KPN 0107.Qxd
K EY P ENINSULA Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Vaughn, WA 98394 Permit No. 2 BOX HOLDER Focus on Health, SEE PAGES 20-25 NEWSThe voice of the Key Peninsula Vol. 35 Issue 1 • Circulation 8,500 INSIDE January 2007 Storm wreaks havoc Residents lose power for days, roads a mess By Rodika Tollefson, KP News Downed trees and power lines were a The Key Peninsula got its share of common site around disruptions when the windstorm hit in the Key Peninsula ▼ ▼ mid-December. Although some resi- after the Dec. 14-15 From Pioneer Stock, dents were fortunate to get electricity storm. Pictured here, page 27 back within 24 hours, others went crews are working without for six or more days. Downed on repairing lines at trees and power lines along with debris the junction of South were scattered all around the area Vaughn and Lackey The voice of the roads, and some people woke up in the roads on Friday, Dec. Key Peninsula — morning (if they slept at all) to find 15. See more photos Keith Stiles, themselves stranded by trees blocking on page 8. page 28 roads and driveways. On Friday, Dec. 15, 29,000 Peninsula Light customers had no power; that Photo by Frank Slater number was down to 7,000 72 hours later, according to spokesman Jonathan White. to first get the feeders back up, and liter- School’s radio station, KGHP, provided Lackey Road, Danforth and Lake ally had to reconstruct the system. outage updates every hour during the Minterwood were some of the areas that “I can’t say enough for the power line day starting on the Sunday after the were in the dark the longest.
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