CALENDAR LISTING GUIDELINES •Tolist an eventinPasa Week,sendanemail or press release to
[email protected] or
[email protected]. •Send material no less than twoweeks prior to the desired publication date. •For each event, provide the following information: time,day,date, venue/address,ticket prices,web address,phone number,and brief description of event(15 to 20 words). •All submissions arewelcome; however, events areincluded in Pasa Week as spaceallows. Thereisnocharge forlistings. • Returnofphotos and other materialscannot be guaranteed. • Pasatiempo reserves the righttopublish received information and photographs on The NewMexican's website. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR •Toadd your eventtoThe New Mexican online calendar,visit and click on the Calendar tab. March3-9,2017 •For further information contactPamela Beach:
[email protected], 202 E. MarcySt., Santa Fe,NM87501, phone: 505-986-3019. CALENDAR COMPILED BYPAMELABEACH FRIDAY 3/3 available,505-988-1234,, Saturdayencore. Galleryand Museum Openings Enfrascada AdobeGallery Teatro Paraguas Studio,3205 Calle Marie, 505-424-1601 221 Canyon Rd., 505-955-0550 Teatro Paraguas presents acomedy by playwright ACenturyofSan Ildefonso Painters: 1900-1999; TanyaSaracho,7:30 p.m., $12 and $20, enfrascada reception 5-7 p.m.; through April., Thursdays-Sundays Axle Contemporary through March12. Look forthe mobile galleryinfront of the New Mexico Spring IntoMotion Museum of Art, 107W.PalaceAve. National DanceInstituteNew MexicoDanceBarns, Physical,mixed-media installation by Kathamann; 1140 Alto St. reception 5-7 p.m. Visit forvan Astudentproduction, 7p.m., $10 and $15, locations through March26., 505-983-7661. Back PewGallery UnnecessaryFarce First Presbyterian Church of SantaFe, 108 GrantAve., SantaFePlayhouse,142 E.