1 Cardwell Court, Braithwell, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S66 7AN

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1 Cardwell Court, Braithwell, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S66 7AN 1 Cardwell Court, Braithwell, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S66 7AN VILLAGE LOCATION - Situated within the quaint village of Braithwell and upon a No Through Road,is this 3 bedroom semi detached home with en suite shower room to the principle bedroom, gas central heating, double glazing and offered wit No upward chain. From the rear facing Lounge/Dining room are patio doors leading to the lovely enclosed rear garden with patio and deck area & pagoda. The modern kitchen has a comprehensive range of fitted units together with integrated electrical appliances. The front driveway provides off road parking together with the integral garage & with an option of further parking opposite the property upon the block paved driveway. An idyllic location if you enjoy country walks and countryside as within literally a few minutes drive you are surrounded by the A 3 bedroom semi detached home lovely open countryside yet the M18 reached at Hellaby in approximately Situated 5 miles.upon a No Through Road An early internal inspection highly recommended En suite to principle bedroom Integrated garage & driveway Very well presented enclosed rear garden Idyllic village location Modern fitted kitchen with integrated appliances Rear facing Lounge/Dining Room with patio doors to rear garden Fitted wardrobes to main bedroom Superb home for the growing family or first time buyers Bakewell 3 Royal Oak Place Matlock Street Bakewell DE45 1HD Tel: 01629 700699 E-mail: [email protected] Banner Cross 888 Ecclesall Road Banner Cross Sheffield S11 8TP Tel: 01142 683388 E-mail: [email protected] Hathersage Main Road Hathersage Hope Valley Derbyshire S32 1BB Tel: 01433 651888 E-mail: [email protected] Rotherham 149 Bawtry Road Wickersley Rotherham S66 2BW Tel: 01709 917676 E-mail: [email protected] Rotherham Office Wickersley, 149 Bawtry Road, Wickersley, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S66 2BW Tel: 01709 91 76 76 Email: [email protected] .
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