<www.MarshaHuie.com/McCorkle%20Old%20Letters_.pdf> Chapter One. Welcome to my web site !!! The actual old McCorkle letters themselves are here, with explanations of who the writers were, as well as of the people-written- about in the letters. --This is a huge file that takes a seemingly endless time to load so please be patient. It's worth the wait. Please contact me with information you would like to add, at
[email protected] McCorkle Correspondence beginning with MRS. ROBERT McCORKLE (1770-1848), née Margaret Morrison, OF ROWAN COUNTY (IREDELL COUNTY AFTER 1788) , NORTH CAROLINA, THEN OF BRADLEY'S CREEK AND THEN OF STONE'S RIVER IN RUTHERFORD COUNTY, MIDDLE TENNESSEE, THEN FINALLY OF DYER COUNTY, West Tennessee, near the Gibson County Line & the then-better town of YORKVILLE, Tennessee --transcribed, compiled, and edited by MARSHA COPE HUIE (alias Mrs. Ralph Ervin Williamson) Copyright claimed not of the old letters themselves, which should be distributed and enjoyed by all, nor of work herein attributed to other people, but of all expression written by M C Huie, including her explanations of relationships & of who the people were. (c) 2011. FAMILIES of WM MORRISON, 1704-1771, OF ROWAN-IREDELL COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA, A SON OF JAMES MORRISON---- ALEXANDER MCCORKLE, 1722-1800, BOY IMMIGRANT TO PAXTANG, DAUPHIN CO. (LANCASTER COUNTY), PENNSYLVANIA, THEN TO ROWAN CO., NC, & WIFE, IMMIGRANT "NANCY" AGNES MONTGOMERY MCCORKLE, D. 1789, THYATIRA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ROWAN CO., NC.-----John PURVIANCE & MARY MARGARET MCKNIGHT PURVIANCE, CASTLEFINN, COUNTY DONEGAL, IRELAND; THEIR SON "COL." JOHN PURVIANCE, 1743-1823, & WIFE MARY JANE WASSON (PURVIANCE), D.