SPINK5 and Netherton Syndrome: Novel Mutations, Demonstration of Missing LEKTI, and Differential Expression of Transglutaminases

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SPINK5 and Netherton Syndrome: Novel Mutations, Demonstration of Missing LEKTI, and Differential Expression of Transglutaminases SPINK5 and Netherton Syndrome: Novel Mutations, Demonstration of Missing LEKTI, and Differential Expression of Transglutaminases Michael Raghunath,Ãz1 Lambrini Tontsidou,w1 Vinzenz Oji,Ã1 Karin Aufenvenne,à Funda Schu¨ rmeyer-Horst,à Arumugam Jayakumar,z Hartmut Sta¨ nder,à Josef Smolle,y Gary L. Claymanz and Heiko Traupeà ÃDepartment of Dermatology and wInstitute of Human Genetics, University Hospital, Mu¨ nster, Germany; zDepartment of Head and Neck Surgery, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA; yDepartment of Dermatology, University Hospital Graz, Austria; zDivision of Bioengineering and Department of Biochemistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore Netherton syndrome (NTS) is an autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis featuring chronic inflammation of the skin, hair anomalies, epidermal hyperplasia with an impaired epidermal barrier function, failure to thrive and atopic manifestations. The disease is caused by mutations in the SPINK5 gene encoding the serine proteinase inhibitor lympho-epithelial Kazal-type inhibitor (LEKTI). Sequence analyses of SPINK5 in seven NTS patients from five different families allowed us to identify two known and three novel mutations all creating premature termination codons. We developed a monoclonal antibody giving a strong signal for LEKTI in the stratum granulosum of normal skin and demonstrated absence of the protein in NTS epidermis. Immunoblot analysis revealed presence of full length LEKTI and of LEKTI cleavage fragments in normal hair roots, whereas in NTS hair roots LEKTI and its cleavage products were completely missing. Transglutaminase1 activity was present throughout almost the entire suprabasal epidermis in NTS, whereas in normal skin it is restricted to the stratum granulosum. In contrast, immunostaining for transglutaminase3 was absent or faint. Moreover, comparable with the altered pattern in psoriatic skin the epidermis in NTS strongly expressed the serine proteinase inhibitor SKALP/elafin and the anti- microbial protein human b-defensin 2. These studies demonstrate LEKTI deficiency in the epidermis and in hair roots at the protein level and an aberrant expression of other proteins, especially transglutaminase1 and 3, which may account for the impaired epidermal barrier in NTS. Key words: elafin/epidermal barrier/genetics/human b-defensin 2/mutation/Netherton syndrome/serine protei- nases/skin/transglutaminase J Invest Dermatol 123:474 –483, 2004 Netherton syndrome (NTS), a rare autosomal recessive Because of the variable expression of skin signs and genodermatosis, combines chronic and severe inflamma- delayed onset of characteristic hair abnormalities the tion of the skin with hair shaft anomalies and atopic diagnosis of NTS is often delayed. Frequently, the con- features. The degree of skin involvement varies, some comitant atopic diathesis with elevated IgE levels, asthma, patients show severe congenital ichthyosiform erythroder- and hay fever leads to misdiagnosis of severe atopic ma (CIE), whereas most present with ichthyosis linearis dermatitis (AD). Other cases are initially misclassified as circumflexa (ILC)––polycyclic migrating plaques with char- Leiner disease––severe seborrhoic generalized dermatitis acteristic double-edged scales (Traupe, 1989). Often pa- (Hausser and Anton-Lamprecht, 1996). Histopathology tients display at birth CIE, which in some of them improves does not allow to distinguish NTS from disorders such as and evolves into ILC. The finding of trichorrhexis invaginata psoriasis, because both conditions display focal para- (‘‘Bamboo hairs’’) is diagnostic (Sybert, 1997). These and keratosis with psoriasiform epidermal hyperplasia, focal other hair anomalies (pili torti, trichorrhexis nodosa), absence of the granular layer, intraepidermal neutrophil however, are not always present and even repeated hair accumulation and at the functional level an impaired samples may be negative. Other conditions often asso- epidermal barrier (Hausser and Anton-Lamprecht, 1996). ciated with NTS are delayed growth, recurrent infections, The list of differential diagnoses also includes erythrodermic urticaria, angioedema, failure to thrive, aminoaciduria, and psoriasis, erythrokeratoderma variabilis, and acrodermatitis in some instances slight mental retardation (Greene and enteropathica because of the perioral and perianal accent- Muller, 1985). uation of erythema and scaling (Greene and Muller, 1985). Recently, the diagnosis of NTS by molecular genetic analysis became possible due to the mapping of the Abbreviations: AD, atopic dermatitis; hBD-2, human b-defensin 2; respective gene locus on chromosome 5q32 (Chavanas LEKTI, lympho-epithelial Kazal-type inhibitor; NTS, Netherton syndrome; PTC, premature termination codon et al, 2000a) and subsequent identification of mutations in 1Authors have contributed equally. the SPINK5 gene (Chavanas et al, 2000a, b; Sprecher et al, Copyright r 2004 by The Society for Investigative Dermatology, Inc. 474 hBD-2 and elafin inand NTS. we observedNTS, which the may unexpectedlyably explain discordant strong expression the of presencedeficiency. disturbed transglutaminases1 In of epidermal and addition, 3 we barrier, mutations, in found a differential all andelafin. Here, remark- of we report two them known and resulting three novel in epidermal LEKTI microbial peptides human severe infections weepidermal analyzed the differentiation. expression Incross-linking of view the of of anti- behavior the the of susceptibility transglutaminasesand cornified to which in play envelopewe view a wondered and key of howpatients role LEKTI thus the on for mutations the expression for epidermal disturb of keratinization epidermal hyperplasia LEKTI. In studied addition, the body to assessremains the unclear. effects Weother of developed a tissue, novelin but monoclonal epidermis, pilosebaceous anti- its units (Komatsu domains precise remains to be biological determined.assignment LEKTI function mRNA is of present specific inhibitory activity to individual (Ma plasmin, trypsin, subtilisinLEKTI inhibits A, cathepsin G, and elastase predict a significant truncationnot of found the in LEKTI polypeptide. 80transmitted normal by chromosomes. both All (non-consanguineous)Bosnia). novel parents. mutations In It was two the independent patients of family differentwas ethnic origins from found (Austria, in Bosniaacceptor the splice heterozygous this site used andacceptor for mutation homozygous splice exon state 16 site was (Fig in 10cagtttcttaaagTCAA. 2). This bp This predicts upstream mutation an ofcggtttcttaaagTCAA additional the (splice very site wild-type strong underlined) aAG services/NetGene2/) was changed showed to thatfruitfly.org/seq_tools/splice.html and the http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/ wild-type sequence Prediction ProgrammA by detailed analysisaffects Neural of intron 15 this Network near mutation theand intron–exon using (http://www. 3.2 boundary the to by exonmutation Splice their 16. in Site father. family The398delTG H novel in was mutation transmitted exon 1432–13codon to G>A 5 both immediately (PTC) patients resultsleads 3.1 into to after a a frameshift PTC.mutation six resulting (Fig This into 2). Patient a codons. 1 prematuresiblings is termination homozygous for The 2.1/2.2, 715insT, which recurrent who two-bp acceptor are splice deletion bp homozygous site deletion for mutation inThe family in this novel mutations H patient putative are (patient an 5,revealed insertion 3.1 three of and T novel and in and 3.2; patientMutation two 1, analyses Fig published a two- mutations 1) (Table and I). a hibitory domains (Ma cysteine-rich protein consistingepithelial of Kazal-type 15encodes inhibitor) Kazal-type-like a serine in- (Ma protease2001; Komatsu inhibitor called LEKTI (lympho- 123 : 3 SEPTEMBER 2004 ¨ gert et al , 2002b; Mitsudo in vitro et al ¨ , 2002; Bitoun Mutation analysis by direct sequencing gert a battery of serine proteases including Results et al b -defensin 2 (hBD-2) and SKALP/ , 2002a). Recombinant human et al SPINK5 et al ¨ , 2003), but the exact gert , 2002a, b). mutations in NTS et al et al , 1999), a , 2002) and SPINK5 SPINK5 in vivo Table I. Netherton syndrome, mutations in SPINK5 LEKTI DEFICIENCY IN NETHERTON SYNDROME Patient Mutations Location Nucleotide change Predicted consequence Mutation published 1a 715insT homozyg. Exon 9 within domain 4 C(T)6G ! C(T)7G Frameshift (PTC þ 6) Novel 2.1 1432-13 G4A homozyg. Exon 16 after domain 7 cggtttcttaaagTCAA ! cagtttcttaaagTCAA putative splice site upstream Novel 2.2 1432-13 G4A homozyg. Exon 16 after domain 7 cggtttcttaaagTCAA ! cagtttcttaaagTCAA putative splice site upstream Novel 3.1 398delTG Exon 5 within domain 2 TGTGCT ! TGCTGA Frameshift (PTC þ 1) Novel R790X Exon 25 within domain 12 ACTCGA ! ACTTGA 2368 PTC Chavanas et al (2000b) 3.2 398delTG Exon 5 within domain 2 TGTGCT ! TGCTGA (PTC þ 1) Novel R790X Exon 25 with domain 12 ACTCGA ! ACTTGA 2368 PTC Chavanas et al (2000b) 4a 2468insA homozyg. exon 26 end of domain 12 G(A)10G ! G(A)11G Frameshift (PTC þ 4) Chavanas et al, 2000b 5 1432-13 G>A Exon 16 after domain 7 cggtttcttaaagTCAA ! cagtttcttaaagTCAA putative splice site upstream Novel 2468insA Exon 26 end of domain 12 T(A)10G ! T(A)11G Frameshift (PTC þ 4) Chavanas et al (2000b) aconsanguineous parents: first cousins 475 476 RAGHUNATH ET AL THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY healthy individuals (n ¼ 5) visualizing the full length protein at 140 kDa. At least three further LEKTI fragments could be seen at approximately 110, 90, and 60
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