ESO Call for Proposals – P108 Proposal Deadline: 25 March 2021, 12:00 noon CET * Call for Proposals ESO Period 108 Proposal Deadline: 25 March 2021, 12:00 noon Central European Time Issued 25 February 2021 * Preparation of the ESO Call for Proposals is the responsibility of the ESO Observing Programmes Office (OPO). For questions regarding preparation and submission of proposals to ESO telescopes, please contact the ESO Observing Programmes Office,
[email protected]. The ESO Call for Proposals document is a fully linked pdf file with bookmarks that can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher. Internal document links appear in red and external links appear in blue. Links are clickable and will navigate the reader through the document (internal links) or will open a web browser (external links). ESO Call for Proposals Editor: Dimitri A. Gadotti Approved: Xavier Barcons Director General v Contents I Phase 1 Instructions1 1 ESO Proposals Invited1 1.1 Important recent changes (since Period 105).......................2 1.1.1 General.......................................2 1.1.2 Paranal.......................................4 1.1.3 La Silla.......................................6 1.1.4 Chajnantor.....................................7 1.2 Important reminders....................................7 1.2.1 General.......................................7 1.2.2 Paranal.......................................8 1.2.3 La Silla.......................................9 1.2.4 Chajnantor..................................... 10 1.3 Changes foreseen in the upcoming Periods........................ 11 2 Getting Started 11 2.1 Support for VLTI programmes.............................. 12 2.2 Exposure Time Calculators................................ 12 2.3 The p1 proposal submission tool............................. 12 2.3.1 Important notes.................................. 13 2.4 Proposal Submission.................................... 13 3 Visitor Instruments 14 II Proposal Types, Policies, and Procedures 15 4 Proposal Types 15 4.1 Normal Programmes...................................