Haines Township
HAINES TOWNSHIP. Haines Township was erected while part of the territory of Centre countv was yet in Northumberland county, in February 179C0, and so called alter RcuH- ben Ilaines, a brewCr of Philadelphia, who owned large bodies of land in the township. Its valley surveys date back to 1766, and among its earliest settlers wcre Adam Harper, Jacob and Adam Stover. Its oldest village, Aaronsbur, was laid out by Noalh Levy in 1786. James Duncan was the first store keeper. and a post office was established in Aaronsburg, April I, 1798, and Mr. Duncan appointed post master. It now consists of two precincts, East and West, The first resident physician was Dr. Klepper, who was succeeded in I 8 I t by Dr. Charles Coburn. The first settler on the site of Woodward was John MotIz in 1786, and the valley was laid out in I1848 Population in T860, 15 To: in I870, I354; in i880, I422; in 1890, 1490. r A B ,,) M. B B Arlney, TIestoll S 2S, farmer, Elizabeth, Mlbel Ilie sslr, ltehecxca-WVood wart It, Ellen, Lydial A-Fiedle' Blenner, llenj i nliii 57, fitix(ie , il:r1- l %, iixtrfxlx A(dam, Jamcs \V 18, laborer-1fe(ersburg C, Wil'liaiit W 22, laloir, Mxry .J 1I)tax- AIter, Samuiiel38, fartixi', Hfarriet, Jimes N fi. iel I:15,Woexdwxxrd XI i 11am *f-ill bieimi Blartier, George NV37, fatrxxxer, ie A,:qIettlaxny Asker, AmandaAtaronsburg 1, Harry J 4, ChalIe6 iF 2, Lxauxra F- Acker, Howxoid A 38, laborer, Susan I, Cor- Woodward delia 0, Theodore E 1;, Charles 13 10, Ilarne r, Cxttlxhxrioe-Wyood waid Lysle A, iowell 5-zAaronsburg Bllrter', John J 32, laborer Rebecca.
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