Vol. 34, No. 45, November 22, 2018

52 Ingestre Street, Wanganui. Phone 345 3666 or 345 3655, fax 345 2644, email [email protected] Take a look at - ‘Then & Now’ BY DOUG DAVIDSON H&A is well known for its books on Whan- ganui history. They could become collec- tor’s items in the future as people reflect on our history in pictures. But sometimes we think – “What does that site look like now?” H&A have responded There are some fascinat- to that interest by ing comparisons, both producing their latest favourable and others and ninth picture book where you wish we had The panoramic picture of Whanganui, used for the wrap around cover of the book (photo courtesy of Mark Brimblecombe) called ‘Whanganui. retained the original. the modern St Mary’s The book should lead '()*+ commanding Sacred Another irony is in Then & Now…2018.’ Some positive changes, Church. to a lot of discussion building on Taupo Quay Heart Convent. the pictures for the It is a compact 120 in my view, include: about ‘progress’ and a had a lot more character The book will also )%<=* page book with each set elevator and comparison of old and than the Chronicle build- encourage comments $%6/ of pictures facing each structures of ‘the the Durie Hill steps modern architecture. ing, which replaced it. on societal changes. St Parade with the ‘Now’ other. On the left, in Catholic Presbytery & looks much more attrac- Some not-so-positive The loss of some build- Mary’s Catholic Church picture at least showing black and white, is the Villa Maria,’ has been tive now and will be en- changes are: ings is to be mourned. used to be beside the the rebuilding of the ‘then’ and on the right, replaced by the modern hanced by the entrance Many will remember Majestic Theatre build- road. in colour, is the ‘now.’ and attractive lines of renovation soon to take Station in Bell Street /%3 ing in Victoria Ave. Everyone will have place. does not match the old building which was '%+4 their favourites. For Ed one but that would be demolished for the Tra- having been replaced by Boyd of H&A it is the building on Taupo Quay way too small these falgar Square car park. the now empty Farmers picture of the United is just a modern func- days. However, few would building. There is an Friendly Society in tional building, one has !- 3 irony in the picture of Guyton Street ‘Hanton to admit that its prede- ria Ave from Ridgway Ridgway Street, which St Mary’s. It shows the & Andersen Dispatch cessor, the Wanganui Street. The Watt foun- was burnt down and has \%$+%- Printers’ on the second Gas Works, was a bit of tain is in both but the been replaced by green 6*R \4*** an eyesore. impressive towers of the space. While the Jane Wine Bar and lounge Ed started his career "ƾ$%% Winstone main build- ƽQ$ with H&A. much more greenery in the Rutland Hotel are no ing is attractive, it has \ them. longer there. nothing on the previous, Cost.’ Continued on page 2

RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 1 Check out what’s in this week’s RCP Take a look at Whanganui - ‘Then & Now’ Congratulations to Ed and Hinemoa of Continued from page 1 at $5 and volume 8 is H&A for producing In July he celebrated $9.90. ‘Then & Now,’ Now their latest in a series of his 44th year of man- because of the colour, historical picture books aging H&A Print and is selling at $14.90 and on Whanganui. (See in September 2019 he Ed admits that H&A are our front page article). will be celebrating 50 subsidizing them. If you Every home should years since he started want to buy the whole have a copy or more of his apprenticeship as a series the cost is $59.80. the nine books avail- book binder with Meteor It is part of H&A com- $<Y Print. mitment to Whanganui, regret not buying them From an historical especially our history. now when they eventu- view the picture of H&A has been using ally are no longer Maria Place looking pictures of Whanganui printed. towards Victoria Ave is in its calendars and Doug Davidson, Congratulations my favourite. It has the has published many journalist@ also to the Wanganui [XY books on Whanganui. rivercitypress.co.nz Jockey Club celebrat- Theatre complete with The 2018 calendar will ing 170 years (pages will be the second signs for ‘Kodak,’ the contain pictures taken 14 to 17). Their history, woman leader in suc- steeple of St Mary’s, by drones. especially in the 19th cession at the Church. the corner shop adver- Century, is fascinating. Girls interested in tising ‘The Melbourne I will now remember skateboarding should Limited,’ (presumably Then Freeman Jackson for sign up for free lessons the train service), with a contribution, especially this Sunday (page 8). telephone box outside – when I see the pergola Concerned about but best of all the steps erected in his honour in getting scammed or leading down to the un- the garden area (page defrauded? Check out derground toilets. How 15). some of the advice things have changed. Yet another congratu- given out at the seminar The colour pictures lations - this one to held by the Westpac have been taken by Shirley Spooner for Bank in co-operation 3^/ƽ%- her commissioning at with Senior Net (page ment with the cover St Paul’s Presbyterian 20). picture taken by photog- Church (page 8). She - Doug Davidson rapher, Mark Brindle- combe. [6*_ River City Press - picture books on Whan- ganui was published back in 1995 and vol- the good news paper umes one to seven are email: [email protected] still available at H&A

Pay it Forward Fund set up at The Citadel With the help of the Whanganui community, The to the fund which is given through vouchers to the Citadel has raised over $800 in their 'Pay it Forward local community. “This is a way for us to be as Fund'. inclusive as we can to the community that has been The fund has been going since the early days of here long before us” says Charlotte. the Citadel and was the brain child of Ellen Young “We have engaged with some of the local schools who assisted in the building of The Citadel along and will continue to engage with the others to with Owner, Charlotte Melser. 6$[66%< Customers can add any amount to their bill to add make sure the vouchers are big enough for the whole family to have a feed and a drink. “The last few vouchers were nominated through the Koha Shed, who continue to do amazing work with our communities and families.” As recently reported, The Citadel is up for sale, Charlotte says she is looking for buyers that are as driven and community minded as she is. “It's really important to me that The Citadel continues to be a 6%%$6}ƽ

Pay it Forward sign Copyright: Make an appointment today River City Press produces and/or publishes advertise- 06 345 3222 ments strictly on the basis that River City Press is entitled to and owns the copyright in the advertise- Visit us at Victoria House ment so far as the copyright relates to publication 1a Rutland Street, Wanganui or reproduction for publication in any newspaper, magazine or similar periodical or to broadcasting of the advertisement. 2 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 Speedweek 2018 features iconic Whanganui events Whanganui’s Cemetery have gathered together to with the iconic Cem- have a number of experts onship. and we look forward to 26 December, 11am- Circuit, the jewel in the build a bigger, better and etery Circuit motorcycle in managing motorsport Two historical motor- hosting visitors to our 4:30pm: Cemetery crown of motorcycle longer petrolhead experi- street race now in its events and the time felt cycle races have also wonderful little city over Circuit. racing in , ence which will feature 67th year,” says Paul %ƽ- been brought back after the Christmas break.” 26 December, 7pm- leads the way for a new ‹!Œ Chaplow, Whanganui & ing of motorsport events decades in hiatus, giving A new app has been late: After Party feat. event concept in Whan- Sprints. Partners’ Strategic Lead to create a “Speed- visitors even more oppor- developed to make the Carl Cox. ganui - Speedweek. “Whanganui has a †X< week”.” tunity for full-throttle fun. Speedweek experience 27 December, 11am- A group of enthusiasts strong motorsport history “With that history we The Cemetery Circuit The Speedweek Hill as easy and connected as ‘’!Œ< will take place on Climb at Okoia Hill is possible. Search ‘Whan- 27 December, 8:30am- Boxing Day, 26 bound to get pulses rac- ganui Events’ in the app 4:00pm: Speedweek Hill December 2018. ing, while the Speedweek store from 10 December Climb. Top riders from Beach Race will be a 2018 and download for 28 December, 9am- around the world memorable combination free. 12:30pm: Speedweek will go hard on of sun, surf, sand and Speedweek Schedule Beach Race. this one-mile speed. course, taking on )%4+X- eight corners, two shall and Barry Bailey of railway crossings, X+ an over-bridge and Club are organising the blind S’s. Hill Climb and Beach The Jet Sprints Race and their collective event, held the next knowledge and expertise %+4ƽ‹ will ensure thrills and and personal jet- safe events. boat racing, where Whanganui will also drivers manoeuvre host master DJ and around a maze techno producer Carl of channels and Cox, the King of Ibiza, at islands, competing a Cemetery Circuit after- [% party at Frank Bar and of the National Eatery. Jetsprints Champi- “The development of Speedweek has been a real collaboration of individuals and organisa- World Prematurity Day celebrated tions,” says Chaplow. “It’s been great to see this at Whanganui Hospital come together so easily

Te Koha-ora and Ahurei Anahera are twins born at 36 premature and in 2012 this meant 15 million children. weeks at Whanganui Hospital. Their mother Tenneale Infants born pre-term represent the largest child patient is from Raetihi but she came to Whanganui to give group. The Day aims to raise awareness of prematurity birth and her and her girls were the centre of attention and the concerns of pre-term babies. at the Whanganui Special Care Baby unit on Friday, %+ †+ * ƾ+ % % November 16 – World Prematurity Day as they and the celebrated in 2011 and is now marked in more than 50 ƽ$%%+<6 countries. The Neonatal Trust in New Zealand is one of was organised by past neonatal families organised by the growing numbers of support organisations world- Jemma Huij, who also works at the hospital. wide now aligned and supporting the Day. A premature birth is when a baby is born before the The Whanganui unit has the capacity to care for four end of the 37th week of pregnancy. A normal pregnan- babies within the unit itself and often supervise oth- cy lasts 40 weeks. Worldwide, one baby in ten is born ers in independent rooms. The unit is located within the Paediatric department and alongside the maternity department. In 2017 the SCB unit admitted 150 babies from around the Whanganui region. If a baby is born or likely to be born under 32 weeks gestation and weighing only 1500 grams they will be birthed or sent to Wellington Neonates for intensive care. The lowest weight premature baby to survive, world-wide, was born in 2006 in the 22nd week of pregnancy, weighing only 280 grams and measuring 24 cm long. The most frequent causes of premature births are: !6$6$ˆ‰< 4%%< Šˆ*[%< X$66+< RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 3 Amateur Radio Society donates ‘Bible’ of Radio to Library President of the Wan- ganui Amateur Radio Society, Mike Price, donated a copy of the book ‘Communications Handbook,’ an annual - Enable or disable - produced by the Radio Courtesy of Mayor Hamish’s ini- Jane the opportunity to subdivide now Society of Great Britain, tiative, at each Council meeting, the – when the new sections are in demand. the UK national amateur public get a 10 minute opportunity Council are saying that NZTA have radio organization. It is to present their issue to the elected denied vehicle access onto Great North considered to be ‘the Bi- representatives. While no debate is Rd because of safety - and that Graham ble’ for all amateur radio entered into at the time, it is then and Jane must wait till when a planned enthusiasts. possible for the matter to be taken to roadway through their neighbours is Mike says, “The hand- a future meeting where the matter can formed. The problem is that the neigh- book is for anyone inter- be reported on, opinions given and bour is not interested currently in this ested in radio from how Y[%< proposal however, and there is no guar- to build antennas through Graham and Jane Lillington told antee when, or if, it will ever happen, to power supplies and Council last week about Council ac- If Councillors and Council adopt an everything in between.” tion that has stalled the opportunity to enabling attitude to this predicament It is a big and heavy book create new titles (and generate more the solution is simple. That would be but fortunately Mike was than $80,000pa in extra rates) on his to commence action to move the 50kph able to pick up a copy Great North Rd property. urban speed limit out to where the when he was in Britain When it comes to subdivision mat- current 70kph speed limit starts, and to recently. The club had ters, my belief is that Councillors move the 70kph limit out further also it especially bound to should always look at an issue by ad- to where a concerned group in Great ensure it lasts longer. Paul Gray, Manager in dressing the way’s it can be enabled to North Rd already want it to be located. Pete Gray receiving the handbook from Mike happen – not focus on reasons that will This action has nothing to do with Charge of Libraries and disable it from happening. Plan Change 46 and needs to happen Community, received $<'[ transceiver in the house company or area of the Graham and Jane, had subdivision irrespective. the book and thanked the are made in the What’s and you can use it to world. resource consent ten years ago – but Graham and Jane’s proposal then is club for donating it. On section of the RCP. talk to anyone else in Then there are the let it lapse. to stage the development by providing The local club meets on Mikes explains, “There the world, who has the digital modes for ama- Now, they have a developer who for vehicle access initially onto a safer [X%+6 are many ways of enjoy- same equipment.” This is teur radio. This is when wants to proceed – and even though Great North Rd and then relocate this month at 7.30pm at the ing amateur radio. There what Mike does. You can you talk to hot spots Council has proudly announced Plan to the new access road at the time in Deer Stalkers and Hunters is the standard analogue enter competitions to see connected to the internet Change 46 that allows for about 550 the future that it is available to them. Club in Peat Street. They where you erect a wire how many contacts you with multiple connec- rateable properties in the Gt North Rd Seems a practical solution to me. currently have 32 paid in the garden and have a can make in a particular tions possible. area – this plan change has been used Let’s wait and see on this one. as the excuse for denying Graham and - Rob Vinsen Whanganui’s last Band Rotunda

Photograph by Maurice Costello One of Wanganui’s architectural treasures standing in its glory at the top end of Virginia Lake with it lights ablaze in a nice summer evening last week. Wanganui had in its hay day as many as 8 Band Ro- tundas, this is the only remaining one. Completed in 1912 and opened by Mayor Charles Mackay in June the same year. There was a large public attendance as well as The Garrison and City Bands discoursed their best music according to Wanganui Chronicle dated June 1912. Why not strike up the Brass Band one Sunday afternoon this summer like earlier years? Take your folding stool or just take a stroll with family or friend. ~ RCP winner ~ Congratulations to Anne O’Shea, who is the lucky winner of the “Dream Big – Create the Life you De- serve” workshop ticket valued at $159. Thank you to everyone else who entered. Watch out for more compe- titions over the next few months. 4 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 Friends of the Whanganui River celebrating their 30th year œ%6 %$+)} 34*%$+ Whanganui River is now journalist, Trevor Mac- those doing the river trip. Š+%<—* +<X$% ) '$_ %ˆ*+ %< Arthur Bates called a 6%6- %+4†$ $6 ganui. R}3 </ +œ% Ÿ+<—6 *O host two activities as part ›<Š%Œ- +6 6- nell will be speaking on of the Whanganui River M ‘The Whanganui River and its watershed.” ž!+ – Still the Rhine of New The production of an and along the Whanganui (% R+* Annual has been a prior- ))%<+ a gold coin. Afternoon +%+4 involved in working bees tea will be provided and 2088 pages of stories + copies of the Annuals have been written. Cur- supporting the Depart- will be for sale along +Œ 6} with Whanganui River editor and he is being %Œ} photos.

John Coull Hut Whanganui DHB well prepared for midwives strike ƽ % X+ + $ +< Health Board (WDHB) } ”X}• + %+- O†3=%+- [%%+%- %*+ $ - + wives will go on strike for DHB spokesperson, De- celled. < — - * 4 * %+ clan Rogers. “Whanganui DHB re- 4 * % $ '$ X ) + - %*R for a series of strikes and M+$- 3RX+ right to take this action this is happening.” peated for two weeks. –*% M *R —6*+™- A series of strike notices %* * $ - is for the public and preg- 4+ % $+ %*R $ % ** %*64 + union MERAS, will af- < —+4 6+6*% šŠ›Šš›$* fect district health board- % *- $$ %ˆ”X%+œ- +% %* % in the lead-up to, and dur- %+•<"% nationwide. This will %% ing the strikes,” Mr Rog- +X}<

RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Saluting our who’ve wiped away our ferry proposal, as it does tears after reading “On numerous projects which Dear Editor Puriri Street”, salute you boost the local economy. Thanks for sharing Jock Jock. We look forward to However, that support Lee’s poignant poem with more superb verse talking will not stop us asking us in last week’s River about the gritty reality of hard questions about the City Press. life behind the curtains, practicalities and realities “On Puriri Street” takes 6}ƽ of the proposal. us deep inside the real- laureate. - Mark Dawson, Editor, Children’s Christmas presents ity of life in one of our - Carol Webb, Whanganui Chronicle troubled suburbs where Whanganui * * * gang violence occasion- * * * Opera House needed for struggling single ally bursts into full view Midwest Ferries - Piano with helicopters circling, Chronicle response Dear Editor, heavily armed police and Dear Editor I write with some infor- parent families %% The article "The Real mation clarifying a point coverage building per- Story" (River City Press, in the River City Press Birthright Wanganui has ceptions of Whanganui as Thursday, November 15, on 8 November, which been collecting Christmas a ‘gang town’ to avoid. 2018, page 16) by Neville reached me just this presents for children who These gang killings and Johnson of Midwest Fer- week. It is always good otherwise might miss out the courtroom scenes ries refers to stories in the to hear of the piano's on gifts over Christmas that follow deal repeated Whanganui Chronicle. continued use. for a number of years. $*ƽ6 He writes that "we [Mid- Maintenance of the Last year, thanks to the council organisations west Ferries] had taken quality through that use generosity of the Whan- and others to change the legal action to stop them is essential. ganui public they were perceptions deliberately [the Whanganui Chroni- However, I hasten to able to provide multiple cultivated by Mayor Laws cle] publishing this story". inform you that the piano gifts to 105 local children. and his self-serving He then writes: "They originally chosen arrived They are asking the grandstanding. [the Whanganui Chroni- safely in Wanganui as public to be equally gen- But Jock rightly calls cle] went ahead and pub- %<- erous this year by bring- out the unconvincing lished this data, which ing our own piano for ing unwrapped, new pre- “nothing to see here” they are able to do after its transport we were sents for children up to platitudes broadcast ›4*- aware that a mishap had the age of 12. You can nationally by police and proval." occurred with another %ƽ6- our deputy mayor in the The Whanganui Chroni- Steinway on its way [ ›› ! / 66/ cle is unaware of any legal to New Zealand. The up to December 12. You </ action brought against it container fell into the %ƽ better use of the unwel- Leanne, Patricia and Vicki by Midwest Ferries either sea. We certainly would }ƾ come media coverage in relation to a story or any have been aware of any December 7. If you have no idea what separate gifts. how three teenage girls would have been a pledge other matter. delays. Birthright is open from to buy, consider making a ƽ % )}4 came with gifts after hav- by Cr Duncan to lead an The Whanganui Chroni- Richard Mapp went to Monday to Thursday %%ƽ* “We get gifts from big or- ing gone shopping. “They immediate inquiry, fol- cle is also unaware of any Hamburg to choose the from 9am to 2.30pm. ++[ ganisations through to in- were so elated to be able to lowed by concerted action law in relation to publica- piano. This required him They can be contacted on gaps, making sure they dividuals to young people give together.” to address the issues that tion of information which to assess a large selec- Š›‘‘‘< get the best deal available. using their pocket mon- Birthright will be closed %%*[6 allows publication "after [%$ ƽ% The parents come and col- +

8 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 Are there lessons for Whanganui Sports Hall of Fame 2018 Two Whanganui-born team at the inaugural – the starting point for us from the 13th Plain national representatives world championships thousands of junior Kiwi who later gained inter- X_šš4 softball players – after national recognition as and also played at seeing its popularity on administrators are the the world tournament one of his overseas trips. English Awards? latest inductees into the in Oklahoma two There were six Whan- Whanganui Sports Hall of years later. Winners in the 13th ganui Hall of Fame Fame. He was a top-class +4 annual Plain English Prominent diving referee [%4+ Awards were recently an- with the four who missed %Y%4)$3%4 mainly shortstop or out now added to the nounced with the award %6$4 %$4%* for the Plain English revolving list of pos- }4 [< sible inductees for future Champion – Best Indi- $[% But it was as an vidual or Team – went to years. from their sports into the umpire that Charlie The selection panel the Better Letters Project local Hall of Fame on Fri- *4$ team at the Ministry of comprised Sue West- %+4š'$< }6'*(- *%”}•43% Social Development. They were named at the land Umpire for 13 The public sector (Chair of Whanganui )+- +”_Š‹__š• 3•4 award went to Dunedin ganui Sports Awards %ƾ- City Council with its '+X%” 64* *%R4 •4) document Investing in number of Hall of Fame women’s and junior our great small city/Te ”†%M'* $M6 tournaments. (%36  Mš46+ Charlie Phillips —__‘* and the Best Plain Eng- œ%•4žX groups. 3+ %'* ”—*•4X lish Website award for )$3%4 later to further his diving (%6$36 the public sector went to the Ministry of Social of plain language con- Stoneman (Multi-sports diving champion who %%4 œ4%*+ "•4Œ Auckland Council for the Development winning the +%4 [%[6_šš Mervyn Campbell. inducted into the Interna- www.aucklandcouncil. award for Best Sentence Lynda Harris says: (media) and Keith Smith Kingston Commonwealth He helped reshape tional Hall of Fame for (Secretary – Whanganui govt.nz website. Transformation. ‘Care is one of the quali- Ÿ4*% %'*(%4 Š+6 We checked the Whan- There was also a ties associated with plain District Council Sports the International Swim- becoming a life member all aspects of the sport Adviser). ganui District Council People’s Choice — the English that I hold closest ming Hall of Fame in 6†'*(% M+4% website and found it $%*4- to my heart. People who ›6% 46*%$+%- administration. attractive and easy to fol- tion. The Commission choose to communicate contribution to diving tion into the International He also became the low. You can either enter for Financial Capability %4$+ _‘›< Hall of Fame three years [) yourself or be nomi- (CFFC) won the Best %[4$ He was involved as a 4*œ—'/ –}64* nated – they didn’t apply. Plain English Commu- their readers. They put the %ƾM64 (world swimming-diving) included assisting with the Perhaps they should next nication award for its %6%[ Y%4% Ÿ%)_ standardising of inter- year. document Thinking of as they think and write. M›*%- 6‘+6- national umpire training There were a range ) +$4 4%}4 tional diving service. programmes. 6%ƽ Village? Our question is 4%

RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 9 ANZ going into bat for Kiwi cricketers ANZ is asking Kiwi achieve their cricket ask questions about their kid for all Blackcaps and cricket players, fans, goals. game … This doesn’t White Ferns matches in clubs and coaches what [6 happen every day. It was New Zealand this season. they need to make this ANZ’s On Your Team inspiring for our players The winner will join the season their team’s best grant for 2018 was the and something they’ll captains of both compet- yet. Their ‘On Your Papatoetoe Under-16 remember for the rest of ing teams on the pitch Team community cricket’ women’s cricket team their lives.” before the match and programme gives New which received new gear Applications for ANZ help decide who bats and Zealand cricket play- and uniforms and met the On Your Team grants are bowls. ers, teams and schools White Ferns. available to all cricket Apply for ANZ’s On the chance to apply for “It’s incredible,” coach players, clubs, teams and Your Team grant and go sponsorship to help them Regina Lilii says. “ANZ fans across New Zealand. in the draw to become improve their game. gave the team brand-new “We encourage teams to New Zealand’s the ANZ Head of Sponsor- cricket gear and uniforms tell us how having ANZ coin toss kid at https:// ship, Sue McGregor, says to keep. This means so on your team will make anzcricketworld.co.nz/ ANZ has been support- much to them and has a %ƽ4P index.html ing community cricket [ Ms McGregor says. since 2009 and given morale. ANZ is also inviting White Ferns with the more than $900,000 to “The opportunity to young cricket fans to Papatoetoe Under-16 help young cricket teams meet the White Ferns and apply to be the coin toss women’s team

                              !!  " #  $ %&  " ' ( '          '     )  & $*+

10 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 A hilarious musical mash-up is just one of the fundraising concerts at Musicians Club The Whanganui as a Heritage Site. It is include Dust till Dawn, December the Whan- Musicians Club is our intention to have the Shaker, Blue Veins plus ganui Musicians Club fundraising to upgrade building upgraded and Open Mic from 7.00pm. is joining with the toilets and much needed registered with Herit- And if you have Wanganui Jazz Club replacement of wiring. age New Zealand with a any energy left, the to bring Antipodes, a The building, formerly Category One status. next night Saturday, 8 band formed in Berlin in known as The Savage Since taking over own- December we have “At early 2013 as an outlet Club in Drews Avenue, ership of the building Home with Leo, Clever for the original music of has been redesignated from the Wanganui Sav- & Constance” an adults Luke Sweeting (piano) by the Whanganui age Club, the Whanganui only evening of hilarious and Jake Baxendale District Council into Musicians Club has been musical mash-ups, where (sax), joined by Aidan Pukenamu Park which faced with extra costs popular songs from the Lowe (drums). They are includes the cultural and are having to be past will be given an currently touring New and artistic areas of the more proactive with the irreverent makeover, Zealand and the mu- Sargent Art Gallery, the number of events. alongside a few racy sic has been described Museum, the Library Instead of having a ukulele originals and a as having “a northern and the Memorial Hall. members Christmas ™[%‹% European aesthetic with The WDC are work- Party this year, the Club improv round that often an authentic Australa- ing with the Club to is celebrating with a leads to hilariously inap- sian feel”, the sounds are assist in retaining the Christmas Theme for propriate results. Doors drawn from a mixture of [6 Club Night on Friday 7 open 7.00pm and tickets contemporary jazz, pop the Whanganui Musi- December open to all. are $20. and folk, and improvised cians Club building as Local musicians playing On Saturday, 15 music. At Home - Leo Lennox, Constance Craving and Clever Hansel Many ways to become a volunteer on the Waimarie The Waimarie has of January. He agrees it is year – and that includes sion, works in the class- become a symbol for a huge time commitment volunteering for mainte- room at Wanganui East Whanganui and a major but adds, “You’ve got to nance work during winter. School, reads to the kids tourist attraction. It has be passionate about doing He is there “almost every at a Playcentre and leads some paid employees but this.” sailing.” Make sure you historical walks around relies heavily on volun- When you are next on have a scone with jam and old Whanganui – about teers and there are a num- board the Waimarie have a cream – well priced – with 30 hours a week he says. $6%ƽ+ chat to Donald and John. 6ƽ< All the volunteers on can volunteer for. Being a stoker is a bit Murray is one of the vol- board the Waimarie Noel is in his second more complicated than it unteer commentators and when the RCP journalist season as a volunteer as looks. this is his third season. He travelled were passion- a deck hand. He says, Johnston is the master *ƽ%- ate about their roles and “I’ve got to love it. The of the galley. He says “I vides so much informa- loved doing it. If you passengers and the crew live on my own and I got tion without notes. This is would like to found out are great – we are all part sick of talking to the cat. just one of his volunteer more about volunteering, of a team.” He volun- I just love doing this.” It jobs – he is also the gar- contact the Manager, Ann teers every day the vessel shows. He is in his fourth dener for the City Mis- Petherick on 347 1863. sails – which in summer will be six days a week. Much of the work is ba- sic but necessary – such as cleaning, preparing, working the mooring ropes. It can be physical such as loading the 25kg Donald and John volunteering in the engine room bags of coal on board but teering for three years, not picks up the mats, chats Waimarie. '[‘ˆ+%< too long after she came to to passengers and even Donald works in an iron He goes one step fur- Whanganui from Ports- cleans the toilets. foundry in town but want- ther. He picks up the mouth in England, where But “I get a lot out of ed “to do my bit for the galley food from Fitzies she volunteered on an it,” she adds. “You meet community.” He not only each morning. A full sail- “1860 iron clad warship so many wonderful peo- volunteers as a stoker, but ing for him can take over commissioned by Prince ple and learn so much.” because he has got his [MO$—Y+ Albert.” She says, “I She relates the story of a engineer’s ticket, he can all of it.” love boats, especially old Canadian couple whose also relieve the paid en- Wendy has been volun- ones.” She polishes brass, doctor had recommended gineer John, if required. they go on the Waimarie He adjusts his work hours when in New Zealand. So so he can work on the when they were in Wel- Friday to Sunday sailings lington, they booked a car and will work full time and driver to take them through the Christmas to Whanganui and the holiday period to the end

Volunteer Johnston in the gally chatting with a passenger RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 11 ~ 5th Wheelers come to town ~ 5th Wheelers are so A group of over 40 of bedroom. The kitchen/ named because their them stayed at the Race dining and lounge space ‘5th wheel’ is the turn- Course having come is ideal for relaxing or table on the back of down from Pipiriki. having a drink with fel- the Ute or truck which Their caravans are low 5th Wheelers. connects the ‘caravan.’ seriously large at about “They can be towed They are a Special 12 to 14 metres long, by a standard Ute,” says Interest Group of the including the Ute, and Allen Kerley, Chair of '*(%X are equipped with slide the group. His is a 3.2 Caravan Association outs each side. Forget X%=‹ˆ% and their membership about clambering over another common Ute is of over 350, with about a bed or putting the bed the Ford Ranger. How- 180 vans, comes from away during the day. ever, if your van is over all over the country. They have a separate [4%$ Ceroc Dance - easy to pick up and very social

towed by a truck. That Janet, Allen and Jan ™}[6 Fitness and not just a WOF and is more com- Demographics and Social Change in plex in its requirements and has to be done Whanganui - U3A lecture this Friday every six months. So why have a 5th Professor Paul Spoon- obvious in a town and dis- wheeler? Jan Lowe, + 6 X+ –- trict such as Whanganui the treasurer of the sity is the lecturer for the with an increasingly dom- group, (her husband is second U3A Whanganui inant over 65 population Vice-chair) says, “You public lecture this Friday, and the outmigration of can simply un-hook 23 November. His subject young adults. %%ƽ is: “A ‘New’ New Zealand “What are the impli- your Ute and go to the Emerges: Demographic cations and options for A Ceroc lesson in progress and Social Change in the Whanganui?” Liz Frith set up Ceroc from 6.30 to 7.30pm. room, storage facili- nearest dairy for some milk.” Janet Kerley, 21st Century – and What Distinguished Professor Dance Wanganui two There is also social danc- ties and petanque/bocce —X6)


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RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 13 Whanganui’s early links with horse racing It seems Whanganui was destined to be an impor- tant player in the devel- opment of horse racing in New Zealand right from the time the New Zealand Company gave the new settlement the name of ‘Petre.’ This was the name of the Hon. Henry Petre, who imported two thor- oughbred stallions into New Zealand, as early as 1843, according to the book ‘Wanganui Jockey Club 1848 – 1998’ written by Laraine Sole. Laraine points out, “The early history of racing in the Wanganui District is %ƾ- Pond at the racetrack cal paper was printed in were much larger men those early days and the Wanganui Jockey Club Jackson Stakes Day - March 21, 1908 and so, older horses with only mention of events We do know of course love of racing and compe- [*% the desired stamina, were was in the Wellington, that in the 1840s there tition and as Laraine points on December 21 and 22, favoured. It is likely the Nelson or Auckland pa- were many British troops out, it was a chance to 1848. The course includ- horses at the 1848 meet- pers. Unfortunately these stationed in New Zealand “participate in a sport that ed the present site of the ing were those owned by reports were not always with many in Whanganui. few could have aspired to Wanganui Jockey Club the mounted forces. The accurate.” They brought with them a in their own country.” as well as the present Old horses also raced hard Cemetery and Spriggen’s with races being heats Park. The races were run and horses would run over under the rules of rac- the same distance at least ing and betting based on twice. those in England. There Clearly the settlers of was also a programme for Whanganui enjoyed this rural sports including an [ 6 * “All Four race, a Jingling the Reverend Richard Tay- match, a Jumping match, lor estimating nearly 700 Climbing a Greasy Pole, Europeans, about the total Grinning through a Col- population at the time, at- lar, a Wheelbarrow race tending. However, he was – blindfolded and a Quoit not too impressed saying match” how “nearly 700 Europe- Back then the jockeys ans were assembled … on Opening day of Spring meeting, 18 September 1929. one side of the Wanganui 26/27, some Maori had River, many of them pass- joined in on the horse ing their time swearing, racing. Laraine reports drinking and gambling, that “Kepa (later Major while exactly opposite Kemp) showed the pa- nearly 4000 of the lately keha how he could ride barbarous Maori had con- when he landed Ruaka a gregated from all parts of clever winner in two heats the district, some as far of the Maori race, then away as 150 miles, to cel- mounted Slipper whom he ebrate a Saviour’s birth.” had just beaten and rode By the 1851 meeting her in the Maori Hurdle held earlier on November %$[

14 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 The revival of horse racing in Whanganui in 1874 Laraine Sole in her ton, Waverley and Ran- the local populace, they *%< generosity and proved an Grand National Steeple- only spent large sums on book ‘Wanganui Jockey gitikei and it wasn’t long were being left behind as A meeting was called %+

The Pergola today

RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 15 Wanganui Jockey Club - the oldest in New Zealand The Wanganui Jockey Club is the oldest race- course in the country formed in 1848 and is the oldest surviving New Zealand club still racing at the original venue. We are also the oldest sport- ing club in New Zealand. The Wanganui district has a rich history in racing and has produced many successful horses and persons involved in the industry; from breeders to trainers, to owners and riders. The club brings thoroughbred Around the totalisators - Wanganui winter race meeting on May 24, 1901 racing to the Wanganui nearby motels. There is a community and beyond large amount of parking around 10 times a year. available. They provide facilities New grandstand on Cup Day Autumn meeting, 1 March 1906. and grounds for such events as the race day, shows, conferences and a variety of functions. The Out of the ashes - a new Function Centre club was the central focus /[__‘ another story was added 6¬__4‘ˆ< its purpose built rooms for the 2012 international meant the old grand- in 1929 and this was the The good news is that suitable for modern vintage car event. stand was burnt to the stand that burnt down out of the ashes has risen meeting and function The WJC manages the %<[ __‘<=+ the Function Centre and needs. hire of the Wanganui May 20, took less than the top storey had been Function Centre and can two hours to destroy 90 demolished for safety be contacted on 06 345 years of racing history. reasons. 3968 or [email protected]. —*$_‘ It had survived numer- It is centrally situated, and extensions were ous earthquakes and being only 5 blocks from added just before WW1. had been used by many the city centre and within )\- organisations includ- walking distance from ity of horse racing, yet ing the army during <œ[ from around the district - Waitotara, Waverley, Ratana, Marton and Palmerston North - came to support the [[< Ten days later the club was able to hold the Winter meeting with little convenience. How- ever, as Laraine Sale says in her book on the }$4O[* dark spot in a dark year. The club recorded a loss

16 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 Christmas at the races featuring Wanganui’s 170th celebrations This year the Wanganui will be held after Race an 1898 Phaeton horse the Fashion in the Field Jockey Club celebrates 2 in the Eulogy Lounge drawn carriage. The competition. Together an impressive milestone with all entrants to reg- Vintage Car Club and with Juliette Haigh, with its 170th anni- ister with a gold coin by Classic Motorcycle Club Rebecca won the bronze versary on Saturday, 1pm and great prizes up will also be in attend- medal in the women's 1 December, at their for grabs! There will also ance and bring in Santa coxless pair at the 2012 Christmas at the races be random spot prizes and his mates along with Summer Olympics. Cup Day. The club is for the most eye catch- a Studebaker and the Previously they had won the oldest existing club ing designs and costumes 1935 Austin hearse from gold in the women's pair still racing at its original throughout the day. The Dempsey & Forrest. at the World Rowing Cup venue since 21 De- Grand Hotel Best Vin- The Replicants will regatta in Lucerne, 2010 cember 1848, and with "[*$ headline as the main live and at the 2010 World it probably also takes randomly selected on the act in the Eulogy Lounge Rowing Championships the title of the oldest day with a great prize of throughout the day at Lake Karapiro and at sporting club in New a night for 2 with break- while the lively Damn the 2011 World Rowing Zealand. fast + a special prize from Raucous Jazz band will Championships in Bled. The club, grounds /™/ƽ< play on the move around More recently Rebecca and facilities have been The day will start with the facilities. While this won a bronze medal through many changes ƾ* is an adult event with a with the New Zealand over the years but the and mihi from local iwi lot of businesses having women's eight at the prized central location in before racing commences their Christmas functions 2017 World Rowing the city is rare for many with a number of events there will also be a pic- Championships. In 2011 racecourses and invalu- planned throughout the nic area with food trucks Rebecca was named the able with the Function day and between races. %\$ Wanganui Chronicle }$[- The Wanganui Insur- from Family Fun En- Supreme Award Sport- cant community venue ance Brokers Time tertainment on the lawn sperson of the year. that hosts many types of Parade will be another facing the track. The The Marquee Vil- events. major highlight after Repco Mascot race is lage which sold out This year it will be a Race 3 and will feature a always a crowd favourite months ago will have its walk down memory lane range of equine pursuits and will be followed by own Decorate and win with guests encouraged and classic vehicles and the GG Glory race. competition under the to dress up in attire from headed by experienced Olympian, Rebecca theme of ‘pick your era’ yesteryear from through- raceday Clerk of the Scown, will join us this year. The Snapped! out the 170 year period. Course, Robbie Lam- as our local celebrity Photo booth will be in The Protege Hairdress- mas. There will be horses sportsperson and will the Eulogy Lounge for ing Fashion in the Field large and small and even be one of the judges of you to capture the mo- ment dressed up for the occasion. There will be an ID registration table in the main foyer at the Func- tion Centre for those U25 guests who are over 18 !" years of age. The main entrance on Ingestre St Extn will be open to the public from 10.30am with a $10 gate admission and Under 18’s free. Racing is from 12.25 pm to 4.34pm with 8 races scheduled. River City Cabs will be on-course with a stand to get you home safely at the end of the day. Strictly NO BYO alco- hol and NO PRELOAD- ING or entry to the venue will be refused. The WJC would like to thank all members, spon- sors, stakeholders and supporters over the years that have contributed to the longevity and success of the club. Come and help celebrate on-course on 1 December! <ˆ‹"ƾ welcome & mihi (in the bird cage) 12.25pm - Racing starts 1pm - Protege Hair- dressing Fashion in the Field (in the Eulogy Lounge) 1.38pm - Wanganui Insurance Brokers Time Parade 2.15pm - Repco Mascot race 2.50pm - GG Glory race 3.59pm - Cambridge Thoroughbred Lodge Wanganui Cup RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 17    

18 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 19 Protecting yourself from scams and fraud - seminar at Senior Net Senior Net and West- true, then it generally is.” ceiving an inheritance, 6%ƽ% site. If your credit card to be checked daily for pac Bank organised a The most common types lottery win or an ap- and be careful where you is stolen cancel asap. Try any tampering or hidden seminar on protecting of scans are: peal for a charity online enter pin details on line. to use ATMs that are at- cameras. If in doubt yourself from scams and 1. Romance scams from overseas should be Swipe your card yourself tached to a bank branch. when buying overseas – frauds and judging by the They are frequently “so, questioned. The basic – don’t let it out of your These ATMs are likely use PayPal. questions and comments so professional” and often question to ask is –If I from the participants, come via a dating website have inherited or won most have experienced where the scammer tries something, why do I have Pet-friendly philosphy rules at some form of attempted to build up trust and re- to send money before scam. lationship. It was pointed ask for a physical ad- receiving it? A scam was described out that if you give your dress and trust your gut Participants were ad- Enliven’s Kowhanui Home ƽ6 pin number to anyone it instinct. vised that it is relatively the blue promising easy is a breach of the bank’s 2. Job scams safe to give your bank money, a great bargain, terms and conditions and You should be suspi- account number but never inside knowledge or you may not be refunded 6Y$ƽ give you pin. If someone even a caring relation- any money the scammer especially for a job you tried to use your number ship but it always pays to is able to get. never applied for and be $+*%[ remember the saying “If It was suggested that if especially aware if the be asked to show photo- it seems too good to be in any doubt, you should job requires use of your graphic evidence. bank account. If you It was also recommend- receive money in your ed that people check their bank account, you should bank statements regularly. contact the Bank – don’t Deduction can start with use or transfer it. small amounts and if not Bank accounts of inno- picked up on, can become cent people can be used large. by criminals and terrorist 4. Phone Scams to launder money. All These frequently Banks have strict anti- involve “weird sounding laundering requirements voices, often at 6pm.” and will question any Banks are most unlikely request for a transfer of to phone you out of the any large amounts. blue and asking you to do It was pointed out that things on your computer all banks have a fraud / is an obvious giveaway. Financial/Crime teams. Do not call back if you The recommendation was cannot recognize the to advise your bank when number. you travel overseas. 5. Card fraud 3. Trading Scams Recommendations '[6- %’–%ƽ Kowhainui Home resident Neil Gerrie (left) pictured here with Sean Anderson and his pet dog, Alice. Sean Anderson is a being, Kowhainui Home who’ve grown up with independence meaning familiar face around Manager, Trish Boswell them and enjoy the Kowhainui Home and explains. unconditional love and Village, but he’s never “We follow the Enliven 6%+ƽ< variety caring more popular than when philosophy here, which We’re committed to communities he’s accompanied by his recognises that what- making sure they don’t four-legged assistant. ever our age, we all need miss out on that sense of support Whenever puppy, variety and meaningful connection.” trusted active fun Alice, comes with him activity, companionship To learn more about to Kowhainui, Sean says and contact with nature, Enliven’s pet-friendly he’s constantly greeted by with children, family and philosophy or about residents wanting to give the wider community in Kowhainui Home and choice her a cuddle. our lives to thrive. Village, visit www.en- “The residents just love “Animals hold a special livencentral.org.nz. You her. They always want place in the hearts of can also call the friendly to pat her and give her a the many residents here team on 06 349 1400. good belly rub. She may be a big dog, but she’s very dopey, very placid and loves the attention!” Two unique communities in Whanganui Alice is far from the only pet regularly seen Retirement living around Kowhainui Home Rest home and Village. Rest home Hospital care residents also enjoy the company of three cats, Respite 6$%%[ Health recovery 6[ and regular visits from K9 Friends volunteers are a staple of Kowhainui’s tailored activity pro- Kowhainui Home & Village Abingdon Village gramme. 88 Virginia Road 22 Oakland Avenue For those residents who already have their Phone: 06 349 1400 Phone: 06 349 1494 own pets, there’s also the possibility of moving in with their companions Enliven creates elder-centred communities that recognise the provided they get along with animals already liv- individual and support people in a way that's right for them. ing at the home. The home’s welcom- ing attitude to pets stems www.enlivencentral.org.nz from Enliven’s holistic approach to elders’ well- 20 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 Bill Leslie celebrates U3A film this month is “Canaletto 100 years and the Art of Venice”

Four generations – Bill with young Bill, grand- daughter Sheena and great granddaughter, Olivia

The U3A Cinema Group way on the history of the remind themselves of a 6+ % 4 travels to eighteenth centu- City of Bridges. He takes $\+%*< architectural and math- ry Venice via the Queen’s in not only Canaletto's Listening to accounts 64 6 - extensive collection of own work but also that of how Canaletto's agent + %4 % Canaletto’s paintings. The of lesser-known painters managed the internation- the very concept of an % \% 6 !- working in the same style. al trade in his paintings artist working for a liv- ice – most recently in the /4 * makes this feel like some- ing in this way rather than past few weeks - and the %4 * + thing that might have hap- pleasing a patron.” prospect of worse to come catering to a busy tourist % +%+< —%%4 If you are interested Bill Leslie was born in years. gap in between for Grant with the rise in sea levels 4 $+ - the street and canal scenes in joining U3A or in be- =+4'—% Being a farmer in Ireland /X)%œ< induces a sense of grati- ducing the picture post- %® %ƽ- ing placed on the email '$4 _ he continued to work on Bill’s life has revolved tude to Canaletto for his cards of their time appeal- 4 $ 6 6 [ 6 %'*(% % '* (%4 around animals and he tireless work in recording ing to those who could clothing and greater quan- [4 +6 * * *64 4 working mainly for Fernie related well in particular this beautiful city. ƽ% tity of sails. known to Mark Hum- on their honeymoon and to = œ4 to his working dogs and [4 ‘ but could take home prints The precision of the art- phrey before or after the start a new life here. They 4 " œ 4 6 % + 4 - of Canaletto's Venice to ® *4 * - screening. never returned to Ireland %%)4 they are more trustworthy bassy Theatre at 10.30am but did have visitors from another Fernie farm out to- than humans. He was never %%+4'$< their homeland over the *%œ%4* more happy than being on a All are welcome. A group sheep muster on horseback of regulars enjoy a light with his trusty handful of lunch and chat about the very well trained dogs. [ )% 6 When he was 59 the last the screening. All new- Fernie farm was sold so Bill comers welcome. came to town and changed A summary of Jenny professions and worked for Kermode’s review of this œ ™4 - [6** bling and making parts for full review on the IMDb agricultural equipment un- website. +‘< O=š_‘4Ÿ = % % * / }4 * %4 X % + }4 $ 6 another Bill and now also the most famous urban four grandchildren and one landscape painters of all great granddaughter. time. His particular pas- He is a very independent sion was for Venetian city- man and drove until the age 46* 6 _ * now the property of the an accident on the road. British royal family. [+ How did the paintings 4+ come to be in this corner + % *4 6 6 % =ƽ 6*4Y% 4 - the community at Kowhai- % 4 )3< \ *

RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 21 Creative UCOL students show their works in exhibition Talent, skill and imagi- experience levels. They munity.” Said Tricia nation are all about to have worked very hard Falkner, Senior Lec- be on show at a number to hone their skills as turer and Photography of exhibitions by UCOL designers and they have & Programme Leader. students. had great successes”. Tributaries which Stand up, step up and join the White This is a great oppor- The interior design opens in Whanganui at tunity to come and soak students also had the four separate locations up some art, design, opportunity to complete on 23 November, is a interior design and a design scheme for a combination of all the Ribbon Riders this Friday just enjoy the talent on client, their feedback %ƽ% show. was, "The students have at UCOL. Stephanie UCOL Diploma of In- done amazing pieces West, Programme terior Design Exhibition of work. They are Leader & Lecturer - is open this Thursday fabulous and express Fashion and Textile at and Friday, showcas- some wonderful ideas, the Whanganui campus ing innovative ideas concepts and careful said, “We encourage as well as the practical thinking.” the community and and technical skills the “The students have the families of our students have learnt worked really hard this students to get out and through the year. year, with the projects see these exhibitions, Sean Dunne, Lecturer they have been in- visit the four venues in Interior Design, has volved with. and be captivated by this to say of displays. Projects not only what the students are “This year we’ve had providing an amazing exhibiting”. a really creative and learning opportunity for For more information considerate group of our students but also on any of these events students who come %$[ please visit https:// 66%ƽ- for our clients within www.ucol.ac.nz/ ent backgrounds and industry and the com- events. Council customer service

Whanganui anti-vio- ‘White Ribbon wants men area to get a revamp lence organisations are to take The Pledge, which calling for local men to means getting men taking Chief Executive, Kym stand up and join the real action. To take The Fell, is leading a charge White Ribbon Riders Pledge online, men will to modernise and improve when they roll into Whan- have to choose between front-line customer ser- ganui on Friday the 23rd one of eight actions to lis- vices at Whanganui Dis- of November 2018. 4\4$- trict Council starting with The White Ribbon Ride haviour, talk to others and a well-overdue revamp of is part of November’s disrupt negative behav- %\ White Ribbon Campaign, iour – all of which build area at 101 Guyton Street. raising awareness and respectful behaviour that Mr Fell says the Council support to end men’s vio- undermines violence. % [- lence towards women. The ride began in 2009 cant culture change in the This year, the campaign is and now reaches over last couple of years. “We focusing on getting men to 80 communities during are prioritising our com- stand up and get involved November and will pass munity and our custom- by taking The Pledge. through Whanganui on a ers, which in my view is White Ribbon Manager, motorcycle ride that cov- absolutely essential.” Council’s Customer Services Department will be Rob McCann explains, ers thousands of kilom- “I am very pleased that relocated to 179 St Hill Street during renovations, eters. we’re now able to create for around three months. Anyone can join the ride an attractive and welcom- The Council building at vance for their patience providing they have a cur- ing environment for visi- 101 Guyton Street was de- and apologise for any rent licence, a warranted tors to the Council. This is signed in 1965 and opened inconvenience this may bike with a minimum part of revolutionising the in 1968. A classic example cause.” engine size of 250cc and way we interact with and of mid-century modern- The Council’s Cus- are willing to make the assist customers. ism, the building has been tomer Services will be pledge never to commit, “We will be moving +%[%%- moved to 179 St Hill condone or remain silent away from out-dated [ - Street, in the Council in- about violence towards counters, caged cashier tural features. frastructure building, for women. Local riders are stations and long queues. The design of the refur- %6[< also welcome. Instead you will be warm- bishment has been under- All the usual front- The White Ribbon Ride ly welcomed and person- taken by Dalgleish Archi- ƽ% will attend several events ally assisted, whether this tects, re-organising the by the Council will be around Whanganui, in- means helping customers \ % available at the St Hill cluding: complete an online form business practice, while Street location. 09:15 - 10:45 - Keith at a digital kiosk, or intro- also recognising the origi- The Mayor and Chief Street School - ducing them to a special- nal 1960’s design. %ƽ White Ribbon Riders will ist such as a duty planner Mr Fell says, “I think our will move to Heritage be welcomed onto the $%ƾ< customers will enjoy the House at 136 St Hill school with a Haka, then “Whanganui is a very new space very much and Street and all Council there will be an assembly welcoming and vibrant ƽ*$ Meetings and Committee where riders will address community and we want coming to work in an old- Meetings will take place the students, before a the customer experience fashioned, dreary environ- there. shared kai and time out- } \ ment. “Preparations for the side with the bikes. this. Everyone who walks “The cost of the interior move are already under- 12:00 - 13:00 - Street Pa- through our front door [$%%- way and we are all doing rade/Event Main Square should be treated as a very imately $500,000 which our best to make this as -Riders will ride along important guest. has been accrued over a smooth a transition as Taupo Quay, up Victoria “My experience in the number of years. We’ll possible.” Ave to Majestic Square. hotel industry taught me also take this opportunity Mr Fell says signage Two Riders will speak about attention to detail to address some deferred will be in place to advise (10 mins each). and the importance of the maintenance and ensure people of the closure and Other speakers include customer experience. I the building is compliant relocation and details the Mayor, Womens Ref- don't see why our visitors with current codes.” will be well advertised. uge, RISE Stopping Vio- to the Council deserve He says, “I do acknowl- Public access to 101 lence Services. + [ edge that this upgrade Guyton Street will be 13:30 - 15:00 - Aber- star treatment when they will cause some tempo- closed from 3 December feldy School - White rib- come to see us. After all, rary inconvenience while 2018 and construction is bon riders will address the they are paying in one we close the 101 Guyton estimated to take around children and the children way or another for our Street reception area and I three months to com- will perform. services.” thank our customers in ad- plete. 22 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 Live painting performance at Sarjeant next week

When should I enrol my child to go to school?

Your child can start rolled at a new school, all school or kura in New their personal records will Zealand between age 5 be sent from the previous and 6. All children must one. be enrolled at school by How do I enrol my their sixth birthday. child? What paperwork From 2018, if you en- do I need to provide? Artist Julia Holden painted model Miranda Parkes as the painting rol your child in a school You enrol directly with Lady with Ermine (a version painted by Elizabeth Parkes). which has cohort entry, < }- your child may be able to [% }+} Sarjeant. It is timed for %R*+$Y start school before their enrolment process, and to artist-in-residence, Julia 5.30 to 7.30pm. to be under the paint too [6 $%+< } - get their enrolment forms. Holden, will do a live Julia is known for her long but also because I try is when new entrants Documents for enroll- painting performance at performance painting por- am looking to capture a start school in groups ing R%6+< to enrol my child? Sarjeant on the Quay on traits which incorporate very fresh, wet, immedi- throughout the year, at the } * Can I enrol my child at First of all, contact the Thursday, November 29. elements of performance, ate and visceral outcome. start of each school term. or kura to see what paper- any school I like? school and ask whether /}4Œ- painting and photogra- The exhibition ‘125: When your child has work they want. They will Not always. they have an enrolment sica Kidd, will be trans- phy. Using people as her }$ started at school or kura, want things like: If the school has an ‘en- scheme, and if so, get formed into a painted canvas, the subjects of 6}R they must go to school +6+%R R4 them to explain how you version of the Yvonne these portraits are taken currently on display at every day. This is a $ [ - words, is zoned, this gives can apply to enrol. Todd portrait, Maven from painted works. They the Sarjeant and Julia has change from the earlier port as proof of age them the authority to re- —6 + %R Fuller, which is currently exist in reality only long selected several portraits rule, where regular at- +6- strict enrolments to fami- enrolment scheme, they on display at the Gallery. enough to photograph and from the exhibition to tendance was required [” lies living within the zone. should not turn away any The performance will be [%% paint. She has invited vol- only from age 6. in the back of your Well If you want your child to enrolments. If they do, live-streamed via Face- paint is washed away. unteers from the Whan- Enrolling early helps }% $ + attend a zoned school and ask the school to put the book and occur in front She says, “The actual }+$ the school or kura with family doctor for a copy) you live outside the zone refusal in writing. You can of an invited audience of painting happens fairly the living canvasses for their planning. As soon % 6 you will have to apply to then contact your nearest Friends and Stars of the quickly both because I these portraits. as you've decided on % + %R go into their ballot. Ministry of Education of- a school or kura get in contact details What if a school refuses [6%< touch with them to enrol + %4 New Chief Executive appointed your child, arrange a time for example custody or for your child to start and access agreements the arrange some visits to get school should know about for Whanganui & Partners your child used to school 6+%$ or kura. enrolled in early child- / * }6  Some schools will start hood education, their has been appointed to using cohort entry in National Student Number lead Whanganui District 2018 ”''•4%}R }R  †- Under the current rules, record velopment arm. % %ƽ- % M + Mark Ward will take ent times throughout the family phone numbers up the position at Whan- school year, depending on and address and someone ganui & Partners on 7 when their birthday is, or the school or kura can call January 2019. when it suits you. There in an emergency if they } }6 - aren't set start dates like ecutive, Kym Fell says, there are in some other OX [ countries. strategic leadership and A change to the Educa- business experience and tion Act means that from we look forward to wel- term 1 2018, schools will coming him to the role be able to use a cohort and to Whanganui. entry system. They must “We went to consider- consult with their com- $ [% munity before bringing in right person for this key cohort entry. role and in Mark we felt If the school your child we had a candidate with is going to has cohort en- excellent credentials and try, new entrants will start proven capability.” in groups throughout the Mr Ward holds an MSc year at the beginning of in cellular biology and each term, rather than on molecular genetics from [6 $%+<  Auckland University and Mark Ward child will be able to start an MBA from Deakin selected to lead the inno- continued to work hard school at the beginning of University in Melbourne. vative team at Whanganui over the last several the term closest to their His experience includes & Partners. months.” [6$%+$- }6  Whanganui & Part- }R Ÿ- ning of any later term, up with the Wellington- =% }4 X+ eral Manager, Infrastruc- until they turn 6. based New Zealand Vet- Fothergill, says he is look- ture, Mark Hughes and Changing schools erinary Association and ing forward to having Mr ^ R If your child is chang- }%œ%)< Ward in the role. “He will %M†- ing school or kura for any His career achievements bring a fresh perspective. tion and Marketing, Paul reason, you need to let encompass research and We certainly had a num- }* %% - the school know they are development, high level ber of very talented appli- im management support leaving and which school %[ cants for this position, so and leadership during the they will be going to, and and business performance *R+%4 recruitment process. make sure they are en- improvement. but we needed the right Mr Fothergill says, “We rolled in their new school. Mr Ward plans to re- [6%- have an excellent, well- This includes moving to a locate to Whanganui ment.” rounded team and this is new primary school, kura, from Levin to take up “I have appreciated the now completed with the intermediate or secondary the position and says he *+ ƽ - appointment of Mark as school. is delighted to have been ganui & Partners have }6

24 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 Leaving school before the age of 16 By law children in New ƾ< Young people do better Talk to the school prin- child stay at school and Ÿ*+ /+ Zealand aged 6 to 16 years #- when they gain a NCEA cipal, your child’s home ™[[< /) % old must be enrolled in ing from staying at school. ™[ ” teacher, career counsellor, Your child may be eligi- ž ”6+ %% school. There are some What should I do? ™™[•< guidance counsellor, some- ble if they meet all of these known as the Correspond- Get in touch with your situations where your 15 As a parent it is really Research shows that one else at school that you criteria: ence School) local Ministry of Educa- year old can get permis- stressful to see your child those who leave school trust, or your local Ministry % $- % % ƾ ‹ + sion to leave school early. struggling with school. You * ™[ 6%ƾ< lems mainstream to you about these and This could be to go on to can end up thinking that + %ƾ- people can tell you what % /% other options. other training or a job. To your child would be better culties when they get into all the options are and help %6 discuss this option contact ƽ the workforce, earn less you access them – things $[ 6 + the local Ministry of Edu- job or study elsewhere. +4 [% % like using the Youth Guar- school continue studying later on antee scheme to develop You will need to show and have higher unemploy- a plan for your child that that you and your child ment rates. includes study and career have a plan for what they Fees free website The senior secondary goals. will do to successfully get The Fees Free website (www.feesfree.govt.nz) has school years help prepare If you’ve done these into further training or a been updated with new information for those want- students for further study. things and think your child career. ing to enrol for provider-based tertiary study or in- Students who leave school *R$[6+ How do I apply? dustry training in 2019. before the age of 16 for ter- at school you can discuss Contact your local Min- School leavers and other people who want to start tiary study, may not be pre- the options including an + 6 % ƾ tertiary study or work-based training in 2019 can now pared for it and often drop early leaving exemption on to discuss your child’s cir- check their eligibility for Fees Free support next year. $6+[< their behalf. cumstances and the best %$%++4*4 There are lots of options What is an early leaving ways they can support you. institute of technology, polytechnic, or private train- for you and your child and exemption? An early leaving exemp- $4[+66‹ lots of people that can help. It is an approval from the tion may be looked at as study fees-free, or an equivalent amount of part-time Talk with your child and Ministry of Education for an option. If this is the case study fees-free. *$6+ your 15 year old child to be the Ministry will talk you New apprentices and their employers can have their [ %< / + exempt from enrolment at a through the process. ‹Y$%6[*+< child is under 16 you are school. What other help is avail- Most senior secondary students and recent school still legally responsible Is my child eligible? able for my child? leavers will qualify for fees-free support. Fees Free for your child so this is a The rules for getting an There are lots of options support is available for New Zealanders (includ- shared decision. You need early leaving exemption that could help your child, ing citizens, residents of over three years’ standing to work together to under- are very strict and it’s im- like: and refugees) for study at Level 3 and above on the stand the pros and cons and portant that you’ve looked  '*(%±[œ*< risks of staying at school or at and discussed all the 4 capped at $12,000. leaving. other options to help your or work courses

i am inspiring young artists


How will you Make a Difference?

Gem Farrell UCOL Creative 0800 GO UCOL Degree Graduate UCOL.AC.NZ

RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 25 Jumbo crossword 006 ACROSS :D% 35 Major artery (5) 1 Spreading plant (7) 73 Slyly derogatory (5) G 74 Incomplete number !.% is possible, but ' Gç highly uncertain !/[# 4 (5,3,2) 'F&! D 9 Sampling by mouth '"G= 47 Make go (7) (7) & '& ';6 49 Insinuate (5) '/& #;%' '84! L& ! '6?"? 19 Enhanced (10) '!;%66 52 Particular skill such "#[ (7) &?64 appearance, DOWN (10) %&' 1 Flatten (5) = 21 Stringed instrument "J' 54 Undeveloped frog (5) +& (7) "\ 8 59 Intensive bombing "+- (5) 27 Nourishment (9) G6! #;& ".' !D6 - /4 'G V' .6! #.%%6 !W[! '84' 11 Citrus fruit (7) '.&! :;& "6 !#K #<=%& !66 41 Circular course (5) 17 Rich saints (anag) 72 Remove bones from 42 Actions (5) (10) 45 Struggle to the very 'K 75 Dog breed (5) "??' ""LK==4 77 Pip fruit (5) 52 Established custom %= !' (5) " 79 Sagacious (4) 6\ "[! '#F @ ";M4? ! cigarettes (4) '' "'J! /%! ":G?= "8 46? B #; ' [ : 33 Decorative design '; (5) Sudoku Last week’s crossword solution F;GXF?L===? ;?F6?;?!J?: ?"#?"Y4?"".4?" /6?"!F?"';%%4?;?   Y?FK?!?:+? Y[?"F?6?W? W?#G?F?FZ?'  ?:.%?#/?+? FK?6?8?K%?'    <?:G?!W?!+4? !!<?!:+?'?'?'   ?'[?'!W?''V6 6[?':V4\  <X"6?+&?W?? !+?'/?:8?#G&? F%%?"Y?/4?;%?'  F?"G?"G?"W?"! F?":4?#?F6?   ";?B?F?'6?# V?W?;K?!W?'+-?   49 Muted, 50 Retched, 52 Meandering, 53 .?+M?F6?F%?! 8FG Last week 8%?"K?!G&?'<6?!#    @?!"Lç?!L?!F?! Fill the grid so that every   +4?!+?!'G?'#G?'"    6?'<\ column, every row and           every 3x3 box contains  5x5 the digits 1 to 9.          Insert the missing letters    6 N[& Last week’s CodeCracker [&\ More than one solution may be possible. OGL ER FRAME FADES Last week All puzzles © The Puzzle Company EVENT www.thepuzzlecompany.co.nz RENDS

26 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 Recent Whimsical tales of old Wanganui RCP Granny Dalton - Series 2, Episode 4 - By Murray Crawford turn of the Collegiate whither...... It is really ceeds donated to charity. Zealand.” boys, who had supported rather sad that such an But soon afterwards she Granny Dalton's full winners Our previous episode Granny through several old identity should have made a brief reappear- obituary (Wanganui left us lamenting the house-burning events, to vanished from the scene ance in Wanganui looking Herald: 6 April, 1903) Winners of the draw for fact that Granny, having have cause to lament. but nothing would sur- “quite spick and span as appears in my book the Rob Joass show at evicted a devious boarder April, 1902: “The prise us less than to see compared with her former “Whimsical Tales of Old Lucky Bar from her kerosene-tin gaiety of the school was at the beginning of next garb.” Wanganui”. The Whan- ment of Granny Dalton, The winners were – hovel because he tried to considerably eclipsed term the old lady installed 3*4[+ ganui District Council perhaps “G” should be Raewyn O’Connor and steal her 'baccy', could by the news that Granny once again in her wide in the Collegian stated: is currently seeking sug- given the honour when a Wendy Heibner. Con- have had a free supply Dalton had abandoned domains.” “Granny Dalton's death is gestions for street names suitable street becomes gratulations and thanks of her favourite weed if the mansion erected for But by year's end it reported from Masterton. for new housing develop- available, especially to all those who entered only she had taken up the her by the school some seemed Granny had gone Many must remember the ments. One of the naming considering that an the draw. Watch out for ƽ6% year or two ago and had for good so her “man- old lady in her little house criteria is that it should ƾ**+ more competitions over Jubilee Home. been seen in a carriage on sion” was sold for the among the sand hills. \ High School was for the next few months. But soon it was the the train to who knows sum of £1 and the pro- She was a type not very person or event. In light many years known as Speed Skating on the streets often met with in New of the Collegian's assess- “Granny Dalton's Lane”. this weekend

Granny Dalton surveys her wide domains

St John’s Club president Royce Tunbridge presents a cheque to young speed skaters Wanganui’s St John’s Club is again If rain interrupts proceedings, then rac- the proud sponsor of the Wanganui ing will be at Jubilee Stadium instead. Sadly passed away recently... Amateur Roller Skating Club in its The St John’s Club President, Royce ninth running of its Rivercity Speed Tunbridge, presented the sponsorship Elizabeth Ida (Betty) BANKS, Skating Tour. cheque to a gathering of young Wan- Skaters are entered from as far away ganui speed skaters at the Club on Fri- aged 82 years, died 13 November 2018. as Timaru and Auckland and will be day and said that the St John’s Club was Ngaire Mae BOSTOCK, competing over the weekend of the pleased to be able to continue to support aged 86 years, died 19 November 2018. '$ ›©ˆ< the event. Agnes Elhamma CALLAHAN, Kowhai Park at 10am Saturday before The public are welcome to come along XXš[- and have a look at any of the venues and %‘Š+4%%'$< ishing at Jubilee Stadium 9am Sunday. there is no charge for admission. Colleen Whitimoana GOODGAME, %‘‘+4%%ˆ'$< Brian George HAYES, aged 61 years, died 18 November 2018. Sports Talk Janet Ngarongo HIRI, with Trevor Mackay IntimateIntimate GardenGarden CourtyardCourtyard FuneralsFunerals %‘‘+4%%_'$< Edith McCOSH, Blind Bowlers, the Bailes Cup for the top ThisThis tran tranquilquil spacespace offersoffers aa uniuniqueque aged 81 years, died 19 November 2018. settingsetting for smaller funerals. Warm sun Boxing, Awards province and Fredericksen Michael Lester NEWELL, said the group was de- andand bbeautifuleautiful flowersflowers createcreate aa speciaspecial,l, %‘›+4%%š'$< Russell Lowry was the lighted at their success. memorablememorable ffarewell.arewell. Arrange a visit toast of the Wanganui Condolences to the todaytodayyy andand meet our ffriendlyriendly team. Cecil George RATCLIFFE, Vision Impaired Bowl- }%[%6+4* %_‘+4%%'$< ing Club at the recent a modern gladiator earlier Lena Terina TAPA, nationals in Dunedin, <)}%[% winning the totally blind was a member of a noted %_Š+4%%‘'$< men’s singles and then Whanganui boxing fam- Trevor Mackay going on to win the ily. Ronald George Chad- the brothers on their bills. champion of champion’s [% * ‘ˆ< ) $% Ron featured on a cover title against the total la- as an amateur and profes- of a boxing record book dies champ. 4[6+ by Bob (later Sir Robert) Colleen Pryce won as a middleweight. He was Jones. The cover photo the partially-sighted la- one of a trio of brothers followed the immediate dies singles and missed who left their mark on the reaction of Ron to his out on the champion of sport, the others being Da- taking of a decision. The champion’s title by one vid and Harry. Dave, like reaction of Ron was joy- shot. Ron, was a professional ful. Chasing the elusive after being an amateur. Congratulations to mo- partially sighted men’s Ron was a walk up boxer tor racing driver and su- singles, club president and his style meant that preme award winner Earl Ken Fredericksen was his bouts were not short Bamber at Sport Wan- unsuccessful but was of action. The Welling- ganui’s big night. Earl compensated when he ton matchmakers, Brian was a worthy winner in and Sarah Fallen won the O’Brien and the former fashioning an outstand- open pairs. Wanganui boxer Clive ing record in endurance The 13 Wanganui Head, appreciated Ron’s racing. His victories have bowlers came home with style (as they did David’s) included two at a famous 11 trophies including and were pleased to have venue, Le Mans.

RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 27 RCP CLASSIFIEDS - 19,000 copies delivered throughout Wanganui, Ratana, Whangaehu & Turakina FOR SALE GARAGE SALE WANTED TO WORK WANTED BANQUETS, lunch, dinner or BUY Yum Cha. Group bookings wel- GONVILLE, come. Beijing licensed Chinese BOOKS. Keen to buy all good 9am, books. Old or new. Buyer will Restaurant, 30 Maria Place. 24 November, Saturday. Phone 345 4889. call. Contact me now. Bookman 1 Bignell Street. Ph 021-0289-5342. CARD table. “Rodroc” excel- Garage/boot. Sausage sizzle, lent conditon. $55.00 Ph: 06 GINZA. Always buying, al- Vendetta by ¬<©ƽ4¬Š<œ ways selling. Good used fur- 345 4367. painting - Koha. Iris Johansen CHINESE meals delivered or niture, antiques, china and col- With his dy- pick up. Banquets for group lectables. Call Ginza 345 3154. ing breath, catering or families. Beijing Carl Venable, Restaurant, 30 Maria Place. BARBER SHOP head of the Phone 345 4889. PETS AND CIA task force DRIED blood now available LIVERPOOL Barber. Auck- on terrorism $8.00 a kilo, great for poly- land man in leather jacket. LIVESTOCK and Jude Bran- anthus and primulas and the Contact shop. Thanks. %R [ garden. Only at Parnells Quality ALL dog training and Doggy Tree and Shrub Nursery, 102 link to terror- Daycare. Don’t leave your Fox Rd, Wanganui. SITUATIONS dog at home when it can come ist ringleader and play, swim, socialise and Max Huber, EXPRESSIONS closing sale: 56 VACANT cuddle. Full and half days and FOR RENT WORK gives Bran- Guyton Street, town centre, new special afternoon prices don a man- Wednesday 21 to Saturday 24th: FEMALE escorts wanted. Safe available. Private obedience FLATS furnished from $205 WANTED date: Keep ‹›<![4 environment, nice rooms. Get and behaviour training avail- per week. Caravans from $190 LAWNS, gardening, section his daughter, [4Y4$ paid to do something you enjoy. able for pups from eight weeks per week. All with $30 free clearing. Repairs, pruning, and selected art pieces. Contact Great rewards. Phone Teasers old. Understand your dog and electricity per week. Bignell Rachel, safe cleaning motels, tidy-ups. Steve 021426731. 022 4654499. have a successful relationship Street Motel. Ph. 0800 244 635. at any cost. In Rubbish, firewood, bee- FRIDGE Freezer. Good con- GET paid to exercise! Pamphlet and a happy home. Classes for WANGANUI East 2 Bed- this gripping, frame cleaning. Please call diton. Washing machine, very Distribution require reliable all ages and abilities. Limited room house. Suit retiree or fast-paced 0220920962. boracay_26@ good conditon. Freeview Box. runners to deliver RCP and bro- spaces. Book now. Pet Dog mature person/couple. Refer- novel from yahoo.co.nz Armchairs. Phone 348 2409. chures each week. Phone Bubs School, 345 2553, www.pet- ences, credit check required. MOBILITY Scooters. Sales, #1 New York on 343 2010 or 027 218 2010. dogschool.co.nz. Rent $250. Call Kathleen service, repair, rental wheel- Times bestselling author Iris Johansen, one thing is GOOD selection of Native 0279151774. clear: Everyone has a vendetta, and no one will rest trees and shrubs ready for plant- chairs, walkers, ramps. Call until they get their revenge. ing, Pittosporrum, Griselinea, SITUATIONS VACANT Graeme 021 1195118 or (06) Corokia, Ngaio. Good lines for TO LET 347 6927. The Three Secret Cities by Matthew Reilly PIANO tuning by experienced When Jack West Jr. won the Great Games, he cre- coastal environments, Carex and Phormium for wetlands, FLATTING too expensive? English-trained tuner. Also buy ated chaos in the four kingdoms. Now forces from a plus many more. Parnells Qual- Try a portable cabin. Warm, %<}‹ƽ dark shadow world beyond our own are ready to get ity Tree and Shrub Nursery, 102 comfortable, self-contained repairs done. 7-Day service. %%$%6N[% Fox Road, Wanganui. Estab- sleepout, delivered. Phone/text Message for Peter on 027 three secret cities, lost in the mists of time. lished 1895. 027 450 4965 or (06) 348 7887, 3351167. Dark Sacred Night by Michael Connelly JOE Lett Ltd, all sorts of mo- www.ptlportables.co.nz. STUMP grinding, lawnmow- Renée Ballard is working the night beat again and bility aids including scooters, ing, section clearing. Free, no returns to Hollywood Station in the early hours only wheelchairs, available. Joe ADULT obligation quote. Clean and Lett Ltd, 11 Churton Street, ph Tidy Lawnmowing. Phone [%\%[$< 344 2441. intruder is retired detective Harry Bosch, working a 345 8599. ENTERTAINMENT LUNCH, 4 course buffet. cold case that has gotten under his skin. Ballard kicks Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. TEASERS Escorts and Mas- HEALTH AND him out, but then checks into the case herself and it $25.00. Child 3 to 12, $1.00 per sage. Warm and air-conditioned. brings a deep tug of empathy and anger. LAPD Detec- +<ƾ})< Discrete entrance available. 57 BEAUTY tive Renée Ballard teams up with Harry Bosch in the Phone 06 3457864. Ingestre St. Ph: 0224654499. JADE Traditional Thai Mas- **6[6·'$ SHEEP manure $6 per bag. See our website: www.teasers- sage. Excellent massage at Michael Connelly. Buy 5 bags, get 1 free deliv- escorts.co.nz. reasonable prices. 64 Guyton The Comforts of Home by Susan Hill ered. Phone 344 8128 or 027 Street. Phone 348 8466 for an 6%ƾ+ 3934495. FIREWOOD appointment. the ninth installment of Susan Hill’s gripping mystery SIX lovely budgies. $10 each. JAX Hair Studio. Latest edition Phone 343 1040. FOR SALE series. Susan Hill returns with a hair-raising new nov- GHD in store, Christmas gift packs and vouchers. Open 6 AFFORDABLE [*% el featuring the enigmatic and brooding chief police days, late night Thursday. 51A FRUIT & from $60 a cube for sale. Please inspector, Simon Serrailler. This intricate and pulse- Ridgway Street. Ph: 3472008. pounding series follows a collection of grisly crimes PRODUCE ring us on 06 3438466. +6ƽN%}66 Home is the most chilling and unputdownable install- FRESH vegetables available, WEATHER ment yet. open Thursdays, Fridays and These books are available at all good bookstores, and Saturdays. Laugeson’s Gar- of course, Whanganui District Library! dens, Westmere Road. $ RUN-ON 8ADVERTS COLUMN:...... (e.g. for sale, work wanted, wanted to buy, etc) Write one word in each box TO LEASE

Drop this coupon in with $8 to: River City Press, 52 Ingestre Street by Monday, 10am to get your advert into next week’s paper. Your advert will be delivered to 18,900 homes (Payment options: eftpos - cash - cheque)

28 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 NEED HELP? Emergency...... 111 City Mission/Foodbank ...... 345 2139 Women’s Refuge Wanganui ...... 344 2004 52 Ingestre St Email: [email protected]


ROYAL WANGANUI OPERA HOUSE Booking Office Ph. 349 0511 ONLINE BOOKINGS www.whanganuivenues.co.nz or www.ticketek.co.nz Booking Office Hours: Mon. to Fri. 10am-4pm; Booking/service fees apply - no refunds/no exchanges Royal Wanganui Opera House

Roger Hall’s comedy Social Climbers Thursday 22 November, 7.30pm Adult $65, Group 10+ $59.90 each, Child (school age) $55

Shirley McDouall School of Dance Snow White & A Showcase of Dance Saturday 1 & Sunday 2 December, 5pm Adult $18, Child $13, Senior/Friends OH $16

Christ Church Schola Sacra Choir - Sing Noel Saturday 8 December, 2.30pm Adult $20, Senior $15, Child U18 free at the door

Operatunity Cinderella Monday 10 December, 11am PERSONAL Tickets from Operatunity 0508 266 237. [email protected] FREE, confidential health checks, STD and HIV screen- The ABBA Show - ABBAsolutely fABBAulous ing. Outpatients Department, Thursday 13 December, 8pm Wanganui Hospital. Monday Adult $62.75, Group 6+ $57.75, Child to 13 yrs $32.75 and Thursday from 5pm - 6pm. Phone 348 1775. 7 Days Live LADY would like to meet a Saturday 15 December, 7.30pm gentleman 70 - 80 years old for Age advice 15+. Adult $54, Group 10+ $49, Senior/Student $49 outings and friendship. Reply to “Friendship” c/- RCP, 52 Repertory Theatre Ingestre St, Whanganui. PREGNANT? Worried? Need Dick Whittington and his Cat to talk? We care, listen and Thursday 13 & Friday 14 December, 6.30pm help. Ph. 348 0008 or 0800 Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 December, 2pm PREGNANT 24/7. Thursday 20 & Friday 21 December, 6.30pm Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 December, 2pm TAKE a break. Bignell Street Adult $25, Senior/Student $20, Child U15 $15 Family 2A+2C $70 Motel, two hours, $55. Phone Repertory member discounts apply 0800 244 635. Whanganui Opera Week RUBBISH NZ OPERA SCHOOL REMOVAL Heritage House Lunchtime Recital GREENWASTE and house- Wednesday 9 January, 12 noon - Tickets $25 hold. For free quote on loading Prince Edward Auditorium and bin hire sizes call Jarred 027 Masterclasses 281 7650 or 343 7501. Friday 11 with Russell Smythe & Monday 14 January with Della Jones, 7.30pm - Tickets $15 each Riverbank by Riverboat Museum LAWNMOWING Opera and Aroha on the River Thursday 17 January, 7.30pm AFFORDABLE lawns, great Adult $35 - 2-concert pass $60 quality service, great price. Senior $30, Student 16+ $20, Child 5-15 years $10 Pensioner rates available. Call Family 2A+3C $80. Paul on 021 245 4999. Royal Wanganui Opera House A great lawnmowing job done Great Opera Moments 2019 by operator with 22 years ex- Saturday 19 January, 7.30pm perience in Wanganui. Phone Adult $35 2-concert pass $60, Senior/Student $30 Bruce 021 2234094 or (06) 3489369. Piano Duo Spina & Benignetti Thursday 7 March 2.30pm Adult $30, Senior $25, Friends OH $20, Students $10

Book early for the best seats. Gift vouchers available.

River City Press - the good news paper TRADES & SERVICES TRADES & SERVICES DECKS, gates, trellis, fencing pergolas, odd jobs. No job too small. Yardiez Maintenance. PUBLIC PEST CONTROL Mobile 0278439392. Give us NOTICE BEE swarms collected. Wasp a call. TUNE into City Magic 106.9 nests destroyed. Phone Neil 027 FM from this Friday/Sunday 4579634. THANKS afternoons. Old radio count- downs. Dick Clark gold. Sun- RAFFLE A very big ‘Thank You’ to days 1pm. Find 106.9 top right RESULT ƽ3- next to religion station. Text tal, Surgical Ward, for their song requests 021 2160886, NZ Labour Party Whanganui fantastic care of me whilst I 70’s, 80’s. Broadcasting from Christmas Hamper winner No. recuperated from a fall. Jean- Durie Hill. ‹/%<[%< nie Shelton. RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 29 Temporary closure of Museum

Advent Reflection Great North Road. Topic this Tuesday, November 27: Saturday, 1 December, 10am - 3pm. $20 with June Bible Guidance About ... The Christian and the State. All Hickland rsj. Held at the Josephite Retreat Centre, 14 welcome. Supper and opportunity to chat. Sponsored by Hillside Tce. To Register call Pam on 345 5047 ext 3, Wanganui Christadelphians. For more about us: www. or email [email protected]. thisisyourbible.com, or phone 342 7726. Alcoholics Anonymous Senior Citizens Next Outing Phone 0800 229 6757. If you have a drinking problem Is on Sunday, 2 December - 2pm. Pick up from your maybe we can help. AA Wanganui area meeting list: home approx. 1.30pm. Entertainment is “Murshen Sunday, St Johns Lutheran Church Hall, 51 Liverpool Durken” the Irish Band. Cost $7 includes afternoon tea. Street, Wanganui, 9am; Monday, Friendship Hall, To book, please phone Patricia Baudet 345 5282. Morris Street, Marton, 7.30pm; Tuesday, 12.30pm, Special Meeting of the Wanganui St Johns Lutheran Church Hall, 51 Liverpool Street, Caledonian Society Incorporated Wanganui; Wednesday, St Luke’s Church Hall, 34 To be held on Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 7.00pm, X4}ƽ4‘<Š°%+4Œ in the Hatrick Room at the Brick House, St Hill Street. Lutheran Church Hall, 51 Liverpool Street, Wanganui, Formalising winding up of the Society. All interested 7.30pm; Al Anon, Tuesday, Quakers, 256 Wicksteed *4$+[$ Street. 7.30pm, Friday, Gonville Library meeting room, have the right to vote. Karen Aukett - Secretary. 12.30pm, ph 0508 425 266. Theosophy Whanganui At Wisdom is Yours Exploring spiritual development, philosophy, religion, The Museum will reopen again in mid-January in its old home at Meditation classes Monday 5.15pm entrance through science and the arts. We have a small library, study Queens Park back door, Wednesday 12.30pm, Saturdays 10.30am. groups and regular public discussions, second Sunday The temporary Whanganui Regional )%%ƽ Donations accepted. Pilates - Tuesdays 12.15pm - $10, monthly, 2pm. Back river entrance, Community Arts Museum at 62 Ridgway Street will and their equipment and the contents Yoga classes starting Monday, 15 October 9.30am. Reiki Centre, 19 Taupo Quay. Contact Kirsty 021 2123819. close on Friday, 23 November 2018. of the Museum Shop, will be moving & Development classes available. Enquire within. Ph: Email: [email protected]. This space has operated as a small back to the Museum building, ready for 06 3455002. The Wanganui Community Choir satellite museum for visitors, educa- the grand re-opening in January. Clairvoyance Demonstration Presents: “A Southern Christmas” tion classes and people attending pub- The entire museum team will be busy Clairvoyance, philosophy and healing at the Wanganui With Guest Artists, Shelley Walls, David Tipi, Michael lic programmes while the Museum *%[$% Spiritual and Awareness Centre. Our Mediums this Smyth & the Wanganui Community Youth Choir on building in Watt Street underwent making sure everything is in place be- week are Natasha & Kevin from Wanganui. 25 Tawa Saturday, 1 December - 2pm at Christ Church Anglican seismic strengthening. The installa- fore reopening the doors to the public Street, Wanganui. Sunday’s 7pm. All welcome. Cost Church, 243 Wicksteed Street, Wanganui. The concert tion of new exhibitions is now in its on Saturday, 19 January 2019. by donation. Like our Facebook page or contact Robert will be followed by Afternoon Tea. Adults $20.00; [% The Archive Research Service closed on 345 6308. Seniors $15.00; Students $10.00; Children under 12 visitor reception and administration temporarily in November and will re- Come and Sing Carols Free. Bookings at Visitor Information Centre i-Site spaces back into the Museum build- open on Monday, 4 February 2019. In the Barn with the donkeys, Timothy and Oliver and Whanganui, 31 Taupo Quay. ing. See you again in January 2019. the ponies, Wee Man and Mohawk on Wednesday, 5 Tui Motu Group December at 5.30pm. This is a fundraiser for Whanganui Tui Motu, an Independent Catholic Magazine, will )†/<œ*Š‘†*/ƽ challenge us to look with fresh eyes, with gospel eyes, Bowls Wanganui Inter Centre )%[%$<=+*< at current social, ecological and spiritual values. Come Contact Wendy Ward 343 8884. along and contribute to the discussion-inter-church Diabetes NZ Wanganui Branch and inter-faith dialogue is welcomed. Wednesday, 19 representative fixture held Free Entry. Saturday, 24 November, 10am - 12 noon December, 7 - 8.30pm with Sr Rita Cahill rsj. Held at at Central Baptist Church, 285 Wicksteed Street, the Josephite Retreat Centre, 14 Hillside Tce. To Register last weekend Wanganui. Guest Speaker: Dr Janet Titchener, Diabetes call Pam on 345 5047 ext 3, or email pam.hopper@ Specialist. A wonderful speaker who will inspire you to sosj.org.au. take control of your own health. For everyone including Wanganui Caledonian Society family and carers as well. Want to know more or need Is hosting our last ever St Andrew’s Day Service on transport, phone Irene 021 622055. Sunday, 25 November at 7.00pm at Trinity Mehtodist Church, Wicksteed Street. This will be followed by a “Guiding Children on the use of the concert and supper. All are welcome. The Feilding Pipe Internet & Social Media” Band will be in attendance. Given by the World Foundation for Natural Science, Wanganui Country Music Club Saturday 24 November, 2018. 2pm to 4pm. The Sunday, 25 November, 1pm - 4.30pm at Whanganui Community Arts building (downstairs Lecture Room), Girls’ College Hall, Jones Street. All welcome. Join us 19 Taupo Quay, Wanganui. Phone 344 2702. for a relaxed afternoon enjoying easy-listening country Lions Tot Town Railway music. Afternoon tea provided. Check out the sales table Operating since 1963 at Kowhai Park in Whanganui for Christmas Gift ideas. Admission: Non-member adults East, between 1 - 3pm weekends, Public and School - $4, children - $1.50, family - $5.50. Queries, phone holidays, weather permitting. Tickets for train and bee- Merlene 06 3444749. tle rides from the Lions Kiosk at the station. EFTPOS Wanganui Music Society End-of-year available. All proceeds invested back into children and Concert youth community projects. Sunday, 25 November at 4pm in St Paul’s Hall, Cooks Liturgy - Meri Kirihimete St. Guest artists, Annabella Stephens & Lauren Karl and (Please bring a non-perishable food item to assist those Schola Sacra Choir. $5 entry at the door. Finger-food tea in need at this time). Sunday, 16 December 4 - 5pm. to follow. Members a plate please. Held at the Josephite Retreat Centre, 14 Hillside Tce. To Register call Pam on 345 5047 ext 3, or email pam. Wanganui Science Forum [email protected]. Presents Window on Gondwana, The Flora of New Bruce Winterburn in action Lyric Singers’ End of Year Concert “Lift Caledonia by Dr Shane Wright, Biogeographer, your Voices” Auckland University. Time: Tuesday, 27 November, The David Jones Motors/ pair of Ray Park and lan team came second to Guest artist ‘Hot Potato’, Marie Brooks and Rosie 7.30pm. Venue: Museum’s Davis Lecture Theatre, access Small Business Account- Dickson won all three of Manawatu with Tarana- Rendell, Xavier Gregory. Christ Church, Wicksteed from Watt St. Cost - Members $4.00, non-members - ing Bowls Whanganui rep- the matches they played. ki third and Wairarapa St. Saturday, November 24, 2pm. Adults $15, children $5.00. Supper provided. resentative teams played The Women’s Senior fourth. free. Tickets at the door. Whanganui Guided Walking Tours against bowlers from team recorded seven wins The Women’s Academy Movie Night Fundraiser for Parkinson’s Learn about Whanganui’s fascinating 19th and 20th Taranaki, Manawatu and and a draw from their 15 [% - Whanganui century buildings and monuments, its history, people Wairarapa last weekend. matches. Taranaki won ond this time to Taranaki, “Bludgeon, Orcas of the Land” (as screened in 2018 NZ of interest and events that have fashioned our city. There were four groups the competition with 8 with Manawatu third and œœ•</ƽ%6+%+ Scheduled Tours leave the i-Site at 10am and 2pm each of competition - men’s wins and Whanganui the Wairarapa fourth. of Medieval Combat. By Ryan Heron and Andy Deere of Saturday and Sunday. Cost $10 per person. For other and women’s Academy was pushed into third as The singles player, Deb- Whanganui. Tuesday, 4 December - 7pm. Davis Lecture times, ring the i-Site for a booking - 349 0508. [M6$** Manawatu had the same bie Wildermoth, recorded Theatre. Tickets $15, Footloose Shoe Store, 90 Victoria Whanganui Musicians’ Club - Sunday have been playing bowls results but a better shot three wins from her three Aveune or at door. Afternoon 25 November - 2.00pm for less than 8 years and %ƽ< * matches. “Twas the month before Christmas”. A variety show men’s and women’s Sen- [%*+% The results will give Roller Skating at The Rink featuring local musicians and singers of the mature [< by one win. The pair of the Whanganui teams Fridays 7pm-9pm; Saturdays 2pm-4pm and 7pm-9pm; variety. Music of the 50’s and 60’s featuring Anything The Men’s Senior team Pauline Pirere and Jill [% * + Sundays 2pm-4pm. $5 entry fee. The Rink, phone Goes Orchestra, Aria, Tapestry, Clever Dick Harry and won 10 from 15 matches )ƽ4*6 next play representative 345 3381. For private bookings phone Jonelle on 022 Once Were Blondes. At the old Savage Club, Drews $ * %% ƽ $+ the matches they played. [+'* 1668921 or email [email protected]. Ave. $10.00. Taranaki who also record- The Men’s Academy Year. Save the Children ed 10 wins from 15 match- Are holding an Open Day on Wednesday, 28 November What’s On in the Community $$%ƽ- from 2 - 4pm at the Grand Hotel. Afternoon tea will be Notices ential by 19 shots across the 15 matches. Mana- River City Press provided. Reasonably priced gifts for all for sale. Phone What’s On in the Community notices are $10 for up watu came third in this Sue on 345 2211 for more details. to 50 words with the option of a colour heading for - proud to be locally owned Seminar: Getting to Know the competition with seven an extra $2 and/or a border for an extra $10. RCP, 52 wins and a draw and Wai- and operated - compare Bible Better Ingestre St, Wanganui by Tuesday 1pm to place your rarapa came fourth with 7.30pm, Tuesdays, in the Christadelphian Hall, 138 advertisement. two wins and a draw. The our prices! 30 - RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 Complaints against Real Estate ~ Spring cleaning tips ~ Kitchen Industry at a five-year low 64** 6466% Complaints against licensed real estate < <3R*+ professionals are at the lowest level in When the amendments come into force *< [+4%++< ”+$_•+* }+%<Ÿ%+6 )/+”)/• $+6) %*6%%6+$+ received 337 complaints against licensed /+†+$*% +%<ž* +< < ƽ6< 6%%ˆ œ'$›4*‹ †6+6<%$% Š< $% +ƾ+6+6< )/}64ž‹ R6)/R —R$*Y$ 4+% +)* $ 6% % 4 % %$+[+$$< \$%** }/ +%+%$ ©$©%<+$‹ %+%%4% }<+›6ŠŠ‘ %<3%*%< +%$+$*+% REA’s increased intervention with parties *6+% }6%<—R+6$ wonders! $6$% *+< 6%<+64+% }%[<R* 6%%6 “This legislative change recognises that <—*ƾ+6 664$+% $+%< Y+6$%$+ 6%%+6%66< R$6< O*%% $%%% †%+<+$ $< $ + ‹ % $*4P‹+< % % †‹ 6 + $+%< — *+ * 6 6% O6 6< 66< %<R%6%< $6*ƽ[‹ Bathrooms Around the house <4*$*% 6$$+ / 6 * * 6 + R6*M %%6% %6

RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 - 31 Ritesh & Bruce Whanganui’s trusted real estate opinion! WHANGANUI

Property Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 Ritesh Verma 027 577 7938 Office 06 281 3721 Bruce McGhie 027 333 2587 Sunny townhouse $199,000 Base yourself in the city $199,000 WEB ID WGU65216 WEB ID WGU65224 33 Kepa Street 17A Campbell Street This two bedroom townhouse is the perfect step into So close to the inner city, river activities and the low maintenance living. The large open plan living Saturday market, this property is the perfect city base. spaces open out to the leafy green courtyard garden. Low maintenance with no section to look after and built The separate kitchen has a wonderfully large pantry and in split stone, decramastic roof and aluminium joinery a servery to the dining room. The bathroom has a full your weekends are totally free! Sitting elevated above sized bath with shower over, and the separate laundry is the road the home enjoys a view of the surrounding a bonus, giving direct access to the rear courtyard. The suburb. Two double bedrooms, a separate kitchen and single garage has internal access and the grounds are open plan lounge/dining. A single garage at the neat and tidy. This home is sunny and welcoming - roadside, covered porch and patio complete this make it yours. package. VIEW By Appointment VIEW By Appointment

Ritesh Verma Ritesh Verma Mobile 027 577 7938 Mobile 027 577 7938 Office 06 281 3721 Office 06 281 3721 Home 06 345 6006 2 Home 06 345 6006 2 [email protected] [email protected] 1 1 Bruce McGhie Bruce McGhie Mobile 027 333 2587 Mobile 027 333 2587 NEW LISTING [email protected] 1 NEW LISTING [email protected] 1 Opportunity knocks TENDER Glen Logie homestead $649,000 WEB ID WGU64847 WEB ID WGU64789 GONVILLE WHANGANUI EAST 1A Saunders Place 6 Marshall Avenue s4WOBEDROOM BRICKANDTILETOWNHOUSEWITHSINGLE Sitting in a position of grandeur overlooking the integral garage 'LENLOGIE2OSE'ARDENS THISLARGERESIDENCE BUILTIN s&ULLYFENCEDPROPERTYSITUATEDINACUL DE SACLOCATION 1911, was the home of the Alexander family. The s#LOSETO'ONVILLE3HOPPING#ENTRE PRIMARYSCHOOL proportions of this dwelling are generous to say the hospital and Heads Road Industrial hub least with high pressed tin ceilings and leadlight s$EFERREDMAINTENANCE BEINGSOLDASIS WHEREIS WINDOWSTHROUGHOUT$OWNSTAIRSOFFERSANENORMOUS s4OTALRATES PA lounge with feature bay window, two bedrooms, two s.OTTOBESOLDPRIORTO4ENDERDATE bathrooms, kitchen, office (with lift to the upper storey) VIEW By Appointment and a second office. TENDER closes Wednesday 28th November, 2018 VIEW By Appointment at 4.00pm, Property Brokers Ltd, 51 Taupo Quay, Whanganui.

Ritesh Verma Ritesh Verma Mobile 027 577 7938 Mobile 027 577 7938 Office 06 281 3721 Office 06 281 3721 Home 06 345 6006 2 Home 06 345 6006 6 [email protected] [email protected] 1 3 Bruce McGhie Bruce McGhie Mobile 027 333 2587 Mobile 027 333 2587 TENDER [email protected] 1 [email protected] 2 Make this your escape! $550,000 English country character DEADLINE SALE WEB ID WGU65103 WEB ID WGU65094 23 Riverbank Road 43 College Street Situated in an elevated position, away from the road Beautifully positioned for the sun, the large leadlight and on the banks of the Whanganui River this property casement windows give this home an old world charm, is an oasis of peace and tranquillity. Escape the hassles and this feeling follows you as you step inside. Exposed of a busy life as you step through the doors and take in wood features throughout the house in warm, glossy the stunning river views. The lounge and two of the abundance, including polished wooden floors. The front three upstairs bedrooms all open out onto the deck lounge has an open fire that provides ambience in the allowing that amazing vista to follow you as you go colder months. about your day. The open plan kitchen, dining creates a VIEW By Appointment space that will become the hub for family life and DEADLINE SALE closes Wednesday 5th December, entertaining. 2018 at 4.00pm, (unless sold prior), Property VIEW By Appointment Brokers Ltd, 51 Taupo Quay, Whanganui

Ritesh Verma Ritesh Verma Mobile 027 577 7938 Mobile 027 577 7938 Office 06 281 3721 Office 06 281 3721 Home 06 345 6006 4 Home 06 345 6006 3 [email protected] [email protected] 2 1 Bruce McGhie Bruce McGhie Mobile 027 333 2587 Mobile 027 333 2587 [email protected] 2 DEADLINE SALE [email protected] 1 Cottage cutie $329,000 Character and charm $269,000 WEB ID WGU65151 WEB ID WGU64930 WHANGANUI CENTRAL GONVILLE 9 Sydney Place 24 Muir Street This centrally located and recently renovated three This 1920s character three bedroom bungalow is bedroom home has been freshly painted inside and out, looking for new owners. The large front porch offers creating awesome street appeal. Behind the picket shade from the heat of the summer sun and you are fence is a home that is ready for you - just move in! The welcomed by a good sized family lounge as you step kitchen has been transformed with new appliances and through the front door. Three great bedrooms, the neutral decor throughout creates a calm environment. master having direct access to the bathroom. The There is a single garage and a backyard ready for kitchen/dining are at the back of the house and then development, so bring all your green thumbed you step out onto the back porch, making summer inspiration and stamp your mark on this lovely property. barbeques a breeze. The large back garden boasts an VIEW By Appointment entertaining area and a new double garage. VIEW By Appointment

Ritesh Verma Ritesh Verma Mobile 027 577 7938 Mobile 027 577 7938 Office 06 281 3721 Office 06 281 3721 Home 06 345 6006 3 Home 06 345 6006 3 [email protected] [email protected] 1 1 Bruce McGhie Bruce McGhie Mobile 027 333 2587 Mobile 027 333 2587 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 2 pb.co.nz