Caesarea, Where We Went to the House of Philip the Evan- Gelist, Who Was One of the Seven, and Stayed with Him
STUDIUM BIBLICUM FRANCISCANUM - JERUSALEM 34TH BIBLICAL & THEOLOGICAL COURSE ST. PAUL march 25 – 28, 2008 Memories of St. Paul in the Holy Land Presentation S. Paul the Apostle. by E. Alliata, ofm Detail of a painting by M. Barberis (1930) updated version in the Church of the Flagellation - Jerusalem • Giscala Giscala el-Jish, Gush Halav • JERUSALEM Panorama of El-Jish (Galilee) About Epaphra, prisoner with Paul we have heard this story (fabulam): It has been reported that the parents of the Apostle were of the region of Giscala of Judaea but, when all the Roman province was subverted and the Jews dispersed throughout the world, they had moved themsel- ves to Tarsus, a city of Cilicia. The adolescent Paul would have followed its parents and therefo- re what he says of himself would be also true. (Jerome, Comm. Fil., 23) Ancient Synagogue (IVth century) Catholic Maronite church At 22 3 “I am a Jew, • born in Tarsus in Tarsus Cilicia, but brought up in this city. At the feet of Gama- • liel I was educated JERUSALEM strictly in our an- cestral law and was zealous for God, just as all of you are to- day. 4 I persecuted this Way to death, Theodotos’ inscription found here… binding both men and women and deliver- Theodotos, son of Vettenos, kohen and ar- chisynagogos (synagogue leader), son of an ing them to prison. archisynagogos, grandson of an archisyna- 5 Even the high priest gogos, who built the synagogue for the reading of the law and the teaching and the whole coun- of the commandments, and the guest cil of elders can tes- house, chambers, and water supplies to serve as an inn for those who come from tify on my behalf.
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