NABA Checklist of American Butterflie
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.ORTH!MERICAN"UTTERmY!SSOCIATION.!"! #HECKLIST%NGLISH.AMES OF.ORTH!MERICAN"UTTERmIES 3ECOND%DITION .!"!.AMES#OMMITTEE "RIAN#ASSIE *EFFREY'LASSBERG !NN3WENGEL 'UY4UDOR #OPYRIGHTÚBYTHE.ORTH!MERICAN"UTTERmY!SSOCIATION )NC !LLRIGHTSRESERVED 0UBLISHEDBYTHE.ORTH!MERICAN"UTTERmY!SSOCIATION $ELAWARE2OAD -ORRISTOWN .* #OVERPHOTOGRAPHSBY*EFFREY'LASSBERG $INA9ELLOW /CT "AUER0ARK -IAMI $ADE#OUNTY &LORIDA !MERICAN#OPPER -AY #HAPPAQUA 7ESTCHESTER#OUNTY .EW9ORK 3ONORAN"LUE &EB 0LUM#ANYON !NZA "ORREGO$ESERT3TATE0ARK 3AN$IEGO#OUNTY #ALIFORNIA 3ANDIA(AIRSTREAK -AY 0INE#ANYON4RAIL "IG"END.ATIONAL0ARK "REWSTER#OUNTY 4EXAS #ONTENTS )NTRODUCTION 3WALLOWTAILS&AMILY0APILIONIDAE 0ARNASSIANS 4RUE3WALLOWTAILS 7HITESAND3ULPHURS&AMILY0IERIDAE 7HITES 3ULPHURS -IMIC 7HITES 'OSSAMER WINGS&AMILY,YCAENIDAE (ARVESTERS #OPPERS (AIRSTREAKS "LUES -ETALMARKS&AMILY2IODINIDAE "RUSHFOOTS&AMILY.YMPHALIDAE 3NOUTS (ELICONIANSAND&RITILLARIES 4RUE"RUSHFOOTS !DMIRALSAND2ELATIVES ,EAFWINGS %MPERORS -ORPHOS 3ATYRS #LEARWINGS -ONARCHS 3KIPPERS&AMILY(ESPERIIDAE &IRETIPS 3PREAD WING3KIPPERS 3KIPPERLINGS 'RASS 3KIPPERS 'IANT 3KIPPERS $UBIOUSLY2EPORTED3PECIES #OMMENTARY &ORTHE,OVEOF"UTTERmIES 0LEASEPHOTOCOPYTHISPAGETOUSEASAMEMBERSHIPAPPLICATIONFORM !REYOUFASCINATEDBYBUTTERmIESSPARKLINGBUTEPHEMERALSPIRITSTHATAREQUINTES SENTIALBOTANISTSBUTDONTKNOWHOWTOBECOMEMOREINVOLVED4HENTHE.ORTH!MERICAN"UT TERmY!SSOCIATION.!"! ISJUSTFORYOU.!"!ISINTERESTEDINALLASPECTSOFNETLESSBUTTERmY APPRECIATIONINCLUDINGOBSERVATION IDENTIlCATION GARDENING PHOTOGRAPHY ANDCONSERVATION /URQUARTERLYMAGAZINE !MERICAN"UTTERmIES HASSPECTACULARCOLORPHOTOSANDARTICLESBY EXPERTSTHATPROVIDETHEINFORMATIONYOUNEEDFORSUCCESSFULBUTTERmYIDENTIlCATIONANDGARDEN ING&EATUREARTICLESINCLUDEDETAILEDSITEGUIDESTOBUTTERmYINGhHOTSPOTSvANDEXPLAINTHEMYSTER IESOFBUTTERmYBEHAVIOR/URCOLORNEWSLETTER "UTTERmY'ARDENER FOCUSESONCREATINGBUTTERmY GARDENSALLOWINGYOUTOCREATEANDVISITGARDENSTHROUGHOUT.ORTH!MERICAWHILEKEEPING YOUAPPRISEDOFNEWSABOUTCHAPTERSANDPEOPLE 7EAREWORKINGTOSAVEBUTTERmYSPECIESTHROUGHOUT.ORTH!MERICA2ECENTGRANTSHAVE HELPED ENDANGERED 3CHAUS3WALLOWTAILS IN &LORIDA AND CONTRIBUTED TO DEVELOPING A LONG TERM SURVIVALPLANFOR-ONARCHS.!"!HASPERSUADEDTHE53ARMYTOALTERPLANSTHATWOULDHAVE DESTROYEDTHELASTCOLONYOF2EGAL&RITILLARIESINTHE%AST ISWORKINGTOSAVE-IAMI"LUESANDIS DEVELOPINGEDUCATIONALPROGRAMSFORSCHOOLSANDPARKRANGERSANDNATURALISTS 4HE.!"!THOF*ULY"UTTERmY#OUNTSHELDTHROUGHOUT.ORTH!MERICA THAT.!"!CON DUCTSANDPUBLISHES PROVIDEAFUN lLLEDWAYFORBEGINNERSANDEXPERTSALIKETOHELPMEASURETHE HEALTHOFTHEENVIRONMENTBYTAKINGITSBUTTERmYPULSE 4HEREARECURRENTLYLOCAL.!"!CHAPTERS ORGANIZINGAWIDEARRAYOFlELDTRIPS WORK SHOPS CONSERVATIONACTIVITIES ANDBUTTERmYGARDENS)FTHEREISNTACHAPTERINYOURAREACHECKOUR WEB SITELISTINGATWWWNABAORG WHYNOTSTARTONE /URBIENNIALMEETINGS HELDINBUTTERmY RICH SCENICLOCALES ARElLLEDWITHEXCITINGlELD TRIPS ANDWORKSHOPS LEDBYNATIONALLY RECOGNIZEDEXPERTS Member Receive/Participate in ● American Butterflies Magazine .!"!ISANON PROlTORGANIZATION ● Butterfly Gardener Newsletter WORKINGTOINCREASEPUBLICENJOYMENTAND ● 4th of July Butterfly Count CONSERVATIONOFBUTTERmIES ● Biennial Meetings ● Local Chapters Yes! I want to join NABA and/or contribute to NABA’s Important Work. To join just fill out this form and mail to NABA, 4 Delaware Rd., Morristown, NJ 07960, # along with your check (in U.S. dollars) made out to North American Butterfly Association or NABA. Dues enclosed: Regular $25 ($30 outside U.S.) Family $35 ($40 outside U.S.) Special Sponsorship Levels: Copper $40 Skipper $100 Admiral $250 Monarch $1000 Institution/Library Subscription to all publications $45 Special Tax-deductible donation to NABA: $125 $200 $1000 Other_______ Name _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________ City_______________________________________ State_________________ Zip_________________ ______________ email (optional) ______________________________Tel. (optional) _____________________________ ______________ Special Interests: Listing Gardening Observation Photography Conservation Other _______________ Introduction This checklist includes all 722 species of but- this publication would be the basis for any future terflies that have naturally occurred in North changes in the nomenclature of North American America, north of Mexico, and in Hawaii. This butterflies. list can serve both as a means of keeping your The choice of scientific names used in the “life list” (or year list, or state list, or photo list) First Edition was not the result of species by and as a vehicle for standardizing the names of species decisions — the committee focused on North American butterflies. We hope that the English names. Rather than produce an inde- availability of this checklist will serve to spur pendent evaluation of the correct status for each the growth of butterflying in North America. taxon, the committee decided to follow the sci- The North American Butterfly Association entific nomenclature that had been used by Opler (NABA), a non-profit organization founded in in Peterson Field Guide to Eastern Butterflies the summer of 1992, is by far the largest group of (1992) and, for species not treated in that book, people in North America interested in butterflies. to follow Scott’s The Butterflies of North Amer- NABA’s mission is to increase public enjoy- ica (1986). ment and conservation of butterflies. One of the In constructing this Second Edition of the factors that has discouraged public involvement NABA Checklist, the NABA Names Commit- with butterflies has been the bewildering multi- tee1 has now independently evaluated the status plicity of butterfly names, both English and sci- of scientific names. At the back of this check- entific. list, all changes from the First Edition are listed Butterfly names are used for communica- and discussed. An asterisk following an entry tion. Communication occurs at the level of the in the checklist indicates that this name is dis- community, not at the individual or small group cussed in the Commentary section (but note level, and language only has meaning when the that many names that were discussed were not community has a consensus about what those changed). Votes of the Committee are included. words mean. Prior to NABA’s formation, each In addition, the Committee evaluated the inclu- author of a book used whatever names he/she sion of a number of Neotropical taxa in the First preferred, resulting in a Babel of names. In Edition, and moved some of these taxa to the many cases enthusiasts could not understand Dubious occurring list. how names in different books related to each The Committee was guided by the follow- other and became frustrated, leaving butterfly ing important principles. First, the starting point study to a handful of people. for all discussion was the First Edition. The So, one of the first actions of the nascent status of a taxon was not changed (e.g. from North American Butterfly Association was to subspecies to species), unless the Committee form an English Names Committee. The results found compelling evidence that the status given of that committee’s work were published in 1995 in the First Edition should be changed.2 as the First Edition of the Checklist and Eng- Second, in considering information relevant lish Names of North American Butterflies (here- to a possible change in status, the Committee after First Edition). Please see the Introduction only considered published data.3 The Commit- to that publication for a discussion of policies tee endeavored to locate all publications that regarding the selection of English names. In a contained data arguing for a status other than the remarkably short time, the publication of the one presented in the First Edition and contacted First Edition has led to much greater agreement various forums frequented by butterfly enthusi- in the names used for butterflies in publications, asts and lepidopterists requesting notification of and both the English and scientific names have any such publications. The list of publications been adopted by many publications. Butterfly considered is fairly lengthy and is presented at enthusiasts have quite reasonably assumed that the end of the Commentary section. In some cases we have decided to retain Subspecies the status of a taxon given in the First Edition, There are thousands of named subspecies of even though the authors of a published article, North American butterflies. In many cases, these or articles, treat the taxon differently. In many names have little, if any, biological meaning. In of these articles, for example those dealing with general, we have not listed subspecies. Excep- the genera Celastrina and Euphilotes, although tions include subspecies that are considered by the authors present much valuable new informa- some to warrant full species status or, in a tion about the biology of various species, we do few cases, subspecies that are particularly well- not believe that, given the ground rules for this marked or are well-known for other reasons. checklist, that there is enough conclusive evi- Subspecies are indicated by single quotation dence to change the First Edition status. marks around the subspecific English name, e.g. Many individuals provided advice and/or ‘Sierra Nevada’ Phoebus Parnassian. For some information that was helpful to the our delibera- subspecies, e.g. ‘Rocky Mountain’ Phoebus Par- tions. We gratefully thank George Austin, Rich- nassian, we have deleted the species name