George Macdonald Family Library
George MacDonald Family Library The MacDonald Family Library contains books and periodicals that were owned by George MacDonald or members of his family. Background Information The majority of these books and periodicals were acquired, through a bookseller, from the great granddaughter of George MacDonald, who received them from her mother, Lilia Mary MacDonald. The books were owned by a various members of the MacDonald family, some gifted from one to another. Key: SIGNED: signed by, or presented to, a member of the MacDonald family. ANT: An * indicates that the book has been annotated. Bolded text: Indicates the book is shelved by title AUTHOR TITLE SIGND ANT The Arabian Nights Entertainments Lilia Mary MacDonald from Uncle Greville and Auntie Phe Christmas 1905 Bunyan, John The Pilgrim's Progress Winifred Louisa * MacDonald from G.M.McD. Nov. 6, 1876 To George MacDonald Cupples, Mrs. George Bill Marlin's Tales of the Sea with the Author's comp. Good Things: a picturesque magazine for boys and girls, 1875 Good Things: A picturesque magazine for boys and girls, 1876 Good Things: a picturesque magazine for boys and girls, 1877 Horton, Robert F. & Poems by Two friends Presentation copy to Greville MacDonald R. O. Ingelow, Jean Stories told to a Child La Fontaine Select Fables of La Fontaine Winifred L. MacDonald Sep 10 1875 to her grandniece Lear, Edward Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany, and MacDonald Alphabets MacDonald, George Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood (1867) Volume 1-3 MacDonald, George Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood (1890) Marion E. Wade Center, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL AUTHOR TITLE SIGND ANT Lilia Mary MacDonald MacDonald, George At the Back of the North Wind from her Aunt Winifred Dec.
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