Peter David,,William Sliney | 120 pages | 17 Feb 2015 | | 9780785190790 | English | New York, United States Spider-Man Vol 1 1 | Marvel Database | Fandom

Account Options Sign in. Top charts. New arrivals. Spider-Man Vol. Feb Spider-ManAmazing Spider-Man 1 story. More by Peter David See Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1. Peter David. Peter Parker and are getting married! Issue 1. Enter once more the world of Roland Deschain—and the world of the Dark Tower…presented in a stunning graphic novel form that will unlock the doorways to terrifying secrets and bold storytelling as part of the dark fantasy masterwork and magnum opus from 1 New York Times bestselling author Stephen King. In this desolate reality—a dangerous land filled with ancient technology and deadly magic, and yet one that mirrors our own in frightening ways—Roland is on a spellbinding and soul-shattering quest to locate and somehow save the mystical nexus of all worlds, all universes: the Dark Tower. Reviews Review Policy. Published on. Original pages. Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 for. Web, Tablet. Content protection. Learn more. Learn More. Flag as inappropriate. It syncs automatically with your account and allows you to read online or offline wherever you are. Please follow the detailed Help center instructions to transfer the files to supported eReaders. Spider-Man Vol 1 (–) | Marvel Database | Fandom

New York, Five teens cruise the skies above the city in their Whisper hovercar. They don't expect any trouble from the local "fly-boys" in Public Eye -- the cross winds at their altitude are vicious. They're surprised when the fly-boys do show up, in pursuit of a black- and red-clad figure: Spider-Man! He evades them, eventually going into freefall, crashing into officer Estavez as he makes his Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 into the crowd below. Back at his apartment, Miguel O'Hara stumbles into his apartment. He is greeted by Lylahis holographic digital assistant, who notifies him of six holo messages. The first is from his boss, Tyler Stone at Alchemaxwho strongly suggests he give in to the drug he's fighting and come in to the office. The next is from his brother, Gabewho despite his contempt for the "Corporate Raider" program Alchemax has him working for, makes an effort to reach out to his brother for support. Miguel cuts the message short, moving on to one from his fiance, Dana D'Angelo. Her right eye is swollen shut. She says the night she saw him strung out on drugs was one of the scariest of her life, but no she's even more frightened for him. He seems to have just dropped off the face of the Earth Miguel cuts off the Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1, and doesn't bother to watch the other three she left. Even Lyla notes his unusual behavior Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 "not within normal programming parameters": he comes and goes at different hours, his heart rate is up, he hasn't made an entry in his journal in five days Miguel decides to rectify that last point by recording all that has lead up to his present condition, beginning in the laboratories of Alchemax. Miguel O'Hara, one of the corporation's "great hopes", a genius given the "full university treatment" by the corporation itself, had been installed as the project head of a new genetics program. This led to friction with the higher-ranking Aaron Delgatowho saw Miguel as arrogant, spoiled, and lacking any respect for the existing command structure. Miguel certainly had no respect for Delgato, who he treats like an idiot, but felt entirely justified by the remarkable progress of the project. They'd had remarkable success in altering the genetic structure of test animals, and he'd even found "some quality research material for inspiration". Miguel introduces Aaron to a file on Spider-Manone of the greats of the turn-of-the-century Age of Heroes -- and, with the proportionate strength, speed, and agility of a spider, a perfect example of what the Corporate Raider program hopes to achieve through genetic engineering. Unfortunately for Miguel, Alchemax is interested in results -- quickly. Tyler Stone makes a trip to the lab in person to introduce the researchers to Mr. Simsa convict who volunteered for the program in exchange for a commuted year sentence. Miguel protests that they are nowhere near ready for human test subjects, but Stone and Sims both insist that he give his best effort. Miguel starts with the simplest genetic modification he can devise, which would ideally give Mr. Sims augmented Strength. Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 is partially successful: when Miguel opens the transformation chamber only a horribly disfigured creature remains, but it breaks it's bonds effortlessly and nearly chokes Miguel to death before falling dead from shock. Stone is prepared to called the results "very positive. At first, Stone appears to accept Miguel's decision. He even offers Miguel a goodbye toast of vintage wine in his office and tells him that any company that calls asking about him will only get the most glowing reviews. He does, however, see a problem with how Miguel will acquire "Rapture". You see, Rapture is a legal, mind-expanding, hallucinogenic drug sold only through Alchemax. Outrageously expensive, it also bonds to the user's genetic code, making the withdraws symptoms lethal. Stone had just doped Miguel's wine with Rapture as "a parting gift". By the time he arrives home his trip has turned nasty. As he enters his apartment, he lashes out at his fiance, who appears at first to be some sort of monster. Miguel is sorry and explains the situation to her: even if he chooses not to be a slave for Alchemax, he will still be a life-long addict. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Spider-Man Vol 1 1. Original Price. Tom DeFalco. Cover Artist. Rick Leonardi Al Williamson. Michael Hobson. Terry Stewart. Peter David. Rick Leonardi. Al Williamson. Steve Buccellato. Rick Parker. Joey Cavalieri Sarra Mossoff. Previous Issue. Spider-Man 2. Like the design of the transformation Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1, Aaron? Got it off an old holo You'd like it. It's about someone who turns into a totally disgusting creep. I bet Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 could relate to it. Categories :. Stream the best stories. Start Your Free Trial. Try Now. Spider-Man Vol 1 1 Published. November Spider-Man Out of Time #1 - Volume 1 (Issue)

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Will Sliney Artist. Rick Leonardi Penciler. Livesay Inker. Antonio Fabela Colourist. Joe Caramagna Letterer. Simone Bianchi Cover Artist. Web-spinning directly out of the Amazing Spider-Man! Miguel O'Hara is Spider-Man in the yearbut he's currently stuck in the year But inthe evil future corporation Alchemax has just been formed - and Miguel has a chance to stop its corruption before it starts! However, Spider-Man soon discovers that he's not the only one hoping for a better tomorrow. When Spidey 's uneasy arrangement with Alchemax lands him in a literal war zone, Miguel must fight for his grandfather's soul Get A Copy. PaperbackTradepages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 3. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Spider-ManVolume 1please sign up. I liked this book, a bit. Do Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 of you kinda prefer Peter Parker, though? I think I do. He's the best. See 1 question about Spider-ManVolume 1…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jul 02, Sean Gibson rated it really liked it. Picture it: Kalamazoo, Michigan, The flagship character of that line? Ninja, ninja RAP! Also, Marvel hits the nostalgia button hard, dropping Spidey into the midst of Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 excellent Superior Spider-Man, an appearance that was apparently well received enough to prompt the launch of a brand-new Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 title written by co-creator Peter David. In the best issues. In a fit of nostalgic yearning, I called to mind images of Kathy Ireland and proceeded to do the things that I used to…er, I mean, I re-read the first few issues of the original Spider-Man series and was delighted to find it rather entertaining. And so the new Spidey hit me in the right place NOT the groin at the right time. I dug it. So, dive in with gusto, those of you who did NOT buy 7 copies of Doom 1 in the hope that it would be the foundation of your retirement fund sigh. I should note that the nostalgia factor probably played a significant role in my warm fuzzies for this story. The fact that this book came along at a time in my life when I was spending Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 spare time playing The Marvel Superheroes RPGdrinking entirely too many Slurpees, and mashing buttons on my Super Nintendo made me predisposed toward liking it. But, I think, all of that notwithstanding, this is a quality book. Check it out. View all 53 comments. Jul 29, Jeff rated it liked it Shelves: comix. Welcome todude! Can two Spider-men exist in New York City at the same time without the two of them getting confused for one another? Uh, sure, why the hell not. Welcome back! His sense of humor is in evidence above, and his deft characterization and decent story lines make this a fun read for what is otherwise a C list book. It's nothing earth shattering, but it's a pleasant and quick read. You can take a pass on that one. View all 13 comments. Apr 25, Terence rated it liked it Shelves: marvel-unlimited Miguel O'Hara aka Spider- Man is trapped in the past. Unfortunately he's not the only one unhappy he's stuck in the past. Time travel is a fickle mistress for storytellers. Just a dab can do wonders and too much can spoil everything. Out of Time was just a dab as Miguel is trapped in the past and can't get back. He's smart, but not as smart as he should Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 because popping up anywhere as Miguel O'Hara aka Spider- Man is trapped in the past. He's smart, but not as smart as he should be because popping up anywhere as Spider-Man is bound to lead to suspicion. It's a decent start although I have to wonder if Miguel will ever be allowed to return to the future. May 08, Gavin rated it it was ok Shelves: comics. View 2 comments. Mar 09, Artemy rated it really liked it Shelves: comicsmarvel. I got to Peter David's Spidey Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 the awesome Spider-Verse, and I was pleased to find out that the series is solid and enjoyable even outside of the event. Miguel's backstory is kinda confusing and convoluted though, so that took a while to wrap my head around. Still, once I did, I had a lot of fun with this volume. Aug 29, Donovan rated it it was ok. Feb 15, Ronald Price rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed this book. It also included some great action scenes including the and a new set of Spiderverse Slayers. The ending also takes us into the new upcoming Spiderverse storyline in which Spiderman will be alongside many other Spider-Man characters from various timelines. What a great series. I am hoping that it will continue for a while Feb 10, Kay rated it really liked it Shelves: superhero-comicsspider-man. I've only read a little of the "classic" 's Spider-Manbut enough to know who Miguel is and how he became Spider-Man. I don't know how he got sent back in time, but I tend to like "out of time" stories. They're usually rich in character development cuz they generally make their subjects struggle within their new environs. I like Miguel a lot. He's snarky yet silent while he fights, or at least more silent than both Peter and Miles, and I think it's funny when he complains that the v I've only read a little of the "classic" 's Spider-Manbut enough to know who Miguel is and how he became Spider-Man. He's snarky yet silent while he fights, or at least more silent than both Peter and Miles, and I think it's funny when he complains that the villains he's fighting are too talkative. I love Peter David's dry humor and how well it plays with Miguel's character. Like this exchange with Lyla above, or his daydream of throwing Liz Allan out the window. I read these as single issues Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 missed Amazing Spider-Man 1, so I haven't read Miguel's introduction to Peter, but I like this title so Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1. Apr 03, Michael rated it liked it Shelves: collected-comicspider-manread-inspring-reading