PRESENT: Cllr M Addenbrooke, Cllr N Odlin, Cllr J Parkes, Cllr H Parkinson and Cllr S Quarmby. IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs S J Richardson (Clerk) and DMBC Ward Cllr M Greenhalgh and thirty parishioners. 1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks and Declarations of Interest Chairman Cllr Parkes presiding, opened the meeting promptly at 6pm and welcomed everyone present. Cllr Quarmby declared an interest in item 11, 106 Agreement. Parishioners were in attendance for the Public Forum regarding a Licensing application, Councillor Quarmby declared an interest in this. Cllr Addenbrooke declared an interest in item 8b, planning applications.

2. Apologies for absence- None.

3. Public Forum- questions from the public- Some thirty parishioners were in attendance to voice their concerns regarding a new application made to DMBC for a Premises Licence to hold a BFest in a rural farmers field at the bottom of Austwood Lane. There were strong objections voiced against the proposed event taking place. The objections were that the narrow rural lane was totally unsuitable for such a venue, with vehicular access restricted and two cars not passable. There were safety concerns regarding the close proximity of the field to the quarry and the height of the drop from the lane down into the quarry. There was an open stream on the edge of the proposed site and a water treatment site nearby. There were concerns from residents living close to the lane, an area populated by mostly elderly people, around the level of disturbance such an event would cause. They were concerned about potential anti-social behaviour, crime being committed, noise pollution, the use of alcohol and the high volume of footfall through the village, particularly upon leaving the venue at night. The proposed event was to finish at 11pm, with the potential for noise for a further hour. There were concerns around the lane not being well lit, the lack of perimeter fencing around the field and that there may not be a police presence on the day. A horse owner voiced concerns around the easy access onto their land from the proposed location. Parking of vehicles was a concern with nearby residents apprehensive about cars parking outside their properties. It was asked why couldn’t such an event be held in a field further away or on the Ruddle Centre? The applicant of the License addressed the parishioners to try and clarify some of their queries and concerns. He reported that there had been some inaccuracies on a letter, which had been letterbox dropped by a parishioner. The inaccuracies had been incorrectly advised to the parishioner by DMBC. The original application had an open and close date of 2.8.19 to 4.8.19. The application had been tweaked to remove the end date after discussion and advise from DMBC. He reported that there would only be one proposed event in any calendar year, the three days stated were for preparation and tidying up afterwards. The event would not exceed the 10pm finish stated and some additional fencing would be erected around the perimeter. The Ruddle Centre had been provisionally booked to provide parking for the event so that this did not impact on local residents. How was this to be enforced so that visitors did not park anywhere? The applicant reported that it would be marshalled. Advice had been sought around the handling of the event from DMBC and the Environment Agency. Other questions asked were how many tickets would be available and what amount of money was going to be given back to the community? A small minority of those present were in favour of the event taking place, with the vast majority strongly opposed to it. Due to the room being booked for an alternative meeting, the Parish Council meeting then moved to its usual meeting room with parishioners invited to stay for the remainder of the meeting, though no-one did.

4. Police Report: The weekly reports received had been circulated to councillors. The clerk had contacted South Police regarding the Remembrance Service and had received a response from an Inspector who had recently taken over the policing for the area due to the policing boundaries having been changed. She reported that a large number of requests for parades were received with limited staffing to support these and asked for further details what was required; the clerk had provided this and a further response was awaited. Cllr Parkinson reported that the next PACT meeting was to be held on 27th November at .

5. Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2018 were passed as a true record and signed by the Chairman with the following amendments; Item 5, Police report: It was noted that some criminal incidents that Councillors had local knowledge of were not in the report. Item 10, Reports from Councillors: The incident had occurred at the bottom of Holywell Crescent, not on Holywell Crescent. Item 10, Reports from Councillors: Cllr Addenbrooke was to lay the wreath at the Remembrance Service.

6. Matters Arising from the Minutes not on the agenda Was there anything to report regarding the removal of the wall on Cockhill Lane? The clerk reported that no further action had been taken. Was there any progress with the Bank with regard to gaining a procurement card? The clerk reported that she been unable to contact customer services directly and was unable to apply online as she was not a bank signatory. It was felt that a visit to a branch in person may be required by a signatory on the account. Further enquiries were to be made. Was there any progress to report regarding the incident that had occurred at the bottom of Holywell Crescent? The clerk reported that she had contacted Police and had been informed that her enquiry had been forwarded on to the officer dealing with the case. The clerk was asked to approach the Royal Mail to enquire whether the post box was to be replaced.

7. Matters Arising on the Agenda a) Traffic and Transport – Further communication had taken place with Highways Dept, DMBC, regarding Maltby Lane. Councillors had reported high usage of both HGV’s and refuse lorries and had requested a potential reduction in the weight limit, with no progress made. It was decided to discuss this further at the next meeting. It was reported that HGV’s were travelling through Micklebring and at speed despite a weight restriction in place. The clerk was asked to confirm with DMBC that the weight signs were in situ at Micklebring, at the Lane junction. Discussion took place around the excessive speed of motorists travelling through the villages in general.

b) In Bloom – The troughs have been planted courtesy of the Good Companions. The Parish Council wished for their appreciation to be noted.

8. Planning Applications 18/02439/TCON Proposal: Conservation notification to crown reduce two sycamore trees (T1 and T2) by approximately 30%. The trees are within the Braithwell Conservation area. Location: 16 Maltby Lane, Braithwell. . S66 7AQ. The clerk was to respond that the Parish Council supported the proposal on the grounds of health and safety as a branch has been blown off in the high winds; could this be actioned as a matter of urgency.

18/02510/TPO Proposal: Consent to crown lift 10 Prunus to approximately 5.5m over the highway and 2.5m over the churchyard. The trees are subject to G16 Rural District Council Tree Preservation Order (No 19) 1972 Braithwell. No representations were to be made.

9. Reports from Councillors Cllr N Odlin: None. Cllr Parkes: Reported that the Farm Watch was active with a lot of current activity in the area. Cllr Parkinson: Reported that a meeting regarding HS2 was to be held at Hellaby Hall on 30th October, as advertised in the local press. Concerns had been expressed from a resident in Braithwell after reference had been made to Braithwell common. The Bus shelter on high street, numbered 45530/7101A203, had a sycamore tree growing behind it which could cause damage to the bus shelter; clerk to report to SYPTE. Had the Conifer hedge overhanging onto Holywell Lane, been cut back? It was considered that it had. Cllr Parkinson reported that it was approaching the time of year for nominations for the JJ Fox Award. A notice was to be submitted for publication in the church magazine. Cllr Quarmby: The drains on the driveway to the Ruddle Centre, known as Little Field Lane were consistently blocked. Though only soakaways, they were not routinely maintained and needed to be cleared; this was to be reported to BMRLA. Reported that the village football team were not going to be on the field of play at 11am on Remembrance Sunday and they were trying to organise an alternative time to fully avoid the time of the service. Cllr Addenbrooke: Cyclists had complained about the large pothole on Cockhill Field Lane. This was to be reported again. Cllr Addenbrooke had also noted the HS2 reference to Braithwell. Ward Cllr Greenhalgh: Reported that he had met with Police Inspector Lynne Lancaster, the new Inspector for our area, now linked with Doncaster central. He had informed her that the villages were not getting mentioned and the response was to refer to the website for weekly reports. Cllr Greenhalgh was due to meet with her again in the forthcoming week. The new 40 mph signs had not yet been installed on Ashton Lane and Cllr Greenhalgh advised that he had followed this up. He reported that the Doncaster Local Plan was still going through a consultation stage but that no action was to be taken in Braithwell for the next ten years. He reported that this he would attend the Remembrance Sunday Service at Wadworth. He reported that as a member of the Licensing committee, he had advised that the closing date for representations was 9th November 2018 for the Licensing Application referred to earlier in the meeting and he would be declaring an interest. Councillors thanked Cllr Greenhalgh for his report and for his presence.

10. Website - Update: Cllr Quarmby gave an update. This was now effectively complete with most of the pages now containing information.

11. 106 Agreement – Update: BMRLA had been made aware that the Parish Council would support the portable cabin.

11. Financial Matters a) Disbursements – None. 13. Correspondence – as circulated. Cllr Addenbrooke enquired whether Councillors should consider attending a quarterly Councillors meeting with the Doncaster District Commander of South Yorkshire to be held on 21st November 2018 at Doncaster Police Station, details of which had been previously circulated. He had enquired how long the meeting would last and if be there would be parking available. Cllr Addenbrooke reported that he would be willing to attend a forthcoming training event hosted by YLCA to be held at Aston Hall, around Procedures, Powers and Policies and asked whether the Parish Council funded the cost of training courses and any travelling expenses incurred. Councillors reported that expenses had never been reimbursed in the past.

14. Any Other Business – a) St James Church – churchyard- potential plots of land around the locality that could potentially be set aside for future burial ground had been considered. Parish Councillors felt that it would be preferable to approach any suitable candidates personally and informally rather than formally. b) Licensing Application – Due to the high number of parishioners who had been in attendance to voice their concerns around the Licensing Application to hold a music festival in Braithwell, Councillors considered that the matter should be discussed and not deferred to the next meeting. Cllr Quarmby who had declared an interest, subsequently left the meeting at 8.10pm. The matter was then discussed.

The following representations were to be made to DMBC. WK/218020389 bfest music events. Licensing

The Parish Council wish to make representation following concerns raised by a large number of the public who attended the meeting on 23rd October 2018 and were strongly opposed to such an event taking place. Prevention of crime – the alcohol could subject local residents, particularly those living in close proximity to Austwood Lane, to anti-social behaviour and criminal acts being committed. The majority of parishioners residing in this part of the village are elderly. Prevention of public nuisance- concerns around the high volume of people all leaving the venue at the same time with only one exit route. This is a rural lane in a small village and considered as totally unsuitable for such a venue. Public safety – the close proximity to the quarry and the height of the drop from the lane adjacent down into the quarry. There are concerns that the area is unlit and whether there would be adequate perimeter fencing in place. There are concerns around the limited vehicular access to the field should this be required for the emergency services. This is a popular walking location for families walking with children whose safety is paramount. Protection of children from harm The proposed site borders a public byway/bridleway which is used by children for pony and bike riding and that their exposure to crowds and loud noise may cause them harm or distress.

15. Date and time of the next meeting This was scheduled to held on 20th November 2018 at 6pm at the Ruddle Centre.

With no further business to attend to, the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 20.35pm.
