The Clerk: Mrs Karen Crowhurst CATSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL The Village Hall, Church Road Catsfield, East Sussex TN33 9DP Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Phone 01323 848502 7th November 2018 in Hermon Cottage Email
[email protected] Website Attended by: Cllr John Overall – Chairman Cllr Thomas- Vice Chairman, Cllr. Edwards, Cllr Hodgson (taking Minutes in the Clerks absence), Cllr Holgate and Cllr Scott. Also in attendance: Cllr Gary Curtis – Rother District Council. Members of the public 1 Item Minutes 1. To receive apologies for absence Apologies were received from County Cllr. Kathryn Field and Karen Crowhurst – The Clerk 2. To approve and accept the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd October 2018 RESOLVED: That the Chair of the meeting is authorised to sign the Minutes for 3rd October 2018 3. To receive declarations of interest on agenda items Cllr. Holgate declared a personal interest in: Item 7 – Planning Applications RR/2015/3117/P and RR/2016/162/P for Wylands International Angling Centre, Wylands Farm, Powdermill Lane, Catsfield TN33 0SU, as a neighbour effected by the developments Cllr. Edwards declared a personal interest in: Item 7 – Planning Applications RR/2015/3117/P and RR/2016/162/P for Wylands International Angling Centre, Wylands Farm, Powdermill Lane, Catsfield TN33 0SU, due to family members using the grounds. Cllr. Hodgson declared a personal interest in: Item 6d - Insurance claim – as a relative of the insured. Item 16 – Village Hall as a Trustee and Parish Council’s representative 4. Public questions or comments relating to items on this agenda The Chairman invited the Member of the public to speak.