Western University Scholarship@Western Masters of Clinical Anatomy Projects Anatomy and Cell Biology Department 2016 Variations of the Subclavian Arterial Branching Pattern and Maximization of its Juwan Ryu Western University,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/mcap Part of the Anatomy Commons Citation of this paper: Ryu, Juwan, "Variations of the Subclavian Arterial Branching Pattern and Maximization of its" (2016). Masters of Clinical Anatomy Projects. 14. https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/mcap/14 Variations of the Subclavian Arterial Branching Pattern and Maximization of its Supraclavicular Surgical Exposure (Project format: Integrated) by Juwan Ryu Graduate Program in Anatomy and Cell Biology Division of Clinical Anatomy A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master’s of Science The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada © Juwan Ryu 2016 Abstract The subclavian artery (SCA) is an important vessel with several branches. However, significant pattern variations exist. Characterizing SCA branches and its relationships to landmark structures like the anterior scalene muscle (ASM) is important in surgery. Computed Tomography Angiograms from 55 patients were retrospectively analyzed using Aquarius iNtuition. Measurements were taken of: distance of origin of SCA branches from the aorta and the ASM-VA origin distance. Only 13 SCAs (12.9%) exhibited the highest prevalence in typical branching pattern. VA originated 1st in 80.2% of SCAs, with ITA arising 2nd (41.3%), TCT 3rd (47.3%), CCT 4th (43.6%) and DSA 5th branch (56.9%). Average VA-ASM distance was 14.14mm with 94.9% of VAs originating within 30mm proximal to the medial border of ASM.