The Sunday Newsletter Knockninny ST NINNIDH’S CHURCH DERRYLIN 16th August 2020 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Gerard Alwill P.P. Phone no. 028 6774 8315 mobile 00353 872305557. parish email
[email protected]. Mass Intentions: Sat 15 August: 8pm: Paddy Clarke (Mullyneeny) AND Phil, Margaret & Tony McCaffrey (Fortlea) Sun 16 August: 11.15am: Tom Blake Month's Mind Mon 17th Aug: 10.00am: Special Intention Tues 18th Aug:10.00am: Special Intention Wed 19th Aug: 10.00am: Special Intention Thur 20th Aug:10.00am: Special Intention Fri 21st Aug: 10.00am: Special Intention Sat 22nd Aug: 8.00pm Bridget Murphy (Corraveigha) AND Eamon Reilly & Family (Aughyoule) and Smith family (Camletter) Sun 23rd Aug: 11.15am: Patricia Farrelly (Memorial Mass) Joe Shannon RIP: Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Joe Shannon, formerly of Derrylin, who died in Coventry, England, on Tuesday, 11th August. Saturday 15th August 8.00pm: Reader: Ellie Clarke Eucharistic Ministers: Valerie McManus Philip McCarron Sunday 16th August 11.15am: Reader: Molly Flanagan Eucharistic Ministers: Caroline Flanagan, Jackie McKenna Saturday 22nd August 8.00pm: Reader Orlaith McIntyre Eucharistic Ministers: Connie Murphy Sunday 23rd August 11.15am: Reader: Caitlin McIntyre Eucharistic Ministers: Anne McBrien, Tomas Scallon Sacrament of Confirmation: The celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place in St Mary’s Church, Teemore, at 6.00pm on Friday 28th August, and in St Ninnidh’s Church, Derrylin, at 4pm on Saturday 29th August. Rehearsals: The Confirmation rehearsals will take place in St Mary's Church on Wednesday, 26th August at 8pm and St Ninnidh's Church on Thursday, 27th August at 8pm.