STATISTICAL COMMISSION AND Working Paper No. 5 ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE ENGLISH ONLY CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN STATISTICIANS ECE Work Session on Migration Statistics (Geneva, 25-27 March 1998) Country classifications in migration statistics - present situation and proposals for a Eurostat standard Submitted by Statistics Norway1 Preface This report is the result of the Country List Project. The project, that has been financed by Eurostat, has dealt with different aspects of country classifications. The question of spelling of country names was not included in the project, but some results from a survey on that topic are included as an appendix. The project was originally meant to be describing. At Eurostat's request, the report also contains some proposals and advices, but it has not been possible to draw conclusions in all parts of the report. Before that can be done, there must be further discussions. It is unavoidable that readers of this report will find some mistakes and inaccurancies as it brings a lot of detailed facts. We will be grateful to receive corrections and other comments. If necessary a new edition will be made after some months. Contact persons: Mona Takle e-mail:
[email protected] tel.: 47 62 88 52 02 fax: 47 62 88 52 89 Division of Population and Education Statistics Kåre Vassenden e-mail:
[email protected] tel.: 47 62 88 52 94 fax: 47 62 88 52 89 Division of Population and Housing Census Statistics Norway P.b. 1260 N-2201 Kongsvinger, Norway 1 Prepared by Mona Takle and Kåre Vassenden. Working Paper No. 5 page 2 PREFACE......................................................................................................................................................