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CREDITS pagE 2 TablE of ConTEnts / InDEX of artists pagE 3 94 Bowery eva Hesse---pp 4, 10, 15, insert 186 Bowery anGeLo iPPoLito 269 Bowery eLizaBetH murray---pp 17, 19 StanLey CrouCH Sam Cady etHeLyn HoniG---insert Joe overStreet---p 13, insert fernand LéGer---p 15 raLPH Grant arCHie SHePP LORETTA dunkeLman Brenda Goodman GiLda Pervin---insert 187 Bowery JoHn oPPer---p 4 276 Bowery 30 CooPer SQuare mitCH ePStein ronnie LandfieLd---cover ann wiLSon---insert roBerta deGnore mark rotHko---p 15, insert BriCe marden---p 4 tom wesseLmann---p 4, insert inka EssenHiGH---pp 16-17 Peter younG 135 Bowery 188 Bowery Lynn umLauf---p 8 295 Bowery 35 CooPer SQuare dorotHy GaLLaGHer published by 98 Bowery ray donarSki iLya BoLotowSky 223 Bowery miCHaeL Bakaty CLaude Brown Sandy GeLLiS Peter Boynton Jane (miLLer) doyLe---pp 10 Peter dean malcoLm morLey SoPHie keir diane di Prima wiLLiam GiLeS Curt HoPPe---p 23 tom doyLe---pp 10-11, 15, insert CHarLeS Hinman 229 Bowery kate miLLett---p 23 BiLLy name PHiLiP GLass ---insert ---insert newmuseum.org maya Lin aLan finkeL roBert indiana CHarLeS eiSenmann Harvey Quaytman Stan SoBossek GaiL GoLdSmitH Editor: Ethan Swan CHriStoPHer LuCaS etHeLyn HoniG---insert wiLL inSLey 231 Bowery 300 Bowery otHer Bowery reSidentS keitH HarinG---pp 21, 22, insert Designed by: omnivore marC miLLer---p 23 riCHard SmitH dinaH maxweLL SmitH franCiS BartH roGer Laux neLSon andrew BoLotowSky HiLary Harkness printed in new York City ---insert ---insert Cover: Ronnie landfield moving out aLan moore GraCe BakSt waPner 189 Bowery david diao 302 Bowery dominiCk CaPoBianCo CaSPar HenSeLmann of his studio at 94 bowery, october/ ---p 23 ---insert ---insert ---p 22, insert november 1969. photo: Melissa Shock Bettie rinGma 136 Bowery BruCe BoiCe max GimBLett HiLo CHen Quentin CriSP miCHaeL HoLman bowery façade photos eve Sonneman roBerta HandLer BruCe BreCkenridGe---insert CHarLeS Hinman Joanne kLein SCott ewaLt---pp 16-17, 22, 23 aLex katz © Isabel asha penzlien 2008 ---insert ---insert ---insert ---pp 4, 15, 20-21 © 2008 new Museum of Contemporary art darCy SPitz etHeLyn HoniG JoHn CoPLanS wiLL inSLey 304 Bowery dorotHy GaLLaGHer SoL Lewitt all rights reserved. no part of this PauL TschinkeL 137 Bowery tom doyLe---pp 10-11, 15, insert Harvey Quaytman Lenny kaye---p 16 HanS HaaCke---p 20 Jane LoGemann publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted BoB yuCikaS---insert max neuHauS---insert Jan Groover---insert JameS roSenQuiSt---insert 306 Bowery aL HanSen roBert maPPLetHorPe---p 17 in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording ---insert ---p 4, insert or otherwise, without the prior permission 99 Bowery miCHaeL oruCH etHeLyn HoniG tom wesseLmann ken koBLand wiLLie HeekS Steve mumford of the publisher. douGLaS LeiCHter 142 Bowery aHza CoHen moore 246 Bowery 307 Bowery Jim JarmuSCH---p 21 LouiSe neveLSon The bowery artist Tribute is made possible by an endowment CLayton PatterSon PauLa tavinS JoHn vinCent moore etHeLyn HoniG---insert fumio yoSHimura vaLerie Jordan douG oLSen from Hermine and David Heller. Sponsored by 100 Bowery 156 Bowery 190 Bowery aLiCe adamS 330 Bowery wiLLiam katz Pat PasseLoff medrie maCPHee douGLaS LeiCHter adoLPH GottLieB---insert roBert SLutzky david BeCker Barry maLLoy adrian PiPer---pp 17, 20-21 LiBBy SeaBerG david wander roy 255 Bowery GeraLd LainG nanCy maLLoy mor PiPman Sara weLLS 163 Bowery LiCHtenStein--pp 4, 10, 17, insert roBert foSdiCk roBert wattS CamiLLe norman riCHard PittS Carrie yamaoka GLoria (GreenBerG) Jay maiSeL---insert GeraLd JaCkSon tom wesseLmann---p 4, insert uGo rondinone amoS Poe---p 18 103 Bowery Bressler aLBert & 261 Bowery 342 Bowery anne russinof riCHard PrinCe virGinia BuCHan martin Bressler david maySLeS---insert tony Jannetti StePHanie CHernikowSki anGeLo SaveLLi roBert rauSCHenBerG aLan uGLow Carter JoneS 193 Bowery 262 Bowery 350 Bowery eLfi SCHuSeLka rutH reiCHL 105 Bowery LuCy LiPPard---p 20, insert wiLL ryman aL LovinG---pp 17-18, insert BéLa Bartók---insert eLLen SeLLenraad miLton reSniCk BiLLy SuLLivan roBert manGoLd---p 20, insert 215 Bowery wyn LovinG---pp 17-18, insert 354 Bowery JoHann SeLLenraad BiLL riCe BriCe marden---p 4 SyLvia PLimaCk LawrenCe CalcaGno aLiCia LovinG- Peter dudek daSH Snow dorotHea roCkBurne---p 20 107 Bowery manGoLd---p 20, insert 217 Bowery CorteS---pp 17-18 356 Bowery GLen SteiGeLman winSton roetH Jake BertHot roBert ryman---p 20, insert vito AcconCi---pp 6-7, 17, insert kennetH noLand---insert arman---insert JoHn wiLLenBeCHer Brian roSe 110 Bowery CaroL Steen---insert niCHoLaS SPerakiS riCHard van Buren---insert Howard kanowitz---insert david weinriB---p 10 SuSan SmitH JoHn vinCent moore frank LinCoLn viner---insert 222 Bowery Batya zamir---insert doriS LiCHt---p 23, insert wiLLiam t. wiLLiamS GeorGe SuGarman 111 Bowery 184 Bowery Lynda BenGLiS---pp 8-9, insert 264 Bowery Cy twomBLy---p 15, insert adJaCent to tHe Bowery niCk tayLor---p 22 mark maStroianni Sara driver william fred Gutzeit 357 Bowery PAT CARYI PAUL tHek CaLvin reid roBert frank---p 4, insert BurrouGHS---pp 8, 19, insert 266 Bowery andrew Lord Jean-miCHeL david wonder ---insert ---pp 12, 21, 22 119 Bowery June Leaf JameS BrookS ro LoHin 27 CooPer SQuare BaSQuiat keS zaPkuS LeS Levine---insert annette morriss wynn CHamBerLain kevin wixted amiri Baraka---p 15 david BeCker The Bowery Artist Tribute is an ongoing project. The New Museum ---p 5, insert ---pp 4, 15, insert Jimmy wriGHt 185 Bowery mark daGLey 268 Bowery Hettie JoneS tom Bronk welcomes additional information 134 Bowery Joan Gardner JoHn Giorno-pp 8, 15, 16, 17, insert Carmen CiCero keLLie JoneS---p 19 tom BuddaS about artists who have lived or worked on the Bowery. Please BiLLy aPPLe frank Gardner miCHaeL GoLdBerG---p 8 martHa diamond LiSa JoneS PinG CHonG refer to the back cover for tom doyLe---pp 10-11, 15, insert Brion GySin GeorGe minGo CHuCk CLoSe more information. pRoJECT InTRoDUCTIon pagE 4 boWERY aRTIST TRIbUTE pagE 5 The Bowery Timeline The Bowery, which started its life as a cow path over 400 years ago, began its The Bowery Artist Tribute, an initiative of the Education 1653 Dutch found New long descent downward in the nineteenth century when it was a street filled and Public Programs staff of the New Museum, records Amsterdam. Peter with popular theaters, burlesque joints, and vaudeville shows. The erection of and preserves this history, chronicling the artists who have Stuyvesant settles the 3rd Avenue El in 1878 hastened the Bowery’s decline into a dark, noisy, and lived and worked on or near the Bowery over the past fifty his residence bouwerij unpleasant street with shadier characters and establishments lingering in the years. It is a Web site, an archive, a series of public programs, (17th-century Dutch shadows beneath the train tracks. and a presentation in our Resource Center that continues to for “farm”) along Native grow as we record more oral histories and more and more American path, which A turnaround in the Bowery’s fortunes came in the 1950s, when the elevated information and material comes to light. develops into Bowery Lane. tracks were taken down, restoring the Bowery to a wide and light-filled boule- vard. As might be predicted, artists were among the first to rediscover its We are indebted to American Express for 1654 New Amsterdam becomes potential. They appreciated the murky zone of the Bowery—including its decay funding the research, development, and New York. and neglect. While a heavy residue of the past remained—homeless shelters, presentation of this archive, and to David 1655 First Bowery tavern men’s homes, cheap hotels, and bars—there were also loft spaces with ample and Hermine Heller for providing endow- founded. square footage and plenty of light. By 1965, more than 100 artists were living on ment funds for its future. We are also the Bowery including Sol Lewitt, Eva Hesse, Roy Lichtenstein, Brice Marden, grateful to a number of individuals who 1798 Park Theater opens at the Robert Frank, Hettie Jones, and John Opper. These were not only painters and have been instrumental in the research and southernmost point of the sculptors, but photographers, poets, musicians, and filmmakers. coordination of these efforts over the past two years, especially Bowery, New York’s most Eungie Joo, Irving Sandler, Ethan Swan, NYU fellows Matthew elegant street. Artists are frequently the first to pioneer under-recognized or neglected areas Israel and Jovana Stokic, Travis Chamberlain, and Rya Conrad- of the city. Artists are the first wave; a sure precedent to gentrification. Cultural 1826 Great Bowery Theater Bradshaw. Finally, we owe many thanks to the artists, relatives, institutions and commercial establishments follow… And so this is the way it opens, initiating the and friends who have shared their studios, photographs and has gone on the Bowery in its renaissance. As a relatively new establishment Bowery’s short reign as memories of the Bowery. on the Bowery, the New Museum felt it was important to recognize not only the New York’s main theater history of the storied boulevard, but also the role that artists have played in the Lisa Phillips, Toby Devan Lewis Director district. formation of this history and the evolution of the surrounding neighborhoods. CapTIonS 2—View from 262 bowery. Courtesy 4 —1978 letter from the Department of 1—Tom Wesselmann in his studio at 231 anne and alicia loving Cultural affairs certifying James (Jimmy) bowery. The building had no buzzer, and Wright as an artist, a necessary step the artist kept a front door key on a 3—artist in Residence sign at 161 bowery, in establishing a live/work loft in new fishing pole, which he lowered down to 2008. These signs were required by the York City. Courtesy Jimmy Wright visitors so they could let themselves in.