AT RISE: The audience is seated in a horseshoe shape around the playing area. Upstage to one side there is the percussion stand. STORYTELLERS will sit or stand on stools, chairs and ladders near this stand and play various percussion instruments to enhance the action throughout the play. The playing area may be set with real chairs or boxes that can be used for sitting and standing. A toy chest is set upstage and must be sturdy enough for actors to stand on. Various props will be to the sides covered in cloth to hide from audience until they are used.

(SOUND CUE #1: Tchaikovsky music: Overture. Pre- show music as audience enters.

STORYTELLERS enter, each goes to the perimeter of the playing area to speak to their section of audience.


ANGEL: Welcome, visitors!

EVERGREEN: Welcome one and all!

HOLLY: It is a very special day here in our little village.

ANGEL: All the shops are shining bright with Christmas decorations…

EVERGREEN: The silver bell in the steeple is ringing loud and clear!

HOLLY: Bong!

ANGEL: Bong!

(STORYTELLERS lift their arms making an orb/bell over their

heads.) STORYTELLERS: Bong! Bong!

EVERGREEN: And look how beautiful the snow is!

(STORYTELLERS look up and “see” the snow fall. All lift their hands to wiggle their fingers indicating the snow falling. They play in it: some hold out their hands, others stick out their tongues to catch the flakes; some lay down to make snow angles. After their fun, CLARA enters running and out of breath. STORYTELLERS stand up, talk to audience.)

CLARA: (Calling over her shoulder.) You can’t get me, you wicked little boy!

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 9

HOLLY: Clara and her brother Fritz…

(FRITZ enters running with snowball.)

FRITZ: Ha-ha! That’s what you say!

ANGEL: …Were looking forward to Christmas Eve!

(FRITZ throws snowball and hits CLARA in the back…)


(CLARA reacts to hit at her back.)


(CLARA gathers snow up and throws back. STORYTELLERS gather up snow and start to throw them too.)

Take that you wicked boy!

(All are laughing and throwing until FRITZ gets CLARA again. Now she’s mad.)

Knock it off!

(STORYTELLERS are stopped by this warning.)

I’m telling Uncle Drosselmeyer.


(STORYTELLERS clap the snow from their hands and move upstage out of the scene, after their lines they sit in their places.)

HOLLY: Mr. Drosselmeyer was a famous sight around town…

ANGEL: It seemed he whisked about on a gust of wind…

(STORYTELLERS blow wind toward DROSSELMEYER as he enters. The wind makes him twirl.)

EVERGREEN: Tapping the ground with his cane…

(DROSSELMEYER taps and grabs for his hat trying to stay upright in the wind.)

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 10

HOLLY: His little top hat bobbing on his head…

ANGEL: Carrying a mysterious knapsack on his back.

FRITZ: (To Clara.) Aw, Uncle Drosselmeyer wouldn’t hurt a fly.

CLARA: But he might decide not to give you your surprise tonight.

DROSSELMEYER: (To STORYTELLERS.) Merry Christmas to you, children! (To audience.) Merry Christmas to all of you too! Now what’s all this I hear about a surprise?

FRITZ: You’ve been promising surprises for a year!

DROSSELMEYER: Have I? Oh Dearie me. (Taps his head.) The old noggin just doesn’t work like it used to.

FRITZ: But you can’t forget!

CLARA: Silly, he’s just playing with you, Fritz.

EVERGREEN: Just then the bell rang again…


(STORYTELLERS move up toward their stand and out of scene.)

DROSSELMEYER: (Checking his pocket watch.) It’s almost time for your parent’s party, children. It’s the event of the year! You don’t want to be late.

CLARA: You’re coming too, aren’t you Uncle?

DROSSELMEYER: I won’t be long. Run along now.

(CLARA and FRITZ start to leave, FRITZ gathers snow and throws at CLARA.)



(FRITZ laughs. They run off, exiting.)

DROSSELMEYER: Ah, children on Christmas Eve. (To audience.) Its magic, I tell you. Magic!

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 11

(DROSSELMEYER twirls around with joy. STORYTELLERS blow wind at him which sends him into more twirls as he exits. They set the stage for the living room putting the covered gingerbread castle on a tall table with a cover over it. They may place wrapped gifts on the floor.)

HOLLY: While the children were playing outside…

ANGEL: A wonderful thing happened inside…

(SOUND CUE #2: Tchaikovsky: The Christmas Tree.

STORYTELLERS slowly lift a tall pole with ribbons/cloth strips attached (like a maypole). They take the ribbons and dance around the pole, wafting them up to create a look of a tree rising. They may attach with Velcro or any other means more boughs and more ornaments as when the tree is up. One of the STORYTELLERS climbs the ladder and places the star at the top. STORYTELLERS hit the triangle and chimes as the star is placed. They stand back and admire as MOTHER and FATHER enter and see it.


MOTHER: Oh, won’t the children be delighted?

FATHER: It’s beautiful.

(FATHER puts arm around MOTHER as SHADOW enters. She is following her nose, sniffs the tree at the bottom and slowly looks up to see how tall and beautiful it is.)

SHADOW: Rrrrroowwwwl!

(MOTHER and FATHER laugh, admire tree. CLARA and FRITZ enter and see it.)


EVERGREEN: And that wasn’t all…

HOLLY: Just beyond the tree they spied…

(STORYTELLERS place a big thing up on a table. It is covered in a glittery cloth.)

CLARA: What is this, Mother?

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 12

(MOTHER and FATHER exchange a smiling look. SHADOW timidly goes to tap it with her paw.)

MOTHER: Oh, just a little something…

FATHER: It was your mother’s idea.

(CLARA reaches to poise her hand above the cloth.)



(STORYTELLERS make magical sound with chimes etc. CLARA pulls the cloth from the object. One STORYTELLER clashes the cymbals! Underneath is a large gingerbread castle studded with snowy icing and candies. SHADOW jumps back.)

SHADOW: Rrrrrooooowwwww!

(SHADOW runs to hide behind CLARA.)

FRITZ: It looks good enough to eat!

(FRITZ rips off a spire from the castle and starts to put it in his mouth. MOTHER stops him with a stern look.)

MOTHER: Ah, ah, ah…

(FRITZ puts it back.)

ANGEL: When Uncle Drosselmeyer appeared…

(STORYTELLERS make blow wind as DROSSELMEYER enters. FRITZ and CLARA run to him and drag him toward gingerbread castle.)

FRITZ: Look what we got for Christmas!

CLARA: A gingerbread castle!

(DROSSELMEYER looks closely in the castle windows as CLARA and FRITZ cling to him.)

DROSSELMEYER: Why, it’s much more than that, children.

FRITZ: It is?

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 13

DROSSELMEYER: It’s a magic castle. With lots of magic people inside.

MOTHER: Now there you go filling their heads with sugarplums again.

FRITZ: I don’t see any people inside.

DROSSELMEYER: Give it time, son. (Winks at MOTHER and FATHER.) Give it time.

FATHER: And what have you in your magic pack, old boy?

FRITZ: Let me see!

(FRITZ goes for knapsack, DROSSELMEYER pretends to take it away. They tussle around until DROSSELMEYER produces a gift. DROSSELMEYER snaps his heels together.)

DROSSELMEYER: (Playing soldier, stands at attention with salute.) What-ho, sir! Reporting for Christmas, Captain! Sir!

FRITZ: (Playing captain.) Velly good, velly good! (Salutes back.) As you were, Sergeant!

(They exchange playful giggle. DROSSELMEYER gives him package. FRITZ tears it apart.)

Soldiers! Tin soldiers! Look Mother, there’s a whole battalion of them! And look here Father, they have their own swords!

CLARA: You didn’t forget me, did you, Uncle?

DROSSELMEYER: Well let me see if I have anything in here. I have been forgetting so many things lately. But look. (Produces gift.) This will have to do.

(DROSSELMEYER gives her gift, she opens.)

CLARA: Why, what a strange doll!

(She drops the wrapping and holds up a Nutcracker doll.)

MOTHER: Oh my.

FRITZ: He’s an ugly old thing, isn’t he?

SHADOW: Yipesssssssss!

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 14

(SHADOW scurries and hides behind CLARA.)

DROSSELMEYER: Now, Shadow. You mustn’t be so shy. You must learn to be brave like this doll. He may not be handsome…

FRITZ: I’ll say.

DROSSELMEYER: But he is bold and brave…

CLARA: And look how proudly he stands in his grand uniform!

DROSSELMEYER: He is a Nutcracker, Clara. He protects houses like this one from dastardly evil spirits. And he cracks nuts, too!

CLARA: Thank you, Uncle. I love him.

(STORYTELLERS move down into the scene though they are not seen by others.)

EVERGREEN: Clara was so delighted by her new gift that she imagined she saw his lips move…

HOLLY: And that he was speaking right to her…

(ANGEL stands behind CLARA and speaks to her over her shoulder, seeming to be Nutcracker’s voice.)

ANGEL: May I have this dance?

(SOUND CUE #3: Clara and Nutcracker music – or Drosselmeyer.)

CLARA: (To the doll.) Why yes, Nutcracker, you may.

(STORYTELLERS dance at the perimeters of the playing area. They conduct the CLARA’S dance by moving behind her. They twirl her once, then send her off to the next STORYTELLER; each having a twirl until music stops. She holds the Nutcracker, looking at it as if he is her partner. At end of music STORYTELLERS bow to her, she curtseys and STORYTELLERS move up stage back to their places.


FRITZ: Enough of that silly old dancing, Clara! Let’s see that ugly thing crack a nut!

(FRITZ grabs the Nutcracker away from CLARA. Puts a nut between the Nutcracker’s teeth. He clamps down twice then hard on the arm.)

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 15

STORYTELLERS: Ker, ker, crunch.

FRITZ: See it doesn’t even work!

(Tries again.)


(FRITZ tugs on arm until…)


CLARA: You broke it! (Takes it back.) Oh, Fritz! You broke my Nutcracker.

FATHER: Fritz.

MOTHER: Off to bed with you.

FRITZ: But, Mother!

MOTHER: We must all respect others, Fritz.

(FRITZ drops his head in gloom, exits. DROSSELMEYER takes Nutcracker.)

DROSSELMEYER: Not to worry. I’ll nurse him back to health again, Clara.

CLARA: Can you really make him better again?

DROSSELMEYER: Of course! Let’s all get a good night’s sleep. In the morning he’ll be good as new, I promise. Let’s just put him under the tree for a little rest.

(DROSSELMEYER puts Nutcracker under tree, kisses CLARA’s forehead.)

CLARA: Goodnight, everyone.

FATHER: Sweet dreams, Clara.

(SHADOW goes to be petted by MOTHER and FATHER and exits as CLARA exits. DROSSELMEYER gets his backpack and prepares to go.)

DROSSELMEYER: (To parents, old friends.) A lovely Christmas as always.

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 16

(They kiss cheeks. DROSSELMEYER opens door. STORYTELLERS make sound of wind.)

MOTHER: Bundle up, it’s blustery out there.

DROSSELMEYER: Oh, and make sure you cover up that gingerbread castle. You know how much mice love gingerbread.

(They all laugh and bid each other goodnight. STORYTELLERS blow at DROSSELMEYER as he exits, twirling in the wind. MOTHER and FATHER put cover over the gingerbread castle.)

FATHER: Merry Christmas, my dear.

(MOTHER and FATHER exit.

SOUND CUE #4: Tchaikovsky: Bedtime; plays through scene until Clara falls asleep, adjust volume with dialogue as needed.)

EVERGREEN: But there had been so much excitement.

HOLLY: And she was so worried about her Nutcracker.

ANGEL: Clara couldn’t sleep…

EVERGREEN: So she crept quietly downstairs…


CLARA enters and goes to Nutcracker under the tree.)

CLARA 2: My poor Nutcracker! Oh, I do hope it doesn’t hurt very much! You need someone to take care of you.

HOLLY: So she brought out her dolls from the toy chest…

(HOLLY sets chest down in center of playing area. CLARA takes dolls from chest. Behind her the life sized versions of the dolls appear. MOTHER GINGER enters, stands behind CLARA as she shows the Nutcracker her toy dolls.)

CLARA 2: This one is Mother Ginger. She is a very kindly lady who loves to take care of many children.

MOTHER GINGER: Why thank you, my dear. I do what I can.

CLARA 2: Now where is your apron, Mother Ginger? Oh here it is.

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 17

(CLARA puts toy apron on doll as MOTHER GINGER puts on her life-size apron behind her.)

MOTHER GINGER: How nice of you, Clara. (CLARA gets the other doll.)

CLARA 2: And this is Katarina.

(KATARINA enters, stands behind CLARA and strikes a ballet pose, first position.)

She loves to dress up and dance. Here is a ribbon for your hair, Katarina.

(CLARA puts toy ribbon on doll as KATARINA puts ribbon in her hair.)

She’s very pretty, don’t you think?

KATARINA: Oh, please, Clara, you’re making me blush.

CLARA 2: She always cheers me up when I feel blue.


(KATARINA does several pirouettes and bows deeply. CLARA claps with joy at the performance.)

CLARA 2: I’m sure she’ll cheer you up too, Nutcracker.

(Puts Nutcracker doll down to sleep.)

There now. Now that you have someone to take care of you, I’m sure you’ll get better soon!

(CLARA kisses the Nutcracker. MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA gasp, though CLARA doesn’t notice.)

Goodnight everyone.

JOY: Little did Clara know…

MOTHER GINGER: Her kiss has broken the spell!

(MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA look at each other in astonishment as CLARA exits. NUTCRACKER enters, appearing beside the Nutcracker doll.)

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 18

NUTCRACKER: Goodnight, Clara.



MERRY: Up in her room, Clara fell into a deep sleep…

STAR: And while she slept the strangest things obeg haan t ppen.


MICE begin to enter from behind the audience. The MICE carry weapons that are their size like spoons and forks, paperclips, knitting needles, they may have rubber bands for sling shots, bottle caps for shields, thimbles as helmets etc.)

MICE: (Chanting as they march, entering.) Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! Hal-Loo! Hal- Lay!

KATARINA: Goodness!

MOTHER GINGER: Oh dear, this can’t be good!

(MICE march in rhythm to the chant and rhyme. When they reach the playing area they address the audience.)

MICE: We’re sick of cheese It makes us sneeze, We’re done with crumbs And day old buns We’ve had our fill Of milk you spill! It is the hour For Mousy power!

(They raise their fists and cheer themselves!)

Mousy Power! Yay! Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay!

(MICE walk up to audience members and snarl in their faces, acting cool and tough. They chant quietly as each introduces himself.)

GNARLY: They call me Gnarly on account of my tail. See. (Wiggles his rear end at audience.) Gnarly isn’t it? Rar!!

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 19

ROCKY: Rocky here. ‘Cuz I’m gonna rock your world, baby! Rar!!

NUTZO: My name’s Nutzo.

(Shakes his head and lets his eyes roll around, sticks fingers in his ears, crosses his eyes, blubbers his lips etc. Ends the performance with a shrug.)

I don’t know why. Rar!! (They turn and wiggle their tails at the audience.)

MOTHER GINGER: They’re in a nasty mood.

KATARINA: But what do they want?

MICE: We like to eat the gingerbread! It keeps our mousy bellies fed! Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! (Cont.) NUTCRACKER: The castle!


MOTHER GINGER: Nutcracker, you’ve got to do something. (NUTCRACKER grabs a brass horn ornament off the Christmas tree and blows. He stands on top of the toy .ch est

SOUND CUE #5: Horn flourish, call to arms!

SOLDIERS enter. ALEXA, VIKTORIA, NATASHA line up in front of NUTCRACKER and salute. MICE remain enjoying their chant on the other side of the playing area or out in an aisle.


NUTCRACKER: Listen up, my trusty warriors. We face great peril as our time of courage draws near. We will soon face the onslaught of a heartless enemy.

MICE: Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! (Cont.)

NUTCRACKER: If our intelligence is correct they will soon attack the castle!

SOLDIERS: (Gasping!) The castle, not the castle!

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 20

NUTCRACKER: Yes! There I’ve said it. We are faced with nothing less than the total destruction of the world as we know it!

MICE: Our queen she likes her pastry sweet She likes a lot of it to eat! Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay (Cont.)

ALEXA: But sir! They can’t do that…If they take the castle we will never be able to go back!

VICTORIA: What will happen to all the sweets?

NATASHA: Not to mention our beloved Sugar Plum Fairy…

NUTCRACKER: Don’t say it, Natasha! We can never let it happen! We must scout the countryside, the entire house-world if necessary and find this enemy and stop him! You, Alexa!


NUTCRACKER: (Dramatically.) Check the bedrooms, under the beds, every closet!

(ALEXA salutes and runs off, exiting up an aisle.)

NUTCRACKER: Scour the kitchen, every teapot, every cup!

(ALEXA salutes and runs off, exiting up an aisle.)



NUTCRACKER: Bathroom. Check the cruddy stuff in the toothbrush drawer

and sticky places under the sink.

(NATASHA salutes and runs off, exiting up an aisle.) VICTORIA!


© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 21

NUTCRACKER: Inspect the fridge! Make sure you don’t miss the crisper drawer and never, never forget that thing that holds the eggs… Do you hear me?

VICTORIA: (Pounds his chest.) For Prince, for Country, for Gingerbread!

(VICTORIA salutes and runs off, exiting up an aisle.)

NUTCRACKER: (In a dramatic whisper, striking a pose.) May heaven guide you, my valiant warriors.

MOTHER GINGER: Oh, Nutcracker, how could things get any worse?

JOY: Just then they heard a twitchy sound of horrible scratching and knawing…

STORYTELLERS: (Making sound.) Yaw-ink, yaw-ink, yaw-ink.

MERRY: And awful squeaking!

STORYTELLERS: (Making sound.) Eeek! Eeek! Eeek!

STAR: And then… A sound more terrible than they had ever heard before…

(STORYTELLERS use a crashing cymbal!

SOUND CUE #6: Tchaikovsky: Battle; turns into sound of RAT QUEEN ROAR, then with mice squeaks, etc.

RAT QUEEN bounds on stage.)

RAT QUEEN: Roarrrrrrrrr!

(MICE react with ecstasy! They encircle the RAT QUEEN and dance around her.)

MICE: Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! Our QUEEN is here to save the day! Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! Our QUEEN is here to save the Day!

(NUTCRACKER takes Gingerbread castle and hands it to MOTHER GINGER. He removes the cover with a flourish.)

NUTCRACKER: Here, Mother Ginger. Guard this with your life!

MOTHER GINGER: Oh, but Prince…

NUTCRACKER: With your life, I say!

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 22

MICE: Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! (Cont.)

(MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA take off. NUTCRACKER covers his head with the cover that was on the gingerbread castle and stands still like a lamp. MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA run out into audience and hide from action in aisle. They crouch down low and try to keep gingerbread hidden. RAT QUEEN stalks the playing area. MICE drop to a crouch, bowing, heads to the floor, trembling before the RAT QUEEN. They keep chanting until RAT QUEEN gestures for them to stop.


RAT QUEEN: Enough. I accept your praise, my underlings, my lowly ones, my nothings…

MICE: (Bowing, heads to the ground.) We are not worthy.

RAT QUEEN: You know what I want, little Mousies…

MICE: We know what you want, O Rat Queen.

RAT QUEEN: I have roamed the house-world looking for the delicious gingerbread. I looked in the pantry, the cupboard, I looked in the breadbox…

MICE: (Bowing, heads to floor.) Oh, not the breadbox…

RAT QUEEN: As usual the humans are hiding it from me. But this Christmas it will be different. This Christmas I will have my gingerbread and eat it too!

MICE: Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay!

RAT QUEEN: Is it not my right as Rat Queen?

MICE: All hail Rat Queen! All hail Rat Queen!

RAT QUEEN: (Looking disdainfully at audience.) I notice you are not participating.

NUTZO: All hail Rat Queen!

(NUTZO gives a little nutty performance with his silly sword, encouraging the audience, a performance that loses steam under RAT QUEEN’S stare.)

Hail… Rat Queen.

(He rushes back to kneel with MICE.) © Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 23

RAT QUEEN: Thank you, Nutzo. That was most inspiring and yet… Nothing from this low and worthless group.

(RAT QUEEN begins to walk in aisle and around among audience members. MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA will jump up and move to different places when he is not looking their way.)

You are a puny bunch, aren’t you? Look at your droopy ears, your fuzzy heads, your insipid holiday clothing… Why you don’t even have any tails, do you? (Into audience member’s face.) Well do you? (He menaces until audience member says “No”.) Where is my gingerbread castle, hmmmmm?

(RAT QUEEN may ad lib with audience as MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA move around as he moves, hiding. They may now begin to speak to audience members around them. “Is he coming this way?” “Oh, no hide us!” “Where is he now?” They encourage audience members to hide them.)

I’d like to have a tasty treat. Some gingerbread for me to eat.

(Smiles at audience member.) You see what I did there? A little rhyme. (Sniffs and smiles.) Guess what I smell? (He walks around casually sniffing and looking.) Now if I did have some gingerbread say right here in my hand… (Directly at closest audience member, sweetly.) I’d give you some. I would. I like to share. I do. That’s just the kind of rat I am. (Long luxurious sniff.) It seems to be coming from over… here!

(MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA keep running away each time he turns toward them until they are forced to run on stage, zip across playing area. RAT QUEEN sniffs his way on to playing area.)

Ah, the smell of it! (Sees NUTCRACKER’S boots.) Hmmm?

(RAT QUEEN snaps her fingers at her prostrate MICE to get attention and motions for them to come to her, back her up. MICE crowd around RAT QUEEN as she lifts her sword to strike. When all MICE are closing in on NUTCRACKER, MOTHER GINGER stands at a distance and calls out…)


KATARINA: Gingerbread anyone?

(MICE look around, RAT QUEEN drops his sword.)


© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 24

(MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA run through audience, MICE run after her. RAT QUEEN is about to run but catches on, stops and turns back to NUTCRACKER, who has jumped up on the toy chest and drawn his sword.)

NUTCRACKER: Looking for something?

RAT QUEEN: Why you!

(RAT QUEEN lunges at NUTCRACKER. They engage in a sword fight.)

SOUND CUE #7: Tchaikovsky: Battle.

SOLDIERS run on, entering. MICE enter and begin fighting with the SOLDIERS. MOTHER GINGER tries to help and distract by calling out and taunting with the gingerbread castle. Some MICE are distracted as KATARINA enters doing pirouettes among the fighters. Some SOLDIERS are confused and start to dance with KATARINA, some MICE are also distracted and dance with her. After a while many are dancing as much as they are fighting. After a while the SOLDIERS and MICE are actually dancing together. At last NUTCRACKER climbs up on top of the toy chest and raises his sword high.


NUTCRACKER: Merry Christmas, Rat King!

(RAT QUEEN twirls around to see NUTCRACKER bring his sword toward her chest and is stopped in her tracks.)

RAT QUEEN: Awfully touchy about our pastry, aren’t we?

(NUTCRACKER brings his sword down and plunges RAT QUEEN under her arm pit. This is not hidden at all; the sword is caught under her arm for all to see as he twirls this way and that, dying gorgeously and slowly.)

All for the love of Christmas treats.

(Falls in into ROCKY’s arms but gathers himself up again…)

Rat Queens never die…

(Falls into GNARLY'S arms but gather strength to swoon more…)

They simply fade away…

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 25

(Swooning from mouse to mouse.)

To face another day. Little rhyme there, did you catch it?

(Swoons toward MOTHER GINGER who holds the gingerbread.)

Ah, woman. (He sniffs deeply of the gingerbread.)

Thy name is cruelty. (RAT QUEEN’s final fall.)

Thus with a sniff I die.

(RAT QUEEN sniffs deeply. She falls into GNARLY’s arms. MICE grimace and snarl at SOLDIERS. SOLDIERS raise their sword, close ranks around NUTCRACKER, MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA.)

GNARLY: You’ve killed the Rat Queen.

(GNARLY lays her down. MICE sniff, cry and then bawl. They cry on each other’s shoulders.)

NUTCRACKER: Take him away.

ROCKY: Why you…

NUTCRACKER: (Lifts his sword.) Now.

(MICE lift RAT QUEEN up high.)

ROCKY: Ten-hut! March!

MICE: Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! (Cont.)

(MICE march RAT QUEEN’s body out of the playing area, up the aisle through audience and out through the door at the back of the playing area, chanting sadly as they go. STORYTELLERS and SOLDIERS cheer.) ALEXA: Hurray for the Nutcracker Prince! Hip hip hooray!

ALL SOLDIERS & DOLLS: Hip Hip hooray!

NASTASHA: (To audience.) Join us!

ALL: Hip hip hooray! (Cont.)

(CLARA enters, yawning and stretching.)

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 26

CLARA 2: Heavens! What’s all the noise about down here?

(SHADOW enters behind CLARA, sleepy.)

SHADOW: Rah-roo? (SOLDIERS, MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA move away and make a path for NUTCRACKER to come to CLARA. He bows before her.)


CLARA 2: Nutcracker? What has happened? You’re so big!

MOTHER GINGER: Silly girl. It’s you who are small like us.

CLARA 2: But how did it happen?

NUTCRACKER: You broke the spell, Clara. When you kissed me.

KATARINA: You are the real hero, Clara. Because of you we have all been saved.

MOTHER GINGER: We still have the magic castle.

NUTCRACKER: You see, the magic gingerbread castle is the way for us to go back to where we belong.

KATARINA: To the Land of Sweets.

CLARA 2: The Land of Sweets?


CLARA 2: But I’m supposed to be in bed… and I’m not dressed.

MOTHER GINGER: Silly girl…

JOY: And in a wink of an eye…

(STORYTELLERS enter and put a beautiful cape on CLARA. She will wear this as long as she is in the Land of the Sweets.)

MERRY: Clara was on her way…

(They twirl her around as…

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 27

SOUND CUE #8: Tchaikovsky: Magic Castle in the Land of Sweets, plays through scene until they take off flying, adjust volume as needed.

HOLLY and ANGEL become “swans”: they stand shoulder to shoulder and hold stiff arms to their sides and back like wings. NUTCRACKER outlines the neck of the swan by petting it, from beak down the curved neck, making an outline of the imagined swan’s neck. They flutter their wings happily.)

NUTCRACKER: (To CLARA.) Your carriage awaits.

(CLARA steps between the STORYTELLERS and NUTCRACKER steps beside her. HOLLY and ANGEL flutter their wings up ready to take off flying. Soldiers line up shoulder to shoulder on periphery of playing area with backs to audience.)

STAR: It was just as Uncle Drosselmeyer had told them.

JOY: The doors of the magic castle opened wide…

(SOLDIERS separate two by two and open as if they are double doors.)

STORYTELLERS: (Sound of hinges opening.) Errrrrrrr…k!

(“Swans” lift wings, CLARA and NUTCRACKER and swans whoosh their shoulders back, as if about to fly.)

SHADOW: Meoowww!

CLARA 2: Hop aboard, Shadow!

(SHADOW jumps up and tags along by holding onto the back of the “swans”. STORYTELLERS blow some wind their way. They lift up and “fly” down one aisle, exiting.)

MERRY: And soon everyone was flying away to the Land of Sweets!

SHADOW: (As they take off “flying”.) Whoooaaaaa!

(MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA hook arms and use their other arms as wings to fly. They pass through the SOLDIER’S door and fly down the aisle and out of playing space, exiting. SOLDIERS follow, exiting.


STAR: Beyond the clouds the Sugar Plum Fairy prepared for their arrival.

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 28

(SUGAR PLUM FAIRY enters. She may be a dancer or just a lovely lady who is light on her feet. She carries a magic wand to spread sweetness.)

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: (Calling.) Crystal! Diamond!

(CRYSTAL and DIAMOND enter.)

Frost the Land for me, please.

CRYSTAL & DIAMOND: Yes, your Beauty.

(SOUND CUE #9: Tchaikovsky: Dance of the Reed Flowers.)

(To audience.) Please join us.

(CRYSTAL and DIAMOND show the audience how to create snow with their fingers, held high and wiggling. As audience makes snow, CRYSTAL and DIAMOND act as if they are catching the snow and they toss it around the stage, along with some sparkling confetti.)

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: (Moves around, gesturing.) Sprinkle the sweetness every where… on the mountains, in the rivers, on the treetops, on the spires of the magic gingerbread castle…

JOY: Soon the magic kingdom was ready to receive her Prince…



STAR and ANGEL enter as swans with NUTCRACKER, CLARA and SHADOW, setting them down. They fly upstage to join the STORYTELLERS again as MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA enter. SUGAR PLUM FAIRY, CRYSTAL and DIAMOND curtsey )d eeply.

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: We have heard of your journey, my Prince. We are here to welcome you to your kingdom, the Land of the Sweets.

(CLARA looks around amazed.)

CLARA 3: Why, look Nutcracker. Everything is covered in snow like sugar. There are gum drops in the trees and lollipops in the meadows!

(Snowflakes giggle, SUGAR PLUM FAIRY smiles.)

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: And the clouds are cotton candy.

Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. 29

NUTCRACKER: My favorite. (To SUGAR PLUM FAIRY.) You remembered.


CLARA 3: Look, Nutcracker. There are flowers in the lane! They’re dancing!

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: They have come to welcome you.

(LILY and TULIP bob through the aisles, entering. They bow to NUTCRACKER and CLARA, then to audience.)

It is not yet spring…

LILY: But we will take care of that.

TULIP: (To audience.) Help us grow the flowers. First you must make a seed.

(LILY and TULIP rub their hands together making a seed. They show the audience what to do as they make actions to each of their directions.)

LILY: Then pluck it from your palm.

TULIP: Plant it in the sugar snow.

LILY: Warm it with your hands.

(LILY and TULIP smooth the ground like a blanket.)

TULIP: Watch, watch!

(STORYTELLERS make gentle breeze by blowing. LILY and TULIP touch the floor and slowly rise as if the flower is growing, directing audience to “grow” with them. STORYTELLERS blow gently again and begin to wave their hands from side to side in the breeze. LILY and TULIP make waving motion as music begins…

SOUND CUE #10: Tchaikovsky: Waltz of the Flowers.

FLOWERS dance as audience and STORYTELLERS wave and sway with the music. SHADOW sways and at last is overcome with joy. SHADOW joins in the dance, having a wonderful time. When the dance is finished FLOWERS bow. All applaud. SHADOW bows to all, proud of herself, enjoying the applause.


CLARA 3: How wonderful!

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 30

SUGAR: You are very special to us, Clara.

CLARA 3: I am?

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: You see, the Nutcracker is our Prince. And now you will become our Princess.

NUTCRACKER: It is the beauty and sweetness that make us real, Clara. And it was your love that brought us home.

(SUGAR PLUM FAIRY waves her wand and NUTCRACKER and CLARA begin to dance.)

SOUND CUE #11: Tchaikovsky: Pas de deux.

They dance beautifully. SOUND CUE ENDS.

When it is over NUTCRACKER goes down on one knee.)

Will you stay with us, my Princess?

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: Stay with us, Clara.

(STORYTELLERS make magical sound with chimes.)


CLARA 3: I… I…

MERRY: But before Clara could answer…

STAR: They heard a familiar sound…

(MICE are behind audience unseen. They quietly begin chant as they enter down the aisle.)

MICE: Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay! Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay!


RAT QUEEN enters behind them. He hops onstage as everyone gasps and stands back, terrified.)

RAT QUEEN 2: Well, what have we here?


© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 31

KATARINA: But you’re dead.

RAT QUEEN 2: Or so you thought. Nutcracker here stabbed me in the heart. But guess what? Turns out… I have no heart.

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: Go away, Rat QUEEN. You are not wanted here.

RAT QUEEN 2: Oh, you’ve made that very clear a long time ago, Sugar. I’ve heard all about the sweetness of the world and how wonderful it is for all the good people. (She gestures to audience.) Do you think I care about all that? Ha! MICE: Our queen she likes her pastry sweet She likes a lot of it to eat! Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay (Cont.)

RAT QUEEN 2: Stand back, Fairy. It’s time for my Christmas feast!

MICE: Hal-Loo! Hal-Lay (Cont.)

(NUTCRACKER pulls his sword.)

RAT QUEEN 2: That’s cute, Nutcracker. You think your heart of gold can save you?

My power is greater than your goodness.

(SOUND CUE #12: Tchaikovsky: Battle; mighty roar & ferocious hiss.

SOLDIERS move to guard NUTCRACKER. One by one, RAT QUEEN throws them off. They go flying to the side of the playing area. At last NUTCRACKER is exposed and RAT QUEEN goes in for the plunge. From upstage we hear a roar.)

SHADOW: Rowrrrrrrrwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

(SHADOW suddenly stands between NUTCRACKER and RAT QUEEN. She is standing as tall as she can, holding her claws up. She opens her mouth baring teeth. She lets out a long and ferocious hiss.)



RAT QUEEN and MICE are stopped in their tracks, stunned.) RAT QUEEN 2: A cat? There’s no c-c-cat in the Land of the Sweets.

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 32

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: There is now!

NUTCRACKER: What’s the matter, Rat Queen? Are you woman or mouse?

SHADOW: Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

RAT Queen 2: (Backing away, terrified.) Hey, hey Rocky. Sic this cat,

would ya?

(SHADOW advances on RAT QUEEN.)

ROCKY: Uh, boss. I’m not really a cat person…

SHADOW: Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

(Others on stage advance on RAT QUEEN and MICE with SHADOW.)

RAT QUEEN 2: Nutzo!

NUTZO: (He blubbers.) B-b-b-but, I’m allergic. (Sneezes.) Ah-choo!

RAT QUEEN 2: Gnarly! Come on. You gonna just leave me hanging out here?

GNARLY: Gee, I’d like to help you out, Boss. If it was anything…

ROCKY: Anything!

GNARLY: But a c-c-cat…

(SHADOW and others raise their hands as claws and hiss.)

SHADOW & ALL: Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

RAT QUEEN 2: Get them away! Get them away!

NUTCRACKER: Your reign is over, Rat Queen! Go back to the cellar. Now!

STORYTELLERS: Back to the cellar! Back to the cellar!

RAT QUEEN 2: You haven’t heard the last of me, Nutcracker! Next Christmas! I’ll

get your lousy gingerbread castle. Next Christmas!

ALL: Back to the cellar! Back to the cellar! Back to the cellar!

RAT QUEEN 2: Next Christmas!

ALL: Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 33

MICE: Yiiiiiiiiiikes!!!!

(MICE run, exiting in all directions.)

RAT QUEEN 2: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

(RAT QUEEN runs off, exiting. When she’s gone, ALL on stage applaud and cheer.)

JOY: Hooray!

MERRY: (To audience.) Join us!

(STORYTELLERS lead the cheers as audience and ALL join in.)

STORYTELLERS: Hip hip Hooray!

SOLDIERS: Hip hip hooray!

ALL: Hip hip hooray!

(NUTCRACKER and CLARA take SHADOW by the arms raised high like a prize fighter. They parade her around the playing area, showing her off. Everyone can improvise cheers and whistles: “Bravo!” “Yay!” “What a cat!” SHADOW drinks it in. At last she goes to CLARA who pets her head and they are both sweet again.)

NUTCRACKER: Isn’t it wonderful, Clara? Thanks to Shadow we can stay here in the Land of the Sweets forever.

CLARA 3: Stay here? Forever?

(CLARA and SHADOW look at each other.)


CLARA 3: I love you, Nutcracker. I love you all. But I can’t stay here.

CRYSTAL: Why not?

CLARA 3: I’m just a little girl. And Shadow is just a kitten.

DIAMOND: But in the Land of Sweets you are a Princess!

CLARA 3: It’s very nice to pretend to be a Princess. But I want to grow up and be a woman. I don’t want to miss that.

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 34

(SOUND CUE #13: Tchaikovsky: Pine Forest in Winter; plays through scene, adjust volume as needed.)

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: I’m sorry, Nutcracker…

STAR: As the Sugar Plum Fairy spoke Clara noticed that her voice seemed to fade…

SUGAR PLUM FAIRY: So sorry, Nutcracker...

(SUGAR, SNOWFLAKES and FLOWERS sound weak as they wave and back away...)

SUGAR, SNOWFLAKES, FLOWERS: Good-bye, Clara… Goodbye…

CLARA 3: (Waving.) Goodbye wonderful people! Goodbye Land of the Sweets…

SHADOW: (Waving.) Row, row…

(CLARA and SHADOW wave as they fade away, backing away…. She turns to see MOTHER GINGER and KATARINA who are stiff.)

CLARA 3: Mother Ginger! Katarina!

(She turns to see NUTCRACKER.)

Nutcracker! Oh, no!

(He is stiff.)

My poor Nutcracker!

(STORYTELLERS give her a little push that causes her to drift and sway dreamily.)

JOY: In her dream Clara flew through the morning skies…

MERRY: All the flowers and the fairies and the snowflakes seemed to melt away…


STAR: And just beyond the little village, the sun was coming up…

(STORYTELLERS lift the cloth that once covered the gingerbread castle and waft it around playing area as ALL in The Land of the Sweets,

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 35

SHADOW, “fade” and exit. STORYTELLERS straighten the stage, putting everything back to the house.

STORYTELLERS place CLARA on her toy chest near the tree, her eyes closed.)

CLARA 3: My poor Nutcracker. My poor Nutcracker…

STORYTELLERS blow a wind at DROSSELMEYER as before who toddles in, entering, holding onto his hat. He sees CLARA.)

DROSSELMEYER: Your poor Nutcracker?

(CLARA wakes, opens eyes.)

CLARA 3: Uncle Drosselmeyer! I’m so sorry I’ve lost my Nutcracker. We went on a long journey but then I had to come home! Oh dear, my poor Nutcracker!

DROSSELMEYER: Why, what is this? Why are you crying? Here is your Nutcracker. Right where you left him.

(DROSSELMEYER picks up the doll from beneath the tree and gives it to CLARA.)

CLARA 3: Nutcracker!

(She looks to where her dolls are placed.)

Mother Ginger! Katarina! Oh. You’re dolls. Nothing but dolls.

(MOTHER and FATHER enter.)

MOTHER: Good morning my dear. We’re having pancakes for breakfast. Would you like one?

FATHER: You may have two if you like, since it’s Christmas morning.

FRITZ enters, rushing in with a toy soldier in each hand.)

FRITZ: Oh, Uncle Drosselmeyer. My soldiers and I just fought the most terrible battle.

© Copyright Kathryn Schultz Miller, all rights reserved. This play cannot be performed without written permission from the author and payment of royalty for all performances (including non-paying audiences). 36

DROSSELMEYER: And what was so terrible about it?

FRITZ: Well, there was a big enemy. He was like a beast with whiskers!

FATHER: Such imagination!

FRITZ: And he wanted to eat our gingerbread castle.

MOTHER: Did he now?

FRITZ: Yes! And he was there too!

CLARA 3: My Nutcracker?

FRITZ: Why yes, he’s an excellent soldier just like you said. He was very brave.

CLARA 3: And very kind too.

(CLARA holds the Nutcracker doll lovingly. SHADOW enters, she yawns, sleepy. She comes to CLARA and snuggles.)

DROSSELMEYER: Now what was this you were saying about a journey?

CLARA 3: It was the most magnificent dream, Uncle. And the Nutcracker was a wonderful Prince. He danced…. Like this.

(SOUND CUE #14: Tchaikovsky’: Pas de deux.

CLARA dances with Nutcracker doll as ALL family watch her. After a few seconds, STORYTELLERS move downstage and talk to the audience.)

JOY: As we told you in the beginning…

MERRY: It was a special Christmas in our little village…

STAR: Like every Christmas when you are a child…

JOY: It was wonderful!

MERRY: And magical!

STAR: It was a magnificent dream like no other!

JOY: And like everything when you are a child…

MERRY: It was over far too soon.

CLARA AND NUTCRACKER: Happy Holidays, everyone!

ALL: Happy Holidays!

non-paying audiences).