Herpetofaunal Locality Records on the Greek Island of Corfu (Amphibia, Reptilia)

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Herpetofaunal Locality Records on the Greek Island of Corfu (Amphibia, Reptilia) HERPETOZOA 15 (3/4): 149 - 169 149 Wien, 30. Dezember 2002 Herpetofaunal locality records on the Greek Island of Corfu (Amphibia, Reptilia) Herpetofaunistische Fundortangaben zur griechischen Insel Korfu (Amphibia, Reptilia) TAMÁS TÓTH & LÁSZLÓ KRECSÁK & THOMAS MADSEN & BEÁTA ÚJVÁRI ABSTRACT Since MERTENS’ (1961a) comprehensive study on the herpetofauna of the Island of Corfu, no other publi- cations have appeared that fully cover this subject. The present study compiles the herpetological record localities on Corfu Island mentioned by name in the literature as well as unpublished observations of the authors. The record localities of 8 amphibian and 26 reptile species occurring on the island are presented on separate maps each. KURZFASSUNG MERTENS (1961a) Beitrag ‘Die Amphibien und Reptilien der Insel Korfu’ war die letzte zusammenfassende Darstellung über die Herpetofauna der Insel, die nach gegenwärtigem Wissen 8 Lurch- und 26 Kriechtierarten beherbergt. Die Autoren der vorliegenden Veröffentlichung haben exakte Ortsangaben von Lurch- und Kriechtierfunden von der Insel Korfu aus der Literatur und nach eigenen Beobachtungen zusammengetragen und in Form von Verbreitungskarten dargestellt. KEY WORDS Amphibia, Reptilia, herpetofauna of Corfu Island, Greece, record localities, distribution maps INTRODUCTION Even before the First World War, many island. The high humidity, caused by the animal dealers were well aware of the abun- high precipitation is contrasted by large dance and species diversity of reptiles and numbers of sunny days. These climatic fea- amphibians found on the Greek Island of tures favour lush vegetation exhibiting very Corfu. This knowledge unfortunately result- high species diversity. Corfu exhibits wet ed in thousands of reptiles captured and ex- winter months but dry and sunny summers ported to Germany. Populations of Algyro- with moderate temperatures. The annual ides nigropunctatus (DUMÉRIL & BIBRON, rainfall is 1250 mm, twice that of a well 1839), Podarcis taurica ionica (LEHRS, known wet place in the world, London. At 1902), Lacerta trilineata trilineata BEDRIA- present, Corfu is a very popular tourist des- GA, 1886 and Mauremys rivulata (VALEN- tination. CIENNES, 1833) were certainly decimated by In the introduction of his paper ”Die the collectors. Albeit the huge numbers col- Amphibien und Reptilien der Insel Korfu” lected, at present the Island of Corfu still ROBERT MERTENS (1961a) states: ”Schliess- harbours an extremely diverse herpetofauna, lich wollte man etwas über die Verbreitung consisting of 8 amphibian and 26 reptile gewisser Arten innerhalb der immerhin 585 species. qkm umfassenden Insel in Erfahrung brin- Corfu (Kerkyra, in Greek) is situated gen, da ja für viele nich mehr bekannt war, in the northern part of the Ionian Sea about als dass sie auf ”Korfu” erbeutet worden 2.5 km from the Albanian coast and is re- sind” [”In the end, we should gather infor- nowned for being the greenest of the approxi- mation about the distribution of certain mately 3000 Greek islands. In table 1 we species on this island of 585 square kilome- present the main climatic features of the tres, because for many of these species the 150 T. TÓTH & L. KRECSÁK & TH. MADSEN & B. ÚJVÁRI Table 1 Main climate characteristics of Corfu Island indicated for each month (from PÉCZELY 1986). Tab. 1: Wichtige Klimadaten der Insel Korfu für die Monate Jänner bis Dezember (nach PÉCZELY 1986). Month Rainfall Relative Humidity Relative cloud cover Number of sunny hours Mean temperature (mm) (%) (%) Anzahl der Sonnen- (°C) Monat Niederschlag Rel. Luftfeuchte Rel. Wolkenbedeckung scheinstunden Temperaturmittel Jan. 158 74 59 138 9.9 Feb. 144 73 54 138 10.2 Mar. 98 72 52 192 11.7 Apr. 85 73 49 213 14.6 May 46 70 48 284 20 Jun. 25 64 30 330 22.4 Jul. 6 60 13 412 25.1 Aug. 21 61 16 376 25.4 Sep. 70 70 28 276 22.4 Oct. 183 74 47 197 18.7 Nov. 168 76 57 132 14.9 Dec._ 218 76 63 122 11.7 * - x ; ** - Σ 1222** 70* 43* 2810** 17.3* only knowledge we have is that they were Dr. J. NIETHAMMER and M. SCHETTY, and collected on Corfu.”]. We agree with the from numerous surveys conducted by the author, because in the majority of the works author himself. Furthermore we have also (e. g., CYRÉN 1909; WERNER 1912, 1929, got access to the results of herpetological 1938; ONDRIAS 1968; PETZOLD 1971; surveys conducted by György SZABÓ MAHNERT 1973; ARNOLD & BURTON 1983; (1991), András TARTALLY (1990, 1993, ENGELMANN et al. 1985; CHONDROPOULOS 1994, 1995, 1996), Gergely SZÖVÉNYI 1986, 1989) the authors are satisfied by just (1994), Oszkár OROSZ (1995), László stating ”Corfu” as a locality. We wanted to ZÁBRÁCKI (1999), László NÉMETH (1995), fill this lack of knowledge, by collecting all Balázs FARKAS (1997). Our own surveys available data on the exact distribution of were conducted in 1995 (T. T.) and 2001 (B. the amphibians and reptiles on the island. Ú. and T. M.). These surveys covered most The present work summaries the parts of the island (fig. 1). The aim of the results of our own herpetological surveys present work is thus, to present an update of and those made by other herpetologists on our knowledge on the distribution of the the island: Robert WÜTSCHERT - ”Neues über amphibian and reptile fauna occurring on die Reptilienfauna des Insel Korfu” (1984) Corfu. and several publications by Robert MERTENS There are only a few publications con- ”Zoologische Wandertage auf Korfu, der cerning the amphibians of Corfu. We used Insel der Phäaken” (1960), ”Die Amphibien the species list of the amphibian fauna of und Reptilien der Insel Korfu” (1961a), Corfu published by BUTTLE in 1995. Un- ”Nachträge zur Reptilienfauna der Insel fortunately, neither BUTTLE (l. c.) nor LANZA Korfu” (1968). The publications by MER- & VANNI (1987) published the exact distri- TENS were based on the collections made by bution of the species, but simply listed them. SPECIES ACCOUNT Triturus carnifex macedonicus cus (WOLTERSTORFF, 1905). The first speci- (KARAMAN, 1922) (fig. 2) mens were collected in 1983 by KEYMAR (1984), at Gavrolimni and Gazatika. This The Crested Newts from Corfu were was the first record of this species on a assigned to T. c. macedonicus by ARNTZEN & Mediterranean island (KEYMAR 1986a). One WALLIS (1999). According to BUTTLE (1995) specimen was found in a pond south of it is sympatric with Triturus vulgaris grae- Benitses in 1995 (NÉMETH pers. comm.). Herpetofaunal locality records on the Island of Corfu (Greece) 151 Fig. 1: Localities surveyed in the Greek Island of Corfu. Abb. 1: Untersuchungsorte auf der griechischen Insel Korfu. 152 T. TÓTH & L. KRECSÁK & TH. MADSEN & B. ÚJVÁRI Triturus vulgaris graecus 1986b). WERNER (1894, 1930, 1933) cap- (WOLTERSTORFF, 1905) (fig. 3) tured the species but does not mention the place. We observed numerous individuals at The description of “graeca”, the small- Lake Korission (SZÖVÉNYI pers. comm.), at est among the T. vulgaris subspecies, was Tembloni (TT, TM, BÚ) and between Zigos based on 50 specimens collected on Corfu and Klimatia (FARKAS pers. comm.). (WOLTERSTORFF 1905). Triturus v. graecus was recoded between Gastouri and Benitses Rana dalmatina (BEDRIAGA 1897), Agios Kiriaki (BOETTGER BONAPARTE, 1840 (fig. 5) 1889; WERNER 1894; BEDRIAGA 1897), be- tween Gastouri and Korfu (BOETTGER 1889; WERNER (1902) thought that he was BEDRIAGA 1897), Kanoni (BOETTGER 1889; the first who observed this species on Corfu, WERNER 1894, 1902, 1929), from the sur- however, BOETTGER (1889) recorded it nine roundings of the city of Korfu (BOETTGER years earlier, in 1883. WERNER (1929, 1930) 1889; BEDRIAGA 1897; WERNER 1902, again reports on the occurrence of the 1929), Val de Ropa (KOCH 1932), Paleo- species. KOCH (1932) mentioned this kastritsa (BOETTGER 1889; WERNER 1894; species erroneously under Rana graeca. MERTENS 1960, 1961a) and Lake Counou- Rana dalmatina occurs in the surroundings pena (MERTENS 1960, 1961a). Maximum of Kanoni (WERNER 1912; KÜCHLER 1979), altitude (300 m a.s.l.) is reached at Agios between the city of Korfu and the suburbs of Kiriaki. WERNER (1929, 1930, 1933) did not Kastrades (WERNER 1902; KEYMAR 1986b) publish the name of the location where he and at Val de Ropa (KOCH 1932; KEYMAR captured his specimens. We recorded the 1986a). Our Hungarian colleagues found the species in the surroundings of Mesongi (TT) frog close to Mesongi (SZÖVÉNYI and and at Tembloni (TM, BÚ). TARTALLY pers. comm.) and we observed it at a swampy lake near Tembloni (TT), Val Rana ridibunda PALLAS, 1771 and de Ropa and Cape Agios Ekaterini (TM, Rana epeirotica SCHNEIDER, SOFIANIDOU & BÚ). KYRIAKOPOULOU-SKLAVOUNOU, 1984 (fig. 4) Bufo viridis viridis We present the collective distribution LAURENTI, 1768 (fig. 6) of these two species as from earlier papers (BOETTGER 1889; WERNER 1894, 1927; As in numerous other localities in the KOCH 1932; MERTENS 1960, 1961a) we can- Mediterranean region, the Green Toad is not deduce which species the author is refer- abundant in urban areas on Corfu (BUTTLE ring to. The two species are known as the 1995). BUTTLE’s (1995) observation is sup- Rana ”Corfu taxon” (TUNNER & HEPPICH ported by all the other researchers, recording 1982; MELLADO et al. 1999). These species the Green Toad in the Lagoon of Kalikio- hybridise and are hard to identify (BUTTLE poulou at Kanoni (WERNER 1912, 1927), in 1995). This author considers R. epeirotica the city of Korfu, including Esplenada being the rarer of the two. MERTENS (1961a) (BOETTGER 1889; KOCH 1932; MERTENS states that R. ridibunda is very common on 1961a) and at Magoulades (MERTENS 1961a). the island, and can be found in brackish and BOETTGER (1888) and WERNER (1930, 1933) saline waters, for example in the Lagoon of also listed the toad, but without locality Kalikiopoulou. It was found in Linia (KEY- details. In 1994 a specimen was observed in MAR 1986b), Korission (GRUNDKE 1988), Perema (SZÖVÉNYI pers.
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