
Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Form Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(o)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung 990 benefit trust or private foundation) DepaAmsil of N. Tra¢suy im~a awmu. savm. " The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state repor6np requirements A For the 2002 calendar year, or tax year period beginning B G~ I! ~ C Name of organization D Employer identification number spPLale Pl~ ux IRS A" I~ . F p1n1.,THE COLUMBUS FOUNDATION a 1-OV'JYL -=9~N.. EDch.g. type Number and street (or P 0 box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite E Telephone number tnifiW S" r~ si~FO1234 EAST BROAD STREET F'I d - 9.51 - OFInN rsrtm 1w3 City or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4 F uraunCnO mqnoA LJ trio 1-1J nmud COLUMBUS , OH 43205-1453 cithot, =d ing " Section 507(c)(3) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable hug H and I are not applicable to sedan 527 organizations mutt gnash a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) H(a) Is this a group return for affiliates? ~ Yes EE No H(b) If 'Yes,' enter number of affiliates 10 J Organization type (cnmonly one)1LXJ 501W ( 3 ) q ff'v°'^°> U 4947(a)(1)orLJ 52 H(s) Are all affiliates included N /A D Ya F-I No (If'No ; attach alisL) K Check here 10 d the organization's gross receipts are normally not more than $25,000 The H(d) Is this a separate return filed by an or- ~ organization need not file a return with the IRS, but d the organization received a form 990 Package in the mail, it should file a return without financial data Some states require a complete return M Check p~LJ rf the organization is not required to attach Sch B (Form 990. 990-EZ, or 990-PF) Part I Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received e Direct public support 1a 33 539 589 . b Indirect public support 1b 454 , 142 . ' s c Government contributions (pranu) to 77 275 . i e Total (aeelines lathrough tc)(cashS 26,358,053 . noncash5 7,712,953 . ) 1d 34 071 006 . 2 Program service revenue including government fees and contracts (ham Part VII, line 93) 2 3 Membership dues and assessments 9 Interest onsavings andtemporary cash investments 1 629 697 . 5 Dividends and interest from securities 5 10 903 . 403 . INS 6 a Gross rents 6a 27 600 . -~, .` cc b Less rental expenses 6b c Net rental income or (loss) (subtract line 6b from line 6a) 6c; 27 600 . (describet SEE 279 . 7 m 7 Other investment income STATEMENT 1 7 141 '7 e' B a Grass amount from sale al assets other A Securities 0 Other m than inventory 53 , 026 , 127 . e~ 30 000 . `' b Less cost orother basis andsales expenses 52 , 729 , 594 . en 42 000 . , c Gain or (loss)(attachschedwe) 296 533 . ee -12 000 . d Net pain or (loss) (combine line ec, columns (A) and (B)) ,$T2QT 2 $TMT 3 STMT 4 ed 284 , 533 . 9 Special events and activities (attach schedule) a Gross revenue (not including $ of contributions tar. reported on line 1a) 9a b Less direct expenses other than Nndraamp expenses 9b `?~ c Net income ) from special events (subtract line 9b from line 9a) . 9c of love tory, less returns and allowances 10a r sold 10b _ t ... M e qGr~ss~~~`~nfn~~or ~ ) from sales of inventory (attach schedule) (subtract line tOb from line t0a) 10c MY~1~ Wtlfer FEv~2hde Part 01, tine 103) 11 12 Total revenue lines 1d 2 3. 4. 5 tic 7.8d. 9c 70c and 11 12 46 195 380 . D rarUe'vices( am line 44, column (e)) 1S --i2 7 8 2 8 4 0 . eras (from line 44, column (C)) 14 1 317 090 . 15 Fundraising (from line 44, column (D)) 15 1 45-7 204 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) 16 17 Total expenses add lines 16 and 44 column A 17 3 5 557 13 4 . 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year (subtract line 17 from line 12) 18 10 638 246 . m m 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A)) 19 419 491 161 . a 20 Other changes innetassets orfund balances (attachexvlanauon) SEE STATEMENT 5 20 -45 109 039 . 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year combine lines 18, 19, and 20) 21 ~385020 368 . o -'iz°-oa LHA For Paperwork Hedueuon Act Notice, see the separate instructions form 990 (2002) r r ~aiva~ J1-oV44Lb4 Part II" ust complete column (A~ Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required for section 501(c)(3) Page z is and sechan 4947 a)( 1) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional for others A (B) Program (C) Management Toil services and eneral (D) Fundraising 22 Grants and allocations (attach schedule) wn s 30598646 n.ca,ns 598 646 . 30 598 646 . "TATEMENT~B "`_ 4 ~ . ~a7 23 Specific assistance to individuals (attach schedule) - "- ~ czs 21 Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule) 25 Compensation of officers, directors, etc 26 Other salaries and wages 27 Pension plan contributions 28 Other employee benefits 29 Payroll taxes 30 Professional fundratsing fees 31 Accounting fees 32 Legal fees 33 Supplies 94 Telephone 35 Postage and shipping 36 Occupancy 37 Equipment rental and maintenance 38 Printing and publications 39 Travel 40 Conferences, conventions, and meetings 41 Interest 42 Deprec non,~de.~-le~6on, etc (attach schedule) 49 Other e~t~nTes rtdt A a b e d e SEE STATEMENT 6

Joint Costs Check " U A you are following SOP 98-2 Are any pint costs from a combined educational campaign and Nndraising solicAahon reported m (B) Program services " 0 Yes EXI No It Yes; enter (i) the aggregate amount of these pint costs $ , (u) the amount allocated to Program services $

What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? Service ai apaniranma moat asmiG IMr exempt p~nporo rhWamanls m a dm anE conr~ee marv~ : Stbe Ns numEe of dlsit~ savW pu0lrahme i- E, etc D, arJnavsmWb Net NO not maaarapla (Section 507(.x3) aid (/) apen¢abma aiE 4747(eXl) roneaampt diaitabla Rust, must alm mtv ms emouM of Qante snd allratbna to oNSa) a SOCIAL SERVICES




Form 990(2002) Form 990 (2002) THE COLUMBUS FOUNDATION 31-6044264 Page 3 Balance Sheets

Note Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description column (A) (B) should be for end-of-year amounts only Beginning of year End of year

45 Cash - non-interest-bearing 45 46 Savings and temporary cash investments 32,461,749 . 46 33 .959 .967 . 47 a Accounts recervable 47a 3 .189 .927 . b Less allowance for doubtful accounts 47b 1 .651,998 . 47C 3,189,927 .

48 a Pledges receivable 48& b Less allowance for doubtful accounts 48b 48c 49 Grants recervable 49 50 Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees 50 V 51 a Other notes and loans receivable 51a b Less allowance for doubtful accounts 51b r5l c 52 Inventories for sale or use 52 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 28 , 787 . 53 56 698 . 54 Investments -securities STMT 10 $TMT 11 Is- E__1 cost M FMV 386,318,478 . 54 7T4_67~77'~i 9 6 6 55 a Investments - land, buildings, and equipment basis 55a 5 .182,402 .

b Less accumulated depreciation 55b 5, 209 , 954 5, 182 . 402 . 56 Investments - other SEE $TATEMENT 12 4 , 6 5 1 , 7 3 5 5556c 4,865,630 . 57 A Land, buildings, and equipment basis 57a 1 .862 .184 . b Less accumulated depreciation STMT 13 b 1 .142 .796 . 781 , 204 . 57C 719 388 . 58 Other assets (describe 111 58

59 Total assets (add lines 45 throuah 58) (must equal line 74) 431 103 905 59 394, 766 .478 . 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 2 , 537 . 148 . 6o 2, 928 .091 . 61 Grants payable 9,075 596 . 61 6 . 818 .019 . 62 Deferred revenue 62 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees 63 Z " a I a-exempt bond liabilities 64a :3 b Mortgages and other notes payable 64b 65 Other liabilities (describe 110- 65

66 Total liabilities (add lines 60 through 65) 11,612,744 . 66 9 .746 .110 . Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here l1i and complete lines 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74 67 Unrestricted 419,491,161 . 67 385,020, 68 . .g 68 Temporarily restricted 68 1 m 69 Permanently restricted 69 Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here li~ and complete lines 70 through 74 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current .9 funds 70 71 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund 71 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 72 Z 73 Total net assets or fund balances (add lines 67 through 69 or lines 70 through 72, column (A) must equal line 19, column (B) must equal line 21) - 51,5fi~062gQff,368 . 1 74 Total liabilities and net assets / fund balances (add lines 66 and 73) ...... 431419 :412013 :5051'6 :1 Z7; 23 78 . Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization [low the public perceives an orgarazation in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return . Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization's programs and accomplishments

223021 01 22~3 ruimvz;utzuuq 'rnm UV~UMMUO .31-01,144ACQ rage 4 ,Part IV-A, Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited ~V-B Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements with Revenue per Financial Statements with Expenses per Return Return a Total revenue, gains, and other support a Total expenses and losses per per audited financial statements 4 6 . 0 3 audited financial statements _k81,372, 232 . b Amounts included on line a but not on b Amounts included on line a but not on line 17, Form 990 'J line 12, Form 990" (1) Donated services L (1) Net unrealized gains and use of facildies on investments $ (2) Prior year adjustments (2) Donated services reported on line 20, and use of facilities Form 990 $ (3) Recoveries of prior (3) Losses reported on year grants $ 18,292 . line 20, Form 990 (4) Other (specify) (4) Other(specdy) $ STMT 14 $45,127,331 . Add amounts on lines (1) through (4) lo- i 18 .292 . Add amounts on lines (1) through (4) 0- b 45 .127 . 331 . c Line a minus line b Ol- c A 6 8 8 3 1 4 7 . c Line a minus line b 0- _A_36 .244,901 . d Amounts included an line 12, Form d Amounts included on line 17, Form 990 but not on line a 990 but not on line a (1) Investment expenses (1) Investment expenses not included on not included on line 6b, Form 990 $ line 6b, Form 990 $ (2) Other (specify) (2) Other (specify) STMT 15 -$ -687,767 . STMT 16 $ -687,767 . Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) 0-1 d 1 -687, 767 . Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) ll~ d 687 ~767 . a Total revenue per line 12, Form 990 e Total expenses per line 17, Form 990 it) li~ I a 14 65 , 19 5 . 3 8 0 . thne c plus line d) 10. ne 35 .05057,134 . Part-1112e-e V, I L"sList line of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (List each one even if not compensated ) (B) Title and average hours JC) Compensation (D4r,..1 bLb -~w (E) Expense (A) Name and address per 11 not Pei. enter accountand position Wuti. other allowances ------SEE STATEMENT 17 ~4934-4-7 . 62,184 . 0 . ------I ------







75 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee receive aggregate compensation of more than $100,000 from your organization and all related organizations, of which more than $10,000 was provided by the related organizations? If 'Yes,' attach schedule- 0, [-_-] Yes E~] No Form 990 (2002) 22W31 01-22~ -6044264 Patie 5

76 Did the oillanization engage in any activity not previously reported to the IRS? If -Yes,' attach a detailed description of each activity 76 X 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? 77 X If 'Yes: attach a conformed copy of the changes I -_ j 78 a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return? 781 X to If -Yes: has A fled a tax return on Form 990-T lot this year? N/A 15b 79 Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year? 79 X If -Yes: allach a statement 80 a Is the organization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide organization) through common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc , to any other exempt or nonexempt organization? Sol X I b If 'Yes: enter the name of the organization 11P, SEE STATEMENr # 17-A and check whether it is Eflexemptor ED nonexempt 81 a Enter direct or indirect poldical expenditures See line 81 instructions 0 b Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? 81b X 82 a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or facilities at no charge or at substantially less than fair rental value? 82a X b It 'Yes,* you may indicate the value of these items here Do not include thisamountas revenue in Part I orasan expense in Part 11 (See instructions in Part III 82b 6,332 . 831 Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? 83& X b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating 10 quid pro quo cOntributions? 83b X Bill a Did the organization solicit any contribubons or gifts that were not tax deductible? 84& X b It 'Yes,' did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not tax deductible? N/A 84b 85 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations a Were substantially all dues nondeductible by members? N/A 85& b Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? NIA 85b It 'Yeswas answered to either 85a or 85b, do not complete 85c through 85h below unless the organization received a waiver for proxy tax owed for the prior year a Dues, assessments, and similar amounts from members 85c N/A 4 Section 162(e) lobbying and political expenditures 85d N/A e Aggregate nondeductitile amount of section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices ~5e85t N/A f Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 85d less 85e) NIA_ g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount on line 85f? N/A 85g I Ir 11 section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount on line 85f to its reasonable estimate of dues allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax year? N/A 85h 86 501(c)(7) organizations Enter a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on line 12 861 N/A li Gross receipts, included on line 12, for public use of club facilities 86b N/A 87 501(c)(12) organizations Enter a Gross income from members or shareholders 87& N/A b Gross income from other sources. (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received tram them.) 87b N/A ~E 88 At any time during the year. did the organization own a 508/6 or greater interest in a taxable corporation or partnership, or an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections 3017701-2 and 3017701-3? If 'Yes,complete Part IX 88 X 89 a 501(c)r3) organizations Enter Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under section 491 1 10- 0 . , section 4912 10- 0 . , section 4955 Bo- 0 . b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If 'Yes,' attach a statement explaining each transaction c Enter Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958 10. 0 . d Enter Amount of tax on line 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization 10. 0 . 90 a List the states with which a copy of this return is filed ll~ OHIO b Number of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12, 2002 90b 44 91 Thebooksareincareof lll~RAYMOND J . BIDDISCOMBE _Telephoneno.lli~ 614-251-4006_

Locatedalb- 1234 EAST BROAD STREET ; COLUMBUS, OHIO ZIP+4 b- 43205-1405

92 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041- Check here 10.0 1111. Form 990 (2002) 31-6044264 Page 6 I Part VIII I Analysis of Income-Producing ctivirties (See pac Unrela d busin 512, 513, . 514 Note Enter gross amounts unless otherwise (E) indicated (A) (B) (D) Business Amount Related or exempt 93 Program service revenue code Amount function income a b C d a f Medicare/Medicaid payments g Fees and contracts from government agencies 94 Membership dues and assessments 95 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 96 Dividends and interest from securities 97 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate a debt-financed property b not debl-financed property 98 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 99 Other investment income 100 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 101 Net income or (loss) from special events 102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 103 Other revenue a b c d e 104 Subtotal (add columns (B), (D), and (Q) I 105 Total (add line 104, columns (B), (D), and (Q) 0- 12,124,374 . Note Line 105 phis line Id, Part 1, should equal the arnount online 12. Part / reir[iV1111 nW14L1U11b9jjjj V1 ~ULIVIUIU4 to ule mccompnisrunnent of t:xempt vurposes (Seepage 32 of the instructions.) Line No Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column (E) of Part W contributed importantly to the accomplishment of the organuation's V I exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purDoses)

Name, address, aAd'EIN of of

(a) Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, cluectly or indirectly, to (b) Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a Note If 'Yes' todbl- rile Form a870 and F~ 4721) ln~. inqt.,rt,~nO (0. Please I =~A~T" p= D ! ~of'pr,n Sign Here Ir ISiaoiffre oto6tKcer 3 . Paid signature Preparer' F .'s - (orn~~ Use Only =3 it~a JOHN GV-LACH- &,40MPA .&Y*4 37 WES REET 223181 ~*m, d 01 22~ hp . I COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215 I

SCHEDULEA Organization Exempt Under Section 501(c)(3) 0ma 1`10 1~~17 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (Except Private Foundation) and Section 501(a), 501(n, 501(k), 501(n), or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Dep~t of ~ ~69,Lry Supplementary Information-I[See separate instructions .) trtt~ R~uo Sw~ke i. MUST be completed by the above organizations and attached to their Form 990 or 990-EZ 2002 number

Part I Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers, Directors, and Trustees (See page 1 of the instructions List each one. If there are none, enter 'None I of each employee paid (b) TiffPei weekan avergedav ed hours 1) C~Mkxrt~ to (a (a) Name and address to (c) Compensation P="='~' accol more than $50,000 position ~Wt. al

JOHN-B . BRITTON ------NSSOCIATE V.F COLUMBUS, OHIO 0 96 000 . 15,568 .


CAROL-M .- HARMON ------IST . V.P .



Total number of other employees paid

Drs for Pi enter'None. (a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation






Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services Mo. 0 22310101-N~ LHA For Paperwort Reduction Act Notice. see the Instructions for Form 990 and Form 990-EZ Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2002 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2002 Statements About Activities (See page 2 of the instructions.) No During the year, has the organization attempted to influence national, state, or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum? It 'Yes,' enter the total expenses paid or incurred in connection with the lobbying acbvMn 0, $ (Must equal amounts on line 38, Part WA, or line I of Part VI-13 ) 1 X Organizations that made an election under section 50 1(h) by filing Form 5768 must complete Part VIA Other organizabons checking 'Yes," must complete Part VI-B AND attach a statement grving a detailed description of the lobbying activities During the year, has the organization, either directly or indirectly, engaged in any of the following acts wrIh any substantial contributors, trustees, directors, officers, creators, key employees, or members of their families, or with any taixable organization with which any such person is affiliated as an officer, director, trustee, majority owner, or principal beneficiary? of the answer to any question is 'Yes,' attach a cretailedstatementaxotwning the transactions) SEE STATEMENT 18 a Sale, exchange, or leasing of propW

b Lending of money or other extension of credn?

c Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities?

it Payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses if more than $1,000)?

e Transfer of any part of its income or assets?

3 Does the organization make grants for scholarships, fellowships, student loans, etc ? (See Note below 4 Do you have a section 403(b) annurty plan for your employees? Note Attach a statement to explain how the organization determines that individuals or orgarimations receiving grants or loans from ft in furtherance of its charitable programs 'qualify- to receive payments SEE STATEMENT 5 of the The organization is not a private foundation because it is: (Please check only ONE applicable box) 5 A church, convention of churches, or association of churches. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(1) 6 A school. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(u) (Also complete Part V ) 7 A hospital or a cooperalave hospital service organization Section 170(b)(1)(A)(111) 8 A Federal, state, or local government or governmental unit Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v) 9 A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital Section 170(b)(11)(A)(iu) Enter the hospital's name, city, and state 0, 10 An organization operated for the benefil of a college or umversity, owned or operated by a governmental unit. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A.) 118 ED An oroanuation that normally recerves a substantial part of rts support from a governmental unit or from the general public. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IVA) l1b EKI A community trust. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(VI) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A.) 12 El An organization that normally receives (1) More than 33 1/3% of ns support from contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts from activities related to its charitable, etc , functions - subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33 1/3% of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975 See section 509(a)(2) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A.)

13 0 An oroanuabon that is not controlled by any disqualified persons (other than foundation managers) and supports organizations described in

information about the supported organizations (See page 5 of the instructions (b) Line number (a) Name(s) of supported organizabon(s) from above

An oroanintion craanized and Schedule A (Form 990 OF 990-EZ) 2002

223111 01-22~3 A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2002 3 6 you checked a box on (or fiscal year 2001 1999 1 (d) 1998 Total 15

17 Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise sold or services performed, or furnishing of facilities in any activity that is related to the organization's charitable, etc , purpose 18 Gross income from interest, dividends, amounts received from payments on securities loans tsec- tion 512(a)(5)), rents, royalties, and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 taxes) from organization after June 30, 1975 19 Net income from unrelated businem activities not included in line 18 20 Tax revenues levied for the otganizabon's benefit and either paid to it or expanded on its behalf 21 The value of services or tatitibes furnished to the organvalron by a governmental unit without charge Do not include the value of services or facilibes generally furnished to the Dublic without charae 22 vulul "'Guilia Alw"dbullc Do not include gain or (loss: sale of capital assets 23 Total of lines 15 through 22 24 Line 23 minus line 17 1 4 26 Organizations described on lines 10or 11 a Enter 2% of amount in column (e), line 24 0- 26a 4 .635 . 5 b Preparea list for your records to show the name of and amount contributed by each person (other than a governmental unit or publicly supported organization) whose total gifts for 1998 through 2001 exceeded the amount shown in line 26a. Do not file this list vnih your return Enter the sum of all these excess amounts 10, 26b 5 417 , 4 c Total support for section 509(a)(i) test Enter line 24, column (e) 110- 26c 231 775 , 5 d Add Amounts from column (e) for lines 18 57,923,148 . 19 i~ t~ 22 26b 5,417,488 . 11~ 26d 63,340,6 a Public support (line 26c minus line 26d total) lo. ~Lqe_;l 6 8 , 4 3 4 , 9

27 Organizations described on line 12* a For amounts included in lines 15, 16, and 17 that were received from a"dtsqualified person,' prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and total amounts received in each year from, each 'disqualified person ' Do not file this list vnth your return EnteFthesumof such amounts for each year N/A (2001) (2000) (1999) (1998) b For any amount included in line 17 Ituill was received from each person (other than 'disqualifted personsl, prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and amount received for each year, that was more than the largw of (1) the amount on line 25 for the year or (2) $5,000 (Include in the list organizations described in lines 5 through 11, as well as individuals.) Do not file this list with your return After computing the difference between the amount received and Me larger amount described in (1) or (2), enter the sum of these differences (the excess amounts) lot each year N/A (2001) (2000) (1999) (1998) c Add Amounts from column (e) for lines 15 16 17 20 21 1111- 27c N/A d Add Line 27a total and line 27b total 110- 27d N/A a Public support (line 27c total minus line 27d total) 110- 27e N/A f Total support for seclaon 509(a)(2) test Enter amount on line 23, column (e) 1111- ] 27f N/A g Public support percentage (line 27e (numerator) divided by line 27f denommator)) 0- 27g N/A %

28 Unusual Grants- For an organization described in line 10, 11, or 12 that received any unusual grants during 1998 through 2001, prepare a list for your records to show, for each year, the name of the contributor. the date and amount of the grant, and a brief description of the nature of the grant. Do not file this listwith your return Do not include these grants in line 15 223121 01-22~ NONE S~~I* A (F~ OW m ~EZ) 2002 t

(For 990 or 990-EZ) 2002 THE COLUMBUS FOUNDAT I ON 31-6044264 Page4 ~p2rivate School Questionnaire (Seepage 7 of the instructions .) N/A fro be completed ONLY by schools that checked the box on line 6 in Part IV) Yes No 29 Does the organization have a racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement in its charter, bylaws, other governing instrument, or in a reSolubon of its governing body? 29 30 Does the organization include a statement at its racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students ui all its brochures, catalogues, anclother written communications with the public dealing with student admissions, programs,and scholarships? so 31 Has the organizabon publicized its racially nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media during the period of solicitation for students, or during the registration period if it has no solicitation program, in a way that makes the policy known to all parts of the general community it serves? 31 If 'Yes,' please describe, d'Nom please explain (If you need more space, attach a separate stalement.)

32 Does the organization maintain the iollowing a Records indicating the racial composition of the student body, faculty, and administrative staff? 32a b Records documenting that scholarships and other financial assistance are awarded an a racially nondiscriminatory basis? 32b c Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other written communications to the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships? 32c d Copies of all material used by the organization or on its behalf to solicit contributions? 32d If you answered "No* to any of the above, please explain (it you need more space, attach a separate statement)

33 Does the organizabon discriminate by race in any way with respect to a Students'rights or pfrvilegm? 33a b Admissions policies7 33b c Employment of faculty or administrative staff? 33c d Scholarships or other financial assistance? 33d e Educational policies? 33e f Use of facilities? 33f g Athletic programs? 33a It Other extracurricular actrvibes? 33h If you answered 'Yee to any of the above, please explain (if you need more space, attach a separate st3tement.) 4P

34 a Does the organization receive any financial aid or assistance from a governmental agency? 34a b Has the organization's right to such aid ever been revoked or suspended? 34b If you answered 'Yes' to either 343 or b, please explain using an attached statement ~-I 35 Does the organization certify that it has complied with the applicable requirements of sections 4 01 through 4 05 of Rev Proc 75-50, 1975-2 C B 587, covering racial nondiscrimination? If 'No,' attach an explanation 35 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2002

223131 01 n~ m990or990-EZ)2O02 THE COLUMBUS FOUNDATION 31-6044264 Page 5 Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See page 9 of the instructions) N/A

(a) (b) Limits on Lobbying Expenditures Affiliated group To be completed for ALL ferm'ellDendituree means amounts paid of incurred totals electing organizations NIA 36 Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grassroots lobbying) 37 Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying) 38 Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 36 and 37) 39 Other exempt purpose expenditures 40 Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 39 and 39)

41 Lobbying nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the following table - 4 If the amount on line 40 is - The lobbying nontaxable Amount is - -7- Not over SWO .OOO 20% of Me mount on Line 40 0~sr S500 000 W not W $1000,000 s1OO 000 plus 1~ of Me excess Mnr $!SoO lloo over Si ~,= ixn not wer $1,500,ODO S175,000 plus IM of Me exoses ow $1000 00o 41 Ove, S i ulo,ooo ~ not ~W $17 OOD 000 S225,000 plus 5% of Me sxoss~ me, $1,W0,00o Over S 17,000 000 $1,000,000 42 Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 4 1) 43 Subtract line 42 from line 36 Enter -0- it line 42 is more than line 36 44 Subtract line 41 from line 38 Enter -0- it line 41 is more than line 38

If there is an amount on either line 43 or line 44. vou must file

4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501 (h) (Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below See the instructions for lines 45 through 50 on page 11 of the instructions.)

Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period N/A Calendar Year (or (8) (b) (c) (it) (a) fiscal year beginning in) lll~ 2002 2001 2000 1999 Total 45 Lobbying nontaxable amount 0 . L 46 Lobbying ceiling amount I FYI 4 If 50% of line 45(e)) lL 0 . 47 Total lobbying expenditures 0 . 48 Grassroots nontaxable amount 0 . 49 Grassroots ceiling amount A (150% of line 48(e)) 3 0 . 50 Grassroots lobbying s 0 . 5= Lobbying Activity by Nonelecting Public Charities (For reporting only by organizations that did not complete Part VI-A) (See page 11 of the instructions N/A During the year, did the organization attempt to influence national, state or local legislation, including any attempt to Yes No Amount influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum. through the use of a Volunteers b Paid staff or management (include compensation in expenses reported on lines c through h I c Media advertisements d Mailings to members. legislators, or the public a Publicabons, or published or broadcast statements f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any other means 1, i Total lobbying expenditures (Add lines c through h ) 1 1 0 . If 'Yee to any of the above, also attach a statement firving a detailed description of the lobbying activities 223141 01 22-03 Schedule A (Form 990 OF 990-EZ) 2002 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2002 THE COLUMBUS FOUNDATION 31-6044264 Page 6 FP-artVII Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Nonchantable Exempt Organizations (See page 12 of the instructions ) 51 Did the reporting organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting organization to a nonchantable exempt organization of Yes No (i) Cash 5!~ - X (if) Other assets 1101) X Ir Other transactions. (i) Sales or exchanges of assets with a nonchantable exempt organization b(l) X (H) Purchases of assets from a noncharr2ble exempt organization b(u) X (in) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets A!q X (iv) Reimbursement arrangements b(iv) X (v) Loans or loan guarantees b(v) X (vi) Performance of services or membership or tundraising solicitations I bT) 1 Sharing of facilities, equq)menL mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees 1 1 2~X If the answer to any of the above is 'Yes,"complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the Goods, other assets, or services given by the reportung organization If the organization received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharma arranoement. show in column W) the value of the coods. other assets- or services received (a) (b) (c) (d) Line no Amount involved Name of nonchantable exempt organization Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements

52 a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527? 10- 1-1 Yes If] No THE COLUMBUS FOUNDATION 31-6044264




TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART I, LINE 7 279,141 .




HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK 15,410,806 . 13,310,016 . 0 . 2,100,790 . KEY TRUST COMPANY 2,124 . 15,234 . 0 . -13,110 . NATIONAL CITY BANK 4,876,169 . 4,842,858 . 0 . 33,311 . BANK ONE TRUST COMPANY 13,721,897 . 13,840,502 . 0 . -118,605 . COLUMBUS FOUNDATION, INC . 17,889,141 . 20,447,218 . 0 . -2,558,077 . CAPITAL GAIN DISTRIBUTIONS 882,103 . 0 . 0 . 882,103 . TO FORM 990, PART I, LINE 8 52,782,240 . 52,455,828 . 0 . 326,412 .






HERBERT W. BASH, JR . 243,887 . 273,766 . 0 . -29,879 .

TOTAL TO FM 990, PART I, LN 8 243,887 . 273,766 . 0 . -29,879 .






CUSTOM KEY HOMES, INC . 30,000 . 42,000 . 0 . 0 . -12,000 .

TO FM 990, PART I, LN 8 30,000 . 42,000 . 0 . 0 . -12,000 .





TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART I, LINE 20 -45,109,039 .




MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 20,881 . 8,455 . 6,230 . 6,196 . PROMOTION & ADVERTISING 88,039 . 35,648 . 26,269 . 26,122 . FOUNDATION EVENTS 62,806 . 25,431 . 18,740 . 18,635 . OUTSIDE SERVICES 235,245 . 95,253 . 70,193 . 69,799 . MEMBERSHIPS, DUES EDUCATION 47,371 . 19,181 . 14,135 . 14,055 . INSURANCE 31,380 . 12,706 . 9,363 . 9,311 . FUND EXPENSES 323,895 . 223,877 . 11,331 . 88,687 . GIFT ANNUITY PAYMENTS 225,106 . 225,106 .

TOTAL TO FM 990, LN 43 1,034,723 . 645,657 . 156,261 . 232,805 .


Statement # 6-A


Page # 2 - Part 11 - Line 42 - Depreciation

Property Date Cost or Prior Years' Depreciation Depreciation Description AcAuired Other Basis Deprec4ation Expens Method

Office Equipment Various 941,302 585,250 169,984 S/1-5tolOyears

Furniture & fixtures Various 245,143 170,307 1,677 S/1.10years

Building and ground improvements Various 675,739 163,518 52,060_ S/L 10 to 25 years

Total 1,862,1a4 919.075 223,721 THE tOLUMBUS FOUNDATION 31-6044264




STATEMENT(S) 7 The Columbus Foundation EIN 31-6044264 1234 East Broad Street FORM # 990 Columbus, Ohio 43205 FYE 121'31102


GRANT *OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUN ADVANCING PHILANTHROPY GRANTS AAFRC Trust for Philanthropy, Inc 10293 N Mendian Street, Suite 175 Indianapolis, IN 46290 Cash 1 $500 DO The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona 2250 East Broadway Boulevard Tucson, AZ 85719 Cash 1 S388,86513 Community Foundabon of Broward 1401 East Broward Blvd, Suite 100 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33 Cash 1 $10000 Catalyst Foundation 1505 West 137th Street Burnsville, MIN 55337 Cash 1 $1,00000 Central Ohio Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Profes Columbus, OH Cash 1 $1,50000 Columbus Bar Foundation 175 South Third Street, 1 ith Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 6 $51,311 82 The Columbus Foundation 1234 East Broad Street Columbus . OH 43205 Cash 5 $10,67400 Columbus Rotary Foundation Inc 5 East Long Street #1 104 Columbus OH 43215 Cash 5 $200000 Community Foundabons of Amenca, Inc 462 South Fourth Avenue, Suite 405 Louisville, KY 40202 Cash 2 $30,00000 Council on Foundations 1828 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036-5168 Cash 1 $39.6GO 00 Delaware County Community Foundation 40 North Sandusky Street, Suite 202 P 0 Box 261 Delawar Cash 5 $33,00000 The Foundation Center - Cleveland 1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1356 Cleveland OH 44115 Cash 1 $1 50000 Future Citizens Foundation rJo Monterey Peninsula Golf Founi:1200 East Franklin Street, Suite 200 P 0 Box 869 Monterey Cash 1 $3333300 Grammakers For Effective Organizations 1528 1 8th Street NW Washington DC 20036 Cash 1 $1,00000 Greater Columbus Community Shams 1160 North High Street P 0 Box 10814 Columbus, OH 432 Cash 1 $1,00000 Hillel Foundation of Ohio State University 46 East 16th Avenue Columbus, OH 43201-1615 Cash 2 $7,00000 Independent Sector 1200 1 6th Street NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20036 Cash 1 $100000 London Community Foundation 66 West High Street London, OH 43140 Cash 1 $250000 Muskegon County Community Foundation 425 W Western Ave , Suite 200 Muskegon MI 49440 Cash 2 S389,86513 New Albany Community Foundation 220 Market Street, Suite 200 P 0 Box 772 New Albany, OH Cash 25 $53,83565 Ohio Grantinakers Forurn 37 West Broad Street, Suite 800 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $8,00000 The Philanthropic Initiative, Inc 77 Franklin Street Boston MA 021 10 Cash 1 $000 Pickaway County Community Foundation Inc 312 Northridge Road Circleville OH 431 13 Cash 1 $10,00000 Rochester Area Community Foundation 500 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14607-1912 Cash 1 $10000 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International 1 Rotary Center 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 Cash 3 S5,60000 The Tides Center P 0 Box 29907 San Francisco, CA 94129-0907 Cash 2 S1 10000 The Women's Fund of Central Ohio 230 Huntington Center 41 South High Street Columbus, OH Cash 6 $80,06254 The Jefferson Center for Learning and the Arts 65 Jefferson Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $3000000 TOTAL ADVANCING PHILANTHROPY GRANTS 80 $1 18444727

ARTS AND HUMANITIES GRANTS Acme Ail Company 1129 North High Street Columbus, OH 43201 Cash 1 $700000 Actors Summer Theatre dba Actor's Theatre 1000 City Park Columbus, OH 43206 Cash 1 $7,62500 American Symphony Orchestra League 33 West 60th Street, 51h Floor New York NY 10023-7905 Cash 1 $15000 Antrque Boat Museum 750 Mary Street Clayton NY 13624 Cash 1 $350000 Anal Cultural & Performing Arts Center Inc P 0 Box 424 Gallipolis, OH 45631 Cash 2 $4660000 Art League of Bonita Springs 26100 Old 41 Road Bonita Springs FL 34135 Cash 1 $1 00000 Ballet Metropolitan, Inc 322 Mount Vernon Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 29 $177,02691 Bellefontame Cultural Arts Commission 135 N Detroit St City Building Bellefontarne . OH 43311 Cash 2 $1690390 Brass Band of Columbus 1310 Maize Court Columbus, OH 43229 Cash 1 $1,20000 Bremen Historical Society P 0 Box 33 Bremen, OH 43107 Cash 1 $6,28070 Buckeye Chapter, SPEBSQSA 3158 Kingsdale Center Columbus OH 43221 Cash 1 $10000 Cealian Singers of Columbus Inc 19 Westwood Road Suite 2 Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 11 $1,62500 Center Of Science and Industry 333 West Broad Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 35 $17472726 Central Ohio Hot Jazz Society P 0 Box 20128 Columbus OH 43220 Cash 1 $1 .00000 Central Ohio Watercolor Society 270 Village Dnve Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 1 $50000 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation P 0 Box 1776 Williamsburg, VA 23187-1776 Cash 1 $10000 Columbus and Central Ohio Children's Chorus Foundation P 0 Box 394 Columbus, OH 43216-0394 Cash 3 $2,75000 Columbus Architecture Foundation 2695 Sandover Road Columbus, OH 43220 Cash 1 $15000 Columbus Association for the Performing Arts 55 East State Street Columbus OH 43215-4264 Cash 18 $206,41521 Columbus Blues AJIianoe 1350 West 5th Avenue, Suite 1 O-D Columbus, OH 43212 Cash 1 $2,82500 Columbus Boychour Inc 999 Venetran Way Gehenna OH 43230 Cash 0 -S9900 Columbus Chamber Music Society 9637 Sunset Drive Powell, OH 43065 Cash 2 $8,15000 Columbus Children's Theatre 372 West Nationwide Boulevard Columbus OH 43215-231 Cash 1 $19,22000 Columbus College of Art and Design 107 North Ninth Street Columbus OH 43215-3875 Cash 1 $3,00000 Columbus Dance Internabonal Inc 2325 Wood Avenue Columbus, OH 43221 Cash 1 $3.00000 Columbus Gay Men's Chorus P 0 Box 2495 Columbus, OH 43216 Cash 1 $6,50000

Page 1 of 22 Grants 2002 - 990 5114/2003 The Columbus Foundation EN 31-60"26.4 1234 East Broad Street FORM S 990 Columbus, Ohio 43205 FYE 12131102


GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Columbus Histonczil Society 51 Jefferson Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $10000 Columbus Landmarks Foundation 61 Jefferson Avenue 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 4 S37,92500 Columbus Light Opera cJo Opera/Columbus 177 Naghten Street Columbus, OH 43 Cash 1 S000 Columbus Museum of Art 480 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 77 $969,86384 Columbus Symphony Orchestra Inc 55 East State Street, 5th Floor Columbus OH 43215 Cash 76 $1,101,160 20 Community Arts Project, Inc 867 Mt Vernon Avenue Columbus OH 43203 Cash 6 $53,25990 Contemporary American Theatre Company 77 South High Street 2nd Floor Columbus OH 43215 Cash 14 $71,671 51 Crested Butte Music Festival P 0 Box 2117 Crested Butte, CO 81224 Cash 1 S50000 Crooked Tree Arts Council, Inc 461 East Mitchell Petoskey MI 49770 Cash 1 $50000 Days of Creation, Inc P 0 Box 82361 Columbus, OH 43202 Cash 1 $562500 Dayton Contemporary Dance Company 126 North Main Street, Suite 240 Dayton OH 45402 Cash 1 $60000 Dublin Arts Council 37 West Bridge Street Dublin, OH 43017-1134 Cash 1 $28000 Dublin Historical Society P 0 Box 2 Dublin, OH 43017 Cash 1 $3,50000 Dublin Singers P 0 Box 163 Dublin OH 43017 Cash 1 $500000 Edumbonal Broadcasting Corporation 356 West 58th Street New York, NY 10019 Cash 1 $1 00000 Emerald City Players 7802 Windwood Dnw Dublin, OH 43017 Cash 1 $1,50000 Fitton Center for Creative Arts 101 South Monument Avenue Hamilton, OH 45011-2833 Cash 1 $41600 Franklin County Historical Smety 333 West Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 2 $45899 Friends of Art for Community Enrichment 1428 N Fifth Street Columbus, OH 43201 Cash 3 $14,15000 Friends of Early Music Inc Capital University 2199 East Main Street Columbus OH 43 Cash 1 $465000 Glass Axis 1341 Norton Avenue Suite B Columbus OH 43212 Cash 1 $750000 Gomez Foundation for Mill House 15 West 16th Street, 5th Floor New York NY 10011 Cash 1 $10000 Grandparents Living Theatre 51 Jefferson Avenue Columbus OH 43215 Cash 1 $5,62500 Greater Columbus Arts Council 55 East State Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 8 $8,70000 Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc 1022 Carlisle Avenue Cambridge OH 43725 Cash 1 $93000 Interlochen Center for the Arts P 0 Box 199 Interfochen MI 49643-0199 Cash 2 $1,05000 Jack Nickfaus Museum, Inc 2355 Olentangy River Road Columbus, OH 4321 0 Cash 1 $10,00000 Jazz Arts Group of Columbus 33 Warren Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 5 S43,42000 Jefferson Academy of Music at the OSU School of Music 1866 College Road Columbus Cash 1 $6,50000 Jefferson Center for Learning and the Arts 65 Jefferson Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 8 $1775000 John & Annie Glenn Museum Foundation 4 Comm Stret P 0 Box 107 New Concord, OH 43762 Cash 11 $200000 KCET Public Television of Southern California 4401 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90027 Cash 1 $100 OD KCTS Television 401 Mercer Street Seattle. WA 98109 Cash 1 $25000 Lalkomk Polish Folk Dancens 1976 Malvern Road Columbus, OH 43221-4125 Cash 1 $50000 Lancaster Festival Inc P 0 Box 1452 Lancaster OH 4313D-6452 Cash 1 $12,50000 Little Theatre Off Broadway. Inc 3981 Broadway Grove City, OH 43123 Cash 1 $1,50000 Mad River Theater Works P 0 Box 248 West Liberty, OH 43357 Cash 1 $1200000 MADLAB 105 Nom Grant Avenue Columbus OH 432 15 Cash 1 $6,00000 Metropolitan Opera Guild, Inc 70 Lincoln Center Plaza New York, NY 10023-6593 Cash 1 $37500 Mutts Military Museum Inc 5075 South Hamilton Road Groveport, OH 43125-9336 Cash 2 $7,21183 North Columbus Community Band 31 East Dodndge Street Columbus, OH 43202 Cash 1 $100000 North Fork Valley Public Radio Incorporated 213 Grand Avenue P 0 Box 1350 Paoma, CO 81428 Cash 1 $10000 Ohio Art League Inc 954 North High Street Columbus, OH 43201 Cash 4 $10,77100 Ohio Arts Council 727 East Main Street Columbus . OH 43205 Cash 1 $100000 Ohio Citizens Committee for the Arts Foundation 77 South High Street 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43315-6108 Cash 1 $200000 Ohro Designer Craftsmen 1665 West Fifth Avenue Columbus, OH 43212-2315 Cash 2 $450000 Ohio Historical Foundation, Inc 1982 Velma Avenue Columbus, OH 43211 Cash 3 $18 500 DO Ohio Historical Society 1982 Velma Avenue Columbus, OH 43211 Cash 8 $55.82500 Ohiodance Riffe Center 2nd Floor 77 South High Street Columbus, OH Cash 2 $15,93720 Old Globe Theatre P 0 Box 122171 San Diego CA 92112 Cash 1 $10000 Opera Association of Central Ohio dba Opera Columbus M Naghten Street Columbus, OH 4321 5 Cash 24 $9221719 Oregon Shakespeare Festival Association 15 South Pioneer Ashland OR 97520 Cash 1 $6800 Palm Springs Desert Museum Inc 101 Museum Drive Palm Springs, CA 92263 Cash 2 $27500 Philharmonic Center for the Arts, Inc 5a33 Pelican Bay Blvd Naples FL 34108 Cash 4 $26,00000 Phoenix Theatre Circle Box 06238 Columbus, OH 43206-0238 Cash 7 $1015000 Pro Musica Chamber Orchestra of Columbus, Inc 243 North 5th Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 16 $64,87776 Project New Urban Arts 743 Westminster Street Providence , RI 02903 Cash 1 $1 000 DO Reality Theatre 736 North Pearl Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 8 $79.925 DO Red Herring Theatre Company dba Red Herring Theatre Ense 736 North Pearl Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $472500 Roy G Biv Gallery for Emerging Artists 66 Ashbourne Road Columbus . OH 43209 Cash 1 $3,01)) 00

Page 2 of 22 Grants 2002 - 990 5/14/2003 The Columbus Foundation EIN 31-6044264 1234 East Broad Street FORM S 990 Columbus. Ohio 43205 FYE 12/31102


GRANT *OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History 2559 Puesta del Sol Road Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Cash 1 $1 00000 Savannah Symphony Society, Inc P 0 Box 10838 Savannah GA 31412 Cash I S10000 Sawtooth Center for Visual Art 226 North Marshall Street Winstori-Salem, NC 27101 Cash 1 $25000 Sheridan Arts Foundation 110 North Oak Street Telluride CO 81435 Cash 1 $1,50000 Short North Performing Arts Association, Inc P 0 Box 8414 Columbus, OH 43201 Cash 1 $5,50000 Six String Concerts, Inc P 0 Box 09330 Columbus OH 43209-0330 Cash 1 S372500 Southeastern Ohio Symphony Orchestra P 0 Box 42 New Concord, OH 43762 Cash 1 $77500 The Cambridge Band, Inc 64346 Arrowhead Drive Cambridge, OH 43725 Cash 1 $2,37000 The Nabonal Trust for Historic Preservation in the United Statel 785 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 22036 Cash 2 $1,02500 Thurber House Incorporated 77 Jefferson Avenue Columbus OH 43215 Cash 12 $40,22000 Toledo Museum of Art Box 1013 Toledo, OH 43697 Cash 1 $2,50000 Holocaust Memorial Council 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW Washington, DC 2DO24-2 Cash 1 $10000 Upper Arlington Community Orchestra, Inc 5038 Heathmoor Drive Columbus OH 43220 Cash 1 S40000 Urban Cultural Arts Foundation 1270 Bryden Road Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 1 $370000 Westerville Civic Symphony at Otterbein College P 0 Box 478 Westerville, OH 43086 Cash 2 $3,32500 Wemer Center for the Arts of The Ohio State University 1871 North High Street Columbus OH 43210-1393 Cash 7 $85,52800 Wemer Center Foundation c/o Columbus Foundation 1234 East Broad Street Columbu Cash 2 $3.025 .000 00 Women at Play 2990 Shadywood Road Columbus, OH 43221 Cash 1 $1 12500 Women in Music-Columbus P 0 Box 14722 Columbus OH 43214 Cash 1 $315000 Worthington Arts Council, Inc 777 High Street Worthington OH 43085 Cash 1 $25000 Worthington Chorus 385 Greenglade Avenue Worthington, OH 43085 Cash 1 S50000 Worthington Historical Society, Inc 50 West New England Avenue Worthington, OH 43085 Cash 4 $3,43599 YS I(ids Playhouse PO Box 478 Yellow Springs OH 45387 Cash 1 S60000


CONSERVATION GRANTS African Wildlife Foundation 1400 16th Street NW Washington DC 2GO36 Cash 1 $3,12500 Alexander Stillman Audubon Nature Center 33 West Penny Road South Barrington, IL 60010 Cash 1 $35000 Animal Rescue Fund Inc 85 Lucy Run Road Amelia OH 45102 Cash 1 $25000 Belle Grove, Inc P 0 Box 137 Middleton VA 22645 Cash 1 $500000 Capital Area Humane Society 3015 Scioto Darby Executive Court Hilliard, OH 43026 Cash 10 $11 09980 Cat Welfare Association 736 Wetmore Road Columbus OH 43214-6896 Cash 6 $335167 Cedar Valley Humane Society 7411 Mount Vernon Road Cedar Rapids, [A 52403 Cash 1 $50000 Citurens for Humane Action, Inc 5505 Westerville Road P 0 Box 1078 Westerville OH 430 Cash 1 $10000 Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District 1069 West Main Street Westerville, OH 43D81 Cash 8 $50,11973 Columbus Audubon Society P 0 Box 141350 Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 2 S45899 Columbus Park of Roses Foundation 2416 Plymouth Avenue Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 1 $500000 Columbus Recreation and Parks Department 90 West Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $20 DDO 00 Columbus Zoological Park Association P 0 Box 400 Powell, OH 43065-0400 Cash 30 $144,77702 Cousteau Society Inc. 870 Greenbrier Circle #402 Chesapeake, VA 2332D-2641 Cash 1 $50000 Environmental Defense Fund 257 Park Avenue South New York NY 10010 Cash 3 S2,65000 Franklin Park Conservatory Joint Recreation District 1777 East Broad Street Columbus OH 43203-2D40 Cash 15 $56,23349 Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed Flow 3528 North High Street Suits F Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 1 S1,00000 Great Lakes Basin Conservancy Inc 36001 Shaker Blvd Chagrin Falls OH 44022 Cash 1 $10000 Green Energy Ohio 7870 Olentangy River Road, Suite 208 Columbus, OH 4323 Cash 1 $15,00000 Gunston Hall Regents Fund Gunston Hall Plantation 10709 Gunston Road Mason Neck Cash 1 $10.00000 Highlands Nature Sanctuary 7629 Cave Road Bainbridge, OH 45612 Cash 1 $3,50000 Historic Sites Foundation 426 Water Street Baraboo WI 53913 Cash 2 $17,70838 Humane Society of Delaware County 4920 SR 37 E Delaware OH 43015 Cash 1 $50000 Inniswood Garden Society 940 Hempstead Road Westerville, OH 43081 Cash 7 $T7,500 00 Intemabonal Ctr for the Presentation of Wild Animals, Inc dba1400 Intemational Road Cumberland, OH 43732-9500 Cash 2 $10000 Leetanau Conservancy P 0 Box 1007 Leland, MI 49654 Cash 1 $50000 Little Traverse Conservancy, Inc 3264 Powell Road Harbor Springs MI 49740 Cash 3 $21,10000 Living Desert Reserve 47-900 Portola Avenue Palm Desert, CA 92260 Cash 1 $12500 Louisville Zoological Society, Inc 1100 Trevilian way Louisville, KY 40233 Cash 1 $12000 Madison County Historical Society, Inc P 0 Box 124 London, OH 43140 Cash 3 $18,00000 Majestic Theatre, Inc 45 East Second Street P 0 Box 384 Chillicothe OH 45601 Cash 1 $5,00000 Memorial Development and Maintenance Company, Inc 2140 Courtright Road Columbus OH 43232 Cash 1 $2.37652 Mill Creek Park Foundabon P 0 Box 596 Canfield OH 44406 Cash 1 $1 .0()000

Page 3 of 22 Grants 2002 - 990 5/14/2003 The Columbus Foundation EIN 31-6044264 1234 East Broad Street FORM * 990 Columbus, Ohio 43205 FYE 12/31102 Stidement #11 PAGE 2 PART IL LINE 22 CASH GRANTS AND ALLOCATIONS

GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT National Arbor Day Foundation 100 Arbor Avenue Nebraska City, NE 6800 Cash $10000 National Audubon Society, Inc 700 Broadway 6th Floor New York NY 10003-9562 Cash $1,00000 Nabonal Audubon Society/Ohio 692 North High Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 3 $19,00000 National Outdoor Leadership School 288 West Main Street Lander, WY 82520-3140 Cash $1,00000 National Park Foundation 11 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 600 Washington DC 20036 Cash $19300 Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc 40 West 20th Street New York NY 10011 Cash $1 00000 Nature Conservancy (Nabonal Office) 4245 North Fairfax Drive, #10 Arlington VA 22203-1637 Cash 2 S1,50000 Nature Conservancy Adirondack Chapter P 0 Box 65 Route 73 Keene Valley NY 12943 Cash 2 $6,00000 Nature Conservancy, Ohio Chapter 6375 Riverside Drive Suite 50 Dublin OH 43017 Cash 10 $16,48078 North Atlanbc Salmon Fund c/0 Hunton & Williams 200 Park Avenue, 43rd Floor New Y Cash 1 $1,00000 Otuo Environmental Council 1207 Grandview Avenue, Suite 201 Columbus CH 43212-3 Cash 2 $20,50000 Ohio State University Extension and 4H Programs Agriculture Adin Bldg 2120 Fyffe Road, Room 25 Columbu Cash 2 $22,50000 Ohio to Ene Trail Fund P 0 Box 21246 Columbus, OH 43221 Cash 1 $1,00000 Ohio Wildlife Center 2661 Billingsley Road Worthington, OH 43235-1904 Cash 3 $40000 Rails-to-Trails Conservancy 1100 17th Street N W, 1 Oth Floor Washington . DC 20036-4 Cash 2 $60000 Rivers to Wildlands Inc Cash $2,701 36 Sanibel-Caphva Conservation Foundabon Inc 333 Sambel-Captiva Road Sanibel FL 33957 Cash $1 00000 Saw the Manatee Club, Inc 500 North Martland Avenue Suite 210 Martland, FIL 32751-4 Cash 2 $35000 Sierra Club Foundation 85 Second Street Second Floor San Francisco, CA 94105- Cash $10,00000 Society of Architectural Historians 1365 North Astor Street Chicago, IL 60610-2144 Cash $25000 Student Conservation Association Inc P 0 Box 550 Charlestown . NH 03603 Cash $5000 Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council P 0 Box 300 Conway, MI 49722 Cash $5000 Trust For Public Land, Maine Field Office 377 Fore Street, 3rd Floor Portland, ME D4101 Cash $1 00000 Tyler County Heritage and Historical Society, Inc P 0 Box 317 Middlebourne WV 26149 Cash $1,00000 Western Reserve Historical Society 10825 East Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44106 Cash $5000


EDUCATION GRANTS A Call to College Newark High School 314 Granville Street Newark OH 4305 Cash 2 $30000 AJexander Graham Bell School PTA 1455 Huy Road Columbus, OH 43224 Cash 2 $4,48200 AJpha Rho Lambda Education Foundation P 0 Box 15444 Columbus OH 43215-0444 Cash 2 $20000 Alumnae Association of Mills College Reinhardt Alumnae House P 0 Box 9998 Oakland, CA 946 Cash 1 $25000 Amenc~m Indian College Fund 21 West 68th Street Suite 1-F New York, NY 10023 Cash 2 $60000 Amenmn University 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington DC 20016 Cash 1 $50000 Amherst College Alumni Fund Box 37, Stabon 2 Amherst, MA 01002 Cash 1 $1,00000 Anhoch University Seattle 2326 Sixth Avenue Seattle WA 98121 Cash 1 $1,00000 Archbishop Alter High School 940 East David Road Kettering OH 45429 Cash 1 $1,00000 Asbury College 1 Macklern Drive Wilmore, KY 40390-1198 Cash 1 $60000 Ashland University 401 College Avenue Ashland, OH 44805 Cash 3 $2,94800 Asian-Amencan Community Services 4100 North High Street, Suite 301 Columbus OH 43214 Cash 1 $4000000 Awards and Recognition Industry Educaltonal Foundabon 4700 West Lake Avenue Glenview, IL 60025 Cash 1 $8,500 DO Bailey Elementary PTO 4900 Brandonway Dublin, OH 43017 Cash 1 $11,000 DO Baldwin-Wallace College 275 Eastland Road Berea, OH 44017 Cash 4 $2,60000 Banat College 700 East Westleigh Road Lake Forest, IL 60045 Cash 1 $1,00000 Bellannine College 2001 Newburg Road Louisville, KY 40205 Cash 3 $70000 Bellefontaine City School District 820 Ludlow Road Bellefontame, OH 43311 Cash 1 $220000 Berea College CPO 2348 Berea, KY 40403 Cash 4 $539400 Bethany College Bethany, WV 26032 Cash 1 S10000 Bexley City Schools 348 South Cassingham Road Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 2 $1050000 Bexley Educabon Foundauon 348 South Cassingham Road Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 11 $2659900 Bishop Hartley High School 1285 ZetUer Road Columbus, OH 43227 Cash 3 $4 1DO 00 Bluffton College 280 West College Avenue Bluffton, OH 45817 Cash 1 S50000 Soule Foundabon 225 Broadway #305 New York. NY 10007 Cash 2 $250000 Bowing Green State University P 0 Box 993 Bowling Green, OH 43402-0993 Cash 12 $790000 Bowling Green State Univemity Foundation. Inc 4300 Cherry Bottom Road P 0 Box 30745 Gahanna, OH 4 Cash 1 $50000 Brigham Young University D346 ASB Prow, LIT 84602 Cash 1 $2,50000 Bronxville School Foundation, Inc 177 Pondfield Road Bronwile, NY 10708 Cash 1 $1,00000 Brown University Development Office Box 1893 Providence RI 02912 Cash 3 $3,10000 Bryn Mawr College 101 North Menon Avenue Bryn Marwr, PA 19010-2899 Cash 2 $12,00000

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GRANT 0 OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Buckeye Conservative Studies Foundabon at The Ohio State U739 N High Street, Room 211 Box 52 Columbus, OH 432 Cash 2 $11 00800 Bucknell University Colley Hall Lewisburg PA 17837 Cash 4 $6,65100 Camp Fire USA of Central Ohio, Inc 3700 South High Street, Suite 148 Columbus OH 43207 Cash 1 $100000 Canal Winchester Local Schools 290 Washington Street Canal Winchester, OH 431 10 Cash 1 $1,38000 Capital University Yochum Hall 2199 East Main Street Columbus OH 43209 Cash 27 $12025588 Carnegie Mellon University 51)00 Forbes Avenue WH-6th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3 Cash 1 $5000 Cathedral High School 5225 East 56th Street Indianapolis IN 46226 Cash 1 $300000 Cedarville University P 0 Box 601 Cedarville. OH 45314 Cash 1 -$16700 Central Ohio Technical College 1179LIniversityDriveNewark OH43055-1767 Cash 1 $1,00000 Central State University Cash Management Office WiLlberforce OH 45384 Cash 3 $300500 Cerebral Palsy School of Louisville dba Mattingly Ctr for Comb 1520 Baxter Avenue Louisville KY 40205 Cash 1 $10000 Chamber Foundation 37 North High Street Columbus OH 43215-3065 Cash 1 $15,63000 Charter Teach Orgamation 3 Twin Dolphin Drive Suite 200 Redwood Shores, CA 9406 Cash 1 $100000 Chatham College Woodland Road Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Cash 1 $2 ODO 00 Childhood League Inc 670 South 18th Street Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 10 $4066433 Children's Center for Developmental Enrichment P 0 Box 3D408 Columbus, OH 43230 Cash 2 $1 10000 Citadel Brigadier Foundation, Inc 171 Moultrie Street Charleston SC 29409 Cash 1 $10000 Citizens Scholarship Foundation of Coshocton County clo Bank One 120 South An Street Coshocton, OH 43812 Cash 1 $10000 City of Columbus Mayor's Charitable Special Revenue Trust P90 West Broad Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 1 $4686500 City Year, Columbus 35 North 4th Street Suite 350 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $2500000 Clark Atlanta University 212 Haven-Warren 223 James P Brawley Drive SW Atlanta Cash 1 $50000 Clark State Community College Castuees Office P 0 Box 570 Springfield, OH 45501 Cash 1 $50000 Clarkson University Box 5500 Potsdam, NY 13699 Cash 1 $15000 Cleveland State University East 24th at Euclid Avenue Cleveland OH 44115 Cash 1 $50000 College of William and Mary Office of the University Registrar P 0 Box 8795 Williamsbu Cash 1 $25000 College of Wooster Office of the Treasurer Wooster OH 44691 Cash 3 $2,25000 Columbia University in the City of New York Presidents Rm #202, Low Library 535 W 116th St, New Yo Cash 3 $1 20000 Columbus Academy 4300 Cherry Bottom Road P 0 Box 30745 Gehenna, OH 4 Cash 24 $37446723 Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District 1069 West Main Street Westerville, OH 43081 Cash 1 $3500000 Columbus College of Art and Design 107 North Ninth Street Columbus OH 43215-3875 Cash 20 $30 300 DO Columbus Literacy Council 1200 W Broad Street Columbus, OH 43222 Cash 6 $12,00 00 Columbus Metropolitan Library 96 South Grant Avenue Columbus CHI 43215-4781 Cash 4 $4.85000 Columbus Montesson Education Center 979 South James Road Columbus OH 43227 Cash 4 $4,63093 Columbus Public Schools 270 East State Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 9 $8,99910 Columbus Public Schools/The WCBE Fund W Jack Gibbs Boulevard Columbus OH 43215 Cash 2 $1350000 Columbus School for Girls 56 South Columbia Avenue Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 42 $18921778 Columbus State Community College P 0 Box 1609 Columbus, OH 43216 Cash 12 $7,97380 Columbus State Community College Development Foundabon550 East Spring Street P 0 Box 1609 Columbus, OH 4321 Cash 1 $10,00000 Columbus Waldorf Education Amoc. dba Waldorf Education Cl 89 East Wersheimer Road Columbus OH 43214 Cash 1 $10000 Communities In Schools of Columbus 510 E North Broadway Suite 4A Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 5 $18,50000 Community Research Partners 341 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 S9100000 Community School of Naples, Inc 3251 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34109 Cash 1 $90000 Concord Academy 166 Main Street Concord MA 01 742 Cash 1 $2,60000 Concordia Theological Seminary 6600 North Clinton Street Fort Wayne, IN 46825 Cash 1 $467000 Cornell University 726 University Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850-3995 Cash 1 S25000 Culver Educational Foundabon Culver Academies 1300 Academy Road Culver IN 46511 Cash 1 $1,23249 Dartmouth College 207 Parkhurst Hanover, NH 03755 Cash 1 $200000 David Lipscomb University 3901 Granny White Pike Nashville, TIN 37204-3951 Cash 1 $60000 DEAF Initiatives, Inc 563 South Dawson Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 4 $3,87300 Deer Run Elementary School Parent Teachers Organizabon a8l 5 Manley Road Dublin OH 43017 Cash 1 $1,50000 Denison University Doan Administration Building P 0 Box B Granville OH 430 Cash 12 $11403300 Denver Montesson Society 1460 South Holly Street Denver CO 80222 Cash 2 $45,00000 Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Cash 2 $1,66000 Dublin City Schools 7030 Coffman Road Dublin OH 43017 Cash 10 $15,3DO 00 Duke University P 0 Box 90581 Durham, NC 2T708-0581 Cash 3 $250000 Duquesne University of the Holy Ghost 600 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15282 Cash 1 $50000 Eastern Kentucky University Development Office CPO 19A 521 Lancaster Ave Pichmo Cash 1 $200000 Eastern Union Bible College of Columbus 4125 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43213 Cash 1 $1,1300 00 Eastern Washington University Foundation 127 Hargreaves Hall Cheney WA 99004-2413 Cash 1 $10000 Boosters PTA 417 South Weyant Avenue Columbus, OH 43213-2279 Cash 1 $1,00000

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Eckerd College 4200 54th Avenue South St Petersburg, FL 33711 Cash 1 $50000 Education Is The Way c/o Growport Madison Schools 5055 S Hamilton Rd Grov Cash 1 $60000 Elizabethtown Community College 600 College Street Road Elizabethtown . KY 42701 Cash 2 $77000 Elon College 2700 Campus Drive Eton College NC 27244 Cash 1 $1,00000 Engineers Foundation of Ohio 445 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 Cash 1 $50000 ESF College Foundation 204 Bray Hall 1 Forestry Drive Syracuse NY 13210 Cash 1 $125 GO Ettucal Culture Fieldston Schools 33 Central Park West New York, NY 10023 Cash 1 $40000 Eugene Education Fund P 0 Box 1015 Eugene, OR 97440 Cash 1 $30000 Evangel Christian Academy 817 N Hamilton Road Gahanna OH 43230 Cash 1 Sill DOO 00 FCNI- Education Fund 245 Second Street NE Washington OC 20DO2 Cash 2 $1 25000 Franklin County Educabonat Counal Foundation 1929 Kenny Road, Suite 120 Columbus, OH 432113-1015 Cash 5 S40,01)9 00 Franklin University 201 South Grant Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 6 $16,031 80 Friends of Les Chenea" Community Ubrary P 0 Box 332 Hassel MI 49745 Cash 1 $1000000 Friends of the Upper Arlington Library 2800 Tremont Road Columbus OH 43221 Cash 1 $5000 Gannon University Financial Aid Palumbo 1010 Ene, PA 16541 Cash 1 $1,50000 Georgetown University 37th and 0 Street Northwest Washington, DC 20057 Cash 1 $5,00000 Georgia Institute of Technology Lyman Hall 225 North Avenue Agents GA 30332-0255 Cash 1 $50000 Glendale Community College Financial Aid Office 6000 West Olive Avenue Glendale AZ Cash 1 $1,00000 Granchnew Heights Numm Association P 0 Box 12116 Grandview Heights OH 43212 Cash 1 $1,00000 Greater Columbus Christian School 5400 Foster Street P 0 Box 13997 Columbus, OH 43213 Cash 1 $5 000 GO Grove City College 1 DO Campus Dnw Grow C4ty, PA 16127-2104 Cash 1 $50000 Gulf Coast Community College Foundation 5230 West Highway 98 Panama City, FL 32401 Cash 1 $17 DOO 00 Harvard Business School Morgan Hall 125 Soldiers Field Road Boston, MA 02163 Cash 6 $865000 Harvard University Massachusetts Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 Cash 6 $410000 Hawken School P 0 Box 8D02 Gates Mills OH 44040 Cash 1 $50000 Herbert Wesmat Memorial Library 120 North Market Street McArthur, OH 45651 Cash 2 $1301279 Hicksville High School Smith and Main Streets Hicksville OH 43526 Cash 1 $150000 Hillel Foundation of Ohio State University 46 East 16th Avenue Columbus OH 43201-1615 Cash 1 S1000000 Hillsdale College 33 East College Street Hillsdale, MI 49242 Cash 2 $3,20000 Hocking Technical College 3301 Hocking Parkway Nelsonville, OH 45764 Cash 2 $1,51)0 00 Homeless Families Foundation 651 West Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $15,000 DO Hope College 141 East 12th Street Holland MI 49422 Cash 2 $14,33400 Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation 10880 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 212 Los Angeles, CA 9002 Cash 1 $5,00000 Huntington College 2303 College Avenue Huntington, IN 46750 Cash 1 $40000 1 KNOW I CAN 6020 Havens Road Gahanna OH 43230 Cash 38 $1850,733 21 Indian Hills Community College Financial Aid Office 525 Grandview Avenue Ottumwa, IA 52 Cash 1 S1,00000 Indiana University Franklin Hall, 0111601 E Kirkwood Bloomington, IN 47505 Cash 3 $1,50000 Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis 425 University Blvd CA - 103 Indianapolis, IN 46202 Cash 1 $50000 Inland Lakes Educational Foundation P 0 Box 2142 Indian River MI 49749 Cash 1 S1,00000 International Friendships Inc 195 Chittenden Avenue Columbus OH 43201 Cash 2 $52500 Interprofessional Commission of Ohio, Inc 001 Ramseyer Hall 29 West Woodruff Avenue Columbus 0 Cash 4 $35,56151 Iowa State University Foundation Alumni Suite Memorial Union 2229 Lincoln Way Ames, LA 5 Cash 1 $10000 Jesuit High School 4133 Banks Street New Orleans, LA 70119 Cash 2 $5 000 DO John Carroll University 20700 North Park Blvd University Heights, OH 44118 Cash 1 $250 OD Johnson & Wales University - Providence Student Accounts 8 Abbott Park Place Providence , RI 0290 Cash 1 $66700 Junior Achievement of Central Ohio, Inc 1739 Westbelt Drive Columbus OH 43228 Cash 1 $2500000 Junior Achievement of Kentuckians Inc P 0 Box 24403 Louisville, KY 40224-4403 Cash 1 $520025 Kent State University 131 Michael Schwartz Center P 0 Box 5190 Kent, OH 4424 Cash 2 $1 25000 Kent State University Foundation. Inc Office of Development P 0 Box 5190 Kent OH 44242-000 Cash 1 $50000 Kentucky State University Financial Aid Office East Main Street Frankfort, KY 40601 Cash 1 $150000 Kenyon College Ransom Hall Gambier, OH 43022 Cash 1 $500000 Klds~N-Cntters 514 East Gambier Street M! Vernon OH 43050-3760 Cash 1 $100000 L S U Foundation 3838 West Lakeshore Drive, Baton Rouge LA 70808 Cash 2 $35000 Lake Ene College 391 West Washington Street Pamenniville, OH 44077 Cash 1 $6130 00 Lakewood Public Ubrary 15425 Detroit Avenue Lakewood, OH 44107 Cash 1 $10000 Lancaster City Schools 111 South Broad Street Lancaster, OH 43130-4376 Cash 3 $2 549 82 Lane Community College Foundation 4000 East 30th Avenue Eugene OR 97405 Cash 1 $10000 Lainkershim Elementary School 5250 Bakman Avenue North Hollywood . CA 91601 Cash 1 $30000 LEADER Institute, Inc 5086 Olentangy River Road Columbus OH 43214 Cash 1 $30,00000 Lexington Theological Seminary 631 South Limestone Lexington KY 40508 Cash 1 S15000

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GRANT $OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Loma Linda University Magan Hall Room 113 Loma Linda, CA 92354 Cash 5 $19,00005 Lorain County Community College College Center Building 1005 Abbe Road North Elyria, OH 4 Cash 1 $50000 Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary 1044 Afta Vista Road Louisville, KY 40205-1798 Cash 1 $45000 Macalestef College Weyerhauser 19 1600 Grand Avenue St Paul MN 55105-1 Cash 1 $50000 Madison-Plains Local School District 55 Limon Road London OH 43140 Cash 2 $1,81128 Marbum Academy 1860 Walden Drive Columbus OH 43229 Cash 4 $1,70955 Marietta College 215 5th Street Marietta, OH 45750 Cash 3 $26,50000 Masters School 49 Clinton Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522-2200 Cash 1 $50000 Medical College of Ohio at Toledo 3000 Arlington Avenue Toledo, OH 43614 Cash 1 $50000 Meharry Medical College 1005 Or D B Todd, Jr Blvd Nashville TN 37208-3599 Cash 6 S8.63980 Mesa Community College 1833 West Southern Avenue Mesa, AZ 85202 Cash 1 $1,00000 Methodist Theological School in Ohio 3081 Columbus Pike P 0 Box 1204 Delaware OH 43015 Cash 6 $10523325 Miami University Panuska Dev Center 725 East Chestnut Avenue Oxford, OH Cash 18 $30,79400 Miami University Foundation, Inc 725 East Chestnut Street Oxford OH 45056 Cash 2 $75000 Minnesota State College- Southeast Tech 308 Pioneer Road Red Wing, MN 55066 Cash 1 $1,20000 Miss Hall's School 492 Holmes Road P 0 Box 1166 Pittsfield, MA 01202 Cash 1 $1,00000 Montana State University Foundation P 0 Box 172750 Bozeman, MT 69717 Cash 1 $10000 Montana State University Foundation-Billings 1500 University Dnve Billings, MT 59101-0298 Cash 2 $10000 Moody Bible Institute of Chicago 820 North La Salle Boulevard Chicago IL 60610 Cash 1 $1,66666 Morehouse College 830 Westview Drive SIN Atlanta GA 30314 Cash 1 $20000 Mortar Board National Foundation 1250 Chambers Road Columbus, OH 43212 Cash 1 $20000 Mount Camel College of Nursing 127 South Dams Avenue Columbus, OH 43222 Cash 1 $50000 Mount Union College 1972 Clark Avenue Alliance, OH 44601 Cash 2 $38936514 Mount Vernon Academy P 0 Box 311 Mt Vernon, OX 43050 Cash 1 $10000000 Mount Vernon Nuarene University 800 Marlmsburg Road Mount Vernon. OH 43050 Cash 3 $1,40000 NAACP Special Contribution Fund NAACP New York Office 39 Broadway Suite 2201 New Yor Cash 2 $1,37500 National Assoaabon for the Education of African American Ch P 0 Box 09521 Columbus OH 43209 Cash 1 $3,46500 National Am to Alumni Assoc of School of Med of Loma Lind 1 1245 Anderson Street, Suite 230 Loma Linda CA 92354 Cash 1 $50000 National Judicial College Judicial College Bldg /MS-358 University of Nevada Reno, N Cash 2 $2,60000 National Right to Life Committee Educabonal Trust Fund 512 1 Oth Street NW Washington OC 20004 Cash 1 $50000 New York University 100 Washington Square East Room 202 New York, NY 100 Cash 1 $50000 North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Dowdy Building-Roorn 100 1601 East Market Street Greens Cash 1 $100000 North Carolina Central University Foundation, Inc P 0 Box 19363 Durham, NC 27707 Cash 2 $250000 North Carolina State University A-Holaday Hall Campus Box 7001 Raleigh NC 27695 Cash 2 $1,17500 Northern Illinois University Foundation 1425 West Lincoln Highway Dekalb IL 60115 Cash 1 $10300 Northwestern University 633 Clark Street Evanston IL 60201 Cash 3 $2,73500 Northwood University 3225 Cook Road Midland, MI 48640-2398 Cash 1 $50000 Notre Dame Club of Columbus P 0 Box 186 Columbus, OH 43216 Cash 1 $50000 Notre Dame College of Ohio 4545 College Road South Euclid, OH 44121-4293 Cash 1 $15000 Oberlin College Bosworth Hall, Room 201 50 West Lorraine Street Oberlin Cash 2 $50000 Ohio College Access Network 1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1548 Cleveland OH 44115 Cash 1 $50,00000 Ohio Dominican University 1216 Sunbury Road Columbus OH 4321 9 Cash 13 $65,65378 Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association Educational Fund P 0 Box 82234 Columbus, OH 43202 Cash 1 $75000 Ohio Foundation for Entrepreneurial Education 1275 Kinnear Road Columbus, OH 43212 Cash 2 $2,46500 Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Inc 21 East State Street, Suite 1110 Columbus, OH 43215-420 Cash 5 $31,50000 Ohio Northern University 525 South Main Street Ada, OH 45810 Cash 4 $35,84850 Ohio Right to Life Socety Educational Fund 2238 South Hamilton Road Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43232 Cash 1 $50000 500 Morse Road Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 1 $1 50000 Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute 1328 Dover Road Wooster OH 44691 Cash 3 S1 .5DO 00 Ohio State University at Marron 142 Morrill Hall 1465 Mount Vernon Avenue Marion, OH 43 Cash 3 $644.104 00 Ohio State University Development Fund 405 Fawcett Center 2400 Olentangy River Road Columbus, Cash 14 $122,53290 Ohio State University Financial Aid Office 220 Lincoln Tower 1800 Cannon Drive Columbus, OH 4321 Cash 44 $39.57798 Ohio State University Newark 1179 University Drive Newark OH 43055 Cash 1 $50000 Ohio University 020 Chubb Hall Athens, OH 45701-2979 Cash 16 S448300 Ohio University - Lancaster Branch 1570 Granmile Pike Lancaster, OH 43130 Cash 4 $200000 Ohio University Foundation, Inc Cutler Hall 108 P 0 Box 869 Athens, OH 45701-0869 Cash 1 $50000 Ohio University-Southem Campus 1804 Liberty Avenue Ironton OH 45638 Cash 1 $30000 Ohio Wesleyan University University Hall 108 Delaware, OH 43015 Cash 7 $2096500 Ohioans Library Association 274 East First Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 Cash 1 $332609 Ohro-West Virginia YMCA Inc 131 North High Street, Suite 640 Columbus. OH 43215 Cash I $15,DOO DO

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUN Old Trail School P 0 Box 827 Bath, OH 44210-0827 Cash 1 $20000 Olde Southside Community Partinership 310 Innis Avenue Columbus, OH 43207 Cash 1 $22,00000 Olentangy Pride Foundation P 0 Box 130 Lewis Center OH 43035 Cash 1 $90000 Oregon Public Broadcasting 7140 SW Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97219 Cash 2 $10000 Oregon State University Foundation 850 SW 35th Street Corvallis OR 97331 Cash 2 $35000 Ofterbein College 102 West College Avenue Westerville OH 43081 Cash 18 $30,22875 Paying Forward Foundation 4856 Sawmill Road, Suite 316 Columbus OH 43235 Cash 3 $1005000 Pennsylvania State University Main Campus Office of the President 201 Old Main University Park PA16 Cash 3 $1,75000 Phillips Exeter Academy 20 Main Street Exeter, NH 03833-1104 Cash 1 $10000 Piney Woods School P 0 Box 99 Piney Woods, MS 39148 Cash 2 $100000 Pratt Institute Dekalb 114-A 20OWilloughbyAvenue Brooklyn NY11205 Cash 2 $153887 President & Fellows of Middlebury College Emma Willard House Middlebury, VA 05753 Cash 1 $1,00000 Princeton University P 0 Box 46 Princeton, NJ 08544 Cash 3 $250000 Project GRAD of Columbus, Inc 20 Govemors Piece Columbus, OH 43203 Cash 8 $112,30900 Project Grad Ohio, Inc Mail Stop 404 25 South Front Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $34590 Project Redeem 656 South James Road Columbus, OH 43213 Cash 1 $2,00000 Purdue Foundation Inc University Development Office 1139 Hovde Hall West Lafay Cash 1 $50000 Putney School Incorporated Elm Lea Farm Putney Vr 05346 Cash 1 $1 .00000 Red Cloud Indian School Pine Ridge, SO 57770 Cash 2 $1 834 D4 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy, NY 12180-3590 Cash 1 $5000 Rochester Institute of Technology Financial Aid Area 56 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, NY Cash 1 $90000 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (New Bnmswick) P 0 Box 2101 New Brunswick NJ 08903-2101 Cash 1 $10000 Saint Anselm ColTege 100 Saint Anselm Dnm Manchester, NH 03102 Cash 1 $5DO 00 Saint Joseph's Montesson School 933 Hamlet Street Columbus OH 43201 Cash 1 $11250 Saint Labre Indian School Educational Association Ashland MT 59004 Cash 2 $1,83350 Saint Mary Elementary 700 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43206 Cash 2 $2,66000 Saint Mary Magdalene School 2940 Parkside Road Columbus, OH 43204 Cash 1 $1 80000 Saint Mary's College 139 Lamans Hall Notre Dame IN 46556 Cash 1 $1,00000 Saint Thomas The Apostle School 767 North Gassady Avenue Columbus, OH 43219 Cash 3 $200000 Salvation Army 340 East Fulton Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 1 $35,00000 Salvation Army of Guernsey County 221 Dewey Avenue P 0 Box 254 Cambridge, OH 43725 Cash 1 $197500 Sarah Lawrence College 1 Mead Way Bronxville. NY 10708 Cash 2 $2,00000 Sava Foundation P 0 Box 11277 Berkeley, CA 94712-9907 Cash 2 $200000 Shawnee State University Financial Aid Office 940 2nd Street Portsmouth OH 45662 Cash 1 $16600 Sheldon Jackson College 801 Lincoln Street Sitka AK 99835 Cash 1 $50000 Sigma Chi Foundation 1714 Hinman Avenue P 0 Box 469 Evanston It. 60201 Cash 1 $50000 Smith College College Hall Northampton, MA 01 D63 Cash 4 $53,900 DO Sonshine Christian Academy 2112 Mock Road Columbus OH 43219 Cash 1 $75000 South Side Community Enrichment and Learning Center Sinai Building 1061 South 22nd Street Columbus, OH 4320 Cash 2 $15,10000 South Side Learning and Development Center 255 Reeb Avenue Columbus, OH 43207 Cash 2 $210000 Special Friends of Hocking County Inc 40 East Main Street P 0 Box 101 2 Logan, OH 43138 Cash 1 $1000000 Spelman College P 0 771 350 Spelman Lane Atlanta, GA 30314 Cash 1 $50000 Squad 41 Association's Heroes Fund Inc 330 East 150th Street Brom, NY 10451 Cash 2 $50 DOO 00 St Catharine School 2865 Fair Avenue Columbus OH 43209 Cash 1 $50000 St Catherine, Academy 238 Jewett Avenue Bridgeport CT 06606 Cash 1 $11,000DO St Charles Preparatory School 2010 E Broad Street Columbus, OH 43209-1697 Cash 4 $6.75000 St John Learning Center 640 South Ohio Avenue Columbus OH 43205 Cash 2 $3200000 St Joseph's Indian School North Main Street Chamberlain SID 57326 Cash 1 $10000 St Mary School 229 Washington Avenue Urbana OH 43078 Cash 1 $97440 St Stephen's Community House 1500 East 17th Avenue Columbus, OH 43219 Cash 1 $33.35000 St Madimir's Seminary 575 Scarsdale Road Tuckahoe NY 10707 Cash 1 $7231 Stanford University 301 Encina Hall Stanford CA 94305-6076 Cash 3 $21,00000 Teaching for Change P 0 Box 73038 Washington, DC 20056 Cash 1 $3500000 Telluride Academy P 0 Box 2255 Telluride CO 81435 Cash 1 $2,10000 Texas Lutheran University 1000 West Court Street Sequin TX 78155 Cash 1 $1 50000 The Graham School 4675 North High Street Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 1 $15,00000 The Literacy Initiative of Central Ohio 99 North Front Street Room 4 Columbus OH 43215 Cash 2 S13,80000 The Ohio Literacy Network 1500 West Lane Avenue Columbus OH 432.21 Cash 1 $2,50000 The Ohio State University Foundation 307 Fawcett Center 2400 Olentangly River Road Columbus Cash 73 S459,216 54 The Teresa A Dowd School 1415 Oak Street Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 1 $10000

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GRANT 9OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Towson University Enrollment Services 8000 York Road Room 336 Towson, M Cash 1 $50000 Traylee Afterschool Bibleschool 1362 Sigsbee Avenue Columbus, OH 43219 Cash I S500000 Tree of Life Christian School 935 Northridge Road Columbus, OH 43224-2654 Cash 1 $1 00000 Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry 311 Eleventh Street Ambridge, PA 15003 Cash 1 $2,50000 Trinity Lutheran Seminary 2199 East Main Street Columbus OH 43209 Cash 2 $11,00000 Trinity School 1381 Ida Avenue Columbus, OH 43212 Cash 1 $4,ODO 00 Tri-State University Office of Admission & Financial Aid 1 University Avenue An Cash 1 $4,00000 Trustees of Deerfield Academy P 0 Box 87 Deerfield MA 01 342 Cash 1 $25000 Tufts University Fletcher School of Law 160 Packard Ave Medford MA 021 Cash 1 $50000 Tutwiler Community Education Center Inc P 0 Box 448 Tutwiler, MS 38963 Cash 1 $30000 United Negro College Fund, Inc 399 East Main Street Suite 120 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 8 $8,64771 United Negro College Fund, Inc 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive P 0 Box 1 D444 Fairfax Cash 3 $1 10000 United Negro College Fund, Inc 1080 Woodcock Road Suite 280 Orlando FL 32803 Cash 1 $200000 United Theological Seminary 1810 Harvard Boulevard Dayton. OH 45406 Cash 1 $1493657 University of Akron 302 East Buchtel Common Akron OH 44325-4702 Cash 2 $70000 University of Arizona Foundation 1111 North Chen), Avenue Tucson AZ 85721 Cash 1 $20,00000 University of California Berkeley Foundation 2440 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA 964720-4200 Cash 1 $12500 University of Cincinnati Beecher Hall, Room 207 Cincinnati, OH 45221-0140 Cash 2 $1 00000 Uruversity of Colorado Financial Aid CB 106 Boulder, CO 80309 Cash 1 $3DO DO University of Dayton 300 College Park Dayton, OH 45469-1624 Cash 5 $3,581 33 University of Findlay 1000 North Main Street Findlay OH 45840 Cash 1 $1,00000 University of Illinois - Urbana Campus Office of Student Financial Aid 610 East John Street Champ Cash 2 $1,50000 University of Illinois Foundation 1305 West Green Street Urbana IL 61801 Cash 1 $2,00000 University of Kentucky Student Financial Aid Office 128 Funkhouser Building Lexin Cash 10 $6,37000 University of Louisville Presidents Office Louisville KY 40292 Cash 3 $1,20000 University of Michigan 201 1 Student Activity Building Ann Arbor MI 48109-1382 Cash 1 $100000 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Arts and Sciences CB #6115 1 D4 New West Chapel Hill, NC 27599-6115 Cash 1 $100000 University of North Texas Student Financial Aid & Scholarships P 0 Box 311370 Den Cash 1 S100000 University of Northern Iowa Foundation 202 Commons Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0282 Cash 1 S1 77614 University of Notre Dame Office of Financial Aid 103 Administration Building Notre Da Cash 6 $24,75000 University of Oregon Foundation P 0 Box 3346 Eugere. OR 97403-0346 Cash 3 $270000 University of Pennsylvania 140 Franklin Building 3451 Walnut Street Philadelphia PA Cash 1 $20000 University of Pittsburgh G-7 Thackeray Hall Pittsburgh PA 15260 Cash 1 $1 .01)0 00 University of Portland 50DO N Willamette Boulevard Portland OR 97203 Cash 1 $12000 University of Redlands Willis Center P 0 Box 3080 Redlands CA 92373 Cash 1 $1 .00000 University of Rio Grande P 0 Box 897 Rio Grande, OH 45674 Cash 2 $200000 University of Toledo Office of Financial Aid 2801 West Bancroft Toledo, OH 436 Cash 2 $1 50000 University of Virginia Office of University Development P 0 Box 9013 Charlottes Cash 4 $2.5DO 00 University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Foundation Inc 21 DO Main Street Stevens Point Wl 54481 Cash 1 $11,000 00 Upper Arlington Education Foundation 1950 N Mallway Drive Upper Arlington, OH 43221-4398 Cash 5 $116,54484 Upper Arlington Library Foundation 7775 Riverside Dnve Dublin, OH 43016 Cash 1 $5,00000 Upper Arlington Public Library 2800 Tremont Road Columbus OH 43221 Cash 2 $18,00000 Ursuline College 2550 Lander Road Pepper Pike OH 44124 Cash 1 $25000 Utah State University Financial Aid Office Taggart Student Center #106 Logan, U Cash 1 $62800 Vanderbilt University 211 Kirkland Hall Nashville, TN 37240 Cash 3 $3,00000 Vassar Coilege Box I Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Cash 2 $160000 Visionary Foundation 59 North Ohio Avenue Columbus, OH 43203-1950 Cash 1 $30,00000 Wabash College P 0 Box 352 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Cash 1 $54400 Walla Walla College 204 South College Avenue College Park WA 99324 Cash 1 $20000 Wartburg College 222 Ninth Street NW Luther Hall 217 Waverly, IA 50677 Cash 1 $50000 Wartburg Theological Seminary 333 Wartburg Place P 0 Box 5004 Dubuque, IA 520134 Cash 1 $1000000 Washington University Campus Box 1041 One Brookings Dr St Louis, MO 63130 Cash 1 $50000 Watkins Memorial Music Boosters 8868 Watkins Road SIN Pataskala, OH 43062 Cash 1 $5,76000 Wellesley College 106 Central Sheet Wellesley, MA 02181 Cash 3 $2,10000 Wellington School 3650 Reed Road Columbus, OH 43220 Cash 13 S4322500 Wesleyan University 318 High Street Middletown CT 06459 Cash 1 $1,00000 West After School Center 804 West Sixth Avenue Lancaster, OH 43130 Cash 1 $250000 West Uberty State College Room 157 Main Hall P 0 Box 295 West Lib" WV 2607 Cash 1 $44800 West Virginia Wesleyan College 59 College Avenue Buckhannon WV 26201 Cash 1 $25000 Western Baptist College 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97301 Cash 1 $1,0130 00

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Western Kentucky University 1 Big Red Way Bowling Green, KY 42101-3576 Cash 6 $239000 Western Washington University Student Fiscal Services 516 High Street Bellingham, WA 98 Cash 1 $1,00000 Westerville City Schools 336 S Otterbein Avenue Westerville, OH 43081 Cash 3 $28,61400 Westerville North High School 950 County Line Road Westerville, OH 43081 Cash 1 $12,00000 Wheaton College 501 East College Avenue Wheaton, It. 60187 Cash 1 $50000 Whitman College Penrose House Second Floor 345 Boyer Avenue Walla Wa Cash 1 $1,00000 Williams College P 0 Box 687 Williamstown, MA 01267 Cash 5 $28,40000 Wittenberg University P 0 Box 720 Springfield, OH 45501 Cash 7 $8,10000 Worthington High School 3GO West Granville Road Worthington, CH 43085 Cash 1 $15,00000 WOSU Stations 2400 Olentangy River Road Columbus, OH 43210-1027 Cash 20 $33,08317 Wright State University E 136 Student Union 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway Dayton Cash 3 $4,831 33 X"er University 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45207 Cash 1 $50000 Yale University 105 Wall Street New Haven, CT 06520 Cash 3 $1 .70000 Young Men's Christian Association of Central Ohio 40 West Long Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $22,50000 Youngstown State University One University Pli%za Financial Aid Office Youngstown, OH Cash 3 $3,67600 YWCA of Columbus 65 South Fourth Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $17,00000

TOTAL EDUCATION GRANTS 1348 $6,914,148 25

HEALTH GRANTS Abington Memorial Hospital 2510 MarAand Road, Suite 250 Willow Grove PA 19090 Cash 1 $20000 Adena Health System 272 Hospital Road Chillicothe, OH 45601 Cash 1 $50000 Alan Guttmacher Institute 120 Wall Street, 21 st Floor New York NY 10005 Cash 1 $10000 Allen Memorial Hospital Foundabon 200 West Lorain Street Oberlin OH 44074 Cash 1 $1,000 DO American Brain Tumor Association 2720 River Road Des Plaines, IL 60018 Cash 2 $50000 American Cancer Society 3901 NW 79th Avenue, #224 Miami, FL 33166 Cash 1 $50000 A,mencan Cancer Society (Circleville) 210 Sharon Road, Suite 5 Circlev,ille, OH 43113 Cash 1 $50000 American Cancer Society Marion Area Office 253 East Church Street Marion, OH 43302 Cash 2 $107,18400 Ameniuin Cancer Society -SeatUe Division Offim 2120 First Avenue North P 0 Box 19140 Seattle WA 9810 Cash 1 $10000 American Cancer Society, Franklin County Unit 900 Michigan Avenue Columbus, OH 43215-1165 Cash 17 $75,80149 Amenmn Cancer Society Ohio Division Inc 5555 Frantz Road Dublin, OH 43017 Cash 5 $13,33223 Amencan Cancer Sooety-Naples, FL. 990 First Avenue South, Suite 200 Naples FL 34102 Cash 1 $5.00000 American Council of the Blind of Ohio Columbus Chapter, Inc 3880 Hillview Drive Columbus OH 43220 Cash 2 $4,581 14 Amencan Diabetes Association National Office 1701 N Beauregard Street Nexandna VA 22311 Cash 1 $15000 American Diabetes Association- South Coastal Region 501 1-L W Hillsborough Avenue Tampa, Fl. 33634 Cash 1 $2,00000 American Diabetes Association, Ohio Affiliate Inc 937 High Street Worthington . OH 43085-4020 Cash 1 $5,00000 Amenciin Dietetic Association Foundation 216 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago IL 60606 Cash 1 $12500 Amenmn Foundation for AIDS Research 120 Wall Street, #13 Floor New York NY 10005 Cash 2 $20000 American Heart Association - Bonita Springs, Fl. 28441 Bonita Crossings Boulevard Bonita Springs FL 3413 Cash 1 $500000 American Heart Association Chicago Division 208 South Lasalle Street, Suite 900 Chicago, IL 60604 Cash 1 $50000 American Heart Association, Inc 5455 North High Street P 0 Box 163549 Columbus, OH 43 Cash 20 $200,60389 American Heart Association, Inc National Offim 7272 Greenville Avenue Dallas TX 75231 Cash 1 $10000 American Heart Association, Westchester/ Putnam Chapter ln302O Westchester Avenue Purchase, NY 10577-2525 Cash 1 $20000 Amencan Institute for Cancer Research 1759 R Street NW Washington DC 20009 Cash 2 $30000 American Leprosy Mission 1 Alm Way Greenville, SC 29601 Cash 1 $100000 American Lung Association of Ohio P 0 Box 16677 Columbus, OH 43216 Cash 1 $10000 American Red Cross, Eugene, Oregon 150 East 18th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Cash 1 $50000 American Red Cross Columbus Area Chapter 995 East Broad Street Columbus OH 43205-1339 Cash 29 $2742471 American Red Cross Lorain County Chapter 2929 West River Road North Elyria, OH 44035-1399 Cash 1 $50000 American Red Cross, Louisville Area Chapter P 0 Box 1675 Louisville KY 40201 Cash 2 S20000 American Red Cross Marion County Chapter 1849 Summerset Dnvs Marion, OH 43302 Cash 2 $107,18400 American Red Cross, National Headquarters P 0 Box 37243 Washington, DC 20013-7243 Cash 20 $786764 Amethyst, Inc 527 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 2 $2.GOO 00 Arthritis Foundation Central Ohio Chapter 3740 Ridge Mill Drive Hilliard OH 43026-9231 Cash 6 $39,26-449 ArthurG James Cancer Hospital & the Richard J Solove Res 300 West 10th Avenue B-13-4-459 Columbus OH 4321 0 Cash 22 $11247631 Association for the Developmentally Disabled 1392 Dublin Road Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 S60,00000 Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception Inc 440 Ninth Avenue Third Floor New York, NY 10001-1620 Cash 1 $1,60000 Avon Products Foundation, Inc 1345 Avenue of the Americas, 27th Floor New York, NY 101 Cash 3 $80000 Bethesda Hospital Foundation 2815 South Seacrest Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Cash 1 $2.00000 Breast Cancer Action 55 New Montgomery St Suite 323 San Francisco CA 941 0 Cash 1 $25000

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Bryn Maw Hospital Foundation 130 South Bryn Maw Avenue Bryn Maw, PA 19010 Cash 1 $150000 Cancer Research Foundation of America 1600 Duke Street Suite 110 Alexandria, VA 22314 Cash 4 $4 460 DO Caring for the Community Foundation Inc 91500 Overseas Higtway Tavernier, Fl- 33070 Cash 1 $25000 Center for Wholeness Inc 5655 North High Street Worthington OH 43085 Cash 1 $1300000 Central Ohio Breathing Association 1520 Old Henderson Road Columbus, OH 43220 Cash 5 $1904294 Central Ohio Diabetes Association, Inc 1580 King Avenue Columbus OH 43212 Cash 1 $5000000 Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank, Inc 465 West Tenth Avenue Columbus OH 43210 Cash 2 $7 ODO 00 Children's Cancer Association 7524 SW Macadam Avenue, Suite B Portland OR 97219 Cash 1 $50000 Children's Center for Developmental Enrichment 2655 Oakstone Drive Westerville, OH 43231 Cash 1 $2500000 Children's Health Gore, Inc Box 141 9 Pme%,ille, WV 24874 Cash 1 $1 000 DO Children's Home of CromvvCl 51 Missionary Road Cromml CT 06416 Cash 1 $5000 Children's Hospital Foundation 700 Children's Dnve Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 27 $91909449 Children's Hospital, Inc c/o Children's Hospital Foundation 700 Children's Drive Col Cash 56 $40535850 Children's Hunger Afliance 181 East Livingston Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 2 $2750000 Citizens for Open Health Care P 0 Box 153 Granville, OH 43023-0153 Cash 2 $14 ODO 00 Cleveland Climc-Flonda 6101 Pine Ridge Road Naples, Fl- 34119 Cash I $1,0D0 00 Columbus AIDS Task Force 751 Nonhmst Boulevard, 2nd Floor Columbus OH 43212- Cash 7 $864402 Columbus Area Council on Alcoholism d1ba Preventlon Couna 2236 S Hamilton Road Suite 201 Columbus, OH 43232 Cash 1 $250000 Columbus Cancer Clinic 65 Ceramic Drive Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 18 $83251 75 Columbus Health Department 181 Washington Boulevard Columbus OH 43215-4096 Cash 1 $11800000 Columbus Medical Association Foundation 431 East Broad St, Suite 300 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 2 $20000 Columbus Medical Research Foundation P 0 Box 21481 Columbus, OH 43221 Cash 4 $4035049 Columbus Neighborhood Health Center, Inc 600 West Spring Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 2 $11000000 Columbus Ophthalmological and Ololaryngological Society 3545 Olentangy River Road Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 1 $271455 Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula 1000 Munras Avenue Suite 200 Monterey CA 93940 Cash 1 $5 DOO DO Concerned Otizens for Community Health c/o Vista Del Camino 770 East Roosevelt Scottsdale, AZ 85 Cash 1 $5 ODD DO Concord Counseling Services Inc 924 Eashvind Dnrve Westerville OH 43081 Cash 1 $1 DDO 00 Cooley Dickenson Hospital 30 Locust Street Northampton MA 01060 Cash 1 $5000 Crohn's & Coldis Foundation Nevi Jersey Chapter 45 Wilson Avenue Manalapan, NJ 07726 Cash 1 $1 ODO 00 Crohns & Coldis Foundation of Amenw, Inc 386 Park Avenue South, 17th Floor Nevi York NY 10016-88 Cash 3 $30000 Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc-Columbus 2021 E Dublin-Grimville Road Columbus. OH 43229 Cash 1 $50000 DEAF Initiatives, Inc 563 South Damon Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 3 $750000 Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic Columbus, 0 543 Taylor Avenue Columbus, OH 43203 Cash 1 $437500 Desert Cancer Foundation 45480 Portola Avenue Palm Desert, CA 92260 Cash 1 $35000 Directions For Youth dba Directions for Youth and Families 1515 Indianola Avenue Columbus OH 43201 Cash 1 $20 DOO 00 Doctors Without Borders USA, Inc 6 East 39th Street-8th Floor New York, NY 10016 Cash 1 $25000 Elder Choices of Central Ohio 369 E Livingston Avenue Columbus, OH 43215-5531 Cash 1 $25,00000 Emergency Medicine Foundation P 0 Box 619911 Dallas, TX 75261-9911 Cash 1 $25000 Endometnosis Association Incorporated 8585 North 76th Place Milwaukee W1 53223 Cash 1 $10000 Equine Assisted Therapy Inc 7908 Myers Road Centerburg, OH 43011 Cash 1 $10 DOO 00 Fairfield Medical Center Memorial Twg 1 222 East Fair Avenue Lancaster, OH 43130 Cash 1 $76000 Families USA Foundation Inc 1334 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Cash 1 $25,00000 FIRSTUNK Inc 370 South Fifth Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 1 $11 00000 Flonda Afliance for the Mentally III, Inc Collier County Chapter502O Tamiami Trail North #106 Naples FL 34103 Cash 3 $9,43715 Franklin County Educational Council Foundation 1929 Kenny Road, Suite 120 Columbus, OH 43210-1015 Cash 1 $25,00000 Girls Incorporated of Central Ohio 5453 Aspen Road Columbus OH 43229 Cash 1 $2000000 Grant Medical Center 111 South Grant Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 2 $2,51671 Grant(l1mrside Methodist Hospitals 3535 Olentangy River Road Columbus OH 43214 Cash 9 $12,39402 Grantmakers In Health 1100 Connecticut Ave NW 12th Floor Washington DC 20 Cash 1 $1,00000 Grant-Rrverside Methodist Hospitals Foundation, Inc Whetstone Center 3724G Olentargy River Road Columbus Cash 23 $130,33419 Hannah Neil Center for Children 301 Obetz Road Columbus, OH 43207 Cash 12 $107,18628 Harding-Evans; Foundation 430 East Granville Road Worthington, OH 43085 Cash 2 $1,10000 Herbert and Maxine Block Foundation 4220 East Fifth Avenue Columbus, OH 43219 Cash 1 $350000 Heritage Day Health Centers 1151 College Avenue Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 4 $61,50000 Holzer Hospital Foundation 100 Jackson Pike Gallipolis OH 45631-1563 Cash 1 $1,00000 Home Nursing Association of Westchester, Inc 69 Main Street Tuckahm, NY 10707 Cash 1 $10000 Home of the Innocents 485 East Gray Street Louisville, KY 40202 Cash 1 S5GO 00 Hospice of Columbus 181 Washington Boulevard Columbus OH 43215 Cash 2 $5.50000 Hospice of Naples Inc 1095 Whippoorivill Lane Naples FL 34105 Cash 1 $200000 House of Hope for Alooholics Inc 825 Dennison Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 2 $300000

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT House of Troy Foundation Inc 3433AglerRoad Suite 2600 Columbus OH43219 Cash 1 $500000 Huntington's Disease Society of America, Central Ohio Chapte490 City Park Avenue Suite C Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $8,00000 Jewish Family Services 1151 College Avenue Columbus, OH 43200-2827 Cash 1 $30.00000 Johns Hopkins University-School of Public Health and Hygienel 041 Hygiene Building 615 N Wolfe Street Baltimore, MD 2 Cash 1 $30.00000 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - Mid-Ohio Chapter 247-B E Livingston Avenue Columbus OH 43215 Cash 3 $2,50000 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - Greater Chicago Chapter 500 North Dearborn Street Suite 305 Chicago IL 60610-49 Cash I $1,D00 OD Laser Medical Research Foundation 5492 Red Bank Road Galena, OH 43021 Cash 1 $500000 Licking Memorial Hospital 1320 West Main Street Newark OH 43055 Cash 0 -$60.90000 UfeCare Ahance 1699 West Mound Street Columbus, OH 43223 Cash 6 $5275000 MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving 471 E Broad St, Suite 1310 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $500000 Madison County Home Health Hospice, Inc 212 North Main Street London OH 43140 Cash 1 $200000 Madison County Hospital Inc 210 North Main Street London OH 43140 Cash 3 $35,00000 March of Dinnes-Northern Metro Chapter 1275 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains NY 10605-5298 Cash 1 $5000 Maryhaven Inc 1791 AJum Creek Drive Columbus, OH 43207 Cash 11 $36.22500 Mary-Helen Mautner Project for Lesbians with Cancer 1707 L Street NW Suite 1060 Washington, DC 20036 Cash I $2,DOO 00 Medical Benevolence Foundation 1412 N Sam Houston Pkwy E #120 Houston, TX 77032-2 Cash 1 $50000 Memorial Hospital of Union County 500 London Avenue Marysville, OH 43040 Cash 2 $220,08864 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 1275 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Cash 1 $10000 Mental Health Association of Franklin County 538 East Town Street, Suite 300 Columbus . OH 43215 Cash 2 $1 711 71 Mental Health Association of Licking County, Inc 65 Messimer Dnve Newark, OH 43055-11181 Gash 1 $50000 Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center Henry & Lucy Moses Hospital Division 111 E 21 Oth Street B Cash 1 $50000 Mount Carmel Health System Foundation 793 W State Street Columbus, OH 43222 Cash 3 $225000 Muscular Dystrophy Association- KY District Office 1941 Bishop Lane Suite 511 Louisville, KY 4021 8 Cash 1 $10000 Muscular Dystrophy Association Inc of Columbus 6161 Busch Boulevard Suite 66 Columbus OH 43229-255 Cash 4 $4,06196 NAMI National Afliance for the Mentally 111 200 North Glebe Road Suite 1015 Arlington, VA 22203-375 Cash 1 $1,00000 National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction 317 East 34th Street, Room 901 New York, NY 10016 Cash 1 $40000 National Jewish Medical and Research Center 1400 Jackson Street Denver, CO 80206 Cash 1 $1,78984 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 700 Broadway, Suite 810 Denver, CO 80203 Cash 1 $10000 National Multiple Sclerosis Society South Florida Chapter 3201 West Commercial Blvd Suite 127 Ft Lauderdale, FL Cash 1 $2,00000 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Lone Star Chapter 8111 North Stadium Drive, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77054 Cash 1 $25000 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Ohio Buckeye Chapter 970 Crupper Avenue Columbus, OH 43229 Cash 5 $3,600 DO Northern Michigan Hospital Foundation 360 Connable Avenue Petoskey MI 49770 Cash 4 $20,500 DO Northern Michigan Planned Parenthood 1003 Spring Street Petoskey MI 4977D-2810 Cash 1 $100 DO Northwest Counseling Services, Inc 1660 Fishinger Road Columbus OH 43221 Cash 1 $2700000 Ohio Cancer Research Associates 50 West Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 4 S3,20000 Ohio Physicians Effectiveness Program (OPEP) 445 East Granville Road Worthington, OH 43085 Cash 1 $50000 Ohio State University Department of Ophthalmology 5024 Cramblett Hall 456 West 10th Avenue Columbus, OH Cash 2 $9750000 Osteopathic Heritage Foundation I 100 Dennison Avenue Columbus OH 43201 Cash 2 $16471 90 Otterbein College 102 West College Avenue Westerville OH 43081 Cash 1 $60,00000 Pancreatic Cancer Action Network 2221 Rosecinins Avenue, Suite 131 El Segundo, CA 90245 Cash 1 $10000 Pathfinder International Nine Galen Street, Suite 217 Watertown MA 02172 Cash 2 $1,10000 Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital Foundation 224 Park Avenue Frankfort MI 49635 Cash 1 $1,DOO 00 PKR Foundation 4901 Main Street Suite 200 Kansas City, MO 64112-2634 Cash 2 $20,00000 Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc 810 7th Avenue New York, NY 10019 Cash 2 $14 967 68 Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio 206 East State Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 45 $130,61109 Planned Parenthood of Southeast Ohio 396 Richland Avenue Athens, OH 45701 Cash 1 $50000 Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania, Inc 209 9th Street Suite 400 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Cash 1 $996768 Project Open Hand Columbus 82 East 16th Avenue Columbus, OH 43201-1662 Cash 1 $69402 Psychiatric Research Foundation of Columbus Inc Suite 130 Neuropsychiatric Facility 1670 Upham Drive Colu Cash 2 $321 81 Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation, Inc One Saint Joseph Drive Lexington KY 40504-3754 Cash 2 $2,50000 Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis, TN 38105 Cash 1 $50000 Samaritan Hospital Foundation 1917 Baney Road Ashland OH 44805-4098 Cash 1 $850 DO Saratoga Cam Inc 211 Church Street Saratoga Springs NY 12866 Cash 1 $500000 Scleroderma Foundation 12 Kent Way, Suite 101 Byfield, MA 01922 Cash 1 $11>0 00 Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United Stat 130 West 42nd Stmet, Suite 350 New York, NY 10036-7802 Gash 1 $5000 Shnners Hospitals for Crippled Children P 0 Box 31356 Tampa FIL 33631-3356 Cash 1 $47897 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc -Colurnbus RP 0 Box 16842 Columbus, OH 43216 Cash 1 $250000 Telluride Aids Benefit, Inc P 0 Box 3819 Telluride, CO 81435 Cash 1 $2,50000 The Foundation for Hospices in Sub-Saharan Africa Inc 990 Seventh North Street Liverpool, NY 13088 Cash 1 $600000 The Healing Center 2212 Queen Anne Avenue North. #328 Seattle, WA 98109 Cash 1 $2,50000

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GRANT *OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT The Lima Convalescent Home Foundation, Inc 1651 Allentown Road Lima, OH 45805 Cash 1 $1 .00000 The Sisters of Mercy of Willard Ohio 110 East Howard Street Willard, OH 44890 Cash 1 $100000 Tri-State Drug Rehabilitation and Counseling Program, Inc P 0 Box 42398 Cincinnati, OH 45242 Cash 2 $2.00000 Visiting Nurse Samoa of New York ATIN Development 107 East 70th Street New York, NY 10 Cash 1 $10000 Young Men's Christian Association of Central Ohio 40 West Long Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 1 $4000000

TOTAL HEALTH GRANTS 547 $400865529

RELIGION GRANTS ACMC, Inc 4201 N Peachtree Road, Suite 3DO Atlanta GA 30341-120 Cash 3 $1,37500 Adventist World Radio 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MID 20904-66DO Cash 1 $25000 Africa Intend Mission International Incorporated P 0 Box 178 Pearl River NY 10965 Cash 2 $52500 AM Saints Evangelical Lutheran Church 6770 North High Street Worthington, OH 43085 Cash 2 $220000 Dr Gertrude A Barber Foundation, Inc 136 East Avenue Ene . PA 16507 Cash 1 $5000 Bethany Fellowship Inc 6820 Auto Club Road, Suite J Bloomington, MN 55438 Cash 1 S40000 Bethany Presbyterian Church 206 North Garfield Avenue Columbus, OH 43203 Cash 2 $650000 Bexley United Methodist Church 2657 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 4 $338538 BLI, Inc 625 East North Broadway Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 1 $290000 The Board for Mission Services of the Lutheran Church-Misso 1333 South Kirkwood Road St Louis, MO 63122 Cash 1 $467000 The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (USA) 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3298 Cash 2 $16,471 90 Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church P 0 Box 1245 Bethlehem, PA 18016 Cash 2 $1,40000 Broad Street Presbyterian Church 760 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 16 $31 83395 Broad Street United Methodist Church 501 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $250000 Broken Jam P 0 Box 5 Jackson NJ 08527 Cash 2 $770 DO Campus Cnisade For Christ, Inc 100 Lake Hail Drive Orlando, FL 32832 Cash 7 $1 97500 Canaan Land Church Incorporated P 0 Box 310 Autaugaville, AL 36003 Cash 1 $50000 Chosen People Ministries, Inc P 0 Box 195003 Charlotte, NC 28219-5003 Cash 1 $47897 Christ Child Society of Columbus P 0 Box 340091 Columbus, OH 43234-0091 Cash 1 $32874 Christ Lutheran Church 2314 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 1 $3.50000 Christian Aid Mission P 0 Box 9037 Charlottesville, VA 22906 Cash 2 $1 .60000 Christian Alliance Outreach 3145 South Paseo Del Sol Cottonwood AZ 86326 Cash 2 $17500 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc 977 Centerville Turnpike Virginia Beach, VA 23463-9989 Cash 1 $50000 Church Association of the Epworth Assembly P 0 Box 80 Ludington MI 49431 Cash 1 $2,50000 Church of the Resurrection 6300 E Dublm-Granville Road New Albany, OH 43054 Cash 2 $16,00000 Clarksburg United Methodist Church 2311 Mile Tree Road Clarksburg, OH 43115 Cash 1 $2,50000 Columbus Evangel Temple Assembly of God 817 North Hamilton Road Gehenna, OH 43230 Cash 1 $79006 Congregation Beth Tikvah 6121 Olentangy River Road Worthington, OH 43085 Cash 3 $1,85000 Cross Point Church 9801 France Avenue South Bloomington, IN 56431 Cash 1 $25000 Crossroads Community Church 1625 Collins Hill Road Lawrenceville GA 30043 Cash 1 $10000 Denmark United Methodist Church 6156 County Road, #28 Edison, OH 43320 Cash 1 $20000 Dominican Sisters St Mary of the Springs 2320 Airport Drive Columbus OH 43219-2098 Cash 1 $4,00000 Downtmners, Inc 404 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 2 $35213 Educational Media Foundation 1425 North Market Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95834 Cash 2 $2DO 00 Emmanuel Christian Church P 0 Box 41062 Pittsburgh, PA 15202 Cash 2 $1,75000 Emmanuel Lutheran Church 1500 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43207 Cash 1 $4.67000 Emmanuel Lutheran Church 241 South Prospect Street Marion, OH 43302 Cash 2 $214,368 GO End-rime Handmaidens, Inc P 0 Box 447 Jasper, AR 72641 Cash 1 $50000 End Time Handmaidens, Inc Cincinnati Branch 9770 Overview lane Cincinnati, OH 45231 Cash 1 $50000 The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society 4800 West 57th Street P 0 Box 5038 Sioux Falls, SO 5711 Cash 2 $2,00000 Fellowship of Christian Athletes P 0 Box 09639 Columbus OH 43209-0639 Cash 1 $25000 Find Community Church 1320 Cambridge Boulevard Columbus, CH 43212 Cash 7 $15,36280 Fast Ckingregational Church 444 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 9 $4278799 First Presbyterian Church of Marysville Ohio P 0 Box 709 Marysville, OH 43040 Cash 2 $220.08864 First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus 93 W Weisheimer Road Columbus, OH 43214-2544 Cash 8 $31,47500 Fast United Methodist Church of Jupiter-Tequesta 815 East Indiantown Road Jupiter, Ft. 33477 Cash 1 $1.00000 Friendship Baptist Church P 0 Box 23471 Columbus OH 43223 Cash 1 $4,00000 Ft Myers Christen Church 5916 Winkler Road Ft Myers, Fl. 33919 Cash 1 $000 The Gathering USA, Inc 106 E Church Street Orlando FL 32801-3341 Cash 2 $2,50000 Good News Fellowship Ministnes Inc 220 Sleepy Creek Road Macon GA 31210 Cash 2 54 5W 00 Harcourt Parish P 0 Box 3T7 Gambier OH 43022 Cash 3 $7.ODO 00

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRES DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUN Harvest Fellowship Church 9335 Remington Road Lowland. OH 45140 Cash 3 $8,00000 Hebrew Union College-Jemsh Institute of Religion 3101 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45220 Cash 2 $80000 Holy Family Church 584 West Broad Street Columbus. OH 43215 Cash 1 $4,00000 Holy Trimly Evangelical Lutheran Church 2001 Northwest Blvd Columbus OH 43212 Cash 3 S8,00000 Irmola Congregational Church P 0 Box 669 Kamuela, HI 46743 Cash 2 $2,50000 Indian Run United Methodist Church of Dublin 6305 Brand Road Columbus, OH 43016 Cash 1 $3,50000 Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of the USA P 0 Box 7895 Madison WI 53707-7895 Cash 2 $3,50000 Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington Inc 1419 V Street NW Washington, DC 20009 Cash 1 $50000 International Fellowship of Christians and Jews P 0 Box 2357 Chicago, IL 60690 Cash 1 $1,00000 It Is Wntten P 0 Box 0 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Cash 1 $25000 Jerome United Methodist Church 10531 Jerome Road Plain City, OH 43064 Cash 1 $5.50000 Joyful Sound Ministnes P 0 Box 144 Woodbine, IA 51579 Cash 2 $200000 Kaims, Inc d1ba Kairos Prison Ministnes P 0 Box 14490 Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 1 $150000 The King's Chnshan Church P 0 Box 277 Lolo, MT 58947-0277 Cash 3 $43000 Liberty Ministnes, Inc 3244 160th Street Brighton, IA 52540 Cash 2 $4.00000 Liberty Presbyterian Church 7080 Olentangy River Road Delaware OH 43015 Cash 1 $500000 Life Outreach International Association of Churches Inc P 0 Box 982000 Fort Worth, TX 76182 Cash 1 $50000 Light ft Fire Ministnes Inc 11 Deer Hawn Court Florence KY 41042 Cash 2 $400000 Linworth United Methodist Church 7070 Bent Tree Boulevard Columbus, OH 43235 Cash 6 $4,40000 Loma Linda University Church 11125 Campus Street Loma Linda, CA 92354 Cash 2 $5.30000 London First United Methodist Church 52 North Main Street London, OH 43140 Cash 3 $8.00000 Lutheran Community Foundation 625 Fourth Avenue South, Suite 1415 Minneapolis, MIN 55.4 Cash 1 $395970 Lutheran Hour Ministnes 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive St Louis MO 63141 Cash 1 S467000 Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church 921 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10021 Cash 2 $12,64600 Maranatha Volunteers Intemational, Inc 1600 Sacramento Inn Way Suite 116 Sacramento, CA 9581 Cash 1 $25000 Market Street Presbytenan Church 1100 West Market Street Lima, OH 45805 Cash 2 S9,00000 Middleton Friends Meshng 44866 Crestmew Road Columbiana, OH 44408 Cash 1 $25000 Mifflin Presbyterian Church 123 Granville Street Gahanna, OH 43230 Cash 1 $6,00000 MIO Frontien; P 0 Box 31177 Mesa AZ 85275 Cash 4 $2,45000 New Hope Reformed Church 5115 Powell Road Powell, OH 43065 Cash 1 $2,50000 New Life Community Bapbst Church 3690 Stygler Road Gahanna OH 43230 Cash 1 $500000 New Plymouth United Methodist Church Route 1, Box 72 New Plymouth. OH 45654 Cash 1 S20000 Nora Lam Ministries PO Box 24466 San Jose, CA 95154 Cash I S20000 North Broadway United Methodist Church 48 East North Broadway Columbus OH 43214 Cash 1 $500000 Nortk~west Christian Church 1340 Fishinger Road Columbus OH 43221 Cash 1 $1 .87500 Ohio District Lutheran Church Missoun Synod 6451 Columbia Road P 0 Box 38277 Olmstead Falls, OH 4 Cash 1 $467000 Ohio-Meadville District Office of the Unitanan Universalist Ass 611 West Market Street, Suite B Akron, OH 44303-1406 Cash 2 $800 DO Ohio Nabonal Day of Prayer 1266 Idlewild Drive Columbus, OH 43232 Cash 2 $2,00000 Our Lady of Mt Camel Church 5505 New Cut Road Louisville KY 40214 Cash 2 $90000 Peace Lutheran Church 455 Clark State Road Gahanna, OH 43230 Cash 2 $6,96902 Pilgrim Baptist Church 26 North 21 at Street Columbus, OH 43203 Cash 2 S4,50000 Pinnacle Presbytenan Church 25150 North Pima Road Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Cash 1 $90000 Potters House Church of God 3220 Lowell Drive Columbus, OH 43204 Cash 4 $52,00000 The Presbyterian Church N Fourth and Chestnut Streets Coshocton OH 43812 Cash 1 $10000 The Promise Moravian Church 7465 Crossing Place Lewis Center, OH 43035 Cash 2 $1325000 Queen of Ail Saints Catholic Church 303 North Wismnsin Street Gunnison CO 81230 Cash 1 $50000 The Reformed Church P 0 Box 397 Bronxville, NY 10708 Cash 1 $500000 Reynoldsburg United Methodist Church 1636 Graham Road Reynoldsburg OH 43068 Cash 1 $1 .50000 Richmond United Methodist Church 218 South Main Street Attica, OH 44807 Cash 1 $3,00000 Saint Agatha Church 1860 Northam Road Columbus, OH 43221-3299 Cash 3 $5,74000 Saint Albans Episcopal Church of Bexley 333 South Drexel Avenue Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 9 $13.941 75 Saint Andrew Christian Church 1985 Swansford Dnve Dublin OH 43016 Cash 1 $10000 Saint Brendan Catholic Church 4475 Dublin Road Hilliard OH 43026 Cash 2 $1,68895 Saint Brigid of Vildare Church P 0 Box 3130 Dublin, OH 43016-0062 Cash 1 $200000 Saint Catharine Church 500 S Gould Road Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 2 $64,00000 St Gregory of Nyssa Church 271 Brevoorl Road Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 2 S77078 St Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Church 4537 Third Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55409 Cash 1 $200000 St John's Lutheran Church 2745 West Broad Columbus, OH 43204 Cash 3 $2,50000 Saint Lawrence Hawn of Saint Vincent de Paul Society 197 East Gay Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 1 $3.00000 Saint Mark's Episcopal Church 2151 Dorsal Road Columbus OH 43221 Cash 7 $20.00000

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT St Matthew's Episcopal Church 233 South State Street Westerville, OH 43081 Cash 1 $10,00000 Saint Michael Church 5750 North High Street Worthington, OH 43085 Cash $000 St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church of Pensacola Inc 4600 North 9th Avenue Pensacola, FL 32503 Cash $300000 Saint Paul's Church 313 North State Street Westerville, OH 43081 Cash $250000 St Peter Church 6899 Smokey Row Road Columbus, OH 43235 Cash $50000 St Stephen Baptist Church 1008 South 15th Street Louisville . KY 10210 Cash $1 10000 Saint Thomas Mom Newman Center 64 West Lane Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 Cash $10000 St Tunothy Church 1088 Thomas Lam Columbus, OH 43220 Cash 3 $450000 Sammarmsh Hills Lutheran Church 22818 SE 8th Street Sammamish, WA 98074 Cash $10000 Scioto Chapel United Methodist Church 6337 State Route 16 West Ashville, OH 43103 Cash $2,50000 Search Columbus 2460 Northwest Boulevard Columbus, OH 43221 Cash 2 $75000 Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation Inc 5430 Grosvenor Lane Bethesda MID 20814 Cash $125000 Shalom United Methodist Church 4925 Ptum Road NW P 0 Box 439 Carroll OH 43112 Cash $7,05101 Smoky Row Brethren Church 7260 Smoky Row Road Columbus OH 43235 Cash 2 $6,80000 The Spirituality Network, Inc 444 E Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 3 $3,80090 Stonybrook United Methodist Church of Gahanna 485 Chenybottorn Road P 0 Box 30733 Gehenna OH 432 Cash 3 $383054 Temple Beth Shalom 5089 Johnstown Road New AJbany, OH 43054 Cash 1 $370000 Temple Israel 5419 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43213 Cash 4 $610000 Trinity Episcopal Church 125 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash $2,50000 Trinity Evangelical Free Church 16165 Kenwood Trail West Lakeville IVIN 55044 Cash $1 00000 Trinity United Methodist Church 1581 Cambridge Blvd Columbus OH 43212 Cash 2 $2300000 Unitarian Universalist Associabon 25 Beacon Street Boston MA 02108-28DO Cash 3 S4,000 GO Unitarian Universalist Church 3970 NW 21 st Avenue Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 Cash 1 $1 10000 The United Church 30 East Columbus Street Mt Sterling OH 43143 Cash 8 $9 GOO 00 Upper Arlington Lutheran Church 2300 Lytham Columbus, OH 43220 Cash 1 $100000 Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society 7711 Garden Grow Boulevard Garden Grow, CA 92841 Cash 2 $500000 Voice of Prophecy P 0 Box 53055 Los Angeles, CA 90053 Cash $25000 Washington National Cathedral Massachusetts and Wisconsin Ave NW Washington, DC 2 Cash $5000 WIft Rock Baptist Church 34DO Fayetteville Street Durham, NC 27707 Cash 2 $135600 Woodmen Valley Chapel 350 Chapel Lane Colorado Springs CO 80919 Cash $25000 World Challenge Inc P 0 Box 260 Cash $1,00000 World ReUef Corp of National Associabon of Evangelicals 7 East Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21202 Cash 2 $21000 Worilitteam USA, Inc 1431 Stuckert Road Warrington, PA 18976 Cash 2 $70000 Worthington Presbyterian Church 773 High Street Worthington, OH 43085 Cash 1 $20000 Worthington Seventh Day Advenlist Church 870 Gnswold Street Worthington. OH 43085 Cash 2 $4500000 Worthington United Methodist Church 600 High Street P 0 Box 307 Worthington, OH 43085 Cash $25000 Xswledan Brothers Generalate 4403 Fedenck Avenue Baltimore MID 21229 Cash $50000 Youth with a Mission Spring of Living Water 15850 Richardson Springs Road Chico CA 95973 Cash 2 $52500 Zlon Lutheran Church 766 South High Street Columbus, OH 43206 Cash 1 S467000

TOTAL RELIGION GRANTS 300 $1,163 338 21

SOCIAL SERVICES GRANTS 2nd Chance of Life 2996 Barclay Square North Columbus OH 43209 Cash 1 $20,00000 " Friend's House P 0 Box 673 London, OH 43140 Cash 1 $2,50000 " Special Wish Foundation Inc Nabonal Chapter 5340 East Main Street, Suite 208 Columbus, OH 43213 Cash 1 $25000 Action for Children Council of Franklin County Cecilia Cullman Center for Children 78 Jefferson Ave Colu Cash 16 $69621 00 Adopt A Child Foundation 733 East Dublin-Granville Road Suite 105 Columbus OH 4 Cash 1 $2,00000 Adventist Development and Relief Agency International 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring , MID 20904 Cash 1 $25000 Adventures for Wish Kids, Inc 6863 Oak Creek Dnve Columbus, OH 43229 Cash 2 $491 23 Atricare Africare House 440 R Street NW Washington DC 20001 Cash 1 $10000 Afrioentric Personal Development Shop 1409 East Livingston Avenue Columbus OH 43205 Cash 1 $20000 AJr Life Une 5775 Wayzata Boulevard #700 Minneapolis MN 55416 Cash 1 $1,00000 Akron Baptist Temple 2324 Manchester Road Akron, OH 44314 Cash 2 $2,88000 Alen Eiry Senior Center, Inc 30 Orchard Park Tiffin OH 44883-3430 Cash 4 $60,00000 Atzhatmer's Disease & Related Disorders Association, Inc Ca3380 Tremont Road Columbus, OH 43221 Cash 8 $8,54511 Alzimmer's Disease and Related Disorders Associalion, Inc 919 North Michigan Avenue Suite 1 ODO Chicago, IL 60611 - Cash 2 $35000 American C~ouncil of the Blind, Ohio Chapter, Inc 2678 Edgevale Road P 0 Box 21488 Columbus, OH 43221 Cash 1 $15,30000 American Friends Samoa Committee National Office 1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 Cash 7 $33,00000 Americares Foundabon Inc 161 Cherry Street New Canaan, CT 06840 Cash 1 $5000

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Appalachia Ohio Alliance P 0 Box 1151 Logan, OH 43138 Cash 1 $1 .0D0 00 Asian Relief Inc 6411 Ivy Lane Suite 204 Greenbelt MD 20770 Cash 1 $10000 Beckett United Methodist Church 1401 Beckett Cambndge, OH 43725 Cash 1 $197500 Berne Union Local School District 506 North Main Street Sugar Grove OH 43155 Cash 1 $20,ODO 00 Betty Jam Memorial Rehabilitation Center, Inc 65 St Francis Avenue Tiffin, OH 44883-3455 Cash 2 $21 07000 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Midland Texas, Inc 1007 West Texas Avenue Midland, TX 79701 Cash 1 $50000 Big BrotherstBig Sisters Association of Greater Columbus Inc 1855 E Dublin-Granvtlle Rd 1 st Floor Columbus OH 4322 Cash 31 $24427529 Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Sheboygan County, Inc 2020 Ene Avenue Sheboygan, WI 53081 Cash 3 $311 00 Bay Scouts of Amenca Greater Western Reserve Council 4930 Enterprise Boulevard, NW Warren, OH 44481 Cash 2 $97833 Boys and Girls Clubs of Columbus, Inc 115 South Gift Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 4 S6,38394 Boys Clubs & Girls Clubs of Newport County, Inc 95 Church Street Newport, RI 02840 Cash 1 $50000 Boys Towns of Italy Inc 250 East 63rd Street, Suite 204 New York, NY 10021 Cash 1 $15,00000 Bread for the World Institute on Hunger and Development 1100 Wayne Avenue Suite 10DO Silver Spnng MD20910 Gash 1 $5W 00 Bryden Development Corporation 1555 Bryden Road Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 1 S40,00000 Builders Exchange Foundation P 0 Box 369 Columbus, OH 43216-0369 Cash 2 $6,00000 Building Responsibility Equality and Dignity 1015 East Main Street Columbus OH 43205 Cash 2 $6,00000 Burke County United Way 301 East Meeting Street Morgantown. NC 28655 Cash 1 $6,96600 Butterfield Youth Services Inc 1180 Highway WW P 0 Box 333 Marshall, MO 65340 Cash 1 $50000 Camp Fire USA of Central Ohio Inc 3700 South High Street Suite 148 Columbus OH 43207 Cash 2 $200000 Capital University Yochum Hall 2199 East Main Street Columbus OH 43209 Cash 2 $41689396 CARE, Inc 200 East Big Beaver Road, #152 Troy, MI 48083 Cash 4 $92796 Catholic Relief Services P 0 Box 17090 Baltimore MD 21298-9664 Cash 2 $25000 Catholic Social Services 197 East Gay Street 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 4 $2227061 Center of Life P 0 Box 473 Centerburg OH 43011 Cash 1 $12.50000 Central Community House 1251 Bryden Road Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 1 $25.ODO 00 Central Ohio Diabetes Associabon Inc 1580 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43212 Cash 6 $2012500 Central Ohio Radio Reading Service, Inc 2955 West Broad Street Columbus OH 43204 Cash 5 $8,17573 CGM Inc 410 West Chestnut Street Suite 900 Louisville KY 40202 Cash 2 $1,73000 Children International P 0 Box 219055 Kartmis City, MID 64121 Cash 1 $50000 Children of Promise Intemattonal P 0 Box 200 Aftna MO 64001 Cash 1 $2500000 Children's Defense Fund 52 East Lynn Street, Suite 400 Columbus, OH 43215-3508 Cash 2 S35000 Children's Home Society of North Carolina, Inc P 0 Box 14608 Greensboro, NG 27415-4608 Cash 1 S50000 Children's Hospital Foundation 700 Children's Dnw Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 1 $100,00000 Children's Hunger Alliance 181 East Livingston Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 14 $55,80000 CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence P 0 Box 06157 Columbus OH 43206 Cash 8 $17,27977 Christian Children's Fund, Inc 2821 Emerywood Parkway Richmond VA 23294 Cash 1 $10000 Chnstian Relief Services, Inc 8815 Telegraph Road Lorton, VA 22079 Cash 1 $6000 Clear Creek Farm P 0 Box 1433 Piqua, OH 45356 Cash 1 $10000 Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resources Center 14 W Lakeview Avenue Columbus, OH 43202 Cash 2 $2,20000 Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio 35 East Gay Street Suite 210 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $51X) 00 Columbus Family and Child Guidance Centers dba St Vincent 1490 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 6 $33.94530 Columbus Female Benevolent Society 158 South Roosevelt Avenue Columbus OH 43209-1867 Cash 10 $40,28539 Columbus Jewish Federation 1175 College Avenue Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 11 $44,10837 Columbus Recreation and Parks Department 90 West Broad Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 1 $7,50000 Columbus Schools Special Olympics 2571 Net] Avenue Columbus, OH 43202 Cash 1 $2,50000 Columbus Speech and Heanng Center 510 E North Broadway Columbus OH 43214 Cash 10 $78,16000 Columbus Urban League Inc 788 Mount Vernon Avenue Columbus OH 43203-1408 Cash 2 $29,00000 Community Connection for Ohio Offendem, Inc P 0 Box 341347 Columbus, OH 43234-1347 Cash 1 $30000 Community Fund of BronxvtIIe- Eastchester-Tuckahoe, Inc 15 Park Place Bronxv~lle NY 10708 Cash 1 $50000 Community Hospice Care Rear Suite 182 St Francis Avenue Tiffin, OH 44883-3456 Cash 1 $5,00000 Community Kitchen, Inc 640 South Ohio Avenue Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 6 $29.22500 Community Refugee and Immigration Services, Inc 3624 Bewe Avenue Columbus, OH 43227 Cash 1 $50,00000 Community Shelter Board 67 Jefferson Avenue Columbus OH 43215 Cash 23 $156,86719 Comprehensive Offender Program Effort P 0 Box 6868 Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 9 $10,78350 Council for Retarded Citizens Inc of Franklin County 2344 East 5th Avenue Columbus OH 43219-2638 Cash 2 $3.86196 Court Appointed Special Advocates of Franklin County 373 S High Street 6th Floor Columbus, OH 43215-6316 Cash 4 $15,30000 Cove Communities Senior Association 73750 Catalina Way Palm Desert CA 92260 Cash 1 S5000 Covenant House 346 West 17th Street Room 305 New York, NY 10011-500 Cash 3 $6,00000 Creahve Living Inc- 150 West 10th Avenue Columbus OH 43201 Cash 3 $6.42895 Criftenton Family Services, Inc dba Directions for Youth and PI 414 East Broad Street Columbus OH 43205 Cash 1 $5W 00

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPT10N GRANTS AMOUNT Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Central Ohio Chapter 6555 Busch Boulevard, Suite 108 Columbus, OH 43229 Cash 2 $7000000 Daw Thomas Foundation for Adoption 4288 West Dublin Granville Road P 0 Box 7164 Dublin, OH Cash 2 $1500000 Daybreak of Fostoria Inc 725 Columbus Avenue Fostoria , OH 44830 Cash 1 $500000 Deaf Services Center, Inc 5858 North High Street Worthington, OH 43085-3959 Cash 2 $15,00000 Directions For Youth dba Directions for Youth and Families 1515 Indianola Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 Cash 12 $2940371 Easter Seals Central and Southeast Ohio, Inc 565 Children's Dnve West P 0 Box 7166 Columbus, OH 43 Cash 13 $26,41705 Elder Choices of Central Ohio 369 E Livingston Avenue Columbus, OH 43215-5531 Cash 4 $2.30000 Epilepsy Foundation of Central Ohio 454 East Main Street, Suite 250 Columbus, OH 43215-5380 Cash 3 $325000 Equestrian Therapy Program 1566 Fainvay Drive Lima, OH 45805 Cash 1 $50000 Equine Assisted Therapy, Inc 7908 Myers Road Centerburg, OH 43011 Cash 1 $1 44000 Facilitabrig Leadership in Youth Inc 3607 Lovoell Street Washington, DC 20016 Cash 1 $1 00000 Faith Mission, Inc 315 East Long Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 19 $51 22352 Family & Community Services Inc 551 White Plains Road Eastchester, NY 10707 Cash 1 $10000 Farmhouse Foundation 11020 NW Ambassador Dr . Suite 330 Kansas City, MO 64 Cash 1 $50000 Feed the Children, Inc P 0 Box 36 Oklahoma, OK 73101-0036 Cash 1 $50000 First Community Village 1800 Riverside Drive, Columbus OH 43212 Cash 14 $179231 59 First to Third and Heading Home 2817 Buxton Lam Grove City, OH 43123 Cash 1 $1000000 FIRSTLINK, Inc 370 South Fifth Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 8 $3513000 Food for Lane County 770 Bailey Hill Road Eugene OR 97402 Cash 1 $25000 Food For The Poor Inc 550 SW 12th Avenue Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Cash 1 $10000 Fore Hope, Inc 925 Darby Creek Road Gallmay, OH 43119-9749 Cash 2 $1 10000 Franklin County Animal Shelter 1731 Alum Creek Dnw Columbus, CH 43207 Cash 1 $20000 Franklin County Children Services 1951 Gantz Road Grow City OH 43123-1272 Cash 1 $15000 Franklin County Ofifice, on Aging 410 South High Street 3rd Floor Columbus OH 43215 Cash 4 $1168500 Friends of the Homeless Inc 924 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 4 $1,97823 Friendship Village of Columbus 5800 Forest Hills Boulevard Columbus, OH 43231 Cash 2 $860968 Geary Family YMCA of Fostoria 154 West Center Street Fostoria, OH 44830 Cash 2 $13,31600 George and Raymond Frank Foundation 2581 Caroline Avenue Columbus, CH 43209 Cash 2 $22.71300 Girls Inc 120 Wall Street 3rd Floor Nm York, NY 10005-3902 Cash 1 $10000 Glenmont, Inc 4599 Avery Road Hilliard, OH 43026 Cash 1 $20,00000 Godman Guild Association 303 East Sixth Avenue Columbus, CH 43201 Cash 1 $4,70000 Golden Dogs Academy 609 Wooster Road Mount Vernon OH 43050 Cash 1 $10000 GoodmIl Industries of Central Ohio Inc dba Goo&mll Rehabil 1331 Edgehill Road Columbus OH 43212 Cash 18 $1731048 Grantmakers for Children Youth and Families, Inc 1522 K Street NW, Suite 1 1 DO Washington, DC 20005 Cash 1 51,00000 Habitat for Humanity International Habitat and Church Streets Americus, GA 31709-3498 Cash 3 S2,60000 Hawn of Hope 1109 Steubenville Avenue Cambridge, OH 43725 Cash 1 $1,97500 Heart of Ohio Council Boy Smuts of America Harding Area D P 0 Box 368 Ashland, OH 44805-0368 Cash 2 $107,18400 Heimerling Foundation 1 SW Heirizerling Dnve Columbus OH 43223 Cash 3 $6,20000 Heritage Trails Girl Smut Council Inc, Harding Area District 35 North Park Street Mansfield OH 44902 Cash 2 $107,18400 Hocking County Council on Aging 187 South Spring Street Logan, OH 43138 Cash 1 $15,00000 Huckleberry House, Inc 1421 Hamlet Street Columbus, OH 43201 Cash 1 $1,20000 Human Rights Campaign Foundation 919 18th Street NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006 Cash 1 $20000 Huntington's Disease Society of America 158 West 29th Street 7th Floor New York, NY 10001 -5300 Cash 1 $25000 IFMA Foundation P 0 Box 18213 Columbus, OH 43218 Cash 1 $1,00000 Impact Safety Programs 250 South Virginia Lee Road Columbus OH 43209 Cash 2 $28,5DO DO Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Trenton, Inc 207 Hillcrest Avenue Trenton, NJ 06618 Cash 1 $1,000 DD International Rescue Committee . Inc 122 East 42nd Street Nm York, NY 10168-1289 Cash 1 $25000 J 0 1 N (Joint Organization for Inner City Needs) 197 East Gay Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $500 GO Jevvish Braille Institute of America, Inc 110 East 30th Street Nemi York, NY 10016 Cash 1 $10000 Jemsh Family Services `1151 College Avenue Columbus, OH 43209-2827 Cash 4 $620000 J~sh Social Service Agency 6123 Montrose Road Rockville, MD 20852 Cash 1 $5000 Kaleidoscope Youth Coalition P 0 Box 8104 Columbus OH 43201 Cash 1 $50000 Kindering Center 16120 NE 8th Street Bellevue, WA 98008 Cash 1 $500000 Legal Aid Society of Columbus 40 West Gay Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 2 $15558500 Leo Yassenoff Jmsh Community Center of Greater Columbu 1125 College Avenue Columbus, OH 43209 Cash 2 $395000 LeSEA Inc P 0 Box 12 South Bend IN 46624 Cash 1 $20000 Leukemia & Lymphorm Society (Central Ohio Chapter) 145 North High Street, Suite 800 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 4 $6.11266 Lifecare Services of Lafayette, Inc- 233 Harrison Street West Lafayette, IN 47906 Cash 1 $1 00000 Logan County Educational Service Center 121 South Opera Street Bellefontaine, OH 43311 Cash 1 $15.00000 Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio 750 East Broad Street Columbus . OH 43205-1000 Cash 9 $95,58168

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Lutheran Social Services of Northwestern Ohio 2149 Collingwood Boulevard Toledo OH 43620-1696 Cash 1 $50000 Madison Area Youth Center, Inc 15 East Second Street London . OH 43140 Cash 1 $50D DO Maine Women's Fund, Inc P 0 Box 5135 Portland ME D41 01 Cash 1 $3,DOO 00 Make a Wish Foundation of America (National Office) 3550 N Central Avenue Suite 330 Phoenix, AZ 85012 Cash 1 $5000 Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Ohio and Kentucky 241 00 Chagrin Boulevard, Suite 125 Cleveland, OH 44122- Cash 2 $10,25000 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundabon, Central Ohio Chapt 1500 West Third Avenue, Suite 303 Columbus, OH 43212 Cash 2 $86826 Material Assistance Providers, Inc 4040 Fisher Road Columbus, OH 43228 Cash 4 $2090000 Mazon Inc A Jewish Response to Hunger 12401 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90025 Cash 2 $3,00000 Meals-On-Wheels 10708 Inc Palmer Hall Room 511 55 Palmer Avenue Bronxville, NY 10 Cash 1 $5000 Meeting Ground P 0 Box 808 Elkton MD 21922 Cash 1 $1,00000 Mid-Ohio FoodBank 1625 IN Mound Street Columbus, OH 43223 Cash 15 $69,60000 Montachusset Regional Young Men's Christian Association 55 Wallace Avenue Fitchburg, MA 01420 Cash 1 $10000 Nabonal Abortion Rights Action League Education Foundation 760 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 1 $10000 National Coaliton for the Homeless 1012 14th St Northwest Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005- Cash 1 $10000 National Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth 15639 Leavenworth Road Basehor, KS 66007 Cash 1 $50000 National Society to Prevent Blindness - Ohio Affiliate 1500 West Third Avenue Suite 200 Columbus . OH 43212 Cash 6 $4,97273 National Youth Advocate Program 3780 Ridge Mill Drive Suite 9100 Hilliard OH 43026 Cash 2 $2,ODO 00 Neighborhood House, Inc 9711 Mt Vernon Avenue Columbus OH 43203 Cash 1 $2,00000 New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund P 0 Box 65858 Washington DC 20035-5858 Cash 3 $85000 News Real Club, Inc 5 East Long Shrest Suite 907 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $1 .00000 North Central Community Mental Health and Retarclabon Serv1 301 North High Street Columbus, OH 43201 Cash 1 $11 .20000 Northern California Grantmakers 116 New Montgomery Street, Suite 720 San Francisco CA Cash 1 $1,00000 Northwest Counseling Services Inc 1560 Fishinger Road Columbus, OH 43221 Cash 1 $10000 Oberlin Community Services Council 285 South Professor Street Oberlin, OH 44074 Cash 1 $1,00000 Ohio Governor's Council on People with Disabilities 400 East Campus Vim Boulevard Columbus, OH 43235-46 Cash 1 $1,00000 Ohio Newsboys Association Inc 4300 Indianola Avenue Columbus OH 43214-2221 Cash 18 $43,91718 Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services Foundation 1001 Kingsnull Parkway Columbus, OH 43229 Cash 4 $39.W 18 Ohio School for the Deaf 500 Morse Road Columbus OH 43214 Cash 2 $5,00000 Ohio Special Olympics, Inc 3303 Winchester Pike Columbus, OH 43232 Cash 4 $95000 Olive Branch Mission 2636 West Marquette Road Chicago, IL 60629 Cash 1 $10000 On My Own . Inc 1395 West 5th Avenue Columbus, OH 43212-2902 Cash 2 $2840000 Open Shelter 370 West State Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 4 $165000 Opportunity International Inc P 0 Box 3695 Oak Brock IL 60522-3695 Cash 4 $310000 Oregon Trail Council Boy Smuts of America 2525 Centennial Boulevard Eugene OR 97401 Cash 1 $10000 Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Inc -CoILP 0 Box 3401 01 Columbus, OH 43234 Cash 1 $1,00000 Famish Foundabon 1015 East Main Street Suite 101 Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 1 $25 000 GD Pilot Dogs, Inc 625 West Town Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 8 $947648 Planned Lifetme Assistance Network of Central Ohio, Inc 315 East Long Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $10000 Recreation Unlimited Foundabon 7700 Piper Road Ashley, CH 43003 Cash 13 $4680763 Redwood Justice Fund P 0 Box 14720 Santa Rosa CA 95-402 Cash 1 $1000000 Respite Connections, Inc 1933 E Dublin-Granville Road #268 Columbus OH 43229 Cash 1 $2000000 Rhonda's Another Chance, Inc 710 South 31st Street Louisville KY 40211 Cash 1 $10000 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio Inc 574 South 1 8th Street Columbus OH 43205-2609 Cash 4 $102,391 51 Rosemont Center, Inc 2440 Dawrilight Avenue Columbus OH 43211 Cash 3 $2425000 Ruth Lyons Children's Christmas Fund 1700 Young Street Cincinnati, OH 45210 Cash 1 $47897 Salesian Boys and Girls Club 80 South Sixth Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 9 $92,41600 Salvation Amy 340 East Fulton Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 32 $9850379 Salvation Army 3100 North Mendian Street Indianapolis IN 46208 Cash 1 $000 Salvation Amy 2506 Broadway Lorain OH 44052-4832 Cash 1 $2,00000 Salvabon Army 2707 E Van Buren Street Phoenix AZ 85008 Cash 1 $90000 Salvation Army Corps of Tiffin Ohio 45 South Monroe Street T-iffin OH 44883 Cash 2 $4,00000 Salvation Army of Marion, Ohio 317 West Church Street Manon, OH 43302 Cash 2 $107,18400 Salvation Army, Metropolitan Divisional Headquarters 5040 North Pulaski Road Chicago, IL 60630-2788 Cash 1 $10000 Salvation Army-Collier County P 0 Box 8209 Naples, FL 34101 Cash 1 $80000 Salvation Army-Kentucky & Tennessee Divisional Headquarle 216 West Chestnut Street P 0 Box 2229 Louisville KY 402 Cash 1 $10000 Santa's Silent Helpers of Columbus, Inc 500 South Front Street, Suite 200 Columbus OH 43215 Cash 1 $1,00000 Save the Children Federation 54 Wilton Road P 0 Box 950 Westport, CT 06880 Cash 1 $5000 Seal of Ohio Girl Scout Council, Inc 1700 Watermark D~ Columbus, OH 43215-1097 Cash 2 $60000 Seattle Times Fund for the Needy PO BoxC11025SeatUe WA98111-9025 Cash 1 $250 DO Secret Santa 1301 Dublin Road Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $20000

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPT10N GRANTS AMOUNT Seneca County Agency Transportation 10 Riverside Drive P 0 Box 922 Tiffin, OH 44883 Cash 2 $30,00000 Seneca County Commission on Aging 10 Riverside Drive Tiffin, OH 44883 Cash 2 $13 ODO 00 Samoa County General Health District 71 S Washington Street, Suite B Tiffin, OH 44883 Cash 2 $48,00000 Seneca County Home Auxiliary 4140 South Tcrwnship Road 22 Tiffin OH 44883 Cash 3 $5539500 Seneca County Probate Court 108 Jefferson Street Tiffin OH 441183 Cash 3 $84,00000 Serenity Street Foundation, Inc 1138 South High Street Columbus, OH 43206 Cash 5 $6250000 Simon Kenton Council, Boy Scouts of America 1901 East Dublm-Granville Road P 0 Box 29207 Columbu Cash 15 $15814210 South Side Learning and Development Center 255 Reeb Avenue Columbus, OH 43207 Cash 1 $4000000 South Side Settlement 310 Innis Avenue Columbus, OH 43207 Cash 4 $639204 St Stephen's Community Homes dba Community Homes Rev 1390 Cleveland Avenue Suite 202 Columbus, OH 43211 Cash 1 $500000 St Stephen's Community House 1500 East 17th Avenue Columbus, OH 43219 Cash 1 $10000 Stonewall Community Agency P 0 Box 10814 Columbus, OH 43201-7814 Cash 5 $5,97274 Strategies Against Violence Everywhere 92 Jefferson Avenue Columbus OH 43215-3841 Cash 2 $5.50000 Syntaxis Youth Homes, Inc 5900-A Sharon Woods Boulevard Columbus, OH 43229 Cash 1 $1 .00000 Take It to the Streets 1428 Old Hickory Drive Columbus . OH 43223 Cash 1 $100000 Teen Challenge for Girls, Inc P 0 Box 24099 Columbus. OH 43224-0099 Cash 1 $50000 Telluride Adaptive Ski Program P 0 Box 2254 Telluride. CO 81435 Cash 1 $1,10000 The Buckeye Ranch, Inc 5665 Hoover Road Grove City, OH 43123 Cash is $40,30807 The Central Ohio High Land House, Inc 4700 Janis Drive Columbus OH 43227 Cash 1 $30,00000 The Gladney Fund 2300 Hemphill Street Fort Worth, TX 76110 Cash 1 $20000 The Homeless Families Foundation 651 West Broad Sbeet Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 9 $7,93085 The Ohio State University Nisonger Center 1581 Dodd Dirive, Columbus, OH 43210-12 Cash 5 $10695669 TiffirnSeneca Public Library 77 Jefferson Street Tiffin, OH 44893 Cash 2 $1500000 Tiffin-Senew United Way Inc 174 Jefferson Street P 0 Box 368 Tiffin OH 44883 Cash 2 $1150000 Traylere Afterschool Bibleschool 1362 Sigsbee Avenue Columbus, OH 43219 Cash 1 $1050000 Trimly Episcopal Church 125 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $31,850 0) Twin Towers Fund 575 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor Atrium New York, NY 10017 Cash 1 $53,30276 United Cerebral Palsy of Columbus & Franklin Co . Inc dba U The Gram Kmdig Adult Center 440 Industrial Mile Rd Colu Cash 5 $9,12315 United Church Homes Inc 170 East Center Street Marron, OH 43302 Cash 1 $25000 United States Fund for UNICEF formerly U S Committee for L1333 East 38th Street New York, NY 10016 Cash 4 $40000 United Way of Central Ohio, Inc 360 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215-5412 Cash 103 $1,616,076 81 United Way of Delaware County, Inc 40 North Sandusky Street, Suite 203 P 0 Box 319 Delawar Cash 2 $3,70000 United Way of Fostona Ohio, Inc P 0 Box 186 Fostoria, OH 44830 Cash 1 $4.50000 United Way of Greater Lima 616 South Collett Street Lima, OH 45805 Cash 2 $3.00000 United Way of Greater Lorain County 1875 North Ridge Road, Suite H Lorain OH 44055 Cash 1 $300000 United Way of Guernsey County 918 Wheeling Avenue Suite 1 Cambndge, OH 43725 Cash 1 $76000 United Way of Hocking County Inc 2251 East Front Street P 0 Box 667 Logan OH 43138 Cash 1 $500000 United Way of Kentucky, Inc P 0 Box 4653 Louisville, KY 40204 Cash 1 $2297600 United Way of Manon County Ohio Inc 1069 Delaware Avenue, Suite 105 Marron, OH 43302 Cash 2 $214,36800 United Way of New York City 2 Park Avenue, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10016 Cash 1 $40000 United Way of Westchester and Putnam, Inc 336 Central Park Avenue White Plains, NY 10606 Cash 1 $20000 Unverferth House, Inc 190 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 Cash 2 $75000 Vinton County Senior Cibzens, Inc P 0 Box 481 McArthur. OH 45651 Cash 1 $2,10000 Virginia Wright Mothers Guild 426 East Clinton Street Columbus, OH 43202 Cash 2 $1,96334 Vision Center of Central Ohio, Inc 1393 North High Street Columbus . OH 43201 Cash 6 $5,66547 Volunteers of Amenca of Central Ohio, Inc 379 West Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 4 $7797207 West Liberty Care Center, Inc dba Green Hills 6557 U S 68 South West Liberty, OH 43357 Cash 1 $10,00000 Westminster-Canterbury Foundation 1600 Westbrook Avenue Richmond, VA 23227 Cash 1 $2,00000 Westside-Eastside Child Care Centers Assmation 40 North Grubb Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 2 $9,92253 Wexner Heritage Village 1151 College Avenue Columbus . OH 43209 Cash 2 $5,35000 WHAS Criusade for Children P 0 Box 1100 Louisville, KY 40201 Cash 1 $10000 Willow Brook Christian Communities, Inc 100 Willow Brook Way South Delaware, OH 43015 Cash 1 $15000 World Neighbors, Inc 4127 N W 122nd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73120-8869 Cash 5 S4550783 World Vision, Inc P 0 Box 9716 Federal Way, WA 98063 Cash 1 $82000 YMCA Endowment Fund cJo Manion Family YMCA 193 East Church Street Manion, 0 Cash 2 $21436800 Young Life 420 North Cascade Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3 Cash 1 $1,0D0 00 Young Men's Christian Association of Albany, Inc 1701 Gillionville Road Albany, GA 31707 Cash 1 $5000000 Young Men's Chnsban Association of Central Ohio 40 West Long Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 21 $18239034 Youth Advocate Services 965 E Broad Street Columbus OH 43205-1139 Cash 2 $1,19857 YWCA of Columbus 65 South Fourth Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 19 $52,27561

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GRANT 0 OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT YWCA Westerville Program Center 120 North Ofterbein Avenue Westerville OH 43081 Cash 1 $1 00000


URBAN AFFAIRS GRANTS 100 Black Men of Central Ohio Inc P 0 Box 091235 Columbus OH 43209 Gash 1 $100000 AARP Andrus Foundation 601 E Street NW Washington, DC 20049 Cash 1 $1 DO 00 Accuracy in Media, Inc 4455 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 330 Washington, DC 200 Cash 1 $2,500 DO American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc 132 West 43rd Street New York NY 10036 Cash 4 $85000 American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation Inc 4506 Chester Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 Cash 1 $50,00000 American Heart Association, Inc 5455 North High Street P 0 Box 163549 Columbus OH 43 Cash 1 $3,60000 American Legion Buckeye Boys State Foundation P 0 Box 8007 Delaware, OH 43015 Cash 1 $1 26000 American Legion Madison Memorial Post #105 820 Cirde Drive London. OH 43140 Cash 1 $1,00000 American Near East Refugee Aid Inc 1522 K Street Suite 202 Washington, DC 20005-1270 Cash 1 $10000 Amnesty International USA, Inc P 0 Box 96756 Washington, DC 20077-7131 Cash 5 $60000 Appleseed Foundation, Inc 727 15th Street NW, 11 th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Cash 1 $50000 Buckeye Region Anti Violence Organization 4041 North High Street, Suite 101 Columbus, OH 43202 Cash 1 $50000 Cambndge-Guemsay County Community Improvement CorpoBO6 Cochran Avenue Cambridge, OH 43725-9317 Cash 1 $1 97500 Capital City Youth Association Great Danes 2998 Breed Drive Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Cash 1 $250000 Catalyst for Women, Inc 120 Wall Street 5th Floor New York NY 10005 Cash 1 $1000000 Catholic Docese of Columbus 197 East Gay Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 4 $3,76000 Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Midwest Region P 0 Box 1333 Westerville, OH 43086 Cash 1 $50000 Center For Constitutional Rights 666 Broadway 7th Floor New York, NY 10012 Cash 1 $25000 Center for New Direction 303 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, OH 43216-1609 Cash 6 $4,30000 Chamber Foundation 37 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215-3065 Cash 2 $11,50000 Charlottesville-Albernarle Rescue Squad 828 McIntire Road Charlottesville VA 22902 Cash 1 $000 City of Bexley 2242 East Main Street Bexley OH 43209 Cash 12 $102841 82 City of Worthington Ohio 6550 North High Street Worthington OH 43085 Cash 3 $12,5DO 00 City Year, Columbus 35 North 411h Street Suite 350 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 3 $1300000 Columbus Council on World Affairs Two Nationwide Plaza Suite 705 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 2 $30000 Columbus Downtown Development Corporation 20 East Broad Street Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $250,00000 Columbus Housing Partnership, Inc 562 East Main Street Columbus OH 43215-5312 Cash 3 $100,35000 Columbus International Program 57 Jefferson Avenue Columbus, OH 43215-3840 Cash 4 $60000 Columbus Krwams Foundation 1375 West Lane Avenue Columbus, OH 43221 Cash 1 $500 DO Columbus Metropolitan Club Inc 35 North Fourth Street, Suite 320 Columbus OH 43215 Cash 2 $1,75000 Columbus Outdoor Pursuits, Inc 41 Croswell Road P 0 Box 14384 Columbus OH 43214 Cash 2 $1,20140 Columbus Police Relief Fund P 0 Box 15009 Downtown Station Columbus, OH 43215-00 Cash 1 $2,000 GO Columbus Regional Inforniation Service 37 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $0 DO Columbus Urban Growth Corporation 260 South Fourth Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 4 S109,00000 Columbus Works, Inc 65 South 4th Street 2nd Floor Columbus OH 43215-4314 Cash 1 $500 DO Community Development Collaborative of Greater Columbus 88 E Broad Street Suite 1800 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $125,00000 Concerned Women for America 1015 16th Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington . DC 20005 Cash 1 $24000 Concord Coalition Corp 1819 H Street Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006 Cash 1 $1,00000 Cranbrook Elementary PTA 908 Bricker Boulevard Columbus, OH 43221 Cash 1 $23,82600 Dayspring Chnstum Community Development Corporation 2100 Agler Road Columbus, OH 43224 Cash 2 $7,503 DO Downtown Sertoma Club of Columbus 2505 Silver Drive Columbus OH 43211 Cash 2 $30000 Dresden Sister City, Inc 17 South High Street, Suite 640 Columbus OH 43215 Cash 2 $9,500 DO Employment for Seniors, Inc 5 East Long Street, Suite 701 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 8 $26,43935 Enterprise Foundation 10227 Wincopm Circle Suite 500 Columbia, MD 21044 Cash 1 $2000000 Fince Intemational Inc 1101 14th Street NW, 1 Ith Floor Washington, DC 20006 Cash 1 $1,50000 First Church of God Day Care Corp dba City of Refuge Learm3480 Refugee Road Columbus, OH 43232 Cash 1 $35,00000 First Night Columbus, Inc 1441 King Avenue, Suite 206 Columbus OH 43212 Cash 1 $25000 Franklin County Juvenile Court 373 South High Street, Sixth Floor Columbus, OH 43215-45 Cash 1 $400000 Franklin Park Conservatory Womens Sustaining Board 1777 East Broad Street Columbus OH 43205 Cash 2 $5,50000 Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge P 0 Box 706 Valley Forge, PA 19482-0706 Cash 1 $1 .00000 Friends of 911 Neil Avenue Columbus OH 43216 Cash 2 $1,63808 Friends of Kennedy Stone House, Salt Fork State Park 918 Wheeling Avenue P 0 Box 488 Cambridge, OH 43725 Cash 1 $2.37000 Friends of the Law Library of Congress LM 240, P 0 Box 75732 Washington, DC 20013 Cash 1 $35000 Friends of the 480 East Tom Street Columbus OH 43215 Cash 3 $3.500 DO German Village Society 558 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 3 $118.33050

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GRANT #OF RECIPIENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT Giraffe Project P 0 Box 759 Langley WA 98260 Cash 1 $10,00000 Greater Columbus Habitat for Humanity, Inc 3529 Cleveland Avenue Columbus OH 43224 Cash 5 $2,20000 Greater Harbor Springs Area Planning Resource Group P 0 Box 112 Harbor Springs Mi 49740 Cash 1 $30000 Greater Hilltop Community Development Corporation 2300 West Broad Street Columbus, OH 43204 Cash 1 $13,61700 Greater Hilltop Resource Center 61 South Powell Avenue P 0 Box 44426 Columbus, OH 43 Cash 2 $10,33100 Green Lawr~ Cemetery Foundation, Inc 1000 Greenlawn Avenue Columbus, OH 43223 Cash 3 $3,10000 Guest House, Inc 1601 Joslyn Road P 0 Box 420 Lake Orion MI 48361 Cash 1 $15000 H 0 M E Housing Opportunities & Maintenance for the Elderly5414-B West Roosevelt Road Chicago, IL 60644 Cash 1 $50000 Habitat for Humanity of Knox County 200 North Main Street Mt Vernon, OH 43050 Cash 1 $2,00000 Homes on the Hill Community Development Corporation 12 South Terrace Avenue Columbus OH 43204 Cash 1 $22,80000 Illinois Library System Directors Organizabon Rolling Prairie Library System 345 West Eldorado Decatur, Cash 1 $50000 Islamic Foundation of Central Ohio 1428 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43205 Cash 1 $25000 Jewish Family Service of Palm Springs and the Desert Area 255 N El Cielo Road, Suite 430A Palm Springs CA 92262 Cash 1 $10000 Jewish Family Services 1151 College Avenue Columbus, OH 43209-2827 Cash 1 $8500000 Jewish Federation of Palm Springs and Desert Area 255 N El Cielo Road Suite 430 Palm Springs, CA 92262-6 Cash 4 $85000 Junior Achievement of Central Ohio Inc 1739 Westhelt Drive Columbus OH 43228 Cash 7 $3,631 78 Junior League of Columbus, Inc English House 583 Franklin Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 3 $8 13097 Kids Voting Ohio/Central Region Inc 191 West Nationwide Boulevard Suite 300-A Columbus, OH Cash 1 $3000000 Lancaster Park Board 203 East Fair Avenue Lancaster, OH 43130 Cash 1 $20,00000 Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc 6277 Riverside Drive Dublin OH 43017 Cash '1 $50000 Leadership Columbus 37 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215-3008 Cash 1 $2,60000 League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Columbus Educatior6161 Busch Boulevard Suite 72 Columbus, OH 43229 Cash 3 $75000 League of Women Voters of Ohio Education Fund 17 South High Street, Suite 650 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $10000 Licking County Coalition for Housing P 0 Box 613 Newark, OH 4305&0613 Cash 1 $25000 Logan-Belle Home and Neighborhood Development Hand, Inc 116 North Everett Street Bellefontaine OH 43311 Cash 1 $20,00000 Main Street Business Association, Inc 923 East Main Street P 0 Box 7107 Columbus OH 43205- Cash 1 S2,80200 Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission 285 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215-5272 Cash 2 $20,30000 NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Inc 99 Hudson Street, Suite 1600 New York, NY 10013 Cash 2 $55000 Nantucket Community Sailing, Inc PO Box 2424 Nantucket, MA 02584 Cash 1 $10000 National Urban League 120 Wall Sbeet New York NY 10005 Cash 1 $10,00000 Navy League of the United States Columbus Ohio Council P 0 Box 9531 Columbus, OH 43209-9531 Cash 2 $87588 Negative Population Growth 1717 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 101 Washington, DC 2 Cash 1 $1,00000 Neighborhood Fundens Group One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 Cash 1 $1,00000 New York Chapter of Core, Inc dba Congress of Racial Equal 817 Broadway 3rd Floor New York, NY 10003 Cash 1 $1,00000 Ohio CDC Association 35 East Gay Street, Suite 400 Columbus, OH 43215-3138 Cash 1 $10,00000 Ohio Dominican University 1216 Sunbury Road Columbus OH 43219 Cash 1 $25,00000 Ohio K-9 Search Team Inc P 0 Box 02200 Columbus, OH 43202 Cash 1 $2,50000 Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation 42 East Gay Street, Suite 900 Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $339725 Ohio State Bar Association Foundation '1700 Lake Shore Drive P 0 Box 16562 Columbus OH 432 Cash 1 $2,50000 Ohio State University Research Foundation 208 Bricker Hall 190 North Oval Mall Columbus OH 43210 Cash 1 $31 .00000 Olde Southside Community Partnership P 0 Box 07684 Columbus OH 43207 Cash 1 $2.50000 Panther Athletic Booster Club 193 Panther Path Fayettesville, CA 30215 Cash 1 $50000 Ploughshares Fund, Inc Building B, Suite 330 Fort Mason Center san Francisco CA Cash 1 $5,00000 Population Communications International, Inc 777 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017-3521 Cash 1 $5.00000 Population Institute 107 Second Street NE Washington, DC 20002 Cash 1 $7500 Project People Foundation 110 East 59th Street, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10022 Cash 1 $10000 Ridgeway Firefighters Association 111 Main Street Ridgeway, OH 43345 Cash 1 $5.00000 Robert Totgo Foundation 121 1 Preservation Park Way Oakland, CA 94612 Cash 1 $25000 Rutherford B Hayes Presidential Center Spiegel Grove Fremont, OH 43420-2796 Cash 1 $10000 Rutherford Institute P 0 Box 7482 Charlottesville, VA 22906-7482 Cash 1 $25000 Shepard/St Paul United Methodist Church 2260 East Fifth Avenue Columbus, OH 43219 Cash 1 $3,20000 Short North Neighborhood Foundation Uo Wood Development 692 North High St, Suite 302 Colurn Cash 3 $2852000 Short North Special Improvement Distnct, Inc 120 West Goodale Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $6.70000 Southem Poverty Law Center Inc P 0 Box 548 Montgomery, AL 36101-0548 Cash 3 $85000 SpnngHill Camps P 0 BOX 42 Evart, MI 49631 Cash 1 $10000 Sts Peter and Paul Cemetery Fund 33495 TR 326 Killbuck. OH 44637 Cash 2 $71432 Sunday Creek Associates P 0 Box 109 Shawnee, OH 43782 Cash 1 $10.00000 Technoserv, Inc 49 Day Street Norwalk, CT 06854-9921 Cash 1 $2,00000 The Carter Center, Inc One Copenhill 453 Freedom Parkway Atlanta, GA 30307 Cash 2 $60000 The Lakeside Association 236 Walnut Avenue Lakeside, CH 43440-1463 Cash 4 $7,80000

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GRANT #OF RECIPIE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT The Leadership Institute Steven P I Wood Building 1101 N Highland Street Arlingi Cash 1 $25000 The Shamrock CAub Cultural Foundation dba Greater Cols trial 130 Forrest Drive Columbus OH 43223 Cash 1 $50000 Traditional Values Coalition Education and Legal Institute, Inc 100 South Anaheim Blvd, Suite 350 Anaheim, CA 92805 Cash 1 $25000 Union of Concerned Scientists, Inc Two Brattle Square P 0 Box 9105 Cambridge MA 02238-9 Cash 1 $1,00000 United States Ski Team Foundation 1500 Kearns Boulevard, Box 100 Park City, UT 84060 Cash 1 $500000 Upper Arlington Athletic Association, Inc 3545 Olentangy River Road Columbus, OH 43214 Cash 1 $50000 Washington Township 5965 Wilcox Place Suite B Dublin OH 43016-8742 Cash 1 $1,00000 Wayside Christian Mission P 0 Box 7249 Louisville, KY 40257-0249 Cash 1 $10000 Westerville Chamber Foundation 28 South State Street Westerville OH 43081-2122 Cash 1 $1.OGO DO Whitehall-Bexley Rotary Foundation Inc 1315 Walshire Drive North Columbus OH 43232 Cash 1 $60000 Women's American ORT, Inc 315 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010 Cash 1 $10000 Young Men's Christian Association of Central Ohio 40 West Long Street Columbus, OH 43215 Cash 1 $3500000



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ADVANCING PHILANTHROPY GRANTS Central Ohio Planned Giving Council Cash 1 $12,50000


ARTS AND HUMANITIES GRANTS Wexner Center for the Arts of The Ohio State University Cash 3 $75,63000


CONSERVATION GRANTS Columbus Zoological Park Association Cash 1 $1,00000


EDUCATION GRANTS Arizona State University Cash 1 $3,50000 Baldwin-Wallace College Cash 4 $1,00000 Carnegie Mellon University Cash 1 $10000 Cedarville University Cash 2 $3,00000 Childhood League, Inc Cash 3 $6.00000 Columbus Metropolitan Library Cash 2 $50,00000 Columbus School for Girls Cash 2 $12,00000 Columbus State Community College Cash 3 $2,00000 Columbus State Community College Development Foundation, Cash 1 $36,00000 Drexel University Cash 4 $3,00000 I KNOW I CAN Cash 4 $160,00000 Moody Bible Institute of Chicago Cash 1 $1,00000 Ohio State University Financial Aid Office Cash 15 $8,00000 Ofterbein College Cash 2 $2.00000 The Ohio State University Foundation Cash 8 $13,20000 Tri-State University Cash 1 $12,00000 University of Findlay Cash 1 $3,00000 Wright State University Cash 3 $3,00000


HEALTH GRANTS The American Dietetic Association Foundation Cash 1 $37500 The Children's Center for Developmental Enrichment Cash 1 $25,00000

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GRANT NUMBER OF RECIPIENT DESCRIPTION GRANTS AMOUNT The Ohio State University Department of Ophthalmology Cash 1 $22,50000


SOCIAL SERVICES GRANTS Action for Children Council of Franklin County Cash 1 $43,17000 Amethyst, Inc Cash 1 $50,00000 Camp Fire USA of Central Ohio, Inc Cash 1 $2,90000 Catholic Social Services Cash 2 $21,20000 Central Ohio Youth For Christ Cash 1 $50,00000 Children's Hospital Foundation Cash 1 $400,00000 Leo Yassenoff Jewish Community Center of Greater Columbus Cash 2 $10,50000 Recreation Unlimited Foundation Cash 1 $7,10000 Seal of Ohio Gid Scout Council, Inc Cash 1 $6,00000 South Side Settlement Foundation Cash 1 $7,70000 The Ohio State University Cash 1 $15,00000 United Way of Central Ohio, Inc Cash 2 $76,00000 Wexner Heritage Village Cash 4 $60,00000 Young Men's Christian Association of Central Ohio Cash 2 $19,70000


URBAN AFFAIRS GRANTS Columbus Neighborhood Design Assistance Center Cash 1 $23,00000 Corporation for Supportive Housing Cash 1 $25,00000 Franklinton Employment Consortium, Inc Cash 3 $55.00000 MiraCit Development Corporation, Inc Cash 1 $32,25000 Ohio Dominican University Cash 1 $25,00000




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URBAN AFFAIRS 1,712,880 . 1,835,149 . RELIGIOUS 1,163,338 . 1,246,379 . CONSERVATION 586,871 . 628,763 . ADVANCING PHILANTHROPY 1,196,947 . 1,282,388 .

TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART III, LINE E 4,660,036 4,992,679 .




MUTUAL FUNDS 302980873 . 302980873 . COMMON STOCKS 20,843,841 . 20,843,841 . CORPORATE NOTE OBLIGATIONS 4,269,599 . 4,269,599 . PREFERRED STOCKS 20,466 . 20,466 .

TO 990, LN 54 COL B 20,864,307 . 4,269,599 . 302980873 . 328114779 .




FEDERAL OBLIGATIONS 18,677,687 . 18,677,687 .

TOTAL TO FORM 990, LINE 54, COL B 18,677,687 . 18,677,687 .








OFFICE EQUIPMENT 941,302 . 755,234 . 186,068 . FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 245,143 . 171,984 . 73,159 . BUILDING & GROUND IMPROVEMENTS 675,739 . 215,578 . 460,161 .

TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART IV, LN 57 1,862,184 . 1,142,796 . 719,388 .





TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART IV-B 45,127,331 .









TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART IV-B -687,767 .

















TOTALS INCLUDED ON FORM 990, PART V 493,447 . 62,184 . 0 .


EIN : 31-6044264


Supporting and Affiliated Organizations EIN Exempt

Battelle Charities 31-1772342 Yes Community Foundations, Inc 31-1197385 Yes Columbus Youth Foundation 31-6034435 Yes Community Gifts Foundation 31-1606919 Yes Central Benefits Health Care Foundation 31-1502517 Yes The William H Davis, Dorothy M Davis and William C Davis Foundation 31-1372548 Yes The Paul G Duke Foundation, Inc 31-1045339 Yes The Walter and Marian English Foundation 31-1484833 Yes The FG Foundation 01-0552288 Yes The Sally and Bill Gardner Family Foundation 31-1507378 Yes John B and Dareth Gerlach Foundation 31-1487829 Yes The John J and Pauline Gerlach Foundation 31-1453633 Yes Greer Foundation 31-1438583 Yes Hinson Family Trust 31-6653583 Yes Ingram-White Castle Foundation 31-6051433 Yes Kidd Family Foundation 31-1631547 Yes The Arthur and Sara Jo Kobacker, Alfred and Ida Kobacker Foundation 31-1380072 Yes The Limited Brands Foundation 31-1387703 Yes The Marsh Family Foundation 31-1364161 Yes The Raymond E Mason Foundation 31-1220052 Yes The John H McConnell Foundation 31-1253999 Yes Meuse Family Foundation 26-0017844 Yes OK Foundation 31-1667999 Yes Roush Family Foundation 31-1677576 Yes The Siemer Family Foundation 31-1550556 Yes The Reese-Shackelford Foundation 31-1418621 Yes James A and Kathleen C Rutherford Foundation 31-1445233 Yes Robert D Walter Foundation 31-1491083 Yes The Robert F Wolfe and Edgar T Wolfe Foundation 31-1253442 Yes THE COLUMBUS FOUNDATION 31-6044264