Final Evaluation of UN Women Project “Expanding Women’S Role in Agricultural Production and Natural Resource

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Final Evaluation of UN Women Project “Expanding Women’S Role in Agricultural Production and Natural Resource Final Evaluation of UN Women project “Expanding Women’s Role in Agricultural Production and Natural Resource Management as a Strategy for Improved Food Security and Climate Change Resilience” in Gaza province, Mozambique. Evaluation Report Submitted 16/09/2019 Evaluation team: Julião M. Matsinhe and Antoine Bossel Commissioned by the UN Women Mozambique Country Office Acknowledgements The evaluation team would like to express its thanks to the various contributors from Government departments, donor agencies, non-governmental organizations and local communities’ members, who have provided inputs into this evaluation. The team is particularly grateful to beneficiaries at the community level, who took the time to provide valuable feedback of their experience. Disclaimer The opinions expressed are those of the Evaluation Team, and do not necessarily reflect those of UN Women. Responsibility for the opinions expressed in this report rests solely with the authors. Publication of this document does not imply endorsement by UN Women of the opinions expressed. The designation employed and the presentation of material in the maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UN Women concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country, territory or sea area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers. Julião Matsinhe - Antoine Bossel Maputo September 2019 1 Table of Contents 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 2 BACKGROUND, PURPOSE, METHODOLOGY AND LIMITATIONS OF THE EVALUATION 12 2.1 Purpose and scope 12 2.2 Evaluation methodology and limitations 12 2.2.1 Main points of references 12 2.2.2 Evaluability assessment 13 2.2.3 Evaluation criteria and questions 13 2.2.4 Sources 14 2.2.5 Evaluation data collection tools 15 2.2.6 Evaluation matrix 15 2.2.7 Sampling approach 15 2.2.8 Limitations 16 2.3 Report structure 16 3 PROJECT OPERATIONAL FACTSHEET 17 4 PROJECT PERFORMANCES 24 4.1 Relevance 24 4.1.1 Needs and expectation of beneficiaries 24 4.1.2 National strategies and policies 26 4.1.3 UN Women strategy and priorities 27 4.1.4 Strategies and activities of other stakeholders 27 4.1.5 Internal coherence 28 4.2 Effectiveness 35 4.2.1 Achievement of outcome 1 and respective results 36 4.2.2 Achievement of outcome 2 and respective results 39 4.3 Efficiency 48 4.3.1 Capacities 48 4.3.2 Project expenditures 51 4.3.3 Organizational/operational structure 53 4.3.4 Timing of operations 53 4.4 Sustainability 54 2 4.4.1 Sustainability of animal husbandry 54 4.4.2 Sustainability of Community Animal Health Workers 60 4.4.3 Sustainability of Sharefair 61 4.4.4 Sustainability of Gender responsible planning and budgeting 62 4.5 Impact 63 4.5.1 Social impact 63 4.5.2 Economic impact 64 4.5.3 Environmental impact 66 5 CONCLUSION 68 5.1 Summary of evaluation criteria assessment 68 5.2 Key lessons for the future 69 5.3 Recommendations 70 ANNEXES A Bibliography 73 B Field work program and list of informants 75 C Evaluation criteria and questions listed in the ToR 80 D Main evaluation questions, type of analysis and principal sources of data 82 E Details of sampling for the evaluation field work 85 3 LIST OF TABLES 1 Project brief 17 2 Goal, outcome and outputs 18 3 Indicators per each output for key results areas 19 4 Project Strategy 20 5 Main components and activities 20 6 Project’ stakeholders 22 7 GRPB training 42 8 Human resources mobilized by UN WOMEN 49 9 Distribution of initial budget and effective expenses per main budget positions 51 10 Project budget and expenditures 52 4 Acronyms AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome BCI Commercial Investment Bank BFFS Belgium Fund for Food Security CAHW Community Animal Health Workers CDAM District Councils for the Advancement of Women CCs Consultative Councils CCDs District Consultative Councils CCLs Local Consultative Councils CCPAs Consultative Council for Administrative Council CeCaGe Centre for Gender Studies of the University Eduardo Mondlane CO Country Office DUAT Right for use and benefit of Land Use EQ Evaluation Question ET Evaluation Team ETDs District Planning and Budgeting Task Force FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FDD District Development Funds MTE Mid-Term Evaluation GBV Gender Based Violence GCEFM Girl Child Early and Forced Marriage GEWE Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment GoM Government of Mozambique GRB Gender Responsive Budgeting HIV Human Immune Deficiency Virus IDs Identification Cards ICS Institute for Social Communication IIAM Mozambican Institute for Agrarian Research ILRI International Livestock Research Institute INGC National Institute for Disaster Management INSS National Institute for Social Security IPAJ Institute for Sponsorship of Judiciary Assistance M&E Monitoring and Evaluation 5 MASA Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Mcel Mozambique Telecom Company MGCAS Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action MINED Ministry of Education and Human Development MIREME Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy MITADER Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development MTE Mid- Term Evaluation NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NUIT Individual Tax Number PRM Republic Police of Mozambique RM Rádio Moçambique SDAE District Services for Economic Activities SDPIL District Services for Planning and Infrastructure SDSMAS District Services for Health, Women and Social Action SETSAN Technical Secretary for Food Security and Nutrition SPER Provincial Services of Rural Extension SRH Sexual and Reproductive Health UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework UN WOMEN UN Entity for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment UN Women UN Entity for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment UNAC National Farmers Union UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund WEE Women’s Economic Empowerment WFP World Food Programme 6 FINAL EVALUATION OF UN WOMEN PROJECT Project - “Expanding Women’s Role in Agricultural Production and Natural Resource Management as a Strategy for Improved Food Security and Climate Change Resilience” in Gaza province, Mozambique. 1. Executive summary The evaluation of the project “Expanding Women’s Role in Agricultural Production and Natural Resources Management as a Strategy for Improved Food Security and Climate Change Resilience” in Gaza province, Mozambique, was commissioned by the UN WOMEN office in Maputo and conducted by a team of independent consultants composed by Julião Matsinhe and Antoine Bossel, between September 2018 and June 2019. The evaluation serves the dual and mutually reinforcing objectives of accountability and learning. It seeks to contribute to future programming of UN Women interventions focusing on rural women’s socio-economic empowerment. The evaluation reports on, and assesses the project’s activities and results, as well as the comparative advantage and positioning of UN Women's operations in Mozambique. The evaluation focused on the design and implementation of the project entitled “Expanding Women’s Role in Agricultural Production and Natural Resource Management as a Strategy for Improved Food Security and Climate Change Resilience” in Gaza province, Mozambique. The project included interventions in the following areas: Trainings, partnerships, documentation, awareness and material support. The following criteria guided the evaluation: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. Additionally, the evaluation considered the project’s strategic positioning and UN Women additionalities. Each criterion was assessed according to several key evaluation questions. The methodology and approach were fine-tuned and agreed upon with the UN Women during the inception phase. The evaluation used a mixed methods approach comprising a literature review, semi-structured key informant interviews, focus group discussions with beneficiaries, group interviews as well as field visits and observations. The evaluation findings were systematically triangulated through these different approaches, allowing the team to validate the findings. Fieldwork took place from April to mid-May 2019 in Gaza province (Guija, Mabalane and Massingir districts). The Evaluation Team (ET) selected the sample in consultation with UN Women, based on such criteria as coverage of the main components (in particular locations where different components worked side by side), as well as accessibility. Interviews were conducted with several stakeholders, including UN Women CO staff, government staff at provincial, district and local levels, implementing partners, beneficiaries, and local level stakeholders. The team used a gender-responsive methodology in the interview, and a data collection process with groups of women and men interviewed separately, whenever appropriate. Due to the difficult and time-consuming nature of travelling to remote project supported locations, the ET was unable to visit all possible locations, and field visits were short and intensive. Furthermore, the high turnover of government staff on the project’s sites meant that several people who had played an important role during the implementation period were no longer present. UN WOMEN also constrained the evaluation - this was particularly the case with regards to the limited outcome level data available. From a design perspective, the interventions’ objectives were relevant to the target population’s needs. Similarly, the project was strongly coherent with the Mozambican policy framework. There are in fact, numerous correlations between government strategies and policies and the project as a whole, or at least at the level of its various components. The project
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