Angliæ Notitia, Or, the Present State of England with Divers Remarks Upon
s/3/ AKGLIM N0TIT1A: jyhn or,the/w/ ENGLAND: With Divers REMARK S UPON The Ancient State thereof. By EDW. CHAMBERLATNE, Doctor of Laws. The Nineteenth Edition, with great Additions and Improvements. In Three PARTS. Sfart am quam naff us efi banc ornni. LONDON, Printed by T. Hodgkin, for R. Cbiftveil, M.Gillyfioretr, S. Sonith and B. Watford, M. Wotton, G. Sanbridgs, and B. Toots, 1700. Moft Excellent Majefty, william m. K I N G O F GreauBritain, Frame3 and Ireland’ Defender of the Truly Ancient, C.i- tholick, and Apoftolick Faith. This Nineteenth Impreffton of the (P RE¬ SENT STATE of ENG¬ LAND is Humbly Dedicated By Edw. Chamberlayne, Doftor of Laws. THE CONTENTS. A Defeription of England in general. Chap. X. Of its Name, Climate, Dimenfms, Di- Chap. II. Of the Bifhopricks of England. Chap. III. A Defcriftm of the feveral Counties tf England and Wales. Chap. IV. Of its Air, Soil, and Commodities. Chap. V. Of its Inhabitants, their Number, Language, and Character. Chap. VI. Of Religion. Chap. VII. Of Trade. GOVERNMENT. Chap. I. QF the Government of England in ge- Chap.II. Of the KJng of England, and therein of his Name, Title, Pcrfon, Office, Supremacy and Sove¬ reignty, Potter and Prerogative, Dominions, Strength, Patrimony, Arms and Ref fell. Chap. III. Of the SucceJJion to the Croton of England, and the King’s Minority, Incapacity and Abjence. Chap. IV. Of the prefent King of England ; and therein of his Birth, Name, Simame, and Genealogy, Arms, Title, Education, Marriage, Exploits, and Accef- fiyn to the Crown of England.
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