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Download 2016 Annual Report The Center for Home Movies 2016 Annual Report Table of Contents 2016 In Review 2 Home Movie Day GIF Contest 2 Home Movie Archives Database Project 3 Home Grown Movies 3 Home Movie Day 2016 4 Home Movie Day Participating Cities 7 Board of Directors Activity and Retreat 8 CHM Board Members Lists 10 Financial Activity 10 List of Home Movie Day Organizers and Volunteers 11 1 2016 IN REVIEW 2016 saw the Center for Home Movies carrying on with well-established programs such as Home Movie Day and Home Grown Movies, and increasing the scope and usage of the Home Movie Registry, while instituting a fun new tradition in the Home Movie GIF Contest and launching a new grant-funded project to survey the amateur film collections in existence in a broader range of institutions than we’ve ever approached before. We even curated a sold-out screening of home movies at Jack White’s Third Man Records in Nashville! Here are the details. PRESERVATION WORK, NEW COLLECTIONS, AND SCREENINGS 1st Annual Home Movie Day GIF Contest CHM is always searching for innovative ways to draw the public's attention to home movies and to highlight the efforts of the devoted archives and individuals who oversee the preservation and access of these important cultural documents. Through their hard work, a veritable wealth of home movies is streaming right now through various platforms. To activate engagement with these home movies and to garner excitement for Home Movie Day, we launched our inaugural HMD.GIF contest this past fall. We asked the public to make and submit GIFs (Graphics Interchange Format) made from home movies they found online or in their own collections. We received 25 submissions from across the United States and Japan, which can be enjoyed on our contest tumblr page: The winner received a $200 cash prize and was selected by a panel of judges including scholar and artist Jennifer Proctor and CHM board members Katrina Dixon and Antonella Bonfanti. The winning entry was “girl dancing in the yard,” submitted by the Texas Archive of the Moving Image (TAMI). It was tough to pick a favorite among all the wonderful submissions, but the funky gal, dancing endlessly in a perfect loop, captured the heart of our judges unanimously. We will launch the 2nd annual HMD.GIF contest in the Fall of 2017. 2 Home Movie Archives Database project CHM was excited to receive a grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) to create the Home Movie Archives Database, a survey of home movies and amateur films in archival collections in the United States. We regularly receive queries from people asking us where they can find home movies of a certain place or event or type, and too often we don't know where to send them because there is no central database of archival home movie collections. We have developed a network of colleagues in film archives, but we have also known that there are countless collections that are held in manuscript collections in archives, libraries, and museums. We are scouring online catalogs and contacting organizations about their collections in order to create as comprehensive a directory as possible. The database will be published in fall 2017, with information about thousands of collections in 300 archives around the country. A 3rd year of Home Grown Movies Home Grown Movies, CHM's ongoing project of posting compelling home movies on our website, continued in its third year with eight new additions from around the world. This group ended up having a particular focus on the 1950s and 1960s, but showed a wonderful diversity of styles. Mumbai Fashion Show is an unidentified orphan film of a 1960s fashion show that was purchased at an antique store in Mumbai. Christmas, by home moviemaker Skip Hawkins, captures the rituals of a Christmas morning, with energetic editing and a distinct late 1960s style. Easter and Funeral is a film shot by Hubert M. James during spring 1963 in and near Flowery Branch, Georgia in two distinct sections. The first shows the James family children searching for Easter eggs at their home, and the second the funeral of WWII veteran and James family relative John A. Reed. Cuba, Severna Park Maryland documents James and Mary Gordon’s vacation in Cuba during Batista’s regime in the mid to late 1950s, followed by wintery scenes and children sledding back home in Maryland. Orphan Spanish Home Movies are two untitled, anonymous films from Memorias Celuloides Archive in Cartagena. One depicts the filmmaker’s home life, while the other contains haunting accidental superimpositions. The Royce Family at Disneyland are two home movies shot at Disneyland in the late 1950s, soon after its opening. 3 Brand Five, a thrift store find, is an unfinished spy movie apparently shot by an American GI in 1960s Germany. Up until now, the films have been contributed by Home Movie Day representatives and posted in annual "seasons" of groups of films, but beginning in 2017 we will instead seek out home movies from the public, and post them occasionally as they become available. Once again, we would like to thank Movette Film Transfer in San Francisco for their support in providing transfer services making several of the entries possible. Home Movie Day 2016 Home Movie Day, CHM's annual all-volunteer event, was held on October 15th, with other events going on through the year. We continue to be thankful for all of the local organizers, volunteers and organizations who step up and make it such a special part of the year. Increasingly, Home Movie Day is becoming a part of larger amateur film events. This year, HMD organizers also put on a film processing workshop, a home movie repair clinic, a display of home movie equipment, a year-long series of museum exhibits on home movies, and screenings of amateur films from the host archives, including a show of David Lean's home movies. From its modest start fifteen years ago, the biggest surprise and delight to us at the Center for Home Movies has been event's growth overseas. Japan has always been a kind of second home to Home Movie Day, in a large part to the Film Preservation Society, which coordinates the Japanese events. Europe has also seen numerous events each year, and South America has been a particular growth area in recent years. This year there were Home Movie Day events held in a record 23 countries. A complete list of events appears later in this report, but here's the impressive list of host countries: Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay. Two countries, Israel and Albania, celebrated their first Home Movie Days, and we would like to feature their reports here: Jerusalem, Israel (Report by Hila Abraham): On October 18, 2016 the first Israeli home movie day ever took place at the Jerusalem Cinematheque – Israel Film Archive which is the home for Israeli Cinema and leader in the field of Israeli audiovisual preservation. Open to the public free of charge, people were invited to bring their home movies to a celebration of small gauge films which 4 together covered a whole range of places, time periods, subjects, and atmosphere written on celluloid. An audience of 25 people arrived and together we watched these images of the past accompanied by a live music performance of a harp player. People were invited to speak up during the screening – comment on what they saw or tell the story behind the film, exchanging experience, wonders and thoughts. A team inspected the films before the screening and tips were provided as to how to best take care of them in order to prolong their lives. For two hours, together with the greater international community who celebrate Home Movie Day, we gave the people the gift of sharing their personal memories as were captured by them or fellow community members in different times and different places. The range of films was incredible, including several pearls: Himsley-Farkash Home Movie collection (1917-1994): Hanna Himsley-Farkash (1917- 1994) arrived in Israel in 1926. 20 years later Hanna received her Ph.D. in bacteriology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Between 1945 and 1982, Hanna shot hundreds of home movies portraying Israel before its independence, the opening ceremony of the Weizmann Technology Institute, her journeys to Canada and the U.S., her life as a woman professor in the Hebrew University, trips she took all over Israel, and much more. Himsley-Farkash collection is preserved at the Israel Film Archive. Films from Yad Va'Shem – The world Holocaust Remembrance Center: films that documented the Jewish community in Germany during the 30s, portraying everyday encounters and playful moments in a small village. High school experimental film – shooting on film is more than rare in Israel today, so we were so happy to watch together this little gem made by a high school student during the early 2000. In his own words: "It was my high school teacher who opened me to the world of film and encouraged me to experiment with this medium & making a film on a super 8 camera. He helped me to find a camera and some super 8 mm film stock. This is a great opportunity for me to see it once again, as I haven't seen the film since I was in high school. There's no way for me to see it otherwise if I wish to see it as it was captured – on film".
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