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The Ledger and Times, May 4, 1966

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I Neleeted As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper

The Only r I• 7f .... Largest Afternoon Daily .

__ Circulation In Murray And - :11 iPi1I Both In . Calloway County lq • [ A In CountyCitynd United Press International In Our 87th Year Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, May 4, 1966 10. Per Copy Vol. LXXXVII No. 105 Traffic Funeral For Preston Seen & Heard Violations Fill The Southard Is Today Docket In Judge Dunn's Court Wallace Funeral services for Ticket • Arot.ind Preston Southard of MurruY RoiXe Two _Analinglig_nit cues have been $10.00 plus $4.60 costa. . are being held tockiy at two p.m. MURRAY dlignatil of in • the ray court of J. N County, charged with pub- at the Max H Churchill Funeral Cfty JUdge WIllun H. (Jake) Dunn lic drunkenness, entered plea of Home chapel with Rev. Jack JOINS du, ng tads walk. Records ahoy the guilty, fined $15.00 plus ar.d Rev T A. Theder officinting. Winner Easily t4_50 In costa. following ortiudid: R. F Harr* charged with speed- Bunn] will talwow In the Murray Whimpy Jones seems to be keep- J N. Country, charged with ing. amended to breach of peace, Memorial Gardens. ing the courthouse in goad shape. DWI. entered plea of guilty, fined entered plea of guilty, fined $10.00 Prelbearers are Harry Key, T. 0. $110.00 plus $450 nets. plus $4.50 cosh. Shenon, Oran Hull Dated Fia, Saw Abe Thompson yeeerday for J T Nethitt, charged with reck- R. J Vode, charged with publk Clarence Horton, and Haman Alabama Jan- Election the first, time in several weeks. less *driving, entered Pea of guil- drunkenness, entered plea of Fula es. ty. fined $15.00 plus $4_50 costs ty. fined $15 00 plus $4.50 coda. Southard. age 66, died stakienN Talking with Pie Chief neva Rob- M A laareter, charged with D A. Colarm, charged with DWI, M.onday m five p.m *tale trotting to sea-en countoes by the Justice ertson about the pcenibinty By WILLIAM 0. BRYANT af fire reokless shaving. amended to breach amended to reckless driving, enter- in a &rani-berry patch near his Department. in the new dermitories We men- of peace. entered plea of guilty, ed plea of guilty, hoed $100.00 plus home. He had suffered from • Gray Nominated tioned that they ane fire proof, but fined $1000 plus $410 coats. $450 costa. heart ailment. BIRMINGHAM, Ala - One. Attorney Fred Gray, Who defend- he reminded us that when you put L. 0. Fowler. Jr. chanted with D. D Ocartand. charged with Survivors include his wife. Mrs of. rge Wallace's popularity, so ed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. in flammable material in anyttern DWI. amended to r.eckless dreving, recalene drmrsg, entered pies of Chrastine Latham Southrad; two great it overcame the largek Negro several civil rights oases. won nom- fireproof, you cannot ready say it entered plea of runty, Pined $100.00 guano fined $15.00 phis $4.50 cotta daughters, Janis and Linda; Orle vote in Alabama history, wept his Mattson to the House from a ths- Is fireproof. MRS. WALLACE CAMPAIGNING - Mrs Lorton Wallace p:us $450 costa. J. D Jones, charged with reck- Saitl, Dale, one slater, Mrs Martha wife to the Democratic nomination trat C.,41,1.1n tsed cd predominantly (right), wife of Alabama's Gov Gearge ala(e, 'Attics to a Floyd Green. Jr., charter' with less cinv.reg. enteral plea of mal- Southerrl of Beaver Darn one bro. to seek election as his sUccesor. Negro Macnn. Bullock and Barbour Hero died the five and woman in Mobl'e as she campaigns to succeed tier husband, one7halt breath of peace. entered plea of ty, fined $10.00 plus $4.50 costs. ther, Robert Soutterd at Roches- Attractive Lurleen Wallace counties. He defeated two white million fire several who by law Is ineligible She has anricunced 'hat if years ago in guilty, fined $16.00 plus $4.50 coats. Z D. Smith. charged with public ter. she is crushed nine male rivals in badly opponents by a sizeable margin. the Pentagon in elected the governor's offire will Waahington. The R. D Hurt, charged with brelesti druaikenneas entered plea of guil- The Max H. Churchill Funeral be run by him Tuendny that no primary runoff Another Negro, Thornas Reed, ap- Pentagon is fire proof. of peace, entered plea of guilty, ty. fined $1.5.00 plus $4.50 oasts Horne has charge of the arrange:. will be necerssain. She faces a parently close to winning nomina- --- fined $15_00 p:ass $4.50 costs J. P Collins, charged Vigil DWI, meats. wrong Republican challaage in a tion in another Howe race. The new dormitonee have stand J W Sieverteon. charged with amended to mottle's driving, enter- general elect on showdown to keep Fanner state Police Chief Al pions in diem with fire hose United Church Women i Panel onn- DW1. amended to reckees driving, ed pies at ruilky, fined $12500 phis Of Successful the Wallaces In the Statehouse lingo failed in his lad for 5derdY tierroons. A stand pme. is eat a big emceed Pea of guaty, fined 111100.00 84.50 wan Will Meet Friday I Business Iran which George can pursue his of Jefferson, Birmingham, C ainty, water pipe which Men Will derOvens water p:ua $4.50 mita • J. P. Nappl, charged with shop- 1968 presider081- ambitions Continued on Page Six) far tire District Play. paposes. ti E Smith. charged with DWI. lifting, entered plea of peaty. fin- The United Church Women of'Be Heard on Thursday The Wallace triumph was so emended to reckless among. .41- ed $60.00•phis $4.60 costa. Murray and Callow, County will complete that the governor's most ilie nlhningY 11tglis You move In- tereid plea of platy, -0 .0. meet at fined $11000 Dambro, charged w it Ift the Conde PresbYtenan A powerful idly in the Alabama ) to the building with fire repreeentation of five members hose and pais $4,50 than snophfttng, entered plea of gutty, Church Priday. Meg 6, at 11 noon Howe of Repreeerratives. Ron Al- connect the hose of the Young Presidents Organiza- Kiwanis Club on the floor be- D. N Cherry, charged with reck- lined WOO plus NM team to observe the law PeBowshlp day bert Brewer, won nomination for one tion will conduct a panel dincus- the where the nre as Then less inning, amended to breath of Lonnie lbrittsty5,_. chained with program keutclient governor you go up sion this Thunwhy. May 5 al 7:16 the s:eps with the hose peace. entered plea of runty,. fined rerinnew hiring, sugared plea of Monday. May 9 "People, Poverty. Plenty - Dia- Holds Hoge Margin p.m. to the nett floor and fight tne Do-Nut Sale runty, fined $10.00 plus 8810 coats. diver, Pion, Ad" well be the theme Mr.. Wallace, 39-year-old mother fire. To qualify as a member of this J. M. Man% named with pub= of the program In be prevented by of four who met her husband while orwanisstion, a man meat be und- drunkenness, entered _pita of guil- the women at the College Presby- the was working as a clime ware We hope that er 49 years of age and mit have ttns never becomes Junior Band ty, fined $15.00 phis =SO costa. terian Church. clerk, rdlerl tm a margiri of more Set Thursday The Fourth Distract Baseball necessary. but n became a president of a corpora- certaMly n a pot- A potluck luncheon MS be serv- than 200.000 rotes over her near- arid _Tournament dralifthell were com- Son hatinh over 200 eumbyeas.. The Fire Chief Roberson ed at noon and MI women of est rival, liberal state Atty Gen, and his Vetted yeiteedliy afternoon viiith Young Presidents Organisation is The annual spring Do-nut tree men have evOiVed a plea Murray and Callosag County Richmond Flowers, who Wins Second M HS Freshmen Itturny High School thawing a bee are an international group rode a of of sotam to rampaged of the Murray Meanie Club will • take in the event of boated to attend according to Mrs. crest of Negro votes. fire In the Rid round Banton will med these succesedul bunnees men. be held Thursiday night starting at Win First Place In Mx Crawford, president of the With 2,444 of the state's 3 664 College High on theCallciane The panel Mil be conducted in 5-00 p.m. and hating until 7:00 United Chienti Women pm:Inch repoeted. Mrr, Wallace In MSU Science Fair High Pidd on Mondry. May 9 at the lecture room fourth floor) at n.en A eompieteiy Fish Fry new look at the nitre had 297042 votes to 92.197 for 400 pm. At the awne hour on May the School of Buena= at Murray Proceeds from the sale will an Inn fire fatting cepabilities maY be in Flowers Former Corwrensman Carl Two Murton er-gh Schoci fresh- 9 Olialnwein Hatt School will meet State Unhandy. order with the arri1 of high rise the club tuna for under priviledge men. lidienich son of Mrs. North Rhoda& on the Murray The Matt lad 46,4116. Penner Omit buildings in the descunion is being sponsor- children; 'Ibis fund Is wed to pur- city Apparently Z. 0 John Patterson and James Rio- and Ouy Battle, Kart ailhool laid. Max Lovett ed by Alpha Kappa. Pit profs,- chase wboal eireallaned an Page The lunches. boons and filin Murray High NON ad at Dr. sin' JRni Pole= ware among the A Bottle, nonal biome= fraternity The pub- other gas that are needed by amain.der dimeissa South lasehail draw a bye Li aim lion rid e W. Vic is urged WNW rant won the sword = din children die otherwise wnind be pimp MO" • the lower Isectet. ailt Negro RUCS, lift -OMR emits ern aissialry UMW* &lenge Passes Away don. deeded the conned held in oceenellida WIN r•dr heat sessilly se Miaow Mate evened dridnaddien as,* result the The segninfinals nal be clued ades-Thindlay will be hold on "Wallin haRdell-Plali-Perhill _ rnf the Vdting Niehis „Urniligibed 4. Weather on Tumid. May 10 veldt Murray leingh- 109 elf Men S:reet to Main wean lid VEEP NAMED their candicktes into at lered two Owe in ad High mealtime the winner of the Chaim*. The area twos been divid- This Morning runoffs for ior litni cheerier, ditilegan sheriff in Week sag The twenty-nine bards entered for his Berenn-Octlege Hat game This ed IMO nine sections with a Krann- wort win arystimis CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. IN - belt and noonnated the first Negro Report In the carman were clivkled brgo game wal be played on the Cal- in captain wanted by the Cbale K Campbellsville Junior Coker* pre- to the Alabima House since Recon- three elms= Murray% Junior .Our won am place in the jun- bwag field In the lower Club of AMU making Ily l'••ogi Pm*. Ii.....60•••1 sicking. Dr John SI. the rale. Bind ior high pidgin division for his Carter Theo- struction numbers 54 and it inis judg- bracket South Mardian will meet Max Gene Loved of the Penny Club member!, are to meet at paper clay 1111210111108(1 that Aubrey C. The National Aarioelimiton for the ed on rawatitner and playing thi- on gradattand wines. the whiner of the CiOlowary High- the Science at MU jKentucky V. nether Fortran. communik.y was claimed by death Handl. a retired Air P'orce Sales PUN pilaice pram were a Niue rib- colonel. Advancement of Colored People rty. North Marshall game on the Mur- tins miming at 10 30 at the Mur- will end at 7:00 pm and members Clew to partly dourly (died bon and a cash weft= far anal has been appointed doe prodded NAACP complain-led that. Negroes ray field at. COO pm. ray-Coloway County Hospital He will meeti at the Wornani/Club for Uwough Thursday Mei toad Ns The Jamirgon, Tennessee Junior winner. for the =hod* fir:andel develop- were inromIcksted in several coun- ales orOy 30 years of age and his the reillnag meeting There. will be east to 70 sea. Low tonight upper Band won Ant plow with append- Thew boys are stixtentes of David The Dietrict. championship game ment. Hagen is a native at Little ties but no viol-anoints were reparted dentt fcalowed an extended nines. no other program than the do-nut 30s east to upper 40a wild Beat- metal; 110 members in their band. Saturday. Rook, Art by federa voter ,ibservers sent in- Deninal of Mums, lc School sill be played on sale. • $ teed frost aid portion lageglit, The deceased ava.s in buaneee at the Penny community store until The Smith side of the city gel be worked Thundery. May 12 with 1 Kentucky Lk,: 7 a.m. 1110B LID hh linen forced binto quit Prior to the same tennis working. charde; below deni X101.41o Chances Of Surviving Kentucky Automobile that he had been an employee Honor Roll For Calloway High ef -TWraki: WIBT, up .3;up- the Seger inighring9-13thentrnnnt Re was a member of the 1962 low Clem 321.1, UP $1. Rites For Mrs. Bun-tie 4:60, sunset 6 48. Accident At Night graduating ohms of Ak710 High Released Today;102 Honored Poorer Than In Daytime School arid VALS a star Moon ads 4:51 am. basketball Darnell Held Today player at the sidlool He was a - - Note: lid la the first in Kentucky Depertment of Public FIVE DAY FORE('A AT moat us taw Maude Over cent member at Coles Oanm Ground The funerel for Mrs. Eunice Dar- a seri= of three setiche on a study Valet y The Cbiloway County High Ran- -tenderer:rase. Paul Roan Meth= nell by United Pre= Intenseness/ of the Ilsad amidemia Medicaid auenh and at the is bend ht/341 today at :wo p.m. of Kentucky treffic accidents. Arid, as a result of the survey, WOW. ee Roll for the filth Anil wedrn heat. and Nancy WIManie. it the Odra Church of Christ with The five-tiny Kentucky weather Another 7 per cent of the hint Others are to be published Thurs- 'tilt Safety Commissioner Glenn Even though Mr. Lovett had period includes die hundred and Sonesarnores - Nancy Alien (Al Rm. Henry Nan& of Murray of- outlook. Thunschy thiamin Monday, orssihen happen either owner den day and Friday.) Loverri announced he wa.s caning icee.n confined to a wheel chair two Calloway studenni Pinned& Vs). Shirley Razzed Rita Bran- ficbating. Sinai dB follow in the by the U.S Weather Bureau. or dusk. Thin, you find Unit 47 per in Mine PAWe to take preventive or Borne time, he had been in Bin Mdlt: announced that thew ton (All A's), Beverly Bdtlien, church cemetery Tenincratures will aseroge near IntANICFORT, Ky, Mso Cent, or nearly half. of the death- 4 :SPet- anion toad epirth. He needed his wife following ritigiente have achieved Terry Mac Rurkern ,A11 A's), De- isn. Damen, age dB, died Mon- the normil _plata of 71 to 77 and -- Your chance of isurvivtrig • dealing riondents orcur when driv- Lovern said he was tusking Ool. tide she wan in the hospttal in the Honor Roll by receiving all Al Ocrah Cooper, Surene Crowell, day morning at the home of her normal lows of 47 to 57 II wig Keraucky traffic evident at 'night ere' visibility is lowered lames Z. Bensett, the police tin- femphis, Term.. m March, having and B's on their report card: Panda Susan Dursoan. Shirk Clare dasighter, Mrs. Gladys Sims of be can over the weekend then war- a poorer than in the ciso-ime. vino to have offices step up then a make the UM by anabuisince. Preehrnen - Craig Otlhoun. Rita rson, Kathy Green, Vicki Ores= Mayfield Route One She wog the mer next week The greater severity of night sfOwn ha appretiend speeders and Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Mary Gale Chaney OM Sheila field, Cathy Harris (An As). Ear- grarsdnather of Glen Sans of atur- Rainfall will average about a Just over 25 per cent of all the treat' militia/A and other figure idler tralfic-law violators during length Lovett at Murray Route win, Artie Haneltne, Joe Ann Hop- barn Holenpine, Juch Kelso (Al raa. tenth of an inch or hie with chant* ntate's Inghway mishaps occur at on time factore were pointed ur night helms nne; his parenta Mc. and Mrs. kins. Rick! Hopkins, Vicki Hopkins, A's), Cynthia Mathis, Denali Phis- The Roberti, FUTIMIti Horne of of showers Friday and Monday rung, according In a naw officiel in a shady released today by the The figures and an analysis are 'red Lovela of Munsy Route Two; Donna McDougal, Johnny Miller, nen. Peggy Orr, Rceremary Redden, Mayfield is in charge of the ar- Joseph Miner. melt of a survey of accidents in wo 110116, Ricky and ?Why Lovett Aileen Palmer. Anita (Cmiteeme ea Page Ni) ningernents. 1964. Sten year for which • 41 NO and f Murray: one dentheighter. !ta- 1 (Cont/need in Page Sit) lly Black, and one stepson, Michael liadk. bcgthof Murray Route One; me alder, Mrs. Charlie Lasater. Art Auction ;0'7 Chestnut Street, Munan; two brothen. WilInni Lovett of Tole- do, Ohio, and Purtken Lovett, Ry- an Street., Macreiy. Will Be Held --Funeral arrangenuints are In- but friend may rail at the Blialook - Chloman Puneral Next Week Horne after four p.m. today.

Reedderies are invited to attend the sisal Annual Art AuCt!on KENTUCKY NEWS which MR be heed in the Fit.udent Union Ballroom cm Wednesday, May 11 The event is sponsored by BRIEFS the Art Dion of the university and Kappa Pi, hionorary art frat- - -- ernIty The411 willng open at 6 30 ' by United Pre= International pm and will be held WANTS TVA POWF.R num 7.00 to 9 pm WASHINGTON srpr --- Rep Objects to be aucttnned Include Frank Stutiblefiekl, fl-Ky., has of- ,ti types cd arts ancl crane such as fered the House a bat whereby drawings, graphne. purging& 'ev- Jackson Pura:nee Rural Electric ery, weaving. Cersenico. storipture, Ch-op would be perrentied to buy abr, it I. • good time to purr/vise power from the Tenneseee Valley aroma' ant werice for your Authority home or burdriem, a spokesman for etalbiters owe State Fair Ca • Count• 4:11 Inv= Review %auntiev are shown the at auction add. FLOWERY SMIRCH some cases the =dividnl will go above. In with t heir prize winning apparel and in others the apparel My per cent col the she price FRANKFORT. Ky. NO - For- exhibited only will be of etch Item will go for the benefit met Gov. Bert Combs Ito speak Debbie Rogers, Front row: Beverly Marks, ski rta; Jennifer Lovett and Suzette Hughes, aprons. of the art schallarehno fund which here today at the annuli dedication $ Frances Second row drerwup; Jayne 14 colt, dress; Gall Smith, mix and maich; Palmy Hopk- provklea for one or nswe rcimiar- of Kentucky's floral aloe Dear the Watson. Ins. drew; Ellen mix and match; Neva Se ull, party dream: Kathy Stubblefield. play clothes; ish.pri• to Murray University Capitol The dedication IIINItionen- State Mae ribbon winners for appearance in modeling at the Calloway Oessity 4-H Drew Review bald Reeky Scull, skirt and blouson Kathy Lovett, play c lothes: Teresa Byrn!, akirt and blouse. Judy Kelso, for high show ly Ii held prior to achool seniors aim Dully Day and an Saturday are shown above. Front left to right they are Gail Smith, Karen Alexander, Frances Scan, dress-up. draws have crumb. oulemalloa ability in the ad field. Zink, Stubblefield, Canby Lookbart, Debbk Heel. V ickie Humphreys.

C. •

• (4- • ,


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PAGE TWO Tall LEDGER & TIMES - MURRAY, KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY THE LEDGER & TIMES - MAY 4, 1966 PU111.17MIED by LED(..ka a TIMER PIIRLISHING COMPANY. Income Tax :amaeouclauen at ttui Iiiimay Leader, The Calloway lanes, alai Th. Tinsete-Herasci, latatier 4u, Mb, and Use Wan Kriatuaatian, 4 , 1.- 1042. U.U.L1SJ 121-' Questions-Answers

JI451.55 C. WILLIAM.N, PliSLISKER. This column Of cDSMD0011 said answers in federal. ODD We reserve tale ragtag to reject any Advertaang. Cotters to the oc Littler lie Almanac provided by the MOS Voice it wtucb. in our opinion, are net lot the best us- e at in. ages oil our rewiese. U. S. Internal Ramona lbattee and • be Unite* erne -Scouts Give Is published as a lietTiONAL meeresselasin Dubin awrice to RIPEUMENTATIVWS: MALLACZ WITMIR- usviskyers. me llhatatea Ara_ lionsima. OCC. oakum amens Pre Tent, • Tune & Life Bldg., New Tait, Ni queened, Cleptionson Bldg., Detroit, Mae. l--#.=Bawedn'adaY1.06 ww; 3:7,04. ft:e-1 abom the new ins wilb his Program For holang eaten en.uh be ef- lee USA at Me Post (Mice, Murray, Kentucky, for transtessan as T.e moon as in La. fug phase. fective Wee 1. 1966 Dr Second _ Tne mornine atansare Venus-and Q elefleeeest- Means. holdirw antes are there 110111101111111111011 bAKIK $y Garner In Ithetio. under tile 3 per week M.par moth The evening oar is Jupger. 111),/ law? Walla Glidpireg and ambigua' couniies. pc year. MAO; eleewhere. Hamm Mama pioneer American A. _ There are now sax rates thi Bay Doolia Tturc INDOOILInd Onadesdim Civic Ann educemon reformer, was born an byrenting tows 14 percent to 30 per- ha et a Z-mansisuna sae the liellatehm of gesegrin *has day m 1701. t Mem Calb the am& They am included an two ai its Norerepeper First Chunk gave the , ow On alas day in history: for single persons and 0 1 peognea 101 mood* inseting One WEDNESDAY -- In MSS, 11 pelsois were Mad for named prow/or MAY 4, 1966 Welosedele blab able arid 70 wournied deans tful MY- amp - I am awned and we bus 41I do biro di. nbartet Spume blab bra 4Are- 011 tteleP 01100--114--- we... Om we in.ea advantage ete ces‘k effiThilleelsellellikla. Wee at the rates for wait in are doing married conies an boi In 1932, AI Capone, yeelleover- in 011ailerva- our rorobokengy res Quotes From The News hen in the Land Beemen the iord of she Cram States and ag- Leas A yes. FinireVec, you may nor aid Ya▪4110 canna raass.vsritiiisusraisisa MOD Sy ed by the Juasce Deprelment so Mum your witela exemption Sal They have taken AMC it she - OTTAWA - Former Prime Minister John Diefenbuker, public enemy No. I. see langroper- 11=111aives ussing it herself on Pd et-St4 • PrUieCI ter lob. denouncing Prune Munster i-es ter ed at Abeam peneentiary OD in- of ill* arms - I alwuys iteinise tut B. Pearson s pruoe of a sex they are deductions sod security scandal iiieur • taxsns Margea thele• The allee wetini4 becaue I tut e high interest, 1 Jut pulltadial/ rivals: covUS 500 real .40 In 1943, Me tattle of tne Omni aPPrOltatmge4 aerla• In estate ELM and contribution& 4.4 -One ox Ltte Most Lemoit of any government . din they f I'm A WOMAN'S WORK IS NEVER DONE, 'Us said, so Mrs. Mickey Riddle Sca boon, racking an a major eme leliallel Or always overaititheld and keeps tight on with he lilIrse than McCart.nytam. (..`a.CItiated to destroy by at under the hers by shaking out her dust mop while the house la inference await for the Japanese fleet by Cre in the w deallnig uP , new system I will be being moved inSomerville, Masa bus and oefile and ben:I:Mtn b ioaendu." land astuoilaning flee more over- the 013. limy. diellP AMID withheld than before. Inalt there in They are woriula at sad 5l5. U. Neiman Hocketaler anythi ng that can be done to mini in BIRMINGHAM, Dun by building sulky plum - • Ala. - k:ass Conner, a 63-year-old Ala- of New York remersed Mr. Mar- and more Itheiy to be ready for a sleep int beski commenting memo -Happy other Wee 01 whi mutton , (Al sl..S first vote In a public election: Murphy". eallizon• mar -th"The new law authorizes you Vacations away camp. Not ad children will thi 1eit good. kb vole agaui It I'M alive." benefit [COM CSIMPillig- Much de- A 1110endliaga."1"411/ ban °DWeedisittettlis thought for the day -- Amer- ...112. Plass. • 'et", la "Iisuchti°a.snillyot'kiwanc 4 e• c ;e a bare . - pemle upon their ability and to. Termites WW1 &women Lae a WASHINGTON - Rep. MelYln Danes/ Mounter: ll". 411 01811 the Feellinas 13, istert-44 next January. Inateuctione tamed In relation to the paruculur R. Laird, 11.-W1s., critic-ta- prenimagm a mop Mowing the tram Now n/1g **Na. here tbiage begin. other arts on, ,,,,le be Imbed ism in the Taking camp. the Johnson Administration's methods in combating in- papib at the area Rabat bumow. The la-mom theretore are LOWII year There are any camps from an flation: DeSdieldi If use taunoers ot human ortelna- as mew*, on the thaP Q whicii to Moose. Don't MAIM a hasty "He (President Johnson) tells showing the camp atm and ere cth I get a with' people to stop buying dairy panda innolog iertificate? Consideration daimon. Ti. price zange he a per- we lipeduct.s. lie tells them the dairy May sow weeinng an. DeVirean Ohs farmer Is responsible for A _ Ase your employer kr a sona natter. but you will rind Illelatiooti. lie mom sites Meg have ciamed up So, to tries to cut down Ine school nulk program . . . I end Penn W-4. It as also Included in many Menem You MR base oi name bin large By DWI!) NYDICK dint the President to apply the same brakes on the govern- baring bolds .5 las Document S64.7. a fact sheet ETI cedes fecal friends and nelgehois. Pe yards sials end loo ends ions. Education Specialist Jo lant he is trying to apply to the private sector." Records for eniployees. The IRS mailed a Many fortunes Others con be Coated thrash ad. Call For There ars alio 5 puocks in this area are coaddered to impish' of these forms to all em- pleas for the approaching virtMemanne, camplointleiletina bey ant abaning up and gin In summer - DETROIT - Henry ployers in March along with in- voicatien. Should seeders, and camping asemealione. Ford U. urging all wealthy Americans Molt Mils tiall WAVE GC. MB del/Iran he sent Us! to Yee Mt I 1.151 take the initiative in tile Tight against poverty and other 4.-H Members CiniraiNgil to camp? IT so Mould it be a day soma peceral camps lilt Panda sue Pr& kinr'Q."1 1(111111y unwitetottnewl aresparstad.alL camp MI OMNs which seem/ ilk: mad by or deep away camp? emplenise soar% Steve Farm. acisice. For Free Inspection "Those who are more fortunate, lowe tobtratal The decialon is influenced by trips. etc. Ti. choice including the leaders of up by • on%i Ionlailluom"allwithholding.1 sangierormar should be eluded the O.-Nu:less world, Salk en the venous nods mane, oirloeigeowee. The neigh- by your child's Without Obligation have a duty to their country and tnem- Are Important of vaid.1 A. _ii you are -Legally" desires. In any sels may eeperat• borhood leedillic nay or nay not case. pot will mint es Co join the War Lin poverty,on ch-scrunin.tuon, on deo Wild be found In bear ed then you are considered to Tooke .are ignor- MID. These Anita be matehis tar aumrer activities. put see lamp hes ance, on ur.emnioyment. The free enterprise are two &aids of clent Apr toe purposes Oalerwriae, good WE HAVE NOT system will not Pallow you Some new biome Iamb Dean tedillnee meals. end staff gain the respect and and White 164 Liarkirlia, bob. would be considered raised our prices for pest acceptance it needs until-a,ll men snare feamily Emenama Agent married. the asiams.amaika Thaw lit ante, Wises. red and gray apiarist. Q - DM in Camping tot a rewording - control: It still costs just the abundance that system provides." MIRO boys and girls become 4.11 seif-en*med. Will die portant beam atteeling I quid al all kande. doves, • child's i Moe nab menshers they mennens hew wichhokiing rates have any for many children. The feca- pennies a day for guaran- enroll in a 411 appemana.cli koala of waders. ant there we eine atm project. These Dna% CD. enact on Ink Sy Stud:km abates interests and teed protection against members are given mann game. tiononereliona. project bakes sisk al ell - No. The rues wad same abilities, and carefui choice are the record boom end project Mids. Peebles Mould apend time le- 1 roaches, mice, rats, etc. maroon= bertie blot. allbsid only there slay receive maps . keys to ben you make • proper de- A becks Much tell how in doh- ather relating and siallefed ebb Bible Thought • iks Baki Magi& o kW* daces. For Today oil11 oan The record oat* v•••j. LO a-alga/siding You will be re. =bee. Part rat/ lionts and Mal Paella af Me abaft amid cuukl be a part of the caruan of taured. ram ever to =hide DOW- enes wild &OW Mori have easeitieres might be aniempid LEVILLS 1 will extol thee. boot or a seperate nook_ Iniperleinne deriked en1pd,f)ThAitit. tis.LOS in your Derallens • nay God,0 king; and I will Mess thy name taus Mods .xf OCI'Ver NMI food to ealiddi_. 15ems mem ebbe for Of Reaped Good 4-H Records: far if E,a.umaued me, booteung ever and rier -Psalm 143:1. A this wildlife and plan todeign hob pinata must watt during the THE HAGUE - Notheriands Termite & Pest wined anemptun is named UP Jazwary cen- Has e we ever wondered if the Si each some eit the ponds. They awawnw. camp may serve an in- tral bank has Psahnist kept his word? It project Mint have put Q - Even with the higher rates raked its discount Control, Inc. SS easy to Make W aerrsecl by PH chin out MIIIMerOUS -purpose. rate to 5 per alien resolutions in periods of splritual ecstasy, imenbers bird houses and pant- hot mown will 0sulabeid- from out from 4 1.2 per after based on reeard bolas almonorove Neemady. anchadual needs ware. cent because PHONE 753-7990 the expetienee of deep trees and shrubs in my Can of generally rising gratitude for blessings ed. that in turn T.IJAI year user; sl1&;y I Num have poll. liner will gropt. Member: Murray Chamber Let reduce 5060 Pule atewatleilw from tom kind nada and What ft caned the 'lin- the intervals, and *taken the Hine records nut be Judged at Randy ;Axial senounts learn out? of the OW owe the tali ea beds sod amp agpsame 11•10411m111114tseleseemory outlook" for Holland% of Commerce Our extolling. saw Fair Midisell he Any laik - Yea. Yost am della hew Odd 'Dm Irma gave a denionstentsua is probably not lior a brolian of payinints. The 4-11 ramie= UM turn on endeptions for elthatilling Me- in dm lba sealing at pine beim deo away comp. He dill needs his top reeved link in men proses Pubes ban MK ars. delidedin metarity of being near kb 4111111111.11111111KIlbblaeli lets paregla well inOW ani- • Moab or air 111--11/ra -11111111111111 Ka may zeta ta r-- Ten Years he 11111.1111/k. with athe MornantY p .Ago Today Whose SOD glith Mb= 14 'amounts withheld. Argamonieltio care Mem 4 IG PUS Avowed which is a National ha ern not wet the in. years asel Mar Ow Award tor tins nay be made Mb year divehni Nerve Deafness din 1101.11Pill Merl for any gverep ileat abention' he eau Mean Can in ban ant daderial even& Theis GOMPietan empayer, as they have been In the erten pannia Mrs Abe! Steely Was chosen as the 1955 blaster Home- • major Ocemarention program. peat_ mints Wads Ale aii Jr. loader- Perinea a es. camp a wino& maker of Calloway County by an out-of-county committee for ablpzedigreem Imild an Me campus amens ter andi a Mal Pannie her outstanding work as a homemaker Trc"PasTals and helping her two ci asdasalla ut Kassala. belauffament- The tonewtakw"hcidinge care of trial mist swetnly L. mega Be Helped oung suns ran at work and I sentwe you it is I owe '- -S--- in theta- farm. Ky. Yards Paola Conteeenos. Ner can I stop tiling estimated regard in tablikte. asumellosa. Misses three bops have • kn. of hg, doing toe egeberatyons? end 'Nerve deafness is the Ann and Gale Dougtass won superior in a two boon 4A Oldb biabongton. program The tepee of sietivines Principal cane of hearing Impairment Has and taus will help than to , A. The reetefeenents There is no treatment Warr., 1....mber in the Kentucky High School Music Festival D. C.-theee are the highest meals for nem should be comedered in light of the or surgical operation that sill cure nerve held in Howling Oreen. This is the second Mat eiub toselhers awn reams. child's interims deafness. People that was "I can year for them to win "--...... aPPirtdateworking muction°urmore.thismaumaiTheyfor abouhaRet"Arcesite Lib= dedaratializnatedunehmendtax hear but can't understand" us- superior rating pnise are ardsmal on in hew* aadT°11ne rat000lorseaugnatedwnentre: rrtaxy reunatare. Am a child grows older, ually suffer frum ▪ be Is merle de_aleda. We have available • Ileoehior of the records Una they Map and Mrs J. H Wyman of Mirth 16th Street reached the age mute and bare nen telling "the Inside Mary Of Nerve accumalat dunce their penis arveral neermery. however. g the me. Deafness." Write to addr,.. OS 100 years today and Is recelapfg he best wLshes al weet-tOds or bedew for your tree of the Many 4-13 coda wort. , crercau while doing mug withholding appiesamese Noises In Man's espy ed this interesting lieerhure. !WILTON/ people in CallerWay 01111nty wiS know this under the leadership o Guthrie her She received a tele- I your wog gni HAWK. Onnion.y. Bldg, rum.% ay.Send I- RES adma.- s• appald /ran /1111111111Itlenglii Head Diagnosed -kbe inside Story D. risenhoTiii ind from Senator to akar 4.31 meggiens lbws Nan an:Ananinner' Mel estimates are required in be Bled a Nerve Inesitasar. lade C Clements HAW. repave aohoiseshige are aim Wag& Ake estimated h4emourti Torestry while doing -Name Kindergarten speemeed by the Sigma Department of the ed an the wade ikag Imre lant the. inlay for the year erieseds in with. MIAMI ffl - Physicians said Address Ibis as a very worthy project and hem today they 81111Tay Woman's Club "III OM Ms registration In the room shalea 4-5 ebb Ember. be $40 or an... have diagramed the City there are many areas that are source of the in _ Blab ltibe new Carter-Ifieberdar7 Dho.AMin IS When 4.11 Ciab-inidebore *acne name duo Ds _ Tarty children open to ithir groups who wee to Panama has KIK be the MazIntOM that can aduite goy will be egmiled to keep been hewing In. , be accepted work as. this. FIRING INCIDENT in his — - - records Researde niattrad of head be pan in yean. • he. numb mow in ears and Doctors saki the seulabbet. gush- haw tiny tne is anger ing earl Misting sounds ere caus- You Want in to know DISSIISB CHARGES PROOF that CORNO Sow haw mush moms ma they are to JIIIRUSALEM. Israd dpi - An ed to a pinched artery and vein and pay each year. hem* milliary spokesmen said $7y- belbUld light ear STEAMBOAT INOS. Colo. Pig Feeds Really ibeensee sem rtis hems opened tire Maiday with Figueroa. H. said he WU& delight- Perform for are remora& to OPI - A police magistrate Monday I.deterwitne Ind gams an Israeli territory near ed that the tads had proven "I'm is mei discessed datostimers charges S. Greater WOODNORRING AND tw• ain or km they lime the IMAAMIDOMUI Him an dim not a crackpot." Ile mod be bows Profits? FINISHING framotholo gauat six Yemen Valley °Mole bennenr, Reservie eaddlnen dare al the Sea el Clail. hearing the maw stab he OF ALL KINDS tail the mem Auden.. Including the son at tel ang weak lee. No one was reported Injured seethed so "egulabion. gulden. FOR A FAIR DEAL, SEE mime at SAM, businems. noon performer diem Allem Tins helps in be ineldent. the second at Its whonperinir, wheeling and frogbh." la delensionts Mamie Brim Mien. it. and the 'other Om kind la the lad two dem Musa his head shortly sage bal- CABINET seed in be Wit In the. Duel- youths werre charged with Oen dietud•• k* on • itep Idea about an FA SHOP awe us a March 23 lAylst with four years IR'S Mint la cssoiMmd CS De. esto 105 No 13th ana owner' The keident occur- Construction will begin in the A surgeon St. - Phone 753-7253 garde. rearie Awl/ amid mad he hopes• sande , re:I In • Sterriganat Springs beer ounimer of 1966 on Kentucky's Mu- operation done at bar much starlet and Ike end with • local anes- tavern. cargonsi television newest. Punds thetic at the maisrini mod in in will stop the noises. If not., Your pestwa 'The conews were found guilty in in up lib neewart ware provided Plgeleree Best PROOF is to Feed bra much time medtien give may have to undergo ma- M UI cketustanoe and fined $06 each. in the 190itoot State budget. angery. the probes and a prided dam The OVERNIGHT marl Mould tel haw ihe prabet SERVICE was mated out, diseddiee eldeing. tenet the 4-H memiter enjoyed &- M"grill'1 an:d ire 0TIML IS COO the prose& ribl damson dim CORNO zel he in mate In the gralect din Ind wrar. BROOD SOW SUPPLEMENT 1 s PASGICAi. nan4LimiiTS,l "TRUCK INC. NO WAR DAY 1ND Murray 753-1717 ---- SOW & Memphis; 325-1415 TOKYO III Joss tads met. PIG SUPPLEMENT St Louis CZ1 - TZT Ad Me Nen annieeneiry oil ats ern& que 'no war' eoneeesteres. whale 00 was dreamt by the Marken* dur- NOW at $5 a TO) OFF ing World War iina handed sr the Japanese 'The deg was declar- ed • nabonal Minn/ end ell ationel, during MAY banks and treelmes Ohms dewed. Thousands of hog Attention Boys! producers h;.%e the proof that these feeds pay off in FOR CORRECT improved productivity They are spec- ially designed for the critical A:e•tytiani and lactation TIME aid periods to keep sows in An excellent paper route in Murray is good COIldll !on and help deliver TEMPERATURE lots of big healthy pigs that make efficient gains all open. We need a good responsible boy DAY OR NIGHT the way. 753-6363 Prove for this route immediately. Qualified DIAL It Yourself ... See Us Now! boy can start at once. Please apply in PEOPLES BANK MOitel IN HISTORY - The worst farm flood In as history left scenes like UMa ear washed person the Ledger at ex Times office. of off the coed In Dulles. Trot A four-inch rain sent weterroorees mons 1S Pr their hanks. THURMOND'S FLED & GOAL Morrie. Kentucky Seven persons knit their lives, and hundreds had to be evacuated from their flooded homes. Murray, Kentucky

4_ •

• ••••1 014-4•-• •

• • •, tars 1 • , • - -

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AsmaismiamoMMIMIMONOWn me McCovey Reclaims His Role As The Murray High. me me me complete me National League Leading Demonstrator Has Bad Day- - me - me me me By .10E GOWEN for the league lead. leading hitter with a -384 bedlam STANDINCS •••.me UPI Sports Writer McCovey, with three hits, raised average, drove in three runt; With Yesterday me me *ilkie alcCovey, who wields a hts batting average to .290 after a licte run and double to pool me me pretty mean picket, has reclaimed a dismal start and now his batted Houston's lnrsit Iseult on throe me aim his nale ais the National Isague's .370 in his last 13 games to take Cub paiihers. Rookie Sonny Jack- me By GALE GARRISON me leading three tuts anal 'oat demonstrator agidligt D011 up scans of the slack caused by son chipped in with National League Murray High played a regular = Drysdale Davie distance for -despite some stiff cam- Mays' plump Mays has been way Giuisti went the W. L. Pei. GB marathorain baseball yeoterclay, n.nd = natation from teigania•d-latiora • ofi loan sauce tying the XL career --thircl Motors- Pitaberigh--- lit 6 .706 unable to -ehten -a -win. Theot= MoCovey was only one at many' home rim mark of all nearly two Little Al Jackson picked up his San Francisco 13 7 650 lost the first game 4 to 3, in the = t who lodged a formal protest against weeks ago in Houston. first victory as a St. Laths Cardi- 1...0b A ng eleS - 12 8 600 1% tenth inning of a game that was = SERVICE the Los maintain- expense of hie former me Angeles Dodgers tail right- The Pittsburgh Pirates nal at the , Atlanta 11 9 550 a% supposed to last only seven inn- me hinder Tuesday night at Candle- ed their half-game lead over the teammates. the Meta Jackson pit- Howon 111= THE LEDGER & -11 9 .560 212 ings Then it was decided to nay 1111111 TIMES _ 8 7 533 11•1•1 stick Park but he was certain_ the Giants by edging Cincinnati 5-4 in deed perfect ball over the final four depolta 3 only five innings of the second the win in Lows Salk effective. 12 innings, Atlanta nipped MY- tailings to post relief. St 8 10 444 412 game, but alas, the game was tied In the winning New York A group of demonstrators distri- delphia 9-8 in 10 innings, Houston Lou Brock drove 5 8 385 5 4 to 4, and this game alno went into 111111S with a two-rim double in buted handbills outside the park battered the Chicago Cubs 10-2 and the ci,,ouma. 4 19 250 712 extra innings, but was called at the Mot fourth inning that capped a three. charging Drysdale with unfair la- St. Louis wnipped the New Chicago --- 4 In 235 8 end of the seventh when neither me bor practices in his Leo Angeles Meta 5-2. run St. Louis redly. Tuesday's Results Learn had managed to score. restaurant, He got no syrn,pathy in- Al. Action Atia 9 Phila. 8, Darrel Stalls started the first me 10 inns., night U. S. me side, however. as McCovey and his CHOICE Pat 5 Cinci 4, 12 inns, night game, and pitched four and two- =11 In the American League, Cleve- MSU Tennis Team .1= San Francisco Giants mates maul- St. Louis 5 New York 2, night third innings, giving up only one me land blanked the Yankees 1-0 and 11•011. ed him for four runs and an event- Wins Over SE Mo. Houston hit, while striking out six. There me took over first place from Balti- 10 Chicago 2. night me ual 8-1 victory. were three i uns scored off of him me more, which Was shut out 3-0 by San Fran 8 Los Ang I. night me McCovey had been Drysdale's per. The Murray State tennis team due to errors by his teammates, 1== Washington The Detroit Tigers Wednesday's Probable me oriel nemesis prior to 1964 when defeated Southeast Missouri State Philadelphia at Atlanta, night - a cianwa 1 It Steak me ove Sale nth trounced Boston 8-0, Minnesota - ROUND - - he suddenly stopped lowering the College 8-1 here Tuesday. Short 2-1 vs. Lemaster and a walk that he gave up. The T-BONE or SIRLOIN - = taw powered the Chicago White Sox 4-2 1-1. boom on the Dodger star. He didn't Jun Novitaky and Andre Cote of the me Kansas City Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, night first Lone Oak run came in me and California beat Murray each won in the singles me hit a single homer off Drysdale in fourth, when Charlie Hamlin got 1=1 me 6-2 in other games. -Bliss 1-0 vs. OToole 0-0. me 1964 or 1905, compared with division with cores of 6-0, 6-0. MINIM me eights r.`,:tPA, York at St. Louis, night - on first on an error, stole second, me me Juan Marichal, who never has 1=11 including six gaineavinnity Nowa, Singles a passed ball. MEM me Angeles at Candlestick Harrulten 2-1 vs. Eadecki 2-0. went to third on me the previous lost to Lai I. Jan Novitaky (MI defeated me three seams. Chioogo at Houston, night - then came hofts otyltnother error. lb me his llth victory a- 79c Park, gained 99c Dave Jeffers-6-0, 6-0. fifth, Fiend me and pick- Ellsworth 0-2 vs. Roberts 1-3. 'Then to lead off the Like Old Times gainst the Dodgers Uusre 2 Mark Fteznick (5.1/ defeated tes Les Angelyi at San Francisco, on Walked. Farmer sacrificed him 11=1 TENDER LEAF PtUE But it was like old times for ed up his fifth win of the season =m0 KRAFT Larry ainith - 6-0,6-2. night - Cate 4-I vs. Gibbon I-08 to second. Smith went to first and 1M= 'me "Stretch" Tuesday night when he in as many decisions with • neat me B1R-13- .011•1Q 3. Larry Niernyer (M1 defeated Tharaav's Games Hendon to third, on an error, then me ranashed a 400-foot shot over the four-hitter, He struck out five ond ••= Reynold Blondin - 8-2. 6-3. Philadelphia at :ahem& night both came home on a double by 1=1 TEA BAGS et-center field fence in the fourth held the Dodgers sweetens until the me BLEACH 4. Louis Conley (SEMO) defeated Leeper. Moore scored the winning me tagged Pittaitagh at Cincinnati, night 1== with two aboard to break the game ninth when Jim Lefebvre SAUCE 1=1 Don Greenwell - 6-4, 5-7, 6-4, in the tenth on a double by me 48-C't Box sixth Chicago at. Houston, night run M=O Quart Bottle wide open and help send "Big D' the Dominican hurler for his (MI 5. Oscar Strue defeated John Hamlin, after he had singled. me IS-Qz. Bottle •••• showers. McCovey also chip- run with two out. los Ang at Son Fran, night me to the home a Jty - 8-1. 6-1. Murray scored two nms in the 11.111• ped in with a run-scoring single off Drysdale. half of the celebrated me 6. Andre Cote (M) defeated Lau- third, and one in the fifth. Lynn me =11•1 Joe Moeller to raise his RBI total holdout team of Kpufax and Drys- •••• ren Ktrtz - 6-0, 6-0. American League 1•=1 .•= Stranak led off the third by sir*. ••• to 16 and tie tesnenate W11ilC Mays dale. suffered his third loss against W. L. Pot. GB me 111=• Doubles frig out, Jimmy Felts single, Tony me 29c after signing a contract •=1. one victory (MI Cleveland -12 .923 ••• 48c 1. Novitaity-Nemyer defeat- Thomas walked, Steve West walk- •••11 for a reported $105.00. me ed Conley-Jay - 6.3, 44). Baltimore - 12 2 .857 % error, tad- FROSTY ACRES M11•• continued their Iota- ed, reached first on an me I.G.A. The Pirates ReanichStrue (M1 defeated Chicago -- 10 5 AC 2% •=e GERBER 2. the bases, Diike Dubin also == boning lightning when Dorm Cken- law )ection Riondinarnith - 6-2. 9-7 Detroit 11 7 All 312 reached first on an error, scoring tworun homer in the •••1 dawn hit a Canter- 7 .663 4% me APPLE 1=•11 MOBILE HOMES 3. Cote-Al Herrera (M) defeated oft - 0 Pelts, Steve Sammons then singled. Undershirts, Socks, • tgation eighth and then repeated his per- 6 FRUIT •••1 KirtoJeffers - 6-3, 6-1. Minnesota - 6 7 .462 again PIES to wrap up driving in Thomas. Felts me NEW & USED formance in the 12th Washington - 5 10 .333 a mea ••=, started the ball rolling by singling me Training Pants or SAUCE IN= NOT the victory Veteran reliever Elroy Boston - - 4 12 .350 9% me Family Size SO SE1./X,T F1(031 in the fifth, then advanced to sec- ==1 No. 303 Can for pest Face won his third consecutive game New York --- 4 10 ==1 13 .2311 walked. Jursny MI= New 10' Wides to an unearned BUSINESS ond when Thomas Crib Sheets me osts just by limitary the Ftede Kansas City - 3 12 MS 10 as low as $2,995.00 innings. advance.' to third when West hit MI= me IANI crier the last 4 1-3 Tuesday's iginft ==1 ••• guaran- into a fielders choice. then scored BEM Buy any one item and get im= Ales Oct. RBI me gainst on Sammons' ' me me SEE US NOW! Calif 6 Kansas Olig 2. Mehl MM. OS Is, etc. Felipe Abu lined a hit down the Murray jumped off to an early a FREE jar of BABY FOOD me Set l'p Cleveland 1 Now Turk Walt ME. • 9c Free and 33 me Delivery out in the when Dates 29 left field line with two Washington 3 Brahman 0, MOO lead in the night cap me - - - Woodward 10th to score Woody By United Pres International Detroit 8 Booton a, tate doubled, driving in Pelts and West. FIELD'S K REV Iceberg head LS from second with the winning At- WASHINGTON - The coat ac- Minnesota 4 Chicago 2, night They picked up two more in the me GREEN ACRES bat. triple me ianta tally. The Braves lad counting system of all hospitala is Pitchers third. on a single by Felts, a MEM Wednesday's Preasalle me HOMES tied back into the game with • likely to be adapted to the ROC California, night by Thomas and a double by West WIENERS Pest MOBILE Ramos City at me BACON pair of runs in the eighth. Phil system the government is imposing -Talbot 0-2 vs. Monet 1.1. Lone Oak's nine picked up one me LETTUCE M.= 2 Lbs Thick Sliced nc. Hwy 01 liv Puss Metro. the last of seven Manta for Medicare patients. rune in the fourth and three in the me I 1.)) ?Mg on hospitals Minnesota at alnico, night - me 990 Union City. Tennessee hurlers, was credited with the win The hospitals say introducing the 1-4. fifth to tie the game up and send =11• Neal 1.2 vs. Bushardt ••• !..).:b$•r -swinging contest It into extra innings but they never (•- Plume 885-5874 in the free FtCO-which means ratio of charg- Boston at Detroit, night-Wileon me $1.39 Head Joe Morgan, the senior circuit's es to coets-wiLl be so expensive 0-1 vs. Monbouquette 2-2. were able to break the tie. 1=1 me 104 that it will have to be wed for Baltimore at Washington. nag me RUE 111=1 ailtetsia. -Bunker 2-1 vs_ Segul 1-1. ame Cleveland at New Yortit. night- Lone Oak - 000 130000 1-4 4 11=16 59c NEW YORK - Texaco Inc. said Siebert I4) vs. Friend 0-2- Murray - 010 NO 0-3 7 Matchless broken negotiations to buy FIELD'S it has Thursday's Gamed 1.= POTATOES!. me GIFTS Deutache Redo' Corp . West Geo Kan. City at California, night R me me many's largest oil company, bemuse Cleveland at New York Lone Oak 000 130 0-4 6 me 10-Lb. Bag on= BACON of opposition by the Bonn govern- (Only genies scheduled) Murray 202 000 0-4 10 lb. 49c me For MOTHER ment. 1=111 ATLANTA - Royal Crown Cola E BRAUNSCHWEIGER Co.. the 49, me linnt If Cu. has sued CoowOola , The Sun Has Never Shone So 5 me baseball club and C nen,e Atlanta Braves •••• others, charging • oonegidnicy to me ad" so Above Prices Good Through Tuesday, May 10, 1966 - Quantity Purchases limited give Coca Cola • monopoly on the Bright For Luis Tiant ••• roamer role of Cola drinks in the new At. me adders hada atadlum. .TONE. By FRED MeMANE "Brown and Joe Arrop NB Open 24 Hours A Day .. . Closed Writer Howard Homers Sundays e Story TO VISIT 11.1.'SSIA 1:7711 Sparta 1.1m MOSCOW Cat - King Sarong The sun bee risen for Luis Tient Prank Howard slarnined a two- = me =In of Laos and his Queen trelowy Past.--liko-Maraiger -. and Phil Ortega and me Vilitilbass me olm= - sold would. and man, it's Caney Coat subdued the Orioles' bats me 1.11.11 Wil Welt the Soviet Union wane bents me Items Below Are Our Everyday Low Prices . . me Urns late this month. the Soviet never shone so brightly. to snap Baltimore's 10-game win. 1Mmm news agency Theo announced Mon- .25 -year-old righthander nine sweat. Ortegta held the Or- vws I.GA. _ t.Bo, Clevelend In- kilts to three hits before leaving me OW. nag said they will come for a from Cubs. took the =MB I.G.A. BROWN 'N SERVE - Pkg. of 12 holiday at the invitation of the citers into the bottom of the ninth the game after :as-en Lainings with preaidiwn of the U. S S. Rs Su- Inning Tuesday night with • 1-0 a pulled shoulder muscie and Cox ECRACKERS 23c allowed only two hits over the last me Model CSOS-white preme Soviet. The couple will be lead over the New York YankeM a v and Modei C506-Grey Belga anionyanded by their son, Prince when adt of a sudden it looked as two innings Howard's hornet', hi ROLLS 29c St Sarong. U the aka might fall. fourth of the aeason. came off ritort-( 51.-1.11 - with a loser Jun Palmer in the iseverith Bobby Richardson led off GERBER -price Gift idea Muck and after two out 'Dom following a single by Fred Valen- New Low Trash walked. At that moment tine EDRINK 2for 89c Tebbets walked out to the mound Maker Lolich, pitching in breezy me G.E. as low AB me had 40 &area weather, tossed a five- for a talk with Tient who =CAMPBELL'S TOMATO (au Baby Food CLOCK RADIO '13.99 in 26 innings of hatter and Detroit acored six ruts me not allowed a run me wort this season. In the %nth inning to upend the me G.E. "Let him hit It." the Indians' Red Box. Lolich gained his third I.G.A. - 3,i Gallon fl TABLE RADIO '11.99 skipper advised "The sun will come victory of the season *bile striking 12c up tomorrow even if he does hit a out nine and walking only four. G.E. Teflon foaled home rim." Rim-scoring singles by Dick Me- DRY IRON '17.95 Auhrre. Jim Northup and Don Wert ICE MILK- 39c =11 STEAM & 01111 Caught Feat Ball hichrghted the big sixth inning mmm1 amn= G E and Norm Caoh's taxi-run homer Tebbets was barely back in the .11 11(11) (itt em-1 11.99 climaxed the scoring in the seventh. PORTABLE MIXER Tribe digiont when the Yankee- WW1 Pitches Four Bitter -Mod Food 3 23 111m= first baseman caught hold of • =.0 G.E. Automatic ewe ball -nd drilled it tar down Mmin '12.99 low fast Zoilo Vertalles, last year's most Kozy Kitten 10c me COFFEE MAKER the tight fa. • .ie. Tient shudder- valuable player. hit a three-run me ('HOC - 14,1-01. Bag ed arid 'rabbets swallowed hard btO hither in the third inning and Ca- G.E. sess 4-OZ. PKG. (fit OFF) The ball hooked foul Pennine then mila Pascual turned in a fouraui me CAN OPENER '10.99 flied out to Leon Wagner to give pitching effort to pace the Taira' Tient his third straight shutout Victory over Chicago Versailles' mum G.E. =Chip Cookies 49( Lucky Whip and enable the Indians to move West, which came off lowing pitcher 39c ELECTRIC KNIFE '13.99 back into Lira place in the Ameri- Joel Hrwlen. followed a double by e1DZI L.eague. Bernie Allen and a mangle by Pain lemBAR-B-Q E LUX - Bath 141 In other AL action. the Washing- cual Tony Oliva accounted for the Size Bar HAIR DRYERS 20% Off ton Senators blanked the Baltimore Twins' other run with hl fifth Orioles 3-0, the Detroit Tigers shut homer of the season. G.E. aPORK 99lbc out the Bretton Red Sox 8-0. the The Angels rotted Jim Catfish SOAP 2for 33c 20% Off Mannenota Twins upended the Chi- •••• FLOOR POLISHERS Hunter for four rune in the second ••• cago White Sox 4-2 and the Cali- inning arid held on to win behind mei FOLG ER S Folding fornia Angels topped the Kansas the orenbined pitching efforts of ( ANNED FAMILY KILLED-Jose Torres eon ,herie CHAIRS 3.66 City Athletics 6-2. Marrelino Lopez and Bob Lee LAWN Is Mown in custody In New The Eon Francisco Giants tval- Catcher Bob Rodgers doubled home York in the stab murders MCOFFEE of loped the 8-1. three runs during the second inn- lb 77c BISCUITS ea. ltioti COOKWARE his me CLUB ALUMINUM common law wife and the Pittantrah Pirates edged the and he moored on a single me liver ing rally me five children. Torres, 24, a 5-4 in 12 innings, me In liolida‘ Colors - Plain and Teflon Finishes by Paul Schaal Lopez worted the me s all laundry worker, is a former the IGA the at Louis Cardinals tripped first six [mines to gain credit for me DIET LIQUID - 10-Oz. Can 20% Off mental patient. New Yort Meta 5-2. the Atlanta his second victory of the season. Braves nipped the Philadelphia Innings and the Phillips 9-8 in 10 1:01=Evap. Milk bombed the Chicago 3i 39c SEGO 3for 75c If, si aton Astro ••1•1 =MI c-ith. 10.2 In Net-tonal league 0011011. Mantwirre Trail I a 12Jrndle 11•111 =MO I SOLD IT =11111 The 'rata Reared the orilv run Mg trail through hinterioal terri- 1=111 me & HODGE me 1.1111 FENTON Down- it THROUGH THE of the game off southpaw Al tory in ('sat('satern Jeffersees County, MMI IT'S THE TOTAL ON THE TAPE THAT COUNTS! me Murray, Ky. WWI South 5th Street WANT ie, in the seventh on suenneive ADS dogleg by Pied Whitfield, Las r y 7116dn Stclis7 I. 1 ell Satulda Ys in June lioaL1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 ....--- ...a-

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Vicki Singleton Is The Honored Ledger & Times . . A Phone 753-1917 or 753-4947 At Shower At The Langan Home vlad thradaton, brlde-dect of 'Dealt Cab 0. Nitnott. hi:oared re- Atoll- cant* wIlb a lardy mbicellantious shower heel sit Ow home of her aunt, Pitra. Langan of Chi- Vowarea, cago, re. ade The honoree these to wear for the ocancia a navy blue mit and wee presaged 'Baby-Sitter Hasseltine Class a comps at "tate Has Ea cornellina by the emoriat Church Social Calendar aliFiglei and ha- porimie, Itr. sod Ma Rabat lainthatte Has Supper Meeting of Kenny, a Vacation way Awing in the Lama bons The Weibissiay, May 4 sa Ada libilarlds• OWISOW Endyne Jones at 7:30 pm. the tone of the mociall oasis By Abigail Van Buren The Camden Department at • • School Class of the hip- the • km her honor. • DEAR ABBY I ken %array WomorYs Club been Mar- to call the priers and haw them nig Chore's seal at ening hall will have a nada", May g Mks Singleton evened her many nerd for r veers and have Um came car of the potluck luncheon at the dub home Mu* and tune a OW at K. chime' is Moab. *veiling The May Pilkleillab klataiteati of Mfrs. alarthict Munn:ens Ina year the . It's a 12 noon Members web perfect very ureasusi to Imp a say* ▪ ilit-41**1 MN* far a potluck the Unarld Mush Women wth be Refreshments 4 punch end othe twthexel of Ms 11-year-oill ataindame MN be oasts desert- up tea long. how king do you plan alba meeilig. W tglior bold st ----Mgre Prat/Anna were served from the beauttrudy ad manbars. Mastontes bar. so the cease home tilth her to lane a up' The lad" anointed Ms Leder Garland goat are Modena Church. apposoted nib* overlaid the de- B. C. with a belly. I had to OR op • dine , Saris. A. W &Inman, Hr.. • • • White pen nib a althatith ram "Ch. unite w/Son reseReig tram Proverbs 31 bnen Sett and cantered Joh 02 tatierlit while the went to we the Jahn C. TaPlor, Donald Tucker, with an a smith MIL" Now Abby, I MO& her Iliowesta Wag noterni orraoldnalert at wort to support herself Innen 'hacker, Wesley Waldrop, Morallay, May Mai and child ath yak dots this make any aeon arena& lbw 31111101M Dar the matey topped %al a, pink rot Our 15-year thane- mod James Hamilton. Note The Busellan Sunday -4d hat had a baby, ' to you? Should / ail the preset for Jbe threlethr led in plINRelia change School Clem umbrella decorated well ribbeeth and she has topo In date. of She PM& Ettiatist Church to .at to help , Is mew curious? Or should I The eekee 11101itink Mre• J. a MB Seventeen guide sere mann pie her hianarn • • • meet at the home thew carafe. call the mon wills the white Reeves, preside* ai We In at Mrs. Fred for the bridal event. wait Otnines T ow gmentria bany-elle wed TWO and the banner mamas and Mrs. at seven p.m. In charm of • nets' Cabe Hubble led The Faxon -4 I ams not the stay-et-Isome the clown Mothers Ctub wt semearementa will be the group type HORR.LPITID prayer. thmobans fri- O B Boone, Jr. gnaw meet at. the school at 1:30 pm. for composed of Mas. Wail who likes knlit and take DEAR ItORAIPTED: Demi e•JI end gnus were estheloged Rase, cap- • • • during the meeting until after summer tain. I bowl, play binge. an mid golf anatiody• The the scowl hour. Mrs. It. It. Pieter, Its. Other ens eft prialstifhe ventlogi. Everyone The Theta Dqautment of the and I named my part time job I rie eon Menbers Is !netted to at- Lee, idna Bodo (.hey. .4 the. net Chrielmas. Tans present were Meade/nes tend. Murray WC1211Shre• Oklb ciont mind Alm Thompson. veil meet helping out when I'm point obviously wswidn't earegaise Lunt Jenntiom. Meth, Huth., Bur- of the • • • • • • club boss at 7:30 pm. Hos- needed. but I do not Me to be led a seethe If they saw gin Marine, Milburn Ademes, no. tess will be Mrs. Hasse Mateo- cken this way re'rem II a. m tenter • • • tin Ohne% Lloyd llciLeal, Lester The ladies luncheon sell be way- The Citris Ausgary or dab Mrs. Arthur Buchanan. and le. up?' The lady umwered me Guiana the rind with DEAR ABBY It del ml Claude MOW. J 0 Fterv- ed at the Oaks ElsidiaL Mrs. Paid a erairtg heart Country Club at Clareh will have Ii Mo- L•Yons face. "Oh at the baby- es, Lucy Peithensone, • • good to see the way you bandied and Easie noon Call &My Alexander, attar- ther-Drandear me et the fellow- • settler role" Mir husband dunks than queithons Center Minors were Mrs Joe mon about epilepsy in a 753-3370 or Marwaret Treys- ship ME of the church sit sown s I aln. And how do you get the :erne cokuum Ydu Wimberly and Mix 0 I.. Hale. then The Mettle Bell limos Ctrcirof bra It be known co-etheinsuin. 753-6100 lor re- Pm. • nerve be ter your own Mu-eines In no •. • the Pint Methadon& Church MOPS LIKE made the uncereato terms that epilepsy servations Other hostesses ere • • • MI THIS scene at opening ,r New York's you've held it" a mnst. at the soma] nth newest dis. otheque, PHYSICAL disenter. rice a T Ins Amin*. Oloria Alihrtetan. at 7:30 pm: the hquorless, ahowless Cheetah. Borden YOCWO ORANDeLA menial The South Pli • • • Stevenson, son condltesn or an effhotion Girls Honored Annette Alexander. Margaret Ma- nant Grove Hoene- of the late AdIal, has money in IL DEAR YOUNCI: W "asillhei" one anis Awe lock, makers Club ate Meet sit crr hide. I hen boas At Sanosielnadford. Francs ten am Wednesiday„ to wan your 'readout altar you've an epileptic Birthday Party tn the home May 11 since chtkiscod and Buchanan, Jane Boyd, Osituan cd Mew Luther Down,. put le your Meek sad he.. The special Owl& Auziltary car- abroad agt DM 24• hew* owned, and lesern arid Teresa Reagan, and Jane Reams. a nontion. thee McK.inn,ey nal/On service will be held at the buetneeet meeting you're Nentok." bad • (talk nounal the were • • • Russell Home as ó,thou- Isonored with a party in cede- The Creave BaPtaalClurth Scene Del If you wan out and haven't I annals Arts Department at ?kilt at A dinteaton was held pertain. or °Ohm' -p--I held a brnices of their rinth and 7-3°,131°' the esorare •• le. you're fifth Thursday. Map Murray Woman s Club wed meet at The to Of Monday Aleeting tng special matters fool- I responatale puellon drive a car, blatithers by their 5 Public `"""`"•'''‘' ibv"'""' of the church. rricets,. Mrs. The the okab hone 4 9.30 part•cipate in /prim James_ Ms n and Country Some- am. Nate atlencl' Of The Ruth A ben community mutton project • .• and with the H McKinney ait Mew home Class her magma club Will meet at the hams (*hinge in cage. wad atho wwwwd. of my pomp:ran marmite M Mit week lk • • • DRAR 1138Y -1 visaed same of Mrs. Jahn risthers. WO Color The horn of Mrs Eugene Rua- • kee0 WOW —u—) under Thew WI-brie/Ye are Shem on Hunglasne Rotradoinedia were servia friends yagerdes and mond peat Terrace Delye, at 7.30 p.m. Mrs. this SaawSSI. wont sell'on 011ie direct was the scene by cadatt haband $ma as Aged 26 and Teresa on The Nana OSISIZIWISKIL at Mrs believe a If April 27 Robert Daniel wilt the loot like any you mar Misr before. of the meeting of the Ruth Rune* to Mesdames John I told you they Mil egalibile. bat bo aiirobad fllsern had • be odhostess. Mtarnry womant Sun- me Mow- birthday cake • • • club MB rnset They're berg created In Mapes Weak Jamas Roam Tin Miller, whin thee Chnannes tree up' Wel.•thistI WS& pan day lichool Cass cit the Ptrit Bap- rang and blow auxins while st Me club home 4 7.30 pm. Hos- U ee. Mod lthaii Kutigandall, Clayborne, ohm ced Naturally, yea cant Sot The meow and curl about the kaad. tist Mundt Witt Motaity evening Our dor ago Ware As ale Terme% was a athe /Runny Schad Clem tess be ilescarnes Jones, ignore an nth blue ac- Holmes or, instead of being mohaida. ostrewileme 4t.kdc _Jssph Prim. Robert N. Mila-goot Chaulass reams sibs csat have kr and pink cd to. Mimanal Bspust March Jr. sneak catthlis. Raw Roy Radbh, Joe Ryan the 4., are bold plass EWA Use sanded there,SO I and. "My, MR met at the twine ft bp bah Ithre. James Priaident dr fles Onik Howard Chita. chlidran. and we hope to Cake, Cctee. bansburgers. and at Mrs. Cooper, Rialbeet Buctingham. and clips. your tree u aro bematthil "now as It on der IMAM§ the din prodded at the spiced and Done 164rit, lbsowithy SE1YrSi CalgeVeile were serve! by 11.ra Mc- wax when was gag I up nearly issmararr a i sew one Isiza Kinney. Gomm giro played by - Icor tonstre igte You to the - ergaMmilm WS you group. pleas „ .. r 01M1W4M ••41, FOSS dasir nes and °usual or Word were Denise :114, ..4,,.f.'..filre.:44104:!....6,..:1„,..A.. .1:7 ., 4:!.. 7ArsWirw"" addrem ...... -.---..:61..' , They honor sO nipasts Mores, Rhonda Towery. •. 4.."e:.." * • Mrs. Ed Frank Kirk Patsy _I".k.'APS - • a:" kr free mbermigan sismwring eurkeen. and Toros Reeder. 419.0$4 ._r 4l'• ;S:c114:1!11".- -1... - ..... Tere- :4:0. ....?10:16.•,44C••;;) se • .V.;'•‘‘..1 Installs Officers idokierY ns guests were Lisa 's .6. .illiS:et 6. . Baiter, Jean , •.•.•, jun.. e, 11I.!, 6•;01•• .' . OR,ATIMPUL Own Odle. and Janet For Mayfield Club Cole. ,•..• OKAO •• • GILATINUL: With plea- asps •• • . • ON SALE THURSDAY 1111nisso af the Laszrei Oak Gr- awe THE EP mr..rsy As40C- ?14:Zr:1111..;;;;;11 -9 A.M. -• :1;:??.": ath-OW Mityflekl. root at the LAMSON tW ADOCRICA, III Wen PERSONALS '1.' a!: MM. 57th el., Na kt 11.1 %.• bit blarray. cm April Yaw, N. IND THIS SEASON • • • Mr and Oa. • :.. 'S GREATEST 111111 1111. silmal wring hamar- Mrs Kenneth L. Lmib FABRIC BUYS! CONTIDENT1AL at 504 South the& i.e is% - TO 'TEN Street are tbe TEAR:, parents of • um. K..Pa IR** sa6T- AT1ANTA: Rodney Lee, ..6 1171C. roptair moo sae& by of- mogtang fbeat °melds yomoll trisky. kis retie swan - bOltounce., osiomIllso aria. i‘:: • ilY:• 3 and hid sada born es. AM sat flatorday. .'•: - 5000 YARDS ----raive mar moi, it saga lam barn Apri: 3 to 10 YARD MILL LENGTH were dams- k. 41k.: e •I‘' Tau 30. 4 the idarsay-Oalloway Cawl- sed. traislinabi kir •21111-117 were • • • ey Hagan. allUaillpialaildo are Mis. thstranad see member arn REGULAR 1.2g Problems' Welke Mackie Tatars of Ihrray and ....‘„ D. DACRON* & COTTON the Chdhamas law ed homes to Alias Roe Mr • .$ Seek and Mrs Noble Lamb ...• " scnipbat* wee an deploy Lagena, Owl As a per- of Star 11,.....0.•,,„ soma redly mon* Rate Mayfield. Mr. end Mrs Mew thl Prank HIM 111&3111111S1 a stamped, odd- Er- • onge %els eathremeel envelope. ma Lamb 4 Whipthald wed of the Carden Department of Mn 4 the .. . Jerkne Caelhe7 of Murray Wenn', Club North 12th matailed Street Mornay, the f* k.1, Men to write letions! Solid 111 la are greet Vend- for the neer parenat "..;:1 1.tkti7 t DOTTED —Immoi-Preselant. Abbr. Ba ItinSi, Los Angelo& Val., SWISS Wm Richard P. • • • for Ablay's booklet, • •8 1::.:4:1 Meth. It me premiere. lira *Sew to With Letters -11Schael Allen re the name • 11 ii.r;s 1 AMID ISSISCIr! "SSP PrOlainit. fw AM Oftestima.- rho- ta • • • be Kr. seal " •‘5•?4 First Quality. 45' MIA J R ▪ Min John Mc- Dotted Swiss at the lowest price ever, anywhere. Bell. wary, Mr. Neely It's last at Murray Route fed far ,treasurer. lira ir • 45'4 ibizt=m1,04, • owe Why Ow. _ Darren Polyester and 35% Cotten, the very same quality 1..ottie moon Circle_ ehightng 'even that is _ --4101sair sums andars hIsit= at seMag everywhere at 51.29 yard. Meets .4: Home 12 01 am Choose temp all the popshur new colors, Of nitre. ARAI 30. ot the 14t)1,4 laurray-Ddloway County Thamon Pastels darks. Mrs. Henry Warren :e17".V44 and But hurry for thls sensational Febrile Roy: Mr and Mrs Illatlen — Vie hrthe isalters Marrts ot The ham of Mrs Henry Moran Rog* ins sad PER Mir ma a usboas Ins made burn War- Mr and on Nosh Benersh Its Honer Moldwity sekoW.I.... • • dried tree breach, -_.._-__I aver Street warn at Hardin • Polyester doe wane of the rneectng Route One are the and dassMad web 4 of the grandiparenta. INCH Ltlthe Mien Caen •• • spring Boma and an epthiplate of the Woman's I 1 411 Albsionsery IlartiMy 4 Mr and lts Bugh item ar flower pretested MEM the the Pest Thomas Chinch Ruing" of brunettes to asch officer helatte heed Mosby even- 1401 thenth a/let ao- se she ninny C dig at seven-deror the bosh twos imealled by Mrs Ent_ cettott of a daughter. 'My Feisty- Leorusa weighs" • •# • •• • An aemterement of the dub Wilaseang $0 nine pounds • 1 • •• I• Other Tainthes" was three mass tarn sit flower Irak adorned the &agog the theme of 214 pm on folds the Prang= ereeented with Penn April O. se the titursiy- and • welter cage filled with Mrs. • HERE IS THE Murray Turner as Calloway County • MOST WAN'IED SUMMER FAHR.1( grathery and topped by the M45 the Make. BM Ikapital. They was esmeed by has se other toed the Gorden, ma an the re- Mrs. Odell Vance, diugher. Lori Mns Linn. see REGULAR' 1.79 YD. gierstas tails girl Warford, Mrs Porter ix Mrs Oster buds, "WAMSUTTA" Moist and lbot. and Land Tucker Members **tending were Mao Punks Oat- al Miarsy are - erandpuenta dames JOhn Hiker. J R. Han. Mor- The corJe fialf17111/1, • • • ris VW* Juno Colt Berry F. Mrs War- ren weeded Mrs Theima Omar Jr.. Ridph H Dusan. Rich- and the timing Langan at mimeo. prayer was led 1.1, as the goon ard P. Dies Ray Itetwords, Ches- by Mrs Alen W- at ber Oder. Mrs. oe MOM ter -Ottlek. Roger Heath. MINT 11bin' MIST -• abos Testes Mem and Mrs and duskier. Miki, at their hose Meadianta 011ee 'on Rath Dm* Howe. Richard Wimp halltomUse served ro- l'ith threat. • * Blend of 45 Dacron Polyester, 35% .. . Nylon Konder.e. A L. Luther Wayne frestiments during the aorta: hour. and 25% Cotten Letheave Dan Mectriews, Estelle Other maidiess present were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mee Key 4 Morehead, Mrs 17011 Ed trh:nnelee„ aiL Pi- 0 1' Idly. bLES. Hal, Brown- Miler Avenue. Murray, air * Phst Quality. Full Bolts, 43" eta, WW1 Wilma, Jobb Reed. Ent and igra T C Mrs. Site perms at a tow Rodney Mott. Wide A L Ddlety ess a gust. esighang ORM POISIAS 14% oun- Madams A. K aide. Jahn ce.. born • • • al 711 am Priam,. Argil * naiades "Wasnstitta" Brand. Original COMM thseethet- Deb 211. ag the Muney-Calloway Coun- Factory Bolts .301 firambler. Fare Mks, YARD =1 ty litapitel They have cos donsgb- Aditilh —.OWE Nurses' White WOWS. , Edwina. me 2,•• Grandparents * Machine Washable. Never Needs Magb WIlikes. Ironing $ Thome Taw. Scares Children are Mr and Mrs Herten Key of Murray * Save 79. On Every Yard You Buy Ousts were. Ma130 Kirk Kra sad Ma- mea'Mew ownenrru.s. Ina WI -- Chil- Jahn Ryan, NM Morten of Ooklentar. Ilse great A. L.. thathey, dren are lee annoys and frigh- grandiaranta ore Mr and Mn, A. Jr, all of Murray. Its. T. P. tened when nurses wear regular Wmit, Mr and Mrs. Clarkson of Wsoo. T.Mrs. Her- street clothes ▪ Clarence rather than stun Moro, Atm Lynn K. Ma Floyd Batted& upsforms Kay, sod tins reports the Osinetrine Bruce Adios Mrs. Tara Blackburn, Mrs. WW1= Raman and Cron RE THERE wurni Wunsch 4 MavtleM TIM DOOR OPENS TO- In a study made Ir. be borwital rt was learned MIMI ehilaren from einieellithilthF MORROW for these two .0 sassaammeomengli 6 similar to 6 yawl -mad Ina an sensational Summer better, MUM be held har phloem& LINDSEY'S JEWELERS Fabric Boys! Nobody, but nobody examination. and seemed more UM- can match Manufacturers er to be bear " of Diamond Rings" by nurses wearing am/red theme tremendous values. Hurry, Parts for All Electric Sharers mews in pine of white for best se- MOW withrms ecnoto-ane Watch Repairing - Jewelry Repairing dthlthein were all) more a amt. lection. wiskse tow Wte lamotosi U'ut tar' child hed such a fear of silthe cinching Ibit he reined to HOSE MURRAY LOAN CO. 50 to the superthertet where clerks rorpioinruiTo, . wore state bmillida. The hisigatot MONEY HEADQUARTERS +says likely the& children come to' SSC W Mans Street Phone 7$3- 2621 • sate men and women, in white with Mots, medians and un- pamantisom

• Y.• •

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NOTICE „WANTED To BUY - HOG MARKET PUPPIES TO GIVE AWAY. Lany Minter, Lynn Grove Road, PROM USED 32 or sa Caber 8 & ‘," re- -Federal State Market, News Sera ice. 753-7544 MAW volver. After 5 p. m,627 Kills '-li'Ve.-1 Wednealay May 4. 1966 Kentucky ELECTROLUX SAL.! & Serviee, TOM Purdue...area Rog Market Report 4 Box 213, Murray, Ky., C. M. Sand- Includes 7 Buying Elations, ers, Phone 442-3176 Lyra:wine, Receipts 560 Head, Barrows Ky. -WANTED TO ,ENT and May 26C Gilts -5,3e, Higher; Sows 35-60e Higher WANT WISHY WASHY TO RENT three to ,five without atlinitenents. Balance $62.00 dhalie, tithite Limps,i.j ee-p.....e CAR WASH on FOR SALE Stacy bedroom house by June lath. Coll U. S. 1-2 190-230 lbs. $2240-El 15: or $5.60 monthly payments. Write batbrodol eat, trunk. bread Avenue JUSt next to People's tear. HELP t*. A NTED Female €. T. Moody 753-5871. S. 160-240 Omelet Manage", Help Wanted Branch l3ank a now M-9-C U. 1-3 lbs. $21 65-2230, 1.11,_FOOT FIRRIKILASS Runabout, Sox 32 E of gime dnor site cadies. cabinet. oak open under new tilatiagement. 3-35111501 as., 50-11.."1X-Rnillaudir Mager -be-- by 4 ------Appiy,,: in person HOUSEWIVES, kern how you The rate has been reduced to equipment, Ute *Meta and belts, hot welter loseter and tank, Stuck- at Radio Cab, can 25e. At The Movies SOWS: R.ECENTLY REDECORATED 3 be suckoebhil If not sawatted two pie liastla baker 1968 model pickup Truck, Si-7-C In a Moines of yaw with service see and tesider. Good beinmen brick.. in a top Sate of own_ We train attendant at J & S OU-24 L. S 1.2 250-350 lbs. 117.50.1825. cendition and ready "to sell, $916.00. Ford tractor A-1 aonditem, pkiw, You, Writs Anna hour repair; built in nerve, 2 air-oon- Mgr. service. "FOR CAPITOL AND 13HIVF.IN • Phone trek, cultivator. tractor Mower, Evelyn L. Bram Wady H-M-5-C U. S 1-3 350-450 its. 116,30-1730: • 753-6123. TFNC Mamma drape's. utility and air- Grove Road, Marion, informatam call 753-3314 anytime" manure spreader, rubber tared wag- KY. 11-M-4-C U. S. 2-3 450-600 Its $15.50-16.50. 2 ADJOINING port. Real nice lot in a good LOTS 100' x 100' cc, eaay flow, corn picker, lean oe-idiborhood. PALACE aentrUM.4 at Lakewa ny Shores. See Sonny twee:, hand and garden took, milk CALLING ALL KIDOI Tucker BARGAIN PRICED 3 betirDOM - - at Slake South 12th Street, mazer, eans-aant limiters,- IT -Ivead- OPPLAIT UNITIEb track Weal a fire pee. a 111 PItK UP YOUR May-7-0 Jersey ote....e, 13 nu.king aa, ,N1a.$ n redecorate. You may citLxise yJur DRIYE-IN FREE Glider AN ELECTRIC Westinghouse Stove. one spe1tL4ghig cow, two on n One-year 'CROSSWORD PUZZLE "'"' In color adlieme. fair condition. CU 753• 6139., one Jersey bull. a.1 cae at 12" Wingspan VQ7.! PRACLICALLY NEW ILOUØE on RCMP CUOU M-4-P TB and Bahr.g tested. one route, ap- NEEDS At The ACROSS 3-Swiss norr two acres of land ten miles east of cirgat anti . 'sax -e.a.:tiy 36 corn, one 4 Stalk NEW AND USED Speed Queen Mulvey on paved road. I hs ;rause & 8 Oil Co. 13.8 DMA* k4 L ar'room triune hawse to be mewed. - Female Personel - See 5 Siasing voice tiLIWU wnnger washers Si. .leedis a Wats acklational -BOZO" 1oe low n 6-11epollls ono . 0. Richard work to 6-Set it.. in cam at rain, iLLle avid be FREE -PLIPSI" and other Dm. e Fje • son, 401 a. lat Street. 11-11-4C be oinpiece but it is p:.ced right. For staffing ii.latemeiting • oig Monday. May at' entire 2-Sc,artah (nr Z 9. Mrs. Harry tai u tidzy & Friday body • A 2 Bekkirtrde BRICK about 4 crew and Saturday article TAKE sot owder Joe Pat Lamb, air- for new Palaze Drive- saw the Blue Lustre indes town age 111-811 12 toe s on Lynn Grove In. Full May 13th and 14th $ Nees step way from =mita and tipholikerY. ticheer. Si-5-C and part time jobs 145 r as At that Riatniay. This neat and well bulk c 9-larelay. Bent electric ahaeopooer available, inside and curb, - Counter Fdr wig to ;$7b $1. Manor howe is leaked in a nice neigh- girl. 15 asked House :E ;4- of color. • M.-9-C borhood waitresses, also ki tchen - Mart4n kW, tr.. on a large lot w:th all the 1065 LIP$EbTY ROUSE trailer girl- CANDID PHOTOS 10-Yeast - of your child 17;heavealy body conveniences of city 10' X 56' and help. Apply in person at Can Laundry attendee*, ev- 11-takes ane's AMBUSH AND TABU Special... livas. one were tot. City *your home Par appointment, call ening 12-Car • part We a:so have a nice and vaned K e. Excellent condition. Cal: 16th and Chestnut at loca- ellift 3 to 10 p. Regular $2,25 Suck Coiogne now Rad Warren 702.4401 or Charles 20-Customs 13-Beta.' se-on 33.eableu:shskliar" 43-3•144 $100. limited of iota and other pro-. 753-5560. M-6-C tion from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., 11-4C Thlan 22-Corr s eams Time. Holle.nd Drugs. 71401127. 141-0-P 16 Rayon 35-Sr, oted 44-nosuoi arm perims. Cad on mINIMMEir 23 la mistakes MAC as anphisae for Your Monday through Saturday. -- - 19-Diagram horse 411-Vngifili real PREZ OAS ill 25 Harvests estate and trousanee need. Harold Franklin, man- OIL Friday arid Sat- 21 Steeple '36 Cu.,rad 51-treestress WANTED Man's BABY PLAY P. HaeLnet, baby Tucker Realty COmPanY, urday. May Nth and 14th at J & S 27 24 Prot ipitous 14,re:a rartcle 13.f.nali letter & Ina ager, Jerry Webb assistant MALE htLP nickname Trap •buggy and aarnage. ca11 after S. 502 Maple Street, Murray, Ken- WAbilfED Oosepthre Ancilveraary Spec-Uri 26 3441.axrA 56-Ptural enti . M-9--C 28 Claws 21-Abbtoon 40 Ti tazio es-Anny *bur 753-1464J IL4C tucky Donald R. Tucker, Bobby You get • gallica of gas free with 30-5mals 31-ebon by Homer berween WM* (abbr.) Grogan, 753-4342. 1- t -c WANTED - BRANCH MANAGER TRAINEE: the puraisee of each 8 gallons ol 32-Email • GARDEN TILLER, bought new last Our expenman mograrn has created pis. Also get a free quart of oil 34-Pertainina Is an year. Used very little. Also 1954 eamesine to wit FOR RENT era USED WES1INOHOUSE 6.500 meW import unities for several (met brands! with the purchase Chevrolet. cheap. 763-2967. M&P 35 Globes WIC air conditioner Ross's Stand- ergeble seelatkaas men M 4 quarts. Get a chalice on them THREE-ROOM zurnated apart- 31 to 31, ef heaths ard Oil Station. 753-2503. M-6-C $100.00 with hials athoti or better educe, I Prizes' let Prize. $80.00 in cash; ment, ee „pie only. No pets. 1610 - A NICE COLD-drink box holds new our eaten"' selection and prize 60996 Ronson CANDO; I. prises. Get yew Mame on College Perm Head. Plana'KRUM methods tantalum pertain. 2'1 or 3 full canes of drinks 1 year AUCTION SALE: flaturday. Rol superb teeligns program dem sal prize and 4th prize, cape of cal. et-aals church. May 7, three .prisee at .1 a OR dar- 31.431 old like new °all 753-3665 you to Warms We accept all credit cards 10:Ou a* as the Harry Sulam fano ling their Awaiversary Sale her men resift and are project 45-Goddess 5. ioca.od 3ka ikon in o'er imbrielea; inn& open 34 hours. M.13--C tulles west. of Murray, 'mei healing O SINGER A,UTQMATIC Sewing Ma- benween Lynn Grove *shwa, and Friday and aaturdjty mg 'Mare MI6 Sibsrances; 17 Eiscamters • chine 0THINAsititellotww..e rle raid by lees than 2 year.. old.. Sews %Vowel'Raid on the Jatincy Rob- May 13th and 14t11' 49-P1apee ••• C' on buctons, makes button rued. Household AtilagaeuragnessIrlisimemmatilidlidenen.Cimongaisci7For 1,10jE:123 .rabietaNeidTairrontrwif9stely stivithDaiErpl 5Pdidders Of John holes, furniture M-13-C , ARAILABLII 1 asissa $Iler, • monograms, does all fancy Shrike isede24am suits Irving room suite. ! 0 eZ* 52.Girl's noes !layborne, 911:15134. kutervtew, Plasm *AM. Large Yrtint office tw av 54 Syrebe tee hert N. M-6-C tellurium ,be, fotneripnicetpl the re.:ates d Cake. Services Offered SS a . Pam-unwed CMOS'S-PIXIE Murray ditie;iber 57 . of Commerce. LOST & FOUND 59 Thai 206-206 1310,ele st...4.*Westertl, GO Strikes (aIang) MIR TIIRMITa.25 SWARMING, oall LoiEfr: German Shepherd puppy, New historical novel By CLIFF FARREL Dark Flrreil Niacin Growers As- Ward's Termite Co Prices range SOWN Ole mcitithe old, brown. the Doubleday Co 50551. published by Loa seen tram 1150 to $7000 for soclatioa 001,1aa,Stilldbli. Utili- treatment of I itter* • •;;ensanent with August Leantger Literary I dear carter School. 1Reward, Phone C i;i right (1. 1365 by Cliff Farrell. home Phone 753-6019 lawny. Ky. 2-Prepsillea ties forptaaagi, 763.3765. ; Distal ;;.1 Ly King Features Syndicate rtenty .al free Oberlie Forrest, M.4-P May ISP parking If interested call 753- 3341-or 753-3342. II ITC CHAPTER 15 they nave anything they need." I sighed. •Tti changed E Al 'fa ileivoiant well se* to and Kirby Knew she had solved a it , IM A Pirc,ER WITH4liT A we rue the hi:Avid hors- ONE FURNISHED bedroom. nil Men rearireret the wily -otuation that wt. might nave cost es Alike Callahan'a got MOUND ..1.4k A LOST SOUL .1 /A ot Patrick Crgipie in the vete bath, doge to town_ hieal for IV a nose native use Grant Pacific many at its string.: working people.. LIKE A POUTICIAN Ma Of OFFKE curiosity nae *Urea aim to lies warmers and set construction Call 763-5611. 706 rr, "Wad • minute'. There's no oestri. Uniamlent sent PePler• IL4.0 +coat& Nati. can for you to > &nese go, my Mead.- Ai* were iriven melt, "Whet M dolig nere?" ne j Hut earanee was With Mel, APARTMENT, to: they sound Indians in torce, mime ilia samostoosc in dr-, 2 Laralsee. 1 when t.t.ity rum misty tram- hidden "Cameamit to room out ewer. Phase • k- tor ar- ; stoe. camp a quarter of ids how rangements tor the aiming tier :Ver. The norses the wrangles ' The Skate weir ambush tau- father is putung t.n I cut to thern from Use stuck in TWO IIIIICNIO0M HMS., ina, finally at.peareo to unfair- UP -Shindig?... I the rail:oad corral open in were souna Dished. 403 &alai 11th Street, deb the Instance wrui a wiranee pointec. toward a'roans that nad seen enougn per month ermine party. more ;nor, forty Posses•-ton immediately. ere* ot mer, wno were cwartrig work Cu warriors tougbea them. Cad IL* Maler.763-3312. Kirba act ate recline ana levering strip 51-6-C it La ground I Mike t'allanan nad also see led ano amiartirIa a;.i; armed in camp After the banquet is Lie at that tray were aeavily rise Sioux were mounteo oms timaned to town tomorrow anis. They carried Henry re- They saner) the crest ea • swelliofifint. they'll move the I tem oat / paws, Wks in the noote mai out of nflerallet Jeering sad der- Jnre, la we general is bringing i aas oracea ot pistols strapped mg tee caesura and Use age- ate Mime • awe at ladles to Men lades, along with a good stru'llon men to fight them ed, eon en' le 01 :r3e• on • *Minty Of TM mean, newenant re- spank team. oe sinned Lashing mot. Kirby maw that 1 co that ,nvitation SOT? not an dined lot three, tour days Norah Logan was watening neads among the railroad crews While the men. such as are so- usen departure [flea from a Mir iota to taunt nun isiai.eoer_ner_motigh_ary, ta-about up Da Sioux challenge. selves • buffalo ne doubt puzzling over the pur- '--o beck to wore, the cavai • • • • pose of K rby a ryman journey. saia "That nan was IKR1' watched Patrick They ofteeeo the beehive at 111C-10.- / aeration ne reInseci to' rt O'Toole a body ming oeicee actisity wntre the crews WIP`rg oaey orlers not to wander if an • paitgate car for the trip PULiihihk steel westward Files at any more 01 y0ii are anxious to back to Antler. -Has this nap- men ran with rails on their do the same, m not it, pping panic before? he asked. shoulders and other squads you. 'y job is to see Mat this -A man on the grading gang swung mallets, spiking steel to cursed railroad gets Molt.' up ahead was silted by an ar- the nes that webbed the .aw The Sioux finally vanished. row a few days ago. Nobody earth ot the plains. Ph.. crews angrily settled b0Cal Saw the India:, who stretched The same hectic pace into trait routine was the bowstring. There's oeen • being set by the crews who Kirby saw that Morals_J..ogse umpire cat other scares. Young were placing. lies a nuie alseal was standing on the steps of braves making tale rushes to of the steel gang. This tell ( aiisnan a office. -tbe should try to stan.pede the men. A lot astern ea tliey rode along the nave fled out of eight. oy rights. ot veiling. but nobody nurt." gear the grading Crew. had out she mid remained there and Twit.G6 SuRE -That was no launch of voting Mashed us the plain. Grader* ARE QUEER IN 'THIS CLD nan seen the Killing and :he braves this time. Kirby said usually worked a, score of miles GOVERNAIENT-SuRPLuS LIGHTHOUSE . "They were full warriors. They anon,. Kirby and Larabee were FIRST A WARM,CC$OKED As the blanket-covered body Were painted I saw the feather utterly More MEAL of Petrick 1 FOR ME - - AND O'Toole was Carried o ine country a chief among them. It 1 here was broken NOW - - aie spoke to the stretch a SOMEBODY I *mint mistaken. it was Black ano brushy with outcrops .•ot bearers. "See to it that ne giv CAN'T EVEN SEE Elk turnaelt ' wein buttes veined oy gullies en ouriai in sacred grouno, and 'TALKING "You nor' o surprise me. Mc- Except for the grader] stint.qt - Mai High Maas Is sUng lb Cabe. You don't mean to tell way, the country was is it nad pray tot the repose of nis sow. me you knoW Mack Elli!" man fence creation. thrhato evel though I may not be of me - "I smoked the pipe with Mtn country. Indian .en-dry. religion. 11 ne leave. • wife or when I was with the cavalry In spite of himself, Kirby tell enildren. I am telling you they That was when I was with tension rising. will a He was trying never oe left in Want. The detail guarding Raymond Cole to watch every patch ot brush. railroad will see to that. My ts• man man survey °arty Black Elk evera dry was& He mad Known ther will see to It.' didn't like the thought 01 a rail- this sensation before and it mad She wa, speaking for both road through rill buffalo cotin• only one name. Fear He indium the Grand Pacific and ner fa- try even then, our Ray Coieman at Larabee and sew the name , ther Danger and violence and told ntm no was sure It would taut alertness al *he oliler man. death were no strangers to the IlititlOtt,r 4,•• be built farther south That was They grinned tiyhtly f 15-y brawny men in in. steel gimp wnen Coleman was working for 1110Mehliely yelled right • The majority of them mid seen the Union Pacific, of course ' now. I'd jump comrades die on battlefields. Hut right ()urn n1V "1 take it you're no longer of britches"1-erabee they nut been 4.aiking gloomily admitted, a mina to go on ahead to the las themselves. though to mock him, a I COULDN'T BEAR among Patrick gradate camp?" flock of sagehens broke almost (Yrociles death riled east • pall -Why SIGHT;" I'LL not!' at the feet of KIDNAP over nem. the !lorries with -Lawdamignty, man! Didn't their customary DRIPPER Many of them had families thunder at fr you see what Just nappened" wings Both Kirby IP+ and responsibilities. (Soren Lo- and Lsaabee It• twenty miles oranore to the hap snatched rifles w% nevi understood that and from the grachn camp. The Indians boots and were _ had faced the real issue. Kirby halfway cat 01 alight-" the saddles to saw their mood change, They dive for cover Kirby grinne(I. "I learned before they realized negan doffing their hats to tier the truth back in the lite country that • They resumed their „places and "We thank ye, indeed laughed. grain-teo ;so,. silih ii • spokesman ilT11,1. little swift In his try, romiCI) two little ones an' i widow Pat outruns an Indian pony and ;RIM, had O'Toole leaves in Antler.' In hle troure keeps a scalp in the right place the leaser to dtrigriive slid "I'll can on them an soon as Mid's all I ask A good horn ✓ ,. uin either Illornee Logan or get back to town tomorrow," "I reckon my hair's no more Ray (°lemma Or hot h North Logan said. "I'll titie Chet valuable than yours," Larger., The More continue., tothrirrrils. • from the Doubleday • Co 50551 eunlioneo by arrangement With .r.,trtiat i.enntger Literary Copyright es'ency. 13 WM by Clig Farrell. Draszibutee by King Feateres_Inamtnate

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THE LEDGER & TIMES - MURRAY, KENTUCKY allace ...wren aM ettry Eldingsn eon the moo ea- the rule for the __trestbased Tree Page II tranalielnat_bn nseada.T. =MY 1rIth- nibs* MEW, the exceP- ton r loamy to inounibent Met Bailey. But cpposthem. Sheriff Jim Clark, a target of Neg- limo Chilean- P: Anderson. 11- MUM. We have now roes m Dallas Sehre Comity where 11111 , vas tumpposed Sens. John reaohed *hi priellian In life where Sq his scrapee. •21 oretl TightE 401110alr J. Sperianon, D-As.. and Fred R. all our Wes are as large or larger than we are. and we're kinda sweet on •MOMetoo! stratum aracted national eaten- D-Okla., were renorromMeal tlrin heki a s'Igh lined over Selena by buthille nurgins Tlita Lime was when we could I...6hr Safety arector Bak- In Radllana. Rep Rxhard Roude- look through the laundry and er bush &hated Rep Raitth Harvey easily Mak out our socks, underwear, *est look.our S. John Sparkmat. In RaPabbean co.-e.t.a be: ween etc because a the sze. But now we easily won nenonensdan to his Mendlly Icas. .exagreswons: reap- famth term eve:l'ihtng ls a`ootal the .same use Runoffs were indicated in tam Wham this year thres them into ot'oer iiiy dem:craze states - tigi mole clas:ract. -- Focuser Re Rere -ran jr of We have the feeling that we are (r'rEitr":""ck4-s1=7) Oklahoma and Florida be but Proem the head of 13 cmichdates ONO. who win a Senate a of °lathes. we • II for the Dextrous's for Mat again, the Demoi-attz had- ten% Prove anYttillek governor at ff_mier aide ol 11164. began lus pottual --- c bann kLat 41017stlasitt-Ower- rged -rn front.Alleashaeli-tition Tuesday by ism- Elisesse we trd WC- one *a istng 1hr RepubLcon r_onunstion week, we we the shirt of the old- He faced • Maig 31 run-off frtriary SKINLESS tor a ay* an the House. ere at home think-nig tt was ours wrh ebber Ma* betty atta-ney Meld WIENERS lb, 59c DeVid Wok or Praetors Moore. far- Tatt defeated W.11..en Flax, • 69 will We have no =out** with the mer Allielehald Letillon aitaaria: calm- Jahn Birch Sat) sad InTdNt appose Rep John Gilhgan. a fresh- trraners because their trainee are Pmellikt than Democrat, to November. so &an at the beLam it is almost impus.he to A run-olf wee alletna poseabilty get a That thanugto heat in the three-way mce for the Okla- gubernatorial n.snina- GROUND homa GOP BEEF lb. 29c , CHANCES Of . That is the iineory tam of dads in general. so we sill raze Complain. In Ploilda. Ore Hayckm Burns ICeatinmed From Page 11 - -- Ied a Rad at four aanclibtes for Every time we we the tree arming BONELESS R01.1.1.1) Illbe densoaratic gubernatorial nom- inallegles are complete now. Other out at the but of R L Ward's Inaba. bat i ot by a comfortable atadies to be repo-red upon Won


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