Advantageous Innovation and Imitation in the Underwriting Market of Corporate Securities Helios Herreray Enrique Schrothz Columbia University HEC Lausanne and and ITAM Swiss Finance Institute Abstract Investment banks that develop new corporate securities systemat- ically lead the new underwriting market despite being imitated early by equally competitive rivals. We model the competition between in- novators and imitators for underwriting mandates in order to identify empirically the source of this advantage. Using data of innovative securities since 1985, we …nd that innovators set higher fees than im- itators. This di¤erence decreases as more issues occur, and faster for later generation products. The entry of imitators is also quicker for later generations. We conclude that the …rst-mover advantage comes from a superior expertise structuring and underwriting issues of the new security. JEL Classi…cation: G24, L12, L89. Keywords: Financial innovation, sequential innovation, investment banking, underwriters’expertise, learning. We would like to thank Sugato Bhattacharyya, Michele Boldrin, Tom Chemmanur, Hendrik Hakenes, Charles Lucas, Preston McA¤ee, Erwan Morellec, Stewart Myers, Roberto Rigobon, Elu Von Thadden and seminar audiences at the 2004 FIRS Conference (Capri) and the 2005 CERF Conference on Financial Innovation (Cambridge). Enrique Schroth acknowledges …nancial support provided by the Swiss Finance Institute and FINRISK. yAddress: School of International and Public A¤airs, 420 West 118th Street, New York, NY 10027, Tel.: 212 854 3239, E-mail:
[email protected]. zCorresponding Author. Address: Department of Finance, Extranef 251, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. Tel.: +41 21 692 3346. Fax.: +41 21 692 3435. E-mail:
[email protected]. Advantageous Innovation and Imitation in the Underwriting Market for Corporate Securities Abstract Investment banks that develop new corporate securities systemat- ically lead the new underwriting market despite being imitated early by equally competitive rivals.