
19 June 2020

Dear Parents

We are really looking forward to returning to school in September and for our staff and boarders to come together as a community. The purpose of this letter is to provide reassurance of our safety measures and set out our guiding principles when preparing to welcome our boarders back into school in September. This document is written to various boarding audiences – current, new, UK based, overseas, and agents – but we have decided that it is essential to provide an overview of our boarding plans for September to all.

There is no doubt that the world has experienced an unprecedented pandemic and we acknowledge that there may be challenges ahead. We are working tirelessly to mitigate any risks, wherever possible, and are continually reviewing our plans in light of the latest scientific, Government and World Health Organisation guidelines. Woodhouse Grove School has a long and proud tradition of providing first class pastoral care for its students and takes very seriously its responsibility to provide a safe environment to our boarders. Another tangible expression of our level of pastoral care is that we have adopted the Boarding School Association’s Covid-Safe Charter. https://www.boarding.org.uk/userfiles/bsa/Covid%20documents/Covid%20Safe%20Charter.pdf

Most importantly, we wish to reassure our community that Woodhouse Grove School is a safe and welcoming campus where the wellbeing of all our boarding community is of critical importance. Our community is built upon family values where diversity is celebrated and central to us. At this stage, we cannot possibly predict what the autumn will hold, and it is likely that there will need to be new safety measures in place when you join us. However, we will not let any of this detract from our desire to see each and every one of our boarding community flourish.

Boarding Houses I have attached the 2020/21 Brodwell and Miller House handbook which will be useful reading for our new boarders. You can also access the handbook via this link: https://www.woodhousegrove.co.uk/boarding/handbooks/

The school’s term dates can be accessed via the link below to aid you in your planning for future holiday preparations during the year. We anticipate that our boarders will be able to follow their usual arrangements for the October half term when they travel home or to guardians. However, we will keep this under review as and when UK government guidance becomes available next term. https://www.woodhousegrove.co.uk/school-info/term-dates/

Apperley Bridge, , BD10 0NR [email protected] I am Grovian. Woodhouse Grove School is part of the Methodist Independent Schools Trust. Registered Office: Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW15JR. Charity No. 1142794. Company No. 7649422.



We will work hard to ensure that boarding houses are clean, safe spaces where the sense of community is still felt. At the time of writing, it is uncertain whether Government guidance will require us to make any changes to our normal routines. Should this be the case, we have contingency plans to overcome various logistical challenges, such as the staggering of meals, registrations and house meetings to allow greater physical distancing. Boarders will be encouraged to talk about their experiences and share their concerns. There will still be house camaraderie and a sense of belonging to Brodwell, Miller or Brodwell Annexe but this may need to take a different feel and shape in order to comply with Government guidance.

As you would expect, all Houses will undergo thorough daily cleaning programmes and houses will be deep cleaned prior to the start of next term. Boarders will be required to keep their personal spaces tidy and free of clutter. Our outstanding Houseparents, supported by excellent House Tutors, will ensure that this does not allow houses to feel sterile or unwelcoming. As is usually the case early in the Autumn Term, our evening programme will be dominated by using our excellent outdoor spaces for socialising and activities in the fresh air. All boarding activities will be adapted to meet all safety guidelines.

Personal Hygiene The personal hygiene of all pupils and staff will continue to be of critical importance. Our community will be continually reminded to wash their hands, and this will become a formal part of routine. If deemed appropriate, the wearing of face coverings will be permitted. Your child is welcome to bring a supply of face masks with them. As always, our existing policies and procedures will be followed to ensure that all our pupils are treated equally and with empathy.

Medical Provision Woodhouse Grove has a Medical Centre on the school site. Our outstanding nurses are available to help all our boarders and are keeping up-to-date with any changing practices for the care and wellbeing of our boarders. All boarders will have regular temperature taken checks, as precaution and early warning indicator of potential infection. Should a pupil become unwell, our usual protocols of swift response and escalation, where necessary, will be enacted. Anyone displaying any symptoms of Covid-19, no matter how small, will be immediately isolated and we will seek further guidance and support from the relevant outside agency, such as National Health Service and Public Health England. If a boarder has to be isolated at school, we do have the facilities available to provide the appropriate care. As always, the safety and care for our students is central to our boarding ethos.

Learning We have fielded a number of communications from boarders that miss being at the school whilst we have endured lockdown. We are all looking forward to the end on remote learning and rekindling our passion for learning in the classroom. We expect the school to be back in session on 03 September 2020. We expect all our boarders to join us in September but are aware that some January entries may be permitted due to some late applications this admissions season. However, please be aware that there are no plans to offer online learning as an alternative to our pupils being taught in the physical classroom next term, unless the UK lockdown is extended. All our lessons will be planned and delivered taking account of the latest Government guidance and precautions to protect our pupils and ensure the quality of teaching and learning is not compromised.

Apperley Bridge, West Yorkshire, BD10 0NR [email protected] I am Grovian. Woodhouse Grove School is part of the Methodist Independent Schools Trust. Registered Office: Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW15JR. Charity No. 1142794. Company No. 7649422.



Returning to Boarding To adhere to the current guidelines on physical distancing, boarders would need to have their transport arrangements from airports/home to the school/quarantine property made by their parents or guardian. Please ensure that your arrangements comply with the BSA’s Covid-Safe Charter. For international pupils, we have attached a copy of the Covid-Safe letter that your parents/guardian will need to complete and bring with you. However, please also be aware that this is a very dynamic situation and that the current regulations are likely to change prior to the school re-opening.

At the time of writing, the current UK Government rule is that boarders returning from overseas will be required to be quarantined for 14 days before starting school. Please note that if this rule changes prior to your child’s arrival in the UK, we will cancel our quarantine offering and revert back to our normal routines – a welcome in the school at 4pm on Wednesday 02 September.

Arrangements can be made privately to ensure that the current quarantine requirement is met. Some of our international boarders may well make their own arrangements prior to the start of term ready to arrive post- quarantined at school on Wednesday 02 September to join the non-overseas boarders arriving at their boarding house from 4pm.

Overseas boarders may wish to take advantage of the school’s off-site quarantine facility, to complete their quarantine under the supervision of the school and our boarding staff. This facility will be available, at no additional charge, from Wednesday 02 September for 14 nights. We have hired a residential building in close proximity to the school and we will be providing face-to-face and online learning to these pupils during quarantine. Therefore, please bring with you a Wi-Fi enabled device to do schoolwork on. You are also reminded that your child is welcome to bring a supply of face masks and gloves with them to wear during this quarantine period.

The school has decided to offer this service for overseas boarders that do not secure quarantine services with their guardian. We have reserved a facility and hope to be able to accommodate those children who cannot quarantine with their guardian. But we do understand that many of you will prefer to make private quarantine arrangements prior to the start of term to ensure that your child can attend school and live lessons for the first 2 weeks of term.

You will need to make arrangements with your appointed guardian to arrange transport to our quarantine accommodation. If you can fly into / airport, the school will offer a number of minibus group pickups to shuttle students to the quarantine property. The timings of these will be confirmed once we receive details of boarders’ flights and times into Leeds/Bradford airport.

The quarantine accommodation is located at the following address:

YHA Haworth Longlands Drive Haworth BD22 8RT

Apperley Bridge, West Yorkshire, BD10 0NR [email protected] I am Grovian. Woodhouse Grove School is part of the Methodist Independent Schools Trust. Registered Office: Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW15JR. Charity No. 1142794. Company No. 7649422.


woodhousegrove.co.uk https://www.yha.org.uk/hostel/yha-haworth I would like to start collating your arrangements for Wednesday 02 September please. Please email me the paragraph that applies to your child and add their name/time as appropriate. It is essential that I receive a response from all boarders by 07 July please. However, please note that an early reply would be appreciated and will secure your child a place in our quarantine property.

Reply Form – To be emailed to Simon Vernon ([email protected])

Option 1 - (Add Name) is resident in the UK and does not need quarantine services. He/She will be travelling direct to Woodhouse Grove School. Anticipated arrival time on Wednesday 2nd September will be (Add Time).

Option 2 - (Add Name) will arrange private quarantine in the UK for 14 days prior to Wednesday 2nd September. He/She will be travelling direct to Woodhouse Grove School. Anticipated arrival time on Wednesday 2nd September will be (Add Time).

Option 3 - (Add Name) would like to book a place at the off-site school provided quarantine accommodation. His/Her flight to Leeds/Bradford Airport has an anticipated arrival time on Wednesday 2nd September (Add Time) and we would like to use the school minibus collection service.

Option 4 - (Add Name) would like to book a place on the off-site school provided quarantine accommodation. His/Her flight is to a UK airport and he/she will be travelling direct to the Howarth Quarantine Accommodation with an anticipated arrival time at the accommodation on Wednesday 2nd September of (Add Time).

Option 5 – (Add Name) has completed their studies at WGS. During the summer holiday or prior to returning for university in the UK we shall contact the Houseparent to arrange collection of our child’s belongings from storage at the school.

Additional information for New Boarders joining the school

We are delighted that your child will be joining us in September. Further to the boarding handbook, I want to draw to your attention to a little more information about boarding which will be useful to your son/daughter prior to their arrival.

All girls board in Miller House throughout their time with us at The Grove. The Houseparent is Ms Pearce.

All boys board in Brodwell House and its Annexe throughout their time with us at The Grove. The Houseparent is Mr Whitlam.

Along with the Houseparent, each new boarder will be assigned a boarding House Tutor too. The House Tutor is often your child’s main point of contact for their academic and pastoral wellbeing. The House Tutor’s work is overseen by the Houseparent to ensure that your child is supported and encouraged to great effect. On arrival at the boarding house, your child will be introduced to their House Tutor and a regular meeting between the

Apperley Bridge, West Yorkshire, BD10 0NR [email protected] I am Grovian. Woodhouse Grove School is part of the Methodist Independent Schools Trust. Registered Office: Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW15JR. Charity No. 1142794. Company No. 7649422.


woodhousegrove.co.uk two will commence at the end of the induction process led by the Houseparent. We usually introduce our new boarders to their ‘boarding buddy’ at this initial meeting too. However, with contingency plans currently in place for quarantine provision, this may well be disrupted and a more ad hoc buddy system may be in place under the direction of the Houseparent.

Herewith are the main contact details that will be helpful for you and your child to have in your phones:

[email protected] Mr Simon Vernon – Assistant Headmaster (Boarding, School Reception: +44 113 2502477 Admissions & Compliance) Boarding Twitter: @WGSBoarding [email protected] Brodwell Staff Office: +44 113 2386090 Mr Alex Whitlam – Houseparent of Brodwell House Brodwell Staff Mobile: +44 7809603644 Brodwell Pupil Payphone: +44 113 2397095 [email protected] Miller Staff Office: +44 113 2386091 Ms Caroline Pearce - Houseparent of Miller House Miller Staff Mobile: +44 7809603647 Miller Pupil Payphone: +44 113 2500850 Miss Jo Wood - Boarding Administrator & Travel Co- [email protected] ordinator. Travel Mobile: +44 7850905680

The school website link below will provide you with contact details for the uniform shop and allow you to order your uniform in preparation for your son’s/daughter’s arrival. If it is not possible for you to get all your uniform in advance, we will help you attend the uniform shop onsite within the first few days. https://www.woodhousegrove.co.uk/the-grove/useful-information/uniform/

I apologise that our new boarders welcome letter has been incorporated into this longer document. But I am reminded that our boarding community is one that is harmonious and is best served by being informed of the full picture.

I look forward to meeting you in September. Please do not hesitate to email me or the Houseparent if you have any questions. We will endeavour to answer any questions that you may have over the summer holiday.

With my best wishes

Simon Vernon | Assistant Head (Boarding, Admissions & Compliance)

Apperley Bridge, West Yorkshire, BD10 0NR [email protected] I am Grovian. Woodhouse Grove School is part of the Methodist Independent Schools Trust. Registered Office: Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW15JR. Charity No. 1142794. Company No. 7649422.