Perspectives on Building a Cyber Force Structure
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or parts of 163 this work for internal use within NATO and for personal or Conference on Cyber Conflict educational use not done for profit or commercial purpose Proceedings 2010 is granted providing that copies bear this notice and a full C. Czosseck and K. Podins (Eds.) citation on the first page. Any other reproduction or trans- CCD COE Publications, 2010, Tallinn, Estonia. mission requires prior written permission. PERSPECTIVES ON BUILDING A CYBER FORCE STRUCTURE Stuart STARRa,1, Daniel KUEHLb,2, Terry PUDASc,3 aCenter for Technology and National Security Policy (CTNSP), Washington, DC, USA biCollege of the NDU. Washington, DC, USA cCTNSP, NDU, Washington, DC, USA Abstract: This paper explores the US’s cyber force structure with special em- phasis on the cyber workforce. To achieve that goal, this paper addresses several issues: it characterizes the nature of the cyber security problem; it draws on insights from senior decision-makers to identify cyber force struc- ture needs; it characterizes current capabilities by summarizing the key ini- tiatives that are being pursued by the US Services and key joint activities; and it identifies a spectrum of actions to mitigate shortfalls in the existing cyber forces structure (i.e. education; higher education and recruitment; cer- tification, retention, professional development, and workforce management; exercises; and security clearance requirements). The paper concludes by iden- tifying actions that NATO might pursue to improve its cyber force structure (e.g. conduct realistic, stressful exercises) and by identifying residual issues to address (e.g. career progression; value of employing “patriotic hackers”).
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