The Balzan Prizewinners' Research Projects: an Overview 2014

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The Balzan Prizewinners' Research Projects: an Overview 2014 International Balzan Foundation The Balzan Prizewinners’ Research Projects: An Overview 2014 © 2014, Fondazione Internazionale Balzan, Milano [] Printed in Italy Contents The International Balzan Foundation ...................................................... Pag. 7 The Balzan Prizewinners’ Research Projects: An Overview 2014 Introduction by the Chairman of the Balzan General Prize Committee Salvatore Veca .............................................................................................. » 11 Editor’s Note ................................................................................................ » 13 Literature, Moral Sciences, and the Arts James Ackerman .......................................................................................... » 17 Bronislaw Baczko ........................................................................................ » 20 Manfred Brauneck ....................................................................................... » 24 Peter Robert Lamont Brown ........................................................................ » 30 Maurizio Calvesi .......................................................................................... » 36 Manuel Castells ............................................................................................ » 40 Terence Cave ................................................................................................ » 43 Ronald Dworkin ........................................................................................... » 50 Ludwig Finscher .......................................................................................... » 55 Marc Fumaroli .............................................................................................. » 58 Carlo Ginzburg ............................................................................................. » 62 Anthony Grafton .......................................................................................... » 65 Peter Hall ...................................................................................................... » 69 3 Rosalyn Higgins ........................................................................................... Pag. 72 Eric Hobsbawm ............................................................................................ » 76 Nikki Keddie ................................................................................................ » 81 Lothar Ledderose ......................................................................................... » 85 Serge Moscovici ........................................................................................... » 89 Thomas Nagel .............................................................................................. » 94 Colin Renfrew .............................................................................................. » 100 Paolo Rossi Monti ........................................................................................ » 105 Dominique Schnapper .................................................................................. » 112 Quentin Skinner ........................................................................................... » 116 Reinhard Strohm .......................................................................................... » 120 André Vauchez ............................................................................................. » 125 Michel Zink .................................................................................................. » 127 Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, and Medicine Alain Aspect ................................................................................................. » 133 David Baulcombe ......................................................................................... » 135 Bruce Beutler (with Jules Hoffmann) ........................................................... » 137 Wallace Broecker ......................................................................................... » 140 Jean-Pierre Changeux .................................................................................. » 144 Pascale Cossart ............................................................................................. » 147 Paolo de Bernardis (with Andrew Lange) .................................................... » 148 Pierre Deligne .............................................................................................. » 157 Ian Frazer ..................................................................................................... » 164 Walter Gehring ............................................................................................. » 168 Reinhard Genzel ........................................................................................... » 171 Peter and Rosemary Grant ........................................................................... » 175 Michael Grätzel ............................................................................................ » 179 Russell Hemley (with Ho-Kwang Mao) ....................................................... » 183 Jules Hoffmann (with Bruce Beutler) .......................................................... » 137 Sumio Iijima ................................................................................................. » 191 Kurt Lambeck .............................................................................................. » 193 4 Russell Scott Lande ...................................................................................... Pag. 197 Andrew Lange (with Paolo de Bernardis) .................................................... » 148 Xavier Le Pichon ......................................................................................... » 200 Wen-Hsiung Li ............................................................................................. » 203 Claude Lorius ............................................................................................... » 207 Ho-Kwang Mao (with Russell Hemley) ....................................................... » 183 Michael Marmot ........................................................................................... » 214 Elliot Meyerowitz (with Christopher Somerville) ........................................ » 218 Brenda Milner .............................................................................................. » 222 Jacob Palis .................................................................................................... » 226 Joseph Ivor Silk ............................................................................................ » 231 Christopher Somerville (with Elliot Meyerowitz) ......................................... » 218 Shinya Yamanaka ......................................................................................... » 238 Index Institutions .................................................................................................... » 245 People ........................................................................................................... » 255 Organization of the International Balzan Foundation The Balzan Foundation “Prize” Board ...................................................................................................... » 269 General Prize Committee ....................................................................... » 269 The Balzan Foundation “Fund” Board ...................................................................................................... » 270 Balzan Prizes (1961-2013) Literature, Moral Sciences, and the Arts; Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, and Medicine ...................................................... » 273 Peace, Humanity and Fraternity among Peoples ......................................... » 279 5 The International Balzan Foundation The International Balzan Foundation was established in Lugano in 1956 thanks to the generosity of Lina Balzan. She decided to dedicate the estate left by her father, to benefit society and thus to honour his memory. Eugenio Francesco Balzan was born in Badia Polesine, near Rovigo (Northern Italy), on 20 April 1874 into a family of landed gentry. He spent almost his entire working life at Milan’s leading daily newspaper, Corriere della Sera. After joining the paper in 1897, he quickly worked his way up from editorial assistant to news editor and special correspondent1. In 1903 editor Luigi Albertini appointed him managing director of the paper’s publishing house; he then became a partner and shareholder in the company. He was not only a resourceful manager but also a leading personality in Milanese society. In 1933 he left Italy due to opposition from certain quarters hostile to an in- dependent Corriere, moving to Switzerland, where he lived in Zurich and Lugano. He engaged in charitable activities supporting many worthy causes. He officially returned to Italy in 1950. Eugenio Balzan died in Lugano, Switzerland, on 15 July 19532. The International E. Balzan Prize Foundation “Prize” aims to promote, throughout the world, culture, science, and the most meritorious initiatives in the cause of human- ity, peace and fraternity among peoples, regardless of nationality, race or creed. This aim is attained through the annual award of prizes in two general fields: literature, the moral sciences and the arts; medicine and the physical, mathematical and natural sciences. Nominations for the
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