, Hunston and North Neighbourhood Panel

9 October 2012 – 7 pm – North Mundham Village Hall


Name Representing PCSO Oliver Broad Manhood Peninsula Neighbourhood Police Team David Baron Sidlesham Neighbourhood Watch Corina Hall Sidlesham Parish Council John Owen North Mundham Neighbourhood Watch Roger Pagram Hunston Parish Council Tim Russell (Chairman) North Mundham Parish Council

1. Introductions

1.1 Those present were invited to introduce themselves.

1.2 Apologies were received from Paul Chivers, Frances Neave, Innes Mary Quigley, Carole Ranjbar, Denia Turnbull and Margaret Whitehead.

2 Approve minutes of the previous meeting

2.1 The minutes were agreed to be an accurate record of the previous meeting.

3 Matters Arising

3.1 Faded ‘40’ speed limit signs on the B2166 at the eastern boundary of North Mundham. The Chairman reported that the signs have been replaced.

4 Discussion of Previous Priorities

4.1 PCSO Broad introduced himself and updated the meeting. A copy of his speaking notes is attached to these minutes. He drew attention to the recent theft of ten kayaks from the canoe shed in Hunston, which might alert suspicion if they are offered for sale

4.2 Driving Offences, and specifically speeding

4.2.1 PCSO Broad drew attention to Operation Crackdown, which should provide an opportunity for members of the public to report instances of anti-social behaviour on the road. Members of the meeting commented that the on-line facility to make Crackdown reports has not always proved easy to use. However it is also possible to make such reports by telephone (101) and this had proved straightforward. Nevertheless there remained the difficulty of capturing enough information to identify offenders and make a useful report. Particularly when driving themselves and unaccompanied, recording vehicle registration numbers often had to take second place to the potential informant’s own safe driving.

4.2.2 One of the sanctions available in cases of anti-social driving is a Section 59 warning which means that if a repeat offence is observed the vehicle can be seized. Opinions in the meeting were divided over whether this constitutes an effective deterrent.

4.2.3 Sidlesham delegates observed that the hay bales which fell off a trailer and caused a fatal accident had still not been cleared away. Their continued presence was obstructing sight lines at the site of the accident. PCSO Broad agreed to investigate who was responsible for removing them, and would try to get them cleared away. [Post Meeting Note - 12 October 2012: The hay bales have been cleared]

4.2.4 There remains some concern that a number of tractors are not been driven with the care and attention they deserve, possibly as a result of the drivers being pressured to complete as many trips as possible. It was noted that it would be helpful if tractors could be clearly identified. The Chairman noted that in the past North Mundham Parish Council had been able to obtain a list of the tractors’ identification numbers and the contact details of the supervisors who controlled them. He would explore the provision of an up to date list.

4.3 Vandalism.

4.3.1 The difficulty of countering vandalism was discussed. CCTV equipment of an appropriate quality is expensive, and In rural areas it was more often than not difficult to find a suitable secure site and a power supply for the camera.

4.4 Anti-Social Behaviour, and specifically anti-social parking.

4.4.1 Parking continues to be a problem in all three parishes. However it was difficult to counter when no specific traffic offence had been committed. In Sidlesham there is a particular problem with a vehicle parked in a lay-by: although it is obstructing sight lines it is parked legally. Similarly in Hunston the incidence of parking in narrow roads makes access difficult and gives rise to concern about how easily emergency vehicles might be able to pass. [Post Meeting Note - 12 October 2012: PCSO Broad has conducted a patrol in St Leodegar’s Way, Hunston. The problem was apparent, but no specific offences could be identified]

4.4.2 In some areas there is a specific and identifiable safety concern which PCSO Broad was invited to note. Problems around Sidlesham Primary School had already been reported. In North Mundham there is a specific safety problem around Church Road when parents park to collect children from the Primary School, obstructing sight lines at road junctions where pedestrians, often unaccompanied children, cross the road.

5 Current Issues

5.1 Travellers. It was reported that the travellers who had been camped on the Harbour Conservancy car park, at Delling Lane, in had been served with an eviction order. However they had moved only a short distance and were now camped in the area of Newells Lane, Bosham.

6 Establish New Priorities

6.1 It was agreed that the three identified priorities should remain unchanged until the next meeting. They are therefore:  Driving Offences, and specifically speeding  Vandalism  Anti-Social Behaviour, and specifically anti-social parking

7 Any Other Business

7.1 No new issues were raised.

7.2 PCSO Broad explained that his team was currently under strength by two PCSOs, though they expected to be joined by a new PCSO, Jacob McQuillan, towards the end of the month. At the moment it was not certain who would take over responsibility for Hunston, Sidlesham and North Mundham in the longer term.

7.4 Date of Next Meeting. It was agreed to hold the next meeting once PCSO McQuillan was in post, and this was fixed for 1900 on Wednesday, 9 January 2013, in North Mundham Village Hall.

7.5 The meeting closed at approximately 1945.

Attachment: Police Update – Notes for Meeting

Attachment to Minutes Meeting 9 October 2012

Sidlesham, Hunston and North Mundham Neighbourhood Panel

9 October 2012 – 7 pm – North Mundham Village Hall

Police Update – Notes for Meeting

My name is PCSO Ollie Broad. I am part of the WC2 Manhood Peninsula Neighbourhood Police Team (NPT) which consists of Sgt Alan Fenn, PC Kris Drake, PC Dave Lyons, PCSO Sam Treagust, and PCSO Rose Bainbridge. We are looking forward to a new PCSO called Jacob McQuillan joining our team towards the end of October.

I used to cover the Witterings and am now covering . I still cover jobs in the Witterings and in addition to this Hunston, North Mundham and Donnington.

A canoe shed was broken in to in Hunston on 29/09/2012. Ten Dagger Kayaks were stolen and various other equipment. Pictures of stolen Kayaks were put out on Community Messaging, Chichester Facebook page and Twitter in the hope that somebody is offered this kit and can then let the Police know.

Previous Priorities

Priority 1 - Driving Offences and specifically speeding

The West Roads Policing Unit (RPU), continue to Police Sidlesham, North Mundham and Hunston and indeed the whole of the Manhood Peninsula. We are not always aware when they are in the area but they continue to challenge motorists who are committing offences on our roads. PC Cranswick and PC Lawson continue to patrol the area in all manner of vehicles from marked cars to plain cars through to Motorcycles.

Recent operations consisted of both educational and enforcement operations.

Sussex Police run an ongoing operation called Operation Crackdown. This makes it easier for members of the public to report anti-social behaviour on our roads ranging from not wearing seat belts, speeding to reporting drink drivers. You can make a report either online - just type in Operation Crackdown and follow instructions or you can make a report via the telephone to Operation Crackdown.

22/09/2012 - B2145. Section 59 (warning notice) issued on person and vehicle for anti- social driving. A black Ford Fiesta was driven at high speed through 30 and 40 mph zones. Vehicle observed tailgating other vehicles and crossing double white lines when behind vehicles.

28/09/2012. Fatal Road Traffic Collision (RTC) Accident on B2145 Sidlesham near Anchor Pub. Hay bales fell off a trailer being towed by a tractor crushing the driver of a car.

Priority 2 - Vandalism

Criminal Damage 13/08/2012. A tree was snapped off at North Mundham Primary School.

Criminal Damage: Between 28/9 and 30/9 a combine harvester was damaged while parked at the location. One of the tyres was let down and the cab smashed up. Did you see or hear anything? Sussex Police STORM 1217 30/09/12 refers.

Criminal Damage: 29/09/2012. Breaking down fences in Lane. 4-5 people heard using bad language. No descriptions. A unit attended - area search revealed no trace.

Criminal Damage: 17/08/2012. Sidlesham Memorial Playing Field. Damage to playground equipment. No CCTV record and no witnesses.

Priority 3 - Anti-Social Behaviour and specifically anti-social parking

28/09/2012 - Selsey Road, Sidlesham - Parking in Bus Stop. Owners of two vehicles were spoken to and advised to park in alternative location as they were making an unnecessary obstruction and would be issued a fixed penalty notice. Both vehicle owners moved their vehicles to alternative locations.

08/10/2012 - Sidlesham Primary School, Keynor Lane. Parking on pavement. Caller reported being almost knocked over by a vehicle on the pavement. No VRM or description of driver. Caller advised we will increase patrols in area.