MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE'Or TECHNOLOGY A. I. LABOAA. TORY Artificial Intelligence April 1970 Memo No. 191 Updated August 1970 BIBLIOGWHY Updated October 1970 Updated December 1970 Updated March 1971 Updated September 1971 Updated November 1971 *1-7 These are concerned with early LISP development. *8 Recursive Functions of Symbolic E22ressions and their Computation by Machine, John McCarthy, published in: Computer Programming and Formal Systems, North-Rolland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1963. *9-14 These are concerned with early LISP development. 15 SML - Examples of Prodfs by Recur$iortlnductioIi, John McCarthy. *16 A Question-Msweting Routine, A. V. Phillips. *17 Programs with Co_on Sense, John McCarthy. Published in Proc. Math. of Thought Processes, HMSO, 1958. Reprinted in Sema~tic Information Processing, Minsky (Ed.), M.I.T.Press~ 1968. *18 Some Re.sultsfrom a Pattern R!~ognition progra;m using LISP, Louis Hodes. *19 This is concerned with early IISP development. More information is in: The LISP 1.5 programming Manual M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass. The Programming Language LISP Berkeley Enterprises,Newton, Mass. LISP 1.5 ~ri~er, Clark Weissman, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. *20 Puzzle Solving Program in. LISP, john McCarthy. *21 The Proofchecker, Paul Abrahams; see complete version in Mathematical Algorithms, April 1966, Vol.l, No.2; July 1966, Vol.l, No.3. *22-26 Cortcerned with early. LISP development. *27 Simpli~y, Tim Hart *28 .Concertied with early LISP development. 29 Introductiort to the Calculus cf Knowledge, Bertram Raphael , Nov. 1961. *Not available 2 *30 The Tree Prune (TP) Algorithm, Dec. 1961, Timllatt & Daniel Edwards, Revised Oct.
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