
Episode 6 Tech Tip Tuesday - Video Walkie Talkie

SHOW NOTES AT - tiahain.com/6

Tia Hain: there. You are listening to episode number 6 of the Organizing Her Business Systems and Technology Podcast. Today's podcast is a Tech Tip Tuesday, so it'll be quick. But it is all about how you can communicate with people through a video walkie talkie. It's called the Marco Polo app. And it is wonderful and amazing. And I can't wait to tell you all about it.

Welcome to the Organizing Her Business Systems and Technology podcast. I'm Tia Hain and I've been a technology translator for over 25 years now. This podcast is for the woman who's tired of toughing it out alone when it comes to organizing the business systems and technology she needs to get her business off the ground and running smoothly.

Speaking of, we also have a group by the same name, Organizing Her Business Systems and Technology. You can get there by going to OrganizingFB.group or OrganizingFBGroup.com. If you are a woman working on your business, come join us.

If you're tired of Googling everything only to spend half your day or more trying to find the right tutorial in all those search results, then this is the place for you. Women supporting women in organizing their businesses and getting them running smoothly.

Ep. 006 - Tech Tip Tuesday - Marco Polo Video Walkie Talkie © Tia Hain | Page 1!

Just go to OrganizingFB.group or OrganizingFBGroup.com, gotcha covered either way. Click the join button, answer the questions. (By the way, I don't let anyone in if they haven't answered the questions. It just helps keep the spammers out.) And then join the community. We can't wait to see you there. Now let's dive in to this week's episode.

Okay, so we're gonna talk about Marco Polo app. It's called video walkie talkie, if you look in the App Store that's how they advertise it, is a video walkie talkie. Now when my friend was first telling me about it, I was thinking, "Well why don't I just... if you wanna talk on video, why don't we just send videos back and forth through texting app or something like that?"

But there's a couple reasons why this app is much better.

First off, it's not gonna take up room on your phone.

So when you send videos back and forth to each other in texting, it actually takes up room on your phone. And that's room for other apps, other pictures, etc.

Because that stuff automatically saves to your phone. Even if you don't specifically save it, like save an image or something from text, it's actually still taking up room on your phone to have it on there. It's just taking it up in the Message app instead of under your videos.

Found that out when I went to try and clear my phone off. And I'm like, "What is all this stuff doing?"

And it was all just videos and pictures that people had sent to me. Even though I'd already saved them somewhere else.

That's one of the things that it does. They have their own servers. So technically the videos that you're sending back and forth to each other, they're not on your phone. They're on Marco Polo's servers.

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So the other thing that you can do is... I've had the app mess up on me a little bit before. But all I had to do is delete it and bring it back up. And everything was still there. So that's another nice thing about that.

Now what it is, is a way to communicate with video to... well... anybody that you want to link up to in the Marco Polo app.

So I use it for one of my really close friends. And I use it for my mom.

And I'm trying to get another close friend of mine who lives at the bottom of the United States. And I now live at the top of the United States. And we miss talking to each other. But the problem is, when we get on the phone to talk to each other, we are talking for about two hours.

And while I love her dearly, I don't have two hours to sit and talk. And try and make sure that we can connect with each other at the same time. I've got young kids. She's got young kids. We're both very busy. So this way we can just message each other back and forth. But we also get to see each other's face when we do it.

So it's kinda neat, because you can feel more intimate with your relationships. Because you're seeing each other's face. And you're hearing each other's voices as you're sending back and forth. In a way that you're not getting with texting or emailing or anything like that.

But you can do it on your schedule. So you send a video message when you have time. And then they get a notification saying that there's a video message waiting for them. And then they send you back a video message when they have time. And then you can watch it when you have the time to watch it.

Now with the notifications, I have mine set up so it doesn't give me sound. But I get a little thing that pops up on my screen so I know somebody's left me a message there.

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And then I have the little number that shows up. (I'm one of those people that I can't stand the stupid little red dots. So if there's a red dot that says I have an email or a message or something, I have to go in and check it.) So this way it makes me check the Marco Polo app to see what message somebody has left me.

Now another thing that's great, is it's a wonderful way for my kids to keep in touch with my mom. They get to leave her messages back and forth. And she leaves them messages. And it's kind of special because they have their own special communications. And since they're too young to have their own devices with their own way of communicating with grandma, they get to do it through the Marco Polo app on my phone.

And then one other thing is there's filters, and doodles. And different voices if you want to use them. I've done them for fun here and there, but most of the time I don't, because I just want to actually communicate with someone.

But the app is free. Just go in to the App Store on your iPhone or your Android phone, or whatever phone you have. And just search for Marco Polo. It's totally free. It'll say video walkie talkie.

And then just download it.

And then you invite whoever you want to communicate with. You can have it go through your contacts, so you can see if some of the people that you know are already on it.

I highly recommend it.

This is your Tech Tip for the week.

And we will see you on Thursday for our next podcast. Bye for now!

Do you have any suggestions on how I can improve this podcast? Or perhaps you have some suggestions on topics you would like to hear me talk about.

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Go ahead and shoot me an email at [email protected]. That's T-I-A, the at symbol, T-I-A-H-A-I-N dot com. Let me know what you want to hear. Be happy to get it up here for you.

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And that's it. We will see you in the next episode.

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Are you a woman who is ready to Organize Your Business Systems & Technology? I’ll bet you are. Let’s go! I've created a group for women who are tired of toughing it out when it comes to the systems and the tech they need to learn to get their business off the ground and running smoothly. Are you tired of Googling everything, only to spend half your day (or more) trying to find the “right” video tutorial in all those search results? (I don’t blame you. It drives me crazy, too.) Click this link and join us at Organizing Her Business Systems & Technology. This group is where you can come and learn how to organize your business and ask your technology questions and get the answer. I’ll also post the latest tech finds that can make you business life easier. (And maybe a few things to make your personal life easier, too. � ) Click that +Join Group button. Answer a couple of questions about yourself. Grab a cup of coffee or tea. Connect with other business women and maybe ask your tech question. Or scroll to find some random insights.

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