Congressional Record—Senate S11428

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Congressional Record—Senate S11428 S11428 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2009 EC–3636. A communication from the Chief Department of State, transmitting, pursuant Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, of the Publications and Regulations Branch, to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amendments to Internal Revenue Service, Department of the cation of a proposed manufacturing license Various National Indian Gaming Commis- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the agreement for the manufacture of significant sion Regulations’’ (RIN3141–0001) received in report of a rule entitled ‘‘Industry Director’s military equipment abroad relative to the the Office of the President of the Senate on Directive No. 2—Super Completed Contract manufacture of Modified 20mm 102mm PELE November 12, 2009; to the Committee on In- Method’’ (LMSB–4–0209–006) received in the Ammunition for end-use by the United dian Affairs. Office of the President of the Senate on No- States of America; to the Committee on For- EC–3654. A communication from the Direc- vember 13, 2009; to the Committee on Fi- eign Relations. tor of Legislative Affairs, Office of the Direc- nance. EC–3645. A communication from the Assist- tor of National Intelligence, transmitting, EC–3637. A communication from the Chief ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, pursuant to law, a report relative to the va- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Department of State, transmitting, pursuant cancy in the position of Principal Deputy Di- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- rector of National Intelligence, received in Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the cation of a proposed manufacturing license the Office of the President of the Senate on report of a rule entitled ‘‘Update for Weight- agreement for the manufacture of significant November 13, 2009; to the Select Committee ed Average Interest Rates, Yield Curves, and military equipment abroad relative to the on Intelligence. Segment Rates’’ (Notice 2009–88) received in manufacture of the GAU–19 Gun for end-use EC–3655. A communication from the Gen- the Office of the President of the Senate on by the United States of America; to the eral Counsel, Executive Office for Immigra- November 13, 2009; to the Committee on Fi- Committee on Foreign Relations. tion Review, Department of Justice, trans- nance. EC–3646. A communication from the Assist- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule EC–3638. A communication from the Chief ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, entitled ‘‘Application of Immigration Regu- Department of State, transmitting, pursuant of the Publications and Regulations Branch, lations to the Commonwealth of the North- to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the ern Mariana Islands’’ (RIN1125–AA67) re- cation of a proposed manufacturing license Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ceived in the Office of the President of the agreement for the manufacture of significant report of a rule entitled ‘‘Effective Date of Senate on November 12, 2009; to the Com- military equipment abroad relative to the Regulations Under Section 411(b)(5)(B)(i); Re- mittee on the Judiciary. lief Under Section 411(d)(6); and Notice to modification CH–47SD Chinook Helicopters Pension Plan Participants’’ (Announcement to the CH–47F configuration for end-use by f Singapore in the amount of $50,000,000 or 2009–82) received in the Office of the Presi- EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF dent of the Senate on November 13, 2009; to more; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- the Committee on Finance. tions. COMMITTEES EC–3639. A communication from the Chief EC–3647. A communication from the Direc- The following executive reports of tor, Directorate of Standards and Guidance, of the Publications and Regulations Branch, nominations were submitted: Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Occupational Safety and Health Administra- By Mr. KERRY for the Committee on For- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- eign Relations. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Withholding on port of a rule entitled ‘‘Revising Standards *James LaGarde Hudson, of the District of Wages of Nonresident Alien Employees Per- Referenced in the Acetylene Standard; Final Columbia, to be United States Director of forming Services Within the United States’’ Rule’’ (RIN1218–AC08) received in the Office the European Bank for Reconstruction and (Notice 2009–91) received in the Office of the of the President of the Senate on November 10, 2009; to the Committee on Health, Edu- Development. President of the Senate on November 16, cation, Labor, and Pensions. *Jose W. Fernandez, of New York, to be an 2009; to the Committee on Finance. EC–3648. A communication from the Assist- EC–3640. A communication from the Assist- Assistant Secretary of State (Economic, En- ant General Counsel of the Division of Regu- ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, ergy, and Business Affairs). latory Services, Office of Postsecondary Edu- Department of State, transmitting, pursuant *Frederick D. Barton, of Maine, to be Rep- cation, Department of Education, transmit- to law, status reports relative to Iraq for the resentative of the United States of America ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- period of August 15, 2009, through October 15, on the Economic and Social Council of the titled ‘‘Institutions and Lender Require- 2009; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. United Nations, with the rank of Ambas- ments Relating to Education Loans, Student EC–3641. A communication from the Assist- sador. Assistance General Provisions, Federal Per- ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, *Daniel W. Yohannes, of Colorado, to be kins Loan Program, Federal Family Edu- Department of State, transmitting, pursuant Chief Executive Officer, Millennium Chal- cation Loan Program, and William D. Ford to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- lenge Corporation. Federal Direct Loan Program’’ (RIN1840– cation of a proposed amendment to a manu- *Gustavo Arnavat, of New York, to be AC95) received in the Office of the President facturing license agreement for the export of United States Executive Director of the of the Senate on November 10, 2009; to the defense articles, including, technical data, Inter-American Development Bank for a Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and and defense services to Australia relative to term of three years. Pensions. the manufacture and service of F/A–18 Trail- *Frederick D. Barton, of Maine, to be an EC–3649. A communication from the Dep- Alternate Representative of the United ing Edge Flaps, Trailing Edge Flap Shrouds, uty Director of Regulations and Policy Man- Ailerons, and Aileron Shrouds and their as- States of America to the Sessions of the agement Staff, Food and Drug Administra- General Assembly of the United Nations, sociated minor components and parts in the tion, Department of Health and Human Serv- amount of $100,000,000 or more; to the Com- during his tenure of service as Representa- ices, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- tive of the United States of America on the mittee on Foreign Relations. port of a rule entitled ‘‘New Animal Drug Economic and Social Council of the United EC–3642. A communication from the Assist- Applications’’ (Docket No. FDA–2009–N–0436) Nations. ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, received in the Office of the President of the *Robert R. King, of Virginia, to be Special Department of State, transmitting, pursuant Senate on November 10, 2009; to the Com- Envoy on North Korean Human Rights to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Issues, with the rank of Ambassador. cation of a proposed amendment to a manu- Pensions. facturing license agreement for the export of EC–3650. A communication from the Sec- *William E. Kennard, of the District of Co- defense articles, including, technical data, retary of Health and Human Services, trans- lumbia, to be Representative of the United and defense services to Japan relative to the mitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled States of America to the European Union, overhaul and manufacture of SIIS–3XT4/T4 ‘‘Fiscal Year 2008 Medical Device User Fee with the rank and status of Ambassador Ex- ejection seats for the XT4/T4 trainer aircraft and Modernization Act of 2002 (MDUFMA) traordinary and Plenipotentiary. in the amount of $100,000,000 or more; to the Financial Report’’; to the Committee on Nominee: William E. Kennard. Committee on Foreign Relations. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Post: Chief of Mission—USEU. EC–3643. A communication from the Assist- EC–3651. A communication from the Direc- (The following is a list of all members of ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, tor, Congressional Affairs, Federal Election my immediate family and their spouses. I Department of State, transmitting, pursuant Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, have asked each of these persons to inform to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- a report entitled ‘‘Federal Election Commis- me of the pertinent contributions made by cation of a proposed amendment to a manu- sion 2009 Performance and Accountability them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- facturing license agreement for the manufac- Report’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- formation contained in this report is com- ture of significant military equipment curity and Governmental Affairs. plete and accurate.) abroad relative to the Laser Target Desig- EC–3652. A communication from the Acting Contributions, amount, date, and donee: nator/Range Finders and Gated Laser Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora- 1. Self: $2300, 2/27/07, Obama for America; illuminators for Night Television for the AC– tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Cor- ¥$2300, 2/27/07, Obama for America; $2300, 2/ 130U Gunship for end-use by the United poration’s Annual Management Report for 27/07, Obama for America; $2300, 3/29/07, States of America; to the Committee on For- fiscal year 2009; to the Committee on Home- Obama for America;’ ¥$2300, 3/29/07, Obama eign Relations.
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