2014-2015 SACRED HEART HOSPITAL Volunteer Partners Board of Directors VOLUNTEER Front: Mary Ann Ogan - Treasurer, Sharon Schug, The Volunteer Partners’ newsletter is published three Janet Lesniewski January 2015 times a year to communicate Partners Back: Don Winrich - President Elect, information of interest and Mary Pengra – Director Volunteer Services, usefulness to volunteers and Dennis Lackey, Sylvia Emerson – friends. We welcome all President, Paul Stark, Barb Filla – Past President, suggestions and comments. TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS OF SACRED HEART HOSPITAL Russ McElroy, Jaci Fuller – Secretary. You may contact me at 715-225-3978 or e-mail me at
[email protected] Absent: Steve Lange, Amy Dwyer - Administrative Representative Jaci Fuller, Volunteer Partners Newsletter Coordinator. A New Year A time VOLUNTEER PARTNERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING DATES January 26, 2015 to celebrate February 23, 2015 yesterday’s successes March 23, 2015 Wish and tomorrow’s opportunities. April 27, 2015 May 26, 2015 June 22, 2015 A time to be grateful If you have questions or suggestions for the Board, please see or contact a board member. We would like to hear from for family and friends, you! In addition, any volunteer who would like to “sit in” on a board meeting, please contact President Sylvia Emerson at 715-835-8816 or email at
[email protected] for good times and good fortune. A time to look From the Board of Directors to the Volunteers at Sacred Heart Hospital: with anticipation toward Hopes and Dreams come true. We wish you Happiness and Joy… And Blessings for the New Year. Wishing you all a new year Volunteer Partners We wish you the best of everything, Mission Statement filled with exciting possibilities That you so well deserve In partnership with and all the rewards Sacred Heart Hospital, of true happiness.