Peter David,,William Sliney | 120 pages | 17 Feb 2015 | | 9780785190790 | English | New York, United States Spider-Man 2099 Vol 1 1

Also, Marvel hits the nostalgia button hard, dropping Spidey into the midst of the excellent Superior Spider-Man, an appearance that was apparently well received enough to prompt the launch of a brand-new Spidey title written by co-creator . So nothing really gets established, I didn't like the Spider-Verse tie in either, I don't think it'll ever be referenced again. I had read Peter David's blog regularly for a few years without ever reading Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 of his comics. I don't know too much background on this but definitely enjoyed this version of Spiderman. No trivia or quizzes yet. This actually brought him to 's attention, and the hunt continues. He found himself working for Liz Allen in the company called Alchemax. They're usually rich in character development cuz they generally make their subjects struggle within their new environs. November Jun 20, Kira Nerys rated it it was amazing. I am hoping that it will continue for a while Learn more. Cancel Insert. Lyla is a very useful sidekick to Miguel. Original Price. I read Spiderman back when it first came out and I thought I could go into this with a little bit of situational knowledge and so forth. May 08, Gavin rated it it was ok Shelves: comics. He even offers Miguel a goodbye toast of vintage wine in his office and tells him that any company that calls asking about him will only get the most glowing reviews. You'd like it. Check it out. I like Miguel's personality. Not what I was expecting Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 I still found it to be really entertaining. Antonio Fabela Colourist. Stone had just doped Miguel's wine with Rapture as "a parting gift". He must now try to manage his double life as an employee for the soon to be corrupt organization and his adventures as Spider-Man. Rick Leonardi Al Williamson. Graphic Novels Comics. I don't know how he got sent back in time, but I tend to like "out of time" stories. Even Lyla notes his unusual behavior as "not within normal programming parameters": he comes and goes at different hours, his heart rate is up, he hasn't made an entry in his journal in five days Spider-Man Vol 1 1. Miguel cuts the message short, moving on to one from his Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1, Dana D'Angelo. Tyler Stone makes a trip to the lab in person to introduce the researchers to Mr. To ask other readers questions about Spider-ManVolume 1please sign up. Rows: Columns:. Spider-Man Vol. They'd had remarkable success in altering the genetic structure of test animals, and he'd even found "some quality research material for inspiration". I won't be reading t I'm not fond of superhero comics but I figured the scifi angle could be interesting. I'm looking at you New Frontier. Get A Copy. And he didn't even have to resort to hot women in skimpy bodysuits to keep my attention. Lists with Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 Book. Leonardi and Will Sliney are credited as illustrators. Peter David has been so consistently good for so long that sometimes I forget that any book he is working on is going to be at-minimum worth reading and often essential reading. Dec 22, Tim Lapetino rated it really liked it. Enjoyable artwork. Can two Spider-men exist in New York City at the same time without the two of them getting confused for one another? Spider-Man 2. Just then, the portal is closed, and Miguel is left alone, other than the dead body of his counterpart. Time travel is a fickle mistress for storytellers. Comment and Save Until you earn points Spider-Man 2099: Out of Time Volume 1 your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. David has always been a writer who can find ways to tell unique, fun stories in a corner of a particular universe that stay true to the universe but also explore some interesting areas and do some nice character work. I love this book and it feels like the Spider-man I grew up on. Michael Hobson. Cancel Update. Aug 22, Patrick rated it it was ok Shelves: u-s-aliterature. He is a likable spider-character.