talitha cumi” ● Name means “Whom God enlightens” ● First appears in Matthew 9:18

Bible People – New Testament ● Married uncle Philip, then his brother Herod ● Mother of (according to Josephus)

● Her daughter danced at a birthday party ● Held a grudge against John the Baptist

● Schemed the death of John the Baptist

● First named in Matthew 14:3

Bible People – New Testament

● Blind beggar ● Sitting by the roadside at Jericho ● “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me” BARTIMAEUS ● Came to Jesus, received sight, followed Jesus ● Son of Timaeus, meaning “Highly prized” ● First appears in Matthew 20:29


Bible People – New Testament

● Synagogue ruler at Capernaum

● His 12-year-old daughter died ● Begged Jesus to save his little girl JAIRUS

● Heard Jesus say, “Talitha cumi” ● Name means “Whom God enlightens” ● First appears in Matthew 9:18

Bible People – New Testament ● Married uncle Philip, then his brother Herod ● Mother of Salome (according to Josephus)

● Her daughter danced at a birthday party HERODIAS ● Held a grudge against John the Baptist

● Schemed the death of John the Baptist

● First named in Matthew 14:3

Bible People – New Testament

● Blind beggar ● Sitting by the roadside at Jericho ● “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me” BARTIMAEUS ● Came to Jesus, received sight, followed Jesus ● Son of Timaeus, meaning “Highly prized” ● First appears in Matthew 20:29


Bible People – New Testament

● High priest with

● Son-in-law of Annas the priest ● Declared that Jesus must die for the people

● Conspirators met at his palace: kill Jesus ● “Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God” ● First named in Matthew 26:3

Bible People – New Testament ● Roman governor, ordered the crucifixion

● “What is truth?”

● Who to release? or Jesus ● “What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”

● Washed his hands of innocent blood

● First named in Matthew 27:2

Bible People – New Testament

● Seven demons: gone! ● “Woman, why are you weeping?” ● “Rabboni!” ● “Do not cling to me” ● Announced to disciples: “I have seen the Lord” ● First named in Matthew 27:56


Bible People – New Testament

● High priest with Annas

● Son-in-law of Annas the priest ● Declared that Jesus must die for the people CAIAPHAS

● Conspirators met at his palace: kill Jesus ● “Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God” ● First named in Matthew 26:3

Bible People – New Testament ● Roman governor, ordered the crucifixion

● “What is truth?”

● Who to release? Barabbas or Jesus PONTIUS PILATE ● “What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”

● Washed his hands of innocent blood

● First named in Matthew 27:2

Bible People – New Testament

● Seven demons: gone! ● “Woman, why are you weeping?” ● “Rabboni!” MARY MAGDALENE ● “Do not cling to me” ● Announced to disciples: “I have seen the Lord” ● First named in Matthew 27:56


Bible People – New Testament

● Rich, respected member of the Sanhedrin

● A good man, looking for the kingdom of God JOSEPH ● A secret of Jesus

● Asked Pilate for the body of Jesus OF ARIMATHEA ● Buried Jesus in his own new tomb ● First named in Matthew 27:57

Bible People – New Testament ● High priest with Caiaphas ● Father-in-law of Caiaphas

● First to question Jesus after his arrest ANNAS ● Sent Jesus bound to Caiaphas

● High priest at the trial of Peter and John

● Named with Caiaphas in Luke 3:2

Bible People – New Testament

● Showed compassion for a half-dead man ● “Bound up his wounds … oil and wine” ● Brought an injured man to an inn GOOD SAMARITAN ● Paid two pence: “Take care of him” ● “I will repay you when I come back” ● Parable: Luke 10:29-37


Bible People – New Testament

● Rich, respected member of the Sanhedrin

● A good man, looking for the kingdom of God JOSEPH ● A secret disciple of Jesus

● Asked Pilate for the body of Jesus OF ARIMATHEA ● Buried Jesus in his own new tomb ● First named in Matthew 27:57

Bible People – New Testament ● High priest with Caiaphas ● Father-in-law of Caiaphas

● First to question Jesus after his arrest ANNAS ● Sent Jesus bound to Caiaphas

● High priest at the trial of Peter and John

● Named with Caiaphas in Luke 3:2

Bible People – New Testament

● Showed compassion for a half-dead man ● “Bound up his wounds … oil and wine” ● Brought an injured man to an inn GOOD SAMARITAN ● Paid two pence: “Take care of him” ● “I will repay you when I come back” ● Parable: Luke 10:29-37


Bible People – New Testament

● Sister of and Lazarus

● Sat at the feet of Jesus and listened MARY ● Let her sister serve (Not the mother of Jesus) ● “The Teacher … is calling for you” ● Anointed the feet of Jesus ● First appears in Matthew 26:7

Bible People – New Testament ● Sister of Lazarus and Mary ● Welcomed Jesus into her house ● “My sister has left me to serve alone” MARTHA ● “Anxious and troubled about many things” ● Jesus told her: “I am the resurrection and the life” ● First named in Luke 10:38

Bible People – New Testament

● “Father, give me (my) share of property” ● Spent all he had in reckless living ● Fed pigs PRODIGAL SON ● “I have sinned against heaven and before you”

● “Your brother was dead, and is alive” ● Parable: Luke 15:11-32


Bible People – New Testament

● Sister of Martha and Lazarus

● Sat at the feet of Jesus and listened MARY ● Let her sister serve (Not the mother of Jesus) ● “The Teacher … is calling for you” ● Anointed the feet of Jesus ● First appears in Matthew 26:7

Bible People – New Testament ● Sister of Lazarus and Mary ● Welcomed Jesus into her house ● “My sister has left me to serve alone” MARTHA ● “Anxious and troubled about many things” ● Jesus told her: “I am the resurrection and the life” ● First named in Luke 10:38

Bible People – New Testament

● “Father, give me (my) share of property” ● Spent all he had in reckless living ● Fed pigs PRODIGAL SON ● “I have sinned against heaven and before you”

● “Your brother was dead, and is alive” ● Parable: Luke 15:11-32


Bible People – New Testament

● Chief tax collector at Jericho

● A little man who wanted to see Jesus ● Climbed a sycamore tree ● “Today salvation has come to this house”

● Name means “Pure” ● Named in Luke 19:2

Bible People – New Testament ● Pharisee, came to Jesus by night ● Jewish councilor, “the teacher of Israel”

● “How can a man be born when he is old?” ● Prepared Jesus for burial. Not Joseph

● Name means “Conqueror”

● First named in John 3:1

Bible People – New Testament

● A friend of Jesus who got sick and died ● Brother of Mary and Martha ● Dead four days, Jesus raised him LAZARUS ● Jews plotted to put him to death. Not Jesus ● Name means “Whom God helps” ● Named in John 11:1


Bible People – New Testament

● Chief tax collector at Jericho

● A little man who wanted to see Jesus ● Climbed a sycamore tree ZACCHAEUS ● “Today salvation has come to this house”

● Name means “Pure” ● Named in Luke 19:2

Bible People – New Testament ● Pharisee, came to Jesus by night ● Jewish councilor, “the teacher of Israel”

● “How can a man be born when he is old?” NICODEMUS ● Prepared Jesus for burial. Not Joseph

● Name means “Conqueror”

● First named in John 3:1

Bible People – New Testament

● A friend of Jesus who got sick and died ● Brother of Mary and Martha ● Dead four days, Jesus raised him LAZARUS ● Jews plotted to put him to death. Not Jesus ● Name means “Whom God helps” ● Named in John 11:1


Bible People – New Testament

● The Gospel of Luke is addressed to him

● The Book of Acts is addressed to him ● Received “an orderly account” about Jesus THEOPHILUS ● Luke calls him “most excellent” ● Name means “Friend, Lover of God” ● Named in Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1

Bible People – New Testament ● A Levite from Cyprus ● Introduced a converted Saul of Tarsus to the apostles

● Brought Saul from Tarsus to Antioch BARNABAS

● Went with Paul on his 1st missionary journey ● Name means “Son of consolation” ● First named in Acts 4:36

Bible People – New Testament

● Unfaithful husband and wife

● Sold land, donated part of the price ANANIAS ● Lied to God and Peter ● Died suddenly, 3 hours apart & SAPPHIRA ● Names mean “Yah has graciously given”

and “Sapphire”

● Named in Acts 5:1


Bible People – New Testament

● The Gospel of Luke is addressed to him

● The Book of Acts is addressed to him ● Received “an orderly account” about Jesus THEOPHILUS ● Luke calls him “most excellent” ● Name means “Friend, Lover of God” ● Named in Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1

Bible People – New Testament ● A Levite from Cyprus ● Introduced a converted Saul of Tarsus to the apostles

● Brought Saul from Tarsus to Antioch BARNABAS

● Went with Paul on his 1st missionary journey ● Name means “Son of consolation” ● First named in Acts 4:36

Bible People – New Testament

● Unfaithful husband and wife

● Sold land, donated part of the price ANANIAS ● Lied to God and Peter ● Died suddenly, 3 hours apart & SAPPHIRA ● Names mean “Yah has graciously given”

and “Sapphire”

● Named in Acts 5:1


Bible People – New Testament ● Teacher of the law, honored Council member

● Advised the Council not to kill Peter and John ● “Keep away from these men and let them alone” ● Saul of Tarsus learned at his feet ● Name means “Reward of God”

● First named in Acts 5:34

Bible People – New Testament ● Waited on tables, full of grace and power ● Face like an angel

● Stoned to death STEPHEN ● “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” ● Name means “Crown” ● Named in Acts 6:5 and 7:2ff

Bible People – New Testament

● Deacon, evangelist. One of the seven ● Preached in Samaria after Stephen’s death PHILIP ● Preached to an

● Caught away by the Spirit to Azotus THE EVANGELIST ● Four daughters who prophesied ● Named in Acts 6:5 and 8:5ff


Bible People – New Testament ● Teacher of the law, honored Council member

● Advised the Council not to kill Peter and John ● “Keep away from these men and let GAMALIEL them alone” ● Saul of Tarsus learned at his feet ● Name means “Reward of God”

● First named in Acts 5:34

Bible People – New Testament ● Waited on tables, full of grace and power ● Face like an angel

● Stoned to death STEPHEN ● “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” ● Name means “Crown” ● Named in Acts 6:5 and 7:2ff

Bible People – New Testament

● Deacon, evangelist. One of the seven ● Preached in Samaria after Stephen’s death PHILIP ● Preached to an Ethiopian eunuch

● Caught away by the Spirit to Azotus THE EVANGELIST ● Four daughters who prophesied ● Named in Acts 6:5 and 8:5ff


Bible People – New Testament

● A magician of Samaria

● “This man is the power of God.” Not Jesus! SIMON ● Believed Philip and was baptized in Samaria

● Offered money to get Holy Spirit powers THE MAGICIAN ● Rebuked: “May your silver perish with you” ● Appears only in Acts 8:9-24

Bible People – New Testament ● An early disciple at Damascus

● Knew the evil that Saul of Tarsus had done

● “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine” ANANIAS ● Baptized Saul of Tarsus

● Name means “Yah has graciously given”

● First named in Acts 9:10

Bible People – New Testament

● Converted persecutor ● Damascus Road PAUL ● Tent maker

● Writer of many New Testament letters (SAUL OF TARSUS) ● Name means “Small, little” ● First named in Acts 7:58 (cp. Acts 13:9)


Bible People – New Testament

● A magician of Samaria

● “This man is the power of God.” Not Jesus! SIMON ● Believed Philip and was baptized in Samaria

● Offered money to get Holy Spirit powers THE MAGICIAN ● Rebuked: “May your silver perish with you” ● Appears only in Acts 8:9-24

Bible People – New Testament ● An early disciple at Damascus

● Knew the evil that Saul of Tarsus had done

● “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine” ANANIAS ● Baptized Saul of Tarsus

● Name means “Yah has graciously given”

● First named in Acts 9:10

Bible People – New Testament

● Converted persecutor ● Damascus Road PAUL ● Tent maker

● Writer of many New Testament letters (SAUL OF TARSUS) ● Name means “Small, little” ● First named in Acts 7:58 (cp. Acts 13:9)


Bible People – New Testament

● A sick man at Lydda

● Bedridden eight years, paralyzed ● Peter: “Jesus Christ heals you”

● People of Lydda and Sharon turn to the Lord ● Name means “Laudable” ● Named in Acts 9:33-34

Bible People – New Testament ● A faithful woman of Joppa ● “Full of good works and acts of charity”

● Widows wept when she died ● Peter: “Tabitha, arise!” ● Name means “Gazelle”

● Named in Acts 9:36-39

Bible People – New Testament

● A devout centurion at Caesarea

● Told by an angel to send for the apostle Peter ● First Gentile convert identified in Acts CORNELIUS ● Gentiles baptized with the Holy Spirit in his house

● Latin name means “A horn”

● Named in Acts 10:1


Bible People – New Testament

● A sick man at Lydda

● Bedridden eight years, paralyzed ● Peter: “Jesus Christ heals you” AENEAS

● People of Lydda and Sharon turn to the Lord ● Name means “Laudable” ● Named in Acts 9:33-34

Bible People – New Testament ● A faithful woman of Joppa ● “Full of good works and acts of charity”

● Widows wept when she died DORCAS ● Peter: “Tabitha, arise!” ● Name means “Gazelle”

● Named in Acts 9:36-39

Bible People – New Testament

● A devout centurion at Caesarea

● Told by an angel to send for the apostle Peter ● First Gentile convert identified in Acts CORNELIUS ● Gentiles baptized with the Holy Spirit in his house

● Latin name means “A horn”

● Named in Acts 10:1


Bible People – New Testament

● Early Christian prophet from Jerusalem

● Foretold of famine in the days of Claudius ● Prompted a Jerusalem relief effort at Antioch

● Prophesied by tying himself with Paul’s belt ● Name means “He loved” ● First named in Acts 11:28

Bible People – New Testament ● Fourth Roman Emperor, named twice in Acts

● Herod Agrippa I helped him become Emperor

● A great famine occurred in his days CLAUDIUS ● Expelled Jews from Rome

● Caused Aquila and Priscilla to go to Corinth

● First named in Acts 11:28

Bible People – New Testament

● Father of Agrippa and Bernice ● Killed the Apostle James ● Imprisoned Peter to please the Jews HEROD AGRIPPA I ● “The voice of a god, and not of a man” ● Eaten by worms and died at Caesarea ● The king referred to in Acts 12:1


Bible People – New Testament

● Early Christian prophet from Jerusalem

● Foretold of famine in the days of Claudius ● Prompted a Jerusalem relief effort at Antioch AGABUS

● Prophesied by tying himself with Paul’s belt ● Name means “He loved” ● First named in Acts 11:28

Bible People – New Testament ● Fourth Roman Emperor, named twice in Acts

● Herod Agrippa I helped him become Emperor

● A great famine occurred in his days CLAUDIUS ● Expelled Jews from Rome

● Caused Aquila and Priscilla to go to Corinth

● First named in Acts 11:28

Bible People – New Testament

● Father of Agrippa and Bernice ● Killed the Apostle James ● Imprisoned Peter to please the Jews HEROD AGRIPPA I ● “The voice of a god, and not of a man” ● Eaten by worms and died at Caesarea ● The king referred to in Acts 12:1


Bible People – New Testament

● Called “the Lord’s brother”

● Named with , Judas, and Simon ● Presided at the Jerusalem Conference JAMES (Not the son of Zebedee) ● Accepted Gentile believers, citing Amos 9 ● Name means “Supplanter” (cp. Jacob) ● First named in Matthew 13:55

Bible People – New Testament ● Also called Silvanus

● Replaced Barnabas on Paul’s 2nd journey

● Imprisoned, beaten with Paul at Philippi ● Remained with Timothy when Paul left Berea

● Name means “Wood”

● First named in Acts 15:22

Bible People – New Testament

● Received a pastoral letter from Paul ● Greek, uncircumcised, a helper of Paul ● Organized “Poor Fund” collections in Corinth TITUS ● in Crete ● Latin name means “Nurse” ● Present at Jerusalem, Acts 15 (cp. Gal.2:1)


Bible People – New Testament

● Called “the Lord’s brother”

● Named with Joses, Judas, and Simon ● Presided at the Jerusalem Conference JAMES (Not the son of Zebedee) ● Accepted Gentile believers, citing Amos 9 ● Name means “Supplanter” (cp. Jacob) ● First named in Matthew 13:55

Bible People – New Testament ● Also called Silvanus

● Replaced Barnabas on Paul’s 2nd journey

● Imprisoned, beaten with Paul at Philippi SILAS ● Remained with Timothy when Paul left Berea

● Name means “Wood”

● First named in Acts 15:22

Bible People – New Testament

● Received a pastoral letter from Paul ● Greek, uncircumcised, a helper of Paul ● Organized “Poor Fund” collections in Corinth TITUS ● Bishop in Crete ● Latin name means “Nurse” ● Present at Jerusalem, Acts 15 (cp. Gal.2:1)


Bible People – New Testament

● Son of faithful

● Grandson of faithful ● Highly regarded at Lystra, Iconium TIMOTHY

● Received two pastoral letters from Paul ● Name means “Honoring God” ● First named in Acts 16:1

Bible People – New Testament ● A seller of purple goods

● A woman of Thyatira

● She prayed by a riverside LYDIA ● “The Lord opened her heart”

● Baptized at Philippi with all her household

● Named in Acts 16:14, 40

Bible People – New Testament

● Would have killed himself ● Paul: “Do yourself no harm!” ● “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” PHILIPPIAN JAILER ● Washed men’s wounds and fed them ● Baptized with all his family ● Appears in Acts 16:23-38


Bible People – New Testament

● Son of faithful Eunice

● Grandson of faithful Lois ● Highly regarded at Lystra, Iconium TIMOTHY

● Received two pastoral letters from Paul ● Name means “Honoring God” ● First named in Acts 16:1

Bible People – New Testament ● A seller of purple goods

● A woman of Thyatira

● She prayed by a riverside LYDIA ● “The Lord opened her heart”

● Baptized at Philippi with all her household

● Named in Acts 16:14, 40

Bible People – New Testament

● Would have killed himself ● Paul: “Do yourself no harm!” ● “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” PHILIPPIAN JAILER ● Washed men’s wounds and fed them ● Baptized with all his family ● Appears in Acts 16:23-38


Bible People – New Testament

● Faithful husband and wife

● Jewish couple expelled from Rome AQUILA ● Tentmakers

● Explained the way of God to at Ephesus & PRISCILLA ● Names mean “Eagle” and “Ancient” ● First named in Acts 18:2

Bible People – New Testament ● Proconsul of Achaia ● Jews accused Paul at his judgment seat

● A synagogue ruler is beaten before him GALLIO ● “I refuse to be a judge of these things”

● He drives the Jews from his judgment seat

● Named in Acts 18:12-17

Bible People – New Testament

● A Jew of Alexandria ● An eloquent synagogue speaker ● Competent in the Scriptures APOLLOS ● Taught more accurately by Aquila and Priscilla ● Names mean “Gift of Apollo” ● First named in Acts 18:24


Bible People – New Testament

● Faithful husband and wife

● Jewish couple expelled from Rome AQUILA ● Tentmakers

● Explained the way of God to Apollos at Ephesus & PRISCILLA ● Names mean “Eagle” and “Ancient” ● First named in Acts 18:2

Bible People – New Testament ● Proconsul of Achaia ● Jews accused Paul at his judgment seat

● A synagogue ruler is beaten before him GALLIO ● “I refuse to be a judge of these things”

● He drives the Jews from his judgment seat

● Named in Acts 18:12-17

Bible People – New Testament

● A Jew of Alexandria ● An eloquent synagogue speaker ● Competent in the Scriptures APOLLOS ● Taught more accurately by Aquila and Priscilla ● Names mean “Gift of Apollo” ● First named in Acts 18:24


Bible People – New Testament ● A Macedonian brother from Thessalonica rd ● A Thessalonian with Paul on his 3 journey ● A Thessalonian with alms for Jerusalem. ARISTARCHUS Not Secundus ● A Thessalonian who sailed to Rome with Paul ● Name means “Best ruler”

● Named in Acts 19:29

Bible People – New Testament ● An Asian brother with Paul at Rome

● Paul sent him with to Philemon

● Delivered Paul’s letters to Ephesus, Colossae ● Paul’s messenger to Ephesus, Colossae

● Name means “Fateful, fortuitous”

● Named in Acts 20:4

Bible People – New Testament

● An Ephesian believer, a Gentile ● Jews saw him with Paul in Jerusalem ● Jews thought Paul took him into the temple ● Paul was attacked in Jerusalem because of him ● Paul left him sick at Miletus

● Named in Acts 20:43


Bible People – New Testament ● A Macedonian brother from Thessalonica rd ● A Thessalonian with Paul on his 3 journey ● A Thessalonian with alms for Jerusalem. ARISTARCHUS Not Secundus ● A Thessalonian who sailed to Rome with Paul ● Name means “Best ruler”

● Named in Acts 19:29

Bible People – New Testament ● An Asian brother with Paul at Rome

● Paul sent him with Onesimus to Philemon

● Delivered Paul’s letters to Ephesus, Colossae TYCHICUS ● Paul’s messenger to Ephesus, Colossae

● Name means “Fateful, fortuitous”

● Named in Acts 20:4

Bible People – New Testament

● An Ephesian believer, a Gentile ● Jews saw him with Paul in Jerusalem ● Jews thought Paul took him into the temple TROPHIMUS ● Paul was attacked in Jerusalem because of him ● Paul left him sick at Miletus

● Named in Acts 20:43


Bible People – New Testament

● Fell asleep while Paul exhorted

● Fell out of a third story window ● Paul went down: “His life is in him”

● Dead at midnight, alive at dawn ● Name means “Fortunate” ● Named in Acts 20:9

Bible People – New Testament ● Preceded Festus as governor of Judea

● Drusilla was his Jewish wife

● Trembled at what Paul told him FELIX ● Imprisoned Paul but gave him liberties

● Hoped for a bribe from Paul

● The governor referred to in Acts 23 & 24

Bible People – New Testament

● Succeeded Felix as governor of Judea ● Paul told him: “I appeal to Caesar” ● Invited Agrippa and Bernice to hear Paul FESTUS ● “Paul, you are out of your mind!” ● Sent Paul to Rome ● The governor referred to in Acts 25 & 26


Bible People – New Testament

● Fell asleep while Paul exhorted

● Fell out of a third story window ● Paul went down: “His life is in him” EUTYCHUS

● Dead at midnight, alive at dawn ● Name means “Fortunate” ● Named in Acts 20:9

Bible People – New Testament ● Preceded Festus as governor of Judea

● Drusilla was his Jewish wife

● Trembled at what Paul told him FELIX ● Imprisoned Paul but gave him liberties

● Hoped for a bribe from Paul

● The governor referred to in Acts 23 & 24

Bible People – New Testament

● Succeeded Felix as governor of Judea ● Paul told him: “I appeal to Caesar” ● Invited Agrippa and Bernice to hear Paul FESTUS ● “Paul, you are out of your mind!” ● Sent Paul to Rome ● The governor referred to in Acts 25 & 26


Bible People – New Testament

● Son of Herod Agrippa I

● Brother of Bernice (Acts 25) ● Called Agrippa or King Agrippa HEROD AGRIPPA II

● Invited by Festus to hear Paul ● “Would you persuade me to be a Christian?” ● The king referred to in Acts 25 & 26

Bible People – New Testament ● Chief man on the island of Malta ● Received travelers after a shipwreck

● Entertained shipwrecked travelers for 3 days PUBLIUS ● Had a sick father: fever and dysentery

● Paul healed his father

● Named in Acts 28:7-8

Bible People – New Testament

● A named Philippian believer. Not Lydia ● Took relief from Philippi to Paul at Rome ● Nearly died while ministering to Paul ● Delivered Paul’s letter to the Philippians ● Name means “Lovely” ● Named in Philippians 2:25; 4:18


Bible People – New Testament

● Son of Herod Agrippa I

● Brother of Bernice (Acts 25) ● Called Agrippa or King Agrippa HEROD AGRIPPA II

● Invited by Festus to hear Paul ● “Would you persuade me to be a Christian?” ● The king referred to in Acts 25 & 26

Bible People – New Testament ● Chief man on the island of Malta ● Received travelers after a shipwreck

● Entertained shipwrecked travelers for 3 days PUBLIUS ● Had a sick father: fever and dysentery

● Paul healed his father

● Named in Acts 28:7-8

Bible People – New Testament

● A named Philippian believer. Not Lydia ● Took relief from Philippi to Paul at Rome ● Nearly died while ministering to Paul EPAPHRODITUS ● Delivered Paul’s letter to the Philippians ● Name means “Lovely” ● Named in Philippians 2:25; 4:18


Bible People – New Testament

● A slave owner at Colossae

● Paul sent Onesimus back to him ● Apphia, , the church at your house PHILEMON

● Paul: “Prepare a guest room for me” ● Name means “Loving, affectionate” ● Only named in Paul’s letter to him

Bible People – New Testament ● A runaway slave who fled to Rome

● Named more times than his faithful owner

● Apparently converted by Paul at Rome ONESIMUS ● Subject of Paul’s letter to Philemon

● Name means “Profitable, useful”

● First named in Colossians 4:9

Bible People – New Testament

● Writer of one very short NT letter ● Servant of Jesus Christ, brother of James ● “Contend for the faith” JUDE ● “Behold the Lord came … to execute judgment” ● Name means “He shall be praised” ● Named at the beginning of his letter


Bible People – New Testament

● A slave owner at Colossae

● Paul sent Onesimus back to him ● Apphia, Archippus, the church at your house PHILEMON

● Paul: “Prepare a guest room for me” ● Name means “Loving, affectionate” ● Only named in Paul’s letter to him

Bible People – New Testament ● A runaway slave who fled to Rome

● Named more times than his faithful owner

● Apparently converted by Paul at Rome ONESIMUS ● Subject of Paul’s letter to Philemon

● Name means “Profitable, useful”

● First named in Colossians 4:9

Bible People – New Testament

● Writer of one very short NT letter ● Servant of Jesus Christ, brother of James ● “Contend for the faith” JUDE ● “Behold the Lord came … to execute judgment” ● Name means “He shall be praised” ● Named at the beginning of his letter


Bible People – New Testament

● Proconsul of Cyprus

● Prudent, “a man of intelligence” ● Had the company of a magician

● Called for Barnabas and Saul

● Desired to hear the word of God ● Named in Acts 13:7

Bible People – New Testament ● A magician at Paphos ● Jewish false prophet, Bar-Jesus

● “Stop making the straight paths crooked” ELYMUS ● Struck blind by Saul (also called Paul) ● Name means “A wise man”

● Named in Acts 13:8

Bible People – New Testament

● A devout man, waiting for the consolation of Israel ● He would live to see the Lord’s Christ ● Took the baby Jesus in his arms ● “My eyes have seen your salvation” ● Name means “To hear” ● Named in Luke 2:25


Bible People – New Testament

● Proconsul of Cyprus

● Prudent, “a man of intelligence” ● Had the company of a magician SERGIUS PAULUS

● Called for Barnabas and Saul

● Desired to hear the word of God ● Named in Acts 13:7

Bible People – New Testament ● A magician at Paphos ● Jewish false prophet, Bar-Jesus

● “Stop making the straight paths crooked” ELYMUS ● Struck blind by Saul (also called Paul) ● Name means “A wise man”

● Named in Acts 13:8

Bible People – New Testament

● A devout man, waiting for the consolation of Israel ● He would live to see the Lord’s Christ ● Took the baby Jesus in his arms SIMEON ● “My eyes have seen your salvation” ● Name means “To hear” ● Named in Luke 2:25


Bible People – New Testament ● Daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher

● A widow of 84 years ● In the temple, worshiping, fasting, day and night ANNA ● Spoke of Jesus to redemption seekers ● Name means “Grace”

● Named in Luke 2:36

Bible People – New Testament ● A woman of Sychar, John 4

● She met Jesus at Jacob’s well THE WOMAN ● “Sir, give me this water” ● Five husbands … and counting! OF SAMARIA

● “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet”

● Jesus told her that he is the Christ

Bible People – New Testament

● Put himself first ● Did not acknowledge John’s authority ● Talked nonsense against the apostles DIOTREPHES ● Refused to welcome other brethren ● Put welcoming brethren out of the ecclesia ● Named in 3 John 1:9


Bible People – New Testament ● Daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher

● A widow of 84 years ● In the temple, worshiping, fasting, day and night ANNA ● Spoke of Jesus to redemption seekers ● Name means “Grace”

● Named in Luke 2:36

Bible People – New Testament ● A woman of Sychar, John 4

● She met Jesus at Jacob’s well THE WOMAN ● “Sir, give me this water” ● Five husbands … and counting! OF SAMARIA

● “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet”

● Jesus told her that he is the Christ

Bible People – New Testament

● Put himself first ● Did not acknowledge John’s authority ● Talked nonsense against the apostles DIOTREPHES ● Refused to welcome other brethren ● Put welcoming brethren out of the ecclesia ● Named in 3 John 1:9


Bible People – New Testament

● Selected by nomination, prayer, and lot

● Chosen over Joseph called Barsabbas ● Replaced Judas as the 12th apostle MATTHIAS

● Numbered with the 11 before Pentecost ● Name means “Gift of God” ● Named in Acts 1:23

Bible People – New Testament ● A centurion of the Augustan Cohort ● Took custody of Paul on a trip to Rome

● Treated Paul kindly as a prisoner JULIUS ● Gave Paul liberty to visit friends at Sidon

● Spared Paul from execution after shipwreck

● Named in Acts 27:1

Bible People – New Testament

● A prominent Colossian brother. Not Philemon ● Taught the gospel to the saints at Colossae ● Not to be confused with Epaphroditus of Philippi ● At Rome: Paul’s “fellow prisoner” from Colossae ● Name means “Lovely” ● Named in Colossians 1:7


Bible People – New Testament

● Selected by nomination, prayer, and lot

● Chosen over Joseph called Barsabbas ● Replaced Judas as the 12th apostle MATTHIAS

● Numbered with the 11 before Pentecost ● Name means “Gift of God” ● Named in Acts 1:23

Bible People – New Testament ● A centurion of the Augustan Cohort ● Took custody of Paul on a trip to Rome

● Treated Paul kindly as a prisoner JULIUS ● Gave Paul liberty to visit friends at Sidon

● Spared Paul from execution after shipwreck

● Named in Acts 27:1

Bible People – New Testament

● A prominent Colossian brother. Not Philemon ● Taught the gospel to the saints at Colossae ● Not to be confused with Epaphroditus of Philippi EPAPHRAS ● At Rome: Paul’s “fellow prisoner” from Colossae ● Name means “Lovely” ● Named in Colossians 1:7