Mclean, D. Et Al. (2020) Refining the Eruptive History of Ulleungdo and Changbaishan Volcanoes (East Asia) Over the Last 86 Kyrs Using Distal Sedimentary Records
McLean, D. et al. (2020) Refining the eruptive history of Ulleungdo and Changbaishan volcanoes (East Asia) over the last 86 kyrs using distal sedimentary records. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 389, 106669. (doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.106669) There may be differences between this version and the published version. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite from it. Deposited on: 04 December 2019 Enlighten – Research publications by members of the University of Glasgow REFINING THE ERUPTIVE HISTORY OF ULLEUNGDO AND CHANGBAISHAN VOLCANOES (EAST ASIA) OVER THE LAST 86 KYRS USING DISTAL SEDIMENTARY RECORDS DANIELLE MCLEAN*a, PAUL G ALBERTa, TAKEHIKO SUZUKIb, TAKESHI NAKAGAWAc, JUN-ICHI KIMURAd, QING CHANGd, ALISON MACLEODe,f, SIMON BLOCKLEYe, RICHARD A STAFFa,g, KEITARO YAMADAc, IKUKO KITABAc, TSUYOSHI HARAGUCHIh, JUNKO KITAGAWAi, SG14 PROJECT MEMBERSj AND VICTORIA C SMITHa a Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3TG, UK b Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, 192-0397, Japan c Research Centre for Palaeoclimatology, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, 525-8577, Japan d Department of Solid Earth Geochemistry, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan e Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London, TW20 OEX, UK f Department of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Reading, RG66AB, UK g Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, University of Glasgow, East Kilbride, G75 0QF, UK h Osaka City University, Osaka, 558-8585, Japan i Fukui Prefectural Satoyama-Satoumi Research Institute, Wakasa, 919-1331 Japan j *Corresponding author: Highlights: • Distal records show eruptions are more frequent and widespread • At least 8 Changbaishan eruptions produced widespread ash over the last 86 kyrs • Explosive eruption of Changbaishan at ca.
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